[C H A P T E R E I G H T E E N]

Being a Park




[C H A P T E R E I G H T E E N]


Kai tried to catch Baekhyun as he fall but he failed. He was hugging Kyungsoo at the moment when he saw Baekhyun falling so he immediately ran towards him but it’s late.

The students gasped at what just happened. All of their friends saw Baekhyun falling but no one made a move since they panicked to the point that they forgot to move.

“Baek? Wake up!” Kai said while shaking Baekhyun’s body. Baekhyun is lying down on Kai’s knees and Kyungsoo is trying to give air to him by his hands.

“MOVE!” Chanyeol commanded with an angry voice but fear could be read in his face. His hands are shaking as he lifts Baekhyun up and carry him with a bridal style.

“Sehun, ready the car! Drive us to the nearest hospital!” Chanyeol hurriedly said.
“Step aside for Pete’s sake!” The students gave way to him and to Sehun with their friends on their back.

They made it to the place where their cars are parked in. Kai is the one who opened the car’s door for Chanyeol. Chanyeol and Baekhyun are on the backseat, Sehun is driving with Luhan beside him.

The remaining members got in their cars and followed Sehun’s car, no one dared to speak up.


“Hurry and go find a doctor!” Sehun immediately entered the hospital when they reached the place. Chanyeol carried Baekhyun with Luhan guiding them.

After some minutes, Sehun came back with a doctor and the doctor immediately does his work with a two nurse accompanying him. He made Baekhyun lay on the bed and told to the three to go out.

Chanyeol made his last look to Baekhyun before he leave. His eyeballs are shaking as he looks on Baekhyun’s pale body. He shook his head and let out a heavy sigh and then left.

All of them were sitting on the chairs attached on the wall outside the room where Baekhyun is placed in except Chanyeol who is standing, leaning his back in the wall while looking up, a total opposite of Kai’s position right now. He is sitting with his head looking down, feeling guilty but he doesn’t know why.

“He doesn’t look fine in the past few weeks…” Suho said, ending the silence roaming around.

“Kai…?” Suho asked. All heads were turned to Kai, waiting for an answer.

“I-I don’t know…” Kai said, with guilt on his voice.

“You don’t know?” Chanyeol angrily asked to Kai. He made his way to Kai and grip Kai’s shirt collar and made him stood up.

“Chanyeol calm down.” Kris said as he takes away Chanyeol from Kai but Chanyeol is too strong. Kyungsoo is trying to remove his hands to his boyfriend’s shirt but Kai is doing nothing, thinking that he deserves it.

“NO! You overworked Baekhyun!” Kyungsoo gasped when he saw Chanyeol punched his Boyfriend’s cheek as soon as he finished his sentenced.

Kai fell on the floor, Kyungsoo hugged Kai and tell things that will cheer his Boyfriend up but Kai is numb right now. Sehun and Kris are trying to make Chanyeol calm. Chen and Tao are holding Chanyeol’s wrist.

“You didn’t think about Baekhyun’s condition. All you think is the ing competition and your surprise to Kyungsoo!”

“Kyungsoo!”  Suho said, Kyungsoo just slapped Chanyeol really hard.

“No. Let me talk.” Tears are trying to come out from his eyes as he said the words.

“I am very sure that my Kai didn’t overwork Baekhyun. Baekhyun could say no, you know that but he didn’t. Don’t put the blame on Kai because it is your fault and Baekhyun’s too. Why? You could have reminded Baekhyun to not practice too much because he is your husband, right? Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot that you have Dara.  Why are you here anyway? I don’t why are you reacting like that when in the first place you don’t love Baekhyun. Right?” Kyungsoo said, tears falling down from his eyes. Chanyeol is just standing with his head down, his fist close very tight it looks like he is putting his anger there.


“Why? Does the truth hurts?”

“I said stop.” Chanyeol once again said with his eyes still looking down but the seriousness is heard in his voice.

“No! You are a bastard. You’re married yet you still flirts Dara? Huh. What you did a while ago doesn’t change the fact that you are a ing .”

“You don’t know any single thing. Shut your ing mouth before I let myself do it for you.”

 “The both of you calm down and start to be mature.” Suho said as he took away Kyungsoo while Lay made Chanyeol sat down.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes. It’s nothing. Don’t worry.” Kai said and kissed Kyungsoo’s forehead.

“I said too much a while ago…” Kyungsoo said with a low voice sounding guilty. He leaned on Kai’s shoulder and hugged him.

“It will be over soon. Trust me, okay?” Kyungsoo nods, Kai patted his head and kissed it.

No one speaks up again, they were all waiting on the Doctor to come out and explain what happened to Baekhyun.

Thirty minutes had passed by but there is still no Doctor coming out from the said room. Some of them are taking a nap while others are patiently waiting. Sighs and breaths could be heard and the silence is roaming around the atmosphere.

“Why are they taking up so long?” Sehun asked to no one. He really doesn’t ask anyone.

“Maybe Baekhyun’s condition is---”

“Tao, don’t continue what you are saying. Don’t think such things.” Xiumin cuts what Tao will say. Tao just rolled his eyes and started to play some games in his phone.

They all looked on the sound of the door being open, the ones who are sleeping got awaken and those who are trying to entertain themselves stopped.

 “What happened to him?”
“Is he okay?”
“He is still sleeping or not?”

“Chanyeol calm down and let the doctor speak.”

“Thank you.” The doctor said to Kris and gave him a smile. Tao lets out a groan and rolled his eyes, he thinks the male doctor is flirting his Boyfriend.

“So… Is there someone who name Kim Jongin here?” A curve line could be seen in Chanyeol’s eyebrows, confusion with a mix of annoyance is written on his face but he didn’t made a move nor ask why.

Kai look confusedly to the doctor not know what is happening. Well, actually they were all confused.

“The patient wants you to come in.” The doctor plainly said.

“Alone.” The doctor added. Kai looked to his boyfriend asking for his approval. Kyungsoo nodded and told Kai to go but before Kai go he kissed his boyfriend’s forehead again.

“Why does he not ask me to come in?” Chanyeol said when Kai and the doctor came in the room.

“Answer your own question.” Kyungsoo said with a smirk. He doesn’t feel jealous, not anymore.

“The both of you please stop. You’re giving me headaches.” They followed what Sehun said and sat down.


“B-Byun?” Kai asked as he walks to Baekhyun’s bed.

“Kiiiiiim~” Baekhyun said with a happy voice but tears is falling down to his cheeks. Kai didn’t know what to do because he thinks Baekhyun is fine but and at the same time he’s not.

“Why are crying? Are you okay now?” Kai asked with a guilt tone. He sat down beside Baekhyun. Baekhyun looked at him and smile, a real one.

“Yes, I’m okay now. I’m not sick in the first place…” Baekhyun said with a normal voice. Even though Kai wants to agree he knows that something is not right.

“So, why are you crying?”

“To be honest… I don’t know.” Kai looked at Baekhyun to observe if the boy is telling the truth or not but it looks like he is saying the truth. Baekhyun looks so confuse right now.

“What happened to you?” Kai said with full of concern.

“I…I am…” Baekhyun is having a hard time how to tell it. He bites his lower lip as he talk while looking down and his fingers were doing some circles in the bed sheet.


“I’m… I’m pregnant.” Baekhyun finally said while looking away. He’s not sure if Kai would give him a positive reaction so he looked away.

Kai looked to the doctor with a strange look and the doctor starts to talk.

“Yes, he is pregnant. I’m still observing him and the baby since this is really rare.” Kai nodded. The words didn’t really sink in his head but he just understands one thing. 

His best friend, Baekhyun is pregnant.

“Chanyeol is the father…?” Baekhyun slowly nodded his head with his hands holding the bed sheets so tight.

“You should tell it to him first! I’m calling him.” Kai said sounding a bit nervous. Chanyeol would kill him. He knows it.

“No. Kai, I can’t tell it to anyone… I don’t want to ruin Chanyeol and Dara’s relationship right now… I don’t want Chanyeol to give a care to me because he feels pity to me…”

“We are not even sure if they have a relationship!” Kai immediately replied, trying to change Baekhyun’s decision.

“No. I trust you. Don’t tell this to anyone.” Baekhyun said with a serious tone.

“They would know it anyway. Your tummy will be bigger as time pass by.”

“Just don’t tell it to anyone and just join the flow. Whatever happens, happens.” Kai looked at him. Baekhyun is really serious and no one could change his decision.

He let out a deep sigh and nodded. Baekhyun smiled and hugged him while saying his thank you. Just go with the flow. Yeah right.

“Can he leave now?” Kai softly asked the doctor who gave him a nod and give Baekhyun a last lecture. Kai guided Baekhyun to stand up and walk out from the room.

When they come out, Chanyeol immediately stood up and Kai could only look down.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes… The doctor said that I was just tired so I should rest.” Baekhyun answered a concern Luhan with a smile on his face. Kai looks away and Kyungsoo noticed the sudden action.

“What happened?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Nothing.” Kyungsoo thinks he is lying. He knows his boyfriend too well.


“Yes.” Kai said with a hint of tiredness.

“Okay.” Kyungsoo said but that doesn’t mean he believe Kai’s word.


“What happened to you? Are you okay now?” Chanyeol asked when they finally reached Baekhyun’s room.

Baekhyun gave him a reassurance smile and lay down to his bed, getting ready to sleep.

They were best friends back then and Chanyeol could say that he is not saying the truth but his husband looks like tired and is ready to sleep so he left the room saying a ‘Good Night.’

Baekhyun just sighed and hoped that he will not regret anything in the near future.



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omfg. I didn't expect this. :((((


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