세븐틴: Premier Night R18


세븐틴: Premier Night R18


        Jeonghan and Jun was fetched in their dorm early in the morning for a little presscon and for the preparation on attending their premier.


Sebongs were asked to wear formal clothes and (!) oxygen and might as well, a defibrillator to revive their hearts from multiple stabs their brilliant as ever smile as a support for the movie.


        The boys took it seriously. They prepared a lot, maybe, they prepared for a battle. They even imitated Jeonghan the way he does his breathing exercise before going to the premier. In addition, all of them wore black suit in preparation for their own burial after burying the whole cast, including the director and the writer together with the producer of the movie. No one would escape the wrath of 11 boys. They could even risk everything as they were willing to kill all those who’d watch that film in the cinema and burn the film itself just to protect their beloved member(s)- because they don’t know if they would exile Jun in the outer space until he dies, after watching it (-based on the trailer they’ve watched).


        Maybe Carats would see Seventeen in the headlines with a new title. It’s not about being self-producing idol anymore; it’s not about winning another award; nor having another comeback, but it’s about Seventeen being notorious criminals.


Headlines such as “Seventeen was betrayed! Jeonghan and Jun’s Murder.” or “A murder spree in the cinema lead by Mafia Seventeen.” or “XXXscene caused a tragic ending for Seventeen!!!” –something like that would pop out of the blue in Korea’s newspaper and around the world.


        Those were the scenes Sebongs could imagine, so instead of showing their warmest smile, they wore a very demonic and intimidating stares –which their manager found weird and scary; moreover, the intensity inside the van was heightened up by the deafening silence while being seated firmly –as if they’re marching to a bloody combat- inside their van on their way to the cinema, where the murder premier would happen.



        On the contrary, Jeonghan was asked to wear a grey inner and slacks with his maroon suit and brown oxford shoes. While, Jun was asked to wear an all-black suit tucked with 6 buttons and a turtle neck inner.


Jeonghan’s makeup was just soft and natural, while Jun wore a heavy smokey eye shadows with a hint of red tint to define their characters on the red carpet.


        While waiting for their death the show, Jeonghan and Jun were uneasy and were terribly scared. Jeonghan got dizzier whenever he sees their watch moving fast, as if the time really want them dead on the spot. His hands were getting cold not because of his disease, but because he could imagine what slaughter s would do to them after the show.


        The two boys were seriously blank and sweating, as if they were about to be sentenced by death in the court (With Sebongs as judges) in front of many people, and that, they would be hanged immediately after the judgement.


        They wanted to escape, but there were just evil in the world who would not let them pass easily. Their hyungs, who were amused seeing their dongsaengs’ reactions teased them more.






(With an irritated and, at the same time, worried but still cute expression)

What are you talking about?!

There’s no time to be scared.

I’m dead, hyung! We are DEAD!




(He sighed and laughed)

We’re here for you guys. Don’t worry.


Ji Hyo:

They love you both, they won’t kill you.



They spare no one, noona.



Too much love can kill, noona.

I’m scared.

(Wearing his big blank eyes with his hands and feet trembling.)


        Jeonghan embraced his only ally, Jun, and they went to a corner concealing themselves. Trying to create their own world to escape from the hands of 11 death gods.


Soo Hyun:

Ya, what are you doing there at the corner?


Get back here, you two!


Sung Rok:

They are really scared.

I wonder why?


Jin Hee:

My sons, you are welcome to my house anytime.



If we’ll be able to go to your house alive, JinHee appa.



Maybe a bloody message will be sent to you.

(Running his wild imagination)

If ever they’d chop my body, please… please gather them back at least. Bury me in China... back in my motherland.


        All laughed because they thought it was cute seeing their youngest giving up for their lives just because of the film. They didn’t understand how serious it was. They won’t understand. Of course, they wouldn’t!




        The time came where the movie casts arrived in their destination. Their vans were parked where the red carpet was, letting the stars alight the car one by one, safely (hoping no snipers were around).


Many press and fans were in the area. Media where everywhere, making sure that they would capture every stars that would pass through the glamorous red carpet, while the Carats were proudly cheering for them. However, behind Jeonghan and Jun’s beautiful smile concealed fear. They were really nervous and frightened, but they gotta act right and professional in front of many people. They could just worry about their escape plan during the film, better if they already got one. Actually, plan A-Z were the best and good back-ups because the fight was all against two.


On the other hand, the vans next to them were Sebongs’. Despite the cool appearance of black hybrid vans, inside of it were hot and burning Sebongs, ready to slaughter.




        The casts walked together first, with the director on the aisle.


Next, were the other celebrities like other actors, boy and girl groups who would watch the premier. It was like a grand awards night as they all wore such elegant casual pieces of clothing with their brightest smile and classy hand waves.


        Seventeen, PLEDIS bosses, Nu’est, BTS, GOT7, MonstaX, MAMAMOO, EXID, SHINEE, AOA, PRISTINE, and etc.; in addition, actors like Lee KwangSoo was together with the other RUNNING Man members. Then, there’s Yook SungJae of BTOB, and Song Il Kook (from half-brother’s casts), and many other more and that includes the director’s friends and partners.


-Inside the CINEMA-


        “The Prince is a Fool” had finally started after a few annoying advertisements. Anyway, it was quite a big production with the cinematography combined with the actors. The introduction was quite intriguing.

As the story goes…



I-The introduction of the conflict/ problem.

II- Introduction of characters


        … and that was when Jeonghan’s character was finally shown!




        Everyone was in awe seeing Jeonghan’s beautiful (at first, covered face) face dancing their traditional dance gracefully, wearing a very well-crafted and colourful light-colored lady wear hanbok  The audience were all mesmerized, including Jeonghan himself. The shots were good. Meaning, the slow motion, and the art directing and other sheeez.


        Of course, the boys and his other admirers were proud of him and most likely, their hearts melted and had fallen in love deeper with Jeonghan.


III- InSung and Jeonghan’s first encounter. (with their stunts in pursuit)




        Jeonghan knew what that scene was all about, so he started sneaking and hiding beneath the corner of InSung’s armpit, which the actor found cute and somehow weird.



Ya, what are you doing with my armpit?

Sit straight!

(He instructed firmly with a teasing smile)




        On the other hand, the audience were amazed of their chase. They were astonished seeing the stunts of Jeonghan and Ah-In together, running on the rooftops of the Hanok houses- with Soo Hyun chasing them alone in his fastest speed.


It even made the Sebongs more surprised that Jeonghan could actually ran with that length; in addition, running fast on the roofs were hard enough for a normal being, how could Jeonghan pull that off? Meaning… was it easy?  The boys were thinking hard on how the hell did Jeonghan’s stamina took it all when he’s the weakest among them all.


It was exciting at the first part, buuuuuuuuuuuuuut!


IV- InSung and Jeonghan’s First Kiss (InSung save Jeonghan from their palace guards to be captured)


        Surprised yelps were suddenly heard inside the cinema. They didn’t expect it at all. Well, Soon Young was supposed to expect that scene because he saw them doing it; however, it still shock him like it was his first time seeing it.


        Meanwhile, the other boys had their jaws tight upon seeing that short clip.


It made everyone die for two reasons: jealousy and excitement. Jeonghan barely watched that scene, while HyeJin was whispering.



It’s done now.

Open your eyes.

Ya… it’s like you are watching some horror film.



(With one scared eyes open, while holding on tight on InSung’s arms.)

My life is a horror already, hyung.

One stupid thing I’ve ever done is to set myself on fire.

Chebal! Kill me before the do.


Soo Hyun:


Aigoo~ gwiyeowo.


        On the other hand, Jun was surprised. He became quiet all of a sudden. It’s like the scene was paused for a long time inside his mind.


Ji Hyo:

I’ll kill you right after. Watch the film now, Jeonghanie~

(She giggled)


V-Capture of Jeonghan, Ah-In, and HyeJin in separate private rooms.

        -InSung with HyeJin

        -Soon Hyun with Jeonghan

        -Ah-in with one other guard.





IX-Jihyo and InSung’s love story.

X-Brother’s conflict (SeungRok and InSung)

XI-Execution of plan with the rebellions (HyeJin’s group)

XII-Jun’s appearance (as a spy)





        In the middle of the film, everything was getting serious, the storyline was getting better and better; in addition, he stunts were explicit! It made everyone hooked up in watching.


XIII-Jun & Jeonghan’s flirt scene (Jeonghan cross dressing as a gisaeng)


-JUN & JEONGHAN’s Reaction-


        The two curved down in embarrassment. They couldn’t look at the scene, while their hyungs forced them to seat properly and open their eyes widely. It was so chaotic in the casts’ seats because they were holding the two young men firmly while, Jihyo was the one opening their eyes forcibly to let them see their cringey scene; though, it was perfect for everyone else except for the two actors.





        In the case of the audience, they wanted to kill Jun because of his annoying role. The Sebongs couldn’t handle how cringey and realistic and powerful Jun’s performance was. He’s so annoying! And it made them scowl while watching their weird (and handsome) member doing such a sophisticated hateful character. He’s very effective as a villain. No one could deny that. He really was hateful! So hateful!




        When the moment he touched Jeonghan’s lips with a y peck, the boys, including his other admirers had their blood raised quickly to their heads.


        Jeonghan’s lovers couldn’t make a smile. They’re currently boiling inside with their fists closed tightly, preventing themselves to go to them and punch their poor members hard, who were just doing their job.


On the other hand, the others (movie fans) just went screaming out of excitement.


        But meanwhile, their fighting scenes after the flirt scene made others dragged into the intensity of the fight, saying ‘Deabak!’ and ‘Omo-mo-omo-mo-mo!’ repeatedly. It was so intense with a little sensual feel, though. So overall, it was an , sophisticated, and cringe-y fight scene? No…. it’s close, but not…. Yet? Lol!


XIV-Hyejin’s meeting with his troop gathering all the evidence. (Jeonghan and Ah-In working underground)

XV-Brothers (HyeJin & Jeonghan) with the Prince (InSung)- meeting.

XVI-Trap for SeungRok (Jeonghan’s enchantment)

XVII-SeungRok and JiHyo’s engagement (Jihyo as the second wife after his first one died from a disease.)

XVIII-Ah-In’s secret and dangerous mission together with HyeJin

XIX-Jeonghan’s double character- Jeonghan’s masculinity being showcased (Flirting with Chinese women with the commissioner especially with the commissioner’s wife and daughter.)

        -He even saw the girls while wearing a mischievous and naughty smile, covering Ah-In’s eyes while he was looking at them leisurely, but there’s no time for that; although, Ah-in liked the view too, he needed to drag themselves back to their escape plan.

        -They winked at them before going (just like that of a playboy)

XX-Hyejin almost quit with their alliance because it was dangerous for all his men and for his beloved brother.

XXI-InSung convinced them in exchange of the conditions they want.

XXII-HyeJin was put with a high ranking position in the palace.

XXIII-Inside Job by InSung. The trap for his father and brother and other ministers.

XXIV-They failed to save JiHyo from the other side. So, InSung let Jeonghan do the job on how to get his beloved.

XXV-Jeonghan replaced Jihyo on their wedding day, with his head covered. Success of Ji Hyo’s rescue in exchange of Jeonghan’s head.

XXVI-HyeJin’s anger: plan to get his brother back.

XXVII-InSung and HyeJin’s quarrel.

XXVIII-Jeonghan escaped on his own by luring and trapping SeungRok and his father on his hands.

XXIV-Jeonghan’s ‘betrayal’

XXV-InSung’s ‘downfall’ and imprisonment; HyeJin’s group’s disperse.

XXVI-Ah-In as a general.

XXV-Jeonghan’s freedom, in exchange of ‘something’

XXVI-Chinese with Korean dynasty (the alliance)

XXVII-Jun’s change of heart.

XXVIII-Jun & Jeonghan’s second meeting (Kiss: revised ver.)



        Story: Jun played along on both sides. He was a little mischievous and tricky. He like playing with each team for his entertainment.


One moment, he met Jeonghan and their team to talk to them, saying that he’d like to betray his commanders because he discovered something bad. The two teams worked together, in spite of the doubt they had on Jun; nevertheless, the plan was going smoothly. That was when they let him talk to InSung, who was still in prison.


        Some day later, while preparing for battle (last battle), Jun met Jeonghan discreetly. He sent a letter to him that he should wear a gisaeng’s clothes, so no one would suspect them for an underground meeting if he was seen talking to him, or if he happened to do some flirty.


The assassin was about to give Jeonghan important documents and references and proofs to bring the other side down.


        Jun wore a princely Chinese silk while roaming around the city. He knew that someone was following him. He became cautious as he saw Jeonghan waiting on a stall acting like he’s buying something.


        The spy went to Jeonghan and started his casual flirting, dragging him to a steep street along the market to do the acting. He leaned Jeonghan to the wall and placed his hand to the wall to corner him.


He went close.


        Audience Reaction: The audience thought Jun kissed him again, but they were wrong. Jun was whispering something.



Ya, flirt with me. There are men who’s following me.


        Jeonghan dared to find them but Jun stopped him.



Don’t look.

Act with me…. Understood.

(With his cautious eyes)


        Jun leaned on Jeonghan’s jaw and pretended to kiss him.



Listen to me carefully…

I hid the documents on my body.

Find it and keep it as fast as you can…

And… get my earring… it’s a big use.


        Jun was asking him to get his earring with the shape of a key discreetly.



Are you ready?

At the count of three… kiss me.



Ah wae?!

(He became surprised with that next instruction)



It’s for our own safety and…

(He smirked)

C’mon just do it.

I have to cover my ear so I need to face to the left side. And don’t worry I have long sleeves. I can cover your sides.

Get my earring first. It’s a key for the missing land documents you are looking for. Take care of it.



So you wanted them to see us kissing?




Less suspicion, beauty?

(He smirked with a devil smile)



You planned this!

(With his one eyebrow raised)

You ert!

(With a smirk)


I guess you really need a reward for Job well done.

You really like me ei, young man?

(He smirked more devilish)



(He grinned)

This is the best thing to do, Jeonghan.

Take it or leave it.






One… two… three!


        Jun faced them to the left side, which gave the foreign soldiers a view of a kissing erted ally and a beautiful entertainer. Jeonghan willingly gave his sweet kisses in return of Jun’s aggressive ones. The beautiful creature proceeded to his mission on getting Jun’s earring from his ears. So, he moved his arms on Jun’s shoulder, stretched them, and finally wrapped it up on Jun’s neck to cover his searching hands throughout his body, while still heated up on those sinful kisses.


        Jeonghan was just having trouble getting the documents while in search, making his beautiful face frown. The assassin could feel his trouble and release Jeonghan’s lips at the moment and proceed to his neck to coach him.



Ya… aren’t you done yet?

(Panting because of the intense kisses)



Where the hell did you put them?

(He whispered)



(He smirked as he was up to something)
Open my upper clothes Jeonghan. They’re inside. You know.

(With a hellish beautiful smile)

Some are inside my trousers too.



(He punched him in his stomach lightly, while Jun was taken aback)

Isekiya! Tsk!

Youuuuu! Tsk!


        While Jun was kissing Jeonghan’s neck tenderly, –and it was obvious that Jeonghan was a little bit tickled every time Jun puts his lips on his neck- Jeonghan was searching all over his body. And it was somehow a little bit of ography on the streets in the sight of the Chinese men upon seeing him opening Jun’s clothes slowly.


        The elder who saw them just covered their children’s eyes, because they couldn’t reprimand the high ranking officer of China and the poor gisaeng of whatever they wanted to do. They had no power to stop them.



        Just as they continued, Jun went back of kissing him in his lips until the search was complete. Jeonghan pulled him lightly and smiled.



Thanks there. (For the documents)



That’s nothing. (For the kiss)



You enjoyed it don’t you? (Their lustful activity)



Very well.

(He smirked)

Take care of those.



        Before Jeonghan was about to go. Jun gave him pouch. A pouched of coins with hidden Chinese consul seal inside. Jeonghan got a good peak and smiled.



You are the best there!

(He winked and pulled Jun’s closed for a kiss)

That’s your reward.

It’s the most expensive one. Treasure it.




(He smirked)

My pleasure.





        11 boys were gripping on their chair as they sat super straight like that of a military. Seungcheol was about to shout, but Jackson form the other side of the chair was the first one to do it. Thank goodness Cheol wasn’t the one who created the ruckus.


Later on, Got7 boys were pulling him down with all their strengths because it’s truly embarrassing.


        Taehyung was a bit quiet. He was so focused and tensed. Same with Jimin. While the other BTS members were like super shocked and were frozen on their seats.


On the other hand, Minhyuk was biting his nails while the others prevented him from doing so because he might end up losing his whole finger after the show.


With the other audience, they were surprised, but it somehow gave them the thrill. It made them more excited, and it made them respect the two boys as an actor as well.


        Meanwhile, Jeonghan and Jun disappeared on their seats. They melted until their bodies were lying on the floor, lifelessly.


        Oh God! They wished that they didn’t do it. They wished to erase everything in their lives and commit suicide right after. What future were they holding right now? Nothing. Nothing!!!


        Back to the filming, people were still focused on the film; however, Sebongs and the other boys’ mind were distracted already; nevertheless, they get a hand of themselves to focus on the true story and not in their own fantasies.


XXIX-Final plan of the attack.

XXX-InSung was free again, and HyeJin went back to aid him.- Fulfilment of agreement & a favour.

XXXI-InSung and Jeonghan’s parting scene (BED SCENE ver.)- Freeing of HyeJin’s people, including him and his brother.



-INSUNG and JEONGHAN’s parting scene (BED SCENE ver.): REACTION-




(He sighed deeply and held his breath wishing for his to die at the very moment, and found him completely embracing his HyeJin hyung beside him.)


        Story: (It was just a kissing scene at first but it ended up as a bed scene-like frames because it was revised) InSung never expected that his heart would end up being confused loving two precious persons in his life, while battling the fight for his beloved country. He loved Ji Hyo since the very beginning, but then, he came to love Jeonghan regardless of his gender. He wanted them out of the mission because it was too dangerous for him and his brother. The prince decided to face the battle alone, and let the people decide on what to do with his family afterwards.


With a short time left before their parting, the prince visited Jeonghan hurriedly, knocking intensely on the door.


        He immediately kissed Jeonghan after the door was opened. 3 short pecks as a greeting before they dived into a deeper and more passionate one.


        Audience’ Reaction: Those sounds of lustful moans and whimpers were making Jeonghan burn his soul to hell, as well as, his admirers. It was a horror in their lives!


Every trail of kisses and the pleasure of the sound the actors were making, while doing their xxx scene was a torture to those who truly admired Jeonghan. It was more than a torture! Those sounds of desires were like form of sharp knives piercing their hearts; in addition, the view itself were like tying their necks tight with a heavy duty rope, choking them in their seats without any chance to fight back for their lives.  It was cruel! Tooooooooo much!


        Just then, InSung took off Jeonghan’s upper garment (But in the camera, it only showed, Jeonghan’s bare shoulders) and started kissing Jeonghan’s neck to collar bone.



Audience’ Reaction: They boys, including Jun became tensed seeing another man kissing him in front of them with his bare shoulders; in addition to that, they saw InSung the corner of Jeonghan’s collar bone! What the-?!


 Their feet began stomping faster and faster as the actor went lower and lower on Jeonghan’s body. They became restless and their hearts beat as one- one goal… It was to kill InSung at the moment.


Meanwhile, the loving hyung Sebongs who were near Dino, Seungkwan, and Vernon, covered their poor innocent eyes, despite they were adults now. They just didn’t know that those three were the ones who were seeing most kiss scenes in and out of their dorm.  


One moment… their brows were slowly connecting each other, and right after a scene they froze to death!


They saw InSung lay him on bed with his continuous gentle kisses up to Jeonghan’s upper chest. And the camera just went zooming out showing their shocking position (!!!) -with InSung on top of Jeonghan, and the younger’s legs was being spread widely apart by the other man just to let his large frame fit in the space in between. Then, hell came up when the camera zoomed in to capture their reaction upon doing such an xxx scene, with their painful, pleasured expressions. –like biting his lips, sound of panting, the shaky movements (moving back and forth, acting like they were really having an )… and finally, another zoom out up until the curtain to show some innocence wrecking silhouette before changing scene.


Audience’ Reaction: Seeing that kind of scene was supposed to be thrilling or so… who knows of how others take those xxx scenes, but it enraged the boys, making them stand in unity out from their seats.


The scene just happened for a very short period of time, like a minute or so; however, the boys felt that they were looking at those clip for a lifetime.


They stood up wearing an angry face, blocking the other audience from the back, while shouting Jeonghan’s name in unison, which disturbed the whole cinema & of course, Jeonghan.


        It’s not like they really did it. It was just a matter of good acting and angle, but it made their blood boil, matching the heat of the sun after seeing it.


Jeonghan, on the contrary, felt fainting. He didn’t know watching a movie could be that intense, and it could cause his life too!


        One moment, someone called them (their CEO and Nu’est buddies), and that was when they went back to their seats. They crossed legs and arms while biting their nails. Some were stomping their fingers on their chair and some were biting their lips peeling off their dead skin on it.


Poor boys, they suffered in a different level of torture.



XXXIII-Ending (secret!!! Just in case)





        The film ended up happily, but it somehow felt sad… some wore an angry face, though. Well, anyway, the show was totally award winning! But for the Sebongs, it was worthy burning! They wanted to set fire on that very place! How could Jeonghan and Jun (!) betray them? It’s unforgiveable!!!


        In Sebongs mind, there were no cute scenes, masculine or feminine scenes, naughty scenes, sad scenes, nor wise scenes that they could think of. All they think was that XXX scene! Every single angle, expression, and sound… they were all playing in their minds on the loop. It lingers so bad in their mind and thought they were going crazy.






        After the film and the casts’ interview, Jeonghan became pale, while Jun was half half of his feelings. He was scared but he’s angry too.


        Meanwhile, they could see the boys waiting and glaring over them around the corner to fetch them. The boys were scary quiet. No one dared to talk to them because they looked agitated about something (they witnessed).


        As the two met the other boys, they uttered no words. Immediately, they formed a human barricade instinctively to protect Jeonghan from everybody’s eyes. Their angel were enclosed in the middle of his body guards-from hell. Their CEO couldn’t even come near to congratulate their Jeonghan because of the security he was having at the moment.


On the other hand, Jeonghan was confused of what to feel, but none of them were saying that he’ll be safe in their hands. No one had ever opened their mouth to congratulate nor comfort him. So, he assumed, he would die on their hands. He just really wished that he could just faint at the moment. When he needed his disease, it won’t come. What the hell? Even his disease was taking the boys’ side and not his. He was thinking of acting fainting, but he didn’t want to create ruckus, especially when media is around.


        They went inside their vans without any delay and went home safely.


        The hell, they glared at them like they were burning them. It was very quiet that it surprised all of them when Seungcheol started talking.



(With his glaring eyes)


(With a heavy tone)


        Jeonghan felt the he was in a real execution platform. They even made him kneel while explaining, which Jeonghan found a little too much. But then, he couldn’t just answer them because if he said that it was on script and that was the director wanted, they won’t buy it. the best thing to do was sto stay quiet, knowing all of them. Less talk, less casualties.


Meanwhile, they demanded for Jun’s explanation too. He looked so weak with his hands trembling at the moment, opposite of that character he portrayed in the movie. He was currently being accused with something heavy- which he felt a little guilty of because he liked to do some of the scenes too. He was willing- very willing to do it.



        Later on, the two boys realized on how a minute long scene would be as dangerous as getting yourself killed without any weapon or shield to defend themselves.


It was so intense inside Sebongs dorm.


        Later on, Seungkwan and Vernon lose their nuts because they were somehow, an accomplice. They knew what that scene was, but they felt betrayed seeing a different scene in the movie from the one they first filmed.




How did your scene ended up just like that?!



It’s so scandalous!



(He seemed to notice that two were not so shocked about it like they did.)

You know this?


        Sweat came rushing through their foreheads and necks as they got caught.



Kneel down…

(With his cold tone)

Kneel down!

(He shouted)



(Pleaded for his life around a mafia like men/hyungs)

Please, hyung… we only knew it was just a kiss. Please…



(Looked at Seungkwan and instinctively saved himself too)

Seungkwan is right. We don’t know about it.



(Wore a disbelief face)

You two knew about that scene.



But we don’t know about the bed scene.

Eeeeiiii, this hyung!



Jun, did you know?



No, hyung. I was shocked too.



We’re not done yet, Jun.

(He threatened)



Ya, enough of this. It was just a movie.

(He gathered his courage to speak for himself)



It’s not cool to us, Jeonghanie hyung.

(He said as cold as ice)



I know… what I mean is…

It’s not real.

It’s just an acting.



How the hell did you do that-

(He blushed)

That be-be-



Hoshi… believe me… it’s just the angle.





(He cried)

What’s with that-

(thought of the expressions Jeonghan got while doing the forbidden thing?)

That! That expression.

Don’t you think that’s too much?!



Mingyu ya… we did some tricks.



Perhaps, you and InSung hyung have…

(He cried again)




We are just friends!




That’s unforgiveable.

(Stomping his feet)



I agree. That’s that…


It makes my blood boil!

How could you, hyung!

I trusted you. T_T yuyuyuyuyu!

(With his saddest face)



You can still trust me, DK.






I already warned you not to-

(He pursed his lips in order to prevent himself from cursing his beloved hyung.)



As if I want to do it, Dino ya.



What should we do to you, hyung?

(With an intent to kill)




Please, just forgive me.

(Brushing his palm against each other, pleading for forgiveness)



        Then before the murder takes place. Someone knocked on their door.


It was their food.


Jeonghan was saved- just for a while. They ate their dinner with their upset hearts. It was just too quiet for a dinner, though. Jeonghan could feel they wanted to stab him with chopsticks while they had the chance.


He was so frightened that he couldn’t finish eating; although, he was very hungry.



Let us talk tomorrow.

(With his big eyes threatening the angel.)




Y-yes… please cool down.


        After they ate, Seungcheol assembled the boys except Jeonghan to their living room. There, Seungcheol announced that they would spend their night at their living room and they would sleep together.


Gathering the boys in their living room served as their detention center for safety purposes; although, Jeonghan was the one who’s being locked inside a room. However, the boys were too worried about Jeonghan because no one would look after him the whole night, so they decided to let him go to their parent’s house for a while, while they were calming themselves down.


        Wonwoo and Mingyu accompanied Jeonghan back to his parent’s house, while the others were left at home distracting themselves with many things, in order to forget the scene and in order to control themselves from doing something unnecessary and dangerous.


        On the other hand, the boys who were left inside their dorm where so hyped on doing things on their own. Some were watching anime, some were singing, others were practicing and exercising and some were playing games.


Meanwhile, Seungcheol was really preoccupied, so he chose to walk and jog around the area, inviting The8 and Mingyu.


It was already pass 12 in the midnight, but the boys just couldn’t sleep yet, thinking of how they would protect Jeonghan from the eyes of people while doing their things.


DK, Wonwoo, Dino and Jun were still playing games, while Hoshi was choreographing an unknown song by just moving around as he pleased.


There were just two boys who already had fallen asleep and they were Seungkwan and Vernon. They had fallen asleep soundly on each other’s arms like they had nothing to worry about.


Jihoon got pissed seeing how their Verkwan had peacefully fallen asleep, so he got the permission to get back to their room, and there, he locked himself up, while playing to an intense classical horror-like classical music.




        Meanwhile, Jeonghan was a little uneasy at home, trying to think of how he could get back his princes’ hearts. His little sister noticed that he’s been walking back and forth around their house, and that she couldn’t tolerate it anymore because she too was distracted.


Jeonghan’s sister:

Oppa, can you stay still?




Can’t you just concentrate on your assignment?


Jeonghan’s sister:

I cannot, when you move around.

(She frowned)

Something wrong?



Coz they are angry at me, right now?


Jeonghan’s sister:

That’s why they bring you back here?

(She teased)



I think so.


Jeonghan’s sister:

So it is serious, then?



A little.


Jeonghan’s sister:





Can you help me?


Jeonghan’s sister:




I don’t know.


Jeonghan’s sister:

Just act cute.

You are the aegyo king anyway, oppa!

Was it because of the movie?



How did you know?


Jeonghan’s sister:

I heard today is the premier, but I am not allowed coz it’s .

Perhaps… you…. You do something they don’t like? Or that it would ruin your name as a group?

(She teased)




I don’t know.


Jeonghan’s sister:

You know oppa, they’re over protective on you. Seungkwan hyung told me that you have suitors in and out of the industry… kinda weird, huh?

Some of your previous boy classmates are sending flowers and chocolates and other stuffs here. Well, some of your girlfriends too.

(She rolled her eyes)

Mom and Dad thought it was mine… I was scolded the whole day because of youuuuuuuuuuuu!

I hate you for that!

I want to explain but they don’t let me!!!



Oh! Really?

Where are those stuffs now?

I haven’t received one?


Jeonghan’s sister:

Of course, the flowers died down, the stuff toys… we put those on your collection with the ones your fans gave to you, and for the chocolates and chocolate cakes, since you are not here and you are too busy to go home, we ate it already.

(She giggled cutely)

They’re good!



(He laughed)

How come you didn’t tell me of whom are those from?


Jeonghan’s sister:

Because some just came from our door with a tag named on you.

And I told you that oppas and noonas give some things to you the last time, right?

Don’t you remember?

You are the one who told me to put those things somewhere.



Did I?

(He giggled)

Maybe I forgot.

I’m too busy.



Jeonghan’s sister:

Oppa, I want to see your movie.

Can you help me?



(He blushed)


Strictly no!


Jeonghan’s sister:

So… you really have *** there? A scandal?



Kind of.

(He giggled)

It’s not for you to see.


Jeonghan’s sister:

It’s for the universe to see, oppa.

(She started teasing his brother)




It’s not just for you.

I mean… the story is good but the content is quite…

(He blushed)

Not for you!


Jeonghan’s sister:

But I wanna see.

It’s your first movie, Oppa.

Don’t you know how proud I am that I bragged you to my classmates and friends that you are good at acting because the director say so.

(She pouted)


        Jeonghan was touched with his little sister’s low key cheer and support.



Thank you, but… I won’t allow you.

You are still young.


Jeonghan’s sister:

But noona (one of Jeonghan’s friend) said she’d watch it.

I want tooooo!



Be a good girl.

Let’s just watch another movie.

Or you want, HyeJin hyung, Soo Hyun hyung, Ah-In hyung, and InSung hyung’s signature?

I can get you.

(He hoped that his sister would take the bait)


Jeonghan’s sister:

I have their numbers already, oppa.

We also take pictures already, with Ji Hyo noona.




How the hell you get their number?


Jeonghan’s sister:

Because they went here to invite us to watch, you know.

InSung hyung said that I am cute!

(She giggled and blush)

And told me that if I am sad or what, I can contact him.

He’s a nice oppa… unlike you.




This girl!

Then what am I?


Jeonghan’s sister:

A slight nice, oppa.

(She teased and laughed)



But you can’t watch it.


Jeonghan’s sister:


I don’t need your permission, oppa.

I’ll just message your director because I said I want to watch it.

He just advised me to cover my eyes and ears when those scenes would come out.

(She threatened)



That old man!

(He murmured)

No is a no! okay?

Got me?


Jeonghan’s sister:



        Then, she escaped the room while shouting…



Jeonghan’s sister:

Sebong oppas said sweet dreams, oppa.

Rest well…

And I love youuuuuuu! –too.

With smooches!

(Then she taught to herself)

I smell something fishy ,though.

(With his crooked brows)

I think there’s something going on with all of them. Something… unimaginable

(While looking at 12 messages on her phone)


        She thought that they were just so sweet and kind and over protective on Jeonghan, that she felt like Jeonghan doesn’t belong in their family, but theirs; though, she was really thankful that they were taking good care of her oppa. Moreover, they never gave up on him, which she found so sweet and somehow romantic?-not sure because based on how she sometimes see them whenever there were gatherings and she happened to see them, she noticed that their stares and touches were different… Anyway, that’s friendship are for- though, theirs is somehow in a different level. Who knows they have their own way of showing their bromance. Lol! She just wasn’t so sure how it was called, so she just believed that Sebongs were his Oppa’s angels.


Text Messages: (regardless of time)



Princess, I’m sorry for the inconvenience. We had to give you back your naughty oppa for a while because we think it’s best for him.

Tell him to rest well. I will fetch him tomorrow.

Good night and Sweet dreams. Take care always

Tell him that too. Thank you.


Jeonghan’s sister:

You too, oppa.



Thank you.

I heard you have a good grade at school. Good job! Fighting!


Jeonghan’s sister:

Thank you, oppa. <3





Hi angel!

I know you need to concentrate for your studies but we ended up putting back a pet in your house.


Anyway, I’ll leave him to you for now. Sorry and thank you. Godbless!



Jeonghan’s sister:

Sure thing! He’s so talkative, oppa. He’s ranting and mumbling about some alien language.



How’s he doing?


Jeonghan’s sister:

Very troubled. Hehehe! But he’s fine, don’t worry.



We are really sorry.

Don’t worry… I will fetch him back tomorrow, so you can have peace.



Jeonghan’s sister:

Hahahahaha! Nah, it’s your time to have peace for a while.

Thank you for taking good care of our pet, oppa~



Aw~ how sweet of you.

I know you are way more good than your brother. ;D

Anyway, just contact me if you have troubles, okay?

I’m your oppa too. I will listen and I will help you.

Good night!


Jeonghan’s sister:

Thank you~ Saranghae~








Hello empress! This is JunHui oppa~

Kindly watch over Jeonghan this night? Prevent him from using his phone.

Please glue him on his bed. Haahah!

Thank youuuuuuu! Saranghae~

What treat do you want for tomorrow?


Jeonghan’s sister:

I will knock him down, oppa. No need to worry.



I’ll be bringing your favourite dimsum tomorrow. ;D

See yah! Saranghae~


Jeonghan’s sister:


Thank you, oppa~ Saranghae~

Good night!



Good nightie, sweetie~





Hi there?

How are you? I hope you are doing great; though, we apologize for the trouble we are causing you now.


Don’t worry… let me treat you tomorrow. ;D Please look after Jeonghan hyung.

Good night! Sweet Dreams!


Jeonghan’s sister:


No problem, Oppa.

I thought that Jeonghan oppa is the one giving you problems.




That’s not true. We’re just fine. :D

It’s just that, he needs some rest tonight.

And you too. Rest well, pretty. See you tomorrow.


Jeonghan’s sister:

Okies! Good night, oppa! Rest well!





Hi little angel! I hope you are doing fine right now, coz I know you have a very naughty villain in your house.

Sorry for the trouble.


Jeonghan’s sister:

It’s okay, oppa. No worries.

Thank you for taking good care of him.


Soon Young:

He takes good care of us always.

Hihi… that’s why he’s called sebong’s mom. :D

How’s he?


Jeonghan’s sister:

He’s alive and kicking. Hihi!


Soon Young:

That’s nice to hear.

Please do tell him to sleep and not to get hooked by some dramas again.

It’s already late at night. He needs to rest.

… and you too little angel!

Goodnightie~ Saranghae~


Jeonghan’s sister:

Good night too, Oppa!

Sweet dreams!


Soon Young:

You too! Take care! See you tom!





Hi sweetie? Is Jeonghan hyung okay? I hope he’s sleeping by now?


Jeonghan’s sister:

I forced him to bed, oppa.



Hahaha! I see.

See you tomorrow?

I’m gonna fetch him.

Want me to teach you guitar tom? I’m sorry I promised you that but up until now, I haven’t visited you.


Jeonghan’s sister:

I know you are busy too, oppa.

Sure oppa! Thank you so muuuuch! I really waaaaaaaaaant! But only if you have time.

Thank youuuuuuuuuuu~



I’m free tomorrow.


Jeonghan’s sister:




Saranghae~ Goodnight!





Hi beauty!

Minghao oppa here. I am hoping that you are having a good night.


How’s your brother doing? I am worried about him. Does he looked troubled?

Tell him to relax.


Jeonghan’s sister:

He’s in his room now, oppa! He’s doing fine besides his ranting… I think he’s sleeping now.



I see. Thank you!

See you soon! Take care and Goodnight!


Jeonghan’s sister:

You too, oppa!



Aw, what a sweet chils… so cute!


I’ll lend you the books you asked for tomorrow.


Jeonghan’s sister:

Thank you!





Hello there, pretty angel!

I hope you are doing great!

Please monitor your naughty oppa for a moment. Tell him goodnight and saranghae for me.

Thank you pretty angel!

Sweet dreams~ Saranghae~ ;D


Jeonghan’s sister:

He’s doing great playing around earlier, oppa, but he’s quiet now.

Peace is back!




How cute!

Alright~ see yah tom! Want ice cream? Which one?


Jeonghan’s sister:

Strawberry? Hihi.

Thank you!



Let’s make Jeonghan envy.


Jeonghan’s sister:




Night night! Sleep tight!


Jeonghan’s sister:

Good night!





Dearie~ are you still alive?


Jeonghan’s sister:

Somehow… I’m getting revived coz it’s peaceful now, oppa.





I can feel you!

See you tomorrow!

Is he sleeping now?


Jeonghan’s sister:

I think so. Hahaha! It’s quiet already.




Okay. Goodnight applepie~

I’ll give you something tomorrow when I fetch him.


Jeonghan’s sister:

Thank you. Goodnigtie~ peach mango pie oppa~








Hello! How are you?


Jeonghan’s sister:

I’m fine, oppa. You?



Fine… but I’m missing hyung. hahaha! Please don’t let him scan our social media. Hahah. Thank you.

No naughty person here. All are busy.

How about you… are you busy?


Jeonghan’s sister:

Done with my homework.

I’m playing now. Hihi.




Oh! Don’t stay up late, okay. Better sleep early coz you need to stay healthy.


Jeonghan’s sister:

Yup. Thank you, oppa.

You too.




Say good night to your brother too, for me.


Jeonghan’s sister:

Yes. Good night!





Uri aegi! How are you? I hope your mind is still sane. Did Jeonghan hyung bothered you?


Jeonghan’s sister:

Not intentionally this time. he’s troubled about something.



I see. It’s about the sin he committed just now. Don’t mind him. He’ll be fine.



Jeonghan’s sister:

Okay. Hahaha!

Oppa! I wanna watch his movie.

How’s it?

Does he in acting?



It’s way realistic, uri aegi. It pissed us off.

But don’t mind us. Hehehe!

He’s a good actor. You should be proud of him. But!

I forbid you to watch the movie.


Jeonghan’s sister:


That makes me more curious, oppa!




Sorry. But nope. Okay?

If you want, we will watch another movie… not that.


Jeonghan’s sister:

Your treat?



Of course! ;D

See ya tomorrow, uri aegi!


Jeonghan’s sister:

Okies. Good nightie oppa.



Good night!




Jeonghan’s sister:

How come all of them says see me tomorrow?

Are they all going here?

Do they know that they all texted me?

I’m really intrigued with the movie. Gotta ask the director.

(She giggled)


        She went back at Jeonghan’s room to check him up. When she saw that Jeonghan was already sleeping, she went near and kiss him softly on his cheeks.


Jeonghan’s sister:

Fighting, oppa!

We are so proud of you. And please be well.

I will watch your movie no matter what!

Sorry. Hahaha!

Oppa? You are free to tell me everything too… I am just younger than you, but I can already understand. I will listen and remember that I’ll always be here for you.

Well… there are 12 people too besides us. Hihi

You’re love life is intriguing too, you know.

You have a lot of fanboys… are you that pretty? I’m prettier than you, though.

Well, acceptable because you are my brother. Hahahaha!



And oppa, do I need to know something about your group?

Your relationship in particular?

(She grinned)

I think… I need to know. Please, let me know. Hahaha!

C’mon! You have to trust me.

I will support you, okay?

Good night, oppa. I love you so much~

I guess I have to entertain 12 handsome men tomorrow. Wuahahaha!

So sweet!

Should I not eat? Coz I think they will have something for me too.












*Author’s Note: So here’s the end of this sequel! I hope you enjoyed this thing! Hahaha! Don’t worry about Jeonghan, he’ll wake up the next day.


Anyway, I cannot detail the story “the prince is a fool” yet, just in case, I might release it. I am quite unsure now if I will still continue to write this ‘Movie thing’ bec… I wanna change the original story… ya know, I inserted Jun’s role here and I am very confused, because it turned out big with the China empire involved. What should I doooooo?! Will do some research if ever…but… help me!!! Will I? Tell me if you are interested. And if you’d like the original cast or you like the sebongs. Okay?


So far the original casts were:

Insung as a prince

Ji Hyo as InSung’s lover

HyeJin as Jeonghan’s bro and InSung’s accomplice.

Ah-In: Jeonghan’s friend


Soo Hyun as InSung’s right hand

SeungRok as the super villain

Jun as the flirty ambiguous character. Hahaha!


If you want, I’d gladly write it, but maybe not too fast. Hihi. Coz I’m quite out of my mind now due to my work… and I am conceptualizing ‘ACTION’ the next sequel… and! I need to finish Devil’s Tears… then, Suit & Tie. ;D wuahaha. Anyway… I will always write for you guys as long as I have story in mind.


Thank you so much for those who subscribed, voted, and read my story. I love you all! Belated happy carat day!

How do you find SOUNDCHECK?

Don’t forget to drop me a word. Have a nice daaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

See yah soon! –in ‘ACTION’

I will upload the poster fast.



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jensniek #1
Chapter 22: I want to kiss jeonghan too ㅠㅠ
Chapter 25: I looooooooooooove you for being born in this world!!!! You're mind is such a blessing!! I looooooove you!!!!!
Chapter 25: hahahahaha! finally! the ultimate (not yet) hot scene is here--- although it's for a moment ahahahahha but it's entertaining to see sebong's reaction. just too cute o(>ω<)o i never expected jeonghan's bed scene ahahahahhaa!!! and blame my erted head for actually imagining that scene. . hahahahaha--- now, i can't wait to know what the sebongs are going to do to their only princess. junnie is innocent though ahahahahha ┐(︶▽︶)┌

i'm going to subscribe the next sequel later~ hope you have a great day writing and you have done well. ❤ (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc) it's rare to find a jeongharem fanfic and on top of it, it's lighthearted. except jeonghan's illness, i'm enjoying everything. i wish next sequel jeonghan will actually be fine and living happily ever after with his loverS. yes, loverS. alrightie~ see you soon! ♡ ( ̄З ̄)
Chapter 25: read 2 chap at a time, during reading chap 25 i laughed, imagine the expression sebong. to be honest I was shocked when reading the xxx scene, heol Yoon Jeonghan did the scene.
anyway sebong must be angry. so the next sequel is Clap era? I can not wait too long

I hope next sequel our angel always healty :3
Chapter 25: I can't believe it's already ended ㅠㅠ.. But are the series also ended too. I want to jeonghan recover.. I love this series so much. Thank you for writing it. I love you author - im
hiletsmile #7
Chapter 24: blessed with their love and sweetness!!! I believe Jeonghanie will happy and healthy at the end. Finally, the long-long-awaiting premier is coming very near. We all are eager to know the reaction of the boys after seeing their angel in the film.
Thank you so much Eros, your series are so good, can't remember how many times I read Standby, Cue, Soundcheck again and again.
Chapter 24: Wahhh,,, finally the premier will happen already!!! After months(?) of waiting!!! I am so looking forward to your next update!!!