
ChickenKing Has Logged On

His fingers paused, poised over the keyboard as his bottom lip was between his teeth. Eyes glued to the laptop before him, the blinking letters causing a fight to erupt within his mind, a battle of wills fighting within him.

You see, Minho had never been a very sociable boy, something that was obvious in his lack of friends. He was always suspicious, his mind bouncing to the fact that people only wanted his families money rather than his companionship. That and he was judgmental to the extreme, always watching people from afar, taking notes of what they did and basing his entire opinion on that person off of one action. Yes, he knew it was wrong, and yes, he knew he should stop it. But he could not help it. It was who he was and that was that.

Yet he was still lonely, as he was forced to watch his classmates group together and laugh, speaking to each other and planning to spend time together. He wanted a friend, he wanted someone to talk to, someone to spend time with and talk to. Someone to confide his secrets in, to trust completely. 

So, with a small sigh, he signed up for the website he had found two weeks before, his fingers flying across the keys before he hit enter, watching as a small smiley face appeared in the center of the screen.

Thank you for joining Amicus! 
Please wait while we set up your account Dibidibidis
This should only take a moment.

His lip curled slightly at the sight of the name he had chosen, but he was sure that it wouldn't matter as he doubted he would stay on the website for long. Probably just a day, then he'd abandon it faster than anyone could imagine. 

Dibidibidis your profile has been created!
Groups will be suggested to you shortly!
Enjoy your time at Amicus!

Minho sighed at the cheesy message that appeared on his screen before rolling his eyes and adding a profile picture, finding the shadow of a man they had to be rather disturbing, before adding a simple one-line description about his self, not having much to say. 

It didn't take long for a small noise to echo through his room and the box on the top left side of his screen to start blinking, alerting him to a new message.

Minho was shocked, his eyes glued to the box as he tried to process what had happened. Why would anyone send him a message so soon? He had nothing on his profile but a picture of a soccer player he aspired to be like, Son Heung-Min, yes, he was truly Minho's hero. 

Shaking his head quickly Minho clicked on the box, opening a nearly blank screen except for one message that was highlighted in a light blue color.

ChickenKing has sent you a message! 

Tilting his head the male clicked the message and chewed on his bottom lip gently, eyes darting to the clock that sat on the bed beside him. Chiding his self for being up so early as a way to avoid the excitement that had begun to bubble up inside his stomach. Slowly he forced his gaze back towards the screen, reading the message. 

From: ChickenKing
To: Dibidibidis

Yo~ Welcome to Amicus man! You can call me King or Jin! Or KingJin! Haha
And what kind of name is Dibidibidis, seriously? Not even a word. Lol.

Minho scoffed at the message, narrowing his eyes at the boy's username before hitting the reply button, his fingers tapping away before he realized what he was typing out. 

From: Dibidibidis
My username is perfect, excuse you, at least I don't claim to be a king of chickens!
But, well, thanks for the welcome I guess?
Call me Dibi. 
It's nice to meet you.

Minho smiled a bit as he hit send, content with his reply as he flicked on the link to the other males profile, wanting to know what kind of boy this ChickenKing was. 

The page loaded quickly, and immediately Minho regretted replying to the boy, as his wall was covered in posts from all types of people, mostly joking around or simply complimenting the other male. His profile picture caught Minho's attention though, the wide smile and cured smile allowing Minho to understand the many compliments and friends that the boy had. Who wouldn't want to be friends with someone who smiled like that?

Minho nearly fell out of his seat with his computer dinged, having been too focused on the boys smile, causing him to scoff before finding his way to the message that the other male had sent to him. 

From: ChickenKing
To: Dibidibidis
Well, I am a king of chickens! It's not a claim if it's true... or is it?
I don't know... heh..
And you're welcome Dibi~ I think we'll be good friends! 

ChickenKing has sent you a friend request! [Accept/Deny]

Minho smiled before clicking accept. 

Short intro! Done!
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Chapter 14: Come baaaaaaack!!!!!
965 streak #2
Chapter 14: I just started reading this fic this morning. I didn't realize you started this in 2015. I think you can just continue instead of rewriting from the start.
I have been binge reading Onho fics because of a fic that I find so sweet yet turning into something else. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next chapter which you said will have fun developments.
I really hope their friendship or more will encourage Jinki to strive to walk.
Thank you so much for sharing.
YukiiOnna #3
Chapter 14: Omg, yees pleaaase! 🥺🥺🙏
I adore this story!🥰
Chapter 14: 👁👁yes👁👁 I reaaalllllyyy looooooovvveeee this story hehe!! It’s so sweet and fluffy it’s just too cute uggghhhhhh 🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼I would love to see that happen hahahah!!! I’ll be waiting for it!!!!!!!😼😼😼😫😫😫
SHINee5_4ever #5
Chapter 14: Yes please! 🥺🙏
Chapter 14: Yes please
rorosh #7
Chapter 14: Yes please we would love to, I’ve been waiting for u since forever
nekochii00 #8
Chapter 14: Plz do.... you cant leave me hanging like this
Chapter 14: Yes please....!