[C H A P T E R T W E N T Y E I G H T]

Being a Park



[C H A P T E R T W E N T Y E I G H T]

How deep your cuts do you want to be in my heart?

How deep is your love for me?

Was it enough to erase all the pain you have given me?

Were you aware that you’re hurting me?

Were you even aware that I love you?

Baekhyun started to walk away after that, he then removes the mask that he wore and started to be sad. He doesn’t know what he is doing anymore.

Baekhyun is not, will not and never plan to have a revenge on his husband, Chanyeol. He just wants to protect his self from danger and maybe a test. Test to know if Chanyeol does really love him.

Baekhyun doesn’t need to use someone. He doesn’t need to be someone he’s not. Baekhyun himself is enough; he just needs to stay firm and concentrated.

He wants to know how long Chanyeol can bear. If he really loves him, prove it. It’s his time to be the ‘hard to get’ kind of guy.

Chanyeol should learn his lesson while Baekhyun would free his self from Chanyeol for a while. He wants to be healed so if he comes back, he’s ready to accept Chanyeol again— ready to be hurt again.

Maybe they could be mature as he gives space to him.


Would Chanyeol be free as in free as Baekhyun shuts him away or will use the chance to get his heart?

He then remembered a line from the movie he just watched,

“I’ll love you more even if it hurts and I’ll love you more when it hurts.”



“Hey Byun… How are you doing?” Kai hesitantly asked. He is not sure if it’s right to follow and talk to Baekhyun at the moment but he has this best friend instinct so he did.

“I’m fine Kai and don’t act like we haven’t met a while ago.”

“You called me Kai…” Kai muttered, it gives him an odd feeling. Now he’s sure something’s up and he’s willing to do anything just to know it.

“What’s wrong about it?” Baekhyun rolled his eyes and started to caress his tummy.

Kai sighed and didn’t speak for a moment. Baekhyun started to be scared but he doesn’t show it— stay firm. He just waits for him to talk.

“Now ing drop that ty façade because I left my Kyungsoo worried for you and I’m not gonna leave until you ing tell me what the is going on.” Kai started to be mad, he’s losing his patience and he doesn’t want Baekhyun to be the reason of it.

“Then I’ll be leaving, I guess? See you around.”

Baekhyun stood up but Kai grip his arms tight, Baekhyun wanted to complain but chose to remain silent.

“If you left me clueless I’m telling you, I would ignore you like you don’t exist.” Kai stated coldly. Baekhyun knows that it is true but he doesn’t want to involve someone on his ty decisions.

“I’m just wishing that by doing those you’ll not hurt someone and yourself more.”

Kai was the one who left and Baekhyun again, removed his mask.

He curled up and sat on the cold floor. He’s confused if what he’s doing is right… Nothing feels right anymore…

“What have I done?”


He decided to just go home ditching all the class he have. He obviously doesn’t care anymore. Being the stupid man he is, Baekhyun didn’t ride on any bus or what. He is walking. Walking with a baby in his tummy. Kewl.

 As he walks, he saw a girl having the same age as him he thinks with a baby in her arms. He immediately went to her, he doesn’t know why but that’s what his instinct said so he did.

“What can I do for you Mr.…?” The girl nervously asked, Baekhyun thinks that she is scared for her baby… He is somehow amaze at how he can feel those things.

“C-can we talk while sitting at the bench?” Baekhyun uneasily asked. He’s been walking for some minutes now and he can feel his baby demanding for a rest so he is doing it. He doesn’t want to be carried away; he knows that it is not good for him and for his baby.

He doesn’t want his baby to be affected at all this s.

They then start walking to the nearest bench and sat. Baekhyun looked up to the sky, winter is coming soon… Christmas… New Year…

“Mister? Are you still there?” Baekhyun came back to his senses, he slightly blush at the sudden embarrassment he did and the girl just chuckled.

“How old are you?” Baekhyun asked.

The girl looks hesitant at first; she looks like ashamed of herself because she got pregnant at early age, Baekhyun could saw that but the proud, bloomy, happy emotions didn’t went unnoticed by him.

“I’m eighteen. I know it is kinda shocking that I am carrying a child instead of books at this age… You might think that I am but I’m not… I’m used to it. People judging me—“

“I’m pregnant.”

“I’m sorry I think I heard it wrong.”

“I am pregnant. So what’s weirder?” Baekhyun chuckled.

The girl was shocked. But then laughs, this is ridiculous! But when she saw that the man beside her was not joking, she stops.

The girl’s next reaction surprised Baekhyun. She went closer to him and hugs him.

“I’m so proud of you.”

Baekhyun started to sob. This kind of feeling, some stranger on the street is proud of him.  

“W-what’s your name?”

“Irene. Bae Irene.”

“I am Byun Baekhyun. Is it okay to ask what happened? It doesn’t seem like a good story…”

“I was .”

“Oh.” Was all he could say.

“Oh? And that’s not even the worst part… I was . Then in my pregnancy, some boy from our school courted me and we became a couple after on… To make the story short, he was the one who me and here I am having my reflection time… Should I forgive him? He explained to me that one of his friends forced him to take drugs… and that’s how he ended up me… I could see the sincerity in his eyes…. Eyes tell everything the mouth can’t…”

Silence. Baekhyun couldn’t find the right words to response. He was not expecting it. Irene examines his reaction and she could say that Baekhyun’s beyond speechless.

“So… what’s your story good boy?”

“Oh… I am married. Married to my best friend who I love… It looks so perfect, right? He has a girl friend when we got married. They have to cut the strings attached just because we were fixed to be married. He then became cold towards me but now… It’s complicated. That’s it.” Baekhyun thinks that he can’t explain it clearly. He is not good at expressing his thoughts.

“I don’t want to hear the full story anyway. I’m sorry I had to say that. I already understood it. You’re married and his feelings are confusing. The end.”

Baekhyun laughs, this girl is surely something. They continued to talk with some nonsense topic and some about pregnancies and Baekhyun makes sure that he’s noting them well at his head.

“Your phone! It’s ringing!”

Baekhyun get his phone from his pocket and look at the caller’s id— YeolallINeed.

He reminds his self to not show his phone to anyone, Baekhyun answered it while blusing at the caller’s name.

[“Where are you?]

“I went back home.” He coldly replied.

[“Whose house Baek? I’m definitely sure that it’s not ours.”]

And then Baekhyun knew it, Chanyeol’s at home.

“Irene, it’s a good time talking to you but—“

“But you need to go because your husband’s looking for you? Go!”

Irene is really something. Psychic!

[“Are you with a girl, Baek?”]

“Why do you care?”

Baekhyun saw Irene gave her a confusing look but he set it aside.

[“Go back home.”]

“I’ll go whenever I want to.”

He hangs up. Baekhyun couldn’t take it anymore. This is what he wants yet he is pushing it away.

He began walking and stops when he felt a pain on his tummy. He continued when the pain vanished.


As soon as he opened their front door, Chanyeol cornered him with his hands and coldly asked, “Who the is Irene?”

It terrified Baekhyun but he knows how to play better.

“I just met her awhile ago, want to hit her?” Baekhyun smirked. He’s apologizing to Irene inside though.

“It’s you I want to hit Baek.” Baekhyun gulped. Chanyeol’s deep voice came out y and he is trying his best to resist him.

The sweats coming from Chanyeol’s neck is not helping too.

Baekhyun, not knowing what to do unlocked his self from Chanyeol and went to his room. He ed his uniform and blurted out a sigh of relief when he is finally shirt free.

“C-Can I hold your tummy? I promise not to do anything.” Baekhyun became anxious for a moment but secretly giggled when he realized that this side of Chanyeol is what he has been missing.


Chanyeol come in closer to him, he let the man touch his tummy and it the sight from Baekhyun is beyond amazing. Chanyeol’s eyes are sparkling as he touches his tummy, his hands are trembling and the smile written on his lips are so genuine.


“When is your due date?”

“This is my third month, December… So maybe June?”

“Are you sure it’s just your third month? I’m sorry if this offends you but you look gigantic. ”


Baekhyun doesn’t response. He’s confused too; his tummy is so big than how it should be.


“You’re turning me one… Put some shirt on.” Chanyeol said not minding what Baekhyun would think.

Baekhyun hurriedly run to the comfort room, he look at his face in the mirror and saw a reddening face slowly going down to his body. 

“Calm Baekhyun. It’s nothing. Don’t let them break you. Calm Baekhyun.”

“Baek are you okay?”


Baekhyun heard the door knob ‘click’ a sign that Chanyeol left his room.

“I want you to stay…”



The cool breeze slowly touches Baekhyun’s body but it is not bothering, the warm brought by the sun is mixing the calm air making the boy sleep peacefully. He is late for class but he doesn’t mind, not at all.

Chanyeol had left the house, if Baekhyun still wants to sleep then let him be. He is pregnant it is normal, he thought.

Chanyeol walk to his room not giving a to any single ladies screaming his name. When he made it to his seat his friend greeted him and he greeted back.

“Where’s Baekhyun?”

Of course Kai would ask, Chanyeol thought.

“He’s still sleeping. I don’t want to bother him.” He simply stated.  

Nope. He’ll not say the part that he actually visited Baekhyun’s room and fixed the boy’s blanket and kissed his forehead before leaving. Nope.

“Will he attend class today?” Person behind Kai asked, his boyfriend Kyungsoo.

“I don’t know…”

“He acted different yesterday… I wonder what’s up but he is pregnant maybe it’s normal…”

“Definitely not.” Kai flatly said.



Baekhyun on the other hand was still peacefully sleeping until he felt something wrong on his tummy. It does hurt. Something hurt. He immediately stood up and holds the bed’s rack to support him. He went to his drawer to get his phone. This pain, he doesn’t think it’s normal… it’s better to ask.

To: Dr. Kang
From: Baekhyun

‘Dr. Kang? Are you free today? I want to schedule a checkup… My tummy hurts… And I kinda want to ask why it is too big already…’

He waited a moment and his phone buzzed.

To: Baekhyun
From: Dr. Kang

‘I was planning to call you… I may or may not have a secret to tell you… It would be good if you would pay a visit TODAY.’

He doesn’t response to the message. He drop by Chanyeol’s room first to check the boy but when he saw that the boy already left he went down to their kitchen to eat something.

‘Sleep well. I don’t want to wake you up… You look calm as you sleep. Please eat this.’

A smile was written on his lips right away he read the note. This is no big deal but can who cares. Every little thing Chanyeol does is a big thing to him.

He started to eat what Chanyeol cooked for him. Three pancakes shaped as a heart with some bacon strips and eggs on it.

He washed the dishes after eating; he gets the note and decided to keep it. He happily smiles as he walks to his room to take a bath.

Once he finished fixing his self he locked their front door and left.

He checked his phone and saw some names asking if he’s doing fine.

To: Baekhyun
From: Kyungsoo

‘Baek? I’m worried. Call me once you’re up.’

And so he did.

[“Where are you?”]

“Not going to school today just so you know.”

[“That doesn’t answer my question…”]

“Having my ‘me time’?”

[“It sounds like a lie but what can I do? Nothing. Just take care of yourself and don’t be stupid.”]

It feels so good to know that they care…


“I have a schedule to Dr. Kang.”

“Byun Baekhyun? He’s expecting you to come in his room.” The nurse stated, she guided Baekhyun on his way and then left when they reached Dr. Kang’s room.

“Baekhyun! It’s so good to see you again~” Dr. Kang happily said. Baekhyun bowed and greeted back. The doctor gestured Baekhyun to sit and he did.

“Baekhyun… Before I tell you something, promise me that you’re not going to be mad at me.” He seriously said. Baekhyun got nervous and slowly nodded his head.

“As you can see, this machine is new… The old one and it might give the wrong information…”

“You’re saying that?” Baekhyun somehow knows the answer already but he wanted to be sure.

“That maybe I gave you the wrong information so I’m suggesting you to lie on the bed again so I could check you up.”

Baekhyun followed the Doctor’s words. He lies on the bed and lift up his shirt. Dr. Kang put some kind of cold jelly on his tummy and began to study it.

After minutes of examining it, Dr. Kang sighed and gestured Baekhyun to fix his self and go back to the chair.

“So am I pregnant or not?” Baekhyun straightforwardly asked.

Dr. Kang sighed.


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omfg. I didn't expect this. :((((


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Chapter 40: There's no kissing ex's 💋
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