
Something Borrowed


                “I’ve brought you lunch.” Minho said while smiling charmingly at Krystal who was seated with her sister and Sulli in one of the tables in the school cafeteria. Some students around them were shocked and started to whisper to each other. It’s a first for the school heartthrob to bring a special lunch for a girl, a quite new girl that is, she just started to be a student there a few months ago. Some were starting to hate her but a lot were saying they looked good together since Krystal got quite popular because of her beauty. “It’s American.” He added.

                “Uhmmm...thank you.” Krystal awkwardly took the paper bag from Minho. Minho took a seat across her while Soojung knew what she should do next.

                “Sulli...you’ll copy my notes, right?” Soojung said making Sulli look at her in confusion. “You better do it now. It’ll be needed in the subject after lunch.” Soojung stood up and tried to pull Sulli.

                “What? I don’t understand.” Sulli said and Soojung glared at her like saying ‘just follow my lead’.

                “Excuse us. Krystal we’ll go first. You go and eat with Minho. I’ll just see you later in class.” The two left. Krystal opened the paper bag that Minho gave her. She was surprised to see the food that she usually ate while she was in U.S.

                “I thought maybe you missed eating those.” Minho said. Krystal smiled at his thoughtfulness. Soojung was right. She thought about what Soojung told her about Minho.

                “Thank you. Though I think this is too many for me. Would you like some?” Minho just nodded at her sudden offer. Krystal handed him some of the bag’s contents and they ate lunch together.




                “What was that all about?” Sulli eyed Soojung while they were walking in the hallway from the cafeteria to their room.

                “What?” Soojung acted like nothing had happened.

                “Why did you pull me out of there? I don’t remember anything about copying notes from you. There’s something I don’t know about.”

                “There’s nothing you don’t know about. You’re thinking too much, Sulli.”

                “I’ve known you for so long, Soojung. I know when you’re hiding something from me. Now tell me, what is it?” Sulli persuaded Soojung. “I won’t stop until you tell me.”

                “Fine. Fine.” Soojung sighed. She knew how irritating Sulli can be when she wants to know something. Minho didn’t say that it would be a secret between us. She reasoned. “Your brother asked for my help.”

                “Help on what?”

                “Well...your brother likes my sister. That kind of help.”

                “So he asked you to always leave them alone?”

                “No. He just wants to get close to her. What happened earlier was my idea. I just thought maybe they need some time alone.”

                “But Sooung...” Sulli can’t believe what Soojung was doing. She very well know how Soojung feels for her brother and now Soojung is helping her brother to be with another girl, well not just another girl but her own twin sister.

                “Save the lecture. I’ve already decided to help your brother on this.” Soojung cut her off.




Oneul haru naneun Lazy girl

Today I am a lazy girl 

Keu nu-gudo nareul chajji marayo

please don’t look for me

Naneunyo Lazy girl

I am a lazy girl

Oneulmaneun sarangdo jom kwiichanh-jyo

I’m too lazy to even love


          “To love who, if I may ask?” A voice startled Soojung. It was Minho who was sitting on her window pane looking at her with curiosity. Minho again travelled from his window to hers using the tree. He was going to tell Soojung about his ‘date’ with Krystal on the next day but then he saw Soojung lying on her bed with her eyes closed. At first he thought she was sleeping but he heard her singing along with the music playing in her room. He was entertained by what he was witnessing so he decided to listen to her for awhile before letting her know about his presence.

                “Minho!” Soojung bolted up from her bed slightly embarrassed by the situation.

                “Should I just go back? You said not to look for you since you’re a lazy girl today.” Minho teased. He fancied seeing her in this kind of discomfort.

                “No. Why are you here anyway?”

                “You haven’t answered my first question yet. To love who?”

                You. She answered in her mind. “No one. That’s just the song's lyrics, okay? So would you tell me why you barge into my room?”

                “Well, I have great news.” He smiled widely that she can feel that he was overjoyed by the news.

                “I guess I know what’s your news all about with your smile being like that.” She tried to be happy for him. “Does this concern my sister?”

                “You’ve got that right. We’ll be having a date tomorrow.”

                “A date?”

                “Well, not really a date since she said she doesn’t want to call it a date. But still I’ll be spending sometime tomorrow with her.”


                “Is that bungeoppang?” Minho pointed to the plate of pastry on Soojung’s desk. “Can I have some?”

                “Sure.” Soojung was relieved that the subject was changed.

                “Hey, why are these just the body part of the fish? Where are all the heads and the tails?” Minho asked as he munches on a piece.

                “Oh that...as much as I like eating bungeoppang, I don’t really like the part with so much red bean paste on it so I only like eating the head and the tail part.”

                “But the red bean paste is the best part of it.” Minho munches on a second piece.

                “Then you can have all those, if you want to.”

                “Thanks. I’ll go back to my room now.”

                “Okay. Be careful.”

                “Don’t worry; I’m getting a hang of it already. I’m really excited for tomorrow. I think sleep might not come to me later. Thank you again.”

                She gave him a small smile.




                “So how was your day?” Soojung asked Krystal as she entered Krystal’s room.

                “It was tiring. Still, Minho follows me around.” Krystal sighed. “He’s asking to go out with me again tomorrow.” It’s been weeks already since the first time they went out. Minho kept on asking her out and every time they go out together she keeps on reminding him that it’s just a friendly outing.

                “Why don’t you give him a chance? He’s a nice guy, anyway.”

                “I told you. I’m not into relationships. I don’t take these kinds of things seriously. I really love this free and single lifestyle of mine.”

                “But you’re still going out with him tomorrow, right?”

                “I don’t know. I told him that I’ll just send him a message for my answer.”


                “Don’t...I know that tone.” Krystal knew what Soojung was about to say. She was 10 minutes older than Soonjung and she knew that when Soojung calls her ‘unnie’ with that kind of tone, Soojung would be begging for something that she rarely can say no to. “I’ll still think about it, Soojung.”

                “Unnie, please. It’s his birthday tomorrow.”

                “Stop calling me ‘unnie’. It’s his birthday tomorrow?”

                “Yes. And it would really make him happy if you would go with him.”




                “Happy birthday!” Krystal greeted Minho and handed him a gift.

                “Thank you for your gift.” He smiled. He was surprised that she knew about his birthday.

                Actually, it’s from Soojung. Krystal wanted to say out loud. Soojung begged her to say yes to Minho’s invitation and on top of that Soojung gave her a present to give to Minho. At first, she doesn’t want to give the gift since it would only get Minho’s hopes up. But then Soojung said she’s in no position to give Minho that kind of gift and gave her an emotional blackmail saying ‘I thought we’re sisters, twins even.’ So in the end, she said yes to all her requests. “Don’t mention it. So, where are we going?”

                “You’ll see.” He said as he led her to the way.

                The whole day Minho was really happy, getting to spend his birthday with the girl he likes. He was already thankful that she went out with him on his special day but then she had a gift for him and that made him ecstatic.




                “What café again? Is he there already?” Soojung asked over the phone. Krystal called her earlier asking if she could go and meet Minho in a certain café instead and tell him that Krystal won’t be able to make it. Krystal was unexpectedly caught up by her friends.

                “That big one just on the corner of the street. The one with blue and yellow theme, I’m sorry I forgot the name. Yes, he said he was there about 15 minutes ago.”

                “I see it. ‘Oh! Café’ “

                “Ah...that’s the name of that café. Anyway, thanks, sis. Bye.”

                “Okay, bye.”

                As Soojung put back her phone inside her bag, she heard a screeching sound of a tire of an overspeeding car then the car crashed on one of the sides of the café in front of her. She was so shocked by the sudden occurrence that all she can hear were shattering glass and some people shouting. The next thing she knew, she was running fearfully towards the café hoping to see an alive and well Minho.








sorry for any mistakes...

sorry if it's boring and it me some time to update...laziness attacked me...hehe...[i think the song is getting into me]

i'll try to make it better..promise

                    i think this is where drama starts [though i think it's not that dramatic]


thank you for reading...=)



febrielia & faeriecrownprincess ~ minjung? i'll put that on tag too...hehe




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farah15121999 #1
Chapter 6: wow.i coincidently haved read a manga that the story line are the same with this story
kissetherealle #2
Chapter 11: This is a beautiful story, thank you so much for it!
Wish I had come across this sooner haha :)
Chapter 11: annyeong,,,i just finish this story ,,
and i really like it,,its so beautiful,,
i'm glad if you made a sequel..
its nice! as expected ftom you :)
sequel pleaaseeee!!
Eririn #5
I stumbled across ya story today and finished reading it in one sitting. Its that good! I love the plot and characters you chose. Having 2 soojung/krystal is awesome! Lol.
Joyvin #6
Waaa, rlly nice! Got so absorbed and couldn't leave my eyes off your story. Please write more stories of minstal!!
nisaMinStal #7
nice stroy, and everything look sense. haha<br />
pleaseee update again about MinStal pleaseeee.. ^^
Just began reading this story this week, and I finished today! Love this story <3 I hope you'll be able to make more minstal/shiningeffects fics!
Please write more shineeeffects stories! I love your stories!