Chapter 10

You Are My Peace
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|| Taehyung's POV ||

I still could not believe that Y/N was standing infront of my door.

Just for a few hours ago, Jimin took her and probably brought her to a near hospital. Her parents, her sister and her closest friends would have been there as well and now it seems like she left all them somewhere and 'escaped' with all excitement to me?

Hold up! There must have been some missing parts of my conclusion.

Of course, I was totally surprised to see her so my expression changed quickly into curiousity, a sort of gladness but at the same time into a worried face with serious questions in mind which answers I wanted to get as urgent as possible.

I should not leave every empty gap of thoughts up to my imaginations, it would just cause misunderstandings and confusion in the future.

"Y/N! What are you doing still there? Come on, get in. It's cold on the hallway" I said while making hand moves to her to step in.

She passed by me, standing beside the door, and the fruity scent of her hair was spread through the front door up to the living room.

A sweet strawberry scent mixed with other good smelling wild, red fruits.

I like fruity smells. A lot, to be honest. I was kind of happy to smell those scents at that moment.

Between all my frustration and growing hunger it was lightening up my inside little by little.

"The lights are down for a little while and honestly I don't know when they'll come back but I fortunately have some candles and enough phone battery on my phone so...First, sit down here."

I gripped her lightly on one arm and lead her to the couch right infront of the kitchen's counter.

The smell became stronger to my nose. I took with a deep breath more of the scent's feeling and stepped back.

She did not say any word nor eased that big smile on her face in a while. She just seemed a bit confused because of the light story.

"Are you...Are you okay? What happened? Did you suddenly feel sick? Or had unstable vitals? Why did you come here?"

I asked like bullets shot out of the gun. I was curious, no doubt.

"I'm fine TaeTae. Actually nothing to worry about. It's not the first time that this happened to me to be honest. I'm seriously fine and please relax with that expression of yours. Man, you seem like jumping on me right after making my next sentence."

And then she started to laugh.

"Okay, sorry. I guess I overacted a bit, maybe because the lights are also gone." I said.

"Why? Are you afraid of the darkness?" She looked at me with eyes full of seriousness.

"No. Hah! I just was about to make myself dinner but now I need to eat my food half-cooked I guess." I pouted with a disgusted face after a few seconds. "Ewww~"

Then she replied

"Well, you don't need to eat that kind of food now! Let's go out and eat somewhere else where they also have lights, deal?"

What?! Why in all of a sudden are we going out now? It was almost half past 8pm and I'd have rathered to go with a growling stomach to bed because I'm too lazy to move my outside.

I'm actually not that kind of lazy person. Right the opposite. I love adventures, outdoor stuff, having fun time whenever there is the chance for it. Hyper and over-excited. But that day I was really not in the mood.

Though she did it.

She was able to convince me, somehow. Maybe it was the scent of her really good smelling hair and body.

I just could not refuse her offer. Not because I pitied her for the moment when I thought she'd have nobody else to go out with, but because she has that affection towards me that makes me feel excited as well and then I just wanted to follow her.

Wearing a different pair of baggy pants and a greey hoodie on top plus a light coat, I stepped out of my room and told her that I was ready.

"Okay Y/N. Let's go to fill our tummies~"


|| Your POV ||

I knew a really good place to get a delcious yet light meal at that day time.

After spending a little while in the bus and a small walk, we arrived at our destination.

My personal favorite coffee shop in the city, with a looooooot of tasty stuff to eat and drink.

I literally loved that place but since I wasn't able to go there very often, because of school business and other things that kept me away from there.

But on that day I saw it as the perfect chance to go there and spend some precious time with someone I appreciated pretty much.

Taehyung. Who else? My one and only friend I've gained after ages or better said for the first time. A real friend. A real person beside me after such a long time of being encapsulated in my own self. I saw the world and its good sides through him.

And after a long period I was able to see even more than that...

Anyway, we ate quite a lot but still had fun while eating with talking about and doing all the crazy things.

At the end we even got warned by a waitress but ended up giggling to each other like little children who played a prank on the adults.

Finishing our meals and getting out with a cup of our favorite coffee flavor, we walked through the streets and watched the city lights here and there.

It was indeed a beautiful time, but I still had a wish for free...


|| Your sister's POV ||

It was around 10pm when I woke up from my long nap.

I fell asleep really quickly after managing some things with my little sister's medicines.

But wait...Why was it so quite?

I walked up to the kitchen: No one in there.
To our room: No one either.

What the heck?!

I looked into the bathroom and checked up the balcones twice but there were no traces of her nor of...Jimin.

In that moment I desperately searched for my phone. 2 unread messages.

I opened my in-box and saw a voice note + a big smiley sent by my sister.

After hearing that she'd decided to eat outside and left to meet someone as well, it seriously drove me nuts.

At that hour?! Where?! Why?! With whom even?!!

Secondly, I needed to check on Jimin.

I went back to our room and saw the blanket he used before neatly pleated on my bed with a little post-it on it.

"I slumbered well. Thanks for the blanket and...Hope to see you soon. And don't worry about Y/N, she'll do fine again  *Hugs* ChimChim~" It said.

I grinned from ear to ear while imagining his cute eye smile infront of me in that moment but as soon as Y/N name came up to my mind again...Urrgh~!

I need to take her back home, no matter what.

But where should I start searching for her? It would not be of any use to try calling her, because I knew she'd never pick up. That wrentch...


|| Your POV ||

Visiting this and that place, time flew by like the sweet and refreshing wind breeze of the season.

I showed him other nice places and spots of the city.

Since he was still a newbie for here, I was gladly showing him all the things here.

Getting on a rooftop, on the top of a huge building, I presented him one of the most breath-taking views of our city.

To see his eyes by the gaze of him was like seeing colorful fireworks on the sky.

He stared at the irreplaceable view infront of him, and I stared at him without taking my glance off of his face...


|| Taehyung's POV ||

"WUUOOOAAAAAH~ Y/N-ah!! That's...That's sooo cooooool here! Okay, I admit, I saw that often in Korea but I thought I'd not be able to see those great, high-up viewed places again...But I was wrong! LOOK!" I pointed at different spots with all excitement and did not notice that I put up already an arm around Y/N shoulder and dragged her with me to show her all the fascinating things that she probably saw already multiple times.

It felt different. Really different.

To share those excited and special moments with someone else.

Though I shared all those similar moments with other friends, just the feeling of it...

When I looked a little bit down to my left, seeing that sparkling eyes of her made me smile again.

At that time I could not imagine that something else could supress that shining happiness in her eyes...


|| Your POV ||

"Taehyung." I spoke up in the silence.

"Do you believe in infinity?" The words just came spontaneously out of my mouth.

Was I curious about his answer? Maybe, but more I wanted to break the silence.

"Why all of a sudden that now, Y/N?" He asked taken aback.

"Just so..." Taking a deep breath by the cool air and putting a little bit distance between us two, I turnt around to face him directly.

"Shall we get down now, it got pretty cold here" I said while rubbing my arms with both of my hands.

"Who told you to not take a coat with you, huh? You also showered before comming to my house, do you want to catch a cold, Y/N-ah?" He told me with a quite disappointed and mad voice.

"No, I just did not think that it would be that cold and...How do you know that I showered before?" Before even finishing my sentence, he was already in the hurry to wear off his jacket.

"Aah! Taehyung-ah you really don't need to-" And then I got cut of by his quick movement putting his jacket over my shoulders.

It felt warm. Really warm.

Not the jacket, but the feeling, his scent. I felt a kind of...I don't know, it was unexplainable.

"Thank you, Tae. Eventhough you did not have to give it to me, I feel a looot better now."


|| Taehyung's POV ||

She threw a big smile and made me smile as well.

We both looked up at the stars for a while and tried to figure out the several zodiac symbols which could be seen on the night sky and pointed here and there.

Staring at the beautiful view infront of us for the last time we left to walk back.

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Salmaelv #1
Chapter 5: So proud of your work! Keep it up babe! I'll be always waiting for the rest of the story .. #Hwaiting