
Something Borrowed


                “Soojung-ie...” Soojung was startled by her sister’s worried voice. “You’re crying. What happened?” Krystal said as she rushed to Soojung’s side. Krystal called Soojung to ask where she was since their father was getting worried because she wasn’t home yet and it’s already getting late. Soojung told Krystal that she’s in a park near a certain hospital. Krystal sensed that Soojung was not fine so she decided to go to her. She spotted Soojung sitting on a bench crying. “Yah. What’s wrong? Did you meet with Minho? Did he do something to you?” Krystal continued to question.

                “Unnie...” Soojung said as she hugged her sister tightly.

                “Tell me what happened, Soojung.”

                “Minho...Minho is in that hospital right now.”

                “Huh? What? Why?”



                After the car crashed into one of the café’s sides, almost everyone was injured because of the shattered glass that came flying inside the café. No one’s badly injured as the car’s driver the one sitting on that specific side though.

                 Minho was one of those who obtained an injury from the shattered glass window. Soojung followed the ambulance that carried Minho to the hospital. She called Sulli to inform her about what happened. Sulli and their father came into the hospital while Minho was still in the operating room.

                   The doctor explained to them that small pieces of the shattered glass went into Minho’s eyes. It caused corneal abrasion and some of the pieces pierced deep enough to cause loss of eyesight. There’s still hope for him to be able to see but it is still indefinite. Examinations were still to be done. Minho, Sulli and their father were positive about the situation given that many cases like that had good endings and the Choi’s have more than enough money and connections to make anything possible. Though there’s still a possibility for him to see, Soojung felt really bad and sad for him so she just went out of the hospital once Minho was in good condition already.

Back to present...


                “Oh my!” Krystal stated in shock after she heard of what happened. “Soojung, don’t cry. Everything would be fine. You said there’s a big possibility for his sight to be back right? Stop crying, huh? Come on, let’s go home first. Daddy is waiting for us.” Krystal soothed her sister and helped Soojung to stand up.




                The next day, Soojung went to the hospital to see Minho. When she reached Minho’s room, she was thinking of going in or not. Somehow she felt like it was her fault. If I wasn’t that slow in finding that café then he shouldn’t have been inside when the accident happened.  She thought to herself while holding unto the door’s handle. She let go of the handle thinking that she shouldn’t go in when the door suddenly opened. She turned her back and tried to go away then she heard Sulli calling her. “Soojung. Where are you going? Why don’t you go inside?”

                “Ah...Sulli...Something came up. I’ll just go back tomorrow.” She hurriedly walked away. Sulli was confused with what just happened.

                Some more days passed and still Soojung just stayed outside his room. She had always dropped by for awhile when she thought Sulli was not there.

                “Why don’t you go in and talk to him?” A man’s voice grabbed her attention while she was taking a peek inside Minho’s room. She turned around and saw Minho’s father.

                “Good afternoon, Mr. Choi.” She greeted and bowed. “I think I’ll just go now. Now that I see that he’s fine, I’m at ease already.” She smiled and again bowed before attempting to walk off.

                “Go in, Soojung. These past few days Minho has only been talking to me, Sulli and the nurses. It’ll be good for him to talk to someone other than us.” Mr. Choi led her inside. “Minho-ah, Soojung is here.” Mr.Choi announced. “I’ll go down for awhile.” He then exited the room.

                “Soojung, good to see you. Ah...no, I forgot, I can’t see you.” Minho joked.

                Soojung tried to laugh. Her vision was blurred as she controlled her tears that were threatening to fall. She can feel his pain that was masked by his joke. “How are you?” She tried to not let him hear her sadness.

                “I’m fine.” He smiled at her. She smiled when she saw that smile of him that she missed seeing. “How about you?”

                “I’m fine too.”

                “Are you alone? Where’s Krystal?”

                “Ah...uhmm” She was trying to think of an excuse. “S-she had some things to do in school to catch up.”

                “Oh.” He sadly uttered.

                “She said she’ll visit you tomorrow.” She lied.

                “Really?” His face brightened.





                “Krystal, please see him even just once.” Soojung pleaded.

                “I can’t.”


                “I don’t know. I feel guilty, I guess. I just can’t see him, okay?”


                “Soojung, this might be cruel of me but I just can’t. I just don’t want to raise his hopes up because I’ll be there for him, when all of it is just because of pity. He deserves more than that and you know that. So I’d rather be not there at all than do everything out of pity.” By that Krystal left Soojung’s room.




                Again, Soojung was in front of Minho’s room. Thinking of going in or not since she doesn’t know how to tell him that Krystal isn’t coming to see him. After sometime, she gathered up all her courage and opened the door. Minho bolted up from lying on his bed, excited, knowing that Krystal has arrived. “Krystal? Is that you?” He smiled widely.

                “Ah...Minho...”She slowly made her way to him.

                “Krystal. That’s you, right?” She didn’t respond. “Yes. That’s your voice, I know.” Our voices, do they sound similar?  She questioned herself. “I’ve been waiting for you.” He continued then a tear fell from his sightless eyes. “I wonder if I could ever see your face again.” He sadly uttered. “I’m afraid of the things that might happen now that I won’t be able to see them.” His tears flowed. She can’t help but also tear up and  she hugged him to somehow calm him down. He wasn’t as positive in this situation as what he first seemed to be. “I’m frightened by the thought that I won’t be able to get through this, Krystal.”

                “Don’t cry. Everything would be fine. You’ll be able to see again. I’ll be here.” She promised. “Always.”

                After that incident, Soojung knew Minho needs Krystal for him to be strong. So she decided to borrow her sister’s identity just around Minho. She knew it’s wrong to lie and Minho might not forgive her when he learns about the truth. I would deal with that later. What’s important now is Minho needs Krystal’s support for him to be strong throughout this hardship. She reasoned while she was getting her hair styled like her sister’s. From now on, I’m Krystal when I’m with him.








sorry for any mistakes....

thank you for reading...=)

to all of my subscribers, THANK YOU!



---about the blindness, i'm not sure if that's possible in real life...i'm sorry i was too lazy to research about it...

         let's just pretend that it happens...okay?


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farah15121999 #1
Chapter 6: wow.i coincidently haved read a manga that the story line are the same with this story
kissetherealle #2
Chapter 11: This is a beautiful story, thank you so much for it!
Wish I had come across this sooner haha :)
Chapter 11: annyeong,,,i just finish this story ,,
and i really like it,,its so beautiful,,
i'm glad if you made a sequel..
its nice! as expected ftom you :)
sequel pleaaseeee!!
Eririn #5
I stumbled across ya story today and finished reading it in one sitting. Its that good! I love the plot and characters you chose. Having 2 soojung/krystal is awesome! Lol.
Joyvin #6
Waaa, rlly nice! Got so absorbed and couldn't leave my eyes off your story. Please write more stories of minstal!!
nisaMinStal #7
nice stroy, and everything look sense. haha<br />
pleaseee update again about MinStal pleaseeee.. ^^
Just began reading this story this week, and I finished today! Love this story <3 I hope you'll be able to make more minstal/shiningeffects fics!
Please write more shineeeffects stories! I love your stories!