Chapter 5

You Are My Peace
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|| Your POV ||


One week has passed and I still didn't find the necklace. The most treasured item in my life. What am I going to do about it? I already told it her, that I lost it. She was not mad at me nor yelled and my goodness was I glad that that didn't happen. I'd burst in tears right away I guess.

Anyway, that guy. I saw him once again. But I guess he did not see me because I was in such a hurry. I went to the university again to take a look at the places where I came back to find my necklace. He was standing as I could still remember infront of the teacher's room with a tons of books (again). He had his glasses on on the tip of his nose. He tried to pull it back to its right place but failed in a quite cute way and all his books fell down (also again). But at that time I wasn't able to help him. I needed to turn back and tell my sister that the results were negative and that I've not found it yet.

But in that one week even more happened...


|| Your sister's POV ||


Homework was tiring. No joke, it was. I could not believe that actually. I always came back home at 11/12am almost everyday. Sitting in the library for hours made me tired as hell so everytime I was at home I went straight to bed and slept. But...Did I do something wrong?

It was Friday evening, the week where my little sister's necklace got lost. I told her not to make such a big issue out of it but who listens to my words.

I took the bus to my way back but I stopped nearby a coffee shop to buy her bubble tea. I guess I neglected her the past days a lot. She's not someone whom you can leave alone if you are actually there. You know, that feeling when you have people around you but you still feel lonely?

She never got attention from someome before, never. Never recieved real love and carring. So until the moment we met she did not know what all these norms were. I tried to give her that feeling of being loved sincerely and look now, she smiles brightly like the sunshine. Because of me (?).

She lived like a single child even though she had siblings. Her parents were not parents, hell no! I wished I could addopt her or something or take her away from them or at least break their connections. She just gets more hurt. I cared about that so I also needed to take care of her. That's what a real sister does for her little girl.

Fast forward, I was infront of our door and belled the ring. Why is nobody opening the door? I thought and slowly brought out my keys. Weird. Was she not at home? I quickly opened the door and called her name "Y/N~~~". No response. I went to her room and knocked on the door. "Are you...Are you in there?" I gently pushed the door knob and made a step inside. What is she doing here? In the dark, all alone, with no lights on nor any sound. "Sis? Pie? Baby gurl...Yaa~! Y/N!!" I got nervous. She sat on her bed, back laid on the wall, arms surrounding her knees and head down. "What happened, huh?" I said quietly making my movement towards her but suddenly she kept her head up and gave me a glance. Were those tears? Yes, she was sort of crying. But...Why?


|| Your POV ||


"Why did you come back home so late again?!!!" I shouted, tears still flowing down my cheeks uncontroleably. It was not the first time, no. She always came back that late since she started studying at that university. Of course I understood that she was totally busy, kind of stressed and could not keep her head up from books, but why until that late? I was always worried from the moment on she did not answer my calls.

But...the thing was not actually that. Something else also bothered me the past weeks. I had to prepare a project for our school. All alone, since I always had to sacrifice myself if no one puts their hands up if the teacher asks. For 3 weeks ago I asked my sister and she agreed to help me. "Gladly, I'll help my baby girl for sure! Awwwh~ That's going to be fun!" She exactly said, I did not forget. The problem is, she never had time for me nor for the project. It seemed really hard to do it alone so I patiently waited for her and her to remember her promise.

But she never came once to talk about it. What am I saying, we were rarely talking with each other. She was just too busy and I could not hold back.

"With saying 'You don't need to worry' do you think I will do so, when you even do not answer my calls?! You come and go with 'Hi!' and 'Bye!' and leave me in the corner like dust. I...I" I stopped my sentence because I wasn't able to speak a word anymore. It hurt. And I was crying further.

"You what...?" She finally replied back, but with a softer, sadder voice. Was she crying too?

"I...I left you every evening the dinner plate with food and a little note to make you remember about your promise...But after I woke up in the morning I saw you did not even touch that plate." I said with sobs interrupting. Her eyes looked watery but tears could also not help anymore.


|| Your sister's POV ||


I knew it. But...What could I do about it? I felt lost. Her words showed me that I was such a careless person the past weeks. I seriously did not have a proper conversation with her. And the food...I came back with a full tummy because I ate outside since I thought that she'd be too tired to cook for me, but I thought wrong. But I'm also humane, I can do wrong and forget as well.

My promise? What did I...Wait! The project! HER project?! Damn! She had to finish her project already next week. What am I going to do now?

"I'm sorry. I am really sorry, so much that I could throw myself infront of truck and get runned by it." I said this while getting closer to get to hug her. "Please forgive your old sister with a fish memory." I opened my arms and put one around her back and the other one around her legs, sitting beside her.


|| Your POV ||


I didn't want to give in that easily again. It just happened too often and I remember every single time. I wished she could be a more easy-taking person and me a more understanding one. But we are not so...

"Leave me alone!" I shouted while throwing her both arms off me. I took my phone from the charger and ran to the front door. Slamming it behind my back I rushed the stairs down. I just wanted to disappear, to fade away, to take a break in the stopped time for me.

All that what happened before, was not everything yet. Everything I told her was not a complete story yet. There was another issue but I guess I'd have just caused more problems with that. I'm going to tell it later on, for now: just run away.

I stood infront of the bus station and whiped my remaining tears away. In those moments, the only place I could go and take a little break was the empty hoot beside the river of our town. Nobody could dare to put a step into it so I decided to make it my hide-over at times like this.

Since there were no seats for me left at the station, I nearly kneeled down on the cold ground and started warming up myself with rubbing my hands. I should have taken my coat at least. Although I loved the cool and refreshing weather, at night it was a bit uncomfy without wearing something over.

I looked to my left side and saw a shadow-like figure walking to me. Its steps got faster. Wait...Is that maybe my sister? Without taking a second look I saw the bus already comming and I quickly entered it right

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Salmaelv #1
Chapter 5: So proud of your work! Keep it up babe! I'll be always waiting for the rest of the story .. #Hwaiting