[C H A P T E R T H I R T Y F O U R]

Being a Park



[C H A P T E R T H I R T Y F O U R]

“Kai…” Baekhyun looked at Kai, hopelessly but then Kyungsoo holds his boyfriend’s hand to stop him from going.

“Go fix your own buddy.” Kyungsoo plainly said.  Kai looks at his boyfriend to warn him of doing something ridiculous.


“What? You want to fix his mess? They should learn how to handle their own problems, Kai.” Kyungsoo irritatingly asked.  This happens umpteenth times, he thought. Baekhyun and Chanyeol should learn how to fix their own problems without bothering their lives.

“You are not choosing him over me, right?” Kyungsoo asked again, at this moment, he isn’t sure of the answer but little part of him is hoping. He is the boyfriend and Baekhyun is the best friend. They are both important to Kai. But Kai might choose Baekhyun today because there is an issue, but again, he is the boyfriend.

“Of course! But I just want to accompany him…” This made him sad, he promised to his self that he won’t be jealous of Baekhyun but he can’t just help it. He doesn’t want Kai to be hesitant when it comes to him and Baekhyun. He wants to be his boyfriend’s main priority.

 “Don’t make me jealous, Kim Jongin.” Kyungsoo said with a mad tone but his eyes full of sadness and hope and somehow that makes Kai stay.

“I won’t, I’m sorry.” Kai had read his eyes, guilt came over his mind. He shouldn’t make his boyfriend ask but he just did.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun started walking, leaving them behind. It seems like everyone refuse to leave, waiting for Taeyeon’s explanation but she remained silent. 

“I’m guessing that you both know each other already, even before you transfer in our school. Don’t bother to deny it; you’re the only one stupid here.” Kyungsoo turned his attention to Taeyeon. It looks like she wouldn’t start talking if no one would throw her question.

“I am not denying it. All of you just don’t bother to ask.”

“Oh, so it is our fault then?” Luhan rolled his eyes; Taeyeon’s tone was irritating and triggering. They’re kinda planning to be nice since she looked innocent but then this girl is provoking them.

“I don’t know, maybe?” Taeyeon rolled her eyes and irritatingly answered.

“Hey, we’re trying to be nice here. Problems wouldn’t be solved if you’ll keep acting .” Kris being the mature one tries to calm Taeyeon. He perfectly knows that he can’t calm the inner souls of the two.

“Then stop scaring me too.” And then there it comes, her tears. She looked stupid, a mistress, and a desperate woman— to be exact. She never want to make a mess, she just loves Baekhyun so much. She just expects that Baekhyun would still be there when she comes back, expecting an explanation from her. She is ready to fix everything but then— it is stupid. They were a child back then…

Now, they are asking an explanation but would it change a thing? If ever she’ll explain to him would it make Baekhyun choose her over his husband? Maybe it would mark a closure but it will never satisfy her.

“Do you… have a relationship?”  Suho started after letting Taeyeon be drowned in her own thoughts.

“This is stupid. Hahaha.” She started, how would she tell them how their relationship began when they were five ing years old?

She then wiped her tears and faked a smile. No, nothing’s wrong— but her. It was always her. It would never be Baekhyun.

“We were five years old back then, call it crazy but that was not a joke. We were not a joke. We had a relationship— as a child, love is something that makes you happy. Love doesn’t hurt you. We build promises and dreams that should be fulfilled by now… But I left him— clueless. Now, I was hoping that maybe we could start again but after seeing the bump in his tummy and the way he looks at Chanyeol and vice versa… I know I already had lost the battle or maybe there’s no battle to begin with… It would always be Chanyeol.” Taeyeon, again bitterly smiled after letting her voice be heard. Not being sure of what would happen next but it feels good to let out your thoughts once for a while.

“What are you planning to do then? What about the kiss?” Suho asked again, others don’t have the courage to ask but it doesn’t mean they don’t have questions running in their minds. They are either too shock or too shock, yup there’s no in between.

“I’ll move on, obviously. I lost the battle but I can’t lose myself over a guy— a guy, haha. I’ll fix myself to be better. I’ll soon be okay. I’m not okay but it’s okay— once in your life you should savor the problems you have.” She replied determined.

“You go girl, a one big hug wouldn’t end it all but this will comfort you.” Tao said being touched by Taeyeon’s words. He opened his arms widely and went to her and gave her a one big hug. Tao pats her back and gave her encouraging words she deserves.

“Time heals everything. I know you would be fine. We both know you are.” Kris said. They all bid their goodbyes after accompanying Taeyeon to her assigned booth.

“Every day is a drama for that couple, damn.” Sehun stated which they all agreed.

“I don’t know but you but I want to have a solo date with my Lulu, have a nice time!” Sehun holds his boyfriend’s wrist and left.

It wasn’t a minute when they all decided to have their own time too.


“Where are you taking me?”

“Shut your ing mouth Baek, I’m tired of all this.” Chanyeol coldly replied. He harshly drags Baekhyun to his car and makes him sit on the passenger seat. He then sit on the opposite side and put Baekhyun’s seatbelt on.

A sound was heard, signaling that Chanyeol just locked the car.

“Are you kidnapping me?” Baekhyun hesitantly asked. He was secretly trying to go out but Chanyeol hardly holds his wrist; Baekhyun stiffens and slowly look at his hand.

“Try to escape and you’re dead.”

“I won’t…”

Chanyeol started the engine, immediately left the school and drives the car— unsure of where to go.

“Baek, you are so selfish.” Chanyeol wasn’t sure if Baekhyun heard it or not— as if he cares.

“Let’s define selfish, Yeol. I might not be the only one who’s selfish here.” Baekhyun bitterly replied back.

“I’m not the one who’s seeking revenge.” Chanyeol playfully said. He was teasing Baekhyun. Not that he isn’t taking things seriously, he just don’t want to take things too seriously.

“I wasn’t…” Baekhyun angrily answered, in denial.

 “Then what were those? Baek… I love you. Don’t even act surprised. I love you… I want to see your face every time I wake up. I always want to be with you forever. I love you as the plants love the water and I need you as the plants need the sunshine. I don’t love with part Baekhyun… I love as a whole. I didn’t love you back then because I was healing myself. I want to be complete when I give myself to you… I don’t want you to search for pieces… But… you chose to play with me… with my feelings…”

Baekhyun wanted to wipe the tears falling from his husband’s eyes. He wanted to take the pain away. He wanted to hug him and tell him it’s going to be okay but how? He was the reason of his pain, his tears.

“I’m selfish.”

“You are.”

“There are some questions I’ve been wanting to ask… Several questions wandering in my mind… I found it hard to let go of the past because there are still questions unanswered…” Chanyeol added.

“Tell me…”

“Why… why didn’t you protested when they had arranged a marriage for us? You were my best friend! You know how much I love her and how strong our relationship is. You’ve heard me tons of time saying I’ll marry her in the future… You had witnessed our ups and downs… so why? Just why?”

“My best friend just ruined my dreams and he’s asking me why I am acting cold towards him when he was the reason why my heart became cold. He took the love away from me… I have the rights to be hurt, Baek. You being the reason of all these pains should have understood why I acted that way. You should just help me heal myself instead of crying in to Kai’s shoulder, instead of asking why!” Chanyeol burst out as he carelessly drives the car.

“It’s because I love you…”

“No. You only love yourself, Baek. You wanted yourself to be happy. If you really love me back then you would let me go… with my happiness.”

“Is this the end?” Baekhyun hurtfully asked.

“That’s what I hate about you! You tend to end things, to run away from problems instead of fixing it. Baek, I am not saying these to end everything about us. I want us to have a fresh start, to fix the past so we could happily embrace the present… and future but here you are being the pessimistic one.”

“Baek, do you love me?” Chanyeol added, although at the back of his mind, he already knows the answer… He wants to hear it from Baekhyun.

“You already know the answer Yeol…”

“Do you love me?”

“I love you.”

“I love you too. Be mine?”

“I’m always yours, Chanyeol.”


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omfg. I didn't expect this. :((((


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