Under stress

Junior Quest

“... And you won’t get away from this table until you finish all your homework” - Heechul said firmly - “ALL OF IT” 

“This is fun” - Yesung giggled. He couldn’t held his excitement 


“Yesung, you are in charge. Make sure he doesn’t move from here” 


“Yes!” - Yesung chirped amused - “I will be very strict!” 


“It’s not fair...” - Leeteuk complained - “Today is Sunday. I don’t want to spend all Sunday sitting here reading about... ehm...” 


“You cant run away from this” - Heechul folded his arms - “Either you study hard or you go bankrupt” 


“I didn’t know there were so many laws involving daycares” - Leeteuk sulked 


“Well, thats because is related to kids and as you know well, we all want the best for them” - Heechul smiled - “It was your love for children what brought you here~” 


“I will study hard” - Leeteuk got the motivation he needed - “Thanks Heechul. You are a very good brother” 


It had been over a week since Leeteuk became the owner of the so called daycare. Heechul was taking care of most of it and he felt terrible responsible for it. He wanted to learn all possible so he could take care of his business by himself. However, whenever he thought he had learned enough... Heechul would ask him something and prove once again he wasn’t ready at all. 


Heechul had a lot of work lately. Taking care of the company and Leeteuk’s new daycare plus Leeteuk’s education... not to mention he had nine kids. To add more pressure on him, his parents got sick and he promised to take care of their business as well. 


“I’m gonna die” - Heechul bit his lips when he saw the mountain of papers he had lying on his desk that morning - “I’m so tired...” 


“Da-ddy~!” - The triplets jumped on his back - “ITS TIME!” 


“Oh boy, is that time again?” - Heechul glanced at the clock. Apparently, he took longer than expected with those corrections- “Lets go to the living room. Bring over your books” 


The triplets ran excited. They were full of energy. Heechul sat on a chair across the boys’s little cushions. 


“So... shall we give it a try again?” 




“So... 2 + 2?” - Heechul tried 




“3 + 2 ?” 




“5 + 3?” 


“8...?” - The triplets doubted 


“Yeah, well done” - Heechul praised - “What about 3 + 5?” 


As expected the kids doubted again. 


“7?” - Donghae and Eunhyuk tried 


“It’s 8 again” - Sungmin chuckled 


“You need to practice, uhm? I just switched the order and you got confused” - Heechul teased - “But still is a pretty good job, boys. You are doing very well! I bet that in no time, you will be better than me” 


“Lets keep practicing!” - Donghae tried - “Cmon! This is fun!” 


“I Cant play with you now, buddy” - Heechul felt sorry he wasn’t dedicating enough time for each boy - “Ask each other and if you want, you can always ask Kangin for help” 


“Kangin doesn’t know how to add “ - Eunhyuk shook his head in disbelief- “He got a C in maths” 


“You shouldn’t speak like that” - Heechul pouted - “Kangin worked hard. And he is a lot better now” 


Heechul was reading another contract from the daycare’s papers when another kid knocked the door. 


“Dad, Can you help me with this? I don’t know how to do it...” - Siwon was already tearing up. He was obviously frustrated as he couldn’t finish his homework- “I have school tomorrow...” 


“I know, sweetheart. Come here, let me take a look” - Heechul took the notebook and read - “Buddy, if you I gave you 5 candies and your brother ate 3... how much are left?” 


“Two” - Siwon sulked 


“Then you already got it, right?” - Heechul smiled - “Its just a silly mistake. You wrote three instead” 


“Oh” - Siwon giggled - “Is that so? Thanks” 


“Your welcome” - Heechul closed the notebook and handled it back - “Take a rest, boy. You have been practicing all week” 


“This week teacher is going to make us an exam” - Siwon puffed his cheeks - “I want to get an A+ like Yesung...” 


“Sure you will” - Heechul smiled - “Now, go. Daddy has a lot of work to do” 


Twenty minutes later it was Henry. Ten minutes after that were the triplets again. And five minutes after, Kangin. 


“I already said no a thousand times” - Heechul stuck his tongue out - “There is no way you are taking your baby brothers with you” 


“But... is a special class” - Kangin sulked - “I know you can’t go... and I was asked to bring a relative I loved” 


“And you couldn’t think in someone else?” 


“Who? Teuk is busy. Grandparents are sick. Uncle is sick. Aunt is pregnant. Yesung has classes. My cousins have classes too” - Kangin pouted annoyed - “And you... you won’t even pay me attention for five minutes!” 


“Sorry, you were saying?” - Heechul got distracted when he realized a mistake in one of the papers - “Oh, yeah. That day. You can’t the twins with you” 




“Why don’t you take one of the triplets? I bet one of them would be easier to handle” 


“Are you insane? None of them is going to MY classroom” - Kangin shook his head - “They are going to embarrass me” 


“Then take Batman with you” - Heechul scoffed - “If you show your teacher my eye bags she will agree we are relatives” 


“Are you really That busy?” - Kangin tried again 


“I barely slept in three days and I eat while reading documents” - Heechul sighed - “No, Kangin. I’m sorry. I don’t have time now” 


“Sure... ehm... good luck then” - Kangin was obviously sad. Heechul felt guilty for it and yet... there was nothing he could do at the moment. 


He was immersed fixing something his mother asked him when he heard someone knocking the door again. 


“Who is this?” - Heechul raised his voice maybe too much. Realizing his own mistake he got up and opened the door carefully - “Hi buddy~ What’s wrong?” 


“Nothinff” - Ryeowook shrank his shoulders - “Bowin’ “ 


“Are you bored? Why don’t you go to play with that cute hula hoop of yours? Remember? The one we bought yesterday?” - Heechul smiled widely.


Ryeowook shook his head. 


“What do you want to do?” - The parent have given up. He wouldn’t focus on his work again until the kid got what he wanted. 


“Sweep?” - Ryeowook stretched his arms towards him. He was holding Kiki and his bee so it was kind of obvious those were his intentions from the very beginning. 


“You have been sleeping a lot, lately” - Heechul worried - “Are you feeling tired?”


Ryeowook didn’t reply. He just looked around. 


“You know... I once met a kid that said he was sleepy when he actually was sad” - Heechul tried - “Sometimes he would even pretend he was asleep to not face the world” 


Ryeowook started crying. Heechul hurried to hug the kid. 


“Shh~ it’s ok~ It’s ok~” - Heechul kissed him - “I also feel sad sometimes. It’s normal. I was the kid from the story” 


Ryeowook sobbed while Heechul rocked him around the office. In a few minutes he already felt better. 


“That’s it~ Good boy!” - Heechul praised him - “If you feel like crying then cry. You are free to do so~ Always remember that daddy loves you and he will be here for you”


“Ung!” - Ryeowook blushed. He kept staring at his dad with admiration. 


“Ehm...” - Heechul glanced at the clock. Almost lunch time and he wasn’t close enough to finish all that stupid work - “Where is Kyu? Don’t you want to play with him?” 


Heechul crossed his fingers Ryeowook would fall for it. It worked. The toddler ran to meet his twin outside and got distracted with the blocks his brother had. 


The past few days were a nightmare for Heechul not only because of the excessive amount of work he had but because one of his boys was having a hard time. Even if Leeteuk managed to get rid of the woman that once made his kid feel bad... the kid remained unhappy. Apparently, whatever she told him was still affecting him. 


Ryeowook would stop doing stuff once he felt he wasn’t being ‘good enough’ and that translated in frustration and a lot of tears. Not only at home but also in daycare. His teachers were extremely supportive. Not to mention the mothers and their kids. Heechul felt lucky his son was so loved. He just wanted him to know it. 


“Finally” - Heechul left out a deep sigh once he managed to get his desk free of documents - “I’m done!” 


“Daddy! A mail man came!” - Siwon rushed inside the office - “He brought you this!” 


“Oh that’s nice sweetie!” - Heechul tried to not curse in front a child - “I will leave it just here, ok? Daddy is going to die if he opens it now...” 


“But... what if is that?” - Siwon’s eyes sparkled - “You said it would arrive this week but it didn’t” 


“Yeah... I don’t is your toy” - Heechul gulped down. He could feel it. He would have to open that package for the boy’s sake and his desk would fill with papers one more time - “What if we open it after lunch?” 


“I wanted to see if it was my gift...” - Siwon sulked. 


The boy’s birthday was a few ago. Siwon was five now. Unlucky for Heechul, the toy he bought for the boy didn’t arrive on time so he explained to him it would come later. Since then, Siwon basically lived next to the main door hoping for his birthday gift. 


“Let’s Open it” - Heechul cursed again. He was sure it was just papers. 



“Have you seen Heechul? It’s not good if he skips lunch” - Leeteuk worried as he looked for his friend around the mansion - “Oh there you are. It’s lunch time”


Heechul lifted his face in sorrow. He was buried in what it looked like several folders. 


“I can’t eat... I don’t have time for that” - Heechul sulked - “Look at this mess. I need to do it quickly...” 


“I thought you were almost done... are these from daycare?” - Leeteuk felt guilty - “Heechul, I’m so so sorry” 


“No... these are from my company so don’t feel sorry” - Heechul closed his eyes - “I just forgot this week I had to deliver those” 


“Are you still on time?” 


“If I don’t eat nor sleep maybe I still can send them tomorrow” - Heechul sighed - “Would you mind helping me with the kids today? Again? I’m sorry, Teuk...” 


“I’m the one who is sorry. I acted recklessly and got that stupid daycare...” - Leeteuk sulked - “and now you have tons of work” 


“It’s not because of your daycare” - Heechul shook his head - “Its just that... anyway, Siwon is a little unhappy since his gift haven’t arrived. He is also over worrying about that silly math test” 


Leeteuk pouted and looked at his friend with sad eyes. 


“I’m tied to my desk until this is done” - Heechul shook his head - “Please” 


“I hope I could be a better a help” - Leeteuk whispered as he went out of the office - “Please don’t get sick...” 



“Where is Daddy? I don’t want you, I want daddy” - Donghae complained during bed time - “He always read to us” 


“Papa must be truly busy” - Sungmin said full of sadness - “He is like a ghost” 


Leeteuk’s heart hurt. Sungmin was right, lately, Kim Heechul was sort of like a ghost. It was hard to believe they lived in the same house. 


“He is really busy but he still cares a lot about you” 


“We know that” - Eunhyuk yawned - “That’s why we don’t cry” 


“Thanks” - Leeteuk was touched for the boys’s understanding. So far, all kids were truly understanding about the situation. 


“Wookie sweeps hewe” - Ryeowook was making himself comfortable next to Henry - “Hug Hewy” 


“Are you going to protect Henry? That’s nice” - Leeteuk found cute how Ryeowook took seriously his role as a big brother - “Henry said he was scared” 


“No ‘cawy!” - Henry chirped happily. He was feeling safer since Ryeowook was sleeping next to him - “Hewy goo’ !”


“What about Kyu? Are you also sleeping with us?” - Leeteuk giggled - “Kyu?”


“No fee well” - Kyuhyun took a deep sigh - “Tummy huwts” 


“Does your tummy hurts? Have you pooped today?” - Leeteuk wondered if the kid was faking it. It didn’t seem like so - “You dont look bloated at all... where does it hurt?” 


“Here” - Kyuhyun pointed at his tummy - “lots” 


“Well... ehm, maybe it will go away during our sleep” - Leeteuk wasn’t sure if Kyuhyun was only gassy - “Wanna try sleeping?” 


“Wi’ Dada” - Kyuhyun was nervous. Leeteuk knew kids tended to get clingy when they felt sick 


“What about me?” 


“Dada” - Kyuhyun insisted 


“Fine... ehm” - Leeteuk bit his lips - “We can go say ‘goodnight’ to dada and then come back here. How does it sound?” 


Kyuhyun nodded. He held his penguin plush tightly. 


“Right. Ryeowook, can you watch over Henry for five minutes? Make sure he doesn’t fall from the bed, ok?” - Leeteuk worried - “I will call Yesung to come here as well” 


“Ung” - Ryeowook nodded in agreement. The toddler only had to prevent his baby brother from crawling to the edges... that Leeteuk made sure were fenced. So, it sounded easy. 


Heechul was almost done. He had double checked all papers. He was making sure the folders were right when Leeteuk showed up with the sick kid. 


“Whats wrong? He looks pale” - Instinctively, Heechul approached them. Kyuhyun stretched his arms towards him - “Hi bagel, what’s wrong?” 


Leeteuk felt  like dying when Kyuhyun threw up. He was sure Heechul would die as well since the boy made a mess in his office. 


“I guess I shouldn’t have asked” - Heechul looked around. Some of the folders received its share of Kyu’s vomit - “I’m guessing you had a tummy ache” 


“Dada...” - Kyuhyun cried scared. He was scared of throwing up and he hated doing so. He got extremely clingy when it happened - “Dada! Dada!” 


“Your poor penguin got stained” - Heechul knew Kyuhyun was going to protest - “And we need a bath now” 


“Nuh!” - Kyuhyun cried 


“You go take a bath and I will clean this mess” - Leeteuk was already back holding a mope and a few supplies - “By the time I’m done here, I will go back to sleep the kids” 


“No problem” - Heechul sighed - “Those folders... make sure of tossing them away too. They won’t work anymore... I can’t send them like that” 


Leeteuk felt horrible when he realized what Heechul said. Some were damaged and obviously there was nothing he could do to remove vomit from them. 


“I’m so sorry” 


“Don’t be. I just have to print them again” - Heechul shook his head head. Kyuhyun was leaning on him - “We are lucky I always have copies” 


“Still...” - Leeteuk felt it was his fault. He shouldn’t have taken a sick kid to meet Heechul like that. 


Kyuhyun coughed. Heechul flinched when he felt warm in his back. 


“And we do need to do something about you” - Heechul worried - “Lets hope for this being the last time tonight” 


It wasn’t that easy. Leeteuk went upstairs after cleaning a lot only to find the mess continued upstairs. 


“KYUHYUN THREW UP ON MY BACKPACK!” - He could hear Kangin complaining 


“Who told you to leave it there? Also, he is feeling sick!” - Heechul was shouting - “Just take another one and is done” 


“Fine! I’m taking the other one Yesung has!” 


“Uhm NO! Why would I let you?” - Yesung was also in a bad mood - “I don’t trust you! You will ruin it!”


“Cmon, Yesung” - Heechul tried meddling- “Only for one day” 




“Kangin, why don’t you take—“




“Dadaaa!” - Kyuhyun cried scared - “Dada! Kyu zic!” 


“Uh oh! Kyu is sick!” - Donghae got shocked 


“I feel sick too now...” - Eunhyuk gagged - “It smells”


“Go back to your room, cmon. Please don’t throw up” - Heechul was pushing the triplets back to their room - “Nighty night. See you tomorrow” 


“Oh God” - Leeteuk worried they couldn’t get some sleep that night - “What a mess” 


“I’m not going to school tomorrow” - Kangin folded his arms - “I have no backpack”


“Honey, please” - Leeteuk urged the older kids - “We are all having a hard time. Don’t make it worse” 


“Fine. Kangin can have it!” - Yesung went back to his room not before slamming the door 


“I’m going back to bed” - Kangin shrank his shoulders - “Ah! I forgot. I will also need a new pencil case...” 


Leeteuk managed to get all things Kangin needed for school while he heard Heechul trying to console Kyuhyun. 


“I already cleaned here too” - Leeteuk took a deep sigh - “How are you doing?” 


“Kyu is sick” - Heechul twisted his lips - “He must have ate something bad” 


“I hope the others are fine” - Leeteuk worried - “Wait. If Yesung is in his room... and you are here...” 


Leeteuk rushed back to Heechul’s room. He found Ryeowook and Henry sleeping peacefully. 


“I’m glad that at least someone is getting some sleep” - Heechul smiled sweetly- “Lets not wake them up” 


“My twin” - Kyuhyun stretched his arms towards Ryeowook- “My Wookie” 


“Oh no, no” - Heechul shook his head and closed the door - “You can’t go sleep there. You are sick and I bet you will wake up all night... We don’t want to disrupt their sleep” 


Kyuhyun cried annoyed. He didn’t have his penguin nor his brother. And he was feeling sick. What a bad night. 


“I will take care of—“


“No, I will” - Heechul gulped down - “He is not sleeping that much and I was going to stay up anyway. Try to sleep~ Tomorrow he is not going to daycare and I will need you to be full of energy” 


“But Heechul...” 


“Go” - Heechul went downstairs with the annoyed boy. 



Morning was a chaos. The triplets tried to skip daycare pretending they were sick too. Yesung and Kangin kept complaining about the backpack. Ryeowook was in a bad mood after he learned his twin was sick and he was attending daycare alone. 


“I already delivered all those stupid papers. They are vomit free so, I’m guessing they are giving me extra points for that” - Heechul teased - “How is he doing?” 


“He barely ate and he is got a fever” - Leeteuk informed - “I think he caught a virus. Heechul, I know you are not going to listen to me but please have some sleep” 


“I’m gonna take a nap” - Heechul yawned- “I still have a lot of work but I think I can make it” 




“Don’t worry. Everything is going to be fine” 


Leeteuk wanted to believe he was right. However, with a sick boy and lots of work, it didn’t feel like that. 


“Henry please” - Leeteuk warned. The youngest boy was up to naughty stuff - “Not today” 


Afternoon was chaos again. Leeteuk found himself in the middle of several discussions. 


“I TOLD YOU TO BE CAREFUL! LOOK! IT GOT SCRATCHED!” - Yesung was fighting since his backpack got a scratch- “NOW IS RUINED!”


“It was like that before!” - Kangin defended himself - “The scratch was already there!”


“No, it wasn’t!”


“Yes, it was!” 


“No, It—“


“KIDS” - Leeteuk stopped them - “Lets not make so much noise! The boys are having a nap now” 


“Oh! So they get to sleep now” - Kangin made shocked expression- “It was their fault we stayed up late at night! And it was their fault my backpack got ruined!” 


Henry cried. He had woken up. 


“Thanks for that” - Leeteuk hissed 


“Your welcome” - Yesung’s insolence would have a earned a scolding but Leeteuk was too busy for that. 


“Tha mail man! THE MAIL IS HERE!” - Siwon was running to the door again - “ITS HERE! ITS HERE!”


“Buddy... lets not make such a fuss... Maybe it’s just your dad’s work again” - Heechul walked to the door like a zombie - “Oh? This is...”


“ITS MINE! MINE! MINE!” - Siwon jumped in circles - “GIVE IT TO ME, PLEASE!”


“Here you go~!” - Heechul was happy. At least he didn’t receive more work. And now Siwon would be happy. 


Siwon was ripping away the papers when stopped. 


“Oh! Look how cool!” - Heechul cheered - “What a super trackset you got!”


Siwon’s face wasn’t what the parent expected. 


“This is not” - Siwon left out sadly - “T-they got it wrong!”


“Uh? Are you sure?” - Heechul worried the kid wasn’t happy - “wasn’t this the one we ordered?”


“No” - Siwon shook his head - “This is not what I wanted...” 


“Let me check” - Heechul sighed. 


The parent got a headache realizing the kid was right. They have messed up the order and sent a different model. 


“Well, is not that bad” - Heechul tried - “They are kinda similar. I will order the other one but it will take a while to—“


Siwon broke in tears. He ran to his room upset while Leeteuk went back to the living room confused. 


“They messed up and sent the wrong toy” - Heechul explained - “I know is not what he expected and that it must be hard to accept reality since they took so much time to send it...” 


“But is a nice trackset anyway” - Leeteuk inspected the box - “And it’s pretty similar to the one he ordered” 


“Yeah, But is not the one” - Heechul scratched his head - “and now he is upset. I’m guessing this is not my week” 


“I will go talk to him” - Leeteuk sighed - “It’s ok to feel down but hitting a tantrum for a toy isn’t exactly—“


“Just let him be” - Heechul shook his head - “This week have been a anymore for all of us” 


“If Siwon doesn’t like it, can I keep it?” - Eunhyuk was interested in the track set - “It looks cool” 


“Hyukkie share it with me” - Donghae was also immersed looking at the box - “It has many cars!”


“Well, at least someone likes it” - Heechul smiled - “I’m guessing is not worth returning it. I will just buy him the other one” 


“Uncle help us getting it out!” - Sungmin was walking carefully as he held a scissor - “Please” 


“Sure” - Leeteuk nodded. A little bit of happiness wouldn’t kill anybody. 



“Here you go” - Heechul was receiving another package. Siwon was behind him wiping away his tears - “Thanks”


“Is that my trackset?” - The boy asked carefully 


“N-no... I’m afraid is not” - Heechul pouted - “These are school stuff. Like backpacks and so” 


“Uhm...” - Siwon sulked 


“But there is one cool backpack for you, as well” - Heechul smiled - “Dont you want to try it on?”


“When is my gift coming?” - Siwon asked annoyed 


“I don’t know. I just ordered it again” - Heechul twisted his lips. Maybe Leeteuk was right and it wasn’t good to let him get away with that behaviour- “But Dont worry. You will have it” 


Heechul was showing Yesung and Kangin their new stuff when he heard a fight. 




“We asked” - Eunhyuk was already crying too - “Daddy said it was ok!”


“I thought you didn’t want it” - Heechul said softly - “Also, you can all play together. Sharing is—“


“I don’t want it anymore” - Siwon kicked the box - “I didn’t like it anyway” 


“Siwon, that’s not—“


“DONT COME CLOSER!” - Donghae was pushing Kyuhyun away - “NO NO NO”


“We need to hide it!” - Sungmin was trying to hide the pieces away from the twins - “You can’t play!”


“Kids” - Heechul got hurt - “You can just share. You always play together” 


“But Kyuhyun is sick” - Eunhyuk wiped away his tears - “He will ruin it just how he ruined Kangin’s backpack” 


“They are right” - Kangin nodded - “I cant believe I’m agreeing with them” 


“I can’t believe it either” - Heechul sulked - “Boys, Kyunnie didn’t do it on purpose. It was just an accident... And he is feeling sick so be nicer” 


“Wookie can play” - Donghae offered a piece of the track set to Ryeowook - “But Kyu Cant” 


Heechul’s heart suffered even more when he realized Kyuhyun was hurt. Ryeowook’s curiosity made the boy focus on building the trackset with triplets rather than playing with his sick twin. 


“Kyu wanna pway too” - Kyuhyun pouted - “Kyu goo’ no zic” 


“Lets play with Henry, then” - Heechul carried both boys - “We have that amazing bus that has a lot of friends inside” 


Henry was in a bad mood. He also wanted to play with the new toy and his nap time got interrupted by his brothers. Kyuhyun was struggling with a tummy ache again. He was feeling nauseous seeing how Heechul made wheels spin all over in a try to cheer Henry. 


“Kyu Zic” - Kyuhyun announced quickly  


“Kyu, Whats going on?” - Heechul worried when the toddler got extremely pale - “Are you feeling sick again?” 


“IS HE GOING TO VOMIT AGAIN?!” - the older kids rushed to pick up their stuff and ran to hide 


Heechul was about to say something at them when he realized Kyuhyun was suffering. The boy was clearly trying to hold back as he walked to the toilet. When the boy gagged once, the parent couldn’t just wait. 


“It’s ok! It’s ok! It happens sometimes!” - Heechul patted Kyuhyun’s back - “Cmon, it’s ok to do it here. No one will scold you” 


“Kyu zic!” - Ryeowook pointed at his brother 


“So disgusting” - the triplets ran away in a bad mood 


“Ryeowook, lets leave him alone” - Leeteuk carried him - “Kyu is not feeling well, ok?” 


Kyuhyun felt terrible. His tummy felt better but he was feeling sorry for the mess. 


“Lets take of your socks~ They got stained too” - Heechul was speaking softly - “You did well~ Kyunnie is such a good boy”


“Mezzy” - Kyuhyun sulked - “Kyu hewps cweawin’ ...” 


“No, honey. It’s alright” - Heechul kissed him - “You dont have to help me clean” 


“Kyu Sorry” - Kyuhyun pouted - “Gwoss” 


“Do you need help? I will clean after him” - Leeteuk offered - “I put Henry back in his crib and Yesung is looking after Ryeowook...”


“It’s less than last time...? Does it mean he is going back to normal ?” - Heechul inspected the kid - “I think he got scared. His heart is beating fast” 


“Go change his clothes” - Leeteuk smiled to the shy kid - “and then read a story to him. Kyuhyun loves stories right?”


Kyuhyun nodded. 


“Don’t you want to switch places? You were the one cleaning yesterday” - Heechul pouted - “I feel kind of guilty leaving like that” 


“No big deal” - Leeteuk shook his head. 


Kyuhyun held his chest. 



Next day wasn’t better. Leeteuk was battling with fussy toddlers since he woke up. 


“You can’t just skip class, Ryeowook” - Leeteuk said firmly - “Put your uniform back on” 




“Cmon. Dad has to leave early for work” - Leeteuk hissed - “I already have enough to worry about” 


“Wookie no goin’ daycawe!” - Ryeowook sat on the floor again. He refused to put his pants back on - “No!” 


“We are going to be late” - Yesung complained - “If he doesn’t want to go then just leave him here” 


“He cant just skip school because he doesn’t want to attend gymnastics” - Leeteuk sighed - “Wook, Cmon” 


Ryeowook cried. Kyuhyun went to hug him. 


“Why is Ryeowook being so childish today?” - Kangin asked amused - “he often goes daycare without troubles” 


“Because... he is feeling upset. Today they have a special gymnastics class and he doesn’t want to show up there without Kyuhyun” - Leeteuk explained - “But Kyu Cant go because he still recovering”


“So, Kyuhyun doesn’t go to school when he is sick” - Eunhyuk remarked - “But uncle make me go when sick” 


“Again, I’m sorry for that” - Leeteuk cursed internally. What was Eunhyuk’s point to bring something that happened weeks ago? - “But if we didn’t believe you it was because you are always lying” 


“True” - Donghae agreed 


“Kyu huwtz hewe” - Kyuhyun pointed at his chest - “Weid” 


“Feel weird?” - Leeteuk tilted his head. He had no clue what was the boy saying - “Maybe you have a virus and there is mucus. Maybe that’s why you are coughing so much” 


Kyuhyun coughed again. The older kids ran to hide behind the couch much to Leeteuk’s disgust. 


“He is not throwing up now” - Leeteuk said coldly - “And Stop doing that. It’s wrong to bother people for being sick” 


“But is gross” - Siwon puffed his cheeks - “We hate vomit” 


“Hey! I have an idea! What if you let Ryeowook come with me?” - Kangin raised his hand - “Today I get to take one relative to my class and since none of you can’t go...”


“That’s not—“ 


Leeteuk wanted to say no. However the little toddler was smiling shyly. 


“That’s not what I have planned but I guess it could work” - Leeteuk prayed for this being a good idea - “Only for a few hours. But you HAVE to promise me that you will take care of Ryeowook” 


“Sure” - Kangin hugged Ryeowook- “We are good friends” 


“It’s ok, if Kangin gives you troubles my classroom is just a few doors away” - Yesung whispered to the short boy 


“Kindergarten is downstairs! You can visito me too!” - Siwon was excited by the idea of having a younger sibling in school 


Heechul wasn’t very fond of the idea but he had no choice. Lucky for him Kangin’s teacher seemed to be expecting both twins to show up as the boy had mentioned several times he would like to them there. 


“He told me both twins were coming” - the teacher smiled - “I said it was ok because today we got many help”


“Oh that’s nice... But only Ryeowook is staying here today” - Heechul introduced the little boy the teacher - “He is a good boy. Please call me if he gives you troubles” 


“Hey everybody! This is my little brother!” - Kangin was already showing off - “He is Ryeowook!”


“Is he the same from last year?!” - a girl shouted - “HE IS BIG NOW!” 


Ryeowook blushed. Some of Kangin’s classmates still remembered him. 


“Wooooow!” - Kangin’s best friend was trying to lift Wook - “He is heavier now!” 


“He is so cute!” 


“Kangin, can I play with him?” 


“How come you are so cute being Kangin’s brother?” 


Heechul smiled. At least Ryeowook would have more fun here than running away from his gymnastics teacher. 



“Are you feeling well? I swear they were just mean, Kyu” - Leeteuk kissed the silent boy - “They still love you. It’s just... that they are being childish” 


Leeteuk was salty over the fact the older kids could be so mean towards Kyuhyun considering that all of them were exactly the same at his age. Not to mention they still had accidents from time to time. However, even if he felt that way, he still understood that kids were kids. 


“Kyu huwtz hewe” - Kyuhyun tried clearing his throat as he patted his chest 


“Are you sure it hurts there?” - Leeteuk started patting Kyuhyun’s back trying to see if the boy just burped - “Uhmmm” 


Leeteuk could swear Kyuhyun’s breathing was odd. He knew he wouldn’t have peace until he made sure nothing was wrong. 


“Lets go to the hospital” - Leeteuk pouted - “I know you won’t like the idea but uncle can’t stay like this” 


Kyuhyun worried. He didn’t like being sick. 



“... and he is super smart” - Kangin was doing his presentation about Ryeowook- “People say he is a genius” 


Ryeowook turned deep red and hid behind Kangin. He disliked the idea of having so much attention on him... lately, he felt like if he wasn’t worth nothing. He felt like if he wasn’t good at anything so... he didn’t want to be looked at. 


“Whats your favorite animal, Wookie?” - a girl tried asking 


“G’waffe” - Ryeowook said softly


“Woaaaaaah” - the whole class clapped their hands 


Ryeowook didn’t know what was wrong with them. That was actually a simple question. Apparently, the kids were excited since he was finally talking after being quiet all that time. 


“Do you know how to count?” - another kid asked 


Ryeowook nodded. 


“Can you show us?”


Ryeowook started counting. When he went beyond ten everybody widened their eyes. When he reached twenty kids started gossiping and when he finally got to thirty even the teachers were mesmerized. 


“HE IS SO SMART!” - The kids were totally excited now 


“I told you he was a genius” - Kangin showed off - “He is good at almost everything” 


“Do you know the vocals?” - A kid asked amused 


“He knows the whole alphabet” - Kangin got cocky - “He even sings the full song” 


“Can he sing it for us?”


Ryeowook looked at Kangin with fear. He didn’t want to try it. What if he got it wrong? What if he disappointed all that people?


“Would you like some help? We can sing with you” - a teacher suggested - “You can lead the song~ Here” 


Ryeowook’s eyes sparkled when he received a cute magic wand with a star on top. 


“Wanna try? Hey! Let’s sing Twinkle Twinkle! He loves that song!” - Kangin requested help from his peers 


Ryeowook moved the magic wand only to realize that Kangin’s classmates would sing when he did so. It felt nice. He actually loved it. In just a few minutes, Ryeowook’s worries were over and he was singing too. 


Kangin classmates cheered for him when the toddler stood holding a mic to sing the alphabet song. They asked him to do it again and so did he. 


“Thanks, Kangin. Your brother is very lovely” - The teachers clapped as well when their show time was over - “Thanks for bringing him here” 


Ryeowook was truly happy. He was about to sit next to Kangin when someone knocked the door. 


“Oh, are you Kangin’s sibling too?” 


“Hi... sorry, but can I take Ryeowook with me, please?” - Yesung asked politely - “He already did his presentation, right? My teacher said it was ok to take him there” 


“I guess is alright” - The teacher smiled to the well mannered boy - “Take good care of him” 


“I will” - Yesung nodded as he picked Ryeowook’s little backpack- “Come here, Wook. Hold my hand” 


“Bye Wook! Come here to play!”




“We will be waiting for you!”


Ryeowook felt warm as he waved goodbye to his new friends. He was following Yesung when he remembered something. He wondered if Yesung was going to get mad at him when he told him he needed to go potty. 


“You are doing that weird dance” - Yesung giggled - “Do you need to pee? I bet Kangin forgot to take you potty” 


“Ung” - Ryeowook worried Yesung was going to make fun or get angry 


“Toilet is not far away ~ Let’s hold it just five minutes, ok?” - Yesung walked faster - “I know you can make it” 


Ryeowook felt way better after he got to relieve himself. Yesung was actually very nice to him. Used to have a lot of little brothers, Yesung knew what to do at times like that. He also had a special love for the twins and it showed. 


“Lets wash our hands~” - Yesung sang a little song about that


Ryeowook loved it. The way Yesung always sang to him made him feel better. For him, there was no better singer in the world. Not even his beloved Dad sang like that. 


“Ready to meet my classmates?” - Yesung make sure of speaking to the boy before opening the door - “They are a little bigger than Kangin’s ones so don’t get scared. If you feel nervous we can go out anytime” 


Ryeowook nodded. He held Yesung’s hand tightly and prepared. 



“...so, can he go home?” - Leeteuk knew the answer. He just didn’t want to believe it - “I promise I will keep a close eye on him” 


“Not good enough” - The doctor shook his head - “I know it’s hard but I prefer being extra careful. Aspiration syndrome can turn dangerous if not treated well” 


Leeteuk bit his lips. He glanced at the cute toddler that sulked while holding his penguin plush. Kyuhyun was already receiving IV fluids and he was completely scared.


“I understand... I don’t want him to suffer” - Leeteuk smiled a bit 


“I think you should talk to him” - the doctor twisted his lips - “I already explained it to you but if he does it again... next time he could be not so lucky and get an infection” 




Kyuhyun closed his eyes and held his plush tightly as soon as Leeteuk entered the door. Henry was bored in his stroller. 


“Hi baby” - Leeteuk tried ruffling the boy’s hair - “Are you ok?” 


Kyuhyun shook his head. He was terrified. 


“There is no need to be scared~ everything is going to be ok!” - Leeteuk held the boy’s hands - “You only need to stay here for a few hours and then we can go home back to play” 


“Kyunnie bad?” - Kyuhyun sulked - “Kyu’s fault” 


“It wasn’t— Kyu, sometimes we eat things that doesn’t go well with our stomachs and we end up having to throw up” - Leeteuk explained carefully - “Even if is nice to warn us on time when you are going to do it... you shouldn’t hold back, ok? It could be dangerous” 


“Kyu stupid” - Kyuhyun teared nervously- “No wanna ztay here. Go home, pwease ” 


Leeteuk’s heart hurt again. It was already hurting since he acknowledged the boy got hurt after aspirating vomit by mistake. Apparently, he tried to hold back and ended swallowing and breathing at the same time. Doctors were totally unamused and gave them a mild scolding. Lucky for them, since Leeteuk decided to go to the ER, Kyuhyun could just receive a slight treatment rather than needing antibiotics a week later. 


Leeteuk wasn’t worried about Kyuhyun’s lungs. He had been told it was something that commonly happened and that since they found it quickly, he would be fine in just a few minutes. They just wanted to make sure Kyuhyun’s condition was good enough to return home so they suggested having him in observation. Leeteuk had agreed thinking in the best for Kyuhyun but turned out his decision was now giving him a headache. 


“Wanna go home” - Kyuhyun cried scared- “Pwease! Ukwee! Kyu gonna nice!”


“Kyu, I’m not punishing you, I swear” - Leeteuk worried the kid could mess with the IV needle - “But you do need to stay quiet~ This is for your own good” 


Kyuhyun was too scared to think clearly. He hated hospitals. He hated being away from his twin. He hated knowing that it was probably his fault he was now in that situation. 


“Kyu no gonna bad ‘gain!” - Kyuhyun was begging for help - “Wanna Home!” 


“HOME! HOME!” - Henry kicked in his stroller. The youngest toddler was giving the babysitter a hard time as he refused to sit still and wait - “HEWY PWAY!” 


Henry hated hospitals too. Leeteuk should have thought of it earlier. He cursed himself for not doing so. Specially now that they needed to stay. 


“NOOOO!” - Henry kicked again - “NO! NO!” 


“Henry Stop it... you are going to disturb the other kids here” - Leeteuk was sure the other families could heard them - “Kyu also needs you to be quiet. He is getting stressed” 


“DADAAAAA!” - Henry was already in a bad mood. He wouldn’t listen - “NANAAAAA!” 


“Henry, please” - Leeteuk was carrying the boy. He wanted to distract him with something else but it wasn’t working - “Cmon, Henry... We are going to get kicked out of here” 


As Leeteuk predicted someone must have complained about the noise and a few nurses showed there just minutes later offering him two options. None of them was good in Leeteuk’s eyes. 


“I- I cant do that... I can’t just leave one of the kids with you” - Leeteuk shook his head. Now was him the one who wanted to cry - “I mean, Kyu is too scared to leave him here alone and Henry is too young and... I just can’t give him to you” 


“Either you give us the baby or you have to go outside with him” - The nurse explained carefully - “A hospital isn’t a good place for a healthy boy. Also, taking into account the way he was born, we both can agree we don’t want to expose him to certain stuff” 


The nurse was right. Henry needed to be as healthy as possible. Catching a virus at the ER was most likely to happen. Yet, leaving Kyuhyun alone during treatment was something the nanny couldn’t do. 


“Is there someone you can call for help?” - a nurse asked 


Leeteuk thought quickly. Donghee couldn’t get near hospitals. His immune system was just recovering from chemotherapy. The grandparents of the kid were sick. Calling them for help didn’t sound like a good idea plus Henry would be exposed to a virus anyway. Mina was pregnant. Leeteuk couldn’t just ask her to take care of Henry knowing how wild the boy was. 


“I guess... I could call my brother” - Leeteuk cursed himself. It wasn’t his intention to give Heechul more troubles - “I just don’t know how long is he going to take...” 


Surprisingly, Heechul arrived five minutes later. Leeteuk grew suspicious. 


“Where were you again?” - Leeteuk couldn’t get out his head that idea - “I’m pretty much sure your office is not across the street” 


“Does it matter? All you need to know is that I’m here for you and my boys” - Heechul spread his arms widely trying to get a hug. Leeteuk must have realized something because he was unamused - “What? Oh, that’s—“ 


“You were HERE. Werent you? You were getting treated” - Leeteuk placed his finger on Heechul’s band aid - “What is wrong with you? Why didn’t you tell me you were feeling sick? Did you come here all by yourself? Did they find something? Did you catch—“


“Teuk...” - Heechul held his brother’s shoulders - “Relax. Everything is fine. I just came to get an IV because I wasn’t feeling well but that’s normal... I have been overworking and I think my body is just angry at me” 


Leeteuk cried. He couldn’t hold it longer. He had been under so much stress lately and he was sure he was the one to blame for it. 


“Whats wrong? Why are you crying?” - Heechul worried - “Teuk... look at me! I’m fine!” 


“It’s my fault... If I haven’t bought that stupid daycare y-“


“Kyu would be still sick, Henry would be still misbehaving, Siwon’s toy wouldn’t have arrived anyway, I would be taking care of both companies since our parents can’t ...” - Heechul smiled a bit - “Your ‘stupid’ daycare has nothing to do with me receiving IV fluids” 


“I’m so sorry” - Leeteuk apologized again 


“We will discuss it later. Right now I need you to calm down and take Henry home with you” 


“M-me? I thought you were taking Henry with you” - Leeteuk replied anxiously


“I need you to be the one going back home now because in just a couple hours school will be over and I can’t just control all of them. But YOU CAN” - Heechul smiled - “I seriously don’t think I can survive to eight kids. Lucky for me, you are truly amazing when it comes to kids and I can rely on you without thinking twice” 


“You... trust me...”- Leeteuk wiped away his tears - “that much?” 


“If it wasn’t for you, We would have been screwed long ago” - Heechul teased - “Just ask Yesung how chaotic was the mansion before you arrived” 


Leeteuk giggled a bit. He didn’t need to ask... in fact, he could remember it. 


“I’m gonna say goodbye to Kyunnie first” - Leeteuk nodded - “I don’t want him to think I’m mad at him...” 


Kyuhyun only opened his eyes when he heard Leeteuk’s voice. He was too scared before and had decided to shut his eyes tightly until he felt safe. 


“Kyu~ Uncle has to go home now” - Leeteuk said softly- “I’m taking Henry with me but Daddy is coming. Daddy will take care of you while I’m home with the others~” 


Kyuhyun shook his head. Tears were forming in his eyes. 


“I have to go look for your twin as well” - Leeteuk explained calmly - “Ryeowook and I will be waiting for you—“


“No go” - Kyuhyun was holding Leeteuk’s sleeve tightly - “Ztay” 


For some strange reason, Leeteuk chuckled. Kyuhyun didn’t find it funny. 


“Why?” - Kyuhyun asked annoyed - “Why Ukwee lau’fz?” 


“Because... I just remembered something funny” - Leeteuk held Kyuhyun’s tiny hand - “The day we met, you tried pushing me away, remember?” 


Kyuhyun tilted his head. He couldn’t remember. For him, Leeteuk had been always around. He couldn’t picture his life without him. He was too young to remember. 


“Also, we used to fight a lot” - Leeteuk smiled - “Before you went to daycare...” 


Kyuhyun smiled shyly. He could remember that. Maybe not as well as his uncle did... but still was something. 


“Ukwee pwomizes?” - Kyuhyun asked carefully - “Waiting?” 


“I will be waiting, honey” - Leeteuk nodded - “Can I Go now?”


Kyuhyun thought for a few seconds and nodded. He released Leeteuk’s hand slowly. 


“Don’t cry~ You can do this~!” - Leeteuk cheered before exiting the room. 


The five minutes Kyuhyun had to wait before Heechul arrived were enough to make him anxious. He was about to start crying when his dad made a perfect entrance hitting his knee against a corner. 


“! IT HURTS!” - Heechul jumped using only one leg 


Kyuhyun laughed. He found it funny plus he wasn’t alone anymore. 


“Dada~ Shhhhh!” - Kyuhyun asked him to be quiet - “Othew peopwe... no noize...” 


“Ah, Yes. It would be horrible if I got kicked out too like Henry” - Heechul giggled as he whispered  - “I promise I won’t be noisy” 


“Thwankz” - Kyuhyun whispered back 



Ryeowook enjoyed his time at Yesung’s classroom. He was quiet most of the time as he felt he shouldn’t interfere with the big kids’s class. He remained silent drawing on a notebook until he heard something he knew well. 


“So, no one? Can someone tell me what planet goes after Earth?” - The teacher asked again - “Cmon, guys! We studied this not long ago!” 


“Uhmm, I’m not sure” - Yesung was bitting his pencil - “After Earth...” 


“Maws” - Ryeowook whispered to his brother 


“Uhm, Mars?” - Yesung tried 




“Actually... he told me” - Yesung confessed amused by the look of his peers 


Ryeowook knew planets well. Solar system was often a topic in the mansion since Sungmin was obsessed with traveling to meet aliens in a rocket. Heechul often read them about stars and planets. 


“What comes after Mars, Wookie?” - Yesung asked playfully. All eyes were fixed on them 


“Wupitew” - Ryeowook said softly - “Zatoown, uwanuz, nedzune...” 


Yesung made sure of translating what Ryeowook said. It was very clear which planets he was naming yet he wanted the boy to listen to the correct pronunciation. 


“WOOOOOAH” - The whole class was expectant - “HE IS SO SMART!” 


Yesung was enjoying his time with the little boy when a kindergarten teacher showed up asking for the kid. Siwon must have told her something about the toddler. 


“Come with me, little one” - The teacher was nice - “Siwonnie is waiting for you!”


“Wonnie” - Ryeowook repeated as he glanced at Yesung who waved at him - “Kay” 


Ryeowook wanted to return to Yesung’s class as soon as he realized Siwon was wearing his gymnastics’s uniform. He feared he would be forced to participate as well. 


“Nuh...” - Ryeowook refused to follow his brother - “no pway” 


“Cmon, Wookie! It’s going to be fun!” - Siwon held the boy’s hand - “We do it together, ok? You don’t have to be scared” 


Ryeowook doubted it. His initial purpose of skipping daycare was to get rid of gymnastics class. 


“Cmon!” - Siwon tried again - “It’s not scary! I’m here!” 


Ryeowook puffed his cheeks and walked reluctantly. His lucky day was over. 



Leeteuk decided to pick the kids starting from the younger ones. That way he could just leave Henry and the triplets at home with Mrs Jung while he looked after the older ones. 


“We are in charge!” - Eunhyuk repeated amused by the idea - “We make sure Henry doesn’t get hurt!”


“That’s your job” - Leeteuk agreed. Giving such a responsibility to three four years old was crazy but there were adults at home - “Make sure he behaves” 


“No need to worry!” - Sungmin said confident 


Leeteuk was mentally prepared for Ryeowook jumping in his arms as soon as he opened the kindergarten’s door. However, he found the kid all sweaty being chased by older boys. 


“Ukwee!” - Ryeowook ran to him as soon as he spotted him - “Ukwee Hewp!”


“Whats wrong? Are you in troubles?” - Leeteuk worried 


“Wookie needz hide” - Ryeowook whispered softly- “Wookie mouze” 




“I’m gonna catch you!” - Siwon jumped on them 


“T-thats dangerous!” - Leeteuk made sure Ryeowook didn’t get hit when they fell - “Whats going on here?” 


“I’m a cat and and and, Ryeowook is a mouse” - Siwon explained as he could while trying to catch some air - “But he is fast!” 


“Beh! Wonnie los’t!” - Ryeowook stuck out his tongue - “Wookie winz” 


“You didn’t win!” - Siwon protested - “You ran to uncle and cheated!” 


“Nuh uh” 


“Yes, you did!” - Siwon complained - “I won’t let you cheat just because you are younger!” 


“Mmmm~” - Ryeowook hummed a song cheerfully. There was no doubt he was a winner in his mind. 


“Did you have fun today?” - Leeteuk was very curious of the answer. He never expected Ryeowook to join a chasing game - “Did you like it here?” 


Ryeowook nodded and leaned on him. He was happy... and tired. His energy was totally drained. 


Back at home the kids kept talking non stop about how amazing Ryeowook was and how impressed their classmates were. Leeteuk feared Ryeowook would demand going to the school often. The so called kid slept peacefully. So far, he haven’t noticed Kyuhyun’s absence and Leeteuk was thankful for it. 


“My twin!” - Kyuhyun was on the phone - “Twin! Twin!” 


“Yes, we are going home soon” - Heechul tried to talk while Kyuhyun insisted in taking the spotlight- “Kyu, Wookie is asleep. He can’t hear you” 


“Aww” - Kyuhyun stretched - “Kyu too’ nap too” 


“Yes, you took a nap too. And now you feel better right?” - Heechul sighed - “Anyway, Wait for us. We are going back home” 


“What happened to Kyu, uhm?” - Kangin asked as he stretched - “What did he do now?” 


“I think he ate vomit” - Siwon said grossed out - “And he got sick for that” 


“EWWW” - Yesung found It truly disgusting- “Who would do that?” 


“Someone stupid” - Eunhyuk said without care


The silly boys stopped talking after Leeteuk hit their heads using a rolled paper sheet. They all looked at him with big eyes. 


“Whats that for?” - Yesung complained - “We didn’t do anything wrong!”


“If I caught you speaking like that again about any of your siblings... We are going to have troubles, ok? “ - Leeteuk folded his arms - “You are not supposed to make fun of someone who got sick. It’s not his fault he was feeling ill and is definitely not his fault what happened” 


“So, you mean that I shouldn’t complain even if he ruins my backpack?” - Kangin disagreed - “It was MY backpack!” 


“Yes, but a silly backpack Can be replaced anytime. And you got a new one!” - Leeteuk shook his head - “Kyu’s condition worsened thanks to him trying to not do something you would find ‘gross’ or ‘disgusting’!” 


“Did we cause this?” - Yesung got it first - “Are you saying Kyuhyun put himself in danger for us? For what we said?” 


“Yes” - Leeteuk hissed - “Sometimes words and actions hurt a lot more when they come from people we love...” 


“Kyu was sad...” - Donghae nodded. He felt guilty for not wanting to play with him before - “Hae was mean” 


“Minnie too. We ran away and didn’t share” - Sungmin fidgeted with his fingers - “Is he ok?” 


“He is better now” - Leeteuk said serious. He didn’t feel like smiling at all - “But he could get sick again” 


“I promise that next time Kyu throw ups I won’t say anything...” - Kangin sulked - “It wasn’t his fault... He didn’t do it on purpose...” 


“Uncle, we are sorry” - Yesung apologized I behalf of all his brothers as well - “We are really really sorry for hurting Kyu and for giving you troubles” 


“I forgive you all” - Leeteuk sighed softly- “I cant get mad at you...” 


“It’s just that we were in a bad mood” - Siwon sulked - “My toy wasn’t what I expected and Dad has been very busy...”


“Can you help us with dad?” - Kangin asked softly - “I feel better when he is around” 


Leeteuk knew it was true. The kids often got irritated when Heechul wasn’t paying enough attention to them and it was normal. He actually was deeply touched by the fact the kids tried to pretend they were alright for their dad’s sake. 


“Kyu?” - Ryeowook had woken up - “KYUUUUU~” 


“Kyu is not here yet, Honey” - Leeteuk tried. He could feel it. Ryeowook would cry in 3...2...


“BUAAAAAAAH!” - Ryeowook started crying - “WHEWEZ KYU?!”


“Here!” - Kyuhyun chirped as Heechul opened the door - “Kyu home!”


“MY TWIIIIIIIIIN!” - Ryeowook ran to meet his brother - “WOOKIE MIZZED U” 


“Wookie, no! Kyu full Gwemz!” - Kyuhyun was trying to stop his brother from hugging him but failed 


“You know” - Heechul smiled - “He is all sweaty. He Can bath with us too” 


“YAY! BUBBWEZ!” - Ryeowook jumped excited 


“Uhm...” - Kyuhyun pulled his dad’s sleeve - “Dada...” 


“Yes, thats right!” - Heechul went back to his car and searched for something - “Here” 


“Thwankz” - Kyuhyun held one heavy bag and walked to his brothers - “Ehm... Kyu Sowy... an’ an’ love u” 


Yesung smiled when he received what it looked like a card. It has what it was supposed to be an apologize that Heechul probably wrote but Kyuhyun covered with stickers. 


“It says ‘sorry for giving you troubles, I will work harder for being a good little brother’ “ - Yesung pouted - “Aww... you already are a good little brother” 


“Mine says sorry for ruining your backpack” - Kangin giggled - “and it has a cute drawing” 


“Mine is prettier” - Siwon teased - “He loves me more” 


“But your face is wrong” - Eunhyuk liked to disturb the peace - “Mine looks fine. He loves ME more” 



Surprises didn’t end there. Leeteuk was helping the kids setting the table when Heechul ran downstairs still holding both twins that also were missing some clothes.


“T-TEUK!” - Heechul jumped as much as his towel allowed him to - “S-Something ha-ha happened!” 


“What couldn’t wait for you to get dress?” - Leeteuk was covering his face 








“I don’t get it. Who did your job again?” - Leeteuk was totally lost 




The door bell rang. Leeteuk gestured Heechul to hide as he didn’t want people to think he wandered around the house. 


“Thanks” - Leeteuk returned holding a big box - “More papers?” 


“Agh” - Heechul pulled his hair- “Really?”


“Actually... This is...” 


“ITS MY GIFT!” - Siwon was now jumping on Leeteuk- “ITS MINE! IT FINALLY CAME!” 


Leeteuk smiled softly. He was about to tease Heechul when he saw him holding a card that came inside the box. 


“What’s that?” 


“N-nothing. It’s just... this is not the one I ordered” - Heechul whispered - “Its not from the same website...” 


“So... do we have to return it?” - Leeteuk worried Siwon wouldn’t take it well - “He is so happy...” 


“N-no. It’s for him... see?” - Heechul showed him the label on the box - “It clearly has our address” 


“Who would send Siwon a gift?” 


“Maybe the same person that did your job” - Yesung teased 


Judging Heechul’s face, Leeteuk realized he was missing something. 


“Do you have any idea who is trying to help us?” - Leeteuk inquired while the parent dressed - “I don’t want to sound rude but I find quite interesting that you turned quiet after Siwon received that box” 


“The label... it was handwritten” - Heechul glanced at the twins that tried to dress themselves helping each other - “I recognized it” 




“I know who sent it” - Heechul stared at Leeteuk- “But I wonder why” 


And that was everything Heechul would ever mention about it. Next days were full of peace thanks to the mysterious person that seemed to have done Heechul’s work. Somehow, Leeteuk didn’t like it at all. Something was odd. Who would want to help Heechul besides his family? 



“Autumn is sure a nuisance” - The babysitter worried for the twins as it started raining - “Kids, lets go back home ok? I don’t want you to catch a cold” 


“Umbwewa!” - Ryeowook pointed at a red umbrella a woman was holding - “Uh?”


“Wook, Cmon! You are going to get wet!” - Leeteuk urged 


Ryeowook rubbed his eyes. He shook his head and then returned to Leeteuk’s side not before looking back a couple times.


“Did you see something?” 


“Dun know” - Ryeowook shrank his shoulders 


Heechul was staring at the rain. He was supposed to be happy now that he didn’t have that much work to do yet his heart wasn’t at ease. 


(What are you doing? Why now? I don’t understand) 


“DADA!” - the twins hugged Heechul with their wet raincoats- “IZ WAININ’ !”


“Sure it is” - Heechul smiled to the kids. 


(Heeyeon... I hope you understand that my heart belongs to them as well) 


“Who wants to have cookies?!” - Heechul laughed when the twins raised their hands quickly - “AND HOT CHOCO?” 


“ME ME ME ME!” - several kids started running out of nowhere 


“Wait a minute” - Leeteuk was pulling his ear - “Kyunnie cant have cookies and hot choco yet. It’s only been four days!” 


Kyuhyun shook his head when Heechul offered him a cookie. 




“He is smarter than you” - Leeteuk stuck out his tongue after Kyuhyun decided to side with him - “He knows this is for his own good” 


“And Henry takes after me” - Heechul did a painful expression as his youngest son ate three cookies at once. 


“Aren’t you going to eat?” - Yesung asked a cute Ryeowook- “Arent you in the mood for cookies?” 


Ryeowook smiled and swayed his head cutely. 


“Wookie Happy” - Ryeowook bounced from excitement- “Vewy happy” 


“Why?” - Yesung found his little brother extremely cute - “Are you happy that our family is finally back to normal?”


Ryeowook just did a happy sound. He got even more happy after Yesung decided to hold him. 


“Oh no no no!” - Heechul kept complaining - “Last year you ruined my fun but this year you are not!” 


“I ruined your fun?” - Leeteuk asked offended - “I just protected your children from getting sick!” 


“Going out for trick or treat isn’t protecting them!” 


“It is if is raining and you let them to wander around in the cold while you flirt with the neighbor!” 


“I wasn’t— anyway but you also stopped me from having candy!” 


“If it was for you, all kids would have cavities and diabetes!” 


“Say that again!” 


“I will say whatever I want as many times I want!” 


“Ugh... Zibwinz no fight” - Kyuhyun scolded the adults - “Bwothews don’ fight” 


Leeteuk and Heechul stuck their tongues at each other. 


“So... are we going trick or treat this year?” - Kangin asked carefully 




“Yes!” - Heechul exclaimed 


“Whaz twik ow tweat?” - Ryeowook asked cutely - “Hawowee’ ?” 


“NO! NOT HALLOWEEN!” - Siwon pulled his hair - “I HATE IT!” 




Next chapter: trick or treat! ^-^ What kind of adventures await for the kids? 


I miss you! Hope you are doing well! 


PS: aspiration syndrome is common in toddlers and little kids. Most of the time is not risky, only being a problem if something that reached the lungs stays there and gets infected. It’s one cause of pneumonia and something that can happen during surgery (that’s why you should respect what your doctor says about not eating many hours before !!) 


Lucky for him, Kyuhyun is a healthy boy. ;) 





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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it