
dear hyung, i think i love you. {Hiatus}


I roll over in my covers and hit my head against the wooden frame. The sudden sting against my nose causes me to gasp and I wrap my fingers around my face.

“Bum! Time to…oh, you’re up.”

I look to the boy leaning over the ladder. “Time to move,” he smiles pinching my cheek.

“Aish,” I groan and swat at his hand.

He then turns to the boy stumbling to his feet. “Yah, are you going to go eat?”

Minho looks to Key and then to me. His eyes bore into mine and I begin to feel uncomfortable. I can’t tell exactly what it is…but I don’t like it. He turns on his heel and exists the room without a word.

“What was that about?” Key asks gazing at the door.

“I think he found me out.”

“BOWH?!” He snaps so loudly I finch.

“I think he knows about who I really am.”

Key crawls up the ladder and sits next to me. Taking one of my hands, he pats it gently and then pouts. “Why do you think this?”

I take the compact from my pillow case and toss it to him. “Minho told me I should have this.”

Key turns the metal object in his hands undoing the hook. “Did he tell you why?”

I shake my head. “Why else would he give it to me? It’s MiSun’s…it’s HyunSun's.”

He looks at me blankly as if asking to continue.

“When we were on our business date, I guess I dropped it and he picked it up. Last night he threw it at me and told me it was for me to have.” I grab the edge of my wig. “Oppa, what do I do?” I cry pulling the wig off completely.

“Hyung, what do you thi-” a voice trails stopping mid sentence.

Key pushes me down pressing his palms against my shoulder.


He pokes his head above the bed board, “What’d you say?”

I lean forward but Key’s hand shoves me back against the bed.

“What’s going on?” Minho’s voice asks.

“Just helping pop HyunSun’s back. No big deal. What were you saying?”

There’s an awkward pause. “I’ll ask you about it later.”

The door slams shut.

“Aish, do you want to die?!”

I look at Key who bends over me. He’s so close to being on top of me I can’t help but feel ridged. “Not today.”

He crosses his arms after throwing a pillow at my face. “That boy falls into one misunderstanding after the other. He probably has no idea what’s going on. Anyways, right now he’s too emotional to see what’s going on around him.”

“How do you see that? He just looks angry.”

Key pats my knee. “Right now, Minho is going to ridiculous lengths to get you and MiSun together. I don’t think he has the slightest clue that you’re…you know.”

I clench my jaw. Just how dense is this boy? And more importantly...does he really not know?



I looked at my watch, pondering every thought that ran through my head in the last twenty-four hours. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten upset with HyunSun, after all it’s not like he did anything wrong. I would be a hypocrite if I thought so.

"Hyung?" a voice asked and I turned to see Taemin looking at me with one eye. "What’s got you all worked up?"

I blink my eyes as fast as I can, trying to shake the feeling of uncertainty. "Nothing wrong…why do you ask?"
He tilts his head allowing his other eye to open. "You've had the same expression on your face since HyunSun left ten minutes ago. Are you sure you're alright?"

I nod. For the magnae he sure does pickup a lot.

"Hyung, don't worry. All will end well in time."

I look the boy puzzled by this.

“Ani... I mean, don't worry and all will be okay." he smiles and the practice room starts to fill with the trainees.

"Do you know what their song is about?" I ask Taemin who shrugs.

"No idea. But maybe-"

"MiSun!" the red head yells flailing his arms as he runs towards the girl. "I’ve missed you soo~ much TT_TT"

She pushes him away knocking him into his brother. "YoungJae," she scolds rubbing her arm. "Cut it out." For a second she looks up and I could have sworn she was looking at me, or maybe it was just wishful thinking.

"Everyone, annyo!" YuNa smiles walking to the front of the room. "I got a chance to listen to the new demo and I know how we’re going to mesh these songs together."

YoungJae gets too close to MiSun again and she shoves him away.

We must not have given her the response she was looking for because she frowned and pointed to MiSun. "You’re the new leader correct?" MiSun nodded and YuNa continued her speal. "Since you are the leader of your group, I hope you won't object to changing your routine."

MiSun looked and the girl and then back to her group. "What exactly will I be doing?"

YuNa runs a hand through her hair and sigh noisily. "The song is 'Replay' and I want you to be 'Nuna'."
MiSun has to hold her chin up to keep from gaping. "But I...they're all older than me! Every one of them besides Taemin."

YuNa laughs. "Age doesn't matter. Come on and I’ll show you the steps."


"More energy!" the tiny girl demands and MiSun does her best to keep up. She swings her body around mirroring our movements at some points and then changing the choreography completely at others. The rest of the members of 'innocent' are disguised as backup dancers watching as their leader 'flirts' with us. She moves between Taemin and Jonghyun trying to remember her new steps. They sing to her and she makes her way to me.

I freeze. What am I to do again? I can't remember.

Her eyes flicker and then I remember. I move my body to the music trying to get as close to her as the moves will allow. Her cheeks change to a sort of pink, but I can't tell if it’s just from the dancing or if it’s because she just messed up.

To top off all of my emotional confusion, HyunSun left...yet again for one of his infamous meetings with the director.

My eyes wonder from her blood stained face down her neck and to her shoulder. As the song trails off I grab her by that beautiful shoulder and turn her to face me. Surprised, I shout, "What happened to you!" referring to the gigantic bruise on her collar bone.


I look down at the mark on my skin. Gah! It's the bruise from where my compact hit me! I look to Minho and the back to the bruise. "It's uh..." Think MiSun! "HyunSun threw my compact at me when I saw him earlier today. No big deal. He just wanted to return it."

...I wish that was how it went down...but no, YoungJae fails me every time.

**what really happened**

I turn to Minho. "It was HyunSun...he-"

"THAT BOY TOUCHED YOU!?" YoungJae screams practically making me deaf. I begin to speak but he cuts me off again. "HE did this to you? That boyfriend of yours?"

I raise my hands to stop him. "It's not what it looks like!"

YoungJae smiles childishly and touches the soft skin of my clavicle. "It looks like the two of you had some fun," he smirks and I just about slap him.

"It's not like that!"

He looks from me to Minho and then back to me. "And it wasn’t this guy?"

I blush furiously. "YoungJae, will you...."

"Red head! Leader! Is there a problem?"

I turn to YuNa and meet her gaze...dang...she is so freaking scary. I bow and then look to YoungJae who’s standing like an idiot. I place a hand at the back of his neck and force his head down. "Anni, we're sorry."

The girl’s eyes catch the light and for a moment I could have sworn she had a hint of humor hidden behind them. "Let's pick up on the next song," she yells and my body goes numb. She has a copy of our song? Even I haven't heard it yet!

"Ahno..." I flip my head around and about smack Jonghyun with my hair.

"Omo! Are you okay?"

He gives me one of his winning smiles and laughs it off. "Did you not hear her earlier when she said she listened to both songs?"

I blink. Did she say that?

I groan messing my hair up. I need to stop getting distracted by YoungJae; the kid is starting to wear me out. I blink again noticing the expression on Jonghyun’s face. "Bwoh?"

He lifts his chin and shakes off his upper torso. "Don't ever do that again."

I frown. "Oppa, I don't understand."

He shakes his head. "Just don't do it."

"Oppa~" I whine pulling at his sleeve.

"Don't..." The boy falls into me and suddenly we're nose to nose (after all, he is a bit short too). His forehead hits mine and his breath tickled my chin. He sighs deeply closing his eyes. "You don't know what you do to us you?"

My breath catches in my throat.

"You're Minho's out for yourself."

Confusion takes over my thoughts. Reason starts to be less appealing...what does he mean by that?


It's after practice when Minho walks up to me looking a little upset. I think of what Jonghyun said and try to decipher the meaning of it and Minho's expression.

"MiSun," he starts, unable to look at me.


He takes a deep breath and looks somewhere above my head. "Look, HyunSun is my friend and I don't appreciate you hurting him."

I furrow my eyebrows...but I am HyunSun, I thought he already figure that out! "Ahno...I don't understand."

He clenches his jaw and looks me in the eyes. "Don't flirt with other guys when you already have someone else."

He looks hurt...almost in pain. Did I do this?

"Minho, it'snotlikethat!" I rush.

He raises an eyebrow. "But he really likes you."

I hold my hands up as is asking him to stop. "HyunSun is like a brother, practically my twin! I don't like him like that and vice versa."

He breaths uneasily and moans, "I don't think you understand."

"No, you don't understand!" I cry and then remember that I can't give myself away. "Why do you keep pushing us when you know inter-relationships are forbidden?"

"Is that all this is about? No one cares about two idols being together. That rule is specifically meant for workers inside SMENT, that way people don't get shuffled around too much." He pauses and looks to Onew. "If an idol goes out with a makeup artist and breaks up, then that makeup artist has to be moved. Also it can ruin the reputation of the company. There would be rumors everywhere about idols having more than just friendly relations with their manager. Jealous fans are some of the scariest people in the world."

I nod, "But can't the same be said for idol relationships in the company?"

He looks away, possibly at YoungJae who’s running around the room. "Sometimes people see it as a publicity stunt to raise a career. Because they could help promote each other. It's frowned upon...but the director doesn't hate it like he does the other. Not letting idol’s date can be considered cruel, and dating outside the company can make things complicated. An inter-company relation between SM idols is a good thing.”

Then that means that company-wise, I stand a chance. One battle defeated. But what about getting him to like me? He’s so bothered with setting me up with myself that I don’t think he would even notice me. But even if it wasn’t for this misunderstanding, would he even look twice at me?


yay! I wrote all of this between classes and when i was suposed to be asleep >.> hope you all like it and i'm sorry if there are any mistakes (i'll fix them soon). If I've created too much confusion...let me know and i'll try to go back and edit the chapters so that it makes more sense, i tend to ramble a lot.

I'll try to keep updating weekly. and i promise to work on DongHul... TT_TT I neglect him soo much. YoungSoo doesn't matter so much because if he were real, he wouldn't want me to write about him anyways (that's the way i want his personality). I'll try and add more humor, but from now on Minho is going to slip down a muddy slop of stupidity.

hope you enjoyed it,


@hanhernz: I hope this answers your question ^^

@__tHeeViloNe__: think of him as super slow...or special. haha

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please read ch 42! It'll explain bunchies :


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glad you're okay, stay safe
I'm glad ur okay, take ur time with the update ur safety is more important
I'm glad you're OK! That must have been horrible! Living here in NYC, I'm used to dealing with such things, but you never get used to it. I pray for your safety and that of any other young women or men on this site. Sending hugs to you...
XxBlackBeat #4
OMG! I am glad ur safe! My mom told me to bring an umbrella, u know the big visible once for hitting people xD anyways its good nothing happened. Always pray. Thank God. I'll remember to pray for u as well. And I hope u feel better. <3 :))
I hope you feel better and don't...NEVER get harassed EVER again. It sounds scary!! And did you how I reacted when I found out the story updated? I was bugging my brother that the story updated!!! But it kinda wasn't a story update. -.-'
ChoNanami #6
Oh my god. You just made me cry! I'm so glad nothing happened to you!
Update SOON, please!
What does it mean when it said 'He was... jealous.'?? I don't know who is saying what at the last part. Please explain and update soon please! Thanks for writing this fanfic as well, although you haven't finished it... yet!! :)
XxBlackBeat #9
FINALLY~ Minho found out and he's alright! YAY~~~~ <3 xD
Nonono for my other comment below I don't mean the making out part is really good but how I said it was good kind of the making out part was the kind of. Do you get it?? -.-?