[C H A P T E R T H R E E]

Being a Park



[C H A P T E R T H R E E]

“You’re married to whom?” Should I trust him? But I just befriend him a while ago.

“I’ll tell it. But first give me one big secret of yours.”

“Oh, I understand that’s your secret and in order for me to know I should tell you one too.” I nodded. He looks like thinking of something maybe his secret that he will tell to me.

“I’m not sure I f I should tell you this but I trust you. Do Kyungsoo is my boyfriend. We’ve been together for a year. We our keeping it a secret because I don’t want to ruin his fame.”

So, fame first before boyfriend. We’re just the same.

“I’m married to Park Chanyeol.” I waited for his response but it looks like he is seriously listening to me.

“You’re not surprised?” I asked.

“Why should I be? You’re cute.”

“And you’re blushing again.” He added.

“We’ve been married for five months. We were best friends when we were young. He has a girlfriend back then when our grandparents announced that we are getting married. Why? I don’t know. Maybe he knows. He has to break up with his girlfriend whom he really loves. After that, he shows no affection to me. I do not exist in his world anymore. I’m ignoring him because I feel like I’m obligated to. And I don’t want to be rejected… He is ignoring me in our house so, why would he talk to me here?”

I looked away because I feel that my eyes are getting teary. Remembering those times when we still talk to each other... when we were the best of friends...

He does not say anything but he hugged me. I cried on his shoulders not saying anything.

“Your boyfriend will kill me. I’m sure.”

“But you need someone to lean on. I’ll make it up to him later.”

School’s finished and I’m on my way home. It’s kind of late because I searched for Chanyeol in the whole campus hoping that we can go to home together.

“Why are you late?” He is watching a television and his toned killed me. It’s very cold.

Should I be happy that he is talking to me? Or should I feel sad because he is so cold to me?

“I-it’s b-because I’m l-loo—“

“Drop it. Mind to tell you that if you are going to flirt someone be sure that he is single. Be sure that YOU are single.”

I was left stunned in my place. So, he knows that Kai and that Kyungsoo is together? So, he knows that I’m married to him? And when did I flirt someone? Is having a friend called being flirt?

I went to my own room and cry. See? If you don’t have a heart like a stone crying will be your everyday hobby.

I can’t sleep so; I decided to go to his room.

I knocked four times before he opened the door.

“What do you need?” He asked coldly.

“I –ahhh. Can I sleep here?” He does not answer me. He just walked to his bed and lied down.

I decided that he means I can so I lied beside him. I want to hug him but I don’t have the strength to do it.

“Kai told me that he and that Kyungsoo is in relationship…” I started not minding if he is listening or not.

“I asked him if he could be my friend because I’m feeling lonely in our school. I envy you because you have plenty friends to talk with. I don’t want to talk to you because I don’t want you to be angry at me. You will just ignore me, right? Then we ate lunch together… I’m sorry because I told him that I’m married to you… Best friends must have no secrets to each other, right? That’s what I know. Then he told me that he’s in relationship with Kyungsoo. At first, he taught that I have a crush on him because that what I said. Then, I told him everything. He hugged me and I kind of… This is embarrassing. I c-cried on his shoulder—“

“Why did you cry?” He coldly asked me. He pinned me to his bed and stared to me.

I looked away. It’s because of you, idiot. You’re always hurting me.

“It’s nothing.” I said.

“I don’t care if it is nothing. I am your husband so tell me.”

I nearly cried in what he says. He says that he is my husband. He does see me as his pair.

“It’s you. It’s because of you. You ignoring me are so painful. I feel like I am worthless. All that I’m doing for you is useless. I am sorry if you have to break up with your girlfriend. I don’t know okay. I’m surprised to know that we are getting married too! But, please don’t make me feel like I’m nothing. I have feelings too. Every day I remind myself to be strong so, I could accept all your coldness towards me. I do feel jealous when you talk to your friends happily but coldness in me. I am sorr—“

I don’t know if I should response but he keep insisting. He keeps biting my lower lip for his to come in.  I responded and our kiss ended when I pushed him because I need to breathe.

My first kiss… we do not kiss in our wedding day. He just kissed me in my cheek.

I covered up my face. I don’t want him to see me blush. I don’t want him to see that I’m affected.

“You’re blushing.” He said while smirking.

“I’m not.”

I want us to be like this always. I wish he could be like this always.



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omfg. I didn't expect this. :((((


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