
Junior Quest


Leeteuk was reading a book about how to deal with smart toddlers. It’s not like the triplets were stupid , but Ryeowook was a whole new level. The boy seemed to learn fast and every day surprised his caregivers with something new. The babysitter worried they couldn’t understand Ryeowook’s needs at all. He worried the boy could get upset if they turned out being an obstacle for him. 


Toddlers were hard to deal with. Unlike babies that are totally dependent of their caregivers, toddlers like to have their own independence despite still needing to be looked after  all the time. Heechul still had a hard time controlling himself when the triplets tried to do things by themselves that the parent could easily do in a few minutes... like putting on their shoes. Heechul was told to let the kids put their own shoes but he sometimes couldn’t just wait as he got desperate seeing how Donghae couldn’t tell the difference between his right and left foot. Leeteuk believed that Ryeowook’s fast development was in part thanks to the fact he was always playing with older kids and adults. 


“Wookie shoezzz” - Ryeowook tried putting on his shoes by himself. He even pushed Heechul away when the parent tried to help - “By myzeff” 


“Sure” - Heechul rolled his eyes - “I will give you five minutes. If you are not ready in that time, Daddy will do it for you” 


Ryeowook nodded in understanding. Leeteuk was pleased as Heechul found a way to set some simple rules for the toddler. Kyuhyun was also trying hard but he seemed to struggle. 


“Done” - Ryeowook showed his shoes to the parent - “Wookie rweady” 


“Good” - Heechul praised not making it a big deal since Kyuhyun failed - “I’m just going to make sure they won’t fall” 


Heechul checked the boy’s shoes as he thought Ryeowook could have made a mistake. Actually, it was pretty well done considering a small toddler did it. 


“Get into your stroller” - Heechul instructed - “Good boy. Wear your— exactly” 


Ryeowook was now able to follow simple instructions. He seemed to be proud of his achievements. The smaller toddler even helped his twin brother with simple tasks like fastening his belt or taking off his shirt. Funny thing was: height difference already reached a point where it was too obvious. Kyuhyun was really big compared to Ryeowook. The youngest twin was way taller and it was funny to see them walking next to each other. 


Leeteuk was relieved to find that if Ryeowook was smart, was because of Heechul. For every single thing the toddler did, Heechul had a solution. That included attaching ‘monster’ pictures to the baby fences and telling the boy that ‘the monster will get angry if you unlock it’. 


“You two did well today” - Leeteuk praised after a successful trip to the park - “You are really well behaved” 


“Kyu nackzzz” - Kyuhyun asked the babysitter showing both hands - “Pwease. Kyu Hungwy” 


“Sure, I will give it to you” - Leeteuk walked to the kitchen followed by two interested toddlers - “Would you like a sandwich?” 


“Zz’wich!” - Kyuhyun was now excited 


“I will take that as a yes” - Leeteuk opened the fridge and as soon as he did Ryeowook tried to get close - “Oh no, honey you are going to get cold. Watch your fingers, I’m closing the gate” 


Ryeowook was curious. He kept observing what Leeteuk did and tried to copy. Kyuhyun was more interested in eating. 


“Beep beep” - Leeteuk got startled when Ryeowook pressed random buttons on the microwave - “Beeeeeep!”


“Don’t do that” - Leeteuk tried. The triplets also loved to press buttons. They loved the sound - “You are not supposed to do that” 


“Wookie mawez z’which” - Ryeowook tried grabbing two slices of bread - “Cheeze” 


“You can’t eat cheese” - Leeteuk laughed at the toddler’s try - “You know that” 


“Littlwe” - Ryeowook tried using his cuteness - “Pweeeease” 


“No” - Leeteuk was firm about it - “You are cute but I am not giving you cheese because you can’t eat it” 


“Wookie lowes cheeze” - Ryeowook folded his arms - “Pwease~ Wookie good” 


Leeteuk couldn’t believe it when he saw Kyuhyun trying to convince him as well to feed his brother cheese. 


“Sticker” - Kyuhyun offered the nanny- “Wookie cheeze?” 


“Not because you give me stickers I’m letting your brother eat cheese” 


“Pweeeeease” - Kyuhyun even kissed him - “Wookie wantz cheeze” 


“Hi, little rascals” - Heechul entered the kitchen - “What are you guys up to?”


“They want me to prepare cheese sandwiches” - Leeteuk shook his head - “They are trying hard” 


“I want a tuna sandwich” - Heechul found a tuna can - “Can you do it for me?” 


Ryeowook got interested. 


“Mmmm~ so Tasty” - Heechul did it on purpose - “This is way better than cheese”


“Pwease give Wookie tuna!” - Ryeowook wanted Heechul’s sandwich now 


Leeteuk laughed. Heechul knew him better. 


“Henry fell asleep” - Heechul was talking with Leeteuk while the kids enjoyed their sandwiches- “He called me Dada again and I swear he learned another word but I can’t figure it out what it is” 


Leeteuk left out a big sigh when he caught Kyuhyun ‘feeding’ his penguin plush. Apparently the toddler had made the connection that if tuna was fish, and penguins ate fish, then penguins must eat tuna. Heechul laughed but he now had to wash a poor penguin doll that smelled funny. 


“Kyunnie poop” - Ryeowook pointed at his brother squatting- “Loo’ “ 


“I know” - Heechul found hilarious how Ryeowook would go around telling everyone those kind of stuff - “Don’t bother him. Give him some privacy” 


“Pwivacy” - Ryeowook didn’t understand that word yet. He went to look for the wet wipes package and a clean diaper. His brother would need that. 


“Hewe” - Ryeowook offered Heechul- “Kyu diapey” 


Leeteuk was surprised by Ryeowook’s doing but Heechul just smiled playfully to the kid. 


“You forgot the baby powder” - Heechul teased 


Ryeowook ran at full speed to the nursery and then came back with the powder. Heechul loved testing Ryeowook. 


“Thanks” - Heechul ruffled the boy’s hair - “Now I can change your brother’s diaper” 


“Wookie help” - Ryeowook jumped cheerfully 


“Oh no, that is a no no” - Heechul rejected the little helper - “That could be messy” 


“HEWP! WOOKIE HEWP!” - Ryeowook started a tantrum just because of the refusal - “HEWWWWP!”


“Go help Leeteuk~ he said he needed help” 


Leeteuk widened his eyes. He would have rather changed Kyuhyun’s diaper than having Ryeowook as a helper. The boy had good intentions but he was still a toddler after all. 


Ryeowook worked hard organizing his brothers’s shoes. Leeteuk had to think in a few simple tasks the toddler could do. It was funny seeing how Ryeowook would return to him and ask him for something else to do. Even after lunch, Ryeowook kept following Leeteuk everywhere waiting for instructions. Lucky for the babysitter, the other kids considered it as a game and started asking Ryeowook to do things. 


“Please bring me my math book” - Kangin ordered - “Not That one! The other one!”


Ryeowook returned quickly holding the correct one. He smiled shyly as Kangin praised him. Now it was Yesung’s turn. 


“I need a new pencil” - Yesung showed the boy how his pencil looked like - “Can you bring me one?”


Ryeowook did as taught. He gave the pencil to his brother and waited for more instructions. 


“I’m thirsty” - Siwon commented 


Ryeowook took that as a request and went to the kitchen trying to look for water. He came back holding his own water bottle. 


“Not that” - Siwon laughed - “That’s yours. I don’t want yours” 


“Uh?” - Ryeowook seemed confused. He went back to the kitchen and tried looking for something else. 


Heechul found the boy playing inside a cupboard. He sighed when he realized Ryeowook had taken out every single thing that used to be inside. 


“Having fun?” - Heechul carried the boy - “It’s nap time” 


“NUUUUH!” - Ryeowook protested as he was held against his will - “Wonnie watttteeee!”


“I already gave him a cup with water” - Heechul carried the kid upstairs - “Nap time~ nap time~” 


“Where is Ryeowook? I need my eraser” - Kangin looked around - “Wook?”


“He went to sleep” - Leeteuk was exhausted- “He had been working hard today” 


“I think is cute he wants to help” - Kangin giggled - “He is clumsy but that’s because he is small” 


“I would like to take him with me to the classroom” - Yesung chuckled - “Our teacher would love having a helper like him” 


“In just a few weeks I will be a first grader” - Kangin seemed happy - “I cant wait for it” 


“There is nothing special in first grade” - Yesung smiled - “Its pretty much the same as kindergarten. Just a little harder” 


“I want to become part of the baseball team” - Kangin daydreamed - “I’m going to be so cool once I turn seven” 


“There is still a lot of time for that” - Yesung laughed - “I have to turn eight first” 


Leeteuk found funny the kids’s conversations. Doing homework together was always fun despite sometimes being messy thanks to the triplets. Leeteuk had taught the kids to sit at the same hour all days to make their homework. Not only it taught them discipline but also created a bond between the boys as they had to sit together. Heechul often checked the homework the kids did right after dinner. He would even check the boys’s notebooks and their teachers reports about them. Leeteuk was observing how the kids did their homework when he spotted a weird envelope in Yesung’s notebook. 


“What is this? A love letter?” - The babysitter teased - “It fell. Here” 


“Give it back, silly” - Yesung snatched the letter - “It’s from my room teacher. She sent it to my uncle but I haven’t given it to him yet. I really hope it’s not a love letter ” 


“Are they going to date?” - Kangin asked annoyed - “Ewww” 


“I don’t think is love letter” - Leeteuk laughed - “Its probably about you, Yesung. Haven’t you read it?”


“Why would I?” - Yesung folded his arms annoyed - “It’s not for me” 


“You are right” - Leeteuk was proud of the boy’s honesty - “I will take it to Heechul, he must be bored upstairs” 


Heechul had fallen asleep. Leeteuk found it funny as they always teased the twins’s nap time was also Heechul’s. 


“Teuk? Dinner ?” - Heechul was still half asleep. He thought Leeteuk was there to tell him it was dinner time - “I fell asleep~ again” 


“It’s alright, there is still some minutes left for dinner” - Leeteuk smiled - “Here. I found this inside Yesung’s notebook. He says his room teacher sent it to you” 


“Uhm” - Heechul sat and took the letter out of its envelope. He read really fast and then twisted his lips - “Ugh”


“Something wrong?” - Leeteuk worried 


“Read it yourself” - Heechul offered the letter to the curious nanny 


“These are actually good news” - Leeteuk felt happy as he read the letter - “It says Yesung Can skip a year and become a third grader!” 


“Uhum” - Heechul groaned - “There is no way that is happening” 


“Wait... why Not? Isn’t every parents dream their child is smart and—“ 


“Stop” - Heechul shook his head - “Yesung doesn’t need that crap now. Making him skip a year could have consequences” 




“He barely plays with other kids that are his age” - Heechul sighed - “Being The youngest in a new class could bring him troubles. What if he never adapts?” 


“Here says you can try for a week and then take a decision” - Leeteuk shuddered- “Why don’t we let him choose?” 


“No” - Heechul refused to listen - “I already took MY decision” 


“Aren’t you being a little selfish? Maybe Yesung does want to skip a year” - Leeteuk wondered if the teacher had already spoken with the boy about it - “You can’t stop his development just because it’s easier for you” 


Heechul started ignoring Leeteuk and pretended he was sleeping again. Even during dinner, Heechul remained quiet and the kids noticed it. 


“It’s about the letter isn’t it?” - Yesung asked Leeteuk - “He already read it” 


“Do you know...?”


“My teacher had a talk with me” - Yesung sighed - “She said I was ready for third grade and that I could skip second grade If I wanted to” 


“And?” - Leeteuk wanted to make sure Yesung didn’t feel pressured to please anyone - “What do you think ?”


“I don’t know” - Yesung didn’t seem very interested- “I think it must be cool to skip a year because that means one year less of school” 


“What about your classmates?” 


“I don’t really have any friend in my class” - Yesung pouted - “I mean, we play together but no one picks me as ‘best friend’. I haven’t been invited to a single birthday party yet...” 


Leeteuk pitied the boy for that. Heechul had commented him several times his fears about Yesung not making friends at school. The parent thought it was because Yesung got into the class months later than his classmates as he changed schools during the year but Leeteuk realized that could not be the answer. 


“Aren’t you scared of older kids?” 


“Why would I? They can’t be worse than the kids at the other school” - Yesung didn’t understand Leeteuk’s concern - “I mean, they were my age and still hit me all the time” 


Yesung had a point. Maybe one year of difference wasn’t that much. Leeteuk was still doubting how to convince Heechul about it. 


“I know uncle doesn’t want me to skip a year” - Yesung did a funny face - “it’s ok. I don’t want to cause troubles... I will do whatever he wants” 


(Oh honey, don’t worry. There is still a few weeks until new school year begins. Just leave it to me) Leeteuk smiled sweetly 



Ryeowook woke up really energetic next day. The boy was giving Leeteuk a headache since early morning as he couldn’t stop running around the mansion playing with everything he found. Nothing could stop him.


“He is driving me crazy” - Leeteuk said bitterly as he cleaned the mess Ryeowook did playing with soap - “We can’t live like this” 


“What are you talking about? He is just a curious child” - Heechul was also exhausted but he couldn’t get mad at Ryeowook- “Just Let him be” 


“Why are you like This?” - Leeteuk attacked - “When it is about Ryeowook then everything it’s fine but when it is about Yesung—“


“They are both different” - Heechul cut him coldly - “You can’t compare “ 


“Oh no, I Can” - Leeteuk continued - “Yesung wants to be a third grader and you won’t let him try because YOU are scared. However, you won’t dare to put obstacles in Ryeowook’s way” 


“I don’t see your point” - Heechul faked ignorance as he scrubbed the floor trying to erase Ryeowook’s art


“I’m sure you do” - Leeteuk sighed - “You are scared that if Yesung skips a year now, in a future you won’t be able to stop Ryeowook from doing so”


“If you know that, then why you torture me?” - Heechul threw the wet cloth against the floor annoyed - “None of them will skip a year. Period” 


“You are being selfish. You don’t want to let Yesung do what he wants because you are scared Ryeowook or any other of them will use it against you in a few years. You feel guilty for it and—“


“stop” - Heechul stood up and walked to the door - “It’s not about Ryeowook, you silly. It’s about Kyuhyun. It’s about Donghae ” 




“Yesung doesn’t have a twin” - Heechul shook his head - “No one will compare Kangin with him because they were born in different years. Have you ever thought how would Donghae feel if Sungmin skips a year and he doesn’t? How would feel Kyuhyun when Ryeowook skips two? I know that I’m being selfish with Yesung, but if I let him skip that year, then I won’t have any excuse to avoid the others from



“You are worrying for something that could or could not happen” - Leeteuk said calmly - “You can’t see the future” 


“The future is right there in front of us” - Heechul hissed as he pointed at the twins - “One of them is moving way faster than the other. If I’m going to be fair with Yesung then I should be fair with Ryeowook as well” 


“What are you...? I thought you were spoiling Ryeowook not being unfair” - Leeteuk was lost 


“Dont you see it?” - Heechul was about to cry - “Come with me” 


Leeteuk followed Heechul without asking twice. The parent took both twins to daycare and had a talk with one of the teachers. Leeteuk didnt understand what was going on. 


“This would be the class” - the teacher said as she opened the door - “Do you want to try?” 


“WOOKIE’S FWIENDZZZ!” - Ryeowook stormed inside the classroom at full speed. Leeteuk started realizing his own mistake. 


“Dada! No! Hug me!” - Kyuhyun started climbing Heechul - “NO HEWE!”


“Do you want to go back home?” - Heechul asked 


“Ung!” - Kyuhyun was frightened. He didn’t want to be there. 


Ryeowook ignored Heechul’s calling a few times and got upset when the parent tried to hold his hand. 


“Do you want to stay here with the teacher and your friends?” - Heechul tried - “Kyuhyun and I will go back home with Henry. You would be staying alone” 


Ryeowook doubted for a few seconds and looked around. He seemed to be in a dilemma and Leeteuk was now sure of what Heechul meant when he told him he had been unfair before. 


“Hewe” - Ryeowook pouted - “Wookie stayz hewe” 


The boy didn’t wait a single second and turned his back to his caregivers. He walked to the teachers and sat with the other young toddlers without looking back. 


Leeteuk hoped for the boy to run at them and end it all but it didn’t happen. They observed Ryeowook playing cheerfully for a while until Heechul gestured Leeteuk to get going. 


“NUH! TWIN! WOOKIE!” - Kyuhyun was crying with all his heart - “NOOO!” 


“Buddy, listen” - Heechul tried to calm the boy - “Ryeowook is fine. He just wants to play with his friends and—“


“NOOOO!” - Kyuhyun’s heart was obviously hurt - “HOME! WOOKIE HOME!”


Leeteuk felt guilty. He didn’t expect Ryeowook to stay inside the classroom without troubles. He thought the toddler wasn’t ready for daycare but there he was following instructions like any other child. He seemed happy. Kyuhyun was in despair. 


“I will let Yesung skip that year” - Heechul announced- “But I will also allow Ryeowook to start daycare. Thats being fair”


Kyuhyun cried all the way back home. Leeteuk didn’t expect Heechul being ready to separate from Ryeowook. The babysitter was nervous as the shortest twin wasn’t in his sight anymore. 


“When did you realize it?” - Leeteuk asked in a low voice as he tried to console Kyuhyun 


“Ryeowook gets bored here” - Heechul sighed - “That’s why he keeps testing our patience. You once told me kids weren’t good expressing their feelings and found other ways to do it rather than just talking. Ryeowook cant even speak two sentences but he wanted us to know he was getting bored here” 


Leeteuk couldn’t deny he was hoping for the daycare teacher called any moment and told Heechul his son wanted to go home. It didn’t happen. What did happened was that Kyuhyun threw up from crying too much, refused to eat and started an awful tantrum that lasted two whole hours. 


“Kyu, I’m going to look for Ryeowook” - Heechul called - “If you want to come stop crying” 


Kyuhyun ran at full speed and got into his side of the stroller. Leeteuk cleaned the boy’s face and hoped for him to not make a show during their outing. 


Heechul waited in front of the classroom like he always did with the triplets. As soon as the door opened a bunch of young toddlers ran to their parents. 


Ryeowook got excited as soon as he saw Heechul. He hugged him with a big smile.


“Hi buddy” - Heechul carried the kid - “Did you have fun?”


“Ung! Wookie Pway’d with pwaydooh” - Ryeowook seemed happy- “Wowmz”


“Oh~ sounds cool” - Heechul kissed the boy - “Didn’t you miss me?” 


“Wookie Pway fwiendz” - Ryeowook kept talking non stop 


Kyuhyun wanted to get noticed so badly. Leeteuk carried the twin and hoped for Ryeowook to at least say hi to him. 


“WOOKIEE!” - Kyuhyun was finally smiling - “TWIN” 


Ryeowook looked at Kyuhyun and smiled. Then he went back to explaining Heechul his long story about all he did in daycare. 


“Say bye bye to your teachers” - Heechul waved as well - “Are you coming back tomorrow?”


“UNG!” - Ryeowook nodded. Kyuhyun cried again. Leeteuk’s heart broke. 


Yesung got really happy when Heechul agreed to let him try skipping a year. Leeteuk had a new problem as Kyuhyun wouldn’t stop crying the whole morning now that his twin wasn’t around. 


“He is coming back later” - Leeteuk tried to explain - “We Can play together until he returns” 


“NUH! Wookie! Kyu Wanna Wookie!” - Kyuhyun kept throwing toys all around. 


At daycare, Ryeowook was having a blast. Everything was so cool for him. He had many classmates to play with, a lot of crayons, new toys, a park where the teachers let him play, food, a cute restroom designed for toddlers... it was like a paradise for the young boy. He got even happier when he got to see his brothers. The triplets were in the classroom next to his and shared some of the activities with the younger class. 


Kyuhyun got grounded after hitting Henry with a plush. Leeteuk felt bad for the toddler but Heechul gave him a time out for misbehaving. 


“I change my mind” - Leeteuk sulked - “You were right. It’s just too hard for him” 


“Too late” - Heechul shook his head - “I cant just go and tell Ryeowook he is not going back to daycare until Kyuhyun is ready. The kid would hate me. Also, the psychologist said it was good for him and his insecurities” 


“Kyuhyun won’t survive without Ryeowook” - Leeteuk felt truly sorry for the boy - “He keeps refusing to eat. This morning he even refused to have breakfast when he saw Ryeowook was wearing his new uniform” 


“He looked so cute” - Heechul smiled remembering how the boy looked - “I took several pictures. My heart hurts as my baby is ready to leave the nest for a few hours. Good thing is that now I have more time for Henry and the company as I don’t have to chase after him all morning. He also comes home in a better mood so I get lots of kisses~~~” 


“I must admit that I miss him” - Leeteuk now felt the mansion a little empty - “Kyuhyun was used to having his brother next to him. Now that he is gone for a few hours, the kid is just upset” 


Ryeowook returned home in a very good mood again. He loved going to daycare. The kid became more talkative since he started attending classes and was now easier to handle. In just a week, Ryeowook had changed so much. He cried less and didn’t get upset like before. He wasn’t that clingy as well. 


“Wookie lweand a zon’ daycawe” - Ryeowook was singing his own version of the song 


“Wow! Very good! Very good!” - Heechul clapped amused - “You should teach it to Kyuhyun” 


“Uhum” - Ryeowook nodded - “Kyuuuuu~” 


Leeteuk didn’t see that coming. Not even in his craziest dreams he would have expected Kyuhyun to hit his twin. 


“UWAAA!” - Ryeowook cried loudly as he got hurt twice. One from the hit, and one from the fact it was Kyuhyun who did it - “DADAAAA!” 


“Whats wrong with you? He is your twin” - Heechul held the hurt toddler - “Look what you did” 


“No twin” - Kyuhyun shook his head - “Kyu no twin. Wookie no twin” 


Leeteuk froze. After being sad, Kyuhyun was now angry at his brother. 


“Go ‘way” - Kyuhyun even refused to sit next to Ryeowook- “No liwe you” 


Ryeowook was hurt now. He kept trying to get closer to Kyuhyun but the tallest twin would just walk away. 


“No Pway...?” - Ryeowook was confused - “Kyu no pway...” 


It got worse. By nap time, Kyuhyun made sure of leaving clear he didn’t want to sleep next to Ryeowook. During bath time, Kyuhyun even went out of the bathtub and said he wasn’t bathing with him. 


“Sshhh, shhh” - Heechul was trying to make Ryeowook sleep. The boy was just restless as he didn’t understand why his twin behaved like that - “It’s alright~ it’s alright~” 


Leeteuk thought that Kyuhyun would like to know that Ryeowook wouldn’t go to daycare on weekends but the boy was so mad for the previous days that he just ignored Ryeowook all the time. 


“Kyu! Don’t be mean to him!” - Kangin scolded after seeing how Ryeowook cried - “He is hurt!” 


“Kyu Huwtz too!” - Kyuhyun stomped his feet - “NO TWIN!”


“Ryeowook is so sad” - Yesung worried - “Why is Kyu being so mean to him?”


“Maybe he is upset because Ryeowook went to daycare” - Leeteuk explained - “I always thought Heechul would be the one crying when that happened but...” 


Somehow, Heechul wasn’t affected by all the chaos. He kept telling Leeteuk the youngest twin will eventually get adjusted to it. Leeteuk wasnt so sure of it. A new week started and the boys went to school. Leeteuk got scared as he lost sight of the youngest twin. He found it playing in his room. 


“Are you ok? What are you doing here?” - Leeteuk found weird the fact Kyuhyun was so silent - “Are you sad?” 


“Wookie lewft” - Kyuhyun wiped his tears - “He bye bye” 


“He spent the whole weekend chasing after you and you ignored him” - Leeteuk didn’t understand at all - “He went to daycare today. Today is Monday” 


Kyuhyun felt uneasy. He didn’t know how he felt. He was sad, angry, lonely, scared and more. He wasn’t sure of what to do. He just wanted things to be like before: only him and Ryeowook playing together all the morning. 


“Kyu ztupid?” - Kyuhyun asked with tears - “Wookie zmat. He pee potty”


“Oh no, sweetheart” - Leeteuk hugged the toddler - “Its not because you are still in diapers. You could go to daycare in diapers” 


“Nuh... Scawy” - Kyuhyun shook his head - “No Dada. No Ukwe. No home... Kyu liwes home” 


“You are still... not ready” - Leeteuk sighed - “I know you don’t want to go to daycare. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to” 


“Wookie iz in daycawe” - Kyuhyun sulked - “Kyu wanna be with twin. Twinz togwethwe”


“Do you want to go to daycare?”


“Nuh” - Kyuhyun held Leeteuk tightly - “Wookie no Go” 


“Are you saying your twin should stay home?”


Kyuhyun nodded. 


“That’s being selfish” - Heechul commented from the door frame. Apparently he had been listening for a while - “You know Ryeowook loves daycare”


“Mowe tha’ Kyu” - Kyuhyun cried sadly 


“I don’t think he loves daycare more than you” - Heechul sat next to the crying boy - “But it’s not fair to make him stay here just because you are not ready”


Leeteuk found Heechul’s words strange. Not because he wasn’t right but because somehow it felt like they weren’t just for the toddler. 


“I miss him a lot” - Heechul confessed - “My mornings feel empty now that Ryeowook isn’t creating chaos” 


“Me too. I used to fight a lot with him but I miss him” - Leeteuk admitted- “I never thought I would miss him so much” 


Kyuhyun seemed calmer now. Somehow, realizing he wasn’t the only one feeling that way brought him peace. At least, he wasn’t alone. 


“Wookie” - Kyuhyun pointed at the clock 


“Mmm” - Heechul looked at the clock - “Not yet. When it gets here, then it’s time to go look for Wookie” 


Kyuhyun nodded. He stared at the clock all the time. He wanted to have his twin back to tell him how much he loved him. 


“Its time” - Leeteuk announced 


Kyuhyun jumped excited. He was ready to go look for him. He got into his stroller without protesting and kept urging Heechul to walk faster. 


“WOOKIEEE!” - Kyuhyun shouted when he saw his brother going out of the classroom - “TWIIIIN!”


Ryeowook smiled widely. He was so happy to see Kyuhyun smiling at him that he couldn’t move. 


“He is frozen” - Heechul laughed amused - “So funny!”


“WOOKIEEEE!” - Kyuhyun was the one running to his twin - “I LOVE YOU”


“Kyu~~~” - Ryeowook hugged his brother. He was so happy to see him there waiting for him. 


Leeteuk was glad that the twins were friends again. Heechul was also thinking their familiar drama had ended when he spotted the triplets fighting each other. 


“Mr Kim...” - One of the teachers approached him - “The kids got into an argument this morning and they haven’t stopped since then”


Heechul freaked out when he saw Donghae hit Eunhyuk right in his face. Sungmin was just crying. 


Leeteuk worried. The triplets were always teasing each other and having silly arguments as they played together all the time. However, they have never fought at daycare... instead, their teachers were surprised to hear they often did at home. Heechul liked to say the triplets behaved better at daycare than home. 


“Hey Hey hey” - Heechul kept separating the three boys at the mansion - “Stop! I’m getting angry!”


“Sorry” - The kids apologized automatically


“Why are you fighting?” - Leeteuk wondered what could have possible caused their fight. It’s not like toddlers needed a big excuse to start one, but still, it always helped to know what caused it. 


“BECAUSE!” - Eunhyuk was mad - “DONGHAE STUPID!”


“NOT STUPID!” - Donghae stomped his feet - “MINNIE’S FAULT!”


“NO! MINNIE DID WELL!” - Sungmin folded his arms annoyed - “HYUKKIE CLUMSY!” 


“I don’t understand what’s going on” - Heechul sighed - “Do you have any idea?” 


“Nope” - Leeteuk was also clueless 


“Are they still fighting?” - Siwon tilted his head. The adults forgot about the fact he also attended daycare. Maybe he had a clue. 


“Honey, do you know what started the fight?” - Leeteuk tried - “Did you see what happened?”


“Well, it was a game” - Siwon scratched his head - “And they lost. They were a team” 


“Ahhh” - Heechul knew about those silly games. Siwon also came back home crying once after he lost - “They should forbid those games” 


“Its fun” - Siwon shrank his shoulders - “I like them” 


“When you win” - Heechul twisted his lips - “You are also kinda competitive” 


“I know” - Siwon got cocky - “That’s why I barely lose” 


Heechul rolled his eyes. Kangin and Siwon were like that when it came to games. They hated losing. The triplets were often ok with it, but apparently, they weren’t happy this time. 


“It was just a game” - Heechul tried negotiating- “Did you lose something? I mean, was there a prize?” 


“No...” - The triplets replied sadly. Their pride was the only thing hurt. 


“Then, it doesn’t matter” - Heechul continued - “What happened back there it doesn’t matter. You guys lost the game but it’s alright” 


“No” - Eunhyuk shook his head - “Hae’s fault” 


“Minnie’s fault” - Donghae replied 


“Hyuk’s fault” - Sungmin pouted 


“It doesn’t matter whose fault it was!” - Heechul was going crazy - “I don’t care who started it, I just want it to end” 


The triplets stopped fighting but that didn’t mean things went back to normal. Instead, the kids decided to play separated from each other... just that they weren’t used to play alone, so they searched for new playmates. Donghae chose Siwon as his new playmate, both boys loved cars and Siwon liked the triplet that would play the way he wanted. Sungmin ended playing with his younger siblings: he was full of patience and found them cute. Eunhyuk... decided to follow Yesung everywhere. Leeteuk and Heechul didn’t understand at all why the second triplet would follow his older brother if they didn’t have anything in common. They found the answer hours later when Yesung complained about Eunhyuk driving him crazy. 


“Do something!” - Yesung was mad - “I don’t care about their fight! I just want Eunhyuk to stop following me! He keeps trying to drive me crazy!” 


“I think he already did” - Heechul had to admit Eunhyuk was worse than chewing candy with a cavity as he liked to tease Yesung’s patience - “But I cant stop him... How do I tell him his older brother doesn’t want to play with him?” 


“Fine” - Yesung pouted. He didn’t want the toddler chasing after him all day but it wasn’t like he hated him or something. He didn’t want him to feel his brother didn’t love him - “I will be patient” 


“Thanks, sweetheart” - Leeteuk praised the boy’s good heart - “You are such a great help” 


“Go Go Henry!” - Sungmin cheered as the youngest family member stood - “You Can do itttt!” 


“Henry is having a blast with Sungmin” - Leeteuk smiled seeing the young baby trying to walk as he held the edge of the couch - “He just learned to stand and keeps trying to give his first steps. I think Sungmin is a wonderful big brother. The twins also love him a lot” 


“And there is Donghae being all calm and sweet despite being under Siwon’s rules” - Heechul shook his head - “The triplets are just so... different. I wonder how much time will they stay like this” 


“Well, at least those two are back to normal” - Leeteuk tilted his head as he observed the lovey dovey twins. The duo was so happy to be friends again that kept showing their love in funny ways. 


Ryeowook was rubbing his face against Kyuhyun’s one. The taller twin just replied by hugging his brother while making cute sounds. Ryeowook kissed him. Kyuhyun kissed back and started his hair. 


“Those two are dating” - Heechul found it cute and therefore recorded several videos - “Just look at them” 


At night time, Leeteuk even had to separate the twins a little bit as they fell asleep cuddling together really close. Next morning seemed to be normal, so the adults thought everything was solved and the triplets went back to being the good brothers they were. 


“No cwy~~~ I back latwe...” - Ryeowook consoled his twin brother that just started crying when Heechul announced it was time to go to school - “No zad” 


Kyuhyun kept sobbing. He didn’t want Ryeowook to feel bad but he just couldn’t control himself as he knew his twin would be away for a few hours. He even offered Ryeowook his beloved penguin plush thinking that his twin would like to have it. Ryeowook hugged it. Kyuhyun felt better as he thought Ryeowook would be ‘safer’ if he had the penguin with him. 


“What is he doing?” - Heechul asked amused to Leeteuk - “Kyuhyun never shares that penguin” 


“That penguin is one of those toys” - Leeteuk explained - “You know... like the teddy bear you can’t go to sleep without and so” 


“Yeah but he gave it to Wook” - Heechul scratched his head seeing how Ryeowook gave Kiki to Kyuhyun - “And now Kiki is with Kyuhyun”


“They feel safe with those toys and they think that the other will be safe if he is with it” - Leeteuk found it so cute - “Basically, they worry for each other. Both twins want his brother to be safe” 


“Bye~~~” - Ryeowook hugged Kyuhyun one last time. Kyuhyun cried a lot while he saw Heechul taking the kids into the van. Ryeowook waved goodbye from his seat. 


As soon as the car was gone, Kyuhyun ran to the small clock Heechul gifted him so he could know when it was time for Ryeowook to come back home. The toddler would take the little plastic clock everywhere. Heechul even helped him set an alarm so he could know the exact time his twin was coming back, but still, the toddler wouldn’t separate from the clock. 


Henry was doing his best effort to walk. Leeteuk founf hilarious the boy’s face as he tried to stand by himself. 


“Hewy~~~” - Kyuhyun was also pleased by Henry’s new skill of holding furniture’s edges - “Hewyyyy~ Hewyyyy” 


The baby bounced as he listened his name being called. He smiled a lot and that brought happiness to the house. Heechul was working in his office when he heard Kyuhyun having an argument with the babysitter. 


“Come on” - Leeteuk was trying to convince the toddler - “Don’t make it harder” 


“Kyu, whats going— Oh my God The smell” - Heechul wrinkled his nose - “Someone pooped” 


“Yes, he did” - Leeteuk pointed at the fussy toddler - “But he won’t let me change his diaper. He doesn’t want to go to the nursery and lay on the table like a good boy” 


“Ptfff!” - Kyuhyun stuck out his tongue - “Kyu no goin’ thewe!” 


“Why Not?” - Heechul sighed. Lately, he didn’t know which of his kids had the worst temper - “You smell. You can’t stay like that” 


“Doow” - Kyuhyun pointed at the front door - “Wookie back~ Kyu waitz hewe” 


“Are you waiting for your brother to come back?” - Heechul tried to understand - “Ryeowook is still at daycare, he won’t come back until the clock rings ok?” 


“But...” - Kyuhyun was reluctant. He wanted his brother to come home as soon as possible. He didn’t care what the clock said - “Wookie...” 


“There is still one hour left” - Heechul took the small clock and showed it to the toddler - “See? Ryeowook comes out at 13:00. One three zero zero” 


“One... thwee... zewo zewo” - Kyuhyun tried repeating. He noticed his own mistake and cried - “two...” 


“Yeah, that’s number two” - Heechul pointed at the numbers - “Because it’s just 12:00 o clock” 


Kyuhyun let Leeteuk changed his diaper but the boy was now upset. He wanted Ryeowook to come back home soon. He even had planned which games he wanted to play once his twin came back. 


The clock alarm sounded. Kyuhyun jumped excited. He hurried Heechul to go and look for his twin. 


“Me too” - Kyuhyun searched for the diaper bag - “Kyu too”


“Oh no, you are not coming” - Heechul shook his head - “If you are coming I won’t be able to fit all of you in my car. I really don’t feel like walking with this weather” 


Heechul was right. Even if his van could fit 12 people at once, baby seats took a lot of space and the number of passengers was reduced to 8... so he could only sit seven kids plus himself. This was also one of the main reasons Heechul disliked outings that involved car rides. Having seven kids that still used special seats, meant that his car wouldn’t be able to fit as many people as he liked. 


“Again, it’s not that I don’t want to” - Heechul sulked - “It’s just that I can’t” 


“KYU TOO! KYU TOO!” - Kyuhyun wailed on the floor 


“Forget about it” - Leeteuk sighed - “You are going to be late and I am sure it’s going to rain” 


“I know” - Heechul shook his head - “Kyuhyun, I promise I will bring your twin back. Just wait here” 


Kyuhyun was upset but at least, Ryeowook was coming home so... he decided he would stop crying. He decided to just wait by the window so he could see the very moment his siblings came back. 


Leeteuk worried when the weather went wild and rain fell loudly. Henry got scared thanks to the loud sounds and started crying. Kyuhyun also wanted to cry... he loved rain and didn’t have fear of lightings and thunders. But his twin did. Ryeowook hated loud sounds. He often got scared during storms. 


“Wookie...” - Kyuhyun stared at the window hoping for his twin to be alright. It made him nervous. He wanted his twin to come home safely. 



“WAAAH!” - Ryeowook cried scared again - “DADAAA! DADAAA! Uhuuu! Thwunweeee!”


The triplets were holding hands. They forgot about their argument. They just wanted to get home. 


“Sorry kids” - Heechul sighed - “We have no choice... traffic jam is a thing and since it’s raining, we need to be careful”


“I trust you” - Yesung wasn’t scared - “You are a good driver” 


“I’m hungry~” - Kangin stretched - “I wonder what are we going to eat today” 


Another lighting. Ryeowook cried again. 


“Boys, Can you keep an eye on Wook? He is scared” - Heechul felt sorry as he couldn’t pay attention to the boy since he was busy driving - “Please console him” 


Ryeowook was frightened. At times like that, he would hold Kyuhyun’s hand. His twin wasn’t afraid of thunders and he had said many times that he would protect him. Ryeowook was about to cry again when Yesung started playing silly tricks using a penguin plush. 


“Kyu...” - Ryeowook smiled a bit. That’s right, he wasn’t alone. Kyuhyun gave him his penguin right? That wasn’t as nice as having his twin next to him but the penguin reminded him his brother - “Kyu Wewi” 


“Do you want it?” - Yesung offered the plush to the boy. Ryeowook took it and hugged it tightly - “It’s ok. Don’t be scared~ I will protect you” 


“Ung~” - Ryeowook wiped his tears. He had many siblings that would protect him. He couldn’t be scared of rain if he was surrounded by them. 


Even being trapped in a traffic jam, Heechul had a silly smile that many people would have considered crazy considering his fate. 


———— (many years ago) —————-



“I’m scared, I’m scared, I’m scared” - a young Heechul shivered in his bed while he saw the Windows’s turning white in a flash - “IM SCAREEED!” 


No one would come to his room. He was afraid and alone. He had wet the bed again and was sure his fate wouldn’t be better as the storm continued. His father was out of town thanks to a business trip and his mother was in the hospital with a sick baby Donghee. The babysitters had a deep sleep.


“Stupid baby” - Heechul hissed as he heard another thunder - “Stupid storm” 


The boy was having the worst time of his life when suddenly someone the lights. 


“Heechul? Are you alright?” - Gunhee yawned - “I swear I heard you crying” 


“GUNHEE” - Heechul ran outside the bed to greet his brother - “DONT GO AWAY! PLEASE!” 


“Hey, you wet the bed again” - Gunhee flicked Heechul’s forehead - “Mom will scold you for it” 


“Uhm...” - Heechul blushed - “I don’t care. I’m scared” 


“You are four” - Gunhee showed the number with his hand - “it’s normal to be scared. Storms are horrible” 


“Stay with me” - Heechul rubbed his eyes - “I cant sleep” 


“Your bed is wet” - Gunhee sighed - “There is no way I’m sleeping there” 


“Uhm” - Heechul looked down. He was heading back to his bed when he saw his brother searching in his closet. 


“Silly boy” - Gunhee sighed amused - “You can’t stay wet. You will get a cold~ here. Let’s change your clothes ” 


Heechul smiled a bit. At least he would enjoy his brother for a little longer. 


“I Can do it myself” - Heechul protested when Gunhee offered to help him wash - “I know how to do it” 


“Are those comfy enough? I don’t want you to get cold” - Gunhee shook his head - “Go pee. We don’t want another accident, right?” 


“I can’t pee with you here” - Heechul folded his arms annoyed 


“Oh? That stupid. I used to take you to the potty, little kid” - Gunhee teased - “Fine, Silly” 


Heechul changed his mind the moment another lighting crossed the sky. He let Gunhee stayed with him. They were walking together when Heechul realized they weren’t heading back to his room. 


“I already told you I won’t sleep in your wet bed” - Gunhee laughed - “Mine is bigger~ and it’s DRY. You can sleep with me tonight. Just don’t get used to it ok?”


“What is this?” - Heechul pulled out a plush - “Do you still sleep with stuffed animals?” 


“Shhh! Just come here” - Gunhee blushed - “He is my friend. We sleep together all nights ok? But it’s a secret. If you go around telling people about it I swear they are all going to know you wet the bed” 


“Sure” - Heechul held the funny stuffed animal - “I don’t have any stuffed doll I like” 


“You Can take one of mine” - Gunhee yawned - “Except That one” 


“Uhu~ it’s ok” - Heechul shook his head - “I have something better than that” 


“What?” - Gunhee was really sleepy 


“Its a secret” - Heechul yawned softly- “Good night, Gunhee” 


“Good night~~~” 


Gunhee fell asleep first. Heechul cuddled next to his brother and smiled. 


(Its ok. I don’t need stuffed dolls. I have you~ you are way better than a teddy bear) 




“DAAAAAD” - Kangin kicked Heechul’s seat - “RED LIGHT ITS OVEEEEER” 


“Oh Right” - Heechul came back from his day dreaming - “Let’s Go home, ok?” 


Heechul checked the boys using the mirror. Ryeowook was hugging kyuhyun’s penguin really tight. 


(Just a little longer, Wook) 



“Whewe iz twin?” - Kyuhyun sulked as he stared at the window - “Kyu twin... Wookie” 


“They are taking longer than usual because is raining” - Leeteuk was also a bit worried - “I bet they will be here any moment” 


“HEWEEE!” - Kyuhyun jumped excited - “HEWEEE! THEY HEWEEE!” 


“What a relief” - Leeteuk went to help Heechul with the kids followed by a happy toddler - “be careful” 


Heechul helped the triplets and Siwon to get out. Yesung and Kangin were doing good by themselves. Kyuhyun climbed his way into the band before Heechul could stop him. 


“W— oh~~” - Kyuhyun covered his mouth and decided not to shout. Ryeowook was sleeping. The toddler was still hugging the penguin plush tightly. 


“He fell asleep” - Heechul whispered - “I will carry him ok? Let’s not make any noise” 


Kyuhyun nodded. He was happy to see his brother was ok. 


“He must had been exhausted” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly- “He is sleeping so peacefully” 


“here so we can keep an eye on him” - Heechul said as he fixed a few mats for the boy at the living room - “Lets not bother him ok? Let’s go have lunch” 


Kyuhyun sat next to his brother. He was hungry but his stomach could wait. He wanted to stay next to him. 


“Aren’t you hungry?” - Heechul ruffled Kyuhyun’s hair - “It’s kinda late, let’s have lunch” 


Kyuhyun didnt want to go but Heechul carried him to his high chair. At least Leeteuk arranged his chair so he could watch Ryeowook from it. 


“Take this!” - Eunhyuk threw food at Yesung’s hair - “Mwahaha!”


“UNCLE!” - Yesung whined as he tried to get rid of whatever he had in his head now - “Take it off! Help!”


“Hyuk” - Donghae rubbed a good amount of his tomato sauce pasta in his brother’s face - “Red~~~” 


“Hey!” - Heechul protested - “No no! That’s definitely something you shouldn’t do!” 


Sungmin laughed. He found hilarious Heechul’s reaction. The boy made sure of joining his brothers as he got a tomato facial by himself. Kangin made sure of eating as he was hungry and feared for his food. 


Kyuhyun was having fun. Leeteuk tried to stop the toddler but it was already late. Ryeowook woke up thanks to the laughs. He walked to the table still half asleep and found the scene. 


“Bad boys” - Ryeowook twisted his lips and shook his head - “Nuh Uh” 


“He is the only one I can trust” - Heechul sulked - “He and Yesung are the only ones half normal” 


“TWIN!” - Kyuhyun chirped as he saw Ryeowook was awake - “Hewe! Hewe!” 


Leeteuk doubted for a minute if he should sit Ryeowook next to Kyuhyun. Ryeowook got a little disgusted when his twin touched him with his sticky hands full of sauce. 


“Eww” - Ryeowook chuckled - “You diwty” 


Ryeowook grabbed a napkin and tried to clean his brother. He gave up after realizing it was useless as Kyuhyun kept playing with pasta. 


“I surrender” - Leeteuk announced covered in pasta - “Heechul do something” 


“You are missing this spot” - Heechul placed a few spaghettis on Leeteuk’s head - “Done” 


All the kids laughed. Leeteuk couldn’t avoid laughing too. 


“Gozh” - Ryeowook looked at them like if they were crazy - “Whada’ mezz” 


Leeteuk froze. Kim Ryeowook was sure starting to sound like a mini version of Heechul. 


“Aishhh” - Ryeowook complained when Kyuhyun threw pasta at him. He couldn’t get mad at him, so he just smiled. Kyuhyun seemed happy. If his twin was happy... then he was also happy. 


Leeteuk sighed when he saw Heechul was pretending he was an spaghetti monster and Siwon got scared. 


“I’m raising te—“ 


“WHADGAGSHWJA!” - Henry shouted from his chair as he got excited from all

the noise 


“Eleven kids” - Leeteuk corrected 


“Papa~~ you Tasty~~~” - Sungmin ate some of Heechul’s spaghetti hair 




I will give some time for the poll so remember to vote ^^ right now Leeteuk and The twins are leading <3


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it