The Christmas diary

Junior Quest

“You wrote a ing what?!” - Heechul raised his voice - “WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?”

“Because it was an assignment, I already told you this” - Yesung was already distressed- “It’s not my fault you didn’t care about it” 

“What? No, you never told me you were writing about us for your class!” 

“Actually... he did” - Heeyeon raised her hand as her eyes only focused on an empty wall - “Several times...” 

“He said he was writing a dairy” - Leeteuk took a deep breath - “He kept following us with his tablet and taking notes whenever something happened” 

“That’s so twisted” - Heechul shook his head - “We are doomed” 

“Does dad know that we all had to write about our holidays?” - Siwon asked in a low voice 

“No, And I think is way better if he doesn’t” - Kangin still remembered the fat journal he just gave to his teacher - “We are so done” 

——————— [ Two weeks ago]————-

“I’m not pregnant” - Heeyeon hissed annoyed - “Stop saying so because is not true” 

“I didn’t say anything” - Leeteuk bit his lips - “But I wouldn’t be mad if—-“ 

“STOOOOOOP” - Heeyeon laid on the bed with her hands covering her face - “I swear there is no baby” 

“Fine... but you both have been acting weird lately” - Leeteuk accused - “Very weird” 

“That’s none of your business” - Heeyeon scoffed - “Unless you want to know about our life, of course” 

“That’s not—-“ - Leeteuk turned deep red - “I didn’t mean that” 

“Sorry, I didn’t mean that either” - Heeyeon apologized as she sat - “I’m just a little... overwhelmed” 

“Christmas Can be hard, right?” 

“Specially since she didn’t sleep last night” - Heechul entered the room holding a pair of shiny toddlers - “By the way, I told you glitter was a bad idea” 

“Don’t look at me” - Leeteuk worried as he helped Heechul to brush off the glitter from the boys heads - “It was mom’s idea” 

“But you were certainly part of it” - Heechul stuck out his tongue - “And now my boys are brighter than ever...” 

“GWITTEEEEEE!” - Ryeowook was happy as he saw his reflection on the mirror - “Me shiny!” 

“I am— nevermind” - Heechul sighed - “Just don’t do it again” 

“Spawkles!” - Kyuhyun cheered as glitter fell from his head on the floor 

“Would you guys help me re decorating the tree for the third time straight?” - Heechul faked a smile - “It gets tiring when you have to do it everyday” 

“I thought they weren’t touching the ornaments anymore” - Leeteuk worried 

“Oh no, they only took a glitter bath” - Heechul teased - “But the other brats just crashed with the tree and mom went crazy—“ 

“THE KIDS DID WHAT?” - Leeteuk panicked 

“OMG are they alright?” - Heeyeon asked 

“Seriously, it’s nothing” - Heechul shrank his shoulders - “Maybe Santa will skip this house but the toothfairy is coming for sure” 


“Does this broken tooth count as two?” - Kangin asked as he inspected one piece of it - “Do you think the toothfairy will fall for it?” 

“I’m not sure honey” - Leeteuk was busy trying to figure out if any dentist was working on Christmas Eve - “Hi, yeah, my nephew just broke a tooth and...” 

“Have you seen Heeyeon?” - Mina asked as she scanned Kangin really quick - “What happened to him?” 

“Yes, she is upstairs and... to make it short he crashed with the tree” 

“We crashed” - Kangin corrected - “The triplets, Kibum and I” 

“Oh” - Mina nodded - “Makes sense. Boys will be boys” 

“I didn’t cwash with tree, mommy” - Zhoumi hurried to say when Mina spotted him - “I was good” 

“At least someone is still receiving Christmas presents from Santa” - Heechul smiled sweetly as he tried to set the tree again 

“Me too! Me too!” - Sungmin jumped on Heechul’s back - “Tonight Santa will come and bring me a huge rocket so I can go to the moon” 

“Oh sweetheart, why don’t you take your brothers with you?” 

“Heechul...” - Leeteuk warned 


[Kangin’s diary] 

“Today’s morning I tried to teach my young brothers and cousin how to take a ride on a sleight. It didn’t end well, since we crashed with the Christmas tree and dad got mad (like always). I broke a tooth and my uncle Teuk took me to a dentist that said we could fix it. So, there was no money from the fairy. Boo” 

[Yesung’s diary] 

“Dad and auntie have been very busy these yet they still had time for being naughty. Uncle Teuk is worried because he thinks my aunt is pregnant but I hope I get a little sister like Momo” 

[Siwon’s diary] 

“I learned five new words today when Dad was setting the tree!” 


“Dear Santa Klaus” - Heechul was writing a letter - “This year, please make sure of taking with you some of the kids that were naughty” 

“What?” - Eunhyuk got scared 

“Daddy is not fair!” - Donghae blubbered 

“Santa takin’ Henwy” - Kyuhyun pointed at the youngest member of the siblings 

“NOOO” - Ryeowook hugged Henry violently- “BAD SANTA!” 

“I didn’t know Santa could do that” - Kibum said amused 

“Isn’t that kidnapping?” - Hangeng found it funny too 

“Oh, they are back” - Heechul rushed to the door when he heard the car - “So?” 

“Can you believe it?!” - Kangin complained - “The dentist put it back! Now I have nothing to trick the fairy!” 

“He says it will eventually fall as a normal tooth” - Leeteuk rolled his eyes - “And then you can contact the fairy” 

“Yeah, but I would be receiving only one payment” - Kangin folded his arms - “I preferred it broken. It also looked cool! Like a shark!” 

“I’m starting to think your cereals don’t have as many vitamins as they say” - Heechul took a deep breath while Leeteuk frowned as he disapproved the comment 

“Do you think we can go through Christmas without any other incident?” 

“I don’t know” - Heechul did a painful expression -“If Sungmin does get the rocket, I’m the one flying to the moon” 

“Where is Heeyeon? Is she still working?” - Leeteuk realized the woman who usually stuck with Heechul wasn’t that attached to him that morning - “Is she mad at you?” 

“Nah, she just said she had work to do” - Heechul shrank his shoulders 

“On Christmas Eve” - Leeteuk raised his eyebrows 

“Yeah... I don’t know” - Heechul smiled in a silly way - “She was really happy last Night” 

“I am not sure if I want to know that” - Leeteuk stopped his friend from sharing content he would better not hear 

“We didn’t do what you think we did!” - Heechul blushed - “I mean, have you seen this place? There is no way to—“ 

“I understand” - Leeteuk hated his mind for the graphic imagination 

[Kangin’s diary] 

“I think my willy froze when I peed outside. I was trying to make ‘yellow snow’ so I could hit my brother with a special snowball. Uncle found out and banned me from the outside. He said I had to think before acting and I think he is right. Next time I’m peeing in a bottle and then taking it out to the snow”

[Siwon’s diary] 

“Dad doesn’t think I can be allergic to snow” 

[Yesung’s diary ] 

“I’m the only smart one in this family” 


“DONT. YOU. DARE” - Mrs Kim hit his son using a wood spoon - “The kids and I baked those for Santa” 

“Well, but you don’t think ‘Santa’ can eat all those cookies, right?” - Heechul scoffed 

“He is fat, sure he can” - Kangin teased 

“Eck!” - Siwon gasped - “You just insulted Santa! On Christmas Eve! You are not getting any present, Kangin!” 

“Oh common” - Yesung took one of the cookies - “I’m sure Santa has diabetes” 

“WHAT?” - Donghae got really scared - “IS HE GOING TO DIE?” 

“Donghae, do you have any clue about diabetes?” - Heechul asked amused as he got a cookie from Sungmin 

“Uhmm, Nuh” - Donghae scratched his head - “But sounds dangerous!” 

“It is what you get when you eat too much sugar” - Heechul tried 

“Oh, like the bugs in teeth” - Eunhyuk nodded 

“What? No, those are cavities” - Heechul face palmed himself - “Its not like that” 

“When I grow up, I want to be a dentist” - Kangin announced 

Suddenly, the whole house had his eyes fixed on him. 


“ITS A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE” - Heechul cheered as he poured a glass of eggnog for him - “My kid does have a future” 

“That’s... nice” - Leeteuk was overwhelmed with Kangin’s sudden confession - “But you know you have to study a lot for that, right?” 
“Yeah, I know” - Kangin agreed - “But it will be worth it” 

“Are you sure you brought home my son?” - Heechul joked - “Maybe this is not Kangin” 

“One hour ago he was trying to hit Siwon with a ‘yellow’ snowball” - Leeteuk grimaced- “I’m sure, he is” 

“Whats all this madness?” - Mina asked amused - “Why are you guys so excited?” 

“Well, turns out Kangin wants to become a dentist” - Donghee explained cheerfully 

“Oh, right” - Mina giggled - “He said he would like to torture people. I’m not sure what to think about it” 

“Now that makes sense” - Leeteuk got depressed - “I knew it couldn’t be that good” 

“He is not mistaken, though” - Heechul teased - “Going to the dentist is a torture” 

“At least Yesung wants to become a teacher” - Leeteuk smiled softly- “And Sungmin says he is going to be an astronaut” 

“I thought Yesung wanted to be a lawyer” - Donghee seemed surprised 

“He used to say so, but got disappointed when he learned they were not actual vampires like his beloved dad used to tell him” - Leeteuk glared at the eggnog drinker 

“But they do your blood” 

“I wonder what our kids will do when they grow up” - Mina held Momo up in the air - “They are so young now... there is still so much time left before they become adults” 

“I bet Kangin will steal Siwon’s girlfriend at some point” - Heechul sipped slowly - “and Yesung will not invite us to his graduation and probably marry in secret” 

Leeteuk laughed anxiously. Somehow he could actually picture the future Heechul described. 

“What about the twins?” - Mina inquired- “What do you think they will do?” 

“Both are two successful men with beautiful wives and kids” - Heechul made a pause - “They come to visit only to make fun of my grey hair and weak bones” 

“When you say so, it makes me realize I don’t want the kids to grow fast” - Leeteuk sighed softly- “If I could stop the time right now, I would do it” 

“Not now” - Heechul replied almost instantly- “At least wait until Henry is potty trained” 

“We have a deal” - Leeteuk giggled 

The adults kept having their silly conversation until something broke. It was the typical sound of glass like things hitting the floor. 

“Don’t move! Don’t touch it!” - Mina shouted from the kitchen as soon as they heard it - “Let the adults handle it!” 

“What did they break now?” - Leeteuk took a deep breath 

“Probably another Christmas ball from The tree” - Heechul didn’t even bother to think about it 

“It didn’t sound like that” - Leeteuk followed Mina with a broom - “Heechul... Come here” 

“Did they break a window?” - Heechul was relaxed as there was no crying. For him, it meant no kid was hurt - “Do I really have to move?” 

“DAD! IM BLIND!” - Yesung screamed in response 

Heechul unlocked a new ability: to teleport. 


“Heechul, he is fine” - Leeteuk was still surprised over the fact Heechul moved so fast - “His glasses broke, nothing else” 

“Oh” - Heechul put Yesung back on the floor - “I see...” 

“At least YOU can” - Yesung remarked 

“Oh Cmon, you have lived almost all your life without glasses” - Heechul ruffled the boy’s hair - “I’m sorry you will be spending Christmas like that, but at least you are not hurt” 

“Mmmm” - Mina thought for a moment - “Yesung, baby, didn’t you bring those contacts your auntie gave you?” 

“YES! I DID PACK THEM!” - Yesung replied excited - “THANK YOU, AUNT!” 

“That’s great... but you are hugging the wrong person” - Leeteuk wondered if Yesung was actually that blind or just distracted 

“I will help Yesung find his contacts before he ends putting who knows what on his eyes instead” - Heechul carried the boy 

“I can walk” - Yesung protested 

“But you will probably crash with walls and fall from the stairs” - Heechul sighed - “and I seriously don’t want to fix the Christmas tree again” 

Upstairs, Heechul saw the triplets playing with something Sungmin called “an alien device”. He didn’t have time to figure out what kind of device was that since he wanted to find Yesung’s contact lenses as soon as possible. However, as soon as his first born put them on... 

“Why are the triplets playing with a pregnancy test?” 

“What? No, that’s it not—- HEY” - Heechul retrieved the ‘alien device’ - “How many times will I tell you to not touch things that aren’t yours” 

“Let me see it! Let me see it!” - Yesung snatched the pregnancy test from Heechul- “I’m having a little sis—- whaaaaaaat? How can it be negative?” 

“Do you even know how to read this?” - Heechul took back the stick by force - “I doubt you get taught about this in your school” 

“I read it online” - Yesung said sadly - “One line for negative and two lines for positive” 

“That’s correct” - Heechul sighed - “Now, forget you saw this thing and go wash your hands” 

“Fineeeee” - Yesung rolled his eyes. He was somehow disappointed at the result yet he kept his hopes high for that night. 

“And you guys” - Heechul tried to keep it cool - “Please behave” 

“Yes daddy!” 

[Siwon’s diary ] 

Grandma helped us baking and decorating cookies for Santa! It was so much fun! Dad said they looked ‘halloween’. I believe he is a little confused. 

[Kangin’s diary] 

If there is something I hate even more than crafts (or craps like my dad calls them) it must be cooking. I swear those are the ugliest cookies I have ever seen. But it was fun. 

[Yesung’s diary] 

Dad is going to freak out once he finds out Henry ate half of the red colorant. If Santa does grant me my wish, I will make sure my little sister doesn’t eat anything the triplets make. 

“How can we so badly?” - Heeyeon teased as another cookie turned out ‘funny’ - “I mean they are tasty but...” 

“But they look like if shrek was making them” - Heechul ate another one in a violent way 

“Hey!” - Leeteuk complained 

“I’m disappearing the evidence” - Heechul smiled softly- “Also, technically, those are for me” 

“Those are for Santa Claus” - Leeteuk corrected - “Not Kim Heechul” 

“Teuk is actually good at this” - Heeyeon admired how the babysitter decorated in a skilled way - “Can you teach me how to do it?” 

“Me?” - Leeteuk smiled shyly- “Sure! I didn’t know you were interested in learning” 

“Neither did I” - Heechul stole another cookie before Leeteuk could stop him - “What’s the matter sweetie? Trying to add more to your curriculum?” 

“Yes... to the one I need for being a mother actually” 

Heechul chocked. Leeteuk worried and started patting his back. Heeyeon just laughed and went back to her room. 

“Are you sure it was a negative?” - Leeteuk asked Heechul in a soft voice - “She is... different” 

“Yeah... I’m starting to think Yesung is somehow getting away with his wish” - Heechul stopped eating. He was nervous. Or maybe his system had already too much sugar in it. 

“When Zanta comin’ ?” - Ryeowook pointed at the clock - “My giftz” 

Kyuhyun jumped excited. He was so excited he barely could talk. 

“Tomorrow” - Leeteuk found them cute - “He comes at night but since you guys go to sleep early... you will be opening your presents tomorrow morning!” 

“Tomowow” - Ryeowook’s eyes sparkled - “nize” 

“Nice!” - Kyuhyun chirped 

“But today you get to Open the ones your dear aunt bought you” - Mina kissed the twins - “After dinner, of course” 

“We good” - Kyuhyun nodded - “We eat lotz”

“Uhum! Tuwkey” - Ryeowook cheered - “N’ tatoes!”

“Yeah, Baby” - Mina giggled - “Potatoes” 

“How does she get what they say?” - Donghee asked amused - “I’m out of shape... I wonder if I will understand Momo when she starts talking” 

Momo stuck out her tongue. 

“OH MY” - Heechul pointed at the baby - “She takes after me!” 

“She learned to do that thanks to her siblings” - Mina laughed - “Kibum spent hours in front of her doing so” 


“Having a baby at home is tiring but... it’s also funny” - Mina shrank her shoulders - “Whenever you see your other kids trying to play with her... it’s just so cute” 

“Once she starts crawling I bet she is going to follow them everywhere” - Donghee got touched - “Having a daughter is so... delightful” 

“I’m so jealous” - Heechul sulked 

“Well, maybe someday” - Mrs Kim teased - “Who knows” 

Heechul paled. Did his mother know? Women gatherings were common and he was pretty much sure Mina and Heeyeon had been spending too much time together since their arrival. What if his mother was also part of the group? 

“I wouldn’t care having another one” - Heechul sighed - “But when the time is right” 

“Heechul, it’s  time to shower” - Heeyeon called from the other floor 

“Are we showering together?” - Heechul almost teleported again - “Remember when we—“ 

“The triplets are waiting for you inside” - Heeyeon placed four towels on Heechul’s hands - “Good luck!”


[Kangin’s diary ] 

I messed up with my bow tie and my uncle almost passed away. Lucky for us, my aunt is good fixing those type of stuff. 

[ Yesung’s diary] 

My aunt will be a great mom. I just saw her helping my brothers to get ready so I pretended I was also struggling so she could help me as well. 

[Siwon’s diary ] 

Auntie fixed my collar and my bow tie! Grandma did my hair! I look so handsome! 

“I want to wear the red one” - Donghae was choosing his vest - “Hyukkie said he was wearing green” 

“And Minnie?” - Heeyeon asked merrily as she helped the little kid to dress 

“I’m going to cosplay” - Sungmin replied from the bed where Heechul was drying his hair - “I’m going to be a expensive chocolate” 

“He is going to be a Ferrewo wouche” - Donghae tried helping 

“A Ferrero rocher” - Heechul corrected proudly 

“Gold? Seriously?” - Heeyeon pointed at the shiny vest - “Who buys a golden vest for a toddler?” 

“Honey they are triplets” - Heechul protested - “ I needed another Christmas color” 

“So, if Minnie is a ‘ferrero’ what are his brothers?” - Heeyeon asked expectantly

“Two maraschino cherries” - Heechul came out with the idea long ago - “they come red and green” 

“I believe they also come in a yellow like color” - Heeyeon searched on google - “See? Maybe the three of them are cherries after all” 

“Cherries or not, they are going to end being fruit punch” - Heechul glanced at the naughty kids - “I swear that if you ruin your clothes before dinner—“ 

Suddenly, a screeching noise filled the place. The triplets covered their ears but the adults had no time for that. 

“What is going on?!” - Heechul worried as he saw Henry crying out loud - “Why is he making such a fuss?” 

“You tell me” - Leeteuk was about to cry - “He doesn’t want to get dressed!” 

“For real? But what if we—“ 

When Henry started screaming like if his life depended on it, Heechul gave up. 

“You know what, he can stay ” - Heechul feared for his own safety. His ears were hurting - “A diaper and Christmas socks. Who needs more than that” 

“He could catch a cold” - Leeteuk wasn’t fond of the idea - “Also, it wouldn’t look good in the pictures” 

[Yesung’s diary ] 

Next year my little sister will wear a cute dress like Momo. 

[Kangin’s diary] 

Aunt Mina locked the door so we can’t go outside. She says we are going to ruin our clothes. I don’t understand why can’t we have dinner in our pajamas like we always do. 

[Siwon’s diary] 

Aunt Mina is so scary. She got Henry dressed. 

“Do you have a minute?” - Heeyeon whispered to Mina’s ear - “I need help with my outfit and I can’t ask Heechul because Leeteuk gets scared everytime I do so” 

“Oh, a zipper maybe?” - Mina followed her after leaving Momo in Leeteuk’s hands 

Leeteuk, Heechul and Donghee were watching over the kids when the girls came back. 

“OH GOD” - Donghee was the first one to react 

“Is she... is she really?” - Heechul asked Leeteuk still confused 

“She is gorgeous” - Hangeng admired - “Our Mom is the prettiest” 

Mina was stunning. She looked so good thanks to Heeyeon’s dress. 

“Don’t thank me” - Heeyeon has told her - “I owe you a lot”

Mina was a very beautiful woman. It was just that most of the time, she couldn’t wear fancy dresses or expensive make up. She was so busy taking care of her kids she often forgot about herself. 

“So... what do you think?” - Mina was still feeling shy as she wasn’t used to receive such praising coming from her boys - “I don’t look like myself, right?”

“Mom, you are always pretty” - Zhoumi hugged her 

“We have the prettiest mom” - Kibum agreed - “And the best” 

Somehow, even if it was a very happy moment, Heechul felt sad. He caught some of his kids getting annoyed by Kibum’s comment and realized it had nothing to do with a ‘who is prettier’ competition. 

“Of course she is the prettiest mom” - Kangin scoffed - “She is the only one here” 

“So rude, your grandma is also a mother” - Leeteuk pulled Kangin’s ear - “Let your cousins enjoy their mom. Don’t be mean” 

“It’s ok, we have Teuk” - Donghae wasn’t even bothered when Kibum showed off the fact his mom was prettier - “He doesn’t wear pretty dresses but he is kind of cute” 

Heechul was holding back tears... from laughing. He wanted to laugh so bad tears formed around his eyes. 

“Don’t worry, Papa” - Sungmin approached him - “You are pretty too” 

“You mean handsome” - Heechul was about to die for the lack of oxygen - “But thank you” 

“Why don’t you dress like that?” - Yesung asked Heeyeon as soon as the family went to help in the kitchen - “If You dressed like that—“

“This is not a competition” - Heeyeon smiled softly- “And... Today is her day, ok? Make sure to compliment her a lot. Your aunt really need this” 

Yesung nodded. He took a few steps and then came back. 

“But you know, I think you are still the prettiest” - Yesung winked playfully before running away 

[Siwon’s diary ] 

Both of my aunts looked like princesses tonight. Momo too! 

[Kangin’s diary] 

Kibum is so annoying. He keeps telling everyone his mom is the prettiest. I miss my mom. 

[Yesung’s diary] 

Hangeng seemed so happy when his mom showed up with that dress. My cousin really loves his mom. 
I want what they have. 

“When are we opening our presents?” - Donghae asked for the third time straight 

“Daddy, please” - Eunhyuk begged - “Pleaseeeee” 

“Gifz! Gifz! Gifz!” - Ryeowook sang as Kyuhyun danced to the weird self composed song 

“Tomo—“ - Donghee was about to say it when his wife pinched his arm - “OUCH!” 

“Today is Christmas Eve, sweeties” - Mina explained - “But, since this is a special year, we believe is ok to open your presents today” 

“Yeah, exactly” - Donghee agreed before his wife decided to pinch him again 

“Do you think we would be like that?” - Heechul whispered to Heeyeon - “You pinching my arm all time~ Just think about it” 

“I think I’m more of a kicker” - Heeyeon whispered back - “I feel sorry for you, Buddy” 

“There is no need for that” - Leeteuk interrupted their lovey dovey dreamland - “I will pinch you both if you don’t hurry” 

“since when Christmas turned into a job?” - Heechul complained 

“Since you decided to have a soccer team” - Heeyeon pointed at the kids 

“You need at least 11 for a soccer team” 

“Then you are missing a set of twins” - Heeyeon teased 

“Are we going to open the gifts or not?” - Kibum complained 

“I’m really thankful that one isn’t mine” - Heechul rolled his eyes 

“I know we usually start for the little ones but this year I would like to make an exception” - Mina gestured Hangeng to approach them - “Hannie, Dad and I would really love to see you open this one” 

“Sure” - Hangeng smiled softly as he received the  small package- “Thank you, mom... dad” 

“Merry Christmas” - Donghee smiled pleased 

“Cmon! Cmon!” - The triplets cheered - “Rip it off!” 

“What is it?!” - Siwon screamed out of excitement 

“A... key?” - Hangeng seemed a bit confused - “Thank you...?” 

“Oh boy, and I thought I choosing presents” - Heechul scoffed 

“It’s not any key” - Mina giggled- “We have good news for you and your brothers” 

“We are moving” - Donghee felt relieved as he finally said so - “We are moving to a bigger house!”

“Wait, what” - Heechul smiled in a silly way - “where to?” 

“Moving...?” - Hangeng held the key tightly - “so, you are not—“ 

“And your mom and I have thinking that you are already responsible enough to have your own key!” -  Donghee cheered - “What do you think?” 

Yesung turned to Heechul with a big smile. Heechul shook his head like saying “don’t you even dream about it” 

[Yesung’s diary] 

Well, I had to try. 

“I... I...” - Hangeng was overwhelmed- “Then, we...” 

“Hannie, we are doing fine” - Mina rushed to hold her son - “We Really are. I know these past months have been difficult for you but I swear everything is fine” 

“I can’t wait to see the new house, mom” - Hangeng finally smiled - “And thank you... both” 

“What a lame gift” - Kibum grunted - “I hope mine isn’t a key” 

“It’s not” - Donghee pinched his son - “But you will love your new bedroom” 

“I don’t want a new bedroom” - Kibum sulked - “I like mine” 

Mina could feel it. Kibum didn’t like the fact they were moving and fearing a possible tantrum, she decided to change his focus to something else. 

“Bummie, do you want to see what Daddy got you?” - Mina searched for a huge box - “Here” 

“I’m really happy, dad” - Hangeng whispered to Donghee - “Thank you” 

“There is still a lot to do” - Donghee sighed softly- “But I think you guys will love it” 

“I got my own XBOX!” - Kibum jumped - “NO MORE SHARING!” 

“That’s not—“ - Mina took a deep breath - “Alright, you guys can wait for your turn now” 

“Then, the youngest one” - Leeteuk chirped. Henry jumped excited- “Momo!” 

Henry did such a face Leeteuk laughed. 

“But Momo can’t rip the paper” - Sungmin pointed out - “She is too little” 

“Then her siblings will help her, right?” 

“Oh she loves it!” - Heechul claimed victory when Momo held the plush he had gifted her - “I knew it!” 

The baby laughed. Everyone melted. 

Henry did a mess with the wrapping but he was really happy. Sadly, the adults got a little disappointed as the kid preferred to play with the empty boxes and the wrapping rather than his new toys. 

“So... do you know who comes next?” - Heechul teased as he held several presents - “I will give you a hint: they are twins ” 

“MEE!” - Kyuhyun raised his hand - “KYUNNIE!” 

“WOOKIE TOO!” - Ryeowook shouted 

And so, one by one, all kids got to open their presents.

“ITS A SPACESHIP!” - Sungmin shook the little UFO  - “PAPA, PAPA! LOOK!” 

“Yes, I’m watching” - Heechul smiled pleased - “Do you like it?” 

“Cool” - Kangin was trying on his new roller skates - “Do you think I can use them now?” 

“Ehm... it’s not a good place to try them” - Leeteuk was starting to regret it. It was his idea to buy him roller skates - “Why don’t you wait until we go back home, uh?” 

“You never let me do anything fun” - Kangin sat on the floor 

“Magic?” - Siwon was still finding out what it was the huge box he got from his uncle - “what is this?” 

“It’s a magic set” - Donghee helped his nephew with the big box - “You know, you Can dress like a wizard and do simple spells” 

“Isn’t that... bad?” - Siwon said in a low voice - “Sorcery” 

“Ehm... It’s kinda like Harry Potter” - Mina giggled- “It’s not bad. You won’t get in troubles for this” 

“Dad, uncle gave me a magic wand” - Siwon showed it to Heechul

“Cool! Now we can turn that annoying kid from your class into a frog!” - Heechul smirked 

Siwon thought it for a moment and then smiled. 


[Siwon’s diary] 

I’m going to use my new powers to turn Jungseo into a frog. He won’t bully me again. 

[Kangin’s diary] 

My gifts are all so good. Can’t wait to use them all. 

“So?” - Heeyeon was curious - “What did you get?” 

“A PlayStation, a few games, puzzles, lego...” - Yesung seemed happy - “What did you get?” 

“Mmmm... I haven’t opened them yet” - Heeyeon was so busy helping the kids to get their toys out of the boxes she barely had time for anything else - “But I’m expectant over my new pink watch” 

“Wait, how do you know we—-“ - Yesung then did a painful expression - “CMON DAD! IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A SECRET!” 

“Sorry, she is too persuasive” - Heechul pouted 

“It’s beautiful! I love it!” - Heeyeon rushed to kiss the kid - “I heard it was your idea! How did you know I needed one?” 

“We helped too!” - the triplets got in line for receiving their kiss 

“Because all mothers need one...” - Yesung said una low voice as he blushed 

“Ah, the kids also made some of their Christmas crap at daycare and wanted you to have it” - Heechul scratched his head - “I know you won’t wear it but—-“ 

“OH MY! IM GOING TO WEAR IT EVERYDAY!” - Heeyeon exclaimed as she received what it looked like a sweatshirt decorated by the kids 

“You are kidding me, right?” - Heechul shook his head -  “It’s horrendous” 

“I liked mine too” - Leeteuk stepped on Heechul’s foot - “And I’m sure Daddy is also going to wear his!” 

[ Yesung’s diary] 

I’m pretty much sure Dad already burned that shirt. 

[Kangin’s diary] 

Dad likes to call it “craps” instead of “Crafts” because he says nothing good comes from those classes. 

[Siwon’s diary]

The shirts look amazing! 

“Hey, Teuk” - Heechul used a ball of wrapping paper to hit his brother - “Come here” 

“What did you do now?” - Leeteuk couldn’t avoid getting suspicious when Heechul gave him a present - “can I Really  open it? “ 

“Heeyeon helped me a lot with this one” - Heechul sulked - “Why won’t you trust me?” 

“Because just ten minutes ago I opened something I shouldn’t have” - Leeteuk was still salty because of Heechul’s little joke. The little joke included a few things kids shouldn’t see. 

“This one is safe” - Heeyeon reassured - “And again, I’m so sorry for the other one” 

“Fine, I trust you” - Leeteuk smiled - “I just hope is one ugly shirt” 

“Oh, too bad” - Heechul teased 

“What...?” - Leeteuk didn’t understand it. There were a few papers and beautiful wrapped letter.

“You should open it” - Heeyeon was nervous - “We thought you would like it...”

The letter wasn’t a common one. It was an Admision one from a good university. 

“I have been admitted to...” - Leeteuk couldn’t believe it - “But how...? When?” 

“We thought you would like to have the opportunity to study” - Heechul sat next to him - “I know you always wanted to graduate but couldn’t do it before...” 

“Heechul told me you always wanted to be a teacher” - Heeyeon explained - “And I thought it would be a waste of talent if someone like you couldn’t help other kids” 

“It was hard to keep it a surprise” - Heechul confessed - “When we got the letter we just wanted to run and tell you...” 

“Heechul had a hard time keeping it secret” 

“I don’t know what to say... This is...” - Leeteuk was left without words 

“Dan’ u” - Henry helped 

“What did he say?” - Heechul lifted the little boy - “DID YOU JUST SAY THANK YOU?” 

Henry nodded. 


“So, what do you say?” - Heeyeon asked Leeteuk in a low voice - “You don’t have to accept if you don’t want to” 

“It’s been a while since I have been thinking about the future” - Leeteuk smiled shyly- “I mean, Henry won’t be a baby forever... and the kids... they are growing so fast” 

“Yeah, Heechul said he was thinking about taking Henry to daycare starting next year” - Heeyeon sighed - “He says Henry is a free spirit and probably will adapt well” 

“Probably” - Leeteuk agreed - “What about you?” 

“Me? I have a lot of work to do” - Heeyeon fixed her hair - “But don’t worry, I will find time for you and the kids” 

“You know what I mean” 

“Yeah, honestly” - Heeyeon pouted - “I think I do have an answer now but... please don’t tell Heechul” 

“I will keep that secret” - Leeteuk smiled as he watched Heechul being attacked by his kids 

“And I will keep yours” - Heeyeon winked 

“I don’t—- She is just cute, ok?” - Leeteuk sighed. He knew it was a lost battle 

“She is really cute” - Heeyeon agreed 

[Yesung’s diary] 

Christmas holidays were full of surprises. I still don’t have a baby sister, but I wasn’t expecting a baby to appear in the middle of the living room on Christmas morning. I mean, I know it takes at least nine months. Maybe less if she is born before time like some of siblings. I think is called ‘premature’. 

Oh and by the way... you won’t believe what happened during new year!!

[Kangin’s diary] 

Christmas was awesome but then, when my dad was totally drunk on new year, he proposed again to my aunt... AND SHE SAID YES!! 

[ Siwon’s diary] 

But he was so sleepy he couldn’t remember it! Auntie asked us to keep it a secret hehehe

“And they obviously can’t” - Heeyeon tossed away the paper sheets - “I shouldn’t have trusted them” 

“If I haven’t read my boys homework...” - Heechul was walking anxiously around the place - “Would you really have pretended nothing happened?” 

“Hey... haven’t you noticed something?” - Heeyeon approached him - “I’m wearing it” 

“I don’t see the ring” - Heechul inspected her fingers 

“Not there” - Heeyeon showed him a pretty necklace that had her ring - “Here” 


“This way is less notorious” - Heeyeon shrank her shoulders 

“She says she wanted to keep it next to her heart” - Leeteuk giggled- “She was so touched” 

“Thank you, Teuk” - Heeyeon pulled his ear - “Nobody asked you” 

“So, what is going... I mean, you said yes but...” - Heechul scratched his head 

“Are you moving with us?” - Yesung asked amused 

“Auntie, are you going to sleep with me?” - Siwon hugged her 

“Are you going to be our new mom?” - Kangin teased - “We already have Teuk but... he is not a girl” 

“Only during weekends” - Heeyeon cleared - “We will do it gradually. It’s a big change and people might not be ready for it” 

“I’m ready” - Yesung pouted 

“Yeah, me too” - Siwon nodded 

“We are ready too!” - The triplets cheered 

“Ready! Ready!” - The twins agreed 

“I think they haven’t understood yet that she is the one that isn’t ready” - Leeteuk told Henry in a low voice - “Be easy on her, ok?” 

“Uhmm?” - Henry tilted his head - “Ukwee”

“Uhm?” - Leeteuk got happy - “Can you say uncle Teuk?” 

“Pfffft” - Henry imitated a fart 

“Alright, maybe not today” - Leeteuk laughed 

“Heeyeon! Come back! Pleaseeee!” - Heechul was chasing after her 

“I WILL BE BACK ON SATURDAY, I SWEAR” - Heeyeon shouted from her car 

“Today is Monday, isn’t it?” - Kangin found it funny 

“How long do you think she will take for marrying you?” - Siwon asked a depressed Heechul 

“At this rate... maybe a few years” - Heechul tried to smile - “Maybe when you guys move out for college”

“I thought you said we weren’t moving out for college” - Yesung giggled 

“Things change” - Heechul folded his arms and pouted 

“When is Mimi moving closer?” - Sungmin asked sweetly - “I wanna see him” 

“Next week, I think” - Heechul stood up quickly - “That reminds me... I promised Donghee I would help him setting a new crib for Momo” 

“Dad, you when it comes to building things” - Kangin said in a funny way 

“True” - Heechul smiled sweetly as he ruffled Kangin’s hair - “But it brings me good memories. I still remember when I helped Gunhee with this place” 

“Do we have to re write our homework?” - Siwon asked before Heechul reached the door 

“You know what? No” - Heechul laughed - “You leave it that way... but ask your teacher to return it. I want to keep that one” 


Merry Christmas and Happy new year! 

I hope 2021 will be full of joy and many more chapters. I know 2020 was a “lazy” year but many things happened (including the fact my phone updated itself and the update crashed some apps for a while... I lost two chapters thanks to that. )

Anyway, I’m really busy right now (exams) so I can’t promise I will be writing any other chapter soon... but I do hope we read each other again during winter break (around last week of Jan?) 

Have a nice day!! 



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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it