
Her Cold Heart.
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Inwardly cursing herself, dara dabbed a little bit more foundation on her now less visible face bruises.



Sighing to herself, dara glanced at the clock’s reflection on her mirror.


Two days and her bruises on her face still have yet to clear up fully. Not only her face, her whole body was still aching. Only god knows how long it took for her to crawl out of her bed to get ready for school just now.

It was Friday, one day before the weekend comes. The thought of giving school a miss was eating up on her throughout her trying to get ready for school, but she knew better than to miss one more day of school after being an to the principal last Tuesday. She knew the principal would want answers. Mei too. And with that being a good enough reason to get her to school, dara slings her bag onto her shoulder, only to regret it later for the next moment, she let out a short cry and a string of curses that she didnt even know she knew, at the unwelcomed searing pain.

After a few minutes of battling the pain, dara closed her eyes, taking in another deep breath and slowly sling her bag again, but as gently as possible, onto her other better shoulder. Bracing to counter any pain, dara shut her eyes tight while clenching her fists, ready to take on any pain that’s coming. But only to be disappointed, fortunately, that none came and sighed out in relief that no pain welcomed her. With that, she locked her studio apartment and drove her favourite porsche to school.

She don’t always drive to school but seeing her body’s condition, she doubt she would survive riding the morning public transport that’s always packed like sardines.

And with that, she let down her car’s head and let the morning breeze hit her face while her mind start engineering for some answers to questions that no doubt her principal and secretary would throw at her.






Principal office.




Well that escalated quickly, dara thought to he

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greiyz_14 #1
Chapter 38: A daragon please authornim,a sequel please?
Chapter 38: Please update! Ludara shall prevail kkkkk
cyndzrose #3
Chapter 38: Please update authornim! Nice story.please make it daragon ending.
Chapter 38: waaa chapter 27-30: kyaaaaa super love this storyyy~ i wonder what really happen between Jiyong and Dara? Thanks for the update Author-nim :D looking forward for the next update ^.^
Chapter 38: Annyeong, authornim! :) kyaaaa~ so many questions had been lingering in my mind but I’ll wait patiently for your updates instead. ㅋㅋㅋ Fighting, authornim! Thank you for this :D LuDara~ aigoo they’re making me crazy. ㅋㅋㅋ Thank you again <3
i have no clue what is happening right now but i still love this. i don't get jiyong though. if he is bad or good or both? *pulls hair*
then poor xiumin and luhan :( but i hope luhan will do something on it. save dara juseyooo
Chapter 38: LUHAN please do save her!!! but im wondering if Ji was really bad here, or maybe he is making Dara dependent on him. oh god i need answers. keke~~ Thank you for the update
ShaiRa1009 #8
Chapter 38: WOAHH !! OMG I WAS LIKE WHAT HAPPENED THERE? DID I JUST read it or what omg !! but woaah that was kinda intense and sweet

cant wait to know what happen in their past hehehehe authornim i will follow you on twiter okayy mwah lovelots (ノ*>∀<)ノ♡
MiLLaJungK00kie #9
Chapter 38: Omg! I luv this story sooo much! Yeah, I hope luhan can get close with dara soon.