세븐틴: Adam and Eve


세븐틴: Adam and Eve


        The sebongs couldnt get over what they saw in the trailer. Before their flight to Hong Kong, they were still boiling. Jeonghan and Jun were left tortured each day. They were quiet. Actually all of them were quiet, which made the staffs worry a lot because it was quite unusual. They thought that they were just exhausted or they fought about something.


        Upon their arrival at Hongkong, they immediately went to practice to the concert arena after placing their things in their hotel rooms. Hoshi was on fire while instructing them; as a result, it created a great fire between all of them. They had this mini conflicts because Hoshi was getting into his devil side again. The cute Hoshi was slowly becoming a monster one. Jeonghan took the initiative to have a talk; although, he knew that it was because of him.



Uh excuse me?

(With a little precaution.)


(He started talking when he already gathered their attention; though, it was piercing. He’s tortured.)

Guys, cmon!

I know you are angry at me right now, but we have to be happy because our fans are waiting for us.


        Then, that was the time everybody spoke.



Why didt you tell us that you have that kind of scene?



I already told you that I have kissing scenes there.

I just cant reveal it because

(Thought of an excuse)

It will spoil you, so




Youre afraid?

How intense was it Jeonghan?

(With a cold killer voice.)


        Meanwhile, Seungkwan and Vernon were surprisingly not over reacting unlike the others. Jun noticed it because all he could do now was to observe.


While their hyungs were having a talk or more on conflict, Jun asked the two cuties of why they were not so shocked about everything. Usually Seungkwan would react and talk a lot, but now, it was different. It was the other way around.



Seungkwan-ah, why are you quiet?

Are you not surprised?



(He was scared that Jun caught him.)

H-hyung i

Coz I- I know it was just a story line.

(He smile awkwardly then changed the topic)

How about you?

You kiss hyung in the neck?


(That was when he reacted.)


        Jun was stiff for a moment and never talk again because he remembered that he was a criminal in their eyes too. He became guilty all of a sudden. Seungkwan was forcing him, but he was not talking at all. He hypnotized himself not to talk. That was the time Vernon suspected that he was hiding something that would add oil to the flame; nevertheless, he stayed calm.


        Back to the other members conversation



(He froze like a statue and began stuttering.)

Um its just a




Hyung, are we going to get destructed by it now?

Cmon! Lets do the concert then talk after this.

(With a pissed cute face.)


        Deep inside Jeonghan, he wanted to shower his baby Di Caprio sweet kisses and that he wanted to embrace him tight because he was so brave and adorable at the same time. Jeonghan thanked Vernon in his mind numerous times already. Too sad he couldnt hear it, but he was really grateful of what Vernon did.



Alright! Alright!

(Clapping his hands.)

Vernon is right.

Back to practice!


        Just within a few hours, they were standing on the spotlight again. They were currently having their make-up and some were already changing their clothes. Jeonghan saw Vernon beside him and thanked him from saving his life in the hands of the cruel hyungs and other members.



Vernon-ah, thank you for what you did earlier.



Thats nothing, hyung.

(He smiled)

I will support you on whatever you do.



(He was touched)


(Pinched Vernon’s cheeks)



(Looked at his hyung with full respect and admiration.)

I love you. (In English)



Thank you.



(Then, he frowned and sighed)

Its just that, after that film, we have to defend you from everybody else.

I think, that was the main problem.


        Later on, Baby Chan got in the dressing room and joined the conversation.



You are quite correct with that, hyung, but their main problem is

(Looked at Jeonghan with a serious face.)

They are all angry because




Because what?



Because, they have sooooo much competitors now.

And the kissing scene in the film is just a big big threat. I mean, their world are slowly falling apart.



What do you mean?



(He sighed and felt hopeless)

Very good, hyung. You are doing just right!

Stay naïve like I told you to do.


(With a problematic face.)



Well, thank you. But please let me know something.



Stay like that.




Yeah. I think so.

Dino ya, prepare for battle after the film.



(With a lousy voice)

I am.




Do you think, my image will be ruined after you watch that film?



I think hmmm

The trailer gives me a little hint already about something, but I think the story line is amazing. And your stunts were really good!



Did you got hurt by doing those?

I think the one you did with Jun hyung was really hard.



I am, but Jun was the one who suffered a lot because hes accepting all the pain just to protect me.

Thanks to him, I have no major injury.

(He smiled)

Did you know that we went to the hospital the time we filmed it?

(He had a trivia that made the boys curious)


        Seungkwan, Hoshi, The8 and Mingyu joined them because they heard it and they were curious too.



What happened?



Dont tell him that I tell you this, or else I will be dead.




(With a big eyes)



Well, after all the fake sword attack that he had from me, which was all accidental because I had a hard time controlling them… anyways…

He caught me from the roof.



What the hell happen?

Did you fall?




My harness was uneven that time. So, when I was about to jump, I fell instead of jumping to the other roof.

He ran and recue me.



And then?



We was knocked down.



What do you mean? He pass out?









The impact swayed us to the three and it hit his back so bad that he fainted, so we brought him to the hospital.


        The boys faces were cringing in pain because; although, it was a fake sword, it was made of metal and the impact of it was no joke when it hit a persons body. And that impact that made him pass out was just unimaginable.



(He continued as he remembered something.)

Oh boy I actually hit his chest that he couldn’tt breathe for an hour.

(He closed his eyes in disappointment)

I feel bad.



Why didnt he dodge?



Well, if he dodged, I will hit the other stunt mans neck, and there was someone who’d supposed to attack me, so if he remove his body, I might kill a person and I might have a broken ribs.



So he received a double stab?

(With a cute big round eyes)



Oh, thank goodness the stunt man noticed that I made a mistake.

(He giggled)

Im so clumsy in doing the stunts.

Everything is heavy!



Dont blame the equipments, hyung. You are the one who was manipulating them.

(He giggled)



My bad.

(He pursed his mouth with his cute big eyes.)

Anyway, dont bully Jun anymore.



We should tell that to Coups hyung and the others too.



Then tell them one by one and secretly because Jun might feel upset.




It must have hurt him a lot.



You bet!



Aigoo, poor Jun-hyung.


        So, after they completed preparing, they performed at the stage and gave all their best to make good memories with all their fans who attended the concert and in exchange of the love they were all giving them.


        Soon after their concert, Mingyu and Jeonghan had no time to rest because they needed to fly to Thailand to do a sitcom. Thank goodness, the boys didnt quarrel after the concert because they were too exhausted to do that. They stayed at their hotel and rest after they ate.


        Meanwhile, Mingyu and Jeonghan who already boarded the plane were obviously tired because they immediately fell asleep as soon as they sat. Hours later, their manager woke them up. Fortunately, they had a lot of time to rest. They stayed at the hotel for a while and sleep.


        They were staying at a two bedroom hotel and it was completely quiet because the two were knocked down. They didnt even removed their shoes yet when they jumped into their beds.


        By the evening, the two were asked to attend the script review for Jeonghans role -as the member who found the lost Mingyu-. It was just a review and the shooting would be by the next day early in the morning.


-Sitcom Set-


        The two gorgeous boys arrived at the room where the directors and script writers, as well as, the casts were after finishing a segment. Mingyu introduced his beautiful hyung to them politely as they both bowed their heads.


        All inside the room were stunned and became mute upon seeing the beautiful being beside Mingyu. Jeonghan let out a cute giggle because he didnt know how to communicate with them except for Sawadika which means hello and with his bright smile. The mong (blank) Jeonghan relied on Mingyu because he already know what to do. Mingyu held Jeonghans hand and went near the team and instructed him to seat beside him.


        Meanwhile, the director was still dazed that he was tapped by their producer just for him to come back to his senses. Finally, when everyone was ready, they discussed the details of the shoot. They handed them their scripts and the boys reviewed them. After their meeting, the two boys and the casts went out for a dinner, so they would know each other more and in order to help them be comfortable with them.


They had fun, but the casts were also sadden because they would miss Mingyu and Jeonghan after the shoot. They spent the night with full of laughter and of course with small talks. Although, they had this language barrier between them, they tried their best to express their words with sincerity.


        After a small gathering, the two pretty boys went to their hotel and rest again. Mingyu, on the other hand, didnt forget his duties for his hyung. He made sure that Jeonghan drinks his medicine before going to bed.


        The next morning, the angel and his prince went together to the set. Jeonghan didnt have to try hard for the character he was playing because he would just portray his character as himself. Basically, he just have to perform a typical Jeonghan.


While doing his role, who was finding Mingyu out of nowhere in the road, he noticed that Mingyu was on a platform leaning on a wall, sleeping with his lax body. His long legs were spread widely and his mouth was widely opened. The angel went there sneakily and sat in between Mingyus legs and put all his weight to the poor young man who was so tired because of his hectic schedule.


        The tease Jeonghan laid his back on Mingyus chest, making Mingyu almost chocked because he couldnt breathe properly. The uncomfortable feeling woke him up finding out that it was his dark angels doing.



(Half asleep handsome face.)


(With a pissed face.)






Poor Mingyu ya, you must be tired.




Aigoo, hyung.

(He looked hopeless)

Then why cant you let me sleep.

(With an irritated voice.)



(Looked at him with his frowning brows and teasing smile)

Because we need to eat, darling~


        Jeonghan was busy opening their lunch when Mingyu sat up straight and rest his chin to his princess shoulders. Mingyu was so sleepy that he immediately fell asleep after being comfortable with his position while embracing his thin stuffed princess in front of him.



(Busy mixing their PadThai)

Aigoo~ my poor prince is very tired.


        Jeonghan looked at the baby handsome prince leaning on him.



Mingyu ya ahhhh~


        However, Mingyu was so lazy to move.



My prince, ahhhhh~


        He tried it again but failed.



Mingyu ya, you need to eat to have an energy for work.
(Then a little pause. Jeonghan was thinking of an effective call and tried

Jagiya, open your mouth now. You have to eat.


        Mingyu was pleased with the words he heard and formed a smile on his lips. Jeonghan knew that Mingyu would bite his bait, but it was not enough to wake his sleeping prince up.



Jagiya, cmon. Eat now, do your job, so we can have our date later.

(Caressing Mingyus head.)


        Jeonghan kept on persuading Mingyu to eat because he was scared that he might get sick after all the schedules he had. Of all Sebongs, Mingyu, Coups, Hoshi, Jihoon, and Wonwoo had the most tiring schedule, including him. But now, he could relax a bit because their taping would end soon.


        Jeonghan was correct! Mingyu opened his eyes as well as his mouth and received the food merrily. He was still embracing Jeonghan that time.



(Noticed that Jeonghan was not eating.)

Jeonghan-ah, why are you not eating?



You first, so you can rest a bit more.



Im fine princess. I can do it by myself.


        Mingyu transferred beside Jeonghan and eat with him. Of course, a day wont be complete without teasing each other.



Jeonghan-ah, you promise me a date.

(Reassuring that he would claim that date.)

Its not a part of the price from our game before!



(Opened his eyes widely and raised both of his brows)

It was just a joke.

I did that because its hard to wake you up.

(With a serious teasing/ acting face.)


        The energy of Mingyu depleted; though, he was not fully recharged yet. It drained him because his hoping heart ended up rejected. Mingyu felt sad and pouted his lips as he ate. He ate like a slug- slowly and without energy. Jeonghan realized that Mingyu really want a date with him; though, Mingyu was getting teased every time they were together. Jeonghan then decided to date everyone else this time because he wanted to thank all of them for everything. Besides, he wanted to spend time with them equally because when they were all together, the tendency was he’d be with someone more than the other. Unlike when they were alone, he could concentrate in one person.




(Sighed as he lost his appetite)

I dont want to eat anymore.

(He put down his food and get back to the wall to rest.)


        The angel looked at Mingyus food and scolded him because he didnt finish it.



Mingyu-ya, finish your food.



(With irritated face)

Im sleepy. Let me sleep.

(Then he murmured)

Why does he have to disturb me in that way? I feel cheated. Tsk!


        Jeonghan smirked because he knew that Mingyu was excited going out with him and he thought that he might feeling discarded.



Ya, if you dont want to finish your food, we wont be going on a date. I swear.



(More irritated)

Dont speak words that you arent serious of doing, hyung.

Im really disappointed right now and I want a sleep.


        Jeonghan never ceased to tease the irritated prince as he kept on tapping his legs.



(Groaned and shoved Jeonghans hand off his long legs.)

Ei, hyung!


        The dark angel was sure that he was getting angrier because first of all, he wore an annoyed face, and secondly, he called him hyung. (He usually drop his honorifics when they were alone.)



(He decided to end his teasing strategy before Mingyu would get really angry.)

My prince, just eat all of these and relax.

I promise that well have a date later.



(He was annoyed and yet he kept on answering)

Thats not true.

Dont fool me around. Im not in the good mood.



(Mingyu was really disappointed and went to the next level.)

Jagiya, Im waiting. My arms hurts already.

(Acting cute with his voice.)

I really want a date but if you dont want and you preferred a rest in the hotel instead, I will just go somewhere alone. Ill let you sleep.

(Back to his evil persuading plans)



I really want to go out after shooting.


        Slowly, Mingyu opened his eyes and talked normally again. He was excited but he still had to make his acting with his annoyed face because Jeonghan might take it back again. He knew Jeonghan, so he really needed to put everything in to act first before he shows his true feelings because Jeonghan is a mischievous angel.



Dont mess around with me again, Jeonghan-ah.

(Confirmed that he was okay because he already called his hyung by name.)



(Pouted his lips cutely and stared at Mingyu with his adorable big eyes.)

Lets have a date then?



(He smiled like those men who were in a slow motion scenes)

Alright. If you insist.

And call me Jagiya because you have to pay for disturbing me.

(He looked at him with an icy cold eyes. Hes like taking back what Jeonghan stole from him.)



(He was amused on how Mingyu reacted, but at the same time, he was troubled on what he had done, especially the ‘Jagiya’ thing.)

Alright. Alright.

(He sighed)

Can I just call you ‘Jagiya’ when we’re alone? It’s you know…



Aigoo~ just whisper it if you’re embarrassed.

(He giggled)

But I won’t take it back.


        Jeonghan had no choice, but to follow his prince’s rule. Nevertheless, a mission complete to his Prince again.


        While the other were shooting the scenes, the two couldnt help but to tease each other behind the camera. Mingyu was obviously loosing Jeonghans evil games because he got easily annoyed by Jeonghans irritating touch on his behind and he kept on playing with Mingyu by pinching his skin whenever they hold hands or teasing him verbally. But since, they were not at home, Mingyu tried to prevent himself from getting angry in public. He calmed himself while saying. Behave Jeonghan-ah, were not at home. As he pursed his lips trying to stop everything Jeonghan does on his body.


        Finally, after a while, Jeonghan stopped. Thank goodness. Mingyu was relieved that it was already their turn to shoot their scenes.


        The scene was: the police led Jeonghan to Mingyu and finally they were reunited again. Jeonghan acted like the way he was. After giving Mingyu a hug and a crispy smooch on his cheek, he began scolding him and soon after, gave his tease to his handsome dongsaeng.


        Everything was perfect that day! Their 1st day shooting together ended well and they were free to go. But they still had to do some of Jeonghans individual shoot to the places where he had to act that he was looking for their beloved missing friend. Then, Mingyu would have his last shoot at the temple together with the other casts.


        In the evening, as promised, the two went out freely. Theyve been to crowded places where they could eat a lot and buy things. Jeonghan was very active, while Mingyu obviously showed a lack of enthusiasm. He was happy but his energy could just give Jeonghan a handsome tired smile. He had no energy to tease his princess back; even though, he was really pissed sometimes.


        They stopped by a place where they could buy and eat food outside a stall. Jeonghan bought quite plenty variety of food and he wont let Mingyu pay for it even if he insisted. The prince was surprised upon seeing a pool of delicious food on their small table. Again, he was excited but he had no energy to over react.



(He finally stop buying and sat on the chair.)

Here. Eat! I know you have no energy left.

Lets finish this and were done.

(He smiled)



Jeonghan-ah, you bought plenty!

Can we eat all of this?



You will.

(He grinned widely.)

I want to taste everything, so I buy one for the both of us. If you want a certain food, lets just buy another one.

So. Lets eat, Jagiya? (With a whisper)

(Energized him again with that special word he wanted.)



(Quickly sat straight and got immediately energized. Mingyu’s battery full!)


Thank you for this date, Ja-



(He was shy but he liked it.)


        He thought that saying those words was kinda hard and embarrassing. He wondered how Jeonghan could say that easily and sweetly without showing how shy he was. He was really amazed on Jeonghan’s charms and admired him more.



(He giggled)

See! It’s embarrassing! Let’s stop calling each other like that in public. Let’s do it when we are alone.

But I don’t think I will still feel shy over it.

(He chuckled)




(He liked the idea of Jeonghan calling him Darling, but it was somehow embarrassing, so he just agreed)

I think so too.

(He laughed)



Mingyu ya~



(Happily replied)

Wae, Jeonghanie?

(Exposing his cute smile with his deadly canine)



(He laughed because Mingyu was so cute.)

You want us to take a photo together and send it to the boys?



I am very willing to do that.

Let’s make them jealous.


        So, they took several photos and sent all of it through their group chat. Everyone was envious of them and asked for some more souvenirs. For the first time, the opposite couple joined forces to tease the other members. They even showed a photo of them that really looked that they were dating- as in officially dating! They had a picture where they embraced each other (Mingyu backed hug Jeonghan); the other would portray to plant a kiss on the other’s cheeks; Mingyu gave Jeonghan a back ride, eating and posing together for their selca, and many other more. On the other hand, the boys decided to log out instead.



Lets go home?



Do you want to go somewhere?



Nah, Im fine now. Im full.

(He giggled)

Im very satisfied with our date Mingyu ya.



Will there be any dates again?



Just tell me.

Id love to.

I want a vacation out of the country!




I love that too!

But I want only the two of us.



Then dont invite anyone else.

(He grinned)

We will have a vacation date, my prince.

Lets plan it after our world tour.






Lets go back, so we can rest.


        They stood up and unfortunately for Jeonghan, he felt weak and almost collapse. Mingyu caught him in his arms.






(He smiled)

I just got dizzy for a moment.





Anything hurting you?




(He stood up straight and became fine again.)

Im fine, Mingyu-ya.

(He giggled)

Aigoo~ thank god were not in Korea or else

Its full of controversy.



(He smiled though hes still worried.)

Lets do our date often.



When I’m not lazy.

(He giggled)

Thank you for our date.



Thank you too.

(He chuckled)

Lets go now?

We just take taxi then.


        The two took off and rode a taxi and rest at their hotel.


        The next day was quite a tiring one; nevertheless, they enjoyed working with all of them. As a gift, they made an arrangement in a restau-bar and had fun the whole night. They ordered beer for everybody and had a little game, which get Jeonghan and Mingyu drunk. However, Mingyu could still control himself, but in Jeonghans case, he was so drunk that he stayed quiet for a while. That was the time Mingyu excused themselves and thanked them for everything.



We have to go Jeonghan-ah.


        The strong Apollo lifted his drunk angel from his seat and excuse themselves.




(The drunk angel whined)

Mingyu ya

(He was feeling light at that time because of the alcohol intake he had. He kept on losing the game thats why he got really drunk.)

I want to stay here.

(Pouted his lips as he got another bottle of beer to drink.)



        Mingyu pulled the beer from his lips and carried him far from them. Jeonghan kept on swaying, but Mingyu was still composed as he maintained his hot smile for the actors while saying goodbye.



        Finally, Mingyu managed to go out peacefully. He was so troubled because Jeonghan was really drunk, and he knew that it was his responsibility to take care of him. They were waiting for a taxi that time. It was a busy night, so they had a difficulty in finding one.



        Later on, Jeonghan jolted his body as he felt that he was about to vomit. Mingyu panicked as Jeonghan was clinging on him tightly. The handsome prince carried him (with Jeonghans stomach at his shoulder and upper body at the back of Mingyu.) next to the sink at the side of the bar but it was too late, Jeonghan had already throw up on his shirt a little.



(Sighed with a troubled face.)

Aigoo, Jeonghan-ah.


        Mingyu let him rest for a while. He checked his shirt and he was correct! Jeonghan threw up on his shirt. Then, the drunk angel immediately went into the sink to puke. Mingyu had nothing to do about the situation as he patted Jeonghans back lightly.



Jeonghan-ah, you should learn how to say you cant do it anymore.


        After Jeonghan stopped vomiting, Mingyu helped Jeonghan to wash his beautiful face and silky skin. However, the naughty angel striked again! Jeonghan pulled the bidet near the faucet and sprinkled water to the unlucky handsome man of the night.




(He screamed in frustration.)

Enough, Jeonghan!

(He snatched the bidet on his naughty angels hand)


        Jeonghan just giggled endlessly like a cute crazy cherub. All Mingyu could do was to sigh and smile because his angel was so cute at that time. His laughter was so adorable; though, his actions of teasing were not that adorable because it pissed the handsome demi god.


        Mingyu continued calling a cab; even though, he was soaked with water. Finally, they got a cab. Thank goodness the cab driver was so kind that he helped Mingyu carry the frisky, free spirited, wild, quiet angel on his arms.



Thank you, sir.


        So, the cab driver safely dropped them in front of the hotel. Mingyu made sure to cover their faces to avoid issues. He carried the still Jeonghan on his arms because he got dizzy inside the cab.


        When they reached their room successfully, without any obstacle, Mingyu went to the bathroom to rinse Jeonghan up. He helped the drunk Jeonghan brush his teeth, but the cherub kept on playing with Mingyus face, which made him annoyed the most.



Ya! Ya! Stop!

(He gripped Jeonghans hand tightly, so that he could not move, while his other hand was brushing his teeth.)

Stay still!


This angel, really!


        After washing, He took him to the bathtub where the shower was. He let him sit in the tub because he needed to get some towel and his clothes. The Prince- turned- slave went out of the bathroom and get a towel and got some of Jeonghans comfy clothes. Mingyu needed to just ask the hotel for more towels because he could hear a chaotic sound of flowing water inside the bathroom. Taking the call delayed Mingyus action of preventing Jeonghan from creating such a big mess.


        On the other hand, the playful angel took off his clothes and started to fill the tub with water. Then, he got the whole liquid soap and pour almost everything on the tub. Then, the water started to flow out of the tab. Jeonghan was just playing like hes a kid with the tub filled with bubbles.


        When Mingyu got inside the bathroom, he was shocked because the water flooded the bathroom.



Jeonghan aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!

What the hell is going on?!

Oh my god!


        It was chaotic inside the bathroom, his clothes were scattered on the floor soaked in water. Mingyu was confused of what to do, then all of a sudden, someone knocked on the door. Mingyu ran to the door and get the towel he asked for. At the same time, he asked for a mop to clean up Jeonghans mess.


        The slave of the angel went back to the bathroom and rescue his angel who lose his sanity. Mingyu helped him wash, but then, too bad he was pulled inside the bath. He was totally drenched by water and his face was decorated by bubbles.


Later on, Mingyu noticed that the tub was was surprisingly bubbly. The poor prince checked the liquid soap and found out that it was almost empty.



Mingyu ya~

(With a sweet naughty tone.)

Wash your body too.

You smell bad.

(With a smile and a hiccup)



Ya! Did you put everything (the soap) here?



Isnt it nice?


(He blow the bubbles on his hand.)


        Jeonghan was cute that time, but Mingyu couldnt stop thinking how to make up his hyungs mess. Once again, the bell boy knocked on their room and gave the mop to him. He was all messy but it didnt matter anymore. He needed to fix a very big problem at the moment. He cared less about his image hes handsome anyway-. Then, later on, his phone rang. He wasnt supposed to answer that but he saw that it was their CEO who was calling.



(With a panicking voice because he could see the flood inside the bathroom)

Yes, boss?



How are you there?



Were fine, sir.




(He called sweetly but loudly.)



(He was nervous because the CEO might hear it.)

N-no need to worry.



Whos that?



Jeonghan hyung, sir. Hes teasing me again.

Dont mind him.



Is he okay?

(Concerned with his health.)



Yes, sir. Hes just fine.

(With an awkward laugh.)



Can I talk to him?



Unfortunately, hes in the bathroom.

H-hes bossing me around.


(He lied)



Jagiya~ where are you?

Im wai-

(Mingyu ran to the bathroom to close Jeonghans noisy scandalous mouth.)



Oh. I see. Take care boys.

I need you to look after him, Mingyu.



Yes, sir.

Good night!


        Immediately, Jeonghan stole Mingyus handphone and accidentally open the video and started recording. Jeonghan was clueless and recorded his beautiful smiles surrounded by bubbles.



Jeonghan-ah! Give me that!

(He’s trying to steal it from him, but Jeonghan was fast in dodging him.)



Mingyu ya

(With a straight tone.)

You must wash your body. You-are-dirty and smelly.



Whose fault is it?

Its yours!



        Mingyu was left with no choice but to wash too. He helped Jeonghan wash his hair, face, and body and it was still a chaotic bath. Jeonghan did not left him do his job peaceful, in fact, he gave him more problem as he  pulled his hair, and scrubbed Mingyus back harshly. Fortunately, it didnt peel off his beautiful skin. After they were done washing their bodies, Mingyu drained the tub and opened up the shower for them to rinse.



(With a very tired voice)


(Taking a deep long breath.)

Were done, Jeonghan. Get up!


        Poor Mingyu, the angel wont listen to him. He forced him to get out of the bath after wrapping him with a bath robe and threw him the towel. Mingyu dried his body as fast as he could, so that he could secure Jeonghan that hed not go back to the bath.



Faster Jeonghan!




Youre so loud.

(With a seductive tone.)


        Jeonghans slave pulled the princess out of the bath and gave him his clothes. Mingyu gave him a very large long sleeves cute pair of pajamas which was a gift from Hoshi. It was a white long sleeves and pants printed with desserts. It was a cute one and it fits Jeonghan.



Get dressed now.


        Mingyu left him at the corner near the bed so that he could jumped on to his bed immediately after putting on clothes. While, he would get his own clothes and get dressed. Mingyu was looking at Jeonghan while dressing and saw that he was wearing the buttons in the wrong way; in addition, Jeonghan kept on singing softly with the lyrics Jagiya, Saranghae. I love to tease you because it’s cute. I love you. Mingyu ya, why is it its fulfilling when I see you ugly. I love it when I see you annoyed. I love to tease you, because it’s cute. I love you. Saranghae~ saranghae~ many times. For the first time in history, Jeonghans first chorus was made! However, Mingyu didnt know how to feel. Would he be annoyed or pleased? Because the lyrics were too complicated for him to comprehend. Theres a praise and an insult at the same time. And yet, he showed a very pleased face.



        Jeonghan was still struggling on putting on the button. For the longest time, the naughty angel could only manage to put on 3 mismatched buttons, so Mingyu decided to help him.




Jeonghan-ah, behave.



        Jeonghan was still singing insults and love for Mingyu, while the poor slave was struggling on putting together the buttons because of Jeognhan’s naughty sways.


        Mingyu started ing his shirt again and buttoned it back from the bottom until it reached the top. Surprisingly, Jeonghan became quiet that time. Maybe he’s tired. The slaved prince was surprised by it and looked at the angel closely. Since he just finished dressing Jeonghan, his face was so close to him.


The poor mans heart was trapped in Jeonghans beauty that moment. On the other hand, Jeonghan was squinting his eyes to see how handsome the demigod in front of him was. He bit his lips lusciously that attracted Mingyu.  When the prince realized that he was getting closer to the vulnerable angel, he pushed himself away, but Jeonghan pulled him back and started appreciating Mingyus visuals. He caressed Mingyus beautiful tanned skin on his strikingly handsome face and talked softly while scanning the details of his face.



Mingyu ya~

(He smiled)

Why are you so handsome?


        Mingyu was left with no words and gave in to the temptation Eve offered him. Mingyu pressed his lips onto Jeonghans, but then he pulled it immediately because he wanted to protect him from his own.


Meanwhile, Jeonghan, who was imprisoned into the alcohol felt heat striking his neck up until his cheeks. His cold temperature suddenly became warm. It was as soon as Mingyu touched his lips to his. He pulled Mingyu back and good thing Mingyu managed to support himself and pushed the wall to prevent himself to go deeper into temptation. However, the snake influenced Jeonghan; as a result, he was the one to touch Adams soft and luscious lips. The angel become a demon that night. He tempted the poor human by a soft touch on his lips. Once, twice but it seemed that it wasnt enough. Jeonghan brushed his arms around Mingyus neck and pulled him closer and harder. Mingyu couldnt resist the tender kisses the angel was offering him and started giving it back gently and passionately. The taller man held Jeonghans thin waist. His right hand embraced Jeonghan tightly while the other hand went up to touch Jeonghans pretty face.



Soft kisses didnt seem to satisfy them. Their kisses went deeper and harder resulting for them to dive themselves into bed. Mingyu was already addicted by the pleasure and continued to kiss him deeper yet delicately, especially when he heard the groan or sound of pleasure Jeonghan was making from the soft touches of their lips.


        They had a very short break, staring intensely to one another. With a smile, Jeonghan spoke with his soft voice.



(With his red face)

Mingyu ya~


        Then, Mingyu was saved. He realized that it was so intense he never expected. He only dreamt of a peck but the heavens granted him with blessings. He knew that he had sinned, that he abused the angel but, he couldnt help.



(Responded to the angels soft voice.)


(He was a little nervouse when he realized about everything they did that night.)


        Jeonghan was drained and he felt that his head started to spin harder. His head hurts a lot, so he put his hand to touch his head.



Mingyu ya, my head is spinning.


        Mingyu climb up and looked at his angel and smile.



You should rest, my princess.

You drink a lot.

Good night~


        Mingyu was waiting for a response; however, Jeonghan seemed to sleep immediately.



Sweet dreams, angel~


        Mingyu kissed Jeonghans forehead. Then, he got a blanket to cover Jeonghan with blanket and slept beside him placing his long arms embracing Jeonghan’s petite body.




watch out for my grammar. ;D i'm really sorry. my english got bad. haha! have a good night!








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jensniek #1
Chapter 22: I want to kiss jeonghan too ㅠㅠ
Chapter 25: I looooooooooooove you for being born in this world!!!! You're mind is such a blessing!! I looooooove you!!!!!
Chapter 25: hahahahaha! finally! the ultimate (not yet) hot scene is here--- although it's for a moment ahahahahha but it's entertaining to see sebong's reaction. just too cute o(>ω<)o i never expected jeonghan's bed scene ahahahahhaa!!! and blame my erted head for actually imagining that scene. . hahahahaha--- now, i can't wait to know what the sebongs are going to do to their only princess. junnie is innocent though ahahahahha ┐(︶▽︶)┌

i'm going to subscribe the next sequel later~ hope you have a great day writing and you have done well. ❤ (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc) it's rare to find a jeongharem fanfic and on top of it, it's lighthearted. except jeonghan's illness, i'm enjoying everything. i wish next sequel jeonghan will actually be fine and living happily ever after with his loverS. yes, loverS. alrightie~ see you soon! ♡ ( ̄З ̄)
Chapter 25: read 2 chap at a time, during reading chap 25 i laughed, imagine the expression sebong. to be honest I was shocked when reading the xxx scene, heol Yoon Jeonghan did the scene.
anyway sebong must be angry. so the next sequel is Clap era? I can not wait too long

I hope next sequel our angel always healty :3
Chapter 25: I can't believe it's already ended ㅠㅠ.. But are the series also ended too. I want to jeonghan recover.. I love this series so much. Thank you for writing it. I love you author - im
hiletsmile #7
Chapter 24: blessed with their love and sweetness!!! I believe Jeonghanie will happy and healthy at the end. Finally, the long-long-awaiting premier is coming very near. We all are eager to know the reaction of the boys after seeing their angel in the film.
Thank you so much Eros, your series are so good, can't remember how many times I read Standby, Cue, Soundcheck again and again.
Chapter 24: Wahhh,,, finally the premier will happen already!!! After months(?) of waiting!!! I am so looking forward to your next update!!!