
Our Bittersweet Marriage

Changmin is silently waiting for you to come in and lie down next to him but, it has been hours now and the time is already 2a.m. He can't even drift to sleep as his nose feels stuffy and his throat is feeling like a sandpaper sliding on it. He keeps turning to your side on the bed,burying his face in your pillow as it has your scent on it.

"I can't sleep" he mutters, getting on his feet. His steps are wobbly as his head feels heavy. Changmin feels lucky that he's not having a fever or his condition might get worst. He walks in Mason's room which used to be his before he's married to you. The walls is not longer modern brown but, it's sky blue. It's dim in here,only the small spiderman lamp is on. 

You're sleeping next to Mason on the queen sized bed. You're holding Mason in your arms as the little boy wraps his arms around you. Changmin sits at the edge of the bed,hesistating whether to wake you up or just let you be. His fingers are shaking as it gets closer to your hair.He's too close but yet, he stops. He runs his fingers in his hair instead.

"Good night my love" 


It's hectic in the mansion.They guys are are playing basketball with Mason at the backyard. You're flipping pancakes for breakfast.They didn't have anything on their schedule till this evening. Changmin is still in bed when you go in the room to shower. He's shirtless like always just that this time, he's covering himself with the duvet.

You don't feel good about it so, you climb up the stairs to your room.You're not looking where you're going when you bump into something hard.


"You're ok?" asks Changmin with a hoarse voice.His wearing a short khaki pants with  a dark blue shirt on. He's looking directly into your eyes making your heart beating fast.

"I'm ok. Your voice-"

"Nothing, it will be fine by today" His face looks gloomy and so do his eyes.You place a palm on his forehead."Luckily, no fever. I make your favourite porridge.Come downstairs"

Changmin shakes his head, walking in the music room.You follow him from behind.He's running his fingers on the keyboard,playing randomly. You cross your arms,leaning on the wall." You're not ok.Let's go to the clinic"He shakes his head biting his lips."No"

"You look in pain but,it's your choice" 

"You're trying to be mean aren't you?" before he can even finish his words, you left. That means you really are not in a good mood with him. From outside you can hear him slamming his palms on the keys out of anger. You know he's mad but you just don't want to force him doing something that he doesn't want to.Seems like he gets the wrong idea.

Again today you feel drowsy, you rush to the toilet throwing up. Junsu who's nearby walk in to see you holding the toilet bowl, still throwing up. "Oppa" You call sounding weak.Junsu pats your back as you keep vomitting."How can you be like this? Did you eat something bad?"You shake your head,holding his arm.

"Changmin-ah! Changmin-ah! Come here quick!" yells Junsu. Changmin lazily walks out from the music room opposite the toilet.The door is widely open and there you are in Junsu's arm,looking feeble.

"What's wrong hyung?"

"She keeps throwing up.Open the door room for me.I'll carry her in as you too don't look well" Junsu carefully carry you up, you wrap your arms around his waist. Head on his chest. Junsu slowly place you on the bed.Changmin pulls the cover up to your chest.

"I'll go bring something for her to eat.She needs to regain her energy back" Junsu rushes out to the kitchen downstairs leaving you alone with Changmin.Awkwardness fills the atmosphere." Make sure you eat something.I'll go and see a doctor and buy meds for you.You might just get an upset stomach like you did yesterday.Careful.I'll be right back" His voice sounds so emotionless.You follow his steps with your eyes.


It's afternoon when Changmin gets back home.He hear your voice from the living room.You're sitting on the sofa with Mason lying on your lap and the guys watching movie. Changmin moves closer to you,placing a white plastic bag on your right side on the sofa."Here"

"What did the doctor said?"

"I need some rest.That's it"

"Really? You're sure?"

"Yes" with that he walk away.

It's the 12 o'clock star news, you almost freaked out to see your face on tv with Joongki by your side.

"The famous handsome heir of 'BeLLe', Song Joongki announced that he's officially dating the infamous heiress of 'fashionable style' fashion label and 'N Airlines', Nam ________. No one can ever  believe that Joongki who's famous on being a casanova can actually settle with one lady. No wonder because Miss Nam ______ is so beautiful. The media is trying to get through them, will their relationship end up with a ring on her finger? Who knows, we'll bring you more news as we get to them. Next-"

Jaejoong turns off the tv. Everyone turns silent, you can hear Changmin's footsteps walking up the stairs.Junsu scratches his unitchy neck,you grab your car key on the coffee table heading to the front door.No one stops you as they could understand that you need some time alone.

You drive to 'BeLLe' head department. Everyone is looking at you, now everyone know you.The handsome heir Song Joongki's gf.You press on the top floor,Joongki's office.As expected, there he is signing papers.You walk in without saying anything to his secretary. 

"You're here" 

"We need to talk" You take a seat on the leather sofa as he told you to. He sits across you afetr locking the front door."You saw the news? I'm deeply sorry"

"I don't know what to do and how to clear all these. It's a burden.Changmin... we're currently.." You sigh, burying your face in your palms." I don't know who to turn to except you, the guys..I don't think they can hear anything more from me"

"I started all these and I-I'll find a way to put a full stop to it" he holds your hands, pulling you closer to him but you push him away."Please just stay away from me.I beg you, that's why I come here. Please don't come to see me at my office or my fashion shows.The next 3 days will be our last partnership. I'll be switched to other department. You will meet a new director.You are a nice friend Joongki.I'm sincere" you brush your thumb on his cheek, placing a soft kiss on it."It's a goodbye"

"Wait... I'll show you how to end these. You just have to stay, don't go any further from me.Please..Just please" his eyes wells up."You understand how tough it is living as a heir. No time to play, no time to get attention. For the first time in my life, someone actually care about me, not my money or my position. You don't know how much more you mean to me.You have no idea ______" 


Changmin looks out the window, your car is in the porch.You must be home while he's asleep. He heads to Mason's room, you must be there.

The door squeks open and he sees you lying on the bed,eyes close. He carries you in his arms."I miss you so much my wifey"










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i can't believe it's over huhuhuhu.feel like crying


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Chapter 63: One moment I'll be in distress then next I'll be fidgety. Dang! The lead character is so strong! She endured being a hidden wife wow!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 64: i'm done reading it good story :D
ccherylyy #3
Chapter 16: This fanfic is the best I’ve ever read so far! Thank you author-nim for creating such an awesome story! Can't stop re-reading it everytime
naname2000 #4
Chapter 64: Omg the best awesome fanfic i've ever read.
UknowTheHero #5
Chapter 64: I love this story !!! It's just amazing !! I usuallydon't like sad stories (coz I cry way too much) but this one is awesome. I somehow expected a sad end but I'm relieved that everything end up well.
Chapter 16: This story is great!! Your story inspired me to improve my languange and writing style <3
Keep up the good job!!! ^o^
2026 streak #7
Chapter 64: OMG!!! This story was so angsty... You have justified emotions and essence of the story. Nicely written and I enjoyed myself reading it. Keep up the good work author-nim :)
Chapter 63: i love happy endings <3 great job author-nim, it's really an amazing story i enjoyed readng every single chapiter
Chapter 47: Omg i'm about to start crying, this is an amazing story yet painful :'(..