
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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              Munhee hugged the soft pillow closer to her after realizing that today was Saturday, means more sleep. Even though she was already half awake as it's become her regular routine to wake up at seven in the morning ever since the kids started going to school, she kept her eyes close to enjoy the fact that today being weekend she could easily lounge in the bed at least one or two hours more.  


    After dawdling on the bed for another twenty to thirty minutes, Munhee was now fully awake. Munhee groaned as she couldn't get the amount sleep she wanted. She checked the time on her phone, it was still quite early to be up. She'd be bored to hell if she'd left the bed as every other person in the house would be asleep at this hour. Also, she wouldn't have much work to do as Miss Lonn was some kind of one man army who had been managing all the works pretty diligently. 

Munhee yawned and again turned towards the extra pillow  in the middle of the bed which she'd been groping to sleep. While doing so her eyes fell on the peacefully sleeping male in front of her, who was sleeping with his mouth open, a soft snore resonating from him, his now slightly long fringes falling elegantly over his forehead, that reminded Munhee to take a mental note to prompt Baekhyun to get a haircut when he'd wake up later, the one side of his face squashed into his pillow as he was sleeping on his side while facing Munhee. The morning light peeking through the curtains allowed Munhee to have a clear view of the scattered tiny moles all over his sunkissed skin. If Munhee had to choose one as her favorite, she'd choose the very mole sitting just over his pink lips, though she liked each and every mole on his face as they were really tiny and they somehow seemed cute in Munhee's eyes. 

Subconsciously, Munhee's lips stretched into a small smile seeing  Baekhyun's peaceful face. She couldn't help but to think how many changes have been mutated in the past weeks after they've started living in the same room. Among those, the changes that were worth her decision was Baekhyun himself. The changes might not be visible to any other person, but Munhee lived through those and felt somehow accomplished at how Baekhyun's condition had been getting better in both physical and mental manner. He had almost gotten rid of the nightmares he used to have at nights, meaning he was having good sleep at nights. That resulted in lessening the dark and heavy bags that had been produced under his eyes. His lost weight started to regain, though the loss of his weight wasn't visible in eyes, his medical reports had showed that he was losing his weight then. He had been controlling his anger quite well too, it can be said on this basis that they didn't have any major argument in these past weeks. According to Minseok, his sessions were going well and at the rate he was going, he'd only need those sessions only once every month.

Munhee's thoughts of all favorable outcomes of the decision she'd taken two months back were broken when Baekhyun moved from his current position and threw his hand over the pillow which Munhee was groping at the moment, startling the girl at either the sudden movement, or the sudden physical contact, or might be both. Carefully, she pulled back her hand from the weight of his own so that he wouldn't end up holding hers.

"Look now who's crossing the boundary!"  Munhee muttered under her breath while rolling her eyes at her husband. Well the topic of crossing the boundaries wasn't new between the pair of them. But this new boundary which was the pillow, lying in the middle of their bed was the idea of the sleeping male himself.

Well, it wasn't that Munhee was unhappy of the boundary between their bodies. She still quite clearly remembered, it was after a few days of her staying in the room when the incident that resulted in Baekhyun suggesting to keep this pillow in between them had happened. One morning, both of them had woken up while having their bodies in tangles, their faces inches away from one another, Baekhyun's limbs snaking around Munhee as if he didn't want to let her go even an inch away from himself. That had horrified Baekhyun enough to make this clever decision so that there won't be any accidents like that in the future. Stupidly enough, that incident could still manage to make her face warmer than her skin's natural temperature.


If she'd counted on the visible changes, then she could also count a few. The biggest physical change inside the master bedroom would be the double door new cupboard that Baekhyun had installed just beside the previously present three door cupboard, since the former cupboard had no space for her clothes as it was filled with Baekhyun and Myunghee's clothes and other belongings. Munhee didn't have the heart to ask Baekhyun remove her sister's things from there, neither she had the courage in herself to do so. So, when Munhee had dragged her two human sized luggages filled with her own clothes and necessities in the room, Baekhyun didn't waste any time in ordering her own new wardrobe for her. 

There were also other little changes in the whole room, such as , the stuff toy Mr. Byun's presence on the bed. Now the vanity tabletop was filled with Munhee's skincare products and her few makeup products. On the side table of Munhee's side, there was a small frame of the picture which Munhee had called as their first family selfie. In the bathroom, her toothbrush, bottles of shampoo and body wash  joined beside Baekhyun's. The basket for dirty clothes would contain Munhee's used clothes alongside Baekhyun's. The clothes' rack would be filled with Munhee's clothes along with Baekhyun's. These were simple changes, but Munhee had kept note of each one of them. Why? She didn't bother to know.



The next time Munhee woke up, it was due to the slight sting she felt on her neck, she didn't even remember when her eyes got closed while thinking about her constructive thoughts. Munhee groaned at the pinching sting and scratched the place till it burnt enough to not bother her with that annoying stingy feel there. 

" What happened?"  Munhee heard her husband asking from somewhere beside her. She opened her eyes to glare at him. He had his laptop on his lap while he sat there on the bed beside her.   'He might've woken up just a while ago'.  Munhee thought judging by his still gruff voice and puffy after sleep eyes. 

"It's your fault!"  Munhee grumbled as she pushed herself up in a sitting position after jabbing an accusatory finger at his direction.

"What's with the early morning hostility?"  Baekhyun asked, looking very much confused. 

"I told you not to eat snacks on bed! But you still ate your pineapple biscuits on here yesterday, didn't you?"  Munhee stated.  

"H-How did you know?"  Baekhyun stammered while leaning back slightly as if he was scared of her. 

"The empty wrapper of your pineapple biscuits is peeking from under your pillow."  Munhee let him know and had to bit her lips to control her laughter even though she was annoyed at him after witnessing his little sheepish gasp at the revelation.  

"Sorry. I got hungry while working till late night. And I didn't want to wake Miss Lonn or you up to make something edible for me."  He explained while scratching the back of his neck. Munhee tried not to soften at his explanation.   " But what happened?"

"Because of these biscuit crumbs on the bed, I think some ants or insects has derived here and they've bitten me!"  Munhee whined as she felt the stings at more than one place over her neck.

"Oh! Let me see?"  He offered, looking torn between cowering over the corner and actually see the result himself. He gathered enough courage to hold her shoulder and turned her at his direction to observe the bite marks. He winced seeing the reddish spots as he got closer to her to get a good look. Munhee panicked at the close proximity since she could almost feel his breath hitting on her chest.

"Forget it. Just don't eat snacks on the bed again."  Munhee muttered before discarding to the washroom to do her morning business. 


"Hey do you need some ointment or something?"  Baekhyun offered as soon as Munhee was out from the washroom. He had already neated the bed while she was inside there.

Munhee stood in front of the vanity mirror to inspect the bites, hints of red bruises were already formed in her neck. She could find three small reddish marks. One on the left side of her neck, another on the base of her right collarbone dangerously near of her nightgown's neckline,  another on her rightside of her upper neck.    "I don't think I'd need anything. They look like simple ant's bites." She replied the waiting male who was back again with his laptop. 

"Okay, then."  He shrugged and concentrated back on typing something on his device. 

"I'm going to make coffee. You want some?"  Munhee asked as she was making her way out of the room while collecting her hairs in a high bun. 

"That would be great. I'll join you downstairs in a minute or two."   He called after her.



Miss Lonn was already up and probably was operating for their weekend special large breakfast.  "Good morning." She chirped seeing Munhee from afar.

"Good morning." Munhee entered the kitchen and smiled at the elderly woman. Miss Lonn was not only of her mother's age, but she had the same motherly vibe in her and Munhee had become much comfortable with the elder woman in this past weeks. Munhee didn't worry for breakfast menu as she already let Miss Lonn know about their breakfast recommendations the previous day. So she opted for the coffee as she stood opposite of the woman. 

"Munhee dear, everything's going well between you and Baekhyun?"  Miss Lonn asked with a hint of smile as she washed the sausages.

"Yes...I guess?"  Munhee confusedly answered. But then she nodded along as she concluded things were definitely going okay since there were no nasty arguments between the two of them. 

"I'm so glad for you dear. It broke my heart when I first came into this house and saw you both staying apart from each other. Now look, things have changed so beautifully! Though, I was sure you would be able to change his mind as you are an attractive young woman. A kind girl with a young body, that's all you need to wrap a man around your little finger."  Miss Lonn's beam widened as she wiggled her brows suggestively at the direction of Munhee's figure. 

 Munhee directed her gaze towards her figure, was it because she forgot to tie the belt of her robe? It might be as the neckline of such nightgown's were slightly lower. She felt flustered at the idea of Miss Lonn hinting that she used her figure and this kind of attractive nightgown to seduce Baekhyun? She awkwardly cleared as she hugged the silk robe of her nightgown around her body securedly.  

"It's n-not like that!" Munhee stammered seeing the knowing smile on the older woman's face. Due to this Munhee almost forgot to add coffee powder into their coffee. She hurriedly added and hoped that Miss Lonn wouldn't get any wrong idea.

"But dear, you shouldn't have entered the kitchen without taking a shower."  Miss Lonn's face was now some kind of serious, affectionately serious as she almost whispered that to her despite being the only two person present there.

"Huh? why?"  Munhee blinked at the woman in front of her.  'Am I stinking or something?'  Horrified thought ghosted inside her at Miss Lonn's comment.

"Aigoo, I should explain you as you are probably new into such married life things. Listen dear,

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OMFG look at that "Completed" sign!! :")
Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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41 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///