Inside out 3

Junior Quest

The alarm clock was ringing. 

(Time to wake up? Really?) 


Ryeowook was still half asleep when he heard Heechul hitting the clock. 


“Shut up” - Heechul barked at the poor clock - “Just let me sleep” 


Ryeowook rubbed his tired eyes. If the clock sounded then that meant his morning was starting. He needed to get ready to daycare. Kyuhyun was sleeping soundly next to him. 


(Kyu is still sleeping... I shouldn’t wake him up. It would be too mean) 


“Dada~~” - Ryeowook tried getting Heechul’s attention - “Wookie wake~” 


“Aww~ you are awake” - Heechul walked to the toddler bed and carried his boy - “Did you sleep well? Did you dream about me?” 


(Did I dream about something? I really can’t remember. Anyway, I’m happy since you are holding me) 


Ryeowook just did cute sounds and smiled. Heechul seemed to like it. 


(Good. Daddy likes it) 


“Let’s go brush our teeth~” - Heechul kissed the boy - “We need to get ready for today” 


(Daycare! Daycare! Daycare!) Ryeowook cheered internally 


Leeteuk was having a hard time negotiating with the triplets. The boys insisted in taking their plushies to daycare. 


(We can’t take our toys to daycare. That’s why Kiki stays here with Kyuhyun) Ryeowook thought as he had breakfast 


“Honey...” - Leeteuk was about to give up - “Your tiger can’t go to daycare” 


“Miiiiiineeeee!” - Eunhyuk kept holding his plush in a possessive way - “I need it!” 


(Hey~ is that the tasty stuff adults hide from me? I think it is!! ) Ryeowook bounced on his high chair as he spotted cheese in his brothers’s meals. 


“You are so happy Today” - Heechul smiled at him - “You look even cuter when you are wearing your uniform” 


(How can I get it? Maybe if I play cute, Dad will give me some) 


“Dada~~~~” - Ryeowook started doing silly stuff to call Heechul’s attention. 


(It works!) 


“So Cute!” - Heechul seemed beyond pleased - “Teuk, look at Ryeowook!” 


“At least someone is in a good mood today” - Leeteuk smiled while holding a Donghae that kept crying - “He is so sweet~” 


“Ah~~~” - Ryeowook opened his mouth widely as he offered Heechul’s his spoon - “Ah~~~” 


“Do you want me to feed you?” - Heechul found his toddler so cute - “Come Here”


(Oh my! This is a bonus!) Ryeowook was so excited as Heechul sat him on his lap. 


“Let’s eat together, ok?” - Heechul kissed the boy - “Lets eat it all” 


(Speaking of which, that means I can eat the cheese in your plate right? Right?)


“Oh no, Not that” - Heechul realized the boy’s intentions - “Wookie can’t eat cheese for breakfast” 


(Why? Everyone does it! Why is only me? I want cheese too! I’m so so so...) 


“Uwaaaaa” - Ryeowook started crying - “WOOKIE’S CHEEZEEE” 


“You can’t eat that” - Heechul tried hugging him - “I wish you could, but sadly, your doctor told me to introduce lactose little by little” 


(I don’t know what ‘lawtoze’ is!! I just want cheese!) 


“Bad!” - Kyuhyun threw his penguin plush at Heechul - “My twin cry!” 


“Yeah, I deserve this” - Heechul sighed - “Its not my fault... He just wants something he can’t have” 


(I can have it! It’s right there!) - Ryeowook kept sobbing 


“Maybe we should skip daycare today” - Leeteuk proposed - “If Ryeowook keeps crying, he can’t go to daycare” 


(Uh oh. That wasn’t my intention. I have to stop crying NOW) Ryeowook did his best controlling his emotions. 


(That sounds like something good! Hey hey! Don’t stop crying! What are you doing?!!) - Kyuhyun tapped his brother’s head 


“Wookie good” - Ryeowook wiped his tears away - “No cwy. Daycawe Pwease” 


“I swear he is more civilized that the other three” - Leeteuk smiled pleased - “Lets get you ready for daycare” 


(Sure. I can’t wait to go again~ I have so much fun there) Ryeowook jumped happily as he followed Leeteuk.


Kyuhyun rolled his eyes. 


(I swear Ryeowook is crazier everyday. First, he wanted to get out of diapers and pee in that freaking weird chair and now everything is about ‘daycare’. What’s so good about playing there when you have home? I can’t believe he likes going there) 


“What are you thinking? Do you want to go to daycare too?” - Heechul held the youngest twin in a playful way - “Do you want to—-“


“No” - Kyuhyun grunted 


(Are you insane? The only reason I would ever go to that place it’s because of Ryeowook. Even so, I have no plans of going there soon) 


“Byeeee~~” - Ryeowook hugged his twin again - “Wookie daycawe” 


(I hate you so much! Why you do this to me?!) Kyuhyun kept crying non stop. 


(Kyunnie is so upset... maybe I should kiss him) 


(Oh great, now you kiss me. Like if it would solve anything) 


“Bye~” - Ryeowook waved goodbye. 


Another morning separated started. Kyuhyun cried until the car was gone. 


(Man, this is tiring. Crying all mornings because of Ryeowook...) 


“Are you having fun?” - Leeteuk asked the toddler that laid on the floor - “Are you playing a new game?” 


(Are you Stupid? I am just lying on the floor because I am sad. Nothing else. What kind of game involves a toddler lying on the floor with a sad face?) 


“I think I will also lay down here” - Leeteuk laid next to the toddler - “Ta da~” 


(Definitely, Stupid) Kyuhyun rolled his eyes. 


Henry was crawling at full speed towards the giraffe plush that laid next to Kyuhyun. 


(Oh no, don’t you dare) Kyuhyun warned his baby brother just using his eyes 


(This is Ryeowook’s Kiki! I love Wook! I love Kiki too!) Henry kept trying to communicate as he blabbered in an unknown language 


“Isn’t he Cute? He is trying to tell us— HEY” - Leeteuk had to sit quickly when Kyuhyun rushed to retrieve Kiki using force - “Be nice with Henry! He is your little brother!” 


(Why are you being mean to me?!) Henry cried upset 


(This is Ryeowook’s. Not yours. You can’t have it. He asked me to take care of it) 


Unlike with his twin, Kyuhyun couldn’t understand Henry’s thoughts. That weird telepathy he and Ryeowook had was exclusive for only them. Sadly, Henry also didn’t understand Kyuhyun’s thinking. 


“He is so sad” - Leeteuk tried rocking the baby - “Kyu, be nicer~ Henry is still recovering from that flu and he feels bad” 


“He ztupid” - Kyuhyun snorted - “Ate Gwemz”


“Don’t call your brother ‘stupid’, that’s quite rude” - Leeteuk scolded - “And no, he didn’t ‘eat’ germs. He got the flu” 


(Whatever. Dad said he got sick because he keeps putting everything inside his mouth. I won’t let him play with Kiki because I don’t want Ryeowook to get sick) - Kyuhyun just limited himself to puff his cheeks 


“I bet Ryeowook would share Kiki with Henry” - Leeteuk tried 



Ryeowook sneezed. It was actually the third time in a row and with that last one, his ear hurt. 


(Ouch! What happened? I just sneezed!) 


“Oh poor you~ whats wrong?” - One teacher checked on the boy - “Let’s clean that nose” 


(Thanks, teacher. You are so caring) Ryeowook smiled a bit to his room teacher. 


“Uh? You feel a little hot” - The teacher touched Ryeowook’s forehead and slid one hand inside his shirt 


(Hot? Now that you mention it, I am actually feeling cold) 


“Cowd” - Ryeowook shook his head - “No hod’... cowd” 


“You feel cold?” - The teacher kept touching Ryeowook’s back - “Maybe we should call daddy” 


(For feeling cold? I just need a sweater. We don’t need to call daddy for that... he is probably busy... but you know? I do want to see daddy) 


“Ung” - Ryeowook agreed - “Dada...” 


(I hope he doesn’t get angry for this. I just don’t know... I want him here...) 


“I will call your daddy, but while we wait you can rest here” - The teacher helped Ryeowook getting into a little cute bed - “Lets take a nap” 


(I don’t feel like slee— OUCH MY EAR) 


“Does it hurt?” 


“Ung” - Ryeowook kept rubbing his ear - “Huwtz” 


“I already called him, he is coming” - Another teacher announced - “He sounded worried” 


(Uh oh, don’t worry. I am just too clingy today that’s all) Ryeowook sighed 


The toddler was still confused of why was he receiving so much attention from his teachers. One of them would even hold him and his hair all the time as she paced in the classroom. 


(This is fun. I don’t know why they are paying me so much attention today but it feels nice~~~ I even feel better now) 


Ryeowook was enjoying the little stroll with his teacher when he spotted his older siblings playing outside. 


(Oh right, the triplets! It must be their time to use the park~ I wonder if they could see— Uh? What’s wrong? Why is Hae crying? No no, wait. It was THAT KID. I SAW HIM) 


“HAE!” - Ryeowook pointed at his brother outside in the park - “HAEEE!” 


“Did you see your brother? Are you happy?” - the teacher didn’t seem to understand until she turned to the window - “Oh my! He fell!” 


(He didn’t ‘fall”! He pushed him! I saw him!) 


Ryeowook got sad when he was told he couldn’t get outside and instead a teacher from another classroom went to help his brother. 


(This is bad... Siwon is not even here anymore. He goes kinder now...) 


“Hey, I’m sorry for being late!” - Heechul stormed inside the classroom - “I went to his classroom but he wasn’t there and I—“ 


“It’s alright, we were just having a little stroll” - The teacher holding Ryeowook approached Heechul - “I think he has a little fever” 


“Oh my” - Heechul Carried his boy - “Are you ok buddy? Do you feel sick?” 


(Forget about that! We have an actual problem here!) 


“Hae! Pawk!” - Ryeowook pointed to the window - “Puzh” 


“What are you saying?” - Heechul tried looking outside but the triplets’s class was gone - “Did you see Donghae?” 


“Ung...” - Ryeowook wasn’t sure of how to explain what he saw. His mind raced, but his words didn’t. 


“Thanks for taking care of him” - Heechul even bowed - “I will make sure he gets better” 


(Ah? Are we going? It’s not time to leave yet... You got it wrong, I just wanted to see you!) 


“Nuuuuuh” - Ryeowook fussed a bit when Heechul took his backpack and carried him - “Pway hewe” 


“Ryeowook, buddy, you are sick” - Heechul kissed the boy - “We need to go now. You can come again after you are feeling well” 


(But I don’t feel so bad!) 


Ryeowook sighed. No one could stop his Dad once he got an idea. He decided that it was best to not fight against as he didn’t have enough energy for that. He even sang little cheerful songs while his dad drove. 


(Oh? Are we going home? Wait. This is not the way home. Dad, turn around! It’s the other way!) 


“Home?” - Ryeowook asked confused - “Wookie’s home...?”


“We are not heading home yet, my bagel” - Heechul sounded worried - “We are going to the hospital. We are going to pay a visit to your doctor ok?”


(Alright...? He is nice. I hope he doesn’t get me an injection. I really do hope he doesn’t use needles...)


“No neewle!” - Ryeowook rushed to tell his dad - “Wookie good!”


“We will see” - Heechul kissed him again 


(Why are you so nervous? We are just paying him a visit) 


“Supwizeee” - Ryeowook cheered as soon as he entered that familiar room - “Wookie heweee~” 


“Oh my! You came!” - The doctor laughed - “He is so funny” 


“Yeah... apparently he has no clue of his situation” - Heechul bit his lips - “I know it could be just a cold but... would you mind...?” 


“Absolutely no~ Ryeowook is always welcomed here right? He is such a good boy” 


(Hey~ he is praising me~ I like it~) 


Ryeowook smiled cutely. He couldn’t avoid it. He loved having attention. Today was being a good day. Weird. But good. 


“Let’s see who got a fever~~” - The doctor teased as he examined the toddler - “Done” 


“So?” - Heechul was still staring at the kid like if he was one kind of time bomb - “Is he going to be alright?” 


“Its just a cold” - The doctor was now writing something - “As long as you take care of it now, it won’t get worse. It’s normal if he has a little fever for a few days” 


(Wait. Am I sick? Really? How? I don’t eat germs like Henry. I don’t understand) 


Heechul bit his lips. He kept staring at Ryeowook with a weird look. 


“Is something else worrying you? I already know that look” - The doctor smiled - “Its Alright, you can ask me anything. I won’t judge you” 


“I was wondering... Ryeowook is kinda small compared to Kyuhyun” 


(Hey. Don’t you dare. I am big too) 


Ryeowook pouted. He disliked getting called small. 


“And he eats the same and... I just don’t know. He keeps growing up slowly and I am getting worried...” 


“Well, since Ryeowook doesn’t eat dairy it’s considered normal for him to be shorter compared to other kids. Also, despite being twins, they are non identical and so are their genes” - the doctor was now also staring at the toddler - “But If you want to make sure... you could take him to an actual specialist to check his growth. Maybe I am missing something” 


“It’s not like I doubt you...” - Heechul rushed to clarify- “It’s just... I was told he was small because he was born premature but Kyuhyun and Henry are growing just fine”


(Uh oh. I don’t like that look. Dad is giving me ‘that’ look. Why? Did I misbehave? Uhmm... no. Something else. Is he worried?) 


Ryeowook looked around. He gave Heechul a sweet smile in a try to get one smile back but it didn’t happen. 


“I’m being serious about it, maybe you should take it somewhere else” - The doctor was writing another paper - “Here. I have a friend that works with growth problems. Maybe she could figure out if you are crazy or not. Don’t worry, I’m not mad, I understand your concern” 


“Are you sure?” - Heechul seemed anxious - “What If he does have a problem?” 


“We would work on it” - the doctor smiled - “I’m pretty much sure it’s nothing. Don’t worry” 


(My only problem is that I forgot to pee before we left daycare) Ryeowook sulked


“Are you ok buddy?” - Heechul noticed his boy’s face - “Are you feeling sick?” 


(You are so sweet worrying for me~) 


“Pee” - Ryeowook pouted - “Potty...” 


“Oh right” - Heechul relaxed - “Can we use the toilet?” 


Ryeowook didn’t care about the conversation he heard because he couldn’t understand it at all. He just knew Heechul was acting weird as he kept spoiling him. 


(Feels nice~~~) Ryeowook was enjoying a foot massage his dad was giving him. 


“Again, you can’t feed all animals you want” - Leeteuk was lecturing Heechul again - “That thing won’t go away if you keep feed—“ 


“That ‘thing’ has a name!” - Kangin protested - “And its not a ‘thing’, it’s a raccoon!” 


“Honey, I know what a raccoon is” - Leeteuk was losing his patience - “And is definitely not a pet” 


“But I like it!” 


“It doesn’t matter, it lives outside” - Heechul wasn’t paying attention at all. He was busy thinking about what to do about Ryeowook- “Just make sure of locking the door and-“


“No. Kids won’t play with a dirty animal that could hurt them or carry any disease” - Leeteuk was firm about his position- “Would you like them getting sick?” 


“No more raccoon” - Heechul agreed - “Kangin, playing with the raccoon is forbidden, ok?” 


“But dad! Batman is my friend!” - Kangin protested against the new rule - “He and I have become really close!” 


Leeteuk made a disgusted face. Heechul cursed internally. His kid would hate him but playing with the raccoon was risky and Leeteuk didn’t like it so, it had to be done. 


“He can’t stay” - Heechul pitied the kid - “I’m sorry” 


“This week has been horrible!” - the boy went away crying - “Batman was the only one making it better!” 


(Uh oh, he got upset. Batman was pretty cool... I actually found him cute too...) Ryeowook yawned as he was getting sleepy. Cold meds made him sleepy. 


“He is having a hard time adapting to elementary school” - Heechul commented - “I never thought he would. I mean, kindergarten and first grade aren’t that different, right?” 


“I think he is just mad because he got separated from his best friend” - Leeteuk sighed - “He told you he and his friend were assigned to different classrooms” 


“Yeah, Well, I cant control everything” - Heechul shuddered - “At least Yesung is doing well in third grade” 


“And Siwon is getting adjusted to kindergarten despite being the youngest one in his class” - Leeteuk was still salty over the fact Heechul forced the boy to change to kinder - “At least he doesn’t cry that much anymore” 


“Ha ha” - Heechul laughed sarcastically- “I already told you I prefer him losing his time

In kindergarten than losing his time in daycare. He will turn five this year and I can’t change him from class in the middle of the year” 


“I understand that! But maybe waiting one year—“ 


“It would had been a waste of time!” - Heechul interrupted - “We already had this discussion before! I don’t care if he has to repeat kindergarten!” 


(Did I fall asleep? I think so. Gosh, my head hurts. Actually, everything hurts!)


Ryeowook dragged the adults’s attentions as he coughed. 


“He must have a sore throat” - Heechul checked his boy carefully - “He looks in pain” 


“Dada...” - Ryeowook whined. Now he understood why he felt clingy today. He was indeed sick and he disliked separating from Heechul when he was ill. 


(At least Daddy is holding me~~~) 


“He looks better now” - Leeteuk sighed after giving Ryeowook some meds - “He is even singing those weird songs” 


(My songs aren’t weird. You just can’t appreciate true music) 


“My poor bagel” - Heechul also tended to get stuck to the boys whenever they felt sick - “My poor poor poor bagel!” 


(Hehe~ Daddy is Mine~ only mine~) Ryeowook was claiming victory as he got Heechul’s full attention on him. 


“Uncle! Today teacher praised me for my maths!” - Yesung was very talkative since the new scholar year started - “And I played with my classmates during gymnastics and I won!” 


“Cool” - Heechul smiled. If Yesung was happy, then he was also happy - “What about you, Kangin?” 


“I hate my life” - Kangin stabbed his dinner - “Elementary school . Teacher scolded me again for being ‘naughty’ and disliked my way of reading. She also pointed out my calligraphy its ugly” 


“Ouch” - Heechul worried - “I promise we will work on that ok? You have gotten better at it. Remember when you couldn’t do maths well? Now you can right? Because we practiced a lot” 


“Yeah I know” - Kangin smiled a bit - “Would you help me improve my reading? You are good at it” 


“Sure, next weekend we can work on it” - Heechul agreed - “I mean, not this one. The one that comes after this” 


(I wonder if someone got cheese for dinner. I can’t see any of it....)


“Uh? Are you busy this weekend?” - Kangin asked with his mouth full much to Leeteuk’s disgust - “Sorry” 


“I’m going out for two days” - Heechul left out. 


Leeteuk and Yesung choked. 


“Excuse me?” - Yesung widened his eyes - “If you are going then who...”


“I don’t have any problem with you going out but notifying it earlier would had been nice” - Leeteuk cleaned his mouth - “When are you going? Where? Why?” 


“We will be going tomorrow after I leave the kids in school and hopefully, we would be back home Saturday around lunch time” - Heechul explained easily 


“We?” - Leeteuk, Yesung and Kangin repeated in chorus 


“Ryeowook and I” 


“AH?” - Kyuhyun turned to his dad 


(Are you insane?! Are you planning taking Ryeowook with you but not me?!) Kyuhyun hit his high chair. 


“Me too” - Kyuhyun said defiantly 


“No, you wont. I’m taking Ryeowook with me because there is no other way not because I want to” - Heechul sighed - “Its medical check up. I didn’t say anything before because he got the appointment today” 


“Is something wrong with him?” - Siwon worried - “Is Wookie sick?” 


(THIS IS HENRY’S FAULT!) - Kyuhyun pulled his hair 


“N-no, just a check up. We need to make sure he is growing well” - Heechul tried to not show fear - “I just want to make sure” 


“Alright... I Guess we have no choice then” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly. He didn’t like the idea of Heechul being out of the city for a day but still, he cherished the parent’s good intentions towards Ryeowook’s health. 


Ryeowook woke up thanks to the fuss in his room. He looked around and spotted the triplets getting scolded. 


(Morning~ oh wait. Why are the triplets already in their uniforms?! OH NO I DIDNT WAKE UP ON TIME! I’m going to miss daycare!) 


“Sorry” - The three lectured boys pouted 


“Oh, nevermind” - Heechul sighed - “He is already awake” 


“Dada... daycawe...” - Ryeowook was confused as Heechul gave him a quick shower and started dressing him in different clothes than his uniform - “Wookie sweep..” 


“It’s alright~ you are not going to daycare today” - Heechul kissed the boy - “I wanted you to sleep some more so I didn’t wake you earlier. Today, you and I will have our own adventure” 


“Ung...?” - Ryeowook smiled sweetly. He didn’t understand what was his dad talking about but he understood there was no daycare that day. He felt a little sad when Heechul went out to take his siblings to school and he couldn’t get in the car. Kyuhyun was celebrating as he forgot last night’s conversation. 


(YES! RYEOWOOK IS STAYING HOME!) Kyuhyun was overly excited as he kept hugging his twin. 


“Awww, you are going to miss him” - Leeteuk was touched - “That’s right. Kiss him lots now” 


(What are you talking about?) - Ryeowook thought as he tried eating his breakfast despite Kyuhyun being clingy. 


“So~ What do you think? I packed some of your toys, your new color book, your crayons...” - Leeteuk was showing Ryeowook a backpack similar to the one the boy used in daycare - “Your sweater, a cookie, a banana...” 


(Yeah well, that’s like the backpack I take to daycare with me. But toys aren’t allowed...? Where are you taking me to?) 


“Ryeowook, be nice with daddy ok?” - Leeteuk kept talking to the toddler - “He is a little nervous because is his first time traveling with you” 


(Trav- what?) 


“You are going to take a plane! Isn’t that exciting?” 


(A plane?! Really?! I’m going to fly!) 


“PWANE!” - Ryeowook bounced excited - “Wookie fwy! Fyuuuun~” 


Leeteuk laughed at how Ryeowook imitated airplane sounds. The babysitter actually worried that the kid wouldn’t enjoy the small trip but he hoped for Heechul to be a good dad as always. 


“I’m back” - Heechul seemed pale - “Alright... I can do this...” 


“It’s time” - Leeteuk Carried the toddler with him - “Lets go potty before leaving home ok? Then we should say bye bye to Kyuhyun and Henry” 


(Hey Hey Hey. We had a deal) 


“No diapey” - Ryeowook refused to wear his pull ups - “Wookie pee potty. No diapey” 


(That’s Kyuhyun’s. Not mine. I don’t wear those anymore) 


“Buddy, just do it for me ok? I know you hate those but you can’t wet the plane’s seat” - Heechul feared for the boy having an accident during the flight - “It would be bad and I would get sad” 


(Oh no, please don’t get sad. Nevermind. Give me that stupid diaper) 


“Ung” - Ryeowook finally agreed to wear them - “No wet pwane” 


“Thanks!” - Heechul kissed the kid repeatedly 


Ryeowook wasn’t sure of why Heechul kept kissing Henry and Kyuhyun so much. He was told to do the same so he did it, but still, he had no clue of what it meant traveling. 


“Bye” - Ryeowook waved goodbye as usual. He exited the door pulling the little pretty suitcase Heechul got for him and wearing his backpack. Leeteuk felt his heart ached when he saw Ryeowook walking like a big boy. 


“He is growing up so fast...” - Leeteuk commented 


“He truly looks like a mini version of his Dad” - Mrs Jung laughed 


“Myzeff” - Ryeowook tried carrying his suitcase but it was heavy - “Ugh...” 


“Don’t lift it, buddy. Just pull it and make it roll~” - Heechul found cute how the kid didn’t understand at all how it worked - “If you are struggling, I can do it for you” 


“Nuh Uh” - Ryeowook was now holding it properly - “Wookie big!” 


(Don’t underestimate me. By the way... what is this place...?) 


“Hi” - Heechul lifted the toddler and sat him on the counter - “This my son, we are going to take the next flight”


(Are we going to ride the plane now?) Ryeowook was happy. 


“Thanks” - Heechul now has their boarding passes- “Lets go” 


Ryeowook followed his dad well behaved. He used one hand for pulling his suitcase and another one for holding Heechul’s one. 


(Wow! What’s that? Wait! That’s my suitcase! And that’s my backpack!) 


“They will give it back” - Heechul explained as the toddler pointed at their things - “Its a security check point. Cmon, let’s go” 


(This is all so confusing. Anyway, there are our things) 


“Pwane?” - Ryeowook asked as they finally sat - “Which iz wookie’s pwane?” 


“None of those” - Heechul smiled as he also checked the airplanes awaiting to be used - “Our plane will arrive in a few minutes. It has red on it” 


(Red. Got it. I will tell you if I see one with red) 


“It’s almost time...” - Heechul announced as he checked his watch - “Cmon, Lets go pee again before the plane comes” 


(But wait! I don’t have to go now! We have to wait for the plane...!) 


Ryeowook followed Heechul reluctantly. 


(Alright, I hate to admit it but I did have to pee. Also, it was fun using that thing that made weird noises and blowed hot air) 


Ryeowook ran at full speed as soon as they were back to the place where he could see the airplanes. He then saw it. 


“DADA! PWANE! RED!” - Ryeowook jumped excited 


(That’s it! That must be our plane! I’m riding a plane! I’m riding a plane!) 


“Hey, hey~ Don’t jump” - Heechul found cute the boy’s reaction - “We have to get in line quietly. If you don’t behave, we won’t take the plane” 


(Oops. Sorry. I’m just excited) 


Ryeowook’s curiosity grew as soon as they were inside the plane. He kept trying to look around and explore all his surroundings but Heechul stopped him. 


(Why are we sitting here? Let’s go play around!) 


“I booked the first row for us” - Heechul was fastening Ryeowook’s belt - “That way we are close to the toilet and close to the exit gate” 


(Whatever! I got the window!) Ryeowook was now curious about how everything looked from the window. 


“Are you alright? If you need anything please tell me, ok?” - Heechul was putting a soft blanket over the boy - “If you need to pee or if you are thirsty” 


(I’m fine. I just want to fly!) 


It wasn’t that easy. Ryeowook got scared the very moment the plane moved. They were still on the ground and he already felt uneasy. 


(This is so scary... It’s going too fast! Dad! Do something!) 


“Dada...” - Ryeowook whined scared 


“Don’t be afraid~ we are just getting ready to flight~” - Heechul Ryeowook’s head softly - “Try to stay calm” 


When the plane finally took off Ryeowook felt his heart stopped. He was so scared he could die. It was noisy and it didn’t feel well. Pressure made his ears felt horrible. 


“Shhh, don’t cry, don’t cry” - Heechul tried - “It’s just a moment until it gets better” 


(I’m scared! Hold me! Hold me!) 


“Diz... off...” - Ryeowook tried getting rid of his belt but Heechul stopped him. 


“No. You can’t take that off now. If you do, we are getting scolded because it’s dangerous ok?” 


(Daddy got angry at me!) 


Ryeowook kept sobbing quietly until the plane finally stabilized. He noticed the weird light that had a drawing like his belt went off. 


“Now, I can hold you” - Heechul unfastened Ryeowook’s belt and sat him on his lap carefully - “Dont cry~ it’s alright~ I’m here” 


“Scawy...” - Ryeowook kept crying without making more noise than a few hiccups- “Dada... wanna go home...” 


“We cant, we are flying” - Heechul kissed the boy - “Dont you see the clouds?” 


Ryeowook turned his head and saw the clear blue sky. He was still frightened but he thought it was pretty. 


(So scary. I want Kyuhyun. I want my house. I don’t want to be here) 


“Do you want Kiki?” - Heechul kept trying to be playful to cheer up the boy - “Let me see... oh! You brought your colouring book!” 


(Oh right that’s my colouring book) 


Ryeowook was now interested as Heechul sat him back on his seat. 


“Ta da~ now we have a small table” - Heechul winked - “We can use your crayons and have fun together” 


(That sounds good) 


Ryeowook was now calmer. Seeing Heechul so relaxed made him feel better. He was watching his dad use his crayons when he decided to join as well. 


(This is fun. Daddy and I~ just daddy and I~ He is mine~) 


“Would you like something to eat?” - a flight attendant was now talking to Heechul 


(Oh! That’s the juice I like!) 


“Juizeee!” - Ryeowook chirped before Heechul could say anything - “Juize, pwease~~~” 


(Ugh, my nose feels so full that I can’t speak properly) 


“He is so cute~” - the flight attendant found Ryeowook so funny - “Here is your juice” 


“Thankz” - Ryeowook made Heechul feel proud as he showed good manners. 


Despite seeing relaxed, Heechul was dying inside. He was anxious since it was his first time in a plane with one of his kids. He haven’t slept that much last night just thinking about everything that could happen. Time was passing slowly for Heechul but the toddler found the flight shorter than expected. 


“Let’s prepare for landing” - Heechul made sure Ryeowook was sitting properly - “Dont get scared ok?” 


(Of what? Nevermind, I don’t care. I worry you will get angry if I tell you I have to pee now) Ryeowook thought. 


“Da—“ - Ryeowook didn’t have time to react. The plane started making that hateful noise again and he felt his head funny again. 


As soon as they landed Heechul observed a pale Ryeowook. 


(That was... so stressful... my tummy... my ears...) 


“You ok buddy? You look pale” - Heechul rubbed Ryeowook’s cheeks trying to get a reaction from the shocked toddler - “Are you alright?” 


(I... I don’t feel so good...) 


“Hey” - Heechul remained calm even when Ryeowook threw up a bit - “Did you get dizzy? Oh poor you” 


(Ugh... my head is still spinning... I’m sorry for the clothes...) 


“It’s alright~ you just got a little sick~” - Heechul cleaned the boy’s shirt with wet wipes - “You did better than I expected. You are such a good kid” 


(Uh oh. I forgot about that. What do I do? Maybe if I pretend nothing happened...) 


“I will hold you, ok?” - Heechul made sure of carrying the dizzy boy - “You can fall asleep~” 


(Not really... Its uncomfortable but I can’t complain about it. It was my fault) 


Ryeowook kept sighing all the way to the hotel. He was feeling a little bit sick thanks to the motion but at least he didn’t feel that bad compared to how he felt in the plane. He was sleepy but he couldn’t allow himself to fall asleep and let Heechul find out about his little secret. 


“Are you ok? You are too quiet” - Heechul kept the boy’s head - “we are almost there. I promise everything will be better now” 


(It’s not your fault. I don’t blame you) 


“Here we go” - Heechul Carried his boy again while some people that Ryeowook found funny helped with their luggage- “Lets do the check in and get our room” 




Ryeowook felt better as soon as Heechul placed him on the floor. The boy ran around exploring his surroundings despite Heechul’s callings. 


“Kim Ryeowook” - Heechul pulled Ryeowook’s ear slightly- “Dont run away from me. Do you want to get lost?” 


(Ugh... no, I don’t. I’m just curious...)


“I will let you explore later but first, let’s finish our check in” - Heechul smiled. He couldn’t deny he found Ryeowook cute even when he misbehaved - “We need to prepare for our appointment” 




“Thanks” - Heechul ignored the fussy toddler that kept pulling his shirt frenetically - “Lets go to our room, naughty bagel” 


(Oh... our things are here. They must have brought them...) 


Ryeowook relaxed as soon as he saw his cute suitcase next to his daddy’s one. The kid was still at the entrance when Heechul called him. 


“Come see our bed” - Heechul sounded excited - “Isn’t it nice?” 


(So fluffy! This blanket it’s so soft~~) 


“Zofff” - Ryeowook hugged a pillow - “Wookie liwe it” 


“I’m glad you do” - Heechul seemed happier- “Lets call Teuk and tell him we arrived” 


(Are you calling home? Can I speak with Kyu?) 


Ryeowook crawled next to his dad and waited. It was a video call. He was already used to them. 


“Hi~ how it’s everything going?” - Leeteuk was worried - “Is Ryeowook ok?” 


“He did well” - Heechul replied cutely - “He got a little scared and got motion sickness but he is just fine. He is braver than we expected” 


“Ryeowookkie~ be good with daddy” - Leeteuk teased - “Don’t wet the hotel bed ok?” 


(Ugh... that reminds me...) 


“Now that you mention it, I haven’t taken him potty after we landed” - Heechul widened his eyes - “and he drank a lot of juice” 


“Let’s end the call for the bed’s sake” - Leeteuk giggled - “Kyuhyun is napping right now. Call later so they can talk to each other” 


“Sure” - Heechul laughed - “Bye~~~” 


Heechul lifted his face only to find out his toddler son had gotten out of the bed. The boy was hiding behind a chair with a guilty face. 


“What did you do?” - Heechul sighed - “Did you break something?” 


Ryeowook shook his head. 


“Are you upset because we didn’t talk with Kyu? He was asleep” - Heechul scratched his head. He couldn’t understand Ryeowook’s face. 


“I promise I won’t get mad~” - Heechul approached the silent toddler that looked at the floor with teary eyes - “What did you do?” 


(Oh no, I’m crying! I didn’t want to cry! It makes me sad but I know you get nervous when I cry!) 


“It’s alright~” - Heechul was hugging the boy - “You can tell me anything” 


“Wookie wet...” - The boy hiccuped - “Awkcident” 


“Where?” - Heechul looked around trying to remain calm. He was actually nervous as he didn’t understand at all what the toddler meant - “Where did you pee?” 


Ryeowook looked at his clothes. Heechul then remembered. 


“Ah” - Heechul smiled relaxed - “You wet your diaper, right?” 


Ryeowook nodded. 


(It was an accident. I swear I didn’t want to do it but the plane was scary and I— I—) 


“Good boy” - Heechul ruffled Ryeowook’s hair - “Next time, let’s try to go pee pee in the toilet, ok? I’m sorry I forgot about your potty breaks” 


(But it wasn’t your fault! I drank a lot of juice and got scared!) 


“Wookie peed pwane” - Ryeowook confessed - “Scawy” 


“Did you pee when we were still in the plane?!” - Heechul seemed shocked 


Ryeowook misunderstood the shock and cried. 


(He is mad  at me! I knew it!) 


“Sweetheart! It must had been so uncomfortable! You were wet all this time...” - Heechul was actually sorry for the kid - “I’m such a bad parent... I should have noticed it earlier. I’m so so sorry” 


(So... you are not...?) 


“Dada angwy?” - Ryeowook just wanted to make sure 


“Oh my, you are such a good boy” - Heechul kissed the boy - “Even being in a bad situation you behaved so well!” 


(It’s not that bad... yeah, I don’t like being wet but, it’s not that bad) 


“Let’s get you cleaned” - Heechul Carried the boy and sat him on the bed - “Next time, tell me when it happens. I could have changed you earlier...” 


Ryeowook felt better. It was cool not having anything embarrassing to hide anymore. 


“Let’s put this on first...” - Heechul extended a changing mat on the bed - “And then Wookie~” 


Ryeowook laid comfortably. It had been a while since he got a diaper change like that. Usually, even the few times he got to wear pull ups after potty training, Heechul would just take it off by pulling it down like pants. Actually, Heechul could have done that, but he had other plans. 




“DADA!” - Ryeowook complained when he noticed what was Heechul putting on him - “NUH!” 


“Just for two days” - Heechul knew the kid would get mad at him - “You can’t wet your pants nor the bed here” 


(This is so humiliating!) 


“No wet! Wookie good! “ - Ryeowook looked at his new diaper. He already hated it. 


“You had an accident today” - Heechul sighed - “These two days we are going to take car rides in cars that don’t belong to me and you are going to stay in a hotel. If you have an accident... It will be stressful for me” 


(Ugh... I don’t like this... but don’t get sad... I will wear the stupid diapers) 


“I will buy you anything you want since you are being nice with me” - Heechul tried 






“Excepting cheese” 





“You sure love giving me more work to do” - Leeteuk was struggling with a toddler that refused to get a diaper change - “Quit moving. Stop” 




Kyuhyun protested again when Leeteuk made him lay down. 




“Hey! Don’t move!” - Leeteuk sighed - “Kyunnie, honey, we need to Change that stinky diaper and you are not helping” 


(YOU are not helping. I was watching my cartoon and you wanted to change my diaper NOW) 


“It’s not my fault you pooped” - Leeteuk was doing his best - “If you have stayed still when I told you, we could have ended this torture long ago” 




Kyuhyun whined as soon as he realized his favourite cartoon had ended. He was about to cry when Leeteuk grabbed the tv remote. 


“I will put it again for you” - Leeteuk seemed to understand the toddler’s frustration- “We just need to rewind a little~~” 


“YAY!” - Kyuhyun bounced excited as he got to see the cartoon’s episode again - “THANKZ!” 


“You’re welcome” - Leeteuk found funny how Kyuhyun’s mood changed drastically- “Enjoy” 


(This is my favourite part! It’s dancing time!) 


Leeteuk found amusing how Kyuhyun danced with his favourite characters when he heard the car arriving. 


“Oh~ they are already here” - Leeteuk went to greet the boys that returned from school - “How was—“ 


The triplets were crying non stop. Their poor grandparents kept trying to console them. 


“They cried all The way back” - Heechul’s father explained - “They were even crying when we were to pick them from daycare” 


“SEE YA!” - Kangin ran at full speed to the backyard 


“Bye, grandpa! Bye grandma!” - Yesung waved goodbye to his grandparents 


“PAPA!” - Sungmin kept sobbing - “PAPA!” 


“HAE HURTS!” - Donghae also cried loudly - “HAE WANTS DADDY!” 


(Hey~ they are so noisy today~) Kyuhyun looked around the weird scene. 


(Uh? Where is Ryeowook? If the triplets are here then Ryeowook should be here as well) 


“Twin?” - Kyuhyun approached his grandparents- “Kyu twin” 


“Hi sweetie! Are you having fun today?” - His grandma didn’t understand him 


(Oh no! They forgot about Ryeowook! He must be at daycare!) 


“WOOKIE! DAYCAWE! MY TWIN!” - Kyuhyun was about to have a heart attack 




“Honey, Ryeowook is with daddy remember?” 


(Oh that’s right. They went out together. Still, why isn’t he back yet? It’s lunch time) 


“Wookie?” - Kyuhyun pointed at the empty chair next to him - “Wookie’s food”


“Ryeowook is not coming back today, Kyunnie” - Leeteuk worried about the kid not being able to understand that - “He is in a trip with daddy” 


(But why isn’t he having lunch with us?) 


“He is having lunch with daddy” 


(But... but we always eat together...) 


Kyuhyun felt sad. He missed his twin. 



“Tasty right?” - Heechul was making sure Ryeowook ate lunch properly- “Oh~ Ryeowook is such a good boy eating his meal!” 




(I’m going to eat lots and grow bigger than a dinosaur!) 


“Do you know where are we going after lunch?” - Heechul tried introducing the idea - “We are going to meet a new doctor. A new friend” 


(I wonder if dad will feed me something sweet. That kid got a cake...) 


“And we are going to have lots of fun later” - Heechul continued - “Im going to play with you in the hotel” 


(It’s chocolate cake. So tasty. I want one) 


“And I know you are going to miss home but I promise we will survive” - Heechul kept talking to the boy 


(Uh... What is dad talking about? Is he ordering cake?) 


“Cawe?” - Ryeowook asked cutely 


“Do you want cake?” - Heechul giggled - “Lets order dessert then” 







“But I need to go out today!” - Yesung stomped his feet again - “All my friends are going!” 


“Honey, I cant take you to the cinema today” - Leeteuk felt his head hurting - “I know you want to go but your dad isn’t here and he asked me to take care of you and—“ 


“But I never get an invitation and just got one! It’s the first time my classmates invite me to hang out with them!” - Yesung wanted to go so badly. He feared he wouldn’t get another invitation to hang out outside school if he turned down this one - “PLEASE” 




“Don’t honey me! I need this! If I don’t go, then I probably won’t make friends!” 


“I— what is that sound?” - Leeteuk worried when he heard a strange sound coming from upstairs - “KANGIN” 


“Shhh! You have to remain silent!” - Kangin whispered to a small box with holes - “If you make noise then he will fi—“ 


“Why are you so reckless?!” - Leeteuk got the box and walked away quickly - “I already told you it can’t stay!”


“But today it’s going to rain!” - Kangin followed Leeteuk - “And he is going to get cold and—“ 


“Don’t you dare to touch it again” - Leeteuk scolded as he released the small raccoon - “Its not a pet. It’s a raccoon that lives in the street. Don’t touch him” 






Leeteuk returned to the living room only to find Yesung having a conversation at the phone. 


“Can you take me?” - Yesung was almost begging - “pleaseeee! I promise I will be good!” 


“ who are you talking to?” - Leeteuk worried - “Did you call your poor grandma?!” 


“She is taking me to the cinema so I can make friends! “ - Yesung said cheerfully - “She said yes!” 


Leeteuk disliked the idea of Yesung disturbing his grandparents’s peace but at least, the boy was happy. He just feared Heechul’s reaction since he had asked the kids to behave during the time he was out. 


Kyuhyun spent most of his afternoon thinking about his twin. Where was he? Why his dad had taken him away? 


(Maybe I misbehaved and he is punishing me for something I did. Is he mad at me because I didn’t eat well? Or because I didn’t want to share with Henry? Was it because I told him I didn’t want to go to daycare?) 


“Yesung, my dear” - The amused grandmother was looking at his boy’s clothes - “Are you sure you want to dress like that?” 


“I want to look cool!” - Yesung was wearing his favourite t shirt - “I’m sure they will like it!” 


“Yeah, but what about getting cold? It’s going to rain anytime” - His grandma kept looking in his closet - “What about wearing a cool hoodie just in case?” 


“Ehm...” - Yesung wasn’t convinced at all - “I guess so” 


“I think you are going to be the coolest boy out there” - His grandma was working hard choosing the right clothes - “Here. I also found ‘cool’ pants” 


Leeteuk was having a hard time dealing with Siwon’s running nose. Somehow, the boy managed to trigger one of his 100 allergies and was now paying the high price of it. 


“Blood!” - Siwon cried scared as he showed Leeteuk how his nose was bleeding a bit - “BLOOD!” 


“Honey, your nose is so red right now” - Leeteuk was helping the boy as much as he could - “I think it got irritated and a one of the tiny blood vessels popped” 


“Make it stop, please” - Siwon urged - “I will be good!” 


“And I would like to grant that wish of yours but all we can do it’s to press it like this and stay quiet” - Leeteuk sighed - “I wonder what triggered your allergy” 


“I’m sorry for causing you troubles...” - Siwon apologized sadly 


“It’s not your fault” - Leeteuk felt guilty as the boy misunderstood his worries - “Everything will be alright. I promise it will end soon” 


“I want uncle” - Siwon pouted - “I like you... but I want uncle” 


“I know” 


(What If Ryeowook is the one mad at me? Maybe he told daddy he didn’t want to see me... He haven’t called me. What if..?) 


“Wookie?” - Kyuhyun showed Leeteuk’s the iPad they used to communicate with Heechul when he was away - “Wookie call” 


“Do you want me to call your brother?” - Leeteuk’s heart hurt seeing Kyuhyun so troubled - “I could try, but maybe it’s not a good time” 


“Wookie... pwease...” - Kyuhyun’s eyes filled with tears. He missed his brother so much. He worried about him. - “Pweaseee...” 


“Alright... at least we can try” - Leeteuk was hurt as well - “Let me see if they can videocall right now” 


“DADA DADA DAAAAADAAAAA!” - Ryeowook kept wailing on the x Ray room like if his life depended on it - “DADAAAAA!” 


Heechul was trying to remain as calm as possible as he heard his boy crying non stop at the other room. He was told to wait outside after he interrupted the procedure twice not being able to endure seeing his boy unhappy. 




Ryeowook was too young to follow the instructions properly. Doctor needed to take an x ray of his wrist but the boy would sabotage the image moving and squirming around as he got scared. 


“Just hang a little longer” - the nurses were trying to hold him still - “Almost Done, we are almost done” 






Heechul flinched. He was terrified. He had never listened to his boy cry that way. He was about to have a panic attack when he felt his phone ringing. 


“Teuk, right now it’s not a good moment” - He said in a low voice - “They are running some tests and... well, Ryeowook driving me crazy. He is obviously scared but I don’t know what to do” 


“Oh, sorry” - Leeteuk turned off the speakers to avoid Kyuhyun heard that - “Try to relax. Ryeowook will endure it well... he is going to get clingy after all that torture but make sure of being there for him” 


“Sure... I got kicked out of the room” - Heechul was about to cry of desperation- “What should I do? I’m scared too. I have never heard him crying like that...” 


Leeteuk could feel the parent’s nervousness as his voice shook. 


“They already drained his blood” - Heechul gulped down anxiously- “I will go see if results are out...” 


“Sure... Call me when you are back at the hotel ok?” - Leeteuk could also hear Ryeowook’s screaming. The babysitter was also getting desperate- “Good luck” 


Heechul felt his legs giving away. He didn’t want to walk away from the room but at the same time, staying there hearing Ryeowook’s desperately crying for him wasn’t helping. 


(I DONT DESERVE THIS! I WAS GOOD TO YOU!) Ryeowook cried unable to keep shouting as his sore throat hurt a lot. 


“Alright, we can use this one” - the radiologist finally nodded - “Poor boy, he is too terrified” 


(Gosh... Not again...) 


Ryeowook coughed so much after crying he ended throwing up. It was the second time already. The nurses around him didn’t bat an eyelash and only cleaned him carefully. 


(I’m such a bad boy... even daddy went away... I’m scared... I’m alone... this is so scary...) 


“Look What we got here~” - A nurse trying getting his attention with a colourful toy - “Do you want to play with this?” 


Ryeowook kept sobbing. He didn’t want to play. He just wanted to go home. 


(You got a nice toy but still, I’m scared) 


“Daddy will come get you soon” - The nurses took Ryeowook to another room - “We are almost done. We just need to perform another test and we will leave you in peace” 


(Just stop... I promise I will be good. I surrender...) 


Ryeowook covered his face scared. That room was also scary. His curiosity had ended the very moment he realized they were at that place for performing another test. 


(It’s going to be painful... it’s going to hurt... I want daddy. I want Kyu. I want Kiki) 


The toddler wearing a gown looked at the new doctor with frightened eyes. He was ready for the worst. 


“It’s not going to hurt~ we are just going to play a funny game ok?” - The doctor tried calming the kid - “Relax~ you have to lay down here and I will rub your tummy” 


(It doesn’t sound bad but you are probably lying. The lady at the weird place with needles said it wouldn’t hurt but it did!) 


“Don’t move~~~ breath~~” - The doctor coaxed as he searched for something 


(He is going to use a needle... or something worse than that. I’m sure of it... I’m so done... ) 


“No...” - Ryeowook tried as the doctor showed him a weird thing he didn’t recognize 


“We are going to do an ultrasound~ it won’t hurt” 


(I don’t trust you... ) 


“Here~ it tickles right?” 


(Actually... Yeah, it tickles. It doesn’t feel bad) 


Ryeowook couldn’t avoid giggling a bit. His belly felt funny as the doctor applied a cold gel on it. 


(So cold! It gives me the chills! Oh my I think...) 


“Pee” - Ryeowook bit his thump scared - “Wee Wee” 


“Yeah, it’s normal” - The doctor smiled - “You can go pee after we finish this test, but if you go now, I won’t get mad either” 


(This is so uncomfortable. I have to pee and that cold thing keeps tickling me...)


“NUH” - Ryeowook pushed away the ultrasound - “Wee Wee...” 


“You have a diaper on” - The doctor resumed the test ignoring the toddler’s demands - “We are almost done, anyway. Don’t move that much” 


(Adults are always so good providing solutions. ‘You have a diaper on’ like if like to pee myself. Also, I already had an accident today and I don’t want to have another one) 


“Oh? Let’s see” - the doctor was immersed in running the test - “We got something interesting here” 


(I give up. I guess I could use it this time) 


Ryeowook relaxed a bit and let his bladder do whatever it wanted. He actually ended enjoying the last part of the ultrasound as the cold thing tickled him and he wasn’t worrying about wetting himself anymore. 


(This feels funny~~~) 


“All done” - the doctor found cute how Ryeowook was now giggling softly- “You did well~ such a good boy” 


(I disagree. I wasn’t that good...) 


“Wookie no goo’ “ - Ryeowook pouted annoyed - “Wookie baaaaaaaaaad” 


“Oh no! You are good!” - the doctor replied playfully - “You are such a cute boy!” 


(Do you think so?) 


“Uhmmm” - Ryeowook tilted his head cutely. If the doctor said he was cute then he would play cute. Maybe that way they would stop bothering him. 


“Aww such a cutie!” - the nurses had fallen for him. Ryeowook kept doing his best at making silly expressions and cute moves. 


(It works! It works! Being cute always works! ) 


“Dada~~~” - Ryeowook tried - “Wanna Dada” 


“Awwww” - The whole medical team were under Ryeowook’s charm 


Heechul came back holding the results from the blood test only to find a large amount of people surrounding the toddler. He worried at first thinking that something could have gone wrong. 


“W-what happened?!” - Heechul rushed to his boy - “Is he alright?” 




“Ah” - Heechul relaxed - “Yeah, he is” 


“Dadaaaaa~~~~” - Ryeowook was so happy to see Heechul was back he felt like crying from joy. 


(No no no! Don’t ruin it! If I cry now he will go away again... but but but... I was so scared and I missed you so much...) 


“Uwaaaaa” - Ryeowook started crying as soon as Heechul approached him - “Dada...” 


(Sometimes I hate myself. I swear I didn’t plan this) 


“Ow ow ow” - Heechul got hurt thinking about how much Ryeowook suffered - “My poor baby” 


(I’m not hurt but I can’t stop crying. Please don’t go away again...) 


“He did very well” - The doctor from

Before praised him - “He is actually well behaved” 


“Really? He was making a show in the x Ray room” - Heechul sighed - “I’m sorry for everything...” 


“You can’t expect a toddler to not get scared” - One nurse held a cute teddy bear - “Believe us, we have seen everything and your boy is completely normal” 


“He was making those awful noises...” - Heechul looked at Ryeowook with a sad face - “It was a torture” 


(Uh oh... I hope you didn’t get scared. Sorry...) 


“This is for you” - the nurse offered the cute teddy bear to the now shy boy that hid his face against Heechul’s chest - “You were so brave!” 


(Brave? I was scared all the time... I don’t deserve that...) 


“Whats wrong? Don’t you like it?” 


(Of course I like it. It’s kinda cute...) 


“Wook, She is giving it to you” - Heechul kissed the boy - “Arent you going to take it? I think is cute” 


(But I don’t deserve it... I wasn’t a good boy) 


“He is so shy” - Heechul shook his head - “I was told by the daycare teachers that he tends to behave like a baby when I am around” 


(Shhht! That’s our secret! ) 


“Then that must mean he loves you the most” - The nurse laughed - “Usually, little boys are stuck to their moms” 


“Ah... Yeah...” - Heechul bit his lips - “Anyway... I think we should get going. The other doctor wanted to check on him as soon as the test results were out” 


“Sure” - The nurse smiled again - “Take it with you. I’m sure he will love it” 


“Take it, wook” - Heechul pinched Ryeowook’s cheeks - “Be nice” 


“Thankz” - Ryeowook finally grabbed the cute teddy bear. He couldn’t avoid hugging it when he realized how soft it was. 


(I love it! Thanks a lot! He and Kiki are going to be good friends!) 


“Let’s change back to your clothes” - Heechul Carried the boy to the examination room - “You must be cold just wearing that gown” 


(Are you changing my clothes here? What if the doctor comes over?!) 


“Oh~ you wet yourself” - Heechul touched the diaper just to make sure - “Do you have to pee some more?” 


(Now that you mention it... yes, I do. But I won’t—) 


“Who is a cute boy? Who is a cute bagel?” - Heechul was tickling the boy - “I’m going to eat that boy!” 


(I hate you. No, I love you. But I don’t like when this happens) 


“See? You did have to pee some more” - Heechul stared at the toddler with deep bright red cheeks - “You were holding it, didn’t you?” 


(This is so humiliating. It’s the third time already) 


“Smile~~~ Cmon, Wookie! Smile~~” - Heechul kept teasing Ryeowook- “You sure inherited my bad temper” 


“HPMH!” - Ryeowook folded his arms annoyed. He wouldn’t forgive that one. 


“Let’s change that wet diaper~~~” - Heechul made him lay down again. Like a baby. Ryeowook was beyond disgusted. 


(Look, I do behave like a baby when I am around you but this is something I do not wish to keep doing. Stop treating me like you would treat Henry!) 


“Can I come in?” - someone knocked the door 


“Sure” - Heechul replied 




“I’m changing his diaper” - Heechul explained to the doctor - “He peed a lot” 




“Hey!” - Heechul protested when Ryeowook tried to cover himself using the gown - “I’m still not done wiping you!” 


(Are you seriously going to do that in front of her?!) 


“I need to wipe carefully so you don’t get a red ” - Heechul couldn’t understand the toddler’s shyness - “I know you want to get dressed” 


(This is so embarrassing. She saw me getting a diaper change...) 


Ryeowook wouldn’t dare to make visual contact with the doctor. He focused on his new teddy bear while the adults talked. 


“Overall, he seems healthy” - The doctor was pleased with the tests results - “I have some great news for you” 


“Really?” - Heechul hugged the boy in his lap - “What...?” 


“We found out he did have troubles not long ago but he is fine now. Apparently, he got sick months ago and his gut suffered some damage” - The doctor explained - “We took a look in his medical record and it makes sense. Maybe you didn’t know anything about it because you weren’t his guardian for the time it happened” 


“Wait... are you telling me that something that he got months ago... caused ehm... his short stature?” - Heechul was confused. He couldn’t remember if Gunhee ever mentioned Ryeowook getting sick of something bad - “Is he alright?” 


“Yes, his gut got damage and he got an abnormal outgrow of some bacteria in his intestinal track. That was what caused his lactose intolerance” - The doctor smiled - “That’s the good news. He is not lactose intolerant anymore” 


(I’m not what..?) 


“What?!” - Heechul couldn’t believe it - “But he got those horrible cramps when he drank whole milk! Just a few months ago his brother—“ 


“The gut takes some time to heal. Since he got sick he got a secondary type of lactose intolerance but is not a genetic condition so he returned to normal once his gut healed” 


“So... he can eat cheese?” - Heechul looked at Ryeowook with curious eyes 




“Probably” - The doctor nodded - “We still recommend to introduce lactose little by little but in a few weeks, he could be fully tolerant to it. Also, eating dairy his growing problem should be fixed as he would be getting a good amount of calcium” 


“But I still have doubts” - Heechul scratched his head - “How come that getting sick can cause something like this? I didn’t know about it...” 


“We have good and bad bacteria. Some good bacteria lives inside our body and help us with things we can’t do” - The doctor started teaching Heechul - “One of those groups are the ones that lives in our intestines and help us break down milk’s sugar, also known as ‘lactose’. If that population of bacteria dies, or gets lowered, then you won’t be able to break down lactose and therefore you turn into a lactose intolerant person. That’s why older people also tend to have troubles digesting milk and dairy” 


“So... Ryeowook’s bacteria died? And now they are alive again?” - Heechul was happy for the boy. Those sure were good news. 


“If we have known earlier we could have helped giving him probiotics” - The doctor sighed - “But it’s ok, the most important is that he is fine and will get even better” 


Heechul was so happy. He just wanted to go outside and scream at full volume. If Ryeowook was going to be even healthier then those were good news. Also, it wasn’t his fault... it was something that happened even before he got in charge of the boys and that meant he wasn’t the one to blame for it. 


(Dad is happy...? Nevermind, I don’t care. I’m still mad at you for changing my diaper in front of her) 


“Let’s celebrate!” - Heechul Carried his boy as he waved goodbye to the doctor - “I will buy you something you like” 


(I hope it’s not more diapers...) 



Kyuhyun was losing it. He was staring at the rain with a blank expression. He felt empty. Not having Ryeowook around was like feeling his life wasn’t complete. It felt like if they had taken away a part of him. His heart broke again when he spotted his brother going out with his grandmother. Why was everyone leaving him? 


(Uncle... Hug me...) 


“Uh? Why are you so sad?” - Leeteuk was holding now the silent boy - “I’m sure your brother is just fine. They will call us as soon as they are done with those medical issues” 


(When? I miss him. I want him back now!) 


“Uhhhh!” - Kyuhyun started crying. He gave up. His pride didn’t matter if it was about Ryeowook - “My twiiiiiiin!” 


“Oh honey” - Leeteuk felt sad as he couldn’t help that much - “I promise that tomorrow he will be back to play with you” 


Leeteuk was about to keep talking when he saw one of the triplet’s trying to climb the table. 


“How many times have I told you to not— how did you get this?” - Leeteuk stopped scolding the boy as soon as his eyes looked at the purple mark around his tummy - “Did you fall?” 


“Hurts” - Eunhyuk pouted - “Ouchie ouchie” 


“Yeah of course it hurts” - Leeteuk kept inspecting the weird mark - “How did you get this?” 


Eunhyuk looked down at the floor. Leeteuk recognized that face: embarrassment. The babysitter got a bad feeling and decided to inspect the other two. He found biting marks in Sungmin’s arm and a few scratches in Donghae’s back. 


“Did you fight?” - Leeteuk kept trying to get information - “What happened? You are all full of marks!” 


Donghae cried anxiously. He was too nervous to speak. 


“Hae, I just want to help” - Leeteuk worried - “Who did this to you?” 


“H—he p-pushed me!” - Donghae cried loudly - “He pulled Hae’s hair too!” 


The other two started crying as well. Suddenly, Leeteuk found himself listening to three kids complaining about things that happened that day and the day before. 


“Who? Honey, I need a name” - Leeteuk was getting anxious. Depending of the answer, Heechul would need to take different actions - “Was it one of your classmates?” 


“Ung!” - the three boys nodded 


Now everything made sense. The triplets had started acting out every morning before going to daycare maybe in a way to avoid it. They also had returned from it crying a couple of times but the adults didn’t know the reason behind it. They were having troubles there and they didn’t know how to communicate it. 


“Scary!” - Eunhyuk kept holding Leeteuk’s arm tightly - “So scary!” 


“Sungmin, your arm” - Leeteuk was trying to help the boys to heal - “I need to clean it well ok? It may itch but it’s for your own good” 


(Poor brother... that looks awful...) Kyuhyun observed the bitting marks in Sungmin’s arm. 


“Those are from different days” - Mrs Jung was now helping the babysitter- “Look at the color. One is purple but the other one is from today” 


“Oh God” - Leeteuk worried - “I wonder how much did they endure... they didn’t tell us anything and I’m sure some of the things that kid did to them didn’t leave a visual mark” 


“Poor angels” - Mrs Jung lamented 


Ryeowook was fully excited. He almost forgot about all the tortures he had to endure that day. In fact, he was so happy that he had forgiven his silly dad for Changing his diaper in front of the doctor. 


“CHEEZE” - Ryeowook observed the little pieces of cheese that Heechul got for him 




“Go ahead” - Heechul was ready for it - “You earned it. I’m sorry for all you had to go through” 




Ryeowook’s funny faces made Heechul laugh. 


“You really like it, uhm? Good thing is that from now on I can feed you cheese” - Heechul smiled pleased - “Lets grow a lot” 





Siwon was sneezing again. Leeteuk felt overwhelmed having bad news to give to Heechul. He didn’t want to make the parent worry since anyway he couldn’t do anything from distance but the triplets’s  situation was something to worry about. Also, Siwon’s allergies kept getting triggered and he didn’t know why. The boy’s nose was so irritated that Leeteuk worried it could bleed again. 


“It’s not like I want to tell you this but... one of the kids was playing outside” - Mrs Jung sighed - “I found mud in the hall that connects with backyard” 


Then, it clicked. 


“I’m going to kill that kid” - Leeteuk realized his own mistake - “KANGIN!” 


“Yeah?” - Kangin sounded nervous 


“What did I tell you?!” - Leeteuk pulled the boy’s ear - “You brought it back, didn’t you?” 


“Of course I did! It’s raining a lot!” - Kangin sulked - “Batman can’t stay there! It will get cold and sick!” 


“Your brother got sick because of him!” - Leeteuk scolded - “You know he is allergic to a lot of animals and fur and—“ 


“Siwon won’t die from a itchy nose but Batman will if we leave him outside!” - Kangin cried as the babysitter took the little raccoon outside - “please!” 


“No! And if you touch it again, I swear that I will ask your dad to ground you forever!” 


“Please!” - Kangin kept crying - “He is my friend!” 


Kyuhyun was having the worst time of his life. It had been several hours since his last contact with Ryeowook and he could feel his own heart breaking every second. He missed his twin. He wanted his twin back at any cost. 


“What?” - Leeteuk was still trying to recover from the fight with Kangin - “Do you need a diaper change?” 


Kyuhyun was holding one of the diaper bags. He was also wearing his shoes and backpack. 


“Do you want to go out? It’s raining right now...” - Leeteuk sighed. Today had been tough for him. 


“Wookie...” - Kyuhyun squeezed his shirt - “Zeach’ Wookie” 


“Honey, Wookie is alright” - Leeteuk didn’t know what to say anymore - “But he won’t be back until tomorrow” 


“No... now” - Kyuhyun insisted - “ My Wookie...” 


“Hon— oh wait” - Leeteuk listened to that familiar sound - “It must be your daddy!” 


Kyuhyun’s face got a little hope. He followed Leeteuk quickly as the nanny got the iPad. 


“Hey There! Guess who just ate cheese!” - Heechul seemed happy - “He was a very brave boy today!” 


“KYUUUU!” - Ryeowook was jumping frenetically as he got a glimpse of his twin - “KYUUUU! WOOKIE HEWEEEE!” 


“WOOKIEEEE!” - Kyuhyun felt his heart jump - “MY TWIN!” 


Leeteuk almost cried thanks to the scene. It had only been a few hours but the twins missed each other like if they had been apart for a year. Both boys kept trying to get hold of the devices as they pushed away the adults. They lasted around an hour just blabbering things in their own language. Kyuhyun cried annoyed when Leeteuk asked him to share the iPad and let his brothers speak with Heechul. 


“Daddy will get sad if you cry” - Leeteuk tried 


“No dada! Wookie!” - Kyuhyun was upset now that the triplets had the iPad 


“Whats that in your arm? Did you get hurt?” - Heechul spotted the weird bandages around Sungmin’s arm - “Did you fall?” 


“We will discuss it later, but apparently, one kid is giving us troubles. I don’t know why but the kid likes to bother the triplets” - Leeteuk explained - “He is a bully” 


“Bully!” - the triplets chanted 


“Where is Kangin?” - Heechul asked - “I’m missing him here” 


“Forget about him! Grandma took me to the movies so I could play with my new friends and and—IT WAS AWESOME!” - Yesung was talkative as he was happy - “I think they like me!” 


“That’s awesome sweetheart” - Heechul smiled - “but where is Kangin?” 


“He is still mad at me for the raccoon” - Leeteuk rolled his eyes - “He locked himself in his room and refuses to let me in” 


“You know you can unlock the door from outside, right?” - Heechul widened his eyes - “Go to my office and search for the keys. I don’t mind giving them a little privacy but I don’t like when they Lock themselves like that” 


“Sure” - Leeteuk agreed - “I will look for the keys and make sure he gets down for dinner” 


Heechul ended the videocall after two long hours. He never thought he could videocall for so long. Ryeowook was taking a nap. The boy was utterly tired and Heechul decided it was good for him to sleep a few minutes even if it was close to dinner time. 

Kyuhyun was also tired. He was having dinner as he fought his sleepiness. The boy had skipped nap time as he couldn’t sleep thinking in is brother. 


“Kangin, honey” - Leeteuk opened the door - “Everyone is having dinner” 


“Not everyone!” - Kangin wiped his tears - “I bet Batman is still outside in the cold!” 


“Its a raccoon. They live outside and eat garbage... they are no pets” 


“Why you talk about him like if he was a pest?” - Kangin was clearly mad at him - “He has feelings too!” 


“Honey...” - Leeteuk sighed - “Lets just Forget about it” 


“How do you want me to forget about him? He is my friend! And he is out there getting wet and cold... probably hungry...” - Kangin couldn’t avoid crying again - “He is going to die!” 


“He will survive” 


“No, he won’t! He is alone!” - Kangin sobbed - “He is just a baby and I haven’t seen his parents! Maybe he got lost or his parents died...” 


Leeteuk hated himself for it. Kangin had a pure heart wanting to take care of the poor raccoon that lived in their backyard but even good actions could bring bad consequences. He wanted the boy to understand that but Kangin was still too young for it. He only thought about the raccoon dying and not in the future. 


“That’s how the world works” - Leeteuk shook his head - “I will save your dinner for later if you get hungry” 


“I hate you” - Kangin muttered 


“I love you” - Leeteuk sighed. 


The moon was finally out and the sun was gone. Heechul was walking around the hotel with a cheerful curious toddler that kept running around after regaining strength with dinner. 


“Kim Ryeowook~~~” - Heechul followed his energetic boy - “Dont go too far~” 


(Catch me! Hehehe!) 


Ryeowook kept running at full speed. He was finally enjoying his time with dad as there were no doctors nor annoying tests to do. Curiosity filled his sparkling eyes as he spotted pretty flowers. 


“Pretty right?” - Heechul clenched to be closer to Ryeowook’s face - “Arent you tired? Don’t you want to go back to our room?” 


“Nuh~” - Ryeowook refused to get inside that room. Heechul already scolded him once for jumping inside as he told him he would disturb other guests. 


“We could watch tv you know” - Heechul stretched - “I’m tired” 


“Pway! Pway!” - Ryeowook climbed a bench without help - “Pway! Dada!”


(You promised me we would play after we were done with the appointment...) 


“It’s getting cold...” - Heechul worried for the boy’s health - “Lets go indoors” 




Ryeowook kept playing non stop inside the hotel. The boy would explore around the lobby trying to play with everything that called his attention. Heechul was patient as he knew the boy had a hard day. 


(Oh no... not now...) 


“Dada! Potty!” - Ryeowook ran back to his dad asking for help - “Potty! Potty!” 


Heechul grinned. 


“Ohhhhhh, What a pity. Let’s hurry! Cmon! We must go back to our room!” - Heechul wouldn’t miss his opportunity to caught his toddler - “Lets take the elevator~” 


(I knew it...) 


Ryeowook sulked. He didn’t want to get locked inside a room but it would happen earlier than expected thanks to his bowels. He even glared at his dad when he changed his clothes into pajamas. 


“Out? Pway?” - Ryeowook kept pointing at the door - “Pwease?” 


“Come here, bagel” - Heechul placed his hand on the bed - “Lets watch tv together” 


(I guess we are definitely not going out) 


“No tv... Pway...” - Ryeowook yawned as he rubbed his eyes. The boy was already exhausted despite having a nap earlier. After all, it had been a hard day for him. 


“You are so sleepy” - Heechul yawned as well - “Lets sleep” 


Ryeowook shook his head. His eyelids were shutting down but he still refused to accept it. 


Heechul was already holding him along with Kiki and his new teddy bear. Ryeowook started getting whinny since he was tired. 


“Let’s sleep~ lets go to dreamland~” 


“Nuuuuh...” - Ryeowook rubbed his eyes again - “Kyu...” 


“Kyu? He is at home” - Heechul said softly - “Tomorrow we will take another plane and go back to our house. You will see Kyu and all your brothers” 


“Ung~” - Ryeowook was his thump. He fell asleep quickly. Heechul fell asleep soon after. 


Leeteuk couldn’t sleep. Maybe it was because most of the kids were in his bed but he also couldn’t get off his head the picture of a sad raccoon dying outside in the cold. He ended going out of the bed to check in the older boys and realize Kangin was still crying. 


“Sweetie, Try to sleep” - Leeteuk ruffled the boy’s hair - “Tomorrow your dad will come back and you are going to play lots with him. You need to have energy for that” 


“What If Batman dies?” - Kangin’s voice was full of fear - “What If he got sick and died?” 


“I’m sure he must be fine” 


“I can’t sleep thinking about it” - Kangin sulked - “I really like him” 


Leeteuk sighed. He hated it so much but somehow Kangin’s pure intentions were too much for him. He couldn’t deny he was touched. 


“I will check on the raccoon but you go to sleep” 


“Are you going to feed him?” - Kangin tried - “He must be hungry” 


“Sure” - Leeteuk rolled his eyes. 


The babysitter never thought he would find himself feeding a wild raccoon in the middle of the night. He was at the backyard calling for the animal but there was no response. 


“Batman?” - Leeteuk found what it looked like a curled animal - “Oh my...” 


The raccoon seemed weak. It was obvious that it haven’t found shelter on time and got wet from the rain. It was covered in mud and it’s breathing was fast and odd. Leeteuk cursed internally as he was unable to ignore the situation. He ended taking the animal with him in a try to make sure it survived. 


“I can’t believe I just bathed a wild raccoon” - Leeteuk told himself as he dried the so called animal - “Are you feeling better? Gosh, the things we do for kids” 


The raccoon tilted his head cutely. Leeteuk hated to admit it, but he was taking a like on him. 


“Just for tonight” - Leeteuk told the little raccoon as he settled a box with holes and full of blankets - “Tomorrow you are sleeping outside again, ok? Don’t get used” 



Next morning Leeteuk woke up thanks to the kids playing with the animal. He wanted to scream and throw the raccoon outside to the backyard but even Kyuhyun seemed happier now. 


“It’s dangerous, we haven’t vaccinated it” - Leeteuk lectured as he took the raccoon away from the kids - “We can’t keep it. We just helped him because his life was at danger” 


“Batman!” - Kyuhyun kept staring at the raccoon from the window - “HIIIIII!” 


“At least he is in a better mood today” - Leeteuk shook his head. He just wanted Heechul to come home as soon as possible. 



Ryeowook was blushing so deeply he could feel his ears burning from embarrassment. He couldn’t even lift his face. 


“Whats with that guilty face?” - Heechul was still laughing - “I already told you it’s ok” 


(Ugh... this is getting worse everyday)


“I knew you would wet the bed” - Heechul kept teasing the boy - “That’s why we took precautions” 


(I hate myself. I won’t get rid of diapers in my entire life) 


Ryeowook felt his tears rolling down his cheeks. Heechul was having fun teasing him for it but it hurt. 


“Oh no! Don’t cry! Daddy was just being silly!” - Heechul apologized - “It’s alright, nothing bad happened! It was an accident and lucky for us, your diaper didn’t leak!”


(I hate having accidents. Yesterday I had a lot and now this...) 


“Lets go and have breakfast ok? I’m sure they have cheese” - Heechul felt guilty for making Ryeowook cry - “And juice~ and those tasty yoghurts you like~~~”


(That sounds good...) 


“Aww my poor bagel” - Heechul wiped the boy’s tears away - “Lets not cry anymore~ I promise I will be good to you” 


(I can’t promise I won’t cry again) 


“Home” - Ryeowook sulked - “Wanna go home” 


“Sure” - Heechul agreed - “but first, breakfast” 


Ryeowook was in a better mood since Heechul was spoiling him lots. He not only got to eat whatever he wanted but also got Heechul to feed him. It felt really nice having his dad’s attention only for him. 


“We still have plenty time before leaving for our flight” - Heechul told the toddler - “Lets take a stroll. I promised you we would have fun here” 


(This is so nice~ air is so fresh! Look birdies!!!)


“Dada!! Chirp chirps!” - Ryeowook bounced excited - “Chirps! Chirps!” 


“Yeah, birds!” - Heechul laughed - “Cute” 


Ryeowook had a blast playing around. He got a little sad when Heechul announced it was time to go back to their room but lucky for him, they didn’t stay there that much. Heechul packed their things and they were out in a few minutes. 




“You look happy” - Heechul giggled as Ryeowook sang weird songs at the airport- “Are you excited to ride the plane again?” 


(Not really. But at least this time we are going home) 


This time, Ryeowook endured it better. He didn’t cry at all and didn’t get sick. He even enjoyed watching the clouds. 


“We are almost home” - Heechul sounded excited as well - “You are going to see Kyuhyun again! Aren’t you excited?”


(KYUUUUU! Wait for me!) 


“KYU!” - Ryeowook cheered as Heechul started the car - “Home!” 


“Yes! We are going home!” 


Heechul expected a warm welcome from all his kids. Maybe he expected too much. Reality was, he opened the door and only Kyuhyun ran to them only to crash with his twin and make him cry. 


“Aw, he is crying from emotion” - Leeteuk was the other one that seemed happy as they were back - “Just Look at him!” 


“Actually, I think Kyuhyun almost killed him” - Heechul inspected the damage as Ryeowook kept rubbing his forehead - “It looked painful” 


“MY TWIN!” - Kyuhyun kept hugging Ryeowook so tightly the shortest twin was having troubles breathing - “KISS KISS!” 


“Poor Ryeowook” - Heechul laughed - “But at least he got a nice welcoming. The other ones couldn’t care less about me” 


“Ah, they are busy spying on the raccoon” - Leeteuk rolled his eyes - “Dont worry. I did miss you” 


“At least you did” - Heechul sighed - “I missed you too. Traveling alone with a toddler is kinda exhausting... definitely not doing it again soon” 


“DADA!” - Henry was trying to crawl to him - “Dada!” 


“Oh~~ Henry also missed you” - Leeteuk smiled - “He kept asking for you” 


“Really? I guess—“ 


The adults got a shock when the boy finally managed to take his first steps without help. He reached Heechul quickly and grabbed his legs. 


“HE WALKED!” - Heechul lifted the boy up in the air - “ HE JUST TOOK HIS FIRST STEPS!” 


(So? What’s the big deal about it? Wookie and I walk everyday, DUH) Kyuhyun did a funny expression. 


(Believe me, adults are weird. You just can’t understand them) Ryeowook shuddered. 


(IM FLYING! IM FLYING!) Henry was happy as Heechul fooled around with him. 



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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it