
Something Borrowed


                “Are you sure? Last time I check he was in love with person that was with him through his sightless days and he knows that that person is you, Krystal.” Sulli still doubted what Krystal had just revealed.

                “Even before he became sightless, I think he’s into Soojung already. Also, I can feel that deep inside him, I don’t know how deep let’s hope it’s not too deep, he knows that it was Soojung all along.”


                “Just trust me. Everything will end into a happy ending.”

                “Tch. You’re just like your sister.”

                “Of course. What do you expect? We’re twins.”




                Days, weeks, months passed. Krystal was still being patient with their current situation. Apparently, her team up with Sulli wasn’t very successful and she doesn’t even know why. Her patience was slowly wearing down. She must think of a way quickly.

                “Krystal” Sulli disturbed the current flow of her thoughts. “What are you doing here? Why did you call me to go here? Aren’t you supposed to be with Minho? He told me you two have a date today since it’s the 100th day of you two being a couple.” Sulli took the empty seat across Krystal. She called Sulli to meet her in some café near their house.

                “We’re here because we’re going to celebrate for my good deed today.” She laughed evilly which made Sulli look at her in confusion. “Santa better bring me a big Christmas gift this year. I’m being a good girl.” She continued.

                “Okay...what did you do?” Sulli doesn’t know Krystal as much as she knew Soojung but she’s sure that in that laugh of hers, she did something silly. She doesn’t really know which is worse, a stubborn Soojung or a childish –meaning evilly childish—Krystal.




                “Soojung?” Soojung heard an unsure tone of voice from behind her.

                “Minho?” She said in shock to see him in front of her. “What are you doing here?”

                “I was going to ask you the same question.”

                “Krystal asked me to go here and tell the person who she was supposed to be meeting that she can’t make...” She stopped when she saw Minho’s reaction to what she was saying. It was shock followed by a sad/disappointed one. “I’m so sorry to tell it to you like that. I didn’t know you were that person. I’m really sorry.”

                “No. It’s okay. It’s not your fault.”

             “Still, I’m sorry. I’ll go now.” She turned and started to walk away from him. She can’t believe what her sister did.

                “Soojung...” She turned to his direction. “Will you accompany me instead?” He produced two tickets from his pocket. She could still see the sadness in his face from being stood up by her sister. Accompany him. Even just for today. He’s sad. Be his friend. She reasoned to herself.

                “Sure.” She smiled sweetly at him.

                Minho didn’t know why he asked Soojung. His mouth blurted it out before he can even stop it. When she said yes, his breathing returned. He didn’t even know that he was holding it while waiting for her answer. She said yes and smiled at him sweetly that made him think that his day will get better. He smiled back at her. Then they went to his planned destination.

                “You do know that there’s an ‘all conversation in the camp must be in English’ rule here right?” Soojung asked Minho. He brought her to Paju English Village.

                “Between us two, let’s just disregard that rule, okay?” He smiled at her expression. He knew Soojung was a rule follower. She obeys any rule there is. “It’s not like we’re going to die if we don’t speak in English.”

                They continued going around the village. Talking about everything they see inside. Sometimes joking around, blabbering incoherent English words to each other. Soojung was actually a good English speaker. It’s Minho who really was not that good. As time passed, both of them were happy with their trip. Minho was right, his day really got better.

                “Let’s eat. Where do you want to eat?” He asked her when they were walking on a street that was lined with restaurants and convenience stores on the sides.

                Soojung looked around to find a place where to eat. She spotted a good looking café on the end of the street. “There.” She pointed her finger on it.

                Minho looked at where her finger was pointed. He gulped seeing that it’s a café. Memories of the accident came to his mind. She noticed him and knew what he was thinking. “Nothing’s going to happen.” She dragged him. “Don’t worry, I’m here.” She smiled and continued on dragging him. He was baffled to hear that from her. Don’t worry. I’m here. It sounded familiar to him.

                They were inside the café, eating. Minho was uncomfortable at first but then he felt that there’s nothing to fear. They were happily eating and chatting when one of the staffs announced that whoever wants to play the piano and sing are encouraged to do so.

                “She sings.” Minho announced while pointing at Soojung. She choked on her food because of what Minho just did.

                “Yah, what are you saying? I don’t sing.” She whispered to Minho while smiling at the other people in the café whose eyes were on them.

                “You sing in your room. I can hear you, you know.” He whispered back.

                “That was only meant for me to hear.”

                “Still, the fact is you can sing.” Minho pushed her to stand up. “Let’s cheer on Soojung.” He encouraged the crowd and the crowd clapped their hands for her.

                She shyly went to the piano, took a deep breath and gave Minho a death glare before singing and playing a song [<--click]. Minho was surprised to hear her sing. He didn’t expect that she will sing an English song. She kept her eyes on the piano and didn’t look at the people around her. Everybody was captivated by her voice. Everybody stopped what they were doing and were just listening to her. He too was drawn in by her singing. She finally looked up from the piano and looked at him while singing and playing.


I cannot believe I’ve let you go or what I should’ve said is

I should have grabbed you up and never let you go

I should have went out with you. I should have made you my boo, boy

Yes, that’s one time I should have broke the rules

I should have went on a date, should have found a way to escape

Should have turn that almost into if it happens now it’s too late

How could I celebrate a love that wasn’t real?

And if it didn’t happen, why does my heart feel?



                She finished the song and everybody applauded her. She shyly smiled at everybody and bowed at them. She returned to her seat and was welcomed by a smiling Minho. “You’re great, Soojung. You should be a singer.”

                “No, thank you.”

                “Why not?”

                “Singing is not for me.”

                “You always have this low regard for yourself. You don’t see yourself clearly.”

                “I’m just keeping it real.”

                “No, you’re not. You’re not seeing what others people see in you.”

                “I don’t know what you are saying.”

                “You’re a great person, Soojung. A best friend anyone would wish to have. You’re a good singer as what you have just shown. And most of all though you’re very simple, you’re beautiful, Soojung. Any man would very lucky to have you as his girlfriend.” He awkwardly finished. He didn’t know what got into him that day that he says a lot of things he normally wouldn’t have said. She blushed at his remarks. Uncomfortable silence filled them until they finished eating.




                “Soojung.” Krystal happily entered her sister’s room.

                “Why did you do that?” Soojung said in slight anger.


                “You know what I am talking about.”

                “Oh...that. So, how’s your day?”

                Soojung just gave Krystal a glare. Krystal didn’t let herself be affected by her sister’s defiant stare. Soon, her sister gave up. “Fine. My day was just fine. Now, answer my question.”

                “Just fine?”

                “It was a happy day.”

                “Exactly my point.”


                “You asked me why did I do that, right? It’s because I want to make you happy.”

                “But Krystal...”

                “You’re the one who has been there for him. You were the one who stayed beside him. Is it wrong for you to be with him so that you would be happy?”

                “It’s not about me. He’s not happy with me. It’s you who makes him happy.”

                “I cannot take credit for everything that you’ve done. He must know that it was you all along.”

             “You’re not taking credit. Think of keeping the secret as making up for it. Minho is a great guy, Krystal. Give him a chance, please. You’ll never regret anything. He’ll treasure and love you.”

                “Why don’t you give yourself a chance?”

                “I already told you, it’s you who he loves not me. It’s you who makes him happy not me. I know you’ll love him in time and when that happens, please, take care of him as much as I want to and love him as much as I do.” After what Soojung said, they heard their father call for them. They hugged each other before going downstairs.

                Unknown to them everything they’ve talked about was heard by the man in their conversation, Minho.










sorry for any mistakes...

thank you for reading...=)



sorry if this chapter isn't good...i feel like i've disappointed you with this chapter...


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farah15121999 #1
Chapter 6: wow.i coincidently haved read a manga that the story line are the same with this story
kissetherealle #2
Chapter 11: This is a beautiful story, thank you so much for it!
Wish I had come across this sooner haha :)
Chapter 11: annyeong,,,i just finish this story ,,
and i really like it,,its so beautiful,,
i'm glad if you made a sequel..
its nice! as expected ftom you :)
sequel pleaaseeee!!
Eririn #5
I stumbled across ya story today and finished reading it in one sitting. Its that good! I love the plot and characters you chose. Having 2 soojung/krystal is awesome! Lol.
Joyvin #6
Waaa, rlly nice! Got so absorbed and couldn't leave my eyes off your story. Please write more stories of minstal!!
nisaMinStal #7
nice stroy, and everything look sense. haha<br />
pleaseee update again about MinStal pleaseeee.. ^^
Just began reading this story this week, and I finished today! Love this story <3 I hope you'll be able to make more minstal/shiningeffects fics!
Please write more shineeeffects stories! I love your stories!