
ChickenKing Has Logged On


Minho sighed, his fingers tapping on the desk as he stared down at the paper his teacher had slid in front of him. The blank lines staring up at him and the bold words causing him to groan.

He didn't want to go on the stupid yearly trip, but Key was forcing him to go anyway, causing his lips to curl into a scowl and arms to cross over his chest. 

Who would want to go on a trip with over a hundred kids who refused to speak to them? It was stupid, and he felt that going would only make him feel more alone than he ever had before. Being forced to stay in a cabin with kids who had all been friends for years, it was torture. Not to mention that he wouldn't be able to talk to Jinki, and it had only been a day since they learned each other's names. It felt as though their friendship had just become solidified. And the trip was camping, and he was sure that he had no signal at the campsite. As Kibum had gone the year before and said that his phone had been useless. 

Though eventually the Choi shoved the paper into his folder and crammed it into his bag with the rest of his supplies before tossing the strap over his shoulder and standing as the bell rang. It was a normal routine, to rush out the door and get to his locker before anyone stopped to talk to him. Shifting slightly the boy edged around a group of kids who seemed to decide that the middle of the hall was the best place to stand. 

It wasn't long before he reached his locker, twisting the code in and jerking it open only to groan when he heard a familiar voice chirp his name and two arms wrap around his one. "Minnie~ Why do you avoid me?" The girl asked, pouting up at him as he shrugged his arm away and began to unload the books he didn't need from his bag. "I miss you."

"I avoid you because you only ask me for stuff." He said simply, smiling as he grabbed his phone and keys. 

The girl rolled her eyes, "We were on a date, I ran out of money, so what." She said, lips jutting out once again. 

"It wasn't a date, and it happened too many times to be coincidental." He said simply, pulling his jacket on carefully. "Now, goodbye." He said quickly, rushing away from her and into the crowd of kids that pushed through the halls. Everyone trying to get out faster, only to stumble over each other. 

Though Minho didn't have much trouble navigating through the crowd, opening his phone as he made his way to the library. Having promised to meet Key there to drive him home, though his mood dropped when he saw that he received no new messages, and suddenly he was wishing that he had said no to Kibum. 

"Of course..." He whispered, opening the door to the school library and smiling at the woman who sat behind the desk, scanning his ID quickly before walking towards the isles. Key had gym last period, so he would take forever before his brother arrived. So why not grab a book to read, maybe do some research for his term paper. 

A small smile flickered onto his lips as he remembered his subject, fingers running over the spines of the books as he read their titles, trying to find one that stood out.

Yet his attention was pulled away when he heard a small huff and quiet curse, eyes dragging away from the books to focus on the male that was trying in vain to reach the book on the shelf above him. 

"Need help?" Minho asked, his eyes darting to the chair that the other male was in before offering a wry smile that he was sure looked more like a grimace than anything else.

The other jumped, his eyes darting up to Minho before he nodded meekly, seeming to shrink back in his chair as Minho reached over and grabbed the book, glancing at the cover and humming as he handed it over. "Shakespeare?" He mumbled, the other taking the book slowly and nodding without a word, causing Minho to snort before looking back towards the books himself. "I only ever enjoyed Macbeth..." He said quietly, plucking a book from the shelves as the other stayed quiet for a moment before speaking slowly. 

"You actually like it? Or-- only because of class...?" He asked, causing Minho's eyes to dart down to him once again, though the boy was staring down at his lap. 

"I read it for class, but read it again a few times for pleasure." The Choi said simply before smiling and flipping through the pages of the book he had in his hands, "What hands are here? They pluck out mine eyes! Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? No; this-.." He stopped, sighing as he tried to remember the rest of the quote. 

"No; this hand will rather turn the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red." The other finished, causing Minho to smile a bit wider.

"Yeah, that's it." He said before waving his book. "Well, I found what I want and-" he glanced around quickly before sighing when he saw Key waving from the entrance. "And my brother is here. So, bye." Minho finished quickly, nodding before turning and hurrying to check out the book. 

It was nearly an hour before Minho finally got a notification from Amicus, his phone lighting up and a smile breaking across his face as he snatched it up and unlocked it quickly, causing Kibum to laugh.

"Oh~ Your online lover finally replied~" He whispered teasingly before gasping when Minho pushed him off the couch with his foot. 

From: ChickenKing
To: Dibidibidis
Hey!! Sorry, my reply is so late ;n; I was at school later than I thought.
Anyway!! Yeah, I really really wanted to travel but recently I've realized it's too hard, haha.
You should definitely go to England when you can! Seems like you'd love it.

Minho only let out a happy sigh, tapping his fingers on the side of the phone before beginning to type a reply, not glancing over as Key scrambled back onto the couch, a scowl on his lips. "You're so mean, just admit you have a crush at least."

 From: Dibidibidis
To: Chicken King
It's alright! I am a patient guy.
Hard how? I mean, yeah, it's expensive but you can always save up.
That's definitely where I'd go. Seems like so much fun there.
Maybe one day we can even travel together!


He hummed, content with his message as he hit send before moving to lay his head on Keys lap, the male rolling his eyes and flicking Minho's head once before they both focused on the movie. 

Ahh it's been so long ;; I'm sorry
I hope you guys like the chapter and all >.<
Thank you for reading and subscribing and all!! <3 

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Chapter 14: Come baaaaaaack!!!!!
965 streak #2
Chapter 14: I just started reading this fic this morning. I didn't realize you started this in 2015. I think you can just continue instead of rewriting from the start.
I have been binge reading Onho fics because of a fic that I find so sweet yet turning into something else. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next chapter which you said will have fun developments.
I really hope their friendship or more will encourage Jinki to strive to walk.
Thank you so much for sharing.
YukiiOnna #3
Chapter 14: Omg, yees pleaaase! 🥺🥺🙏
I adore this story!🥰
Chapter 14: 👁👁yes👁👁 I reaaalllllyyy looooooovvveeee this story hehe!! It’s so sweet and fluffy it’s just too cute uggghhhhhh 🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼I would love to see that happen hahahah!!! I’ll be waiting for it!!!!!!!😼😼😼😫😫😫
SHINee5_4ever #5
Chapter 14: Yes please! 🥺🙏
Chapter 14: Yes please
rorosh #7
Chapter 14: Yes please we would love to, I’ve been waiting for u since forever
nekochii00 #8
Chapter 14: Plz do.... you cant leave me hanging like this
Chapter 14: Yes please....!