[C H A P T E R T W E N T Y T W O]

Being a Park



[C H A P T E R T W E N T Y T W O]

He takes a look on Chanyeol’s place again to see if he’s already there. And he just saw Chanyeol giving Dara bottled water while smiling, he could see Chanyeol’s lips moving and she’s smiling back, looks like they’re having a moment there.

But the thing that should have saw but didn’t, was the ball falling real hard to him--- near his tummy, it’s too late because when he looked at it, the ball already hit him… really hard.

A moment of silence occurred, no one moved everyone’s shocked to what just happened, too scared to help Baekhyun since blood started to come out from his body though no one knows where, only Kai.



“BYUN! , , .” Kai started to ran towards Baekhyun’s unconscious body, not knowing what to do he look at Kyungsoo, asking for some help.

Dara’s smiling expression changed to a shocked one and Chanyeol got curious why. ‘Why is it so quiet? What happened?’ And then he saw Baekhyun’s unconscious body with blood coming out from it, he dropped the bottle that he’s holding and rushed towards the boy but Kai and Kyungsoo already lifted Baekhyun up and walked to the exit door.

All of the people in his circle of friends ran behind the couple and when the scene finally sinks in to him, he followed to. But before leaving he told Dara to stay and rest.

He saw his friends riding their cars; well not all of them have one. So he did too, on his own car.

They made it to the hospital and Kai rushed to Dr. Kang’s place in the said building, Kyungsoo just follow him with his body shaking. He wants to know the reason, he ask them both but he told them that if they took too long, he’ll be the one who’ll find the reason but  it looks like the fate’s the one who gave him a little bit of it.

After him is the nine other men, they’re all following Kai who just entered the elevator.

Kai come out when they reached the 5th floor and immediately entered the room in the left still carrying Baekhyun’s body. His voice was shaking when he said the words ‘Don’t follow me’ before entering the room.


Again, they’re here on the hospital. Sitting in the chairs attached at the wall. The only different here is, Chanyeol is not mad but confuse, worrying like hell, and badly wants to go in to the room where Kai came in.

“Kai really knows what he should do and where to go… From the start, he knows something about Baekhyun that we didn’t…” Suho suddenly stated. He doesn’t know what’s happening but he needs to know that his friend, Baekhyun is okay.

“… He did. Baekhyun chose to not to tell us except Kai. So, maybe if he needs someone to help him he has Kai…” Kyungsoo indirectly answered. It was just like yesterday when he’s dying to know why and then this happened.

“Chanyeol… you really don’t know anything?” Luhan confusedly asked. He knows that they’re leaving in the same house and for him, it’s impossible not to know any little details and he should have sensed that something’s not right since this may or not be the first time…

“I… didn’t…know…any…single…thing…” Chanyeol slowly replied, being shy of his answer because Kai knew better than he does--- oh wait. He didn’t know anything.

“Let’s just wait…”

Kris’ words ended the voices and silence filled the atmosphere.

 But it’s taking too long and Chanyeol’s curiosity and patience’s is ending soon… Twenty minutes had passed and there’s still no Kai coming out.


“This is… Well not bad… but not good too…” Dr. Kang stated.

He checked Baekhyun’s tummy as well as Baekhyun himself to know if they’re both doing fine. After minutes, Dr. Kang came up with that.

“But is the baby okay? Is Baekhyun okay?”

 “Of course! Baekhyun is fine. The baby in his tummy is doing fine too; they just need to stay here so they would be better… Blood came out from him and it needs to be replaced so, we’ll supply him…”

“Thank God… But, let me just make this clear… The Baby is still alive and doing fine?”

“Haha, you’re acting like a child. Again, the baby is alive and doing fine.”


“W-w-what b-baby?”





Kai froze as he heard that deep voice. He knows who the owner is, everyone knows. The doctor, Dr. Kang noticed the rapid action; he looked to the person where the voice came from and saw a tall man with a mixed expression with nine other person having the same reaction--- clueless, confuse.

“Is he the father of the child?” He suddenly asked but realized that the boy is clueless and it’s too late to take back what he just said.

 “F-father? C-child? Kai, w-what’s going on?” Kai looked to them---specifically at Chanyeol.

“I--- I don’t think that I should be the one who should tell you this but he’s still unconscious and you just heard the word…” Kai said, his voice is so serious but also worried at the same time. He’s wishing that he’s doing the right thing or what he think is right.

“Y-you. You’re already a father for more than a month… I bet you know why and when… Baekhyun’s really scared to tell you… to all of you since he’s not sure if you’ll accept his pregnancy especially you, Chanyeol. You treat him like he’s not your husband and gave him the cold treatment.” Kai said, his tone was hinting madness towards Chanyeol but also sadness for Baekhyun, because his best friend, Baekhyun doesn’t deserve that treatment… this.

Chanyeol didn’t say anything, he didn’t respond. He just didn’t know what to say or how to react on this kind of situation.

“Nice meeting you, I finally met you. I expect to see you often.” Dr. Kang said as he excused his self because he thinks that it’s their privacy, Chanyeol just slowly nodded.

Everyone on the room is speechless. They didn’t expect this kind of news, this revelation.

“Man, congrats! You’re a father now. You’re good at shooting that it made a score. Be a good father. Clear everything between you and Dara and focus on Baekhyun and to your baby. Give them love not pity.” Kris was the one who melted the ice, went to Chanyeol and said those things as he patted Chanyeol’s back.

“Oho~ when did you did it? Aheh. Can’t afford to buy a protection? Haha.”
“The baby should be cheerful like Baek not like you!”
“Baek’s been doing all this alone, do your part okay?”
“You undress him when you two did it, you should dress him back too.”

And after Kris, everyone got back to their mood and different reactions were said.

“So, this is the reason…”
“Yes baby… I’m sorry it’s just that we need to---“

“Ssshhh. You two did nothing wrong, okay?”

Kai nodded and Kyungsoo kissed his forehead and rested his head in his boyfriend’s shoulder.

Now, they’re just waiting for Baekhyun to wake up.

After an hour, Baekhyun came back to his senses and slowly opens his eyes as he heard some voices. Chen noticed it, stopped talking and then pointed at Baekhyun; can’t find the exact words that he should say.

“YOU’RE AWAAKEEEEN~ why didn’t you told us that you’re pregnant? We should go to the mall with Tao and Xiumin to buy the baby’s clothes, okay? And Sehun should come to so he’ll be the one who will carry the paper bags~” Luhan’s word greeted him and it sinks so slowly in his mind.



“I… what? How… When?” Baekhyun randomly asked, can’t construct a complete sentence. But Chanyeol gave a signal that everyone should go out first so they could talk, and they did.


No one speaks; no one knows what to say. Baekhyun’s too scared of Chanyeol’s reaction and Chanyeol’s scared that he might say the wrong words.

“So… we’re parents now…” Chanyeol started.


“And Yeol…?”

“Do you need something?” Chanyeol asked with full of concern.

“Nothing… I just want to say… Happy Father’s Day…”

Baekhyun said while not meeting Chanyeol’s eyes. He didn’t so the smile that flashed through Chanyeol’s face, he missed it. Chanyeol’s smiling face changed to a curious one and then asked.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Chanyeol curiously, confusedly, asked.

“I-I don’t know… I’m scared…” Baekhyun muttered.

“I’ll take the responsibility. I’ll accept our baby, what makes you think that I’ll not?”



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omfg. I didn't expect this. :((((


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