세븐틴: Teamwork


세븐틴: Teamwork





          Ever since they arrived in Kuala Lumpur, Seungcheol was acting like a predator, biting anyone beside him randomly. The boys avoided him as much as possible because every time they were near him, it scares them thinking that one of their body parts might go missing after a few minutes, since Seungcheol was locking their skin with his not so sharp fangs.


He’s been like that lately.


          During the concert, Chan was observing Coups, especially when he’s near Jeonghan. The maknae made himself alert for the sake of his JeongMom from the hands of their DaddyCheol. The boy thought that Cheol might be quite sort of an itching, teething tiger cub at that moment, who was lurking freely and cautiously around a target.


          When it was already their time to say goodbye to their Malaysian fans, Cheol went by Jeonghan’s side. Actually, the eldest never leaves their angel all throughout the day. It made Chan worried.


Just as the boy thought, he found his DaddyCheol beside MommyHan again. It embarrassed him when he witnessed their leader biting Jeonghan in front of the crowd and sighed.


On the other hand, Jeonghan became irritated with Seungcheol’s action because it hurt him too. He thought of punching him, but he couldn’t at the moment, since they were in front of a big crowd. In his defence, he lifted the mic to guard his poor body from the playful tiger cub beside him.


          It was a big problem for everyone because Cheol was unstoppable. No matter how his friends scolded him already, he still kept on doing it.


          Jeonghan planned to talk to him again, but he decided to talk to him after dinner because he didn’t want to fight with a hungry tiger, since he was exhausted too. So after their dinner, the three eldest decided to spend their night inside a restau-bar for a drink; though, Joshua preferred juice instead. The others, on the other side, went inside an arcade to play, and some were left at the hotel to sleep.  


          While drinking, Jeonghan and Joshua scolded Coups for his behaviour, but Coups didn’t dare to rebuke them. He knew it was wrong, but he somehow needed it because for some reasons, his body was really irritated and he wanted to redirect it to other things.


          Coups promised to restraint himself, but he couldn’t promise he’d not do it again, because it’s an impulse and he couldn’t go against it all the time.


The two, however, thought that it was just due to stress, since their leader carries a great responsibility for all of them, so they care less.


On the contrary, Jeonghan’s sole protector was busy thinking of his strategies on how to protect Jeonghan alone inside his room because his roommate, Joshua, was still with their two other hyungs.






          After a while, the 95 liners went back safely and fortunately –hoping-, no one got drunk that night. They were all still in their perfect sanity when they came back. Joshua went straight to his hotel room and the two went to their room.


          Jeonghan took a shower first, and next was Seungcheol. As expected at the laziest angel in the universe, he lay his body down right after wearing his pyjamas on.


After a few minutes, Seungcheol went out of the shower room looking so disappointed because he caught Jeonghan sleeping already. He jumped beside his bed and cuddled Jeonghan from the back. Cheol planned to disturb Jeonghan in his sleep because he was still hyped up that night, and he couldn’t explain why.



(He whispered)

Jeonghan-ah… wake up.


(He called Jeonghan repeatedly with his teasing tone)


          After he received no reply from Jeonghan, he forced the boy to face him.




(Looking so stressed with the fact that Jeonghan was clearly ignoring him.)


          Jeonghan finally reacted as he scratched the back of his head while scorning and complaining through his pissed expression without saying a word.


          Seungcheol, on the other hand, felt thrilled when he saw Jeonghan’s silky, white, bare skin with his pretty face. He felt a sudden heat crawling up to his ears and cheeks from his body. He felt the excitement and the urge of showing his affection to Jeonghan that night.


Out of nowhere, maybe due to his alcohol intake, Seungcheol couldn’t control his mind and body and left a quick peck on his angel’s lips. He felt of doing it again and did so. Meanwhile, Jeonghan let him do what he wanted because he’s too tired that he couldn’t move a muscle from his state.


Taking the opportunity, Seungcheol seized Jeonghan’s body and abuse his power over the lazy pretty boy, who was under him. He started giving Jeonghan playful kisses until it became deeper and deeper, to the point that Jeonghan was disturbed with Seungcheol’s action. He became more alerted when he felt Seungcheol’s tongue entered his mouth forcefully, searching for his. Immediately, Jeonghan opened his eyes and tried to push the wild tiger devouring his mouth fearlessly at the moment, but his strength was not enough to defend himself. Seungcheol was too strong and uncontrollable that time. His burning passion and desire was undefeatable.


          One moment, Seungcheol rest a bit but before Jeonghan could say a word, he dived in to aggressive deep kisses, which hurt him at times. But he must admit that every aggressive touches Seungcheol made, the more Jeonghan was invited to the pleasure of it. He did stop himself but those touches were so addictive that he played along. The approach was strong, but it was indeed desirable. It was too powerful that he eventually became weak and gave in. Jeonghan then realized that it was the alcohol who put them into that madness. It was too bad! It’s way more dangerous! As they go deep into pleasure, Jeonghan realized that Seungcheol’s hand was already playing inside his shirt, so he pushed him back, but again, Jeonghan couldn’t just defeat him with his tired and weak body.


          On the contrary, Seungcheol was still under the spell of pleasure. Their leader couldn’t stop indulging himself to that kind of pleasure. It was sweet and ecstatic. He couldn’t help but to fall deeper into temptation. He didn’t plan for this. It shouldn’t be like that. He respects and love Jeonghan and it wasn’t the way of showing it to him. He broke his own rule without realizing it.



Jeonghan was getting exhausted. Although he was fighting the temptation, there were instances that he was being dragged back into the sweet sensation he was feeling as he wrapped his arms around Seungcheol’s neck. Damn, it’s so hot! Damn, it’s so ! Bloody hell, it’s so satisfying! That dirty pleasure was indeed something. He found himself craving for more despite the inability to breathe normally due to Seungcheol’s aggression.  It wasn’t his plan. It really wasn’t. Jeonghan wanted to stop, but the stronger man dived him into deep pleasure when he began and playing his tongue along his mouth.


Good heavens, Seungcheol took a break that gave Jeonghan time to breathe. But he was wrong. The tiger just shifted his target. Cheol began kissing and Jeonghan’s skin hard - from his jaw line to his neck. Jeonghan couldn’t help but to whimper and produced a soft moan from his sinful mouth, which added to Cheol’s desire to move further.



          After a while, Jeonghan could already feel Seungcheol’s hands slowly playing on his sensitive skin under his shirt and that was the time he woke up from the dark pleasure they were in. The willing prey had shifted his attention to stop their sinful action.




(He grunted while his lips were still free)





(Looked back at him and dived into a kiss on the lips again)


          Jeonghan pushed him back.



Cheol. Stop!

(He said with exasperation.)


          However, a poisoned mind won’t easily stop. Seungcheol didn’t mind him and exerted more power over Jeonghan.


          One moment, someone came knocking by the door. Maybe someone did feel that something was wrong was going on.



(Pushed him harder. He didn’t know why he had no powers over him at the moment. Maybe he over worked?)


(Took the opportunity upon escaping Cheol’s intense kisses for a while.)

Answer the door!

(He frowned)


          While Jeonghan was concentrating on stopping Cheol, Cheol had already taken the advantage of the opening Jeonghan was not aware of. He started undressing Jeonghan’s pants without letting Jeonghan’s lips escape his.


          But the knock won’t easily break. Jeonghan became agitated resulting for him to use his knees to shove Seungcheol at his abdomen, partnering it with his stingy yet gentle bite on Seungcheol’s aggressive lips.



(Looked at Cheol with his glaring eyes)

Choi Seungcheol!


Answer the door!

(He commanded wearing his scowling face)


          Seungcheol’s expression changed. He was pissed when Jeonghan was the victim. Sounds unfair, huh? Nevertheless, Jeonghan got a little scared with Cheol even he had the right to be angry that time… but he admitted that that kiss brought him pleasure. It was his fault too.


Anyway, Jeonghan thanked heavens for sending someone to rescue them from doing something that might destroy their love for each other. He thought that if it really did happen… that if they really had xxx… it would be a very serious problem for all of them.


          Seungcheol got up with his annoyed face to open the door. Their maknae was startled and a bit scared based on their eldest annoyed –seemed angry- expression, but he knew he did the right thing.


Dino was restless when he came knocking because he could hear Jeonghan shouting at Seungcheol from the outside. He thought that Jeonghan might be in danger, so he came to rescue, and he won’t stop unless he sees Jeonghan fine.



What do you want?!

(He grunted)



(He was startled but he gathered his courage to save his JeongMom)

I-I wanna sleep here.



(His face scowled)


You have your own room.

(With an irritated voice)



Let’s exchange.



Head back to your room.


          Dino refused and ran inside the room to meet Jeonghan. He knew that he was right, suspecting DaddyCheol harassing his JeongMom, when he saw Jeonghan’s swollen lips; moreover, given the sight of the red marks on his skin and the messy bed gave him the hint that Jeonghan was really in danger.  



(With an innocent wide eyes)

You are not doing it, don’t you?

(He prayed that they didn’t do it yet. Please. Noooooo!)


          Jeonghan assured his baby that he was safe. He signalled his baby to go beside him by tapping the side of his bed.



Thank you for coming, my baby.

(He embraced him tightly with a relief.)



Did he just try to…

(He blushed)



It’s his fault for drinking too much alcohol.

Tsk! And…

(Okay, He bit his lips and blushed but he couldn’t speak the word ‘he was tempted too’ because he thought Dino was still young to know that.)

Sleep beside me please.

(He acted cutely)



Ya… go to your room!



Shiro! (I don’t want!)



He’ll sleep here right beside me.

(Looked at Dino)

Right baby~

(He teased)

Gimme a kiss.

(Pouted his lips just like that of a parent asking for a kiss from their infant)


          Dino didn’t hesitate at all. He thought he was the only one left behind. He couldn’t miss the chance, the chance to tell his Seungcheol hyung to ‘hands off’ his mommy. He pecked Jeonghan’s lips mildly and, of course, that move astounded the two, but Jeonghan adopted quickly.



Good night~


          He positioned himself comfortably beside Jeonghan fixing the blanket for the both of them.



Good night~

(He giggled)



Ya! How dare you kiss your mom in front of your dad?!

(He was kinda threatened… and that snapped him back to reality and made him rethink of what he had done)



And how dare you hurt JeongMom like that?!

(Pointing at Jeonghan’s pouty swelling lips)


          They were both embarrassed, but Jeonghan was acting the victim, which made Cheol feeling guilty of the inevitable crime.


          Seungcheol could feel the humiliation all over his body. The heat had subdued drastically, however, not fully. Finally, the beast became tame and speechless.



So if you mind daddy Coups, Jeonghan hyung’s aegi will sleep beside him. So go to your own bed!


(He came embracing and protecting his hyung on his arms)


          That time, Cheol felt really ashamed and planned to deal with it later in the morning. But one more problem… he couldn’t stop thinking of doing it again. It was tempting… but Dino was there to hold it. He became uneasy going back and forth in the room, tossing and turning on his bed. Finally, he had a solution.


          He thought that it was better if he do not see Jeonghan at all. Hoping that maybe what he’s feeling at the moment would subside.


          He tapped their maknae, who was sleeping comfortably beside their angel and asked for the keys of their room., so he could transfer there.


          Dino gave him the keys irritably and he proceeded going to their room with Joshua. He lay himself down to bed and tried to concentrate on something different, but all he could ever think was Jeonghan… Jeonghan… and Jeonghan. It was hard for him to sleep. He went to the solution of hurting himself by pinching his skin hard, but it won’t just work. The more he’s hurt, the more he’s awake… Bad idea!


          As he was getting hopeless of looking for the solution, he went to Joshua trying to wake him up. Joshua on the other hand, was annoyed of Coups’ call. The leader was successful of waking his friend up by his tight embrace and by pushing his weight to the poor thin-framed gentleman.



(Talked grumpily with his sleepy voice)

Ya, stop.

(He grunted)



Help me please.




What are you doing here?

(With his lazy voice)



I can’t sleep.



Just close your eyes.

(He ignored him ones again)



Can you hit me?



Tomorrow, when I wake up.




I need it now.

I can’t sleep.



Ya… stop this. Let me sleep.



I’m begging you…

I have sinned Shua ya.




Just go to the priest and confess.



(Bit his lips)

I got tempted Jisoo ya.

(He confessed through his sorrowful whisper)


          Without any hesitation, Joshua got up with his wide open eyed and very much alive soul, and faced him as he knew the meaning of what he was saying.



Ya… you didn’t do it, don’t you?

(He said with the fierce glaring eyes)



(Looked down)

Ummm… I-

I-it was jus-


          Without any warning and without waiting for his friend’s explanation, Joshua hit Seungcheol’s left cheek.




(Holding his left cheek)

That hu-


          Before the ended his sentence, Joshua took another slap on his right cheek.




(He shouted)

What’s that for?


          Joshua smirked.



That’s what you asked for, pabo Coups.

Now get back to sleep.

I’ll punch you tomorrow.



(With his disbelief expression)

You should have told me.



You need to be distracted, right?

(He squinted his eyes scrutinizing the sinful man in front of him because Cheol was not yet forgiven.)

How do you feel?



It hurts!

Damn! Those slaps totally wrecked my face!




Good! you tried to save your soul from hell, Cheol.

You didn’t do it, do you?



I stopped b-



Go now and sleep. I’m tired. Let’s talk tomorrow.



You think I can sleep with what you did?



Then, you want me to knock you down with a punch, Cheol?

We’ll talk tomorrow. Now, get your out of my bed.

You are still dangerous.




I’m fine now.

Shua… help me to fix this tomorrow.

I feel embarrassed.



You’re disgusting!

(He teased)




I was influenced by alcohol, you know.

(He defended himself)



That’s why I told you two not to drink.

(Observed that there were no signs of their baby Chan inside the room)

Where’s Chan?



He’s with his mother.


That boy, really!

But I have to apologize too.


          Joshua noticed that Seungcheol’s lips were swollen because of the bite Jeonghan gave him.



You did it, don’t you?!

(With his interrogating angry straight voice.)



(Clipped his lips)

That’s- well, ummmmm… we stopped right there.

(Glanced quickly at Joshua while thinking of something to throw back at him.)

As if you don’t surprise him with a kiss. Tsk!

(With a fake pissed face)



I always get his permission.



(Was kinda jealous)

How? Always? Whu?

(He got confused)

You ask him?



No. I respect him and he respects me.



How was that supposed to mean? It’s not a permission.



It is.

(He smirked)

Let him talk to you through actions.

Cheol… you need to be less aggressive.

I saw you kissing him when he came from Thailand.

Really, Cheol?!


You should be thankful because you are still alive right now.

(With his glaring eyes)



Sorry. I’ll be careful next time.



What?! Careful?!

(He thought of him being careful not to see them doing it in public)



No! Not that. I mean. I shouldn’t be selfish.





Let’s take care of him.

If he happened to choose, so be it.

I know it will hurt us but…

(He sighed)

There are 12 or more of us.

Don’t you think it’s hard for him too?

12 of us wasn’t easy to handle.

I know… I can see.

And… the competition is not easy.



I’m more scared losing him.



That won’t happen, Cheol.

It’s okay if he will not choose me… seeing him alive and healthy is all that matters to me now.



Me too.

(He sighed)

Ya… you sure there’s 12 of us? As in for real?



More than 12… I think?

Well I don’t know with Chan. He’s acting like Jeonghan’s guardian angel.

(He giggled)

That’s better.

…Not because it would mean that the list would be trimmed down, but he can protect Jeonghan from a beast like you from doing something unimaginable.

(Looked at him with electrifying stares.)



(He felt guilty)

Okay. I get it.

Thanks for understanding.

I won’t drink anymore. Gosh!




Good night, friend.



Good night.

Dream of me.

(He teased)



I don’t like a nightmare, Cheol.

(He smirked)




(He was curious to ask about something.)






For example, you are in Jeonghan’s place.

Who do you think is the finest man?



Ask yourself.

Why me?



Because you know Jeonghan since the beginning.



I like Shua for Jeonghan.

(He answered confidently with a teasing giggle.)




(He sighed and rolled his eyes.)

Of course.



(He giggled)

Ya… how can I answer that? Of course I will choose myself.

Who do you think?



There’s a lot.


We have different personalities.




Don’t pressure him and…

Control yourself!


          He scolded Cheol before going to bed. Cheol was just glad that he had a friend and rival like Joshua.



And… don’t dare crawl over my bed.

Sleep in another room if you want.



Why would I?



I am worried that if you become delusional, you’ll mistook me as Jeonghan because we have similarities, .




He’s prettier than you.




You admit that I’m pretty?

(With a surprised expression)

Oh god!

Get out!



I didn’t mean that!




Get out!





Don’t abandon me please.

(He wore a puppy eyes)


          Joshua grabbed a ballpen near his bed lamp, in case a ert became delusional.



Gonna hold this for safety.

(He teased while positioning his face to a fluffy white pillow he’s embracing)



I won’t!

Sleep now!

This man, really!


          Joshua fell asleep quickly, however, Seungcheol couldn’t because he was worried of talking to Jeonghan the next day.


          Seungcheol’s eyes didn’t allow him to sleep until he was already catching a glimpse of a healthy sun rays. He became startled when, one time, someone knocked on the door. The hell… how could sleep with Joshua’s slap? It still stung so much. Looking at his friend on the other bed, Joshua was still deeply asleep, so he got no choice but to open it.


          He saw Dino, humming happily in his return to their room.




(He was surprised with Coups)

So you really sleep here, hyung?



Yeah. But I didn’t actually sleep.

(He sighed)

And why are you happy?



I’m going on a date with hyung.

Jeonghanie hyung~



Is he awake?

I need to talk to him.



Yeah. He was about to take a shower.






And hyung!

I’m warning youuuuuu!

Ei, hyung! Don’t do stupid things again!

(With his frowning face)



I just want to talk, imma!

And shut your loud mouth. We’re in the hallway.






(He realized what Coups said and shut his mouth.)


          Seungcheol went inside their room discreetly. Then, he saw Jeonghan looking for clothes in his luggage.



(He called softly and shyly)

Hanie ya… can we talk?


          Jeonghan knew that voice is from Coups. He was obviously ignoring him because he remained quiet trying to find something in his bag when he heard Cheol’s voice clearly.



Jeonghan-ah. I’m sorry from what happened last night.



Good you realized.


          Finally! Finally he talked.



Ummm… that won’t happen again.

I’m sorry, I’ve been so disrespectful.


I hope we can straighten things up.



Good you know.

(With a monotonous tone)


          He stood up carrying his clothes with his towel and passed by Coups.




(Feeling guilty while waiting for Jeonghan’s reply.)


          Then he froze when Jeonghan stopped right in front of him. The pretty boy bent forward close to him and it made his heart skipped a moment. Seungcheol thought, Jeonghan would say something into his ears, but he got pillows and threw it with a strong impact to Cheol numerous times. Now, he got the power and time to avenge himself.


          Meanwhile, Seungcheol tried to protect his body from Jeonghan’s critical hits. He didn’t know what was on Jeonghan’s mind and accepted his punishment.



You are rude last night Cheol!

(He finally spoke, however, angrily.)



I know.

That’s why I am terribly sorry.



I couldn’t sleep!

(He shouted)

You know how much it bothered me?!

(He said angrily as he continued to hit him with a pillow.)



I’m really sorry.



I never thought, you’d do that!

(He scolded)


          Seungcheol couldn’t say anything but ‘Sorry’ while Jeonghan was avenging himself from Seungcheol.




(Then, he became calm.)




(He couldn’t even look back at him)



You are a bad boy.

(He smiled cutely)



(He felt really bad that time and embarrassed)

I’m really sorry, Jeonghan.

I didn’t mean to disrespect you.



(He sighed)

Get up!


          Seugncheol stood up from the bed quickly as Jeonghan demanded.



Hannie ya, I’m really sorry.



(He smiled sweetly.)

Gimme a hug.

Ya! Don’t surprise me like that.



Don’t what?



I can’t reject you, but please…

(He blushed)

Tsk! Never mind!

You gotta treat me for dinner.


          Seungcheol hugged him gently.



So, we’re okay now?

Are you not mad?



We’re always okay, Cheol.

I’m not. It’s my fault too.




Should I ask permission next time?



(He blushed)

What permis-


Jeonghan came thinking about his Seungcheol that time. He knew that it was not really his fault alone because he got carried away. Well, that’s bad. He noticed that he was just being dragged along. His body, feelings, and mind were contradicting. How could he control himself now?


          “Cheol, my knight and shining armour, you are so protective of me. Thank you. I can feel it every time. Thank you for being such a great and inspiring leader for all of us. You are indeed a great man. What I’ve said to you during our Q&A wasn’t enough to describe how manly, handsome, and adorable you are. You are reliable. I feel safe with you.

And Cheol… please don’t melt me with your stares. Please. You are killing me just with your eyes. How much more if we touch?!

Cheol… you’re making me a bad boy. How dare youuuu?!!! T_T

(He sighed)

But I am really glad to know you.

I am glad to be one of your friends.

And It’s such an honor to be with this team. Thank you so much. You’re the best!

You’ve worked hard for us, especially for me. Thank you. I hope I can repay you something just to relieve your stress… but here I am, adding more stress to you.

Just tell me…

(He blushed)

But… except that- you know…

(He bit his lips)

Seungcheol ssi? Did you know that…

(He crossed his arms)

You’ve been very rude to me lately.

(He smiled)


You almost got me there (from last night).

I fell… I fell for your kisses… Oh god! What have you done to me? But… Those kisses and touch were full of love in spite of the aggressiveness. I hope I can take good care of your heart. But you need to behave, Cheol ah.

I mean… let us both behave.

I love you~”


          Jeonghan sighed and avoided the question.



I better shower. I’ll be late for my baby’s date.

(He smiled)




Don’t get pressured.

We don’t force you. You can take all the time Hanie…

(He smiled gently)



(He sighed)

I wish I can give everything to all of you but…



(He smiled gently)


No worries.

If you want to stay as we are. Then, let’s stay like this forever.

Though… can you…

You know… have patience and at least learn to shove us off when we are already abusing you?



I am the one abusing all of you, Cheol.

Sorry for that.



Nope, Jeonghan.

You are not.

(He smiled)

There’s no way you are abusing us.




(He looked back at him)

Thank you.

Just tell me if I am hurting you already.



Nope… you are not. Just give us a smile and we’re gonna be fine.

Go now!


          Seungcheol was relieved. He rested his body back to bed and waited for Jeonghan to finish.


          One moment after, Jeonghan put on a white long robe to cover his body after taking a bath. He went to the sink and started brushing his teeth. The moment, he threw the gargle as his last wash. He twitched his head lightly as he felt his head throbbing from little stings to painful one. He gripped on the sink and quickly grasping his breath. His heart ached, he could feel his breathing stop from one moment to another, until he was literally grasping for air just like he was drowning in the water. When he had the chance to ask for help, he cried Cheol’s name as loud as he could.


          Cheol heard the call, but it was too small; though, he considered that Jeonghan might be calling him. As he came close to the bathroom, he could hear Jeonghan’s loud struggling breathing with his tiny voice calling his name. Seungcheol immediately opened the door and saw Jeonghan sitting beside the wall, looking so weak in pain.


          Jeonghan’s knight ran to rescue and carry him to bed.



Jeonghan-ah… Jeonghan-ah!

(He was panicking)




(With an almost inaudible sound)


          He bit his lips, curving his eyebrows with tears falling down from his cheeks.



What should I do?



(He breathed heavily)

It… it hurts.


          He clenched his hands on Cheol’s shirt tightly as the sting slowly conquers inside his body again. His chest began to feel tighter, and the coldness was going extreme again. It was extreme to the point of Jeonghan’s body was visibly shaking, and the burnt sensation was confusing his body. The healthy pinkish lips of Jeonghan turned into a complete purple hue. Moreover, besides from his cold temperature, his body was getting numb and somehow stiffer. He couldn’t move inside out. The intense pain was killing him, and Seungcheol could see how painful it was from his expression.


          It was the first time he saw Jeonghan in that condition. He’d usually hear it from the other members, mostly with Wonwoo and Junhui… and DK as well, but he never witnessed it himself.


Unfortunately for Jeonghan, it was his worst attack so far that his body was totally like that inside a freezer, who literally froze.



(He began crying in his panic)

W-what should I do, Jeonghan-ah?

(He stuttered)


          Jeonghan didn’t reply and stayed in his arms enduring the pain. One moment, he uttered…



It’s cold.

(Heavy breathing)


(Crying in pain)

Help… me.

(He pant)


(He pleaded)


          Upon hearing those heart breaking words, Seungcheol tightened his embraced while leaning on the wall to help him stay strong for Jeonghan. He couldn’t stop crying as well, he didn’t know what to do.



It’s cold.

(He kept on uttering)



What should I do?

(Pleading for an answer)


          Some other time, Dino visited Jeonghan’s room to fetch his date. He was surprised finding a slipper blocking the door, so he came in. The boy entered merrily, but his sweet, excited smile faded when he witnessed a tragedy inside their hotel room.





          He ran immediately towards them.



Hyung! Wh-what’s happening?!

(With a trembling voice)



(He thought they were saved)

Ya! Call the others.

(He commanded)

Call Wonwoo, or… or… DK please. Hurry!

(He cried weakly.)



          Dino was alerted in his frozen position, and he delivered Cheol’s command as fast as he could. He went by each door knocking furiously, as an indication that it was an emergency, and they needed to respond quickly.


          Joshua was the first one to wake up, since Dino had the key to wake him up personally.



What’s happening?


          He became worried when he saw the boy in panic.



Jeonghan hyung is sick!

(He prevented himself to cry, but his tears started welling around his eyes)


          Joshua rushed to their room and saw the unstable and scared Cheol holding Jeonghan tightly.



Ya, Coups!

What should I do?

(He asked)



He’s cold… He’s cold, Joshua.

(He cried heavily)


          Joshua bit his lips as he was feeling his chest tight, seeing Jeonghan like that for the first time.


Later on, Wonwoo came.



Hyung, hold him straight. Let him stand.

(He said immediately.)


          Seungcheol was about to land his feet on the floor, but Jeonghan kept on crying and was saying ‘No’ a thousand times.




(He formed an anxious face from his no reaction face)

C’mon, you gotta do this.




(He sobbed as he curled himself in Seungcheol’s embrace, holding him tightly, asking not to let go.)


(Gasping his breath)

It hurts.

(With a shaky freezing cold voice)



Okay. Araseo. Araseo.

(He gave in from Jeonghan’s plead)


          He sat on the bed and embraced him tightly. Jeonghan was sitting in a fetus position cradled in Seungcheol’s arms and legs to give him warmth. Seungcheol secured Jeonghan’s body on his arms and didn’t let go.


          On the other hand, Mingyu turned off the aircon; while, Dino and Hoshi were currently inside the bathroom, turning the shower on in its hottest temperature, gathering the water into the bathtub to dip the towel and rub the warm towel to Jeonghan’s skin as The8 suggested.


          The boys were complete inside a single room. Joshua contacted his doctor with a long distance call to consult him, since he couldn’t join them due to the emergency they had in London.



Dino ya!

The towel!

How long will it take?

(He grunted with a sobbing face)




(They were facing a big problem with the water)

It was not warm enough.



Where’s the other towel you ordered?

(Think fast)

Can you get me an iron?


          The boys immediately assembled everything they could. DK was the one to follow up. But the boys, DK and Seungkwan, couldn’t wait any longer so they went down by themselves together with Vernon.



C’mon, you can fight that, hyung.

(He mumbled, hoping that their prayers would be heard.)


          Mingyu was the one who noticed the red spots slowly appearing on their angel’s body.




(He panted)


(He began to sob)

Don’t sleep.


          Jeonghan looked so pained that his beloved friends were hurting too. They began sobbing, feeling helpless in that situation.





(He was nervous because it was also his first time to see him like that. Mostly, he could just see Jeonghan having a hard time to breath or if he was getting cold. None of them were in combinations and not this painful.)

Don’t sleep, please.

(Held Jeonghan’s body)



          Seungcheol continued to embrace him tight when he heard Jeonghan’s voice again.




(He breathed softly)

My che-

(He bit his lips and whimpered in pain)



(He immediately instructed the boys to get ready for CPR in case.)

Guys! Mingyu, Wonwoo! Get ready for the CPR.

Hoshi, Jun while waiting, let’s warm Jeonghan’s feet and hands.



          The three immediately placed their warm palms to hold Jeonghan.


          Everybody was scared. Wonwoo saw Mingyu trembled again. He thought that he needed to comfort him because they needed to be strong. He held Mingyu’s hand and squeezed it to comfort him.



You already did this.

(He smiled confidently, but he was worried deep inside.)

We only have us right now, Mingyu.

We trust you.






You can do it.

I will be your substitute.


          One moment, the time came when Jeonghan stopped breathing. Joshua checked his pulse and let the two resuscitate him. One would pump, one would give air.


          Meanwhile, Joshua immediately asked the number of the hospitals nearby from their room service so they could call an ambulance. On the other hand, the receptionist assured Joshua that they would immediately call for help.


          Mingyu immediately did the right procedure of CPR. While, Wonwoo was the one pumping Jeonghan’s heart. Some other time, Wonwoo took a break and did Mingyu’s job and vice versa.


          On the other hand, Seungcheol was worn out. He was resting his body beside them; however, his heart couldn’t stop running fast.


          2 rounds of procedure, Jeonghan wasn’t revived yet. The two boys were sweating already, while Joshua was still on the line with Doctor Eric. Hoshi and Jun was helping them wipe their sweat. It felt like inside a very critical operation in an operating room. He wished that doctors would come the soonest because they didn’t know what to do if they weren’t able to revive Jeonghan for the third time.


          Time was running fast. They were becoming more worried.


          Later on, the younger ones returned and they were mortified to see that they were doing the CPR again. They knew that Jeonghan had lose his heartbeat again. Poor sebongs’ heart. Poor them. They wished they could just give their body for Jeonghan, so he won’t be hurting like that.


          When they acquired the things they needed, Minghao began ironing the towel with the highest temperature, While Dino was making sure that he’d pass the warm towels to the boys waiting to put it on Jeonghan’s feet and arms.


          One moment and he was revived. The boys immediately covered him with warm towels and after a while, the ambulance came.


          Doctor Eric asked Joshua to give the phone to the medics. He only asked the doctor to give him dextrose and instructed him what to do. As per Doctor Eric’s request, Jeonghan was on his dextrose and was lying perfectly on bed. When the nurses confirmed that Jeonghan’s breathing was not stable yet, Jeonghan’s doctor asked them to put an oxygen. A small oxygen container would suffice.


          Meanwhile, Seungcheol and Joshua were in charge of talking to them, asking them not to publicize everything they had witnessed. Of course, it was their right and privacy; and the hospital acknowledged it.


          When the medics left, that was the time they called the staffs and asked them to fix an immediate flight for Jeonghan whether he gained consciousness or not.


          Vernon, Seungkwan, and DK changed Jeonghan’s clothes carefully and covered him with a warm blanket.


          Once again, their heart breaks, but it was a job well done for the boys. They saved Jeonghan from the brink of death. They just wished that Jeonghan would wake up soon.





          One moment, Jeonghan woke up, looking for Dino, which surprised everyone.



(Spoke with a soft weak voice)

Dino ya…



(Moved forward to meet Jeonghan)

Yes, hyung?



I’ll just save our date for another day.

(He giggled)


(He ended his words sadly)



(He smiled)

Hyung, it’s okay.

We can go out anytime.

You should rest first.

Get well soon.

(He smiled cutely)



Thank you.



          Jeonghan’s eyes were heavy, indicating that he needed the rest badly. His skin remained cold despite the comforter and the hot pressed towels the boys were currently making as of the moment.


          The angel observed his surrounding before closing his eyes again. He noticed that his boys were all there, worried about him. All he could do was to smile; although, his heart was breaking.



Sorry, for making you all worry.

(He said softy)

Is it okay for me to sleep?

I think I need a rest.

I’m tired.

(He forced a giggle; though, he was sad for the boys)



(Went beside him and his hands to Jeonghan’s head)

Sure. Go ahead and rest.

Make sure you recover well, Jeonghan.

(He wore a sad smile)





Of course.


          Then the angel closed his eyes to rest.






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jensniek #1
Chapter 22: I want to kiss jeonghan too ㅠㅠ
Chapter 25: I looooooooooooove you for being born in this world!!!! You're mind is such a blessing!! I looooooove you!!!!!
Chapter 25: hahahahaha! finally! the ultimate (not yet) hot scene is here--- although it's for a moment ahahahahha but it's entertaining to see sebong's reaction. just too cute o(>ω<)o i never expected jeonghan's bed scene ahahahahhaa!!! and blame my erted head for actually imagining that scene. . hahahahaha--- now, i can't wait to know what the sebongs are going to do to their only princess. junnie is innocent though ahahahahha ┐(︶▽︶)┌

i'm going to subscribe the next sequel later~ hope you have a great day writing and you have done well. ❤ (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc) it's rare to find a jeongharem fanfic and on top of it, it's lighthearted. except jeonghan's illness, i'm enjoying everything. i wish next sequel jeonghan will actually be fine and living happily ever after with his loverS. yes, loverS. alrightie~ see you soon! ♡ ( ̄З ̄)
Chapter 25: read 2 chap at a time, during reading chap 25 i laughed, imagine the expression sebong. to be honest I was shocked when reading the xxx scene, heol Yoon Jeonghan did the scene.
anyway sebong must be angry. so the next sequel is Clap era? I can not wait too long

I hope next sequel our angel always healty :3
Chapter 25: I can't believe it's already ended ㅠㅠ.. But are the series also ended too. I want to jeonghan recover.. I love this series so much. Thank you for writing it. I love you author - im
hiletsmile #7
Chapter 24: blessed with their love and sweetness!!! I believe Jeonghanie will happy and healthy at the end. Finally, the long-long-awaiting premier is coming very near. We all are eager to know the reaction of the boys after seeing their angel in the film.
Thank you so much Eros, your series are so good, can't remember how many times I read Standby, Cue, Soundcheck again and again.
Chapter 24: Wahhh,,, finally the premier will happen already!!! After months(?) of waiting!!! I am so looking forward to your next update!!!