
ChickenKing Has Logged On

Minho felt a bit anxious, bottom lip caught between his teeth and his eyes narrowed at the screen before him as he seemed to get lost in thought. His brows creasing and fingers running along the thin lining of plastic that sat between his desk drawer and space on which his elbow rested. Of course, the movie with Kibum had only just ended, and he wasn't looking forward to spending any more time with his brother, yet he had been thinking much too much for his liking, and thus came to thoughts that were not welcome within his head. To his new friend. 

It wasn't that he was unsure if he wanted to keep talking to the male, it was only Minho's insecurities running wild through his mind. He was much too used to people leaving him behind, after all, the few friends he had in middle school had found others who were more interesting. Thus eventually forgetting about the poor Choi who would once again be left to his own devices. 

So what was to say that his new friend wouldn't do the same? After all, it wasn't like Minho was the best conversationalist. If anything he was one of the worst, especially over text. Always too nervous that his words would be taken the wrong way or that others would find him weird, he would overthink and send something that was ultimately way too safe and boring for the other. 

The male groaned, his head falling into his hands as he tried to distract himself, to think of something else. Anything else. But no matter how hard he tried the same thoughts would come back to his mind, and it horrified him. 

Maybe he was too attached to the other male.

But hell, all he wanted was a friend, and if he only had one than it was reasonable for him to be attached, right? 

At least he hoped it was reasonable. 

His bottom lip was caught between his teeth, weighing the pros and cons before jumping when his computer went off. 

From: ChickenKing
To: Dibidibidis
I just finished all my homework!
I hate that they give me so much!
Anyway, how was the movie with your brother?
He seems pretty cool, way better than my brother >.>

Minho laughed and rolled his eyes before typing up a reply, the boys words dashing his fears instantly. After all, the simpleness of the words seemed to put him at ease. Even if it was just for a little while. After all, it wasn't as though he could ask what King thought of him. No, that would be too weird. The male would think Minho was strange, and if anything, that would run him off. 

From: Dibidibidis
To: ChickenKing
How much? I never have any really
Guess I'm one of the lucky few!
It was awful. Too clingy. Never again.
From what I heard your brother is better
he doesn't judge your fashion choices

He hummed as he hit send before running his fingers through his hair as he peered at the screen, watching as the screen behind the convo flickered with new activity before clicking off the conversation to read an article titled New features.

Not that he used Amicus for much other than talking to King but it would be nice to know how to use the website a little better. He would admit that he had a small fondness for the working of coding and such, not that he was any good at it. His coding always looked awful.

Yet the article almost bored him enough to close it before his eyes landed on the last few lines, his brow arching with a faint sense of hope beginning to bud inside him.

A video chat feature? In the website?

Well, his computer did have an amazing webcam, and it was a shame that he never used it.

Not to mention that the thought of seeing Kings face did make his heart soar.

Okay, so maybe it was a bit of a crush. Just a tiny one.

He tapped at his mouse before moving back to the conversation with the envelope on his screen lit up, signaling another message from King. 

From: ChickenKing
To: Dibidibidis
Was it really that bad? XD
I love movies, so I watched like, a million
Maybe I know the one you watched?
Fashion isn't bad! I could use some help
All I wear is sweatpants really
They look kinda nice, I think

Minho grinned, shaking his head before typing up a quick reply, his eyes darting to the small dot above his screen. His webcam. 

Should he ask King to video chat? Or was it stupid? Would the other hate to video chat?

It couldn't hurt. Or so he hoped.

From: Dibidibidis
To: ChickenKing
Something love something
I'll check the case tomorrow
But I really hate romance
Too unrealistic
Sweatpants are comfortable!
 I wish I could wear them more often
Anyway, did you read the feature article?
Amicus has video chatting now...

Minho sighed before hitting send before he could change his mind with the lame line, his thumbs beginning to roll.

Though Kings reply came faster than usual and Minho froze in shock as he read it. 

From: ChickenKing
To: Dibidibidis
I love romance!
Unrealistic yeah, but dream worthy
Keep with the pants of the outside world
Sweatpants are an addiction 
I did! 
I was wondering if you would... 
Want to video chat sometime?

Minho beamed, his smile wide enough to cause his cheeks to ache immediately, typing his answer right away.

King wanted to video chat too!

He'd be able to see the boys face and hear his voice.

It was almost unbelievable, as it almost felt like King wasn't real. After all, talking to someone over the internet always left Minho with the feeling of, well, fraud. All the stories about people pretending to be someone else. Yet King never gave him that sort of feeling. And now, being able to see his face soon, hopefully, it made the male feel much happier than he had in a while. 

From: Dibidibidis
To: ChickenKing
I'd love to! Is tomorrow night ok?

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Chapter 14: Come baaaaaaack!!!!!
965 streak #2
Chapter 14: I just started reading this fic this morning. I didn't realize you started this in 2015. I think you can just continue instead of rewriting from the start.
I have been binge reading Onho fics because of a fic that I find so sweet yet turning into something else. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next chapter which you said will have fun developments.
I really hope their friendship or more will encourage Jinki to strive to walk.
Thank you so much for sharing.
YukiiOnna #3
Chapter 14: Omg, yees pleaaase! 🥺🥺🙏
I adore this story!🥰
Chapter 14: 👁👁yes👁👁 I reaaalllllyyy looooooovvveeee this story hehe!! It’s so sweet and fluffy it’s just too cute uggghhhhhh 🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼I would love to see that happen hahahah!!! I’ll be waiting for it!!!!!!!😼😼😼😫😫😫
SHINee5_4ever #5
Chapter 14: Yes please! 🥺🙏
Chapter 14: Yes please
rorosh #7
Chapter 14: Yes please we would love to, I’ve been waiting for u since forever
nekochii00 #8
Chapter 14: Plz do.... you cant leave me hanging like this
Chapter 14: Yes please....!