



“Oh my god.” Minah sputtered as she looked at the email, she was staring at the email before her, and then she looked at the stack of documents beside her computer.

The stack of documents that she should have checked at least once before approving it.

“Oh my god. She is going to kill me.” She said as she poked the folders and it fell down with a weak thud, the girl grimaced.

“She is so going to kill me.” The future Mrs. Oh grimaced, she browsed down and saw that Shownu had replied from his personal email, affirming that he had received the notice.

The notice that informed them that were was a change with Lotte Group’s managing side and, they would be working with Miyoung instead.

“Why am I~”

The doors swung open and Miyoung walked in, Minah leaned back on her seat.

“Miyoung-ah, you see~”

“Unnie, I get that I said yes. I do remember saying yes that I was going to help you out, but why….why are you doing this to me?”


“Are you going to act dumb now? You’re making me work…with him.” Miyoung stated, Minah could sense the distress in her sister’s voice but her tone of speaking irked her.

“Miyoung-ah, I…I didn’t do it on purpose. I was supposed to check~”

“It’s fine, unnie. Don’t even bother to reason out of this.” Miyoung’s voice trembled, she let out a shaky breath. Minah’s forehead creased.

“But, why react like this? Is Shownu sunbae some sort of disease that you should avoid?”

The room grew silent, Minah stood up from her seat.

“Miyoung, from what I remember, you were the one who left him. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? He should be the one not wanting to see you. I know that if it were me, I’d be mad at you and refuse to be even near you.”

Miyoung met her sister’s gaze, she exhaled.


Minah tilted her head, confused with her answer, she watched as her sister ran her fingers through her hair.

“I don’t….I don’t get it, unnie.”


Miyoung closed her eyes briefly.

“I don’t understand why he wants to be friends again.”

“He told you that?” Minah replied, and truthfully, she had a feeling that the older male would opt for that. Son Hyunwoo was that type of person.

“I’d hate me if I were him.”


“Don’t bother, unnie. It’s just work, I’ll take care of this.” Miyoung murmured and then she stepped out of the room.

Miyoung exhaled and leaned against her desk.

He will never be just work to you, Miyoung-ah.




“I heard about it.” Wonho commented as their food arrived, Shownu looked at his friend.


“You told your parents, no, you cleared the air about you and Sera.”

Shownu paused for a moment, and he nodded. He picked up his utensils.

“How did she react to it?”

“I…I didn’t want to hurt her. I didn’t want to leave her hanging, I had to do it.” Shownu replied, Wonho slowly nodded back.

“She’s married, Hyunwoo-ah.” Wonho said after a few silent seconds, he saw how Shownu paused.

“I know.”

“It…This isn’t about her, right? Miyoung being back~”

“I’ve already decided on it before she showed up. I wanted to talk about it with Minah but…..Miyoung suddenly arrived and I didn’t want her to misinterpret things.”

“So, it was never going to be Sera, huh?” Wonho said, gauging his friend’s reaction.

“She’s always going to be a friend.”

Wonho smiled to himself, he started eating.

“Have you met him?”

“Yes, I have. And their daughter too.” Shownu said, he saw how Wonho tilted his head.

“No. Eunyoung is theirs.” Shownu stated before Wonho would react, the latter grinned.

“Just checking.”

“She….She’s still the same. But, I..can’t pinpoint it, something seems to have changed.”

“What do you mean?” Wonho asked, Shownu put his utensils down.

“Miyoung…. I don’t think she knows that I heard her, but she’s wondering why I’m not mad at her.”

“Well, are you?”

Shownu was a silent for a moment, he took a sip from his drink.

“At first, I probably was. She left me there’s not changing that. But, she must have had her reasons. And, I could never stay mad at her. It’s…Miyoung, she may be recklessly impulsive, but she…she always has her reasons.”

Wonho pressed his lips together, and nodded.

“You two would have made beautiful children.” That was the only thing he could come up with, Shownu shook his head at his friend.

“So, is this time when I get to tease you about working with her again? I mean, the whole expansion thing in~”

“You are always so mean!”

“I never said I liked her, okay? You were the one who forced us all to be friends with her.”

“Because you needed more friends. It can’t always be just me!”

The two males looked up just as a familiar figure walked past them, and then he halted.

“Oh Sehun, we’re grown-ups now, being a b~” Miyoung halted so fast that she almost collided against Sehun’s back.

“I see one thing didn’t change with age.” Wonho grinned at the girl, the latter blinked but she she broke into a smile.


Wonho chuckled and stood up to give her a hug, Shownu swallowed and looked away, and then he felt the empty seat next to him being pulled.

“Hi, hyung.” Sehun said with a grin and a glint in his eye.

“Sehun-ah, our table~”

“Let’s just sit here, Youngie. You can discuss with these bulky guys how much of a brat I am for being mean to Sera.” Sehun hummed back at her, Miyoung’s eyes narrowed at him. Wonho blinked at the girl and slowly pulled the empty seat next to him.

“it’s just lunch, Miyoung. And like you said, we’re grown-ups now, surely it’s an adult thing to be okay with lunch with an ex, right?”

Shownu slowly pulled the unused knife beside Wonho, Miyoung sat down.

“I guess some things don’t really change.” Wonho said with a small grin, Miyoung exhaled and picked up the menu.

“I cannot believe I let my sister go out with you.” She spat at him, Sehun grinned and winked at her.




Hyungwon sat down across Minah, a little amused. The older Hwang sibling seemed distressed, Jooheon glanced at his sister.

“Noona, what’s this?” He asked, Eunyoung climbed onto the chair with a smile.

“Mommy’s not joining us?” She spoke while tugging on her dad’s sleeve.

“Yes, mommy’s at~”

“Your mommy is mad at me, and I totally get why. What would you like, Eunyoung-ah?” Minah asked the toddler, Eunyoung beamed at her before pointing at the stack of pancakes.

“For lunch?” She chuckled, Hyungwon shook his head at the girl and gently took the menu from her.

“We had this earlier for breakfast, what about pasta?” He asked in soft tones, Eunyoung scrunched her nose but she nodded. Jooheon chuckled and held onto her tiny hand.

“I called for lunch because I wanted to talk to you.” Minah said to Hyungwon, Jooheon froze on his seat.

“About what?” Hyungwon said, he grew a little distracted as his phone buzzed in his coat pocket.

“I’m sure Miyoung mentioned that we’ve split some work between us.”

“She has.” He said as he discreetly took out his phone.

“Yes, and I had instructions for my secretary to segregate projects and other stuff for me. And I forgot to check before approving of them.”

“Oh, is it bad?” Hyungwon asked, growing curious because Minah basically called for a meeting without his wife, the one involved.

“I’m…not sure, don’t hate me after this, okay?” Minah blurted out, losing her usual calm and cool. Jooheon chuckled and shook his head.

“Noona, I don’t think he’d hate you. You’re not talking to Miyoung noona, she’s the one you should be terrified of.”

“I agree.” Hyungwon mused back, wanting the girl to be comfortable with him. He placed his phone on the table and unlocked it.

“I accidentally transferred one of my…bigger projects to her.”

“Oh, okay.” Hyungwon said as he opened the message that just arrived, he met Minah’s gaze again.

“It’s the one with ShinHan Financial, Hyungwon.”

Jooheon balked on his seat and slowly pulled his glass of orange juice near him. He took a sip and looked at Hyungwon.

“Ah, with your friend?” Hyungwon spoke, his eyes went to his phone’s screen.

Mrs. Chae was bungee jumping on her last day in Seoul five years ago, sir.

We’re still looking into it. But she was severely injured when she arrived at the airport.

From what we’ve found out, she left the country on that very day as well.

“I think it’s okay to call him Miyoung’s ex-boyfriend, also your family’s biggest competitor in the world of banking.”

Hyungwon looked up again and he broke into a smile.

“It’s just work, it’s fine, Minah.”

“Still, I feel bad because I wouldn’t have given it to her, I wasn’t planning to. But~”

“It’s…alright, Minah. Will you excuse me? I have to make a call. But, really, don’t fret over it. I’ve met Mr. Son, he seems like a nice guy.” He said, he kissed the top of Eunyoung’s head before leaving the table with his phone already pressed against his ear.

Minah frowned and looked at her brother.

“Told you that he’s a very chill guy, you were worried over nothing, noona.”

“Still, he can be very blasé huh?”

“You see, Miyoung noona has a type. The chill and quiet ones.” Jooheon chuckled and Minah smacked him with a napkin.




“We both have been blessed or cursed with  friends.” Miyoung stated as they stepped out of restaurant, Shownu held the door for her. When they had finished eating, Wonho had excused himself to take a call, and Sehun went to the restroom. Both of them didn’t return. But the two were decent enough to pay for their meal.

“Blessed is not a word I would use.” Shownu replied as they reached the sidewalk, Miyoung’s lips curled up.

“Cursed it is.” Miyoung finished with a small smile, and then she turned to him.

“In my defense, oppa, I didn’t know unnie would…make you work with me.”

“She didn’t make me, Miyoung. It’s already been in the works for months now. I guess your sister did forget.”

“Hmmm, I wouldn’t really say that.” She murmured, the girl paused again.

“If….you feel uncomfortable about it, I can have someone take over for me. Director Shin from our Gangnam department can~”

“No, oppa. That’s unnecessary.” Miyoung quickly said, Shownu slowly nodded without looking at her.

“Besides, it’s not our first time working with each other. You were there when I was..starting my thesis. That counts as work, I think.”

Shownu let out a small laugh and nodded again.

“But, does this project really require us to be in Jeju?”

“Yes, we just started all the legal stuff for the land that was purchased, would you like to see them? I have the blueprints at my office.”

“That sounds okay, how about tomorrow?” Miyoung said while rummaging through her purse and then her eyes widened in realization. She rode with Sehun earlier, she left her car at his office.

“Yeah, sure. Is..everything alright?” Shownu asked, noticing the distress on her face.

“I…Remember talking about being cursed?”


“Sehun left us and I just remembered that I rode with him to here.” She murmured as she looked around the street.

“Anyway, I’ll call you tomorrow before coming, oppa. I’m going~”

“Cabs? Don’t.” Shownu said, he buried his hands in his pockets before speaking.

“I’ll give you a ride.”

Miyoung’s eyes widened briefly, her forehead creased.

“We agreed on it, remember? Friends?”

“We both know that’s going to be a challenge, oppa. But,”

“No buts, Hwang Miyoung. Come on.” Shownu said with an easy smile as he gestured for her to follow him, Miyoung’s brows rose and she sighed.

Things are always so easy for you.


Things are always so easy with you.

She pressed her lips together, chatting with him felt so natural, like nothing had happened. It even stunned her that she already felt comfortable around him, she was worried when Sehun left them. Being alone with Shownu kind of frightened her, but now, he was even joking along. And what’s worse is that, she’s okay with it.

Why? Because it’s Son Hyunwoo, he never made her feel uncomfortable.

He was her safe place. Her home.

And try as she might to deny it, he probably still is her safe place.

“Miyoung-ah?” Shownu turned to her, he was holding onto the Audi’s door for her.


“I was asking if you wanted to get coffee or hot tea before heading back? We had steak and I noticed you didn’t touch your wine. You used to have tea after heavy meals.” He said with a small smile.

“Or, do you not do that now?”

Miyoung paused, and then she smiled back at him.

I'll cry about this later.

“Tea would be nice, oppa. My treat.”





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Chapter 52: This is totally different from your other fics and here me loving it so❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 52: Plot? Immaculate. Flow? Amazing. Writing? Bomb. I LOVE IT!!!,!!!!,!
Chapter 52: We really need more Shownu Fics!
jonghostesoro #4
Chapter 52: i can never get over you shownu’s fics aaaaaaaa they are all so good 😭😭
2030 streak #6
Chapter 52: Aw the story has already ended? How I wished this went on forever! LoL... Anyway, although I am a little sad that it has ended, I gotta say I enjoyed reading the story. Their parents are fun as usual and so are Jooheon and Sehun. And Eunyoung is such a cutie interrogating him like that. Finally, that gif at the end, Hyunwoo is so cute ^^
2030 streak #7
Chapter 51: I can't believe there's only one chapter left for this story to end. This chapter was nice and as usual enjoyed the interaction between Miyoung and Hyunwoo. And that makes me want this story to continue forever. LoL... Jokes aside, this chapter was nice and I will be back later to read the last chapter of the story ^^
2030 streak #8
Chapter 50: Oh, I guessed right! When Sehun gave the box to Hyunwoo, I thought he had escaped but like I guessed in the chapter, she has already seen it? Hahaha I can't wait to see how Hyunwoo would react now. LoL... And it's cute how everyone is including Eunyoung in their family list. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2030 streak #9
Chapter 49: Hahaha is that taped brown bag what I think it is? And Sehun shouldn't have hung up like that. This only makes it more suspicious. Wonder how things would span out herein. Will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #10
Chapter 48: Awww... Somehow I want her to find it first, just to see how she'd react. And I cracked up hard at Shownu's innocent question about getting a pony as a gift for Eunyoung. I can kinda imagine doing that. Suits him. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
PS Wish you a Happy New Year!!