Like a Band Aid

ChickenKing Has Logged On

Jinki couldn't help but laugh at the irritated expression on his friends face, the male ranting about his stepbrother taking over the TV moments before Seoul won the "most important game of the season!" Sure, he should probably pretend to be mad in order to give the other support, but it was fun to prod at the male. To see how far he was willing to go in order to prove his point. Which, as Jinki had seen, would go as far as to pull up statistics on how many people within Korea actually ate chicken. Fried Chicken at that. 

His fingers flew across the board, a wide grin playing on his lips as he typed up his next message, watching how Minho's brows arched downwards as the typing symbol appeared on the bottom left of his screen. Still unable to see Jinki's face, though this had become the norm for the Choi. Two weeks since the elder had shied away from exposing himself to the other, too scared of the pity he would receive for being in the chair. No, he didn't want pity from Minho. Though he had taken notice of the male around school more often, watching how he reacted to others and the way his lip would curl the moment a woman walked towards him. 

It made sense why the boy had no friends within their tiny school if he acted as though everyone had a disease. And if he disliked them who was to say that he wouldn't be sickened by the man who actually had something wrong with his body? It would only make sense that he would disgust Minho if healthy people disgusted him so much already. 

With a small sigh, the male hit send, watching as the spiral appeared for just a second before his message was sent. His eyes flying back to Minho's face as he read the message before laughing at the obvious disbelief he saw. "Are you kidding me? What do you mean soccer isn't even that good!" The Choi exclaimed, shaking his head and crossing his arms, much like a sulking child. Something that amazed Jinki when comparing the school version of Minho to what he saw on the computer screen. Honestly, he preferred the boy on the computer screen who showed his emotions freely and who smiled, it made his heart flutter.

"Look, it may not be as violent as hockey but you know it has to be better than baseball!" Minho exclaimed, leaning closer to the webcam, "If you want this relationship to work you have to appreciate the best sport." 

Jinki snorted before reaching forward to type out a message again, planning to push the other just a bit further before Taemin called up to him. He did have a doctors appointment after all, not that it would do any good. As Jinki had all but given up hope of ever being able to walk again. And he was okay with that, there was no reason for him to keep hoping only to try so hard, to use all his physical and mental energy to try to just get one twitch out of his legs, to end up with nothing. He was okay with the way his life turned out. Not happy, but okay, and that was better than bad. 

Though the moment ended a few minutes later, and the chat came to an end as Taemin wandered into his brother's bedroom to help him get to the doctors."Do we really need to go?" Jinki asked as he gripped the wheels of his chair and steered himself towards the younger who only shrugged. 

"They're helping you, so yes," Taemin replied, stepping behind Jinki to aid his brother on his way to the car. "You can start walking any time now, it's all in your head." 

The all too familiar line, all in his head, yes, he had been told that before. But it wasn't as though he didn't want to get better, no, that was all he wanted. To no longer be a burden to his younger brother, to be back to his full health. It was impossible though, as he had tried, time and time again. And he had simply given up after a year of no progress. "It's not in my head." He spat, voice quiet as they made it to the car, Jinki transitioning into the passenger seat in the way that he had become so accustomed to. 

Taemin didn't reply, not wanting to drag the argument on any further as he moved to sit in the driver's seat. "Anyway," he pushed, voice strained as the car started up, "Have you been talking to that internet friend of yours lately?" 

It hadn't been long until Taemin found out, having taken a glance at his older brothers laptop one night when helping the male fix something within his room. Though he had been nothing but supportive, as he was glad that his brother had a friend once again. 

"Yeah, we had a video call today," Jinki replied, a small smile curling on his lips as he recalled Minho's pouting face. He'd have to start watching some soccer games in order to draw forward the same expressions he had gotten to see. Through their few video calls he had come to adore the younger, and while it did make him nervous it also made him bolder. His face was hidden, and so he wasn't as shy as he would have been within the school if he were to face Minho without a screen between them. 

"You did?" Taemin replied, his eyes on the road as they weaved through traffic. "Did you show him your face this time?"

A nervous laugh sounded from Jinki as he shook his head, eyes trained on the road as they sped along the familiar streets towards the large set of office buildings. "I don't want to yet..."

His brother clicked his tongue, making the last turn towards the offices. "You really should, I mean... I mean, why bother keeping him around if he'll just run after finding out you're in a wheelchair?"

"What do you mean?" Jinki asked, brows creasing as he glanced over at Taemin. Why bother? Because Minho was his only friend, the only person that Jinki felt he could talk to without being afraid of the sad gaze he received, without the cautious words or fake smiles. 

"Jinki, I mean...won't it just hurt more if you drag it on? If you get even more attached because one day he'll want to know who you are and if he leaves you then it'll just hurt more." His brother chided, turning the car into their usual parking spot. "Rip it off like a band-aid Jinki, fast always hurt much less."

His brother's words took time to settle in Jinki's mind, as he replayed them over and over again, his body going through the motions of a usual visit to his doctor.

Rip it off like a band-aid, was he right? Would it just hurt more if he let it drag on? Sure, of course, it would. But that didn't change the fact that he was scared, he had already become so fond of Minho, of the stupid messages he would receive in the middle of the night, of the smiles he got to see on their few video calls, and of the friendship that the two had built. But it was true, and Jinki was sure that as time went on he would only grow to care for Minho more and more. Hell, he was sure his feelings were already beginning to turn into a bit more no matter how much he tried to ignore it. 

If he fell for Minho, hell even if it was just a stronger friendship, only to have the male leave him it would destroy Jinki. 

He would lose his only friend and wouldn't have the will to make another. So, with a heavy heart the Lee decided that his brother was right, and with a few taps of his phone, he sent a message that had his stomach in knots and eyes welling up. He had to do it, and there was no going back.

A yawn slid past his lips as Minho shifted in his bed, having just settled down for a nap when his phone went off, the familiar tone being enough to raise the tired boy to grab his phone. Peering at the notification bar that ran across the screen before sliding it open and sitting up, rubbing at his eyes to focus just a bit better.

From: ChickenKing
To: Dibidibidis
I'm sorry about making you talk to a blank screen...
I was talking to my brother and I decided on something that you better not say no to
because I don't think I'll be able to be this brave again for a while
So, after my appointment, do you want to meet at the library on Fifth Street?
Face to face? Plus, it's in public so just in case you're a killer, my beautiful face will be spared.

Minho couldn't breathe as he stared at his phone, rereading the message a few times to make sure he wasn't imagining anything before shooting out of his bed. His hands were trembling, excitement and nerves coursing through his veins as he hastily typed out a reply, not bothering to correct his typos.

From: Dibidibidis
To: ChickenKing
Yes! Yeas I would love to!
How long will you be?

The moment his thumb hit send the Choi was in the bathroom, fixing up his hair and checking for any signs of sleep, though they had all been wiped away the moment he read his dear friends message. 

By the time he had decided on what to wear he received a reply from Jinki that said he'd be at the library in twenty minutes, and Minho beamed, quickly changing into the clothes he had picked before tossing his keys and phone into a bag and taking off down the stairs. He would get to meet ChickenKing, face to face, no black screen and no filtered words. He was ecstatic, sure he was nervous as well but it was a library. No matter what there would be other people there, as well as cameras, it was safe, quiet and comforting. 

Fifteen minutes, that was all it took Minho to reach the library by foot, which he credited to his nerves forcing him to walk faster, and once he was in the library he found his phone in his hand once again, head bowed as he wandered through the rows of books. He waited, bottom lip caught between his teeth as he waited for a reply telling him where in the library to meet the other, perking up when he was told the teen section, though he had to take a moment to calm his nerves before making his way to the first floor. 

He was tense as he made he way into the small section, eyes running along the shelves as he searched for someone, unsure of just who he was looking for until a timid voice called him from a few feet away. 


I hope you guys like it :') 
Thank you so much for reading and sticking with me so far <3
You guys are the best!!!!

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Chapter 14: Come baaaaaaack!!!!!
966 streak #2
Chapter 14: I just started reading this fic this morning. I didn't realize you started this in 2015. I think you can just continue instead of rewriting from the start.
I have been binge reading Onho fics because of a fic that I find so sweet yet turning into something else. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next chapter which you said will have fun developments.
I really hope their friendship or more will encourage Jinki to strive to walk.
Thank you so much for sharing.
YukiiOnna #3
Chapter 14: Omg, yees pleaaase! 🥺🥺🙏
I adore this story!🥰
Chapter 14: 👁👁yes👁👁 I reaaalllllyyy looooooovvveeee this story hehe!! It’s so sweet and fluffy it’s just too cute uggghhhhhh 🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼I would love to see that happen hahahah!!! I’ll be waiting for it!!!!!!!😼😼😼😫😫😫
SHINee5_4ever #5
Chapter 14: Yes please! 🥺🙏
Chapter 14: Yes please
rorosh #7
Chapter 14: Yes please we would love to, I’ve been waiting for u since forever
nekochii00 #8
Chapter 14: Plz do.... you cant leave me hanging like this
Chapter 14: Yes please....!