[C H A P T E R T W E N T Y]

Being a Park



[C H A P T E R T W E N T Y]

“My baby, my tummy is still flat but soon this will be big because of you…” Baekhyun’s been pregnant for exactly One month and two weeks so his tummy is still kinda flat. He is always doing this every day ang night, lifting his shirt up and will talk to his baby.

He still vomits every morning and still craving in some foods, his mood still changes very often but here’s the not so new news: Chanyeol is still clueless about his pregnancy.

It’s still early but Baekhyun got up a head of time just to have this ‘moment’ with his baby. Today is Friday, last day of weekdays. Kai is still the one who’s helping Baekhyun in his pregnancy and Kyungsoo’s patience is about to end.

“Baby, It seems like I need to buy a new set of uniforms soon… I could feel my waist and hip getting bigger…” Half minutes already past but Baekhyun is still on the front of the mirror, talking to his baby. A big smile is visible in his face, actually everyone noticed him being bloomy everyday well, except when his mood changes.


Baekhyun immediately fix his self up when he heard a knocked on his door and the deep voice of his husband. He opened his door and Chanyeol on his uniform is standing in front of it.

“W-why?” He’s not nervous. But why did he stutter? Because this is so unusual.

“I’m going, ahm… Want to come with me?” Chanyeol asked while rubbing the back of his neck. Yep. This is so unusual.

“Ahm… No--- I mean I’m still not done fixing myself so I can’t…” He knows that it is awkward and besides why does Chanyeol acting like this?

“I could wait…” Baekhyun’s mouth fell down. His heart beats so fast and he feels that his blood are rising up, this kind of Chanyeol is his forte.

“Ahm…Okay…” Baekhyun slowly closed his door while Chanyeol went down to wait on their couch.

“Baby, baby please make your mom calm down. This is not right. Wait. Mom?” Baekhyun said to his self while using his right hand as a fan and his left hand placed in his tummy while leaning his back to his door.

After some minutes of trying to calm his self, he finally thought that it’s taking him too long and Chanyeol might get mad so he ran to his comfort room to fix his face and literally slapped his cheeks, now he’s nervous.

He checked his self one more time and then left out a deep breath. 

“Good luck to us…”

He gently opened his door and carefully went down stairs and saw Chanyeol holding his phone and a sound of a game could be heard.

“I-I’m done…” Chanyeol stopped playing something in his phone and looked up to his husband. He gave a small smile to Baekhyun and that small action made the boy’s face red. Chanyeol chuckled a little and gestured Baekhyun to go out from their house.

‘Why are you acting like this? Please stop…’


No one talked in their way to School; they walked beside each other but not enough for other students to think something.

“Byuuuuuuuun…” Kai’s voice lessens when he saw Chanyeol behind Baekhyun. He’s going to get his things and this is the place where he and Baekhyun meet always in the morning. He gave Baekhyun a weird look but his friend did the same too.

“Ahm… Thank you… You should go now…” Baekhyun softly said to his husband. Chanyeol gave Kai a firm look but Kai decided to put it aside because he understands why. Kyungsoo and Chanyeol act the same.

“I don’t know Kim… He asked me to go with him to School… I don’t know…”

“Hey, stop worrying and just go with the flow… Be thankful that Chanyeol is acting this way… It wouldn’t be hard to tell him the truth.”  Kai with his comforting words which he thinks is effective.


He turned when a serious voice called his name. He knows it, he is mad for being clueless again. After this, Kai would repay him.


It looks like Kyungsoo want to go with Kai to their room. Kai gave a pitiful look to Baekhyun but Baekhyun understands it. They need some time together.

Baekhyun held his books and started to walk slowly with his head down. He’s walking slowly because he worries that something bad might happened to his baby.

“I’M SORRY!” The man shouted but Baekhyun remained sitting. That student is running in the hallway and being the unlucky man he is, he bumped into Baekhyun so hard that made him lose his balance and fell hard down to the floor.

Some students tried to help Baekhyun on lifting him up but he, his self don’t want to stand up.

Tears started to form and fall in his eyes, he walked slowly because he doesn’t want something bad to happen in his baby but he forgot to lift his head while walking.

15 minutes. It took 15 minutes for Baekhyun to stand up, he started to walk so gentle with his left hand caressing his tummy, tears is still falling down. He’s already late but he doesn’t care, he needs to see Kai. No students could be seen in the hallways since class has started.


Kai started to worry, he have this feeling that something bad happened to his best friend. Same with Chanyeol, who is looking to the door every minute to check if Baekhyun is there already.

“Mr. Byun what happened to you?” The teacher stopped teaching and everyone started to look at the man who just entered the room.

Baekhyun just walked to his chair with tears falling, he is messed up. Chanyeol stopped doodling and stared to his husband. No one knows if he wants to stand up.

“What happened?” Kai can’t take it anymore, he stood up and walk towards his best friend but Baekhyun just looked up on him, gave him a heavy sigh and started to cry with his hands covering his face, no one speaks.

“Mr. Kim please guide him to the clinic.” Their teacher said with sincerity. Kai respectfully nodded, he held Baekhyun’s hand and then they went out of the room. Their teacher started to talk about their lesson after that.


“Byun please tell me what happened so I would know what to do…” Kai said with a little desperate tone.

“S-someone bumped to me on the hallways and then…and then I fell hard down on the floor… Please call Dr. Kang and ask him if I could go to him later… Please…” Baekhyun said while still crying so hard, Kai couldn’t do anything since it’s not helping.

“You’re fine. Nothing’s gonna happened, trust me on this.” Kai seriously said.

“A-Are you sure?” Baekhyun hopefully asked, Kai gave him a reassuring smile.

“Do you want to go back to the room?” Baekhyun shook his head “You should go.”

“I’ll visit you on Lunch time…”

“No, I’ll go by myself. No need to worry.” Baekhyun said and then lay on the clinic’s bed. Kai looked to him once more and then went back to their room.


 “What happened to him?” Their teacher asked when Kai come in to their room.

“Nothing bad.” Kai simply answered and then sat down to his chair. Their teacher didn’t ask any questions after that which Kai is being thankful at.

“What happened to him?” His boyfriend seriously asked but Kai could feel his concern in it.

“Nothing bad, My Kyungie…” He answered, trying to act sweet to his boyfriend but Kyungsoo just nodded and then started to listen in their teacher again. Kai just stared at Kyungsoo and then sighed.


“Where’s Baekhyun? Is he coming? No one’s gonna fetch him up?” Luhan asked at one sentence. Although Kai wants to, he needs to be with his Boyfriend at this moment.

“I’ll do it.” But as soon as Chanyeol stood up, Baekhyun showed up looking like he just woke up so Chanyeol sat down, immediately.

“Hey, are you okay now?” Tao asked when Baekhyun sat down beside him. Baekhyun nodded cheerfully and then looked to Kai. Kyungsoo saw it and then look to his boyfriend, who is busy eating so he doesn’t saw Baekhyun’s stare/calling him at all.

“Hey Kai buy me a Cheesecake, I heard they’re selling it today.” Kai choked to what he is eating. Baekhyun blurted it out so loud! He gave an are-you-sure-what’s-with-you look to Baekhyun but his best friend just smiled. Now, he understands it. Mood swings.

Kai stare on the floor for the minute, if he did it Kyungsoo will be mad but if he didn’t Baekhyun would make a scene---bad scene.

“What drink do you want?” Kai finally stood up, good luck on him.

“You’re not allowed to drink a coffee, Byun.”
“I am?”

“Then… I want water… It’s healthier…” Baekhyun seriously said but hinting sadness on his voice.

Everyone on the table doesn’t know what to react. First, Baekhyun showed up a while ago crying so hard, second, he appeared and act like nothing happened, Third, Kai obeyed him. Fourth, something is up between them.

“Wow.” Kyungsoo’s reaction, no one knows if it’s sarcastic or a product of madness. Baekhyun didn’t sense something about it because at this moment he feels nothing but happiness.

A curve line could be seen in Chanyeol’s brows right now. He doesn’t know what’s happening and it’s pissing him off but he can’t do anything. Just like Kyungsoo, his patience has come to its end. He has the rights to ask but after the scene in the hospital… he chose to not to speak.

After all, no one knows of what he feels… Chanyeol is Chanyeol. 


“Here.” Kai carefully put the plate of cheesecake in front of Baekhyun and a bottle of water. Baekhyun clapped his hands, happily.

“You paid for it, Kai?” Suho asked with a weird look.


Kyungsoo intentionally dropped his fork on his plate that made a not-so-good sound. Kai looked to him, and saw a mad-sad Kyungsoo.

Everyone sensed the tension between the couple; Kai’s the one who ended it up. He went near to Kyungsoo’s chair and back hugged his boyfriend. Kyungsoo didn’t saw this coming, so he didn’t know what to react at all.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry… I’m sorry… Trust me. Trust me. Trust me. Don’t give up on me… on us… on this… Please I just started to build a better foundation on this relationship… I love you… I love you… I love you…” Kai whispered on Kyungsoo’s back and Kyungsoo could feel the wetness on his uniform. Kyungsoo just stared blankly on his plate; Kai continues to whisper those words to him.

Kyungsoo faced Kai who is kneeling on the floor while hugging him. All of the jealousy and madness that he is feeling a while ago disappeared, when he saw his boyfriend… His boyfriend looks so hopeless…

He just stared to his boyfriend, but then decided to give up. “Okay.”

One word but the tone of his voice is enough to make Kai happy. He then kissed his boyfriend’s forehead while repeatedly saying ‘Thank you.’

“Awww. KaiSoo~” Baekhyun said while doing a weird movement. Kyungsoo realized something. There’s nothing to be jealous at.

There may be something weird happening but he’ll choose to trust Kai and Baekhyun on this. He’ll just wait for them to speak up because now, he respects their decisions and patience is virtue.

As for Chanyeol, maybe everyone should just wait. Chanyeol, his self doesn’t know what he feels anymore. Maybe because Dara is not around? No one knows…




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omfg. I didn't expect this. :((((


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