



Hyungwon looked up from the Keurig as he heard Miyoung walk in the dining hall, she was already dressed for work in a Dior pantsuit and Louboutin heels.

“It’s my first day today. First day-ish.” She said too him, Hyungwon smiled and raised a cup to her.

“Mocha.” She said to him, he nodded and grabbed a pod for her.

“Do you want me to drive you to the office? Just for show?” He said with a grin, Miyoung shook her head at him.

“People already know I’m married to you.”

“Married-ish.” He added, Miyoung chuckled and put her purse down, she walked towards him and glanced at the coffee.

“I never got to ask you, how….how did..the thing with Ara go?” She said, she saw Eunyoung outside, playing at the garden.

“We made plans for next week. Is that okay with you?”

“Of course.” Miyoung replied as she picked up her coffee, she leaned against the counter and nodded for him to continue.

“What’s bothering you? She..seems to have changed. She’s trying, Hyungwon-ah.”

“I know.” His reply was short, Miyoung took a sip from her coffee.

“I’m..just not sure about it.” He replied, Miyoung nodded back, sensing that he wanted to drop the topic.

“Anyway, I have a meeting this morning. Let’s have lunch together.” She said as she walked around the table, he nodded back at her.

“Okay, Eunyoung’s class ends at ten. We’ll come by to pick you up.” He said, Miyoung finished her coffee and gave him a quick hug.

“Thanks for agreeing to stay. It…a great help to me.”

Hyungwon chuckled and patted her back, the girl pulled away from him.

“You should get going now. You might end up coming late to work, not a good first impression.”

Miyoung snorted in reply, she walked to the garden and gave Eunyoung a kiss goodbye before getting inside the waiting Rolls Royce.

Hyungwon was about to call his daughter for breakfast when he noticed a clear folder on the desk, his brows went up.

“Miyoung must have left this.” He murmured as he picked it up, he paused and then took out the folder’s contents.

“Miyoung bought an apartment complex.” He murmured to himself, and then he took out another document.

“She’s in contact with car dealerships. Is she wanting to buy one?” Hyungwon murmured as he browsed through the files and then he halted. A familiar name had appeared in both documents.

Yoo Sera

“She just bought the building where she lives.” Hyungwon’s eyes widened and he raced to his office.




Miyoung smiled as she stepped out of the elevator, employees were greeting her as she passed by. At first she was a little worried that people at the company might not be welcoming to the idea of her taking over for Minah. But she was worried for nothing.

She ran her fingers through her hair as she got inside the waiting car, she checked her phone again. Hyungwon had cancelled lunch, claiming that he suddenly had a meeting to be at.

So, uncle Honey came to the rescue and volunteered to pick up Eunyoung himself.

Miyoung leaned back on the seat and checked her messages, her lips quirked up slightly.

“Ma’am, we’re here.” The driver spoke just as the door was opened for her, Miyoung stepped down from the car and made her way towards the entrance, she got inside the mall and looked around. Jooheon had texted her that they were shopping for clothes, Miyoung got on the escalator and saw Jooheon’s secretary.

“They’re inside, ma’am.” He spoke, Miyoung thanked him and walked inside the store. She paused when she saw Jooheon and Eunyoung browsing through children’s clothes.

“It’s going to break his heart once he knows the truth.” Miyoung whispered to herself, she was about to call them when Eunyoung spotted her.

Mommy!” She waved at her, Jooheon looked up and grinned at his sister.

“Are you having fun with uncle Honey? I hope he didn’t buy you the whole store.” Miyoung said pointedly as she glanced at her brother, Jooheon flashed her a sheepish smile.

Miyoung lifted the girl in her arms.

“I made reservations for us, noona. Remember that Japanese place appa likes so much? They have branch upstairs.” Jooheon said as his secretary took the shopping bags from the counter.

“That’s nice.” Miyoung said as Eunyoung asked to be put down, she happily hopped to her uncle Honey and held his hand.

“I see she prefers me.” Jooheon chuckled, Miyoung rolled her eyes at the toddler. They got on the escalator and her phone started to ring. Jooheon nodded at his sibling, Miyoung took out her phone and the two walked ahead of her.

“Is it done?” Miyoung said as she answered.

“Yes, ma’am. I already have assigned people to make sure things will go smoothly. What do you want to do about the dealership owner?”

Miyoung’s lips quirked up.

“The building? Is it already mine?”

“Yes, of course, ma’am. The owners were very pleased about the offer,”

Her smile grew wider, not noticing how Jooheon had stopped walking and was looking at her. She was standing by the glass barricade, and she had on this familiar smile. A smile that made Jooheon curious, he inched closer to her.

“Of course, I must have that building. You know that.”

“Yes, ma’am. What should I do next? The other residents in the complex will surely find out that there’s been a change of ownership.”

“Of course, everyone is bound to know that. And,” Miyoung’s smirke grew wider.

“There’s about to be some changes too. I’ll call you later so we can go over the deed and land title.” Miyoung said, Jooheon tilted his head and turned away from the girl.

“Why is she buying buildings?” He mumbled to himself before jogging over to Eunyoung and his secretary.




“What do you think, oppa?” Miyoung asked as she pored over the plans on the desk, Shownu looked at her.

“This…seems to be a bit too much. I know that it’s a hotel, but it doesn’t need a golf course. Should we discuss at the next meeting?” He said, Miyoung pursed her lips.

“That’s what I thought. I have nothing against gold courses, but it is quite a bit much.” She nodded as she reached for her coffee again, Shownu’s brows rose.

“How many cups have you had today?” He asked her, the girl paused and blinked at him.

“Uhm, this is my…fourth, I think.” She trailed off, Shownu narrowed his eyes at the drink.

“And what did you have for breakfast?”

Miyoung pressed her lips together and shrugged at him.

“Oppa, take a look~”

“I know you, when you don’t get to eat breakfast, you’re the type to treat coffee as your food substitute.”

“I had lunch with Honey and~”

“Stop drinking that.” Shownu sighed and pulled the cup from her, Miyoung tried to pull it back but he sent her a look.

“Oppa, I still have a conference call after this. They can’t’ see me..act…not awake.” She pointed out as she tried to reach for her coffee again, Shownu grinned before finishing it in one go.


“You’re human. They will understand if you get tired.”

“Still, I brazenly told unnie to rest and took their boss from them.”

Shownu paused, Miyoung sighed and pulled away from the table.

“You’re worried.”

“A bit.” She replied, Shownu nodded at her and he stood up.

“I…I don’t know, just today, all I heard was praises for my sister. And how she led the company so well all these years, and I realized, wow, I am on impulsive bi~”

“Brat. Use that word.” He said with a chuckle, MIyoung laughed and shook her head.

“I mean, you know. It can get quite…difficult being known as the troublemaker twin.” She puffed her cheeks, Shownu sent a text to his secretary before walking back to the girl.

“They know the old you. but, the new…you doesn’t seem to be causing much trouble.” He said with a small smile as he took the seat across her, Miyoung paused and faced him.

“You think that?”

“I’m confident enough to say that.” Shownu replied, meeting her gaze evenly.

“Don’t be. I…I might stir something up again, and you’ll have to clean up after me. Or Sehun. Or my sister. Jooheon’s the type to just go with the flow.” She muttered, Shownu nodded at her, unfazed.

“Nothing new there, Young-ah.”

Miyoung glanced at him, her forehead creased and she focused on the papers again.

“Oppa, I’m hungry. Can we~” She paused, the doors opened and Shownu’s secretary stepped in with a tray of sandwiches.

“I know.” Shownu mused as the plate was set down before her.

“You should eat. Stop drinking coffee.” He said, Miyoung picked up a sandwich and started chewing.

“While, I really am happy that we are friends again. I have to ask,”

The girl paused, he knew her well, but Son Hyunwoo can’t possibly read minds, can he?

“W—What do you want to ask?”

“The sudden decision to take over, why?” He asked, Miyoung paused.

“I already told you, oppa. We talked about this in Jeju.” She said, Shownu slowly nodded and leaned back on his seat.

“But that was your generic answer, Miyoung. What’s the real reason why?”

Miyoung halted, her fingers curled on her lap as memories started playing in her head. She could still recall the photos, bank documents and other papers leading to how Sera almost killed them both. The thought of Sera hurting Shownu, the thought of him almost dying just because she wanted to have him.

Sera took him away from her, and she was never going to forget that.

All the years she spent blaming herself over the accident, thinking that it was because of her. When in fact, things didn’t have to change, she still would have been by his side.

She would choose to be by his side.

“Oppa, you see, I…” Miyoung struggled with her words, she could feel Shownu’s gaze on her.

“I need…to fix some things.” She spoke, trying to hold all her emotions in. He was seated right across her, like old times. He had ed his coat and loosened his tie, things may hava changed, but he was still Son Hyunwoo. The same Son Hyunwoo she tagged as her sister’s nerdy best friend from swim team. The same Son Hyunwoo who asked her out when they were in high school.

The same Son Hyunwoo who’s helped her so much, who has protected her and talked her out of trouble most times.

The same Son Hyunwoo whom she cried over for so many times.

He was seated before her, healthy and smiling at her.

“What things?” He spoke, Miyoung’s lower lip quivered and she stuffed herself with another sandwich.

“Just…things, oppa. Don’t worry, it’s not illegal. I think.” She tried to sound relaxed, Shownu smiled.

“I’ll go get you something else to drink. Stay here.” He said as he stood up, Miyoung watched as the older male left the office.

She put the sandwich down and let tears roll down her cheeks.

“It can’t be like this. I can’t think like this.” She let out a shaky breath as she leaned on the table and covered her face with her palms.

“I can’t keep on looking at you.”




“I heard you managed to kidnap Eunyoung again.” Minah mused as she joined them at the dining table, Sehun was in the kitchen.

“Yes, Hyungwon let me.”

Minah chuckled, she looked up as Sehun appeared with their food.

“We rarely get dinner at home nowadays, this is nice. Although, Miyoung bailed on us at the last minute.” She commented.

“Miyoung’s busy. I bet she just wanted to go home and rest. Probably enough human interaction for her, I mean, her daily limit of it.” Sehun jokingly said as he sat down, Jooheon chuckled at his words.

“She called earlier, she seems to be having fun. Although, I got a little worried because she has to meet Shownu sunbae every week and plus, weekends in Jeju as well. I don’t…” Minah trailed off and chose to pick up a piece of lettuce from her salad.

“Noona, they seem to be..back to normal. I mean, they aren’t being awkward or anything.” Jooheon said in between chews, Sehun looked at the two amused.

“Well, you’re right. They always did get along, dating or not.” She murmured in reply.

“You two. You may be her siblings, but you can’t read her.” Sehun stated, the two blinked at him.

“What do you mean?” Minah asked as she pushed her salad to him.

“Miyoung…Something’s up with her. Did you not notice it?” Sehun asked as he helped filled Minah and Jooheon’s bowls with soup.

“There’s nothing wrong with Young noona volunteering to help Minah noona with work. I mean, it is bound to happen, right?” Jooheon chimed in, Sehun shook his head.

“That’s true. What are you saying? You’re making us nervous.” Minah mused at her fiancé, Sehun turned to her and smiled.

“Don’t you see it? Miyoung…the old her seems to be back. Remember what you told me when she first got here? You said that she’s changed, she’s become timid and all soft spoken. She had become this careful person that would not even argue with anyone. But now, she doesn’t even flinch when things get confrontational, especially at work.”

Jooheon paused, the conversation his sister had on the phone earlier replayed in his mind. It did seem odd, seeing her happily chatting with someone on the phone like that. Odd, but it felt familiar.

“W—Well, yes. But what if she’s just warmed up to being back in Korea again?” Minah questioned with a shrug.

“Well, don’t say that I didn’t warn you. But, it’s probably a good thing the old her is back. It’s become boring lately,” Sehun jokingly said, Minah was about to reply when her phone started to ring. Sehun’s eyes went to the screen and he snorted, Jooheon grinned at him.

“Remember, she was being mean to Miyoung.” He pointed out, Minah sighed and swiped on the green icon and put the phone on speaker.

“We should un-invite her to the wedding.” Sehun mouthed at Jooheon, the latter laughed and Minah had to shush them.

“Sera, hi. I’m just having dinner, can I call you~”

“Minah, I don’t know what to do!” Sera sounded distressed from the other end, the two males glanced at her.

“What happened? Are you hurt?”

Sehun made a face continued eating dinner.

“N—No, but..I..I don’t know what to do, Minah. I was just taking a nap and then these people started banging on my door,” She was sobbing, Minah grew concerned. They could hear police sirens in the background.

“Were you robbed? What did they take? Did they~”

“Minah, no. I’m fine. But, I—I’ve been kicked out from my place. They even brought the police to force me out! I don’t know what to do. My neighbors are all watching. I’m still…I’m still out here, and they’re tossing my things out of my condo.” Sera was crying, Jooheon paused in midchew.

Sehun’s brows rose up, and then his phone started to vibrate in his pocket, he took it out and saw Hyungwon’s name flashing on the screen.

“Wait, they kicked you out of your place?” Minah looked so confused, she put her utensils down.

“Yes, my parents are out of town and I can’t reach them. Meens, I…I..” Sera broke down, Sehun slowly put his phone down.

“I’ll be there in a few minutes. Do you still have your car with you?”

“No. I haven’t been able to contact the dealership. Meens, can you come by and pick me up?” Sera said in between sobs.

“Wow.” Sehun mouthed at Jooheon, the latter could only nod back, his head still with the memory of Miyoung talking over the phone from earlier.

“Noona’s back?” Jooheon said to himself before picking up his chopsticks. Sehun opened the text from Hyungwon while Minah stood up to get her purse.

Miyoung knows. She saw the documents before we did. -Hyungwon

Sehun slowly leaned back on his seat and smiled to himself, he stood up as he heard Minah calling for him.

“I guess my best friend’s back.” Sehun whispered to himself as he happily hopped to the garage and started the car for his fiancé.






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Chapter 52: This is totally different from your other fics and here me loving it so❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 52: Plot? Immaculate. Flow? Amazing. Writing? Bomb. I LOVE IT!!!,!!!!,!
Chapter 52: We really need more Shownu Fics!
jonghostesoro #4
Chapter 52: i can never get over you shownu’s fics aaaaaaaa they are all so good 😭😭
2030 streak #6
Chapter 52: Aw the story has already ended? How I wished this went on forever! LoL... Anyway, although I am a little sad that it has ended, I gotta say I enjoyed reading the story. Their parents are fun as usual and so are Jooheon and Sehun. And Eunyoung is such a cutie interrogating him like that. Finally, that gif at the end, Hyunwoo is so cute ^^
2030 streak #7
Chapter 51: I can't believe there's only one chapter left for this story to end. This chapter was nice and as usual enjoyed the interaction between Miyoung and Hyunwoo. And that makes me want this story to continue forever. LoL... Jokes aside, this chapter was nice and I will be back later to read the last chapter of the story ^^
2030 streak #8
Chapter 50: Oh, I guessed right! When Sehun gave the box to Hyunwoo, I thought he had escaped but like I guessed in the chapter, she has already seen it? Hahaha I can't wait to see how Hyunwoo would react now. LoL... And it's cute how everyone is including Eunyoung in their family list. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2030 streak #9
Chapter 49: Hahaha is that taped brown bag what I think it is? And Sehun shouldn't have hung up like that. This only makes it more suspicious. Wonder how things would span out herein. Will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #10
Chapter 48: Awww... Somehow I want her to find it first, just to see how she'd react. And I cracked up hard at Shownu's innocent question about getting a pony as a gift for Eunyoung. I can kinda imagine doing that. Suits him. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
PS Wish you a Happy New Year!!