[C H A P T E R T W E N T Y N I N E]

Being a Park




[C H A P T E R T W E N T Y N I N E]

Baekhyun could feel his sweats dripping from his forehead; his hands are shaking as he looks in the printed picture that shows the inside of his tummy. It has been a minute since he asked his doctor but the latter just sighed and look down with that unreadable expression.

Baekhyun eyes' started to shed tears; it looks like his getting a negative response from his doctor.

The negative thoughts started to enter in his mind; his mind is being filled with ‘what ifs and maybes’.

‘What if I am not really pregnant? Maybe I am just sick… Man can’t be pregnant… Chanyeol would ignore me again… He’s expecting a child from me already… And I could feel my baby…’

“Can you just at least tell me if I am pregnant? Or is my baby doing fine? Please answer me already…” Baekhyun pleaded. He can’t take the silence anymore, it is slowly killing him. He needs to know it now.

“Man can’t be pregnant, Baekhyun…”

Baekhyun stared at nowhere not realizing his tears are dropping to his pants making it wet. His whole body started to shake as he touched his tummy…

“But in your case…”

“JUST BE ING STRAIGHT TO THE POINT!” He shouted out of anger.

“YOU’RE HAVING TWINS!” Dr. Kang immediately answered scared of what pregnant men can do to him.

“C-Can you repeat what you said?”

“You are having twins. When you shoot in Basketball, the score will always be two unless it’s free. Chanyeol scored two!”

“So I am pregnant.”

“You are. I don’t know why you cried.”

“I jumped onto conclusions…”

“Because I made you, right?”

“That’s the picture of the twins. Don’t expect your babies to move yet. They are no longer a fetus… their features are starting to develop. Be extra careful. Don’t stress yourself, if there’s something stressing you right now, forget it. Eat healthier foods, the healthiest if possible. The twins are doing fine. The other one will always be smaller because that’s how it works. You can listen to their heartbeats now… Do you want me to scan you?”

“I want to do it with Chanyeol if it’s okay… And thank you for reminding me those things… We’re both clueless about pregnancy…” Baekhyun shyly admitted while looking at the photo of the twins. He hadn’t noticed it a while ago but the other one looks really bigger than the other.

“Sure thing, I’ll see you tomorrow then?” Dr. Kang asked.

“Yes… With Chanyeol.”

“Baekhyun, if you had morning sickness before, the feeling may get instance or reduce this month. You’ll experience back aches too. The cravings and mood changes are still there."

He genuinely smiles and kissed the Picture making Dr. Kang smile too.

Baekhyun bowed and takes his leave; this day might be his happiest day. New member in the Family~

He headed to the sweet shop nearby, his mouth suddenly wants them. As he enters, the sugary ambiance of the shop hugs him. He looks at the staffs, serving the customers wearing their genuine sweet smiles; the customers paid them back with sweeter smiles. He might visit this often. Everything is about rainbows and unicorns.

“What can we do in this young boy mesmerized in our shop?”

Baekhyun came back to his senses and bowed shyly. “Can I have my moment to explore your shop? I promise to order once I’m done.”

“Take your time Mister.”

Baekhyun started walking slowly as he carefully looks at the paintings hanging on the wall. The paintings displayed are not all about sweet foods. It really shows the meaning of ‘sweet’; couples having their dates, babies having fun, families, pets, places, group of friends and a boy wearing a sweet smile.

He could feel the sweetness starting to flow in his system; the result is visible on his face. That charming smile he never plans to take off, even his mood is being infected.

Besides from cupcakes, candies, sweet drinks they also sell sweet things such as key chains. He moves towards the key chains and starts to find something that might catch his attention.

And there he saw, two angels facing each other while holding half hearts each. He remembers their babies and realized that the babies are the reason why he and Chanyeol became in good terms.

“How much are these key chains?” He politely asked.

“Are you having twins?” Baekhyun nods.

“My husband is having twins too! It’s free for you. Have a nice day~”

Baekhyun is legit happy.

“Thank you. Thank you. Thaaaank you~ I want to meet your husband someday~” Baekhyun happily said.

“That’ll be our pleasure~”

Baekhyun decided that he is hungry. He went to the counter that displays all the foods they sell. He carefully looks at cupcakes shown.

“I want to have the ‘Happiness Delight’ order.”

The cupcake’s design is filled with mini smileys in it with rainbow on top together with the drink that has a curly straw. It made Baekhyun giggled.

Baekhyun find a seat. He found one on the corner of the shop; he patiently waits for his order to arrive.

“Happiness Delight for our cute customer~” The waiter happily said in which Baekhyun smiles in return. He mouthed ‘Thank you’ to the waiter and the waiter gave him a sweet smile.

He’s hesitating if he should eat it or not. He doesn’t want to ruin the cute cupcake or (he just want to give it to a guy named Park Chanyeol).

At the end, Baekhyun decided to eat the cupcake. The taste is just as sweet as the design contrasting the sour taste of his drink.

This is really a happy day for Baekhyun. This is what he needs after all those stressful days. It’s a good thing he doesn’t attended class.

Baekhyun went home with a smile plastered on his face. It’s still afternoon but he yawns, sign of wanting to sleep maybe because he’s tired but happy. After he got dressed, he jumped on his bed and has his peaceful sleep.

Chanyeol came in afterwards and visits Baekhyun’s room. He saw Baekhyun wearing a contagious smile while sleeping and it made Chanyeol smile too.

Morning came and Baekhyun is still happy as he gets up from bed. He fixed his room’s curtain to have a nicer view. The sun doesn’t irritate him this time. It looks like it is smiling back to him too.

His back aches a little and he throw up as expected but that doesn’t ruined his mood. It’s all bearable.

Baekhyun decided to look for Chanyeol although he knows that he is running late and Chanyeol left already. He still wants to visit his room.

He opened the door and the neat and organized room greeted him. Chanyeol is never messy. He hates messy. Their childhood photos are still there and their wedding photo is hanging upon Chanyeol’s bed.

He ran in to Chanyeol’s bed and jump on it. He lied and started rolling as he laughs to his self.

He is really happy.

Baekhyun began preparing for school. He decided to wear clothes screaming ‘Happiness’ and puts on a thin eye liner on his eyes. He fixed his hair messily, but with style. He wore his eyeglasses too.

Today, Baekhyun is adorable.

Baekhyun greeted everyone he met in the school infecting them with happiness. They expectedly smiled back on him.

Baekhyun entered their room. Everyone’s eyes Baekhyun, a walking puppy. That big shirt looks too cute on him. Baekhyun choose to wear that so the little bump on his tummy wouldn’t be noticed.

“Why are you late Mr. Byun?” It’s Park. Baekhyun wanted to correct her but choose to be silent.

“Something came off~” Baekhyun sang happily.

“And what is that?”

“My happiness~ Let me send you some~” Baekhyun cutely said as he send little hearts and flying kisses to his teacher.

“Be happy~”

Their teacher smiled, she is now infected. Baekhyun’s friends are just confused as Chanyeol. He was scary the other day… But put it aside because what can they do? Baekhyun is pregnant.

That answers it all.

But for Baekhyun it’s not.

“Why are you absent yesterday Baek?” Kyungsoo asked as he sat on his chair.

But Baekhyun didn’t give him the answer he wants to hear. The boy just responded a small smile to him avoiding his gaze.

Lunch came. Everyone sat on their seats. Everything is normal until Baekhyun noticed this unfamiliar girl sitting with them.

“Who is she?” Just when he asked his question, the girl looked at him and Baekhyun eyes became bigger as usual. He definitely not saw her coming.

“She’s are new classmate.” Luhan answered his question.

“But it is December already!” All of them noticed the unusual behavior of Baekhyun.

“I don’t see anything wrong about it.”

“She asked if she could join us so we agreed.”

All of them were busy listening to their teacher when a petite girl entered the class and stand in front.

“I’m Kim Taeyeon. Please take care of me.”

Everyone including the teacher didn’t expect Taeyeon to be that sudden. The teacher told them to greet her so they did while Taeyeon looks for an available seat.

In lunch time, Taeyeon approached them asking if she could join them. They all agreed and that’s how it went.

Baekhyun didn’t realize that they’ve been staring each other as Suho narrate on how Taeyeon ended up being with them.

“Do you know each other by chance?”

“NO!” Both quickly answered.

“Who are you by the way? I’m Kim Taeyeon.”

“B-Byun Baekhyun.” He’s not sure if she remembered but he clearly does.

They shook hands but it took too long for them to break apart. Chanyeol fake a cough to disturb them. Baekhyun rapidly took his hand away from Taeyeon.

The table suddenly became awkward.

“So are you single Baek?”

“I am married to Park Chanyeol. I’m pregnant.”

Baekhyun straightly answered while sharply looking at her eyes.

It took minutes before Taeyeon came up with an answer, “I didn’t know you’re gay.”

“We just met. How could you know?” Baekhyun laugh sarcastically.

“Yeah. We just met. So do you have a girlfriend back then? Before you got married?”

Baekhyun knew it. Taeyeon remembered.

“I had.” Baekhyun plainly answered not wanting to give any details about it.

“Woah. Stop it right there dude. You had a girlfriend?” Chen asked in shocked.

“Ah, yes?”

“Why did you broke up?” Tao curiously asked but he’s more curious on how Baekhyun had a girlfriend. This boy is bend as , Tao thought.

“Ask her. I don’t know. She broke up with me but now, I’m fine with it.”

“Or maybe you're just plain stupid that you can’t even read between the lines?” Taeyeon asked.

“She could just say it directly. Why use some stupid metaphors? And we were young back then, literally young. Why take relationships seriously? I could find someone better and I did.”

Everyone gasped on Baekhyun’s sassiness. He was just happy a while ago but now…

“What would you do if you meet her?” Taeyeon asked once again and Baekhyun is tired of it.

“What do you think?” Baekhyun smirked.

“Will you just please find another group to on? Just leave. I want you to leave just like what you did.” Last lines came up blurry to others but Taeyeon clearly heard it.

“I will. See you again Baekhyunnie~” Baekhyun stiffened on how Taeyeon called him. Taeyeon left while Baekhyun let out a sigh that he’s been holding.

“You didn’t have to be that harsh to her… She’s nice.” Kyungsoo said in which everyone secretly agreed.

“You just met her yesterday.”

“You just met her today, Baek.” Swear to God, there's sarcasm in Kyungsoo's tone.

When they went back to class, a classmate of them announces that they are free to go since their teachers have an unexpected meeting. Everyone shouted and hurriedly left the room.

“Where should we go?” Lay asked.

“I don’t know but I have no enough money for a movie right now. I’m broke.” Xiumin sadly replied.

“You know I could put up the pieces and fix you again right?” Chen sweetly said as he hug his boyfriend. Baekhyun smiled at what he saw.

“Let’s go to our house then.” Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol with an unreadable expression.

Chanyeol smiled at him and said, “It is fine. I’ll take care of it.”

Chanyeol opened their front door and everyone entered. They all gathered on their living room waiting for Chanyeol to serve them something edible.

They all look at the pictured hanging on the wall. It looks like they are telling a story.

From kids to finally married couple. They all smile at the taught.

“Baek? Why are you absent yesterday?” Kai was the one who asked this time. The couple wouldn’t give up until Baekhyun answer it right.

“I had a check up yesterday.”

“So what did he said?”

“Nothing. Just usual things.” Yeah usual things.

“Are you sure?” Kyungsoo asked eyeing him.

“Yes.” Baekhyun answered avoiding his stares. Kyungsoo knew it, Baekhyun’s not good at lying.

“That’s it?” Sehun plainly asked.

“I also ate in the Sweet Shop nearby… The place is breathtaking if you’ll ask me.”



Baekhyun went on their Kitchen to look for Chanyeol. He saw his husband cooking something that he thinks is delicious.


“What is that?”

“It’s a key chain Yeol.” Baekhyun rolled his eyes, annoyed.

“Yes, I know! I mean why did you give me one?”

“Am I prohibited to give something to my husband?” Baekhyun raised his brow as he asked Chanyeol.

“Thank you Baek… I’m glad you remembered me as you strolled alone yesterday. It would be better if we ditched our classes together and have a date.” Chanyeol said with a low voice.

“Tomorrow. Dr. Kang said we could hear the heartbeat of the baby already.”

Chanyeol’s eyes sparkled, “Really?” Baekhyun nodded.

“I’m sooo exciteeeeed!”

Chanyeol jumps but then noticed the key chain on Baekhyun’s wallet.

“Oh. It’s a couple key chains?”

“Obviously.” Chanyeol grinned.

“What’s happening here?” Kai shows his self while holding something on his hand.


“Baekhyun? Is this the picture of the baby? It looks odd.” Kai confusedly said.

“And what’s this?” Kai asked and raised a container of his vitamins. The doctor said he should take it since his having twins.

“It’s just vitamins Kai. And don’t mind that picture, give it to me.” Baekhyun commanded and Kai obeyed.

Baekhyun gave the picture to Chanyeol; the latter stared at it and gave Baekhyun an odd expression.

“Our baby looks weird Baek. Are you sure he’s okay?”

“Yup.” Baekhyun reassured.

They went to the living room where everyone’s busy watching a movie.

“Please enjoy the food.” Chanyeol greeted. Everyone looked at what he’s carrying and dash in to him to get them.

“Yah! Yah! Yah!” Chanyeol shouted but it’s late.

They’re all eating the food right now. He got nothing.

“At least thank me or something.”

No response.

“I made you a sandwich.” Baekhyun gives him the sandwich and sat beside Kai. Although Chanyeol is touched, he wants to know the reason behind Baekhyun’s coldness in him.

“Kai.” Baekhyun called.


“I’m sorry for being an .”


Baekhyun smiled. He surely is lucky to have Kai as his best friend.



“I’m bearing twins.”

“Oh. That’s good.”

“YOU ARE WHAT?” Kai realized what Baekhyun said. He’s more than shocked right now that made him shouts and stand.

“Not gonna repeat it~” Baekhyun teased.

“So you’re not joking. That’s why the baby looks odd. I mean your baby has two heads.” Kai muttered. Baekhyun laughed more than he expected.

“Congratulations Baekhyun~” Kyungsoo may or may not heard it but at least it is just the two of them yet.

Baekhyun is really happy.



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omfg. I didn't expect this. :((((


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