Face to Face

ChickenKing Has Logged On

"Minho," just breathing the others name had Jinki tensing as he gripped the arms of his chair and tilted his head to look at the male who spun to face him. His features were alight with joy only to falter when they landed on Jinki, the male's heart sinking almost immediately. Of course, what other expression was he expecting?

"Hey, you're from my school, right?" Minho asked, though his eyes were focused above the male as though he was searching for someone else, of course, he wouldn't connect such a frail man to his online friend, people never did. "How do you know my name though?" He added after a minute, finally looking down at Jinki who blinked in surprise before pulling out his phone and rushing to unlock it. 

"Um, you told me it," Jinki mumbled though he felt his heart climb it's way up into his throat and settle there. No going back, no, they had met and it may be the last time he ever spoke to Minho again. The thought already causing his heart to crack as he held up his phone to show Minho the messages they had exchanged. Noting the shock that was written on his features moments later, looking away from the phone to stare down at Jinki, seeming to take in the wheelchair for the first time. 

Jinki was expecting him to turn back then, to apologize and leave and to never receive another stupid message about how Minho's brother was trying to get into his room or how much he wanted to join the school soccer team if only they weren't so terrible. It would destroy him, but he assumed he was shielding himself from more pain that was likely to come if he prolonged their friendship.

He heard the other in a breath and closed his eyes, shoulders tensing before he let out a yelp, feeling Minho's rather large hand slap against his shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, smile genuine when Jinki looked up at him. 

Minho wasn't pulling away? He was laughing as he pat the other's arm once more and gestured to a bench over by the library entrance. "Mind if I sit down?" He asked, Jinki silently shaking his head and making his way over with his wheels as Minho walked, thankful that he hadn't awkwardly offered to push him. 

Sure, the other male being in a wheelchair was a bit of a shock to him but the larger issue was that the other went to his school and hadn't bothered to show his face. It made Minho's stomach coil and his lips pull down into a frown as he settled on the wooden bench and watched as Jinki settled his chair beside him. The other male clearing his throat and looking down, seemingly nervous or ashamed which only added to the tension in the air. 

Though, despite the faint confusion at the reluctance to video-chat Minho was happy. Jinki wasn't some stalker, he was a normal teenage boy just like himself who even happened to live around him? How much luckier could he get when it came to gaining an online friend? 

"I'm sorry," Jinki suddenly blurted as he looked up at Minho, not giving the younger a chance to reply before continuing, "I know I should have told you or have let you see my face but I was so scared. I mean you're like my only friend and I really didn't want to lose you like everyone else because I'm in a chair," he rambled before breathing in and staring up at his friends face with wide eyes. "I'm really sorry," he said once more. 

Well, it would be a lie if Minho said he wasn't irritated by his delay in the discovery but he didn't want to pressure the other who already seemed close to having a break-down, so he shrugged and reached over to pat the other's shoulder for the third time. "I don't really like the fact that you kept it from me but hey- we're here now and I can make you buy me a coffee or something to make up for it," he teased, smiling when Jinki let out a quiet laugh. "Why did you keep it from me though, I'm curious. Is it because I was just too handsome for you to confront? Or was I just too charming in person?" He pressed, trying to lighten the mood. He wanted them to be the same as they were online, he didn't want there to be a rift between them. Just buddies, chatting and making jokes like always. 

"I-" Jinki let out a sigh, "All my friends before they treat me different because I'm in a chair and they eventually stop talking to me so I guess I was just scared." He admitted, blinking in confusion when Minho let out a laugh.

"Do you really think I'm the type to be picky with friends? You know I at talking to people, plus, I have too much fun talking to you to just stop." He admitted, enjoying the light that seemed to spark in Jinki's eyes at that comment. 

It almost felt surreal to be seeing the other in person and on some level, Minho still couldn't put ChickenKing and Jinki together in his brain but the other had shown proof. And it was even more amazing that they went to the same school, had even talked before- it blew his mind and had his smile plastered on his face. Plus, he had been fairly accurate when imagining the others looks. Jinki was by no means delicate but he was also petite in a way, with fine features that gave his face a beautiful quality. Hell, if he had a crush on his personality he was sure it would only grow with his looks, the thought immediately causing blood to surge to his cheeks and his eyes to aim downwards at his lap. Jinki's head tilting to the side in confusion even as he smiled. 

"I was just... nervous, I couldn't help it but I'm so happy that you still want to be my friend," Jinki whispered, doing his best not to tear up though he had to admit that he was rather sensitive when it came to his failings. 

"Of course I want to," Minho chided, composing himself and glancing up at the other with a small sigh. The other male must have been stressing over something that seemed too small to him for a while, and in a way, Minho could see why Jinki was scared. It didn't affect Minho at all that the other was in a wheelchair but for Jinki his entire life changed because of it. 

Jinki sniffled quietly and pressed his hands against his legs in an attempt to hide the noise. "Dammit, you're so nice it's making me want to hug you!" Jinki huffed after a moment, Minho chuckling at the comment before standing up and pointing down the block. 

"Maybe I'll hug you after you buy me a coffee, how about that?" He suggested, laughing when Jinki rolled his eyes, their conversations seeming to revert back to how they were online, and Minho loved it. 

When Minho returned home that night it was late, the sun had set a while ago when he entered his house and tried his best to close the door behind him quietly, not wanting to risk waking his family. Though the moment it clicked shut the hall light and Kibum's face peered around the wall to look at Minho, his eyes narrowed slightly. 

"And where have you been?" He asked, voice low and laced with suspicion as Minho tugged off his shoes and rolled his eyes at the question, still rather high on energy after meeting Jinki face-to-face. The other was all he expected and more, it was easy to laugh with him and he wasn't expected to put up some image of himself, it was relaxing and relieving to know that Jinki wouldn't be disappearing anytime soon. 

"I was out with a friend," he muttered before taking off up the stairs towards his room, Kibum frowning and turning to look after him, opening his mouth to speak before being cut off by Minho's last words and the door. "By the way, he's coming over tomorrow!" 

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Chapter 14: Come baaaaaaack!!!!!
966 streak #2
Chapter 14: I just started reading this fic this morning. I didn't realize you started this in 2015. I think you can just continue instead of rewriting from the start.
I have been binge reading Onho fics because of a fic that I find so sweet yet turning into something else. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next chapter which you said will have fun developments.
I really hope their friendship or more will encourage Jinki to strive to walk.
Thank you so much for sharing.
YukiiOnna #3
Chapter 14: Omg, yees pleaaase! 🥺🥺🙏
I adore this story!🥰
Chapter 14: 👁👁yes👁👁 I reaaalllllyyy looooooovvveeee this story hehe!! It’s so sweet and fluffy it’s just too cute uggghhhhhh 🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼I would love to see that happen hahahah!!! I’ll be waiting for it!!!!!!!😼😼😼😫😫😫
SHINee5_4ever #5
Chapter 14: Yes please! 🥺🙏
Chapter 14: Yes please
rorosh #7
Chapter 14: Yes please we would love to, I’ve been waiting for u since forever
nekochii00 #8
Chapter 14: Plz do.... you cant leave me hanging like this
Chapter 14: Yes please....!