Life skills

Junior Quest

“Heechul, this is madness” - Leeteuk wondered if the psychologist would ever believe him this once - “Put down that bowl and get the boy a diaper” 

“I’m telling you, he is about to pee” - Heechul insisted as he held Ryeowook over a plastic bowl - “I just need a sample” 


Leeteuk rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling. After Heechul recovered from being sick, the parent had decided to pay more attention to the medical records of his sons and took them all to revisions. At the last appointment, the doctor asked them to provide some samples to complete the full check up. Getting the samples from the older kids was easy (despite Yesung complaining at first because he found it gross), but the not potty trained ones were tricky. 


“Even the doctor said it was ok if you couldn’t get it” - Leeteuk tried again - “Can we please behave like a normal human being now?” 


“I won’t give up until I get that urine sample” - Heechul kept holding a Ryeowook in an awkward position but the toddler seemed used to it - “I got all the samples! Even Kyu’s one! There is no way I am giving up with Ryeowook’s “ 


“He is going to get a cold if he stays like that too long” - Leeteuk made a serious expression - “Do you want him to get sick again?” 


“No...” - Heechul was defeated - “Geez! I was so close!” 


“No, you were not” - Leeteuk snatched the plastic bowl - “Now put him down and go take care of the boys that need to go to school” 


“Yes” - Heechul pouted as he placed the toddler on the floor - “But I am sure he is about to p—“ 




“Yes, boss” - Heechul rushed upstairs while Leeteuk sighed 


“Your dad is driving me crazy” - Leeteuk closed his eyes - “I think he—“ 


“Wet!” - The cheerful toddler pointed at the puddle on the floor - “Wookie pee!” 


“Let’s not tell daddy you actually peed five seconds after we gave up” - Leeteuk told the proud toddler - “Lets clean this mess and put you back in diapers” 


“Uhh, we could have gotten that sample if you had waited one minute” - Heechul lamented during breakfast - “I told you he was about to pee but you didn’t believe me” 


“That’s silly, you don’t know when he is going to pee” - Leeteuk scoffed - “You can’t predict that” 


“I’m telling you, this past few days I have learned to understand the signals” - Heechul commented cheerfully- “I think I can tell when he needs to go” 


“Even if I want to listen more of it, I think that discussing it at breakfast won’t help” - Leeteuk giggled - “Yesung keeps giving us bad looks” 


“It’s just gross” - Yesung complained - “I don’t want to remember how you took those poop samples” 


“Stool samples” - Heechul corrected - “And it had to be done” 


“I think it was cool” - Kangin laughed - “We should do it more often” 


Leeteuk couldn’t avoid laughing a bit. Yeah, most of the kids found funny the fact Heechul collected all the samples with dedication. Yesung was the only that found it really gross and was completely against it when they introduced the idea. 


“Never mind, we are going to be late if we don’t hurry” - Heechul stuffed another toast in his mouth before getting up - “Letz bwush ouw teethd” 


“Speaking of teeth” - Leeteuk turned to Kangin - “Is your tooth still hurting?” 


“Yeah” - The boy sighed - “Do you think I will need a dentist?” 


“Forget about the dentist” - Heechul smiled - “I checked it yesterday~ Soon, our boy will lose that baby tooth” 


“Oh~ so is the fairy coming over?” - Leeteuk followed the game - “I heard she gives a gift for a tooth” 


“REALLY?” - Kangin was now excited - “Is that fairy going to come? When? Dad! Let’s pull it out!”


“Not now, it will fall alone” - Heechul giggled - “It could hurt if I pulled it and it wasn’t ready” 


“I want money” - Kangin’s mind was racing - “This is so exciting!” 


When Heechul returned from taking the kids to school, he found Leeteuk staring at one half toddler. 


“Whats wrong?” 


“Your nudist refuses to wear pants” - Leeteuk informed - “And diapers” 


“No diapey!” - Ryeowook rejected the diaper once again - “Wookie fwwwee!” 


“I think he feels better without a diaper” - Heechul shuddered - “You can’t blame him. It must be though to endure being wet and getting rashes” 


“Yeah but he can’t go around peeing everywhere like an animal” - Leeteuk wasn’t going to allow it 


“A puppy would be easier to train” - Heechul joked - “Give me that diaper, I’m gonna fix this” 


“Nuuuuh!” - Ryeowook kicked in retaliation as he was held against his will - “No diapey!”


“And pants” - Heechul dressed the boy in a skilled way - “If you take those off, Dada will get angry” 


Ryeowook pouted and waited for Heechul to turn to the other side just to begin undressing again. 


“It didn’t work” - Leeteuk sighed 


“Well, time for plan B” - Heechul walked away 


“Hey! You can’t let him win this one!” - Leeteuk protested 


“Its a half win” - Heechul returned holding something Leeteuk recognized right away - “It will be a lot of work for us but at least he won’t poop our floor” 


“Whazz dizz?” - Ryeowook asked as Heechul unfolded a cloth diaper - “Wookie undies” 


“Yeah exactly” - Heechul pretended he wasn’t diapering the boy - “Ryeowook special undies” 


“Big boy!” - Ryeowook was now pleased with the new underwear - “Wookie big!” 


“Uhum” - Heechul wasn’t happy at all knowing that diaper changes were going to get messier - “Just for today, ok? Tomorrow you will be back in normal diapers because I can’t just ask anyone to do the laundry if you are soiling those” 


“No poop” - Ryeowook shook his head - “Wookie good” 


“Yeah of course” - Heechul knew it was a waste of time discussing with an 20 months old 


“I guess it is better than nothing” - Leeteuk wasn’t convinced at all. He knew Ryeowook could do whatever he wanted as long as Heechul was in a good mood - “But you will regret it” 


“I know” - Heechul sighed - “But just look at him~ he is so happy~” 


“How come those two are so different? Kyuhyun even leaked and he didn’t care” - Leeteuk couldn’t believe the boy soaked the diaper to the point it wouldn’t hold anymore and yet, didn’t ask for a change. 


“Wet” - Kyuhyun told the babysitter as he got a change - “Kyu wet” 


“Yes, you got wet but you didn’t tell us” - Leeteuk was now a bit frustrated- “You can’t stay in wet diapers” 


“Uh” - Kyuhyun his thump 


Leeteuk took a deep breath. He would need to check on them more often. He could hear the phone ringing and Heechul apparently couldn’t. 


“Heechul! Your phone is ringing!” - Leeteuk shouted from the nursery - “Hee—! Damn it, I will do it myself” 


Leeteuk answered the call as he saw it was from the boys’s school. He worried it could be an emergency. 


“Who is it?” - Heechul hurried to the living holding Ryeowook


Leeteuk asked him to remain calm while he spoke with the person at the phone. 


“It was Yesung’s homeroom teacher” - Leeteuk was now relaxed - “Nothing bad happened but you need to go look out for Yesung” 


“Is he feeling sick?” - Heechul worried - “Tummy ache? Vomits? Fever?” 


“No” - Leeteuk tried to make Heechul sit - “He just had an ‘accident’ and he doesn’t want to stay there. Go there and be supportive, kids get really upset when it happens” 


“An accident? Did he wet his pants?” - Heechul couldn’t understand- “Why?” 


“I don’t know” - Leeteuk found funny Heechul’s question - “Maybe he laughed too much. Who knows” 


“I hope it was something like that” - Heechul pouted - “I will be back soon, please don’t kill Ryeowook while I am not here” 


“I will try” - Leeteuk teased - “But if he poops, I will save it for you” 


Leeteuk was obviously joking. He wouldn’t let a poor boy in a dirty diaper just because his dad was a fool that fell for cuteness. 


“Offf! Offf!” - Ryeowook kept asking Leeteuk to take off his cloth diaper - “Off!” 


“Why do you want to take it off?” - Leeteuk asked the fussy toddler - “Are you uncomfortable?” 


“Ung” - Ryeowook replied almost instantly- “Wookie diz” 


“Why you want this?” - Leeteuk couldn’t believe Ryeowook was asking him to get a disposable diaper - “Do you like this better?” 


Ryeowook wouldn’t reply to him anymore. The kid just wailed on the floor annoyed. 


“Fine, I’m going to change you” - Leeteuk found amusing the tantrum - “But you will stay in those, ok?” 


Ryeowook kept crying until Leeteuk finished the change.


“Its all done” - Leeteuk kissed the boy - “Dont cry, it’s alright” 


The boy seemed restless. Leeteuk would have described it as nervousness but he found hard to believe a toddler could get so stressed just because of a diaper. 


“Shh, shhh” - Leeteuk consoled the boy - “Everything is alright. I’m here, you don’t need to be scared” 


The short toddler just pushed the babysitter away. The kid seemed utterly upset. 


“What? Are you angry at me?” - Leeteuk asked - “Where are you going?” 


Ryeowook went to hide from the clueless babysitter. 


“Your brother is acting weird” - Leeteuk told Kyuhyun - “I think he got angry at me” 


“Nuh, he goo” - Kyuhyun shook his head - “Wookie diapey” 


“Yeah I got him a diaper” - Leeteuk didn’t understand what the toddler tried to say 


“Change” - Kyuhyun said calmly- “Diwty” 


“Are you dirty? Did you poop?”


“Wookie” - Kyuhyun pointed at the boy hiding behind the couch - “Wookie poo”


“Are you telling me your brother did all that fuss because he wanted to poop?” - Leeteuk translated 




“That’s silly” - Leeteuk often found hilarious how the twins made up stories and ran into weird conclusions. The babysitter decided to approach the now silent boy. 


“Are you alright? “ - Leeteuk asked softly to the boy that was now playing in a squatting position - “Can I play with you?” 


Ryeowook nodded. He even gave the nanny a cute smile before focusing on his game again. Leeteuk still didn’t get what was wrong with the boy earlier but he decided to sit next to him and play. 


“Ugh” - Ryeowook grunted 


“What?” - Leeteuk misunderstood the sound and thought the boy could be grouchy- “Oh I know that face. Are you pooping?” 


“Ung” - The boy kept making the faces Heechul often found so funny he even recorded. 


“Oh, I can’t believe Kyu was right” - The babysitter laughed as he rubbed Ryeowook’s belly - “It’s alright~ take your time~” 


Leeteuk waited until the boy started playing with the game again. 


“Are you done? Can I change your diaper now?” - Leeteuk asked the toddler


“Ung~” - Ryeowook agreed with the diaper change - “Wookie poop” 


“Yes, you did a poop” - Leeteuk checked the diaper - “Good boy” 


Ryeowook giggled as he was praised. He was even singing relaxed while the babysitter wiped his .


“Alright now, let’s get you into a fresh—“ 


“Nuh Uh~ “ - Ryeowook shook his head - “Wookie undies” 


“Could it be...? “ - Leeteuk got a clue of what was going on. 



“So” - Heechul still remembered Leeteuk’s words: be supportive - “Do you want an ice cream?” 


“I wet my pants in front of the whole class” - Yesung stared at the floor with teary eyes - “I just...” 


“Do you want to talk about it?” - Heechul was surprised when Yesung nodded - “Alright... what happened?” 


“Teacher asked me to go in front of the class and solve a math exercise but I got nervous and and and... and I wet myself” - Yesung shoved his head between his knees- “I don’t wanna face my classmates... nor the teacher. I’m too embarrassed” 


“It’s ok, I bet you are not the first nor the last kid that wet his pants in there” - Heechul hugged the boy - “We will just go home today and next week, you will walk inside like if nothing had happened” 


“Next week... I don’t wanna come to school” - Yesung pouted 


“You can’t skip school just because—“ 


“Next week, we have an special class that is talking about something you like” - Yesung took a deep breath - “I just can’t do it! I can’t even read well if everyone is looking at me!” 


“Yesung calm down” - Heechul smiled - “I will help you overcome that shyness and I promise that next week you are going to be the best—“ 


“No. There is no way I am doing it” - Yesung shook his head - “Its impossible” 


“No it’s not” - Heechul pinched the boy’s cheek - “We need to work on it. That’s all” 


“I won’t do it” - Yesung kept fighting until they reached home - “You dont understand” 


“I was once your age, Yesung” - Heechul stuck out his tongue - “I also had to go to school” 


Yesung just ran upstairs ignoring a cheerful Leeteuk that just wanted to say hi. 


“What did you do now?” - Leeteuk asked scared - “I told you to be supportive” 


“He has gotten the stage fright” - Heechul shuddered - “It’s not a big deal but he is making it sound like the end of the world just because next week he has to talk in front of the whole class about something he likes” 


“Well, it does sound like a problem” - Leeteuk twisted his lips - “You wouldn’t understand because unlike him, you are outgoing and don’t suffer from stage fright” 


“That’s ridiculous” - Heechul got annoyed by Leeteuk’s accusations- “I wasn’t always like this. I was also terrified by the idea of doing public presentations but I had to overcome it. Everyone needs to get over that fear at some point” 


“Yeah but right now?” - Leeteuk insisted - “What are you going to do if the kid develops something worse than just a stage fright? What if he ends hating school and getting cramps from nervousness?” 


“Oh C'mon! It’s just a presentation in front of his class! It won’t kill him!” - Heechul folded his arms - “He will do it” 


“Maybe you should have a talk with his teacher and ask her to assign Yesung something else” - The babysitter tried - “Please, don’t push him to do something that causes him pain. Yesung is a super shy boy... he is getting better little by little... if you press the issue you could—“ 


“Enough” - Heechul rolled his eyes - “I won’t give up easily. Please let me try and if it doesn’t work, then I will consider some other options” 


“Fine” - Leeteuk gave up. Heechul was stubborn and wouldn’t lose an argument when he proposed so - “There was something I wanted to tell you. Something good, actually” 


“Uh?” - Heechul tilted his head 


“Its about Ryeowook... I think he is starting to get aware of his needs” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly - “He is still too young to understand it all but I think he is trying to tell us he wants to get potty trained” 


“Potty trained? Before being two?” - Heechul scratched his head - “Is that even possible?” 


“It is. It’s not easy and I don’t believe he is ready at all... but it's also true that if we don’t encourage it now that he is interested, we could miss the perfect timing and make it harder” - Leeteuk shook his head - “Maybe you weren’t crazy at all. You told me you started to see the signals and it could be that not only you got better at it, maybe Ryeowook got better at it too” 


“He is so small” - Heechul seemed touched - “How do you potty train such a young child? I mean, the triplets were hard to potty train and they were way older when we did it” 


“I don’t think we can fully potty train him right now” - Leeteuk was being honest - “But I do think we can make some achievements” 


“Alright” - Heechul nodded - “Let's do it. Let’s not make a big deal about it but just try” 


“Pwotty~~ “ - Ryeowook repeated cheerfully as Heechul explained him some basics - “Wookie zits” 


“Yeah, wookie sits here and goes pee pee” - Heechul tried his best - “When you need to pee, you have to sit here and call me” 


“Poop?” - Ryeowook asked fascinated by the new thing he considered a toy 


“You can poop here as well” - Heechul hated it. He still remembered cleaning the potty when the triplets were getting trained. He liked the idea of the toilet seat better but he worried Ryeowook was too small and could fall inside. 


“Wookie poop” - The boy removed his pants and sat on the potty - “Uh~~~” 


“That’s right” - Heechul was amused by Ryeowook understanding - “But you need to remove your diaper first, as well”


“Maybe we should get him pull ups” - Leeteuk was fascinated by Ryeowook’s learning skills - “It will be easier that way” 


“I have an idea” - Heechul smiled - “Ryeowook, would you like buying new special diapers? Big boy diapers” 


“Yay!” - The kid jumped around excited - “Big booooooy!” 


“Let’s all go shopping” - Heechul dressed the toddler - “We should invite Yesung as well” 


“Why are we going shopping?” - Yesung asked. He wasn’t in a bad mood, only a little disappointed since Heechul wouldn’t allow him to skip that assignment he disliked 


“We are getting diapers for your brothers” - Heechul explained as he pushed the stroller - “Its a good occasion to spend time together, don’t you think?” 


“Ok” - Yesung smiled pleased 


At the store, Heechul kept looking at the packages without deciding. 


“What's the difference? All brands look the same” - Heechul scratched his head - “I cant really tell if one is better than the other” 


“I think the difference is that—“ - Leeteuk couldn’t finish his sentence as Heechul stepped on him 


“ahhh~ no way I can’t do it” - Heechul said loudly - “Maybe we should ask for help. Yesung, would you mind asking someone to come over?” 


“M-me?” - Yesung gulped down anxiously - “You mean... like asking someone... like the clerk...?”


“Yeah exactly” - Heechul pointed at the counter - “Just go over there and ask for help” 


“Uhum” - Yesung started fidgeting with his hands - “Alone?” 


“I will be watching from here” - Heechul replied 


Yesung nodded. He walked slowly looking around in a frightened way. 


“He is too scared” - Leeteuk pitied the boy - “Why are you doing this to him?”


“Shut up and stay alert in case he gets too stressed” - Heechul wouldn’t even blink 


Yesung stood in front of the counter without being able to talk. He turned back and looked at Heechul with frightened eyes. 


“Go help him” - Heechul whispered to Leeteuk - “Pretend you don’t know nothing” 


“Alright” - Leeteuk did as instructed and walked to the boy - “Are you alright? What are you doing here?” 


“Uncle sent me to ask for help” - Yesung replied shyly - “He doesn’t know what is the difference between those diapers and I am supposed to ask someone but...” 


“Ah, there is a woman that looks nice” - Leeteuk ruffled the boy’s hair - “Lets hold hands and ask her for help together, ok?” 


Yesung smiled a bit. He seemed relieved now that Leeteuk was the one leading. 


“Hi ma’am” - Leeteuk greeted the woman - “We were wondering if you could help us. My friend is over there trying to buy some diapers but the poor man is just clueless” 


“Alright, I guess I can help” - The nice worker smiled to them - “Can you show me the way?” 


“H-he is over there” - Yesung hurried to reply as the woman looked at him 


“Ah~ you are back” - Heechul praised the boy for his hard work - “And you brought help! Such a nice boy” 


Yesung blushed and hid behind Heechul in a shy way. 


“You have cute sons” - The woman commented as she looked at the happy twins in the stroller - “I guess you two are the one needing diapers” 


“Ung!” - The twins replied happily 


After finishing shopping, Heechul sat on a bench while the little kids played in the park. Yesung was having fun as well as he found cute the way his brothers enjoyed such silly attractions. 


“Yesung~~ can you come over ?” - Heechul called. Leeteuk got aware of Heechul’s plan and sighed 


“Yeah?” - Yesung sat next to his dad with silly smile - “What is it?” 


“Here” - Heechul gave the boy some money - “Please go over there and buy some ice cream. You can choose the one you want for you but you need to take into account Ryeowook only can eat the ones that doesn’t have milk or cream” 


“The ones made with ice and water” - Yesung recalled Heechul’s lesson about Ryeowook’s diet - “Like popsicles” 


“Yeah exactly, like the red popsicle he loves” - Heechul smiled 


The boy just ran thinking about his task. He chose carefully and ran to the counter. 


“Hello~ are you buying these? Daddy will scold you if you eat too much ice cream” - The man at the counter laughed 


“Nooo” - Yesung pouted - “Only one of those is mine. The others are for my brothers, dad and our babysitter” 


“Such a good boy” - The man praised - “Are you good running errands?” 


 Yesung nodded shyly. He received the change and ran holding the bag filled with ice cream. 


“Here” - The boy smiled to Heechul - “I did it!” 


“Of course you did it” - Heechul was beyond pleased - “and you even remembered my favourite. I love you so much” 


“This one is Teuk’s” - Yesung pointed at the ice cream he chose for the nanny - “He likes strawberry” 


“Oh~ you remembered” - Leeteuk was touched since Yesung showed love for him - “You are so good” 


“ICECWWWWWEAM!” - The twins chirped as soon as they recognized the popsicles 


“Yeah” - Heechul helped the younger ones 


Leeteuk was impressed by how quickly Yesung’s fear seemed to get better. Maybe Heechul was right and the boy only needed a push. He was wondering if he should give him credit considering that it was too risky. 


“PEE!” - The peace was broken when the shortest toddler cried - “DADA! WOOKIE! WEEE!” 


“Oh oh” - Heechul held the kid - “It’s alright~ let’s see what we can do... ehm... “ 


Leeteuk shook his head as he looked around. They were walking back home and they didn’t prepare for it. 


“Nuuuh!” - Ryeowook protested in Heechul’s arms as the parent just played silly tricks on him 


“It’s alright, we have no potty now” - Heechul teased the baby - “I will change your diaper as soon as we get home” 


Ryeowook bursted in crying. Heechul felt a little sad seeing Ryeowook so upset considering it was a situation the toddler couldn’t control. 


“It’s alright, it’s alright” - Heechul kissed the boy as soon as they got home - “Big boys also need diapers sometimes” 


“Nuuuuh!” - Ryeowook cried upset - “Wookie wet!” 


“I know” - Heechul found funny Ryeowook’s reaction but didn’t want to laugh in front of him 


Ryeowook only calmed down after Heechul showed him one of the new pull ups. 


“You see? It goes up and down” - Heechul taught the boy how to use it - “Ta da~” 


“Ta da~~” - Ryeowook giggled as he copied 


“Kyunnie do you want to—“ 


“No” - Kyuhyun’s quick response brought laughter to the family 


Yesung played with his baby brothers while Leeteuk and Heechul went to look for the others. 


“Ah, Mr Kim” - The triplets’s homeroom teacher greeted them - “Do you have a minute? It’s about the kids” 


“Oh God” - Heechul made a funny expression - “I don’t know what they did now but I’m sorry” 


“Oh no, Nothing bad happened” - The room teacher laughed - “It’s just that it’s been over a week since they stopped taking naps and we wondered if you could choose another activity for them to fill in that period”


“Oh” - Heechul smiled - “Alright, I will take a look to the other activities. They are too energetic so I need something that will help them release some energy” 


Leeteuk was observing how the kids played until Heechul came back with a few paper sheets. 


“Whats that?” - Leeteuk asked amused seeing Heechul so concentrated- “Did you get an evaluation?” 


“No, I need to pick one of these for them” - Heechul showed Leeteuk the list filled with activities- “But I don’t know which one”


“Let’s take a closer look once we get home” - Leeteuk gestured to the kids to come to them - “We still need to go look for Kangin” 


“Right” - Heechul smiled as he got hugged by the triplets - “Lets get moving” 


Lunch time was peaceful. Leeteuk couldn’t believe Yesung was actually being talkative despite having a hard time that morning. 


“Once I lose my tooth, the tooth fairy will come over and give me a gift” - Kangin explained his little siblings - “Just like when Yesung lost a tooth” 


“Fairy?” - Donghae was happy 


“Gifts!” - Eunhyuk clapped his hands excited 


“Ugh, I don’t want to sleep alone” - Siwon pulled Leeteuk’s shirt - “I’m scared” 


Leeteuk found cute how Siwon often felt insecure whenever they mentioned the existence of fairies, goblins or any magical creature Heechul could think of. 


“Hey Teuk! I need a favor to ask you~” - Heechul ran at full speed - “I need to go out for a while~” 


“Sure” - Leeteuk knew Heechul always did his best to stay home when possible - “Are you coming back on time for dinner?” 


“Yeah, I’m taking Yesung with me” - Heechul pointed at the shy boy that waved to the nanny - “There is some stuff I need to take care of” 


“Why are you...? Heechul please don’t tell me this is a crazy plan of yo—“




“Oh God” - Leeteuk sighed - “Who can stop him?” 


“Uhm” - Ryeowook pulled Leeteuk’s shirt - “Wookie pee” 


“Do you need to pee?” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly 


“Nuh” - Ryeowook pouted - “Wookie pee” 


“Ah, you peed” - Leeteuk checked the boy’s diaper - “Thanks for telling me” 


Ryeowook tilted his head and stared at the babysitter with curiosity. Apparently, he still didn’t understand at all what he was supposed to do.


“Where are we going?” - Yesung asked excited as Heechul drove 


“To the company” - Heechul replied - “First I need to take care of some business and then we will go to the mall” 


“Are we looking for something?” - Yesung wondered - “Maybe for the twins potty training?” 


“Nope” - Heechul smiled at the mirror - “We are shopping for clothes, actually” 


“For me?” - Yesung got the hint as Heechul did funny expressions 


“Yeah” - Heechul nodded - “You are going to love it” 


“I can’t wait for it” - Yesung was pleased as Heechul’s attention was on him. Also, the boy loved getting new clothes and shopping for them sounded cool. 


“Hey! Hey!” - Leeteuk stopped a fight between Siwon and Kangin - “Why are you fighting?” 


“Because...” - Kangin took a deep breath as he held a big net - “I’m going to catch the tooth fairy when she comes over” 


“No!” - Siwon shouted scared - “Its dangerous! Uncle tell him not to do it!”


“Kangin, your brother is frightened by the idea of a fairy coming over” - Leeteuk whispered - “Can you please not mention it in front of him?” 


“Ah” - Kangin understood- “I will go to my room to set some traps” 


Leeteuk sighed. At least that would keep him busy. The babysitter played with the other kids until Kyuhyun pinched him. 


“What’s wrong?” - Leeteuk wasn’t even bothered by the fact the kid actually pinched him hard - “Good kids don’t—“ 


“Wookie pee” - The boy pointed at his brother - “Pwotty” 


“Honey, If your brother needs to use the potty, he will tell me” - Leeteuk found cute Kyuhyun’s intentions - “Are you trying to help your brother?” 


“Pwotty” - Kyuhyun wasn’t going to take a No 


“Fine” - Leeteuk went and brought the so called item - “Here” 


Ryeowook got interested on it as soon as it was close to him. He ran to the babysitter and started asking for the potty as he was taught earlier. 


“This is funny” - Leeteuk commented as he helped Ryeowook sit - “Are you going to pee?” 


Ryeowook waited for a moment and then shook his head. 


“Nuh” - Ryeowook pouted - “No pee”


“That’s because you don’t need to pee right now” - Leeteuk giggled - “You are just having fun sitting here” 


“Nuh, Wookie pee” - Ryeowook bit his finger - “Wee Wee” 


“I don’t understand” - Leeteuk gave up on trying - “Lets pull your pants up and forget about it, ok?” 


“Nuh” - Ryeowook shook his head - “Hewe. Dada zaid pee Pwotty” 


“But you don’t have to pee now” - Leeteuk sighed annoyed 




“No you dont” 


“Yeah” - Ryeowook folded his arms. Leeteuk started realizing that potty training a kid with such a temper was probably harder than potty training the triplets who despite being older at least were docile. He wondered if that meant that Kyuhyun could end being the hardest of them. 


“Let’s pull your pants up” - Leeteuk wasn’t going to lose against a child - “You are going to get cold if you stay there without pants” 


“Nuh! Wookie pee!” - Ryeowook fussed when Leeteuk started dressing him again - “Pwotty...” 


“No Potty” - Leeteuk tried to remain calm despite Ryeowook’s tantrum - “If you need to p—“ 


“UNG!” - Ryeowook was desperate. Apparently, he couldn’t make Leeteuk understand his needs. 


“Wookie I don’t understand” - Leeteuk tried - “I don’t know what you want to say” 


Communication was difficult since Ryeowook couldn’t speak fluently. The boy only knew how to say short sentences and mispronounced words most of the time. Also, toddlers tended to be hard to decipher as they would talk about random stuff all the time.


“Pee” - Ryeowook seemed sad - “Wookie pee” 


Leeteuk was about to cry himself. He was getting stressed realizing that he and Ryeowook were unable to understand each other and the boy seemed clearly affected by it. 


“Do you need to pee now?” - Leeteuk thought that maybe if he asked the questions, Ryeowook would only need to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ 


“Nuh” - Ryeowook shook his head sadly - “Wookie wet” 


Leeteuk checked the boy’s diaper. Wet. He was sure the diaper was dry when he dressed the boy, so that meant the boy wet himself during their little argument. 


“Wookie, you needed to pee but I didn’t understand” - Leeteuk apologized to the boy - “I thought you were just confused” 


“Ung” - Ryeowook pouted - “Wookie pee diapey... no Pwotty” 


“It was my fault” - Leeteuk hugged the boy - “Next time I will try to get it right” 


“Ung...” - Ryeowook was calm. Leeteuk was thankful for the fact that at least, the boy didn’t cry out of frustration. The babysitter started worrying if he was going to be able to understand the toddler’s needs when needed.


Heechul returned to the mansion and did a little show. He opened the door and made everyone gather around before Yesung entered dressing his new suit. 


“Wow” - Leeteuk didn’t expect seeing a seven years old dressed as a CEO - “So handsome” 


“Uncle bought it for me” - Yesung showed off - “I look like him” 


Leeteuk wanted to joke about it since most of the time, Heechul wore cartoon t shirts and shorts. He didn’t want to ruin the boy’s moment so he just held his laughter. 


“We chose it together and uncle taught me how to make a bowtie” - Yesung wouldn’t stop talking - “We even bought new socks to match with it” 


“Wow, did you get a hair cut?” - Leeteuk was almost sure of the answer 


“Yes!” - Yesung was happy since he noticed it. The boy ran upstairs to change clothes after Heechul asked him to take care of his new suit. 


“So, what do you think? Handsome right?” - Heechul seemed proud of his doing - “Step one: boosting his confidence, check” 


“Whats step two?” - Leeteuk asked amused - “I have to admit he does looks better now” 


“Step two is— oh hey buddy” - Heechul got interrupted by Ryeowook who pulled his shirt asking to be noticed - “How are you? Did you have fun with Teuk?” 


Leeteuk feared the answer. 


“Ung...” - Ryeowook looked gloomy - “Dada... Wookie... no Pwotty” 


“It’s alright, I bet that it was an accident” - Heechul held the boy - “Ryeowook is still little” 


“No” - Ryeowook pouted after he got called little - “Big dino” 


“Yeah, big like a dinosaur” - Heechul agreed - “You are going to be so big—“ 


“How you do that?” - Leeteuk interrupted - “I just realized that I can’t understand at all what they say but you... you can” 


“Well, I don’t always understand them” - Heechul smiled amused by Leeteuk’s random confession - “But they are simple minded so I try thinking like them” 


“Today I’m pretty much sure Ryeowook told me he needed to pee but I couldn’t understand him” - Leeteuk felt guilty - “I just couldn’t understand him. He sat quietly and did nothing so I thought...” 


“That he didn’t need to pee” - Heechul giggled - “Well, those things happen. No big deal. He is fine, right Wook?” 


“Ung!” - The boy chirped 


Leeteuk was still thinking about it during dinner. He wanted to improve his communication with the twins but didn’t know how. 


“Teeeeeeuk” - Kangin called the babysitter- “Can you help me pulling out my tooth? I want to catch the fairy tonight” 


“It will eventually fall without me pulling it” - Leeteuk got a glimpse of the tooth - “It’s about to fall” 


“Aww” - Kangin seemed disappointed to learn that the babysitter was also against pulling it out. 


“Dada!” - Ryeowook called from his high chair 


“Yeah I know” - Heechul stood up quickly and took the kid with him - “Lets hurry” 


Leeteuk followed them. He wondered what could have happened. He found Heechul helping the kid to use the potty. 


“Good boy~ you are doing well” - Heechul praised - “Nice!” 


Ryeowook giggled as soon as Heechul wiped him with a wet tissue. 


“Hey, let’s show Teuk what you just did” - Heechul smiled full of naughtiness - “Dont worry, he just peed” 


“Pee!” - Ryeowook held Leeteuk’s hand and showed him proudly- “Wookie Pwotty!” 


“Oh honey that’s amazing” - Leeteuk praised 


“Let’s go back and finish having dinner, Wookie” - Heechul instructed - “You haven’t finished eating yet” 


The boy ran back to the kitchen. 


“Wow, I cant believe you got it on time!” - Leeteuk was excited - “He—“ 


“I didn’t” - Heechul laughed - “In a few minutes I have to play a trick on him because that diaper got a little wet. He still can’t hold it properly but there is no way I’m letting him know that” 


“Oh~ Well, most of it got in the potty so I will take it as a success” - Leeteuk chuckled - “Its ok if he still leaks” 


Next day, morning started with a cheerful Kangin showing off the tooth that finally fell. The kid was so proud of it that Heechul even took him several pictures holding the tooth and showing the missing space. 


“The tooth fairy is coming over~~~” - Kangin sang holding a net - “And I’m going to catch it~~” 


“I’m not sure if the fairy will fit inside that thing” - Heechul teased - “I’m pretty much sure it's way bigger than a bug net” 


“Really?” - Kangin seemed worried as he inspected the net - “Why didn’t you tell me earlier? My traps won’t work if she is so big!” 


Siwon seemed utterly disgusted by the idea of the fairy being so big. He was too young to understand Heechul was talking about himself and not a magical creature. 


“I’m going to bath the twins” - Leeteuk announced- “I was thinking of a bubble bath” 


“Oh, Kyuhyun just fell asleep” - Heechul showed the nanny the sleeping twin - “I guess he is bathing later” 


“Bubble! Bubbleeeees! Bubble!” - Ryeowook ran around Leeteuk - “Bath! Bath! Bath!” 


“And he won’t stop now since you already mentioned it was time for a bubble bath” - Heechul laughed - “It’s alright, go with Teuk and enjoy your bubble bath” 


“BUBBLES!” - The short toddler was excited as he played with the bubbles Leetuek made for him - “LOOO! Big bubbleeeeees!” 


“I know sweetie” - Leeteuk was happy as well - “Look” 


The babysitter showed off his abilities to make big bubbles. The toddler laughed a lot. They were having a good time until Ryeowook made a weird expression. 


“Oh” - Leeteuk worried - “Whats wrong?” 


“Poop” - The toddler asked to be taken out of the bathtub- “POOP!” 


Leeteuk got nervous. His mind raced. He wasn’t prepared for it, he didn’t know what to do. He found himself holding a wet toddler in the toilet bowl worrying to not let it fall. 


“Oh God” - Leeteuk laughed after the crisis was over - “You almost kill me from a heart attack~ but you know? You saved me~ this could have been so messy” 


“Wookie poop” - The toddler was cheerful while Leeteuk washed his bottom - “Big Pwotty~” 


“Yeah, you did well” - Leeteuk was so pleased since Ryeowook didn’t poop in the bathtub - “Thanks for warning me” 


“Bubbles~~~” - Ryeowook pointed at the bubbles in the bathtub- “Pwayyy” 


“Do you want to keep playing?” - Leeteuk chuckled - “Fine, I will allow it since you were really good to me~ but first I will warm the water again”


Ryeowook shivered and made a funny expression. Leeteuk laughed. Maybe this thing of potty training such a young child had its advantages... at least that meant the boy wouldn’t poop in the bathtub like his brother. 


Saturday was such a quiet and happy day Leeteuk couldn’t believe it. Yesung was busy practicing for his presentation, Kangin trying to catch the tooth fairy, Siwon being scared of the tooth fairy, Ryeowook doing his best at potty training (even if he failed most of the time) Kyuhyun playing and there was Heechul trying to negotiate with the triplets. 


“Who is against it?” - Heechul asked for the third time straight


Eunhyuk raised his hand. Heechul was in despair once again. 


“This won’t work” - Heechul folded the paper sheets he was holding - “All of you want different things and... maybe we should consider...” 


“No separation” - Eunhyuk crossed his arms to show Heechul a perfect cross - “No” 


“Hae stays with twins!” - Donghae protested as well - “We together” 


“Ung! Together!” - Sungmin agreed 


“At least they agreed on something” - Leeteuk commented amused 


“Not funny” - Heechul complained- “I have listened to their reasons for at least two hours and still we haven’t found what they want to do in that free period” 


“Play!” - The triplets chirped 


“Yeah, play” - Heechul nodded - “But what?” 


“Pet!” - Donghae raised his hand 


“Drawing!” - Sungmin shouted 


“Nooo!” - Eunhyuk was disgusted by his siblings ideas - “Dance!”


“Let’s see, Sungmin doesn’t want to dance” - Heechul sighed - “Donghae doesn’t want to draw, Eunhyuk doesn’t want to touch animals...” 


“What about swimming?” - Leeteuk inspected the list - “I bet all of them love water” 


“YAYYYYY!” - The triplets agreed 


“No” - Heechul shook his head - “Not swimming” 


“Why not? They would learn to swim and will have lots of fun together” - Leeteuk chew an apple - “Sounds good for me” 


“They won’t go inside a filthy pool filled with germs” - Heechul was scared now that the triplets started demanding swimming lessons - “One thing is me taking them to a clean pool and other one is signing them for swimming lessons at daycare!” 


“What's the difference?” - Leeteuk couldn’t believe it - “Are you telling me you don’t trust the daycare’s pool?” 


“Of course not! Some of the kids aren’t potty trained yet!” - Heechul raged - “That means that some of them probably pee inside the pool and that would mean my kids could get an ear infection” 


“They could get an ear infection in a clean pool as well” - Leeteuk scoffed - “We just need to make sure of cleaning their ears carefully and dry them as much as possible” 


“Pool! Pool! Pool!” - The triplets chanted - “Swiiiim!” 


“I wanna have swimming classes too!” - Siwon joined the team asking for Heechul to sign the petition- “Pleeeeeaaaaaaase!” 


“I hate you” - Heechul muttered to Leeteuk while he signed the papers 


“I love you!” - Siwon hugged Heechul excited after he learned he was starting swimming lessons the upcoming week - “Thank you!” 


“Sure” - Heechul relaxed a bit - “At least they are happy” 


Sunday started with an extremely happy Kangin showing off the gift the tooth fairy had left. 


“She came! And she took the tooth and gave me this!” - Kangin showed Leeteuk a video game - “And you know something? Dad was right, she must be big! She destroyed all the traps!” 


“I didn’t know the tooth fairy could gift video games” - Leeteuk smiled as he remembered Heechul shouting bad words after crashing with the traps


“She is amazing” - Kangin was in love - “She even knew the one I wanted” 


Leeteuk was going to tease Heechul about his job as tooth fairy but he found the parent cleaning the floor. 


“Oh, did they spill something?” - Leeteuk was ready to help - “Do you need help?” 


“Ah, it’s nothing, Ryeowook had an accident” - Heechul giggled - “He told me he needed to pee and started peeing as soon as I pulled down his diaper” 


“Sowy” - Ryeowook blushed - “Wookie pee fwoow” 


“It’s ok” - Heechul smiled - “You did well” 


The toddler puffed his cheeks and nodded. He waited quietly until Heechul stopped cleaning to get hold.


“Lucky for us, he is small and so is his bladder” - Heechul teased - “Cleaning these puddles is way easier than cleaning the ones the triplets used to do” 


“Wookie no small!” - Ryeowook whined after getting call small once again - “Me big!” 


“Sure” - Heechul kissed the boy - “Next time we will make it on time and pee in the potty” 


“Ung!” - Ryeowook was happy. 


Leeteuk thought the week would end without troubles until he found Yesung wandering around the hall at midnight. 


“I can’t sleep” - Yesung whispered - “I’m scared” 


“I swear that Heechul makes the tooth fairy sound like—“ 


“No, it’s not about the fairy” - Yesung shook his head - “Tomorrow... I don’t want to do it. I thought I could but now I’m too scared” 


“Oh” - Leeteuk worried - “It’s alright, I will tell your uncle that tomorrow. Go to sleep and don’t worry about it” 


“But he is going to be sad” - Yesung seemed truly nervous - “I don’t want to let him down” 


“You won’t” - Leeteuk tried to convince him - “Go to sleep. I promise I will do my best to convince him” 


Yesung let the babysitter tucked him. Leeteuk stayed in the room until the boy fell asleep. The babysitter returned to his room and slept a few hours until he heard noise. 


“Alright, It's Alright” - Heechul was holding a sick Yesung in front of the toilet bowl- “It will end soon~ you are doing fine...” 


Heechul exchanged quick looks with the nanny and gestured him to go back to sleep. 


“Alright, Let's help you wash and go back to bed” - Heechul carried the kid - “Oh my poor boy” 


“I’m sorry for waking you up” - Yesung apologized after brushing his teeth - “I didn’t mean to do it” 


“Its ok, are you feeling hot?” - Heechul touched the boy’s forehead - “I guess you don’t have a fever. I hope it’s not a virus” 


“I...” - Yesung started - “I wanted to ask you something” 


“Do you want to sleep with me? There is plenty space in my bed even if the triplets are there” - Heechul hugged the boy - “That way I will be close in case you feel sick again” 


“I don’t wanna go to school” - Yesung gathered all his courage 


“Yeah I know” - Heechul kissed him - “I will explain to your teacher that you got sick” 


“Uncle” - Yesung tried again - “I don’t wanna go to school because I don’t wanna do my presentation” 


“I know” - Heechul sat the boy on his lap - “And I also know that you threw up because you are too nervous”


“Aren’t you mad?” 


“Why would I be?” - Heechul pouted - “I feel stupid because I caused this. I should have offered you another alternative earlier. I will ask your teacher to assign an essay or something else in exchange for the presentation” 


“Are you disappointed?” - Yesung asked in a low voice - “I’m a coward” 


“No, sweetie” - Heechul felt like a horrible human being - “Everyone is different. Just like how Kangin is good at sports and you are good at maths, people also have things they are not good at. You are shy boy and you find hard talking in public but it’s ok” 


“If you think it’s ok... why you refused earlier? Why you wanted me to do this?” - Yesung was already tearing - “I am too scared” 


“Because I thought, that you were ready to move on and try to overcome your fears” - Heechul sighed - “I’m so sorry, Yesung. I think I underestimated how much it affects you” 


“I don’t hate you” - Yesung cried - “I know you were trying to help me but I can’t do it and now I am sad because I feel like I let you down” 


“I wanted you to gain some confidence” - Heechul worried about the boy’s self esteem - “but I think I screw— sorry that’s a bad word” 


“Why is this so important to you?” - Yesung asked calmly - “I know there must be a reason of why you wanted me to do it. You would never try to hurt me, you love me” 


“How come you are so smart?” - Heechul hugged the boy 


“I’m not. It’s just about facts” - Yesung smiled a bit - “I know you love me. I would never doubt that” 


“I just thought... you know... you would do the assignment and feel better” - Heechul shuddered- “I thought it could help you to develop new skills while you are still young” 


“Can you explain it?” - Yesung wiped his nose 


“Some stuff are easier to learn when you are young” - Heechul tilted his head - “There are some skills everyone needs to survive in this world. Just like how you learn to read, write and do maths, there is also something called ‘social skills’ that you learn at school and your daily life even if you don’t notice. You learn how to make friends, interact with people, how to speak in public...” 


“You wanted me to get better at it because you think it could help me in the future” - Yesung summarized- “You were thinking about my future” 


“Yeah, but I should have focused on the present” - Heechul bit his lips - “I do think we need to correct this problem of yours, but I think it will take longer than just a weekend. I promise I will think of how to improve your skills without making you suffer” 


“What if I fail?” - Yesung stared at the floor 


“You won’t fail” - Heechul said full of confidence- “There is no such a thing as a total failure. Even when we ‘fail’ we learn new things” 


“It sounds similar to what you said when Kangin team lost that game” 


“Because life is like that” - Heechul giggled - “Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you fail” 


“Do you feel like you lost? “ - Yesung asked - “I failed and I won’t do the presentation” 


“You didn’t fail” - Heechul made a sad expression - “It was me who failed. I failed you as a father. Let’s go back to sleep, your siblings will wake up in about an hour” 


Yesung couldn’t sleep. He just rolled in the bed until he decided to go out again. 


“Are you feeling sick again?” - Leeteuk caught the boy wandering around the halls - “Do you need help?” 


“Why are you awake?” - Yesung was annoyed as he feared Leeteuk could wake up Heechul 


“I was... thinking” - Leeteuk found strange Yesung’s question - “Getting ready for the day” 


“Well, you don’t need to tell uncle about my problem because he already found out and we already discussed it” - Yesung informed - “he is going to talk with the teacher and I won’t have to do the assignment” 


“Oh, that’s nice” - Leeteuk smiled - “That’s what you wanted right?” 


“Yeah” - Yesung bit his lips 


“If that is what you wanted... why you look so unhappy?” 


Leeteuk knew he had gotten it right when Yesung’s expression changed. 


“I wanted to do it” - Yesung sighed - “But I’m too scared to do it... and Uncle thinks it was because of him but he actually helped me a lot! And now that I won’t have to do it I actually feel upset because I thought I could do it!” 


“Wow” - Leeteuk widened his eyes - “You sure have thought a lot about it” 


“All night” - Yesung pulled his hair - “Please, help me. What should I do?” 


“I don’t know” - Leeteuk was honest - “That’s something you have to decide” 


“Yeah but I can’t” - Yesung folded his arms - “Please” 


“What if we discuss about it and try to find out what you want to do?” 


“Sounds better than rolling in my bed” - Yesung agreed - “I’m afraid of failing” 


“How do you fail at that?” - Leeteuk tried - “I mean, are you worried about your grades or...?”


“What if I get nervous and wet my pants or throw up in front of the class?” 


“I guess you would get embarrassed” - Leeteuk wasn’t sure of his answer - “and your uniform would need to be changed” 


“What if I freeze and can’t speak at all?” - Yesung continued - “Or... if I forget what I was going to say? Or...” 


“Yeah I get it” - Leeteuk couldn’t avoid laughing a bit - “All the possible bad scenarios” 


“Yeah exactly! There are lots!” - Yesung covered his face 


“Let’s say you wet your pants” - Leeteuk tried - “What happens after that?” 


“I cry, the teacher calls uncle and uncle consoles me” 


“Ok... and if you throw up?”


“I cry, teacher calls uncle and uncle consoles me” 


“And if you freeze?” 


“I cry, teacher— those are all the same” - Yesung realized - “I will always end up crying” 


“And your uncle will always be there for you” - Leeteuk added 


“That’s... right” - Yesung’s face showed happiness - “Uncle will always... support me... Even if I fail” 


“That’s because he loves you” - Leeteuk smiled - “and that’s why he will be fine with whatever you decide. He doesn’t care about a silly assignment, he cares about you and your well being” 


“Have you ever failed at something you thought you were good at?” - Yesung’s question caught the babysitter off guard 


“Actually... Yeah. Just recently, I failed to understand Ryeowook” - Leeteuk giggled - “lucky for us, Ryeowook is strong willed and doesn’t care about numbers” 


“He is a baby” - Yesung chuckled - “It's ok if he can’t make it on time to the toilet. He is just learning how to do it. No one would judge him for that” 


“Who would judge a shy seven year old?” - Leeteuk teased 


“You are right” - Yesung seemed to realize something - “YOU ARE RIGHT!” 


“What on earth...?” - Leeteuk worried after the boy ran at full speed to Heechul’s room 


“Uncle~ uncle wake up!” - Yesung the boy shook the tired man 


“Are you feeling sick again?” - Heechul woke up quickly 


“No~ it’s just... I want to try” - Yesung smiled - “I will go to school and do the presentation” 


“Oh honey you don’t need to force yourself” - Heechul shook his head - “I’m sorry” 


“No! I really want to do it!” - Yesung insisted- “What's the worst that could ever happen there?” 


“That you wet your pants or end having an panic attack” - Heechul rubbed his eyes


“Exactly! You were right! The world won’t end just because I fail once!” 


“What time is it? I think I am having hallucinations again” - Heechul looked for the clock 


And so, a few hours later, Heechul was sitting outside Yesung’s classroom waiting for the worst. 


“You should calm down, I can tell your heart is beating fast” - Leeteuk spoke softly as he watched the twins playing with some toys Heechul got them 


“I can’t take it any longer” - Heechul went to peek using the window - “Oh~ He is actually doing it” 


“Really?” - Leeteuk started spying as well 


“Thank you Yesung” - The teacher praised - “Very good indeed” 


The whole class clapped. Yesung seemed euphoric. 


“Can I go out for a while?” - Yesung asked the teacher - “I need to use the restroom” 




Yesung ran to meet the proud dad. 


“YOU DID SO WELL!” - Heechul showered the kid with kisses - “and the whole class liked it!” 


“Did you see me?! Did you see me?!” - Yesung was beyond happy - “I DID IT!” 




“I love you, daddy!” - Yesung’s words just came out automatically. He didn’t care about calling Heechul ‘dad’ but the man froze. 


“Wee Wee” - Ryeowook broke the awkward situation thanks to his needs - “Wookie Pwotty” 


“Ah~ I need to go back to my class” - Yesung hurried - “See you later” 


“Ung” - Heechul was still in another world 


“Wee Wee?” - Ryeowook pulled Heechul’s shirt without getting a response 


“Ryeowook, come with me” - Leeteuk held the kid - “Dada is out of his mind right now” 


“He called me daddy” - Heechul sat on a bench - “Yesung called me daddy” 




Hi there! It’s a Christmas countdown ~~~ <3 hope you enjoy it 


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it