Warm love

Junior Quest

“What is this? The holy inquisition?” - The eight years old protested as he was forced to sit at the table - “I swear I had nothing to do with those fireworks” 


“What fireworks?” - His father asked a little worried 


“Uh... Nothing. Forget I said so” - Heechul rolled his eyes - “So? What bring you here? “ 


“This is our house too, Heechul” - His mother said in a stern tone - “Please refrain from making such comments now. There is something we need to discuss with you” 


“Oh, I know” - Heechul shrank his shoulders and tried to get away - “You are going on a trip and blah blah blah... Bye!”


“Not so fast, boy” - The mother caught him in the attempt to flee - “Sit down” 


“What are you so serious? I swear I did nothing bad today... yet” - Heechul leaned on the table - “Its summer! I don’t want to waste time sitting here to chat with two old people I barely see nowadays” 


“I’m your mother” - Heechul’s mother tried


“Really? Then why are you abandoning me again? It’s freaking summer!” - Heechul squeaked - “I just... Can I go ride my bike?” 


“Honey, your father and I... we have been thinking about what the best for you and...” - The mother took a deep breath - “We came to the conclusion that you need something to do on summer” 


“I know” - Heechul played with a paper cup he took from the table - “Are you sending me to summer school again?” 


“Uhm... no” - The father sighed - “This time is something better” 


“If you say summer camp I will cry” - Heechul got nervous - “I don’t wanna go” 


“But Honey, summer camps are fun!” - The mother tried - “You will love it there! You are going to have a lot of friends to play with, good food, a pool and several activities suited for you”


“Kids make fun of me, mom” - Heechul shook his head - “They are going to pick on me and I will suffer. Then, I will take revenge and the adults will scold me for being ‘bad’. It’s always like that” 


“Maybe we should have considered a psychologist first” - The man whispered to his wife 


“Bunny look at me” - the mother held hands with her son - “I would never send you to a place where you could get hurt that way” 


“You sent me to school” - Heechul said in a low voice - “and to those swimming lessons...” 


“Its just... it’s not easy for us either” - the mother sighed again - “The company is expanding and we need to make this trip” 


“Why Cant I stay home?” - Heechul sulked - “I bet Gunhee and Donghee are staying here” 


“Because... I can’t ask anybody to be after you all time” - Heechul’s mother admitted- “You are a nice boy but... you are a naughty one. I would feel better if I knew you are staying in a place under vigilance all time” 


“Then take me with you” - Heechul teased - “I promise to behave~” 


“You know I can’t” - The mother pouted - “Dont ask for impossibles” 


“Why you hate me so much?” - Heechul sulked again - “This is not fair” 


“Come Here” - The mother stretched her arms - “Give me a hug. I promise everything will be alright” 


Heechul walked to his mom reluctantly. He did his best trying to get help from his dad using his big eyes. 


“Sorry, buddy” - The man muttered 


Heechul gave up. He knew there was nothing he could do to stop it. 




“Heeeeeeeeeeeeey~ Are you listening to me?” - Kangin was using a folded paper sheet as megaphone- “I said that we are going to be late!” 


“I already double checked everything” - Leeteuk announced- “I think they have everything they need” 


“Yeah, I packed extra underwear just in case” - Yesung nodded - “And Grandma made me pack like three spare toothbrushes in case I lose mine” 


“So... it’s time” - Heechul tried to stop daydreaming - “Are you sure this is what you want?” 


“Yes!” - Kangin pulled his arm - “Now let’s go! We can’t miss the bus!” 


“Did you say goodbye to your brothers?” - Heechul sighed - “all of them?” 


“All of them” - Yesung and Kangin said in chorus - “Can we go now please?” 


“Don’t Forget your uncle” - Heechul bit his lips - “Hug him. You won’t be seen him in a long time” 


“It’s just a week, man” - Kangin was already hugging Leeteuk - “I bet you won’t even miss us” 


“That’s So wrong” - Heechul said unamused - “You haven’t left and I already miss you” 


“Dont let the triplets play with my turtle” - Yesung whispered to the babysitter- “And take care of dad. He is acting weird” 


“Have fun” - Leeteuk ruffled the boy’s hair - “I’m gonna miss you too” 


“We are going to bring you a frog from the pond~ There is no need to be so sad~” - Kangin was trying to convince the twins - “Or maybe a lizard” 


“You won’t bring anything” - Heechul pulled the boy’s ear - “Cmon, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun. Hurry up and wave goodbye” 


“No bye bye” - Kyuhyun sobbed - “Yeye Ginnie ztay...” 


Ryeowook couldn’t even speak. He kept bawling with all his energy. 



Lunch was somehow sad. Even if only two boys were missing, the table felt empty. The house felt empty. It was odd. 


“They arrived safely” - Heechul smiled a bit - “Yesung sent me an email” 


“Oh? That’s nice” - Leeteuk tried  to ignore the fact the twins barely touched their food - “whats wrong with you two? Aren’t you hungry?” 


“Not hungwy” - Ryeowook replied - “Zad” 


“Bwothewwwww~!!” - Henry called from his high chair. The baby was too young to understand that his older siblings were going to be away from a while - “Yeyeeeeeeeeee~ Kawiiiii~”


“Cheer up, boys” - Heechul tickled the Twins - “They are fine. They are having fun” 


“Without us” - Eunhyuk sulked as he stabbed a piece of chicken 


“You are going to have fun as well, honey” - Leeteuk smiled softly- “Daddy is Taking you with him, remember?”


The boy’s eyes sparkled. He seemed excited. 


“By the way, Teuk” - Heechul was completely the opposite to the twins. He ate like if there was no tomorrow- “I have been thinking about that ‘thing’ we discussed. I think I already chose the one I want to ‘you know what’ “ 


“Sorry I got lost “ - Leeteuk shook his head. He was distracted as the kids wouldn’t eat properly - “You were saying...?”


“He is talking about the birthday picture he wants to frame” - Sungmin explained sweetly


“It’s a secret” - Donghae whispered to his uncle 


“Not anymore, apparently” - Heechul pulled the boys’s ears - “I have told you many times to not listen someone’s else conversations” 


“Which one you chose?” - Leeteuk was curious about it - “Yesung will kill you if you chose the one where he is smiling and showing his missing teeth” 


“That’s the one!” - Donghae nodded happily before receiving another ear pull - “Ouchie!” 


“How come you know everything, little spies?” - Heechul complained- “You guys are like my own shadow! You keep following me everywhere and I can’t even understand what’s so fun about it!” 


“We wanna be like you~” - Eunhyuk shrank his shoulders - “You are cool” 


Siwon widened his eyes and looked at his dad. The triplets all giggled. 


“You... want to be like me?” - Heechul was clueless about it. He knew all kids admired their parents, but still, he never expected that answer - “ That’s so sweet, boys. Lucky for you, you guys are even better than me” 


“Papa~ Minnie Wanna be with you foreveeeeeeer~” - Sungmin nuzzled his cheeks 


“Hae too~” - Donghae imitated his brother 


“Even If you don’t marry, you still have us” - Eunhyuk chirped - “You won’t be alone” 


“I knew I wouldn’t be alone the very moment kids started following me to the restroom” - Heechul teased - “Also, you don’t have to worry. I don’t feel lonely. It’s ok if I don’t marry” 


“But if you don’t marry we won’t have a mom” - Donghae pouted - “Hae would like a mom” 


“Maybe someday” - Heechul winked to the boys - “But for the moment, you can pretend Teuk is your mom” 


“But he is not a woman... right?” - Eunhyuk looked at Leeteuk with suspicious eyes 


“Are you a boy too?” - Donghae asked curiously 


“Can you marry a boy?” - Sungmin seemed confused - “With a ring?” 


“Well done” - Leeteuk whispered - “Now they are even more confused” 



Maybe in a try to get revenge, Leeteuk made sure Heechul endured the price of telling such pranks to his boys and forced him to take them out. As a result, the babysitter stayed home with Siwon and the youngest trio while Heechul drove to the studio with the triplets singing out loud. 



“Would you please stop? My ears are hurting” - Heechul tried to focus on parking the car but the noisy boys wouldn’t give him a chance - “Lets be quiet for a moment, ok?”


“I have to pee” - Donghae crossed his legs - “Can I go to the toilet?” 


Heechul took a deep breath and nodded. He parked the car as fast as he could and took the three boys to the closest place where they could find a restroom. Heechul was a little embarrassed as the boys wouldn’t stop talking even when relieving themselves. 


“I think all people in the restroom already know your names” - Heechul bit his tongue as he helped the boys to wash their hands - “You are in a good mood today. I thought you would be sad since your brothers aren’t around but... you look fine” 


“We are happy” - Sungmin leaned on his dad  - “Because we are with you~” 


“I love you, daddy!” - Donghae said cutely 


“Our Dad is the best” - Eunhyuk said cheerfully 


Heechul couldn’t get mad at them. It didn’t matter how hard he tried. They were too cute. 


“Lets go” - Heechul ruffled their hairs - “We need to print that picture. I want to make sure Yesung sees it as soon as he comes back home” 


“He is going to get angry” - Eunhyuk giggled - “I like it” 


“He is going to scream ‘Noooo! Nooooo!’ “ - Donghae imitated the way Yesung always got shocked - “Yeye is funny” 


“Can we play with Donnie now that he is gone?” - Sungmin wouldn’t miss that golden opportunity- “He won’t know” 



“With who?” - A man replied - “I’m sorry, what?” 


The triplets exchanged looks and looked around. They were sure they were following Heechul just minutes ago. Apparently, they were so immersed in their own conversation that they got lost. 


“Are you Alright? Did you get lost?” - The man worried as he saw how confused the kids were - “Where is your mom?” 


“Our dad...” - Donghae was about to cry - “Daddy was here...” 


Eunhyuk was already sobbing. He was scared as he couldn’t spot his dad anywhere. 


“Maybe I Can help you” - The man pitied the Kids - “How is your dad?” 


“He is nice” - Sungmin replied sadly 


“I mean, how does he look?” - the man tried again 


“He looks like us” - Donghae sulked 


The man sighed. He was trying to figure what to do when the triplets disappeared from his sight. 


“Oh, Well” - The man scratched his head - “I bet they saw their dad” 


Turned out, it wasn’t like that. The kids were just too frightened to behave reasonably. They were just running around trying to spot their dad. 


“I cant see him” - Eunhyuk cried again - “Where is he?” 


“My daddy...” - Donghae started crying after he fell - “UWAAAA!” 


“Papa said he was going to print a picture” - Sungmin was looking a map he got from the mall - “He said it was called ‘photo studio’ the place where he prints pictures” 


“Uh? Where is that?” - Eunhyuk wiped away his tears - “You know where is it?” 


“Nuh, but We Can find it” - Sungmin showed his twin the map - “Help me read” 


“Daddy... daddy...” - Donghae was too busy looking for Heechul to notice he was separating from his twins - “Daddy...” 


Five minutes later, the kid bumped his head against someone else. 


“Sorry, mr” - Donghae apologized automatically. He was taught to do so 


“Who are you calling mr? Is this a game or something?” - Heechul knocked his head - “I have been looking for you like crazy! Where did you go?” 




“Of course, I’m here! I never left!” - Heechul shook his head - “I stopped to tie my shoe and you guys just disappeared” 


“We got confused and followed a stranger” - Donghae explained as Heechul held him - “And now Hae lost his twins...” 


Donghae was devastated. Heechul felt sorry as the boy kept crying non stop. 


“We are going to find them, don’t worry”

- Heechul kissed the boy - “Lets go look for help” 



Leeteuk was knitting a new sweater for Kyuhyun’s penguin plush. The boy has requested him so nicely he couldn’t refuse. The babysitter was totally immersed in knitting when he realized he was missing some buttons he bought for decorating his masterpiece. 


“Ryeowook” - Leeteuk twisted his lips. The shortest twin liked to collect stuff that called his attention. Recently, he had developed a like for buttons or anything else that was shaped in a way he liked. 


“Have you seen the buttons I bought?” - Leeteuk asked as he tickled the toddler - “Were you playing with them?” 


Ryeowook stared at Leeteuk with worried eyes. 


“Did you hide them?” - Leeteuk tried again - “You know I won’t scold you” 


“Nuh“ - Ryeowook pouted 


“would you explain me where did my buttons go?” - Leeteuk tried one last time - “Kyunnie is going to get sad if his penguin doesn’t get that sweater” 


“Hewy ate em” - Ryeowook said in a low voice 


“Uh? Henry did what?” 


“Ate em” - Ryeowook repeated anxiously before starting to cry- “Wookie waz pwayin n’ baby ate em...” 


“HE ATE WHAT?” - Leeteuk was freaking out - “OH MY GOD” 


Henry seemed fine. However, Leeteuk was so worried about the kid he ended taking him to the ER anyway. Ryeowook kept crying non stop as he felt guilty for it. Kyuhyun cried too as he thought Henry’s life was in danger. Siwon was worried for Henry’s health but he worried more about Leeteuk getting a heart attack. 


“Uncle... you need to calm down” - Siwon said softly - “I will bring you water, ok? Everything is going to be alright” 


“Thank you, honey” - Leeteuk tried to relax at the waiting room - “Can’t believe Henry ate buttons...” 


“Sowy” - Ryeowook sulked. The toddler was so stressed. 


“It’s not your fault” - Leeteuk felt sad as the boy would blame himself- “But next time, you should tell me as soon as it happens, ok?” 


“Hewy die?” - Ryeowook asked scared 


Kyuhyun gasped. 


“Oh no! Honey, no!” - Leeteuk tried to wipe the boys’s tears - “He is just gonna get a tummy ache...I hope” 


“I don’t think he ate any button” - The doctor came back holding a very pleased baby - “He looks fine and... we couldn’t see anything wrong in the eco” 


“Really?” - Leeteuk looked at Ryeowook- “Wook, are you sure Henry ate buttons?” 


“Uhum” - Ryeowook nodded - “Bwue, Rwed, yewow, owange...” 


“I didnt buy any orange buttons” - Leeteuk sighed - “What on earth...” 



Sungmin and Eunhyuk were sitting together on a bench. They have given up searching for the photo studio as they couldn’t read the map properly. 


“Do you think he is going to find us?” - Eunhyuk sulked 


“Uhum” - Sungmin nodded calmly. So far, Sungmin was the only one that seemed to remain calm even in that situation. 


“Are you sure?” 


“Uhum” - Sungmin nodded again. He even smiled sweetly - “Papa always find us” 


Eunhyuk looked at his twin. Somehow, that confidence was contagious. 


“You are right” - Eunhyuk relaxed - “Lets wait” 


“Oh” - A man with round glasses pointed at the kids - “Arent you the Kim boys?” 


“Papa said Minnie shouldn’t talk to strangers, sorry” - Sungmin tilted his head 


“Well, I’m not a stranger” - The man laughed - “I’m a friend of your dad... and most of your family, actually. You boys must be Sungmin and Eunhyuk, right?” 


“How you know our names?” - Eunhyuk worried. He was ready to run away if needed - “Are you kidnapping us?” 


“What? Oh no no no” - The man laughed - “I’m calling your dad~ If you want you can come with me and wait—“


The boys were shaking their heads. They seemed to be firm about not following ‘strangers’. 


“Heechul? Yeah, it’s me... I found two of your kids sitting together but they refuse to come with me. They say something about me being a stranger. Yeah yeah, wait a minute I’m putting you on speaker” 


“Boys?” - Heechul’s voice echoed 


Sungmin and Eunhyuk smiled. 


“He is not a bad man” - Heechul seemed to be laughing - “He knows you from long ago. He is a friend of mine, as well. You can go with him. I promise I will go look for you as soon as I can” 


The kids did as instructed and held hands with the mysterious man. The walked together until Sungmin spotted Heechul first. 






“You naughty brats” - Heechul kissed his boys - “I was so worried!” 


“They were reluctant to come with me” - The man with round glasses laughed - “They Dont remember me, do they?” 


“It’s actually amazing you could recognize them” - Heechul teased - “It’s been a while since you saw them” 


“What are you talking about? It was me the one who edited your pictures!” - The man laughed - “I wouldn’t let anyone else do it!” 


“Sorry, I forgot” - Heechul laughed 


“Also, they are so cute is impossible to forget their faces!” 


“Who are you mr?” - Donghae asked in a low voice 


“The owner of the photo studio” - Heechul smiled sweetly- “He is been editing your pics ever since you were babies” 


“Really?” - Eunhyuk smiled too - “Mr you are amazing” 


“I was the one that took the pics from your first birthday!” - The man chirped - “I still recall that mess! Oh my... Hani was so worried the pics wouldn’t turn out good...” 


“Hani was our mom’s name” - Sungmin’s heart beat fast - “Did you know our mom?”


“Of course I did!” 


“I’m jealous” - Eunhyuk sulked - “We couldn’t meet her” 


The man froze. Heechul seemed sad. The triplets spoke about it like who talks about the weather. They often complained about how they didn’t have a mom and how they would have liked to have Hani with them. They also kept telling Heechul to marry or find a girlfriend. 


“Mr, was my mom pretty?” - Sungmin asked the man 


“She was the most beautiful woman you could ever imagine” - The man controlled his feelings as he didn’t want to cry in front of the kids - “And she loved you very much. All of you” 


“Our other Dad, Gunhee, he also loved us a lot” - Eunhyuk shrank his shoulders - “But he left with mom. They went to heaven together” 


“Sometimes we miss them” - Donghae confessed - “But Daddy misses them the most... and cries and feels lonely” 


“Dont you feel lonely?” - The man asked in a soft voice 


“Nuh” - The triplets replied cheerfully 


“Minnie has twins, and Papa, and Uncle, and Grandma, and Grandpa! And many many many brothers!” - Sungmin chirped excited- “It’s ok if we don’t have a mom. We still have Papa” 


“But you could help us” - Eunhyuk added - “If you meet a pretty girl you can ask her to marry Daddy” 


“But she can’t be allergic to raccoons” - Donghae nodded  


“I will take that into account” - the man finally laughed again thanks to Donghae’s innocence - “I will call you if I ever meet a girl like that” 



After Heechul finished giving instructions about the picture he wanted to frame, he took the kids to eat ice cream. The boys, however, were utterly quiet. 


“Are we in troubles?” - Donghae asked quietly 


“Oh no, sweetie” - Heechul scratched his head. Boys were complicated- “I’m giving you ice cream... why would you be in troubles?” 


“We weren’t good today” - Sungmin replied in a low voice - “Why are we getting ice cream?” 


“Who says you weren’t good? If you got lost I’m equally guilty for that...” - Heechul sighed - “I brought you here because there is something important we need to discuss and I thought that you would listen to me if you had ice cream...” 


“We listen” - Eunhyuk nodded 


“I’m afraid to ask... I’m totally scared of having this conversation with you but, I came to the conclusion we can’t keep running away from it” - Heechul took out a few pictures - “It’s about her” 


“Our mom” - Sungmin smiled a bit. The man from the photo studio had gifted those pictures to them a few minutes ago - “She is beautiful” 


“She looks like a princess” - Donghae blushed softly 


“She is your mom, right? I have told you so several times. Also, you guys know she went to heaven and she can’t come back” - Heechul took a deep breath - “And you have told me many times that you would like me to marry so you can have a mom” 




“People... people often get sad when you mention so” - Heechul bit his lips - “I understand you guys want a mom like the one your classmates have... it’s just...”


“It’s not like that” - Eunhyuk shrank his shoulders - “We thought you would be happier if you had a girlfriend” 


“Yesterday Papa cried cuz he felt lonely” - Sungmin pouted - “We worried” 


“What? Oh no, I didn’t cry for that” - Heechul blushed. He was embarrassed to find out the kids listened to him - “I... Im sad because Yesung and Kangin went to a summer camp” 


“Uh?” - The triplets seemed confused 


“I’m so used to have all of you around that I feel empty when you are not with me” - Heechul sighed - “I said I would feel lonely because Yesung and Kangin weren’t here... but that’s also a lie, you know? I tend to exaggerate things. I don’t feel lonely at all since you are here” 


“So... you don’t need a girlfriend?” - Donghae tilted his head 


“For being happy? No” - Heechul giggled - “I would like to have one in the future but right now, I want to focus on raising you. Unless of course, it is you the one that wants a mom. If that is the case, I probably should find a way to fix it” 


“Uhm... we are good” - Eunhyuk smiled in a silly way. His mouth was full of ice cream - “But we are fine with you getting a girlfriend” 


“One that isn’t allergic to raccoons, right?” - Heechul teased - “If I ever find a woman I want to marry... I will let you know” 


“Can we hold the rings?” - Sungmin asked cutely - “Pleaseeeeee” 


“Maybe” - Heechul took a spoonful of ice cream 


“You never met one...?” - Donghae seemed confused 


“Your Mom was my brother’s girlfriend. Not mine. I loved her... but not in that way” - Heechul chuckled- “We were friends” 


“Not even one?” - Donghae insisted 


“There was once a girl I liked” - Heechul whispered to the boys - “But it didn’t work” 


“Where is she?” 


“I... don’t know” - Heechul bit his lips. He was actually saying the truth - “Last time I saw her... Whatever. She is gone, ok? She won’t be your mom” 


The triplets seemed amused. They kept smiling to Heechul in a silly way. 


“I said enough. Cmon, eat before it melts” 


“Daddy had a girlfriend~” - Eunhyuk chanted 



“Sorry to have bothered you... I really thought Henry ate those buttons” - Leeteuk was apologizing to the doctor one more time - “Ryeowook seemed so confident about it... and he didn’t seem like lying so...”


“It’s ok, I already said it’s ok” - the doctor chuckled - “Now you only need to make sure Henry is fine. If you have doubts, you can always bring him back here” 


“Buuuuuuuh!” - Henry stuck his tongue out when the doctor tried to reach him again. The boy disliked the hospital. Maybe he still remembered he used to live there inside a incubator- “Nuuuuh!”


“Henry, be nice” - Leeteuk scolded 


“Thanks for helping my brother, mr doctor” - Siwon bowed - “We are really thankful” 


“Thanwks!” - The Twins hugged the doctor 


“At least they do have manners” - Leeteuk pouted as Henry kept trying to make bubbles with his saliva - “Stop doing that, is gross” 


“Zwine” - Henry chuckled 


“So disrespectful, Henry” - Leeteuk scolded - “Lets go back home. I will tell your dad you were mean to me” 




“Yeah, he is going to scold you~” - Leeteuk teased 


“NUH!” - Henry threw away the toy he was holding in a try to show his anger


“That’s not nice! You could have hit someone!” - Leeteuk was busy lecturing the young toddler while Ryeowook ran away trying to find the toy his brother threw 


“Uh” - Ryeowook panicked when he noticed the toy was being held by a woman- “Excuze me” 


“Uh? Oh! Sorry” - The woman gave him the toy immediately - “Its just... a friend of mine used to have one very similar to this... I got lost in my thoughts...” 


Ryeowook froze. For a moment, his terrible day seemed to have gotten better. 


“Mama?” - Ryeowook asked shyly 


“Ryeowook, what are you doing?” - Leeteuk went to hold the boy’s hand - “Don’t separate from me, ok?” 


“Ryeowook?” - The woman repeated nervously - “That... That’s not a common name...” 


“Mama!” - Kyuhyun was now trying to get hold by the woman. The boy kept stretching his arms towards her 


“Boys, whats going on... she is not—“ - Leeteuk froze. For a moment, he thought he was seeing a ghost - “H-Hani?” 


“You knew Hani?” - The woman seemed anxious now - “are those Gunhee and Hani’s Kids?” 


“I-I’m not sure what to say” - Leeteuk was scared. He kept trying to hold the twins and Henry at the same time but the woman managed to carry Kyuhyun somehow - “Please... if you don’t mind... That kid please...” 


“Kyuhyun” - The woman smiled a bit. Her eyes were filled with tears - “Kyunnie and Ryeokkie” 


The twins were so excited Leeteuk couldn’t control them. They kept going back to the woman despite his complains. 


“I’m so sorry... you just look a lot like Hani” - Leeteuk apologized - “They must be confused. Actually, I’m also confused... did you know the family?”


“I...” - The woman was now staring at Henry - “Who...?”


“Ah! This little friend is Henry” - Leeteuk noticed the woman’s interest- “He is the youngest one. You probably haven’t met him, right?” 


“Mama~ Mama~” - Ryeowook kept singing happily 


“I... I need to go” - The woman shook her head - “I’m so sorry, kiddo... but I’m not your mom... I... just...” 


“Are you Alright?” - Leeteuk worried the woman looked to pale - “Excuse me, ma’am” 


“I’m fine” - The woman made sure Leeteuk was holding the young kids before she left - “Take care of them, ok? Say hi to Heechul for me” 


“But— wait!” - Leeteuk couldn’t stop her on time - “I don’t know your name...” 


“What was our aunt doing here?” - Siwon asked from behind - “She was in a rush. She didn’t say hi to me” 


“Your... aunt?” 


“From mom’s side” - Siwon shuddered - “They look really alike” 


“Mama...” - Ryeowook sulked as the woman was gone 




“What are you doing here?!” - Gunhee hissed when the twelve years old entered Hani’s house - “You are supposed to be...”


“On my way to another stupid summer camp” - Heechul shook his head - “There is no way I’m spending summer running away from some idiots whose parents didn’t want them at home. AND BEFORE YOU SAY SOMETHING ELSE, HANI SAID IT WAS OK” 


“Really?” - Gunhee turned to his girlfriend- “You invited him?” 


“Well, I couldn’t let him outside all alone” - Hani sighed - “Also, he looked sad...” 


“Of course I’m sad” - Heechul sat on the couch with his arms folded- “Mom promised me that I would never go back to summer camps...but she tried to sent me away again...” 


“Maybe you shouldn’t have gotten in so many troubles this year” - Gunhee sat next to him - “Running away from the camp only will make it worse” 


“Mom is never home” - Heechul said - “She won’t notice I’m still here” 




“I promise I will behave... I just don’t want to go...” - Heechul sulked - “Please Gunhee, Please” 


“Cmon... he cant be that bad” - Hani pouted - “He can stay here if he wants. Your mother will never find him here” 


“Hani...” - Gunhee took a deep breath 


“Please Gunhee~ Pleaseeeeee” 


“Oh my my!” - an old man laughed as soon as he spotted the naughty kid - “How old are you? Why are you so sad?” 


“I’m twelve” - Heechul replied sassily - “I’m too young for being Hani’s girlfriend, Mr. but I’m sure Gunhee had already introduced himself...” 


Gunhee widened his eyes to the boy. Heechul stuck out his tongue. 


“You must be Gunhee’s little brother then!” - The man seemed so excited - “HONEY, COME SEE! GUNHEE BROUGHT HIS LITTLE BROTHER” 


“Actually we were lea—“


“REALLY?” - a woman’s voice echoed - “Oh my God~ he is so handsome! And so cute! Look at that face!” 


Heechul flinched when the woman started pinching his cheeks. 


“Are you hungry, honey? Would you like hot choco and cookies?” - The woman offered - “Oh my God! A little prince is here!”


“Who are you ma’am?” - Heechul couldn’t avoid asking 


“Me? I would be Hani’s aunt” - The woman seemed beyond pleased since Heechul was looking at her - “And he is my husband” 


“Nice to meet you, boy” 


“My pleasure” - Heechul shook his hand - “Im Kim Heechul. Gunhee’s little brother and my mom’s nightmare” 


“Oh!” - The couple laughed - “Mrs Kim is so lucky!” 


Gunhee rolled his eyes. Hani just giggled. 


“Auntie, Heechul was saying he needed a place to stay for a few days” - Hani cleared - “I was just telling Gunhee they could stay here” 


“What a wonderful idea!” - The woman seemed totally excited - “I will go fix a room for them!” 


“There is no... need— ” - Gunhee tried to stop the couple - “Oh my” 


“I think I like them” - Heechul smiled playfully


“Gunhee, this is not only for Heechul” - Hani tried to coax her boyfriend- “You know they have always wanted a boy too” 


“I know, I know” - Gunhee smiled - “That’s why they are also extremely nice to me” 


“Dont they have kids?” - Heechul asked curiously 


“A girl” - Gunhee pulled Heechul’s ears - “But is out of your reach, playboy. If you try anything strange... I will kill you myself” 


“How old is she?” - Heechul turned to Hani - “Is She a baby?” 


“Actually, she is almost eleven” - Hani smiled - “She Can be your playmate. Or your girlfriend” 


“Ewww” - Heechul did a disgusted face - “Why would I like her?” 





“I know that face” - Heechul worried when he found Leeteuk in his room - “What did I do now?” 


“In the past” - Leeteuk gathered courage - “Did you have girlfriend I should be aware of?”


“What is this? Are you jealous? I already had enough with the triplets’s questions today” - Heechul shook his head - “I was a lonely wolf... I didn’t have that many partners. Happy?”


“What about Hani’s cousin?”


“How tell you that?” - Heechul scoffed - “I swear that Mom is—“


“It wasn’t her” - Leeteuk cut him quickly - “Today I took the kids to the ER and—“


“To Where?!”


“Henry just ate some m&ms you have to Ryeowook. Nothing serious” - Leeteuk shook his head - “Ryeowook called those round things ‘buttons’ and I truly thought Henry had... Anyway, when we were there, Ryeowook and Kyuhyun found a woman that looked exactly like Hani and starting calling her ‘Mama’ “ 


“Oh God” 


“She seemed to know the kids and the family” - Leeteuk continued - “But she panicked and left before I could ask her name. She asked me to take care of the kids and sent you her regards” 


“I didn’t know she was back in town” - Heechul laid on the bed - “I never... I thought she would never come back here...” 


“Should I worry?” - Leeteuk laid next to him - “What did you do to her?” 


“Nothing! We are very good friends, really” - Heechul winked - “I’m still friend with her parents as well!” 


“She seemed... scared” - Leeteuk twisted his lips - “Are you hiding something?”


“Why would I? Do you want to know my life? If you worry she could be the mother of one of—“


“It’s not that” - Leeteuk was starting to lose his patience - “Most people would have corrected the twins right away. She didn’t seem very fond of doing so... In fact, I swear I felt she liked it” 


“Heeyeon? As a mom?” - Heechul scoffed - “Very funny. No way. She is anti kids” 


“Are you sure of that?” - Leeteuk raised an eyebrow - “She was also very interested in Henry” 


“Look, she is the boys’s aunt” - Heechul shrank his shoulders - “Of course she love them. She used to visit them sometimes so... I bet she was just shocked to see the kids again” 


“I’m gonna guess this one” - Leeteuk grunted - “She stopped coming after you took custody” 


“Teuk, I swear I didn’t do anything to her” - Heechul shook his head - “I don’t know why is she behaving like that... I bet she was just scared since she didn’t want to hurt the twins’s feelings” 


“Fine” - Leeteuk relaxed - “How was your day with the triplets? Are you ready for tomorrow?”


“Whats with tomorrow?” - Heechul yawned 


“You promised to take them to your work” - Leeteuk couldn’t believe Heechul could have forgotten - “No daycare tomorrow, remember? You said so” 


“Did I? Well, it can’t be helped” 


Leeteuk awaited a few seconds before talking again. 


“You know... I’m pretty much sure that you are in a good mood today” - Leeteuk glanced at his friend - “You were really depressed when you left the house but now... you look fine” 


“Do you think so?” - Heechul smiled - “I was thinking of feeding the kids hot choco and cookies for dinner” 


“Are we celebrating something?” - Leeteuk smiled back 


“Just another day together” - Heechul seemed so happy Leeteuk couldn’t refuse 


“I will go help Mrs Jung then” - Leeteuk stretched - “I bet the kids would like to help with the cookies” 


“I will catch you in a few minutes” - Heechul ran to the restroom - “Dont wait for me, ok?” 


As soon as he closed the door, Heechul squeaked. Leeteuk heard him. As first, he worried. Then, he heard him humming a cheerful song. The babysitter started to think about possible reasons for Heechul’s sudden mood change. Everything pointed at the same reason: that woman. 


“I’m guessing he still likes her~” - Leeteuk said in a low voice as he left the room.



The next day, Heechul left the mansion looking like a model that just came out from a magazine. Leeteuk knew it had nothing to do with the fact he was taking the triplets to his work.


“Can’t believe he is so obvious” - Leeteuk teased - “I think your Dad is in love, Henry” 


“With who?” - Mrs Jung joked - “I have only met one person able to cause that effect on him and her name is not exactly allowed here” 




Mrs Jung paled. Leeteuk realized something was odd after the old lady shook her head several times. 


“NO WAY”  


Leeteuk turned to the entrance. His mom was holding what it looked like a pie. Leeteuk worried as he has never seen his mother so upset. It was weird considering she had Heechul as a son. 


“Honey, calm down” - Mr Kim was putting the pie aside in a safe place - “You need to sit, ok? I’m sure this—“


“Is that woman around MY son again?” 


Leeteuk gulped down. Mrs Jung seemed nervous as well. 


“Gamma! Wookie met mama!” - Ryeowook ran to the old lady in a cheerful way 






“What happened?!” - Heechul was running back to the mansion at full speed - “Teuk! Is mom—“


Heechul didn’t expect the slap. Leeteuk seemed angry at him. Donghee too. His father couldn’t even look him into the eyes. 


“What’s wrong...?” 


“You lied to me” - Leeteuk hissed - “you told me you were in good terms with her” 


“Oh” - Heechul felt dizzy - “But... we are? I mean, I’m fine” 


“Heechul, for the sake of your mother” - Mr Kim held his son’s shoulder - “Please dont mention her again, ok? Just forget about it” 


“But dad, if she is here...” - Heechul fidgeted with his fingers - “Maybe we could...” 


“Why would you go after her?” - Donghee interrupted - “You were dumped, idiot” 


“Wait, What?” - Leeteuk always thought it had been otherwise


“I wasn’t... What do you know about that? Uh? ” - Heechul protested - “You dont know the whole story!” 


“Of course we do!” - Donghee continued - “You proposed to her, didn’t you?! 


Heechul looked around. All eyes on him. 


“My love life is not your business” - Heechul hissed - “Stop gossiping around about stuff you don’t understand” 


Heechul left again. This time, without his sons. The triplets were confused about what they had to stay home when they were promise something different. 


“Dad is not feeling well” - The grandmother explained as she recovered from the shock - “He needs time to think” 


“Grandma are you feeling better now?” - Siwon pouted 


“Yes...” - The old lady seemed sad. Leeteuk started suspecting Heechul was right and they didn’t know the full story. 


“Teuk, she broke his heart” - The old lady confessed as they went to the kitchen - “I don’t think I can endure watching Heechul suffer like that again” 


“I don’t understand” - Leeteuk was utterly confused about the whole situation. He wished Yesung was home to ask him... He was sure the kid probably knew about it. 


“He... he even proposed to her” 


Leeteuk felt unwell. Something didn’t add up and Heechul was out there doing who knows what. Also, the woman he had met the day before... she didn’t look like she was mad at Heechul or anything. She looked... apologetic, like if she felt sorry for something. Her eyes showed an infinite sadness. Now, he probably knew why... but still, didn’t make sense. 



“You are such an idiot” - Heechul was cutting grass using his bare hand - “I hate you, Gunhee. I’m so mad at you... and you are not even here anymore...” 


Heechul cried after he realized he couldn’t fight with a tomb. 


“They won’t reply to you... They can’t” - A familiar voice said softly - “I knew you would be here. You always ran to them when in troubles” 


“What are you doing here? You are pregnant” - Heechul wiped his tears - “If Donghee learns you were here he will—“


“I don’t care what he says” - Mina sat next to her friend - “You were the only one that listened to me when I needed it the most. Now, I’m here for you” 


“Why? Aren’t you mad at her?” 


“I suspect there is something you haven’t told us yet” - Mina leaned on him - “I listen” 


“She... didn’t say no” - Heechul’s voice trembled - “She said yes” 


Mina stared at Heechul with big eyes. The man just nodded. 





Hi there! Do you miss me? University started and of course, I have been busy. I also had to move and got the flu (but I’m fine now!) Updates are going to be less frequent from now until December... I will try to update as much as possible but, I have to study hard so... :( 


Have a great week! 



Ps: next chapter is going to focus on Heechul’s love life <3




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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it