Chaotic love

Junior Quest

Leeteuk reached home only to be met by a couple of judging eyes. 

“What?” - The man asked half amused as his mother sighed - “Did I do something wrong?”

He stuttered a bit on that last sentence. He didn’t want to sound like a child scared of their parents but ended doing so. He gave her a silly smile like saying ‘oops’ and the woman softened her expression. 

“Why aren’t you going to class?” - Mrs Kim hugged him - “It’s not good to skip them all time” 

“I know but… I didn’t feel like going today?” - Leeteuk tried - “I mean, what if they call us from school or daycare? It’s very likely to happen. Sungmin was feverish this morning and Kyunnie—“

“I think I can handle that” - Mrs Kim shrank shoulders - “And if things turned difficult, I could call Mrs Ahn or Mina for help. I’m sure they wouldn’t refuse” 

“I didn’t feel like going” - Leeteuk sulked - “I’m kind of tired and… I don’t know. Sad?” 

“Come here” - Mrs Kim pulled his ear playfully - “These boys of mine…”

Leeteuk chuckled. His expression changed when he saw a few folders on the table. He paled as he recognized the paper sheets and the envelopes. Those were his papers from the orphanage. How did she get them? Stupid question. Those were in Heechul’s office…

“It’s not like we want to spy” - Mrs Kim explained carefully - “But your dad ran into those when searching for something at the company” 

“Oh” - Leeteuk realized Heechul probably took those to the company by mistake. His desk was always messy so… it was very likely. 

“Do you want to talk about it?” - Mrs Kim glanced at the envelopes - “Those are DNA tests, aren’t they? We didn’t read it”

Leeteuk gulped down. He wasn’t ready for that conversation… yet. He tried preparing before but it was hard to tell them ‘hey, I found Heeyeon and I are siblings’ without having any clue of what happened to him or why he ended being an orphan. 

Also, he felt guilty towards his adoptive parents. Hiding things from them and trying to investigate about his biological family didn’t feel right at all. He thought they would be sad thinking he wasn’t happy enough. 

“It’s not what you think” - Leeteuk rushed 

“You don’t know what I think” - Mrs Kim complained 

Leeteuk grew nervous. He was about to have a panic attack. He didn’t want to upset them! It was a misunderstanding… he was happy being a Kim! He truly was! And he loved them—

“You don’t need to be scared” - Mrs Kim spoke softly - “You haven’t done anything wrong, my sweet boy” 

“You are not…?” - Leeteuk couldn’t find words to describe it - “Disappointed…? Or upset? Or…?”

“Why would we?” - Mrs Kim shook her head - “Leeteuk, listen… Even if you find your biological family… we still would be your family. It’s normal to be curious about it… I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, I just wanted to know if we could help you somehow” 

“H-help me?” 

“You know, if you wanted to discuss it with someone else that wasn’t Heechul ” - Mrs Kim shrank shoulders - “Or if you needed help investigating or… I don’t know” 

Leeteuk opened his mouth a bit. His lips trembled. He ended bitting them in a try to prevent the truth slipping out. He felt so bad keeping the truth from them. His mother was being so understanding and so good to him… and he felt like if he was betraying her trust. 

“I… I was looking for my biological family” - Leeteuk wasn’t going to give her the full details but she deserved to know at least that part - “Heechul and Heeyeon were helping me… and we got… uhm, pretty close…?” 

“Did you find them?” - Mrs Kim knew the answer. She could tell by his face. 

Leeteuk nodded trying to hold back the tears.

“I did” 

“Have you met them yet?” - Mrs Kim gave him a soft smile - “Do you want to do so?”

“I couldn’t do it even if I wanted” - Leeteuk tried swallowing as the lump in his throat hurt him - “They both passed away long ago” 

“Oh, sweetheart” - Mrs Kim was now sad - “I’m so sorry” 

“It’s ok” - Leeteuk forced himself to smile between tears - “I’m ok” 

“No, you are not” - Mrs Kim hugged him tightly - “My poor angel… It’s ok, it’s ok. Mom is here” 

Leeteuk didn’t know why, but he felt incredibly well crying on her arms. Maybe he needed that after all. He couldn’t cry like that when Heeyeon was around… it didn’t feel fair to her. He had been bottling up all those hard feelings for the past weeks. He was so upset about not being able to meet his parents… so upset he couldn’t meet Hani… so upset of not being able to tell the truth to the Ahn couple…

These last days were specially hard for him as Mrs Ahn wandered around the house all afternoons. He loved her… he truly did. But he couldn’t let her know all of the reasons why. 

“Would you like some tea?” - Mrs Kim kissed his head - “Or maybe hot choco?” 

Leeteuk couldn’t avoid giggling a bit when the woman proposed so. Heechul usually drank hot chocolate when he was emotional unstable. Either he was having a maniac episode with high levels of happiness or he was dying inside. There was no in between. 

“Did you use to make him that when he was feeling sad?” - Leeteuk asked amused 

“All time” - Mrs Kim smiled sweetly - “He loved chocolate. I would treat him some when we celebrated something… but later on, Gunhee also shared a cup with him whenever he was feeling down” 

“I couldn’t meet them…” - Leeteuk started - “But I was told they loved tea” 

“Oh, so you took that from them” - Mrs Kim hugged him again - “What else?. Oh, sorry. I shouldn’t—-“

“I want to talk about… them” - Leeteuk nodded - “I have been keeping it to myself for a long time now” 


“They liked tea” - Leeteuk smiled - “And flowers… and they really loved each other” 

Even if Leeteuk could only share small details… Mrs Kim listened to him like If he was telling some sort of magical story. They both cried and laughed together while drinking tea. 

“I truly wish I could have met them” - Leeteuk pouted - “I have so many questions… and…”

“Do you know if you have any other relatives you could talk to?” - Mrs Kim held his hands - “Maybe it could help meeting them” 

“Yeah… I’m not sure” - Leeteuk wasn’t going to risk them on that one - “I think I have an aunt but… I just don’t know that to say. Like, what if…?”

“She doesn’t like you?” - Mrs Kim shook her head - “I don’t think that’s possible. You are such a good boy! Who wouldn’t like this cutie pie?”

“I wouldn’t say so…” - Leeteuk wet his lips - “But what If I bring pain from the past? What if they already moved on and I…?”

“It’s complicated” - Mrs Kim placed her cup down - “it’s one of those things you can’t predict”

“I won’t know until I try, right?” - Leeteuk sighed - “I don’t think I’m ready” 

“Then, take your time” - Mrs Kim embraced him again - “But whatever happens next… we are here for you, ok? We love you” 

“Thank you” 

“Now” - Mrs Kim pinched his cheek - “You should put those in a safe place. We don’t want children drawing on your folders, right?”

“Right” - Leeteuk giggled - “Oh, did you open it?” 

“No, of course not” - Mrs Kim denied the accusations right away - “I don’t want to invade your privacy”

“Heechul said you would like to have it” - Leeteuk handed her a picture - “This is… Uhm… it’s me, actually” 

“OH MY BABY” - Mrs Kim loved it - “Is this you?! For real?!”

“Yup” - Leeteuk blushed as he scratched his cheek - “It was the first the picture they have of me back there” 

“Are you sure I can have it?” - Mrs Kim was already searching for a special place to put it in her wallet - “I will put it next to the other boys…”

Leeteuk laughed when he realized she also had a baby picture of Heechul right there. He could recognize Gunhee and Donghee too. 

“Don’t you have another one?” - Mrs Kim asked shyly - “I mean… I would like to print one a little bigger to exhibit it at home” 

“I’m sure Heechul made more than one copy” - Leeteuk chuckled - “Problem is, I don’t know where he hides them. I promise I will ask him for them once he comes back” 

“You better do” - Mrs Kim was still immersed looking at the picture - “so cute” 

It wasn’t like she haven’t seen pictures of Leeteuk as a child. In fact, she had a few ones at home next to the ones of her biological sons. It was just she had never seen that one… Leeteuk wasn’t older than four there, so it was the youngest photo she have ever seen of him. It made sense since Leeteuk said it was the first one taken for the file at the orphanage. 

(The first one…)

Mrs Kim had an unpleasant thought. 

(If he was around four by the time he was admitted… What happened to his parents? It’s weird ‘giving up’ on a boy that age unless it’s under bad circumstances) 

Mrs Kim didn’t want to think about it. Whatever have happened, Leeteuk and his parents didn’t deserve it. She felt so sorry for them… she would do everything she could to guarantee Leeteuk didn’t suffer anymore and had a happy life. 

(Dear Leeteuk parents in heaven… I will take care of your son. I promise)

Ryeowook wasn’t having a good day. His eyes were swollen for so much crying… and he couldn’t see that well. Literally. He had tried to tell his uncle he wasn’t wearing his glasses but he didn’t listen. Instead, the busy man kissed him goodbye and ran back home. 

“Wookie you kay?” - Kyuhyun was sweating a bit. He seemed in pain - “You Kay?”

“Bettew than Kyu” - Ryeowook swayed his head - “tummy hurtz?”

Kyuhyun nodded. He was trying to figure out what to do about it. His tummy was hurting again and he was getting scared. 

“Le’ go ba home” - Ryeowook worried when Kyuhyun clenched his teeth out of pain - “Kyunnie zic”

“No, zic” - Kyuhyun shook his head still fighting the pain - “Tummy bad… no poo” 

Ryeowook rubbed his brother’s belly. 

“No ouchie ouchie” - Ryeowook was talking to Kyuhyun’s tummy - “Pwease no huwt Kyu ay’mowe…”

“Are you doing ok?” - the teachers realized they weren’t playing like usual - “What’s wrong? Are you feeling sick?”

“Tummy Huwtz” - Kyuhyun said right away. He wasn’t going to lie about it - “Lotz” 

“Do you want to try going potty?” - The teacher remembered what Leeteuk told her - “We can hold hands and try doing a poo” 

Kyuhyun nodded. It sounded like a good idea. 

Donghae was still clueless about Eunhyuk’s bad mood after the fruit game. Sungmin… was starting to get really sleepy. The boy even fell asleep on his desk. 

“Did he fall asleep?” - Mr Lee approached them - “Oh, he has a fever” 

“FEVER?” - Eunhyuk and Donghae stopped arguing and now focused on their twin 

“I don’t think it’s a good idea for him to stay” - Mr Lee worried - “He seems too tired” 

“Yeah, I will be there” - Leeteuk rolled his eyes on the phone - “Yeah, thank you so much” 

“What’s wrong?”

“Sungmin” - Leeteuk tried his best to not curse - “Heechul is going to kill me” 

“No, he won’t” - Mrs Kim sighed - “Should we go pick him up?”

“I can go al— “ - Leeteuk received a text from daycare asking him to pick up the twins if possible- “They say the twins aren’t doing well”

“Oh my” 

“It’s not urgent but they are worried for them” - Leeteuk sighed - “Maybe I will take your offer” 

“I drive” - Mrs Kim showed him the keys of Heechul’s van - “we are going to need space” 

First stop was daycare. Leeteuk was deeply concerned as he didn’t know how bad were the twins doing. He relaxed a bit after learning they were a bit restless but they weren’t crying or anything. 

“Ukwee, you hewe” - Ryeowook hugged him sweetly- “U have my gwazzes?”

“Your glasses… DID YOU FORGET THEM AT HOME?” - Leeteuk felt bad for the kid - “Ow, Wookie… but no, I didn’t bring them…”

“I did” - Mrs Kim opened her bag - “I found them on the table when I came back from driving the boys to school. I was prepared in case he called for them… I wasn’t sure if he had taken another pair” 

“Now I can zee” - Ryeowook was so dramatic putting his glasses on 

“Kyunnie” - Leeteuk held the boy - “Are you ok?”

“Nuh” - Kyuhyun sighed - “Can’t poop” 

“Aw, sweetie” - Leeteuk gave him a kiss - “Do you want to try going— no?” 

“No more potty” - Kyuhyun whined - “Pwease… go home” 

“Fine” - Leeteuk agreed - “we are going to go look for Minnie first… ok?” 

“Uh? Minnie?” - Kyuhyun seemed worried 

“He is not doing well” - Mrs Kim explained softly as she helped the boys get their seatbelt on - “Minnie could need a doctor” 

“Doc?” - Kyuhyun pouted. He didn’t want that- “Minnie…” 

Mrs Kim winked at Leeteuk in complicity. Sungmin wasn’t the only one receiving a checkup that morning. They would use him as pretext for taking Kyuhyun as well. The boy loved his brother… maybe that way they could trick him.

“Usually, we would have taken Henry but…” - Leeteuk glanced at his watch - “leaving him here give us a few hours to take the kids ‘there’ without problems” 

Without problems… wasn’t exactly what happened once they got to Sungmin’s classroom. Leeteuk was carrying the sleeping child with him while trying to negotiate with a very stubborn Ryeowook. 

“Nooooo! No go! Pway Hewe!” - Ryeowook ran away from him again - “Loo, Ukwee. Wookie came schoo” 

“Ryeowook, you can’t stay here” - Leeteuk urged him - “We need to go to the doctor… for Minnie and—“

“No doc!” - Kyuhyun joined the complain team - “Pway schoo!”

“You can’t play here” - Leeteuk sighed - “Please boys… don’t give me troubles” 

Leeteuk has troubles convincing the correct pair of twins to follow him and the others to stay. Eunhyuk and Donghae wanted to go with him… Ryeowook and Kyuhyun wanted to stay in the classroom. 

“Let me help you” - Mr Lee was holding hands with Eunhyuk and Donghae - “Boys, Minnie has to go because he is not feeling well… but we still have lots to do” 

“Lotz to do” - Ryeowook eyes sparkled - “Me too” 

“Uncle?” - Sungmin woke up - “what’s going on?”

“Oh, Minnie… Can you walk?” - Leeteuk tried placing him down - “Please follow grandma to the car, ok?” 

“Ok” - Sungmin was obedient - “Bye Mr Lee…” 

Sungmin held hands with his grandma and started walking to the parking lot. They could hear screaming coming from the classroom they just left and now closer in the hall. 

“They are not happy” - Sungmin said quietly 

“Nope” - His grandma agreed 

“PUT ME DOWWWWWWWW!” - Ryeowook was kicking in the air highly annoyed as Leeteuk was holding him against his will - “SCHOO! SCHOO!”

“Can’t believe you are giving me a hard time” - Leeteuk avoided getting hit by the boy - “Cmon, Wookie. You will have to spend a lot of time here when you grew older” 


Kyuhyun was just crying annoyed. He didn’t want to hit Leeteuk. Ryeowook was not holding back at all.

“Oh, I was right” - Mr Ahn was there - “I thought it was them and was going crazy” 

“Sorry for the fuss” - Leeteuk apologized - “Ryeowook, look what you are doing. People are going to think you are a bad boy!”

Ryeowook gasped. 

“What’s going on? Why are you here so early?” - Mr Ahn laughed as he helped Leeteuk holding Kyuhyun- “Why are you crying?” 

“Because he didn’t want to—“

“Tummy huwtz” - Kyuhyun sobbed - “I’m scawed” 

Leeteuk heart broke. A few minutes back, Kyuhyun was also complaining about leaving so he thought the boy was now crying because of that… but turns out he was in pain again. Maybe it was the way he held it up violently in a try to leave the place quickly. 

“Awww” - Mr Ahn was hugging him - “Are you going to the doctor?” 

“Yeah…” - Kyuhyun nodded and wiped his tears - “Ukwee, pweaseee…” 

“We are going” - Leeteuk felt so sad - “Wookie…”

Ryeowook was devastated. Not only he had to leave the place… he had also ignored his twin in pain. It wasn’t a good day for him. 

“But Ryeowook is fine, right?” - Mr Ahn pointed at the other twin - “Why are you taking him with you?”

“I couldn’t leave him at daycare…” - Leeteuk sighed - “He was stuck to Kyunnie” 

“My twin” - Ryeowook shrank shoulders 

“But now he is misbehaving and giving me a hard time” - Leeteuk accused him - “He saw the triplets classroom and now wants to stay” 

“Wookie wanna stay hewe” - Ryeowook sulked 

“I don’t think that’s a bad idea” - Mr Ahn asked Leeteuk to exchange the twins they were holding - “You need to take that kid to the hospital along with his brother. There is no need to take a healthy kid there if his Pops can babysit him a few hours”

“I can’t ask you for that” - Leeteuk knew he had little option to refuse as Ryeowook held his grandpa shirt - “Fine… let’s go to the car and search for his stuff… I have his backpack from daycare” 

“Wookie ztayin’ schooo~” - Ryeowook sang merrily as Leeteuk gave Mr Ahn his stuff - “Wookie big boy” 

“A bad one” - Mrs Kim whispered to Leeteuk in a playful way - “Don’t feel bad. It’s not your fault… Ryeowook is Heechul’s spoiled son” 

“You better behave” - Leeteuk warned the boy - “If you try anything here or cause troubles to your Pops… I’m telling Dada and Mama” 

“Bye ukwee~ bye gamma~” - Ryeowook blew a kiss from his grandpa’s arms - “Wuv u~”

“Poor Kyu” - Mrs Kim pouted as she saw the sad boy using the mirror 

“Kyu no sad Wookie ztays” - Kyuhyun said softly - “Twin no zic. Twin no liwe hospital” 

Leeteuk realized that maybe Kyuhyun had a point and half of the reasons why Ryeowook turned aggressive wasn’t just because he wasn’t staying at school but where they were heading after. The kid feared hospitals and hated those places. Anyway… he was definitely tattletaling him to Heechul. Spoiled brat. 

Ryeowook wandered around the halls enjoying every single bit of the big place called ‘school’. 

“Hey, you want to go there?” - Mr Ahn held him - “Thats where your siblings are” 

“Twipetz?” - Ryeowook smiled widely as he recognized the classroom - “Hyukkie and Hae” 

“And your cousin” 

“Mimi!” - Ryeowook chirped excited 

“Let’s go inside” - Mr Ahn made him a gesture for silence - “We can’t make noise, ok?”

“Oh, Mr Ahn” - The teacher was clearly nervous - “what brings you hear?”

“We came to ‘inspect’ the class” - Mr Ahn winked at him playfully as the teacher saw Ryeowook giggling - “He is one of my grandkids”

“Hi mistew, I’m Ryeowook” - Ryeowook did a polite bow from his grandpa arms - “Im Minnie, Hyukkie n Hae bwothew”

“You are? How cute” - Mr Lee was melting for the boy. He remembered him from minutes ago when he was kicking a tantrum with his uncle - “How old are you?”

“Im thwee!” - Ryeowook used his little fingers to show the number 

“Well, Ryeowook… would you like to come with me and see what we do in kindergarten?”

“Uhum” - Ryeowook nodded expectantly.

The toddler followed the triplets teacher around and joined a work table. He sat where Sungmin usually was. 

The teacher and Mr Ahn found funny how Ryeowook took seriously the class and tried following everything the older kids were doing. He did incredibly good considering he was younger. 

As expected, girls fell for the cute boy. At that age, having a younger sibling in the class only could mean the kid would get spoiled. Everyone wanted to play with Ryeowook and they were all very nice to him. 

“Time to go” - Mr Ahn announced - “We can’t interrupt the class for too long” 

Ryeowook pouted but agreed with him. He promised Leeteuk he would behave… and he didn’t want to cause troubles to his Pops. He was being too nice to him letting him stay there at school. 

“Bye bye” - Ryeowook hugged his brothers and cousin before leaving - “see ya” 

“Bye Wookie” - the teacher was still touched by the fact the toddler hugged him too - “It was nice to meet you” 

“Fine” - Mr Ahn held the boy again - “Now, I say we should take a potty break just in case. We can visit first graders later” 

“Fiwst gwadwes” - Ryeowook tried - “Wonnie?”

“Exactly! Siwon is a first grader!”

“Yay!” - Ryeowook got excited 

Things at the hospital were going different as Leeteuk expected. 

“I swear they were both sick” - Leeteuk pointed at the kids that kept playing in the doctor’s office - “Sungmin barely could move and Kyuhyun was in such pain…” 

“Ukwee, loo’ !” - Kyuhyun was climbing a chair - “Wewi says ‘Ahhhhh’ “ 

“Kyunnie, don’t touch the doctor stuff” - His grandma scolded as the boy used the doctor little flashlight to ‘inspect’ his penguin’s ‘throat’ - “You shouldn’t play with that” 

“Have you ever treated an alien?” - Sungmin asked the paediatrician- “Like, they brought you a kid that wasn’t normal and turned being an alien” 

“He watches too much tv” - Leeteuk frowned at the boy - “and I swear I’m not crazy. They were sick minutes ago!”

“I believe you” - the doctor laughed seeing Leeteuk so distressed - “Kyunnie’s problem is easy to solve. Go back to the previous dose and stay like that for over a week. If everything goes well, then we can try weaning off the laxatives again later” 

“He haven’t pooped in three days” - Leeteuk whispered - “can’t you just… uhm… rush it?”

“You said he was in pain” - The doctor nodded - “I suppose we could ‘help’ him speed up things”

“Cool. And Sungmin…” 

“Even easier” - The doctor smiled - “I suggest you buy him books if you don’t want him watching too much tv. He just needs to rest. He probably got too tired and his body reacted that way” 

“I danced a looooooot yesterday” - Sungmin did a few moves much to Leeteuk’s dismay - “And I played hard too” 

“And he haven’t been sleeping that well” - Mrs Kim added - “All boys are struggling to sleep since their parents are out” 

“Oh, then I wouldn’t worry too much” - The doctor was searching for something - “Do you know how to use one of these in children?”

“What is that?” - Sungmin chuckled - “Is that what you put in Kyu’s to make him poop?” 

Kyuhyun didn’t like it. He gave them side eyes while crossing his legs. No one was putting anything in his butthole if he could avoid it. 

“Yup. It’s a suppository” 

Uh oh. That was the word. Kyuhyun still remembered the last time they tried one of those. It was uncomfortable and it didn’t work. He ended in the hospital after days of suffering. Nope. He was out. Definitely, out. 

Mrs Kim noticed how the kid started walking awkwardly towards the door. Leeteuk was smart enough to block the way and give him a silly smile. 

“Are you heading home after we end?” - The doctor asked - “I think is better if you do it there… I mean, sometimes these things work faster than we can tell” 

“Oh, we are heading home” - Leeteuk nodded - “But I would like you to do it. You see, I have this feeling Kyuhyun is not going to let me do it” 

Kyuhyun glared at Leeteuk. His uncle was right… but he wasn’t going to let ANYONE do it. Doctor included.

“Are you sure?” - The doctor asked again. He worried Kyuhyun could need the toilet before reaching home 

“I would rather clean an accident than listen to my brother complain” - Leeteuk stated firmly 

Kyuhyun had a worried look. Sungmin was amused. There was no way his little brother was getting free of this. 

Ryeowook kept having a blast at school. He visited Siwon class and they ended taking their snacks at the principal’s office. 

“I invited your cousin but he said he didn’t want to come” - Mr Ahn was a little shocked since Kibum rejected the invitation - “is he scared of me? Maybe because I’m the principal…”

“Nah, he said he didn’t want to come because he preferred being naughty out there” - Siwon explained - “Kibum is a brat” 


“Is he? Oh, we do have a big record of him but he has good grades” - Mr Ahn smiled - “His brothers are also doing great!”

“Do you have access to our records too?” - Siwon asked softly - “You can tell daddy if we are not good?”

“And Santa Claus” - Mr Ahn whispered like telling a secret - “Easter bunny, Toothfairy … this school shares the students records with them and make sure everyone gets what they deserve” 

Ryeowook gasped. He seemed shocked. 

“Speaking of toothfairy” - Siwon sighed - “I have a problem. My tooth is about to fall” 

“Oh, cool” - Mr Ahn didn’t see the problem - “You are going to get money” 

“But I don’t want it” - Siwon sulked - “I’m scared of the idea of that fairy going inside my room and rummaging under my pillow. Sounds horrible” 

“Coin?” - Ryeowook eyes sparkled full of curiosity- “Toothfaiwy givez u coin?” 

“I suppose she leaves cash” - Siwon nodded - “I don’t think she uses a card… and I don’t have a bank account”

“Who knows” - Mr Ahn shrank shoulders - “I heard Santa now receives emails too ”

“I think is better because that way we can save paper and cut less trees “ - Siwon was the climate advocate of the family - “We need to help our planet” 

Ryeowook did a fart sound for teasing his brother. Heechul taught him by doing the same any time Siwon brought up ecology or something like that. 

“Oh, I think is nice he cares” - Mr Ahn found funny Siwon was upset as Ryeowook kept making fun of him - “yesterday he explained to me how plastic ends in the ocean” 

“We need to save the turtles” - Siwon nodded - “And the penguins. My brothers love those” 

“Phone wingin’ !” - Ryeowook chirped when his grandpa’s phone started ringing 

“Bye, Kyunnie~ I hope you feel better” 

The doctor was still laughing at the face the boy had. The toddler was resentful since he lost the battle and ended receiving the treatment he hated. 

“Kyunnie, say goodbye” - Leeteuk tried - “Cmon, be nice to him…” 

“It’s ok, he is actually polite” - The doctor chuckled - “An older kid would have given me the middle finger or worse” 

“Bye” - Kyuhyun finally gave up 

“Do you want to try using potty before leaving?” - Mrs Kim offered - “No?”

“No goin’ potty” - Kyuhyun frowned as Leeteuk wouldn’t stop looking at him like a time bomb - “hmph!”

“I miss Papa” - Sungmin pouted - “And I want Mama to spoil me…”

“Tomorrow you will have them back” - Mrs Kim felt bad for the kid - “Just one more day” 

“Our Minnie has been so good” - Leeteuk praised him - “Even if you miss them too, you have been so nice and well behaved” 

Kyuhyun looked at Leeteuk with sad eyes. 

“Kyunnie too” - Leeteuk rushed to fix it - “He has cried sometimes but has endured it like the big brave boy he is” 

Kyuhyun smiled pleased. He felt better now after receiving praises. 

“Oh, how weird” - Mrs Kim left out as they were reaching home - “Mr Ahn car is there” 

“Dear lord, what did Kim Ryeowook do now?” - Leeteuk bit his lips. He could only think about the toddler hitting a tantrum and the poor grandpa driving there. 

Leeteuk was helping Kyuhyun out of the car. He saw the boy squirming a bit and rejoiced. 

“Once we get inside, we are going to try going potty” 

Kyuhyun nodded in understanding. He stretched his arms asking to get hold. Leeteuk held him in a sweet way. Despite having silly arguments, his bond with the twins was strong. 


Leeteuk’s first instinct was to hold Kyuhyun tightly. Before his mind could process what was going on, Kyuhyun was demanding to be freed and stretched his arms in the other direction. 


“My sweet little baby!” - Heeyeon was kissing the boy still in Leeteuk arms - “I missed you so much! But so so so much!”

“You almost kill me of a heart attack” - Leeteuk was trying to catch air when he spotted Heechul holding Ryeowook - “What are you doing here?”

“I’m glad to see you too” - Heechul whined - “Didn’t you miss me? What kind of welcome is that?” 

“PAPA!” - Sungmin hugged Heechul tightly. The man placed down the shortest toddler and targeted the four years old - “PAPA! MAMA! YOU ARE BACK!”

“Heeeey buddy” - Heechul kissed the kid - “How are you doing? What did the doctor say?”


“Daddy brought us home from the airport” - Heeyeon explained softly as Kyuhyun leaned on her - “He had to explain us why Ryeowook was with him” 

“Hi!” - Ryeowook waved to Leeteuk who just twisted his lips 

“Did he make emphasis on how bad the tantrum was?” - Leeteuk glanced at Ryeowook hiding behind Heechul- “He plays innocent but he is not” 

Ryeowook stuck his tongue at him. 

“Did you see it?!”  

Heechul laughed. He placed down Sungmin who ran to meet Heeyeon as Kyuhyun waddled towards him. 

“Dada!” - Kyuhyun hugged him

“My bagel! You are so big now!” - Heechul teased - “Oh my, I do think he is bigger than I remembered” 

“No cwy Minnie!” 

The words dragged the adults attention. Sungmin was crying while Heeyeon hugged him tightly. 

“He missed her, huh” - Heechul smiled as he was touched - “We came back earlier because Heeyeon and I missed you all so much…” 

“We all missed you a lot” - Leeteuk blushed deeply- “not just the kids…” 

“Come here” - Heechul spread widely his arms - “Cmon. I know you want it” 

Leeteuk wasn’t going to get asked twice. He hugged Heechul tightly. They were still doing so when their noses got attacked. 

“Dude” - Heechul chuckled - “You are rotting inside” 

“It wasn’t me” - Leeteuk giggled - “I thought it was the hotel food” 

“What’s going on?” - Heeyeon was approaching them 

“Oh don’t come” - Heechul waved in the air - “Leeteuk farted” 

“No, I didn’t!” - Leeteuk turned deep red - “Heeyeon, I swear—“

Heeyeon was giving Heechul a bad look. 


“Poop” - Kyuhyun announced 

“Great, it hasn’t been an hour since we arrived and someone already shat his p—- OUCH!”

Heechul was jumping on one foot after Heeyeon stepped on him really hard. 

“No poop pants” - Kyuhyun sulked - “Wanna potty” 

“You haven’t done so, right baby? Daddy is such a meanie” - Heeyeon was holding hands with the boy - “Let’s go inside and see if you go potty” 

“We should have taken the flight that came later” - Heechul joked as he scrunched his nose again - “Heeyeon is a brave soldier” 

Leeteuk patted his back. He then decided to hug him again. 

“What’s wrong with you?” - Heechul grew suspicious- “What did you do? Why are you being so sweet to me? Why didn’t you scold me for saying a bad word?” 

“I will go back to normal in a few minutes” - Leeteuk teased - “Just let me enjoy this a little longer” 

“And I would really like to stay like this for a long time” - Heechul was leaning on Leeteuk’s shoulder - “But Heeyeon just went inside with three of the boys” 

“Right” - Leeteuk dragged Heechul inside quickly - “And there is too much silence” 

“Let’s check on Kyu first” - Heechul knocked the toilet door - “Hi, are we doing ok?”

Kyuhyun was sitting on the toilet singing songs. Heeyeon was laughing. 

“He won’t stop singing” - Heeyeon tickled the boy - “Kyunnie, Cmon! You are supposed to poop!”

Kyuhyun started singing about poop now. Heeyeon tickled him again. They were both having fun. 

“Dada” - Ryeowook was chasing after Heechul holding a music book - “Wookie’s piano lezzon”

“Later, bagel” - Heechul was helping Sungmin change clothes - “You too. Let’s change into comfy clothes and stop wearing the uniform” 

Ryeowook undressed himself quickly. He, however, ran away only wearing his underwear before Heechul could dress him. Leeteuk caught him in the hall.

“Ha ha” - Leeteuk held the boy upside down - “I got you” 

Heechul was holding an sleepy Sungmin. Leeteuk thought Ryeowook would get jealous since he wanted his dad for himself… but he seemed pretty understanding towards his brother. Maybe he knew Sungmin didn’t feel well and decided to wait for his turn to get spoiled. 

“Do you want to watch tv?” - Heechul offered the quiet boy - “What should we watch?”

“Uncle says I watch too much tv” - Sungmin shook his head - “Can you read for me?” 

Heechul couldn’t oppose such a cute request. Sungmin wanted his attention and he was going to give it to him. He felt like he owned the kid being spoiled for a while. 

“Sungmin looks better now” - Mrs Kim smiled pleased seeing how Heechul cuddled with two of his sons - “This is what happens when Daddy is around” 

“…and the big alien tried to kidnap the cow” - Heechul read out softly - “He took the cow into his spaceship…”

“What kind of story is that?” - Mrs Kim chuckled - “Aliens?” 

“It’s: an alien stole my cow… By Kim Heechul” - Leeteuk teased - “the kids love it” 

“Did he seriously write a story about an alien?” - Mrs Kim wondered if her son ever did something normal - “For kids?” 

“It’s not just one” - Leeteuk warned her - “There is a whole universe. We have ‘there is an alien in my backyard’ and ‘Mr Alien has a dream’ “ 

“Mr Alien has a dream?” - Mr Ahn repeated amused 

“Its about an alien who dreams becoming an idol” - Leeteuk sighed - “Don’t get me started. I do admit is a very funny story” 

“Well, that would explain the drawings he makes” - Mr Ahn found it cute - “His teacher says Sungmin has a big imagination and is always drawing about aliens and outer space” 

Heechul succeeded with his reading as Sungmin and Ryeowook fell asleep on him. He kissed both boys and kept talking to them in a soothing way even if they were off to dreamland. 

Heeyeon was back in the living room with a boy holding a penguin plush. Everyone looked at her like asking silently how it went. She limited herself to sway her head like saying ‘so so’. 

“He couldn’t?” - Leeteuk muttered trying to not get caught by Kyuhyun- “no?”

“Just a bit… but I think is painful for him and that’s why he stops” - Heeyeon was a bit concerned - “Let’s try again later” 

“Mama, Kyu Wewi” - Kyuhyun was asking her to fix his favorite plush. He had been waiting for it ever since the plush got hurt the first time - “Pwease”

“Let’s fix your friend” - Heeyeon playfully snuggled with the boy - “I will do my best to make him feel better” 

“Maybe moving a bit would help” - Heechul stretched - “Cmon Kyu, let’s play” 

“What gonna pway?” - Kyuhyun was bouncing excited as he followed Heechul around - “Dada pwayz with Kyu~ Togethew!”

“Let me see…” - Heechul looked around - “Ah, this would do” 

In a try to tease them, Mrs Kim went to look for the boys at school like the past days. She didn’t tell the kids their parents were already home. They wanted to give them a surprise. 

Henry, however, got extremely happy when Heeyeon showed up with Leeteuk to pick him up from daycare. The boy ran to her and did some of his joyful screaming. 

“WAAAAAA!” - Henry was still shouting excited - “MAMA” 

“Hi baby!” - Heeyeon was trying to hold him - “Did you miss me? You did! Look at you! You are so happy!”

Henry was stuck to her. Leeteuk drove back as Heeyeon had to sit next to the boy in the backseats. Henry was over the moon having his mom back. 

“DADA!” - Henry jumped again when he noticed Heechul was also back - “DADA DADA DADA” 

“Oh! It’s the youngest bagel!” - Heechul lifted him - “up you go!”

“Henry let’s be quiet now” - Heeyeon gestured him to be silent- “We are going to prank your brothers” 

“Yay” - Henry liked the idea - “Henwy shhhh” 

“Exactly” - Heechul also did the sign for ‘silence’ - “We are going to hide and surprise them” 

“Minnie, where are you?” - Eunhyuk was looking for his twin as soon as he set a foot inside the big house - “Minnieeeeeee” 

“Minnieeeeeeee!” - Donghae called too 

“Where is everyone?” - Siwon asked amused as he couldn’t spot the younger boys or his uncle - “grandma, uncle is not here?” 

“I don’t know, hun” - Mrs Kim played her role - “Why don’t you take a look around?”

Heechul got caught by Kangin. The boy gave him a big smile but played cool and pretended to not know he was there just to fool his brothers. 


“AAAAAH!” - Eunhyuk fell on his due to the shock 

“DADDY!” - Donghae jumped on Heechul without thinking twice 

“Oh, mom is here too!” - Kangin smiled to Heeyeon - “Why are you back today? I thought you came back tomorrow!”

“Mommy!” - Siwon was hugging Heeyeon 

“Oh, you guys are back” - Yesung held back his emotion  - “Wait. IS THAT A RING?”

“Ah, this?” - Heeyeon was happy Yesung noticed it - “Pretty, isn’t it?” 

“” - Yesung left out without thinking twice 

“Yesung!” - Heeyeon scolded 

“Excuseeee meeeee” - Heechul didn’t care about the bad word but the reaction - “It’s a beautiful ring! Look! Silver with a little blue sapphire” 

“Aren’t all sapphire blue?” - Kangin asked tilted his head 

“I don’t know, honey” - Leeteuk shrank shoulders 

“Of course not” - Yesung seemed irritated - “sapphire are gemstones formed mostly by aluminum oxide and traces of other elements like iron. You can have yellow or orange sapphires” 

“I didn’t know that” - Heeyeon did a funny face - “Yesung, you are so smart” 

“I would like a red one” - Donghae raised his hand 

“Those are called ‘rubies’, you moron” - Yesung rolled his eyes 

“Hey! Apologize to Donghae right away!” - Heechul barked - “You are not calling your little brother ‘stupid’ under this roof” 

“Oh, so I can do it outside?” 

“What’s wrong with you?!” - Heechul raised his voice - “I leave for two days and you turn into a rascal?”

“I’m sorry, Donghae” - Yesung tried controlling his emotions before they gave him away - “I’m just worried” 

“About what?” - Heechul squinted his eyes 

“Nothing”’ - Yesung lied - “It’s between me and Grandma” 

“Oh, I forgot” - Kangin searched in his backpacks - “my math test” 

“I will sign it later” - Heechul sighed 

“It’s not that, dad” - Kangin sulked - “Look! I got an 80%!”

“You DID?” - Heechul inspected the paper - “Kangin I’m so proud of you” 

“I’m guessing it’s a tie” - Yesung was doing the math again as he glanced at his grandma - “Now everything resumes to Donghae’s playmate” 

“My babyyyy” - Heechul was trying to forcefully kiss Yesung - “Why aren’t you hugging me?!”

“Can we send him back to the hotel?” - Yesung asked Heeyeon - “You still had another paid night there, right?” 

“I’m not going anywhere” - Heechul was hurt - “Why are you in such a bad mood? We are homeeeee” 

“Look, they brought this” - Sungmin was holding the big seashell that the happy couple found at the beach - “It’s huge!” 

“Wow! I can listen to the sea with that!” - Donghae was trying it on his ear - “the waves! Whooosh! Whooosh!”

“Those are not…” - Yesung took a deep breath - “I’m the only that actually reads in this family” 

Heeyeon seemed to agree with the statement much to Heechul’s dismay. They exchanged cute glances and she showed him the ring again. Yesung rolled his eyes. Leeteuk cleared his throat in a try to warn the boy to not make Heechul suspicious. 

“Oh, Yesung” - Mrs Kim pretended she needed help in the kitchen - “Come help me for a while” 

“Do you need help? Maybe I can—“

“No, you can’t” - Yesung stopped Heeyeon from getting in - “I mean, we are working on something” 

“You guys must be tired” - Leeteuk was also walking to the kitchen - “and you need to unpack” 

“There is not that much…” - Heeyeon could swear Leeteuk, Mrs Kim and Yesung were hiding something - “Well, I suppose it’s fine. I’m going to trim Henry’s nails” 

Henry widened his eyes. He hated it. He truly hated getting his nails trimmed. 


“Cmon boy, you are going to scratch someone by accident” - Heeyeon was dragging the toddler - “Let’s trim your pretty nails ~” 

“Mommy, trim my nails too” - Donghae followed her - “and brush my hair” 

Heechul glanced at the boy like asking ‘really?’. 

“Please” - Donghae added. He thought Heechul was judging him for his manner rather than being spoiled.

“I just want you to let you know… I won” - Mrs Kim smiled - “You will find out in a short moment” 

“I don’t believe you” - Yesung shook his head - “There is no way one of ‘them’ has better skills for soccer than Siwon” 

“Siwon doesn’t even like soccer “ - Leeteuk did a face - “He is athletic… but he doesn’t like playing soccer that much. He likes watching games… but that’s it”

“And who is going to play soccer with Donghae?” - Yesung folded his arms - “Henry?”


“No way” - Yesung paled - “He can’t play. They at sports” 

“I wouldn’t be so sure” - Leeteuk gestured him to go to the living room - “Donghae, let’s practice soccer” 

“Oh! Right! Daddy” - Donghae searched for a ball - “No one wants to play with me” 

“Why?” - Heechul turned his head to him - “You have eight siblings”

“Yeah but” - Donghae shook his head - “either they don’t want to play or at it” 

“Kyunnie likes soccer” - Heeyeon said softly - “He was playing with your dad an hour ago” 

“Kyuhyun knows how to play?” - Donghae was surprised - “For real?”

“Kind of” - Heechul asked for the ball - “Kyunnie, buddy! Come here!”

“Dada” - Kyuhyun wobbled to his dad with a cute face - “Yeah?”

“Would you like to play soccer with Donghae?” - Heechul asked him while holding the ball - “Like we did before?”

“Uhmmmm” - Kyuhyun thought - “Yeah! Kick baw!” 

“That’s it” - Heechul placed the ball on the floor - “You go Kyunnie” 

Kyuhyun knew the basics. He controlled the ball and then kick it aiming at the little net Heechul pointed at. 

“GOAAAAA’!” - Kyuhyun raised his arms and celebrated- “KYU WINZ!” 

“Ohhhhhh, you are good at this” - Heeyeon clapped her hands excited 

“He plays soccer!” - Donghae was shocked- “HE PLAYS!”

“Are you happy you found someone to practice?” - Heechul giggled - “You need to be patient, uh. He is younger than you and he is still a baby” 

“No baby” - Kyuhyun puffed his cheeks - “Kyu iz big” 

“Kyuhyun is almost same size as them” - Heeyeon teased - “But kids, don’t forget he is younger than you” 

“It doesn’t matter! I have a play partner!” - Donghae hugged Kyuhyun. 

“Hae~” - Kyuhyun was happy as Donghae hugged him - “Wuv u” 

“Told you” - Mrs Kim whispered into Yesung’s ear - “I won” 

“I… lost?” - Yesung was the official loser of the bet game - “But… Michelangelo…”

“Is Milo going back to the store?” - Siwon asked sadly 

“Milo?” - Heechul heard the kid - “Who is Milo? Is that how you call the other turtle?”

Everyone froze. Heechul tilted his head. 

“What? I’m just asking” - Heechul seemed confused 

“Did you know he had another turtle?” - Leeteuk wasn’t sure he understood what was going on 

“Uhm, yeah? I think I saw two turtles in his room” - Heechul shrank shoulders - “I just forgot to ask about it” 

“Wait, he didn’t have two before?” - Heeyeon was dumbfounded- “Oh… OH” 

“No, Donnie was the only pet turtle I had… until I got ‘Milo’ using the money I saved” - Yesung pouted - “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about it” 

“You should have asked us first” - Heechul told him - “You are not allowed to take those decisions by yourself” 

“Are you going to send it back?” - Yesung asked with a little voice - “To the store?”

“Why would I?” - Heechul grunted - “Poor thing has been living with us for a while now, right? It wouldn’t be fair for it to be returned there” 

“Milo didn’t do anything wrong” - Heeyeon agreed - “and I think is cute you didn’t want Donnie to feel lonely” 

“Fine, I will accept any punishment you give me” - Yesung looked at them with big pleading eyes- “But please let me keep Donnie and Milo” 

“Come here” - Heechul opened his arms - “Give me a big hug” 

“Is this part of the punishment?”

“Im not grounding you, Yesung” - Heechul sighed - “Now come and give me a hug. You haven’t greeted me properly yet” 

Yesung gave him a big hug. Heechul lifted him out of nowhere and stamped a kiss on his cheek. 

“I missed you so much, brat” - Heechul confessed - “I love you so much” 

Yesung blushed. He smiled shyly and gave Leeteuk and his grandma a naughty look. He was getting away with turtle thing. He still had to have a normal birthday party… but he didn’t care as long as he got to keep his turtle and it was clear his dad was melting for him. 

“If you don’t mind… I think I will be going” - Mr Ahn was waving goodbye 

“Aren’t you staying for lunch?” - Mrs Kim sounded worried - “there is enough for all of us” 

“I know, and I feel terrible declining such kind invitation” - Mr Ahn sulked - “but my wife is expecting home… To be fair, I haven’t told her the ‘kids’ are back” 

“She knows our school schedule” - Siwon didn’t get it 

“Oh” - Heechul stared at Heeyeon blankly- “We are the kids” 

“I forgot to tell mom” - Heeyeon did a face - “do you think she will get mad?”

“Nah” - Mr Ahn laughed - “but she will be if I don’t show up for lunch” 

“Oh, by the way… since we are back” - Heechul scratched his head - “I can take the kids to their activities today. We are very thankful for the help… I’m sorry for all the troubles”

“Yeah, daddy” - Heeyeon nodded with a big smile - “You and mom can rest already. I know it was hard” 

“Can’t we… come back later?” - Mr Ahn pouted - “like… I really don’t care taking the boys to their practices… and I’m sure your mom will like to come by…” 

“You are always welcome” - Heechul was the first to react - “I just… we thought you could be tired” 

“Nope” - Mr Ahn shook his head energetically - “we haven’t felt so alive in months”

After the happy man was gone, Mrs Kim pulled Heechul’s ear. 

“Ouch! What’s that for?” 

“Nothing” - Mrs Kim was sulky - “Just letting you know we brought enough clothes for three days and more so… we are staying the night even if you are already here”

“It’s not like I’m kicking you out” - Heechul rubbed the side of his face now in pain - “I just thought you would be tired after two days taking care of the boys” 

“Well, we are not” - Mrs Kim stuck out her tongue - “Maybe it’s you the one growing older. Your dad and I are more than fine” 

“If you say so” - Heechul rolled his eyes - “I bet witches don’t grow old that easily” 

“They have been in there for a long time” - Heechul glanced at the time in his phone - “That’s not a good sign” 

“They are still not out?” - Leeteuk glanced at the closed restroom- “Maybe we should… Oh! Heeyeon!”

“It’s not good” - Heeyeon seemed stressed- “He strains and cries and nothing comes out. I’m going to put ointment in his bottom and pray for a miracle” 

Heechul wasn’t happy either. They had terrible experiences with constipated toddlers. They didn’t want to go through the same again. 

“Daddy, are you coming with me to my soccer practice?” - Donghae landed on the bed followed by his twins - “Pleaaaaaaseeee?”

“I could go… but why?” - Heechul didn’t want to disappoint the little boy but his soccer skills were lame - “I’m not good at sports, you know…”

“Yeah, but you know the rules” - Donghae asked softly - “Right?”

“Some?” - Heechul looked at Leeteuk for help - “to be honest… I only know you need to kick the ball and score goals to win…”

“Do you know what a hat-trick is?” - the boy squinted his eyes in a funny way 

“Sure” - Heechul teased - “Thats when the magician takes a bunny out of the hat” 

Eunhyuk and Sungmin laughed. Leeteuk smiled too. 

“Daddddyyyyy” - Donghae whined - “It’s not fun! They are going to tease me!” 

“I have no idea, Hae” - Heechul sighed - “I will look it online…”

“A hat-trick is when the same soccer player scores three goals in a game” - Heeyeon tossed a pack of baby wipes on Heechul’s lap - “Four goals are called ‘poker’ “ 

“Oh” - Heechul did a funny face and the boys laughed - “Seems like we found our winner”

“But mom is a girl” - Donghae was doubtful - “I didn’t know girls knew about soccer too” 

“This one does” - Heechul teased - “Thats one of the reasons I fell in love with her”

“But you don’t even like soccer!” - Sungmin giggled - “You are lying!”

“Oh, look at that face” - Leeteuk’s heart hurt when Kyuhyun walked out of the toilet still in tears - “Are you ok, honey? Are you hurt? Are you scared?”

Kyuhyun shook his head and hugged Heeyeon in a sweet way looking for comfort. 

“Mama mawes Kyu feel better” - Kyuhyun rubbed his face against Heeyeon’s clothes - “Kyu wuvs mommy” 

“That is another reason why I married her” - Heechul smiled pleased 

“Then, Mommy” - Donghae extended a hand towards her - “Will you come with me to my soccer practice?”

“Are you asking me out?” - Heeyeon couldn’t fight his cuteness - “Are we having a date?”

“Yeah!” - Donghae was cheerful - “But first you will watch me play” 

“It’s a deal” - Heeyeon did happy jump - “I will change into better suited clothes” 

“Mama” - Kyuhyun followed her around - “No go ‘way, pwease. I need u” 

“I’m going to Donghae’s soccer practice, baby” - Heeyeon kissed him as she selected her clothes - “I’m not going ‘away’ “ 

“Dun leave Kyu alone” - Kyuhyun stomped his feet 

“You are not going to be ‘alone’ “ - Heeyeon started changing herself despite having a toddler trying to sabotage her - “Daddy, uncle, grandma, nana, your twin, your brothers… there will be many people” 

“I want mama” - Kyuhyun frowned and folded his arms - “Kyu goez out too!”

“Nope” - Heeyeon shook her head playfully - “Baby Kyu is not feeling well and needs to stay home” 

Kyuhyun grew annoyed and went back to Heechul in order to complain. His dad wasn’t very helpful as he just tried soothing him by playing silly games. 

“I should get ready for music class” - Sungmin tried climbing out of the bed and was stopped as Heechul grabbed his ankle - “Papa?”

“Stop right there, my little bunny” - Heechul shook his head - “You are not going anywhere today” 

“Oh, but I’m not sick anymore” - Sungmin was touching his own forehead - “See, I’m not hot” 

“It doesn’t mean you are doing totally fine” - Heechul held him tightly- “And I’m so scared…” 

“Uhm, is not like I don’t want to stay… but if I don’t attend class then…” - Sungmin sighed - “I’m gonna get worse at music” 

“You can practice here” - Heechul rocked the boy playfully - “I will supervise you” 

“Fine” - Sungmin agreed - “It’s a deal, then”

They shook hands. Leeteuk found it amusing. Four of the kids were going out for their sport  practice, meaning they would have less to worry about that afternoon. 

“Can I join the music lesson too?” - Eunhyuk asked Heechul with wary eyes - “I won’t give you troubles”

“Sure” - Heechul didn’t think Eunhyuk would ask him for it - “I will teach you too” 

The sea of tears came when Heeyeon left the house with the sports team. Kyuhyun and Henry made sure the whole neighborhood knew she was leaving the place. 

A very amused Mina stopped by to pick up Siwon. She even took the bother to try calming the boys… but it didn’t work.

“They are so upset” - Mina was carrying Henry with skill - “There, there~ baby boy~ your mommy will come back later~”

“MUMMYYYY!” - Henry cried in despair 

“It’s ok Mina” - Leeteuk was taking the boy from her - “Thank you for the help, but you are going to be late”

“It’s not big deal” - Mina tried 

“IT IS” - Kibum scoffed - “It isn’t for YOU because you are not the one getting punished for being late!”

“Are we going to get punished?” - Zhoumi asked scared 

Mina was pinching her second son. Kibum complained and did a face. She warned her with a look. 

“Have fun, honey” - Leeteuk was sending off Siwon - “Henry, what do you say when brother is leaving?” 

“B-bye…” - Henry was still crying - “kom ba zaffe”

“Come back safe” - Leeteuk translated - “What a good boy”

“Henry, don’t cry” - Siwon waved goodbye- “I will be back in no time” 


Henry nodded in agreement. He wasn’t actually crying for Siwon… he was still hurt over Heeyeon leaving his side after two full days without her. If Donghae had taken Heechul with him instead of Heeyeon… Henry still would have cried and made a fuss. He just wanted his parents to be home after so long. 

“Do you want water?” - Leeteuk offered - “Your mouth must be dry from so much crying”

“Wisty” - Henry pouted 

“Thirsty” - Leeteuk took the boy’s water bottle - “Here you go” 

“Thanw u” - Henry started drinking 

“Awwww” - Mrs Kim found them - “Henry calmed down. Are you done crying?”

“Uhmmmmm” - Henry thought for a moment - “Yup”

“What a little angel” - Mrs Kim held the boy after he asked for her stretching his arms - “Come with grandma and let your uncle rest”

“Don’t hold him too long” - Leeteuk said sweetly - “He is getting heavier” 

“Who is a big boy?” - Mrs Kim playfully rocked him - “Henry is such a cute boy” 

Henry got happy and did bubbly sounds. Leeteuk decided to check on the others. Last time he saw them, Heechul was going to give the boys a music lesson and Mrs Ahn was trying to console Kyuhyun. 

Surprisingly, Kyuhyun wasn’t crying anymore. You could tell by his swollen eyes he had done so for a long time, but at the moment, he was cheerfully singing songs while building something with his blocks.

“He is showing me how to make a castle” - Mrs Ahn was in love with the boy’s imagination - “He says his penguin is the prince”

“Really?” - Leeteuk was amused by the idea - “then, who is the king?” 

“Me” - Kyuhyun said full of confidence 

Leeteuk was immersed in Kyuhyun’s imaginary world when he heard fighting coming from the living room. He could have sworn he heard Heechul raising his voice at Ryeowook. His theory got confirmed when the little boy stormed inside the room crying. 

Ryeowook ignored their looks and leaned on his bed dramatically with his face facing down as he cried. As expected, before anyone could figure out what was going on… Heechul was there with an apologetic yet firm attitude.

“Wook, Cmon” - Heechul struggled to follow what Leeteuk and Heeyeon called ‘gentle parenting’ - “We were having fun” 

“WOOKIE WAS NOT” - Ryeowook sobbed - “No wanna fool awound! I wanna pway piano!”

“What’s wrong?” - Mrs Ahn was worried as the boy seemed totally upset - “why is he so sad?”

“He loves playing piano and he is great at it” - Heechul explained carefully- “but he is impatient and doesn’t want to share with his brothers… he got upset because I told him his turn ended and he should wait a little” 

Ryeowook kicked an awful tantrum when Heechul went back to teach the other boys. He was deeply hurt his dad wasn’t engaging with his behaviour. He missed him so much the past few days and now he was forced to share over and over again. 

In his little mind, Ryeowook didn’t find fair Sungmin and Eunhyuk were disturbing his ‘daddy time’. He loved playing piano and was very happy his dad was the one teaching him. It was one of their special bonding moments. He hated it when someone else interrupted it. Kyuhyun was the only one getting away with it since he was his beloved twin. 

“Do you want to play with me?” - Leeteuk pitied the little kid - “Uncle will play anything you want”

“N-Nuh… uh uh” - Ryeowook sobbed so much - “My dada, my dada, my piano…” 

Heechul ended coming back to the room a few minutes later. Apparently, Eunhyuk and Sungmin got bored of playing piano and were now watching a movie with their grandma and Henry. 

“He is so sad” - Leeteuk pouted at Heechul with pleading eyes - “Please do something?”

“Who would have told you would pity him?” - Heechul teased - “C’mon bagels. Let’s play together” 

“Nuh” - Ryeowook was still upset 

“Dada” - Kyuhyun was already hugging Heechul ready to play 

“Mmmmmm” - Heechul looked at Mrs Ahn and Leeteuk and then giggled - “You know Kyunnie… It seems like Wookie doesn’t want to play” 

Ryeowook gave him side eyes. Mrs Ahn and Leeteuk laughed. What a funny boy. 

“I thought we could have a nice bubble bath” - Heechul continued - “And play with our super cute bath toys” 

“Yay!” - Kyuhyun was bouncing - “Pway wi’ water!” 

Ryeowook puffed his cheeks and gave Heechul a frown. Heechul blew a kiss to him and the boy chuckled. 

“You laughed!” - Heechul teased 

“No, didn’t” - Ryeowook denied it 

“Kyu, did your twin laugh?” 

“Uhum” - Kyuhyun nodded amused 

Ryeowook giggled again. Heechul smiled in a silly way to him. 

“Shall we go?” - Heechul was offering him a hand to hold - “To take that amazing bubble bath?”

“Yes” - Ryeowook agreed shyly - “Wi’ Dada”

“With Dada!” - Heechul decided to be playful and held both twins up - “Bagels go with Dada to have a niceeeeeeee bubble bath!”

“I love u” - Kyuhyun’s sweet pronouncing made Heechul fully melt 

“Me too” - Ryeowook was leaning on him full of cuteness - “I mizzed u” 

The soft scene between those three continued in the bathroom. Heechul filled the tub with warm water and double checked the temperature to make sure they wouldn’t get cold or burn with the water. Once the water seemed perfect, he added the bubbles and let the boys choose their toys. 

“We go inside carefully” 

“Cawefuwy” - the twins repeated 

“That’s it” - Heechul praised them for being well behaved - “Does it feel nice?” 

The twins started splashing water. Heechul flinched twice trying to prevent wetting too wet but he knew he was most likely going to end soaked. He didn’t even try to stop them feeling he owed the kids a little fun. He let them play with those annoying singing toys that made bubbles and some that could be used as water guns. 

Heeyeon confessed to him during their stance at the hotel that she loved washing the boys hair. He knew she was good at it since even Yesung said it was relaxing and felt nice. He was trying to do the same now. He wanted to show the twins how much he had improved and how much he missed them. 

“Relaxing isn’t it?” 

Heechul was so proud of his doing. He felt like a better parent having improved in such an important skill like providing a good nice bathing experience. He was rinsing the boys heads and humming a song as he was also relaxed. Universe had other plans. Maybe it was the warm water or the fact he was feeling relaxed, but Kyuhyun was there to remind Heechul the other side of parenthood. 


Kyuhyun got up really quick and basically jumped out of the bathtub before Heechul could say or do anything. 

“Dada! Potty! Potty!” 

Kyuhyun was highly annoyed to discover that he couldn’t climb the toilet by himself as he didn’t have the step stool around, plus, his seat adapter wasn’t placed either. 

Heechul looked around quickly. He knew it must be there somewhere since no one would take that out of the toilet, but he couldn’t spot it quickly and Kyuhyun was in a rush. 


“Ok! Ok!” - Heechul held the kid over the toilet bowl with skill. It wasn’t his first time helping a boy to use the toilet without a seat adapter- “Let’s try this way. I won’t let you fall I promise” 

Kyuhyun trusted his dad. He was sure he wasn’t going to let him fall in the toilet or get hurt. He was just a little uncomfortable as he held him too close. What made things trickier, was the fact Kyuhyun was , wet and soapy. The kid felt slippery and Heechul had to hold him even tighter to prevent a fall.

Ryeowook didn’t care about the situation. He kept playing in the tub while singing songs. Heechul would occasionally turn to him since he was nervous of the boy playing in the bathtub. 

“That’s it, good boy” - Heechul kept praising as Kyuhyun did his best to expel his enemy out of his body - “You are such a brave boy” 

“Huwtz” - Kyuhyun whimpered - “My !”

“I know” - Heechul kissed him - “Push it out, Cmon. You are almost there” 

“Go Kyunnie! Go!” - Ryeowook was cheering from the tub 

Kyuhyun cried a bit followed by a relief sigh. He was still panting in tears while Heechul and Ryeowook celebrated like if he had won a championship. 

“Dowwww” - Kyuhyun whined - “No potty, dowww” 

“I need to wipe your , don’t move” - Heechul was trying to hold Kyuhyun with just an arm and using the other hand to get the wipes - “Hey, Kyu, seriously! Don’t move!” 

Mrs Ahn was tidying up the twins room when she heard a loud sound followed by crying. She stopped right away and went to the source of the noise. She had been a mother long enough to know someone got in troubles. 

“Heechul, dearie” - She was knocking the door - “everything alright?”

“NANA! HEWP!” - Ryeowook shouted from the other side 

“I’m going in, ok?” - Mrs Ahn opened the door and found the culprit of the sound - “Sweetie, are you hurt? What happened?”

Ryeowook and Kyuhyun were in tears. Heechul seemed confused and apparently hurt. He was on the floor in a very strange pose. 

“I- I s-slipped” - Heechul managed to say - “K-Kyunnie had to use the toilet and— and he almost fell and—“ 

“Let’s take care of you first” - Mrs Ahn rushed to empty the bathtub. Last thing she needed was a boy falling in there - “Cmon, Wookie. Let’s get out carefully” 

“Dada” - Ryeowook was still worrying - “Dada fell!”

“He is going to be fine, come here” - Mrs Ahn grabbed Ryeowook and dried him quickly with a towel - “stay here and don’t move” 

When she tried to wrap Kyuhyun too. The boy refused. 

“No?” - Mrs Ahn didn’t have time to waste - “Kyu, is not a good moment to—“ 

“Kyu dirty” - Kyuhyun shook his head - “Poop” 

“I was going to wipe him” - Heechul was trying to move - “He—“

“Don’t move, sweetie. Don’t move” - Mrs Ahn made sure Heechul remained quiet - “I will do it. Then, I will help you sit slowly. We don’t know if you hit your head and have a concussion” 

Mrs Ahn cleaned Kyuhyun and wrapped him another towel. She called for Leeteuk and Mrs Kim but no one seemed to heard her. 

“UKWEEE!” - the twins were good helpers when it came to screaming. They were louder. 

“Coming!” - Leeteuk finally heard them. He struggled at first since the movie they were watching was loud - “Where are you?”

“Let’s go, sweetie” - Mrs Ahn was helping Heechul sit - “slowly” 

“I think I peed myself” - Heechul was embarrassed- “I feel wet” 

“It doesn’t matter” - Mrs Ahn was checking him - “are you dizzy?” 

“Not really” - Heechul did a painful face - “Just hurt. My arm is killing me” 

“Let’s try stretching your legs carefully”

“what happened?” - Leeteuk was finally there - “What’s going on here?”

“Bubble bath!”

“Kyu pooped!”

“Kyu fell!”

“Dada swipped!”

“Dada huwt!”

“I’m fine” - Heechul was still holding back the pain - “Just a little embarrassed but fine overall” 

“Teuk can you help him stand?” - Mrs Ahn asked - “He is too heavy for me” 

Leeteuk did even better. He carefully carried Heechul to the bed despite his protests. 

“Heeyeon is going to kill me” - Heechul whined as Leeteuk placed him on the bed - “Dirtying our bed like this” 

“She is going to be worried” - Leeteuk was fixing a few pillows - “She won’t care about an stupid bed” 

“She will tease me about wetting the bed” - Heechul sighed - “Peeing myself at this age…”

“I don’t think you peed yourself” - Leeteuk was searching for injuries - “I would say you fell on something wet” 

“Oh, the bathroom was wet” - Heechul realized his mistake - “You are right” 

“And even if you had done so” - Leeteuk was inspecting the arm - “I don’t think she had cared”

“My poor baby!” - Mrs Kim was in the room 

“Hi mother” - Heechul smiled - “don’t you have a spell for this?” 

“are you alright?” - Mrs Kim ignored the teasing and focused on the situation - “Should we take him to the hospital?”

“I just fell” - Heechul grunted when he moved - “Although my arm does hurt pretty badly” 

“Dada!” - the twins were there fully dressed - “Dada, you Kay?”

“I’m fine, bagels” - Heechul smiled sweetly - “I just hit my arm” 

“Was my fau’ “ - Kyuhyun lamented - “Kyu bad boy and dada got hurt!”

“It’s not… I’m just clumsy” - Heechul ruffled his hair with the healthy hand - “Aren’t you hurt? I think I caught you on time but tell us if something hurts” 

“Huwts” - Kyuhyun replied almost instantly. All eyes were on him - “My… ?” 

“Did you fall on your ?” - Leeteuk tried 

“Nuh, Kyu pooped” - Kyuhyun was looking at them confused - “poop bad” 

“Itchy maybe? I thought I had cleaned him well” - Mrs Ahn wasn’t sure of what the boy meant 

“It was a big one” - Heechul started while Leeteuk gave him a reproving look - “It’s not— I’m just saying it because I think he may have hurt himself pushing out such a big thing” 

“I don’t like how that arm looks” - Mrs Kim was worried - “It’s swelling” 

“It hurts” - Heechul agreed - “Do you think I broke it?”

“I don’t think so” - Mrs Ahn shook her head - “If it were broken, you would be crying. Maybe you just sprained it” 

“And that’s better?”

“At least you wouldn’t need a cast” - Mrs Ahn shrank shoulders - “And heals in less time” 

“Cool” - Heechul half smiled - “I hope I just sprained it” 

“Fine” - Mrs Kim was searching for clothes in Heechul’s closet - “Let’s get you dressed. We need a doctor to make sure it’s not broken” 

“Hey hey hey” - Heechul complained when Mrs Kim started trying to undress him - “Mom, what are you doing?” 

“You can’t dress yourself well with that hand” - Mrs Kim scoffed - “and you are all wet. You need to change into dry clothes before you catch a cold” 

“I will help” - Leeteuk was also trying to take Heechul’s pants off - “don’t make it harder” 

“Oh, Teuk” - Heechul shook his head - “that sounded just like the start of a bad mov—- OUCH!”

“We Hewp too” - The twins were taking off Heechul socks. 

“I would like to help, but I don’t think you would like it” - Mrs Ahn joked - “Boys, let’s go. Your dad needs some privacy” 

“You can say it” - Heechul told his mother once they were waiting at the ER - “Cmon just say it. I know you want to say it” 

“Parenthood never stops” - Mrs Kim joked - “It’s a long life job” 

“I will be worrying about Kyu’s poops and Minnie’s red cells for the whole eternity” - Heechul sighed 

“Sometimes is just a sprained arm” - Mrs Kim hugged him softly - “some others a bad case of food poisoning”

“Im sorry mom” - Heechul twisted his face - “I’m giving you troubles” 

“When haven’t you?” - Mrs Kim teased - “I actually prefer this version of yours. My least favorite was the drug friendly young adult” 

“Drug friendly young adult” - Heechul snorted - “I started as a teenager with the—“

“I don’t want to know” - Mrs Kim raised both hands around her chest - “I don’t need to know”

“Why are the Ahn so good to me?” - Heechul suddenly asked - “I know I have no morals for saying so, but I wouldn’t let Cherry or any of my kids date a drug addict” 

“I’m with you on this one” - Mrs Kim looked at him in a funny way- “You are my son and I love you. But I don’t get what the Ahn couple saw on you at that time or how they let you date their cute and sweet daughter” 

“I was cute as a child” - Heechul said in a funny way - “But as a teenager… pfff” 

“I was kidding, Heechul” - Mrs Kim pinched his cheek - “I do know what the Ahn saw. You are good boy. You have been a troublemaker and a real pain the before but… you never stopped being a good person” 

Heeyeon couldn’t believe it when she came back home and found Heechul still complaining to his mother. She worried about him being hurt but the man was feeling good enough to give troubles. 

“…because it’s her fault!” - Heechul accused the old lady - “She is the reason I’m wearing this!”

“The doctor asked for my opinion” - Mrs Kim was calmly trying to read a book - “I wasn’t going to lie. End of discussion”


“Don’t yell at her” - Heeyeon rolled a magazine and hit his head - “Why are you upset? Teuk told me you fell in the bathroom. Is not your mother’s fault” 

“Oh, the fall is my fault” - Heechul agreed on that - “BUT THIS IS HER DOING”

“Don’t say bad words and explain yourself better” - Heeyeon sighed - “It’s normal to wear a cast for broken bones”

“That’s the point, it’s not broken” - Heechul pointed at his arm - “It’s just strained!” 

“He is mad because he could be wearing a removable splint” - Mrs Kim explained - “But the doctor feared he wasn’t going to behave and would cause further damage to the arm if he didn’t follow instructions” 

“And she said I wasn’t going to behave!” - Heechul whined - “she told them I wouldn’t use the splint correctly and they gave me this!”

“Well, you are right” - Heeyeon saw how Heechul was about to smile - “I mean, not you. Your mom. You weren’t going to follow the treatment properly and it would have been worse”

“Why nobody trust me in this house?” - Heechul sulked and gave puppy eyes to Mrs Ahn who placed a tray with freshly baked cookies next to him. 

“I don’t think you would have followed the instructions” - Mrs Ahn saw how Heechul pouted - “not because I think you are irresponsible but quite the opposite” 

Heechul stared at her pleading for mercy. 

“It’s not easy being a parent. You know that” - Mrs Ahn was fixing Heechul’s shirt - “I bet you would have forgotten about your injured arm the very moment one of your kids needed you” 

“They told you to stop using that arm for lifting weight” - Mrs Kim explained - “I could picture you forgetting about it and holding the boys with it” 

“In your case wearing a cast is better since it will force you to let that poor arm rest and heal well” - Mrs Ahn nodded - “You don’t have to worry about Heeyeon or the kids. We are going to make sure they don’t miss anything during these few days” 

“Thank you… both” - Heechul glanced at his mom - “I’m just mad that I have to wear this thing for two weeks” 

“It’s not that bad” - Heeyeon kissed him - “It could have been worse. Make sure of healing that arm well so you can hold Cherry” 

“That’s not going to happen” - Leeteuk teased - “I won’t let him hold the baby. He is too clumsy and I fear for Cherry” 

“Ha ha” - Heechul twisted his lips - “To be honest I don’t think Heeyeon won’t let any of us hold Cherry” 

“I will think about it” - Heeyeon agreed with that 

“Oh, trust me” - Mrs Kim laughed - “She will” 

“She will only be possessive the first few days…” - Mrs Ahn also laughed - “Then, she will run away from her and pray for quiet moments” 

“Is it that bad?” - Heeyeon seemed worried now - “Like… I know a newborn is hard but…”

“It’s worse” - both old ladies laughed 

“Heeyeon, don’t listen to them” - Heechul was shaking his head - “This is a set up. It’s a trap. They are trying to make you scared so you will let them move with us” 

“I don’t need to set a trap for that” - Mrs Kim found amusing Heechul’s way of thinking - “and now that you mention it, I will ask your dad to bring us another couple of changes before coming home. If we are staying here a week, I will need more clothes” 

“A week?” - Heechul was nervous - “It’s a joke, right? You were only staying here for the night, right?”

“That was before you injured your arm” - Mrs Kim smiled playfully - “Now, I need to stay and take care of my baby. Besides, Teuk and Heeyeon will need help with the kids” 

“But there is no need for you to stay here” - Heechul saw a very guilty looking Heeyeon trying to hide - “YOU. DID YOU ASK HER FOR HELP?”

“She offered… and I think is a good idea” - Heeyeon ate a cookie - “Mom and Dad are also helping us” 

Heechul widened his eyes as Mrs Ahn rejoiced. 

“No way”  - Heechul shook his head - “Look, I love you all… but living in the same house?”

“Oh, dearie we are not staying overnight” - Mrs Ahn reassured him - “I will be coming from time to time to help with the house chores and babysitting” 

“And I will take the kids to their practices and so” - Mr Ahn was holding Henry - “I’m looking forward to speech therapy with this lad” 

“Dada iz crummy!” - Henry chirped 

“CLUMSY” - Heechul freaked out - “Not ‘crummy’ !” 


“I’m so done” - Heechul was getting up from the couch 

“Hey hey hey” - everyone in the living room complained and asked him to sit 

“I need to go!” - Heechul whined - “What? Now I can’t go to the toilet?” 

“Should I got with him?” - Leeteuk asked the others with a serious face 

“He is pee shy” - Heeyeon was looking at him with a sad face - “What to do? I don’t feel like letting him go alone since he could fall” 

“I’m not going to fall again” - Heechul was deep red - “I will go alone” 

“Don’t lock the door” - Leeteuk warned him - “It’s easier to help you if we don’t have to waste time trying to unlock it” 

“I don’t need—- fine” - Heechul cursed internally - “But I don’t want anyone entering without permission” 

Most people nodded. Heechul squinted his accusingly at his mom. 

“Fine, I won’t go in” - Mrs Kim found funny Heechul trusted her the less out the ones there - “Unless I hear you cry or something. Then, I will go inside” 


Heechul went to the restroom. He cursed again when he realized it wasn’t that easy to take care of his business as his arm ached and was useless. First he struggled with the zipper, then he had troubles putting his pants down. He ended sitting on the toilet as he felt safer that way not having to keep balance. 

“” - Heechul couldn’t relieve himself in peace thinking someone would open the door anytime - “I hate this so much” 

His heart jumped from the scare when the door did opened in front of him. He was still trying to adjust his heart beat when the twins entered the restroom with silly faces. 

“What are you doing here?” - He hissed - “Cmon, close the—- not like that! You were supposed to go out and close it from outside!”

“Dada poop?” - Kyuhyun asked cutely 

“No! And what are you doing here?” - Heechul wasnt sure if he wanted to cry or laugh - “Cmon, go out” 

“We hewp dada” - Ryeowook was holding a pack of baby wipes - “Wipe ” 

“You are not going to wipe my ” - Heechul was losing it - “Now, get out. Both of you” 

“Kyunnie, where are youuuuuu?” - Donghae was calling for his brother - “Let’s play soccer”

“That’s it, go out and play with Hae” - Heechul tried to get rid of the boys but things never went as planned - “CLOSE THE DOOR!”

“Daddy, are you ok?” - Donghae was now also there - “Do you need help?” 

“Boys, what are you doing in there?” - Heeyeon entered the toilet to take out the kids - “Leave your dad pee in peace” 

“Mama, Kyu wanna hewp dada wipe” - Kyuhyun was taking out wet wipes 

“Me too” - Ryeowook was holding toilet paper 

“You do? You are such a sweet boys” - Heeyeon was soft - “Do you love daddy that much?”


Heechul couldn’t avoid laughing a bit. His boys were so damn funny. He also felt a bit warm knowing they were willing to clean him if needed. 

That night, someone couldn’t sleep at all. At the beginning, Heechul struggled to find a position in which his arm hurt less. Painkillers from the ER were losing effect and the ones he took at night weren’t working yet. Heeyeon did her best trying to help him get comfortable but it wasn’t easy considering they weren’t alone in the bed. 

Mrs Kim was checking on them a few hours later. She would peek from the door trying to see if they were asleep or not. She smiled softly when she saw all of them sleeping peacefully. Heeyeon was curling with the twins and Heechul had around him what it looked like a fortress made of cushions, pillows and some soft plushies. 

She checked on the other boys too including her other son. She smiled pleased once again when she saw Leeteuk fell asleep on his desk reading a book. 

(You were trying to study, didn’t you? What a good boy… but it looks uncomfortable this way)

Mrs Kim switched the book for a pillow. She giggled as Leeteuk was so deep sleeping he barely moved. She was placing a blanket on him when something came out of the book she was holding. 

(Oh, something fell)

Mrs Kim smiled at the picture. It was an old picture of Hani’s family. She knew it because she had seen it so many times before… Gunhee, her late son, loved photos. He would go around showing them photo albums… including old pictures of his wife and family. 

She didn’t find strange Leeteuk had a picture of Heeyeon’s family there. She thought it could have been either Heechul or Heeyeon who left it in there. However, she couldn’t stop thinking something was odd. She was trying to go back to sleep but she couldn’t get out of her mind the picture. Then, she had to get up again as her brain found a connection. 

“Honey, are you ok?” - Mr Kim was half asleep - “can’t you sleep?” 

“I have seen him before” - Mrs Kim was searching in her purse - “I swear I have seen this kid somewhere else” 

“This boy?” - Mr Kim rubbed his eyes - “Now that you mention it… It does look familiar. Is he Heeyeonnie’s relative?” 

“That’s a picture of Hani and Heeyeon family” - Mrs Kim was placing on the little desk another one - “and this one… It’s Leeteuk when he was young” 

“What a cutie” - Mr Kim smile faded away when he saw the first picture of Leeteuk at the orphanage - “I have seen this boy before” 

“They are basically the same” - Mrs Kim was sighing - “I have seen that picture tons of times but… Since we haven’t met Leeteuk before… Also, he is quite younger here… it’s hard to tell if they are the same” 

“No, honey… I mean…” - Mr Kim was shaking his head - “I have seen this kid in pictures we have at home” 

Mrs Kim widened . What was her husband saying? Have they met Leeteuk when he was a boy? How? Also… the reason why she took out the picture in the first place was because of the way the kid in Heeyeon’s family picture rang a bell. What was going on?


Author comments 

You guessed it right: Yesung lost the bet. He will have to agree to a normal birthday party. But at least he gets to keep the turtle.

Clock is ticking for everyone to learn the truth. 
Next chapter will happen in the past from at least three points of view including Kim family, Ahn family and Leeteuk himself.

PS: The twins are just freaking cute trying to take care of Heechul. They are definitely reliable sons. 


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it