
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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(Warnings: Violence, mention of blood(nothing major), cursing)




"I had spent that night at Baekhyun's place."  Munhee murmured from the passenger seat, her eyes fixed on the slightly snowed road. It was the first sentence she spoke ever since Sehun had showed up at Liana's apartment this morning, and told her he had come to take her back. She knew Sehun would get which night she was talking about, even if she wouldn't provide any clear indication.

"I know."  Sehun nodded, seemingly not affected by the news. 

"I slept with Baekhyun."  She uttered robotically. She didn't know how Sehun would react to the information, but she decided to tell him the truth. So it will be easier for him to understand when she would breakup with him later, or maybe right now. She was honestly too tired and numb to feel bad for anyone else. She had already set her mind on what she wanted to do next. The very first thing on her to-do list was to sign those damned divorce papers and throw them at Baekhyun's face before leaving this city. 

Next ten minutes went into thick silence between them, Sehun kept his eyes fixed at the road and his face blank throughout. He turned to look at Munhee only when he had parked the car in the middle of a lesser busy road.  "Does sleeping with him mean you both slept on the same bed or you two had-"

"Both." Munhee clarified without hesitation.

Sehun nodded, another few seconds or minutes of silence, "Are you telling me this because you think I'd be upset over it?" He asked calmly and Munhee gave him a unsure shrug. "If you are, then know that I'm not that upset. I mean I'm hurt, but it's not like something like this didn't happen before. After all, you both were a married couple for two years. I have been preparing myself throughout all these months to not take things like this heavily. And what matters the most that you're being honest with me instead of hiding it." He ended with a small smile, that didn't reach his eyes.

"It was... my first time. We weren't like usual married couples."  Munhee delivered, lowering her gaze to her hands. 

This time, it took Sehun even more time to speak up, slight shock visible through his tight features. He took his time in contemplating the information before taking a huge breath. "I'm still okay with it."   He insisted.   "We tend to make irrational mistakes when we are emotionally vulnerable. And you were probably quite drunk."  He sighed through his nose before taking Munhee's hand in his. "Actually... I also made similar mistakes in the past. When I was in abroad and I used to be stressed and sad about not hearing anything from you, I tried to distract myself with flings here and there. The articles related to the rumors about my dating life, was kinda true. I mean I didn't date anyone, but I had short term flings here and there. I'm sorry I hid this truth from you. Guess we're both equal now?" He chuckled in a hollow tone.  

Munhee had to look at him after hearing those. She didn't feel a tad bit bad about what she heard, maybe a little surprised, but that's it.  "It wasn't a mistake for me. Yes, I was drunk, but not that drunk to not know what I was doing."  She stated, her hands fisted tightly as it was still a raw topic for her, she couldn't stay nonchalant about it for longer. "You didn't have to explain all these to me. If I be honest, I am not that affected like a lover should. And even though you're being very understanding in my case, I can't keep this thing between us up anymore. I think it's high time we stopped this dating and all. I am not really in the state of continuing anything like this. And this time, I am not requesting you, I am telling you my decision."

"Why are you breaking up with me? Is it because you have realized that you still love him after spending one night with him?" He asked in an emotionless voice.  

Munhee heaved, trying to control her fast and painful heartbeats,  "No. I have just realized that I should start loving myself more. And I want to leave this city, leave all the crumbles of my love life here, that includes both you and Baekhyun. And no one can change my mind now. Not you, neither Baekhyun. I am done with everyone and everything." She stated with all the determination she had left in herself, didn't care if she sounded cold or aloof. 

"So you're pushing me away from your life just like that?" Sehun asked, his tone weak.

Munhee looked at him with slight sad eyes, "You've been with me in my most tough stage of life, Sehun. You've been a great friend. And if you don't mind, I'd like us to remain only friends."  she let him know, giving him a small smile. 

"Fine."  He lastly exhaled, Munhee couldn't keep looking at him as his eyes turned a little glassy, the male bit his lips to contain his tears. 

After that, Sehun drove her till his house in silence. Munhee told him that she was going to return the divorce papers to Baekhyun, and then get her things from his house, and would return to her town then, to her parents. She didn't know whether that small 'Fine' from him meant he had finally given up his hopes to be with her, or he was just letting her go. She didn't want to leave anything unresolved before going back to her old home to start a new life. Maybe she should talk with Sehun for the last time before leaving his house, till then he would have enough time to process all the things she had said. 

Reaching at the house, she excused herself to her current bedroom, packing her bags efficiently. What made her take a deep breath and put a lot of internal effort to go on, was when she had sat herself down on the edge of her bed, divorce papers resting over her thighs, a pen tightly clutched into her fingers. 

Uncountable memories started crowding at the small rusty window of her mind. From the day when her and Baekhyun got married with bare minimum, to those days when they lived almost like a normal married couple, and all in all as a happy family. A journey which started from the sole motive to take care of her sister's kids, and ended with tangled knots of love, hurt, self-respect and ego.  

Last but not the least, she deliberately recalled all the sufferings she had to endure during the journey of this marriage, trying with her everything to shove away all the good memories they had made together in a deepest corner of the luggage of her memories, every single hurtful words Baekhyun had told her until this date, especially what he told her during these past few times when they met. She used to believe it's not that hard to forgive someone if she tried to understand their troubles and their situation. Her this belief had cost her to ignore her own self numerous times, and due to this she had ended up causing herself so much damage that she didn't think it was possible to fill up the voids those damages had left in her. 

She had never perceived the idea of a stage of life, where she'd come to the point to regret the choice of her heart, she had never ever entertained the idea of having to regret loving Baekhyun. But right now, after everything that had happened within this short time span, her mind was forcing her to regret her life choices. Like this, she had neither ever thought of the word 'Divorce', despite having to go through hills of problems regarding Baekhyun. But this was life, and life was nothing but uncertainty filled ups and downs. 

Munhee didn't think she would feel a tad bit bad when she would sign these lifeless papers, papers that were actually able to erase her name from his life within a snap, but she did feel hurt, her soul was continuously prickled with a poisonous rapier every second she held onto those papers. But that didn't stop her from sighing them. She finally signed them with trembling limbs and blurry eyes, telling herself that this was the best thing she could do for herself right now. And this concluded the journey of her marriage with her brother-in-law. 






Munhee told herself it was the last time she'd be present in any event related to Moonlight, as she had asked for her name to be removed from the responsible parties in the management and decision making of Moonlight- in the divorce clause. She knew it wasn't something that would cause Baekhyun a great loss, but she just did it for herself, so that she'd be free of the responsibilities of this project and leave without feeling guilty for it.  

Now she had reached at the location, a small town outside Seoul, it was selected by the higher ups of Moonlight for the next photoshoot. Since she wanted to personally throw the divorce papers onto Baekhyun's face, she had gone to his house earlier, but she didn't find him there. So she called Jongin and the male reminded her about this photoshoot, and told her that Baekhyun had reached here earlier than needed. Since Sehun was back from his previous schedule early, other board members of Moonlight decided it would be better to finish this particular photoshoot sooner than planned, probably because the weather was getting worse day by day. Only then she understood when she was busy sobbing in the midst of signing those papers, Sehun had briefly told her about this schedule before leaving.  

Munhee clutched her purse tighter in her hands as she made her way towards the small traditional looking houses situated in rows. The houses were colorful, the area was full of beautiful white birch trees, along with other trees she wasn't aware the name of. Actually it was located beside what seemed like a not-so-dense forest, a total opposition to the view of a crowded city life. She halted and waited a few moments to take in the fresh cold air, enjoying the fresh touch of nature, it made her feel slightly better on the inside.  

The moment she reached inside the only large sized house, which was booked for the staffs and the other significant bodies, someone from the management team greeted her politely and told her that everyone had just started their late lunch, and almost dragged her towards a spacious living room. Since these houses were only made for outer visual enhancement, they weren't furnished inside. Though the staffs had brought enough plastic chairs with them, so everyone could eat their lunch while sitting comfortably.

  Among the group of people present there, her eyes immediately caught Baekhyun as usual, he sat in a lone corner, his food seemed to be sitting untouched on his thighs, and somehow he managed to catch her gaze as well. Munhee averted her eyes from him despite noticing the little cut in his lower lips, she was certain it wasn't caused due to her slap, and she told herself that she shouldn't care about the reason behind it anymore, she was in no place to do so. Her fist tightened around her purse even more, as if she was clutching onto the divorce papers inside there. Just seeing the man had caused the barely calmed storm inside her to stir all over again, but she was well accustomed to maintain her outer stature after all these long days, thus she managed to keep her face unaffected.

"Noona!" Jongin attacked her with a side hug out of nowhere. "I thought you wouldn't be here!"

 Munhee was little surprised to see him, as he was mostly busy in managing Byun Corp. "I came here for some important work." Munhee let him know in a neutral voice. 

"Okay? Does that important work include Hyung?" Jongin asked, not in a teasing way, but in more of a serious way. He ought to guess since Munhee had called him earlier to ask about the said male's whereabout. 

"Yes."  Munhee mumbled shortly. Her eyes this time caught Sehun emerging out from what seemed like a changing room, dressed in one of Moonlight's new collection. The male gave her a small surprised look before going to talk with some staff members. She was albeit glad that he didn't approach her.

"Umm hey, Noona, is everything alright? You look like you haven't been through a good time! Did something happen at the party after I left? Or did something happen yesterday or today?" The younger male might've noticed her red eyes to ask her about her condition with such seriousness in his voice.

"Not particularly. But I am going to be fine. Don't worry for me. And n-nothing happened at the party." She smiled and patted his cheeks while telling the half hearted truth.  

Jongin sighed, he didn't seem like he was reassured at her words.   "Just so you know, my offer for beating him up is still valid. Even though he looks severely ed up and beaten up already, without me trying. But I'd be happy to do some more to bring his lost senses back."  He told her with determination.

Munhee gave him a small smile.  "That's not needed. I know what I am doing."  she told him, trying to hide the bitterness in her tone.

Jongin nodded while sighing again, "I trust you. And as I had said that day, I will support you in whatever decision you'd take." He at last gave her a small smile of his.  "Okay, now come have lunch with me. You look like you could do some favor on yourself by eating something."  He mumbled and took her to another room at the very end of the house, this part of the house had actually expanded till the supposed greenery, she could see rows of whitish trees spreading their arms in a welcoming gesture through the open window of that room.  

"Why am I getting special treatment? The employees would think I am not eating with them to degrade them or something!"  Munhee softly protested, but inwardly she was relieved because first, she needed some peaceful time before facing Baekhyun, and second, she could feel the employees were growing more and more suspicious at the sudden visible distance between her and Baekhyun, she didn't like getting those scrutinizing gazes from them. The last thing she needed at this moment was any outsider getting a hold of the current state of their marriage, as it might stir unnecessary attention upon her and him.

Jongin handed her one of the two plates of food he had picked up for them while leaving the previous room. "I don't know why, but I am having a feeling that there's something more that had gone wrong between you two than I know. But this is both of your personal matter, so I won't pry. So, all I can do is just help you feel okay throughout this hard time. And I know you'd like the peace here." He told her with a soft but understanding smile. "Now start eating, food is going to get cold." He added and started shoving big chunks of food into his mouth.

Munhee softly giggled seeing his stupidity, "Thanks Jongin. You're like the elder brother I never had." but she didn't forget to convey her gratefulness. 

Jongin looked touched, but he decided to fool around, probably to lighten up the mood. "C'mon, Noona! I don't look that old to be called your elder brother! Don't taint my youthful image!" he pouted dramatically in the last sentence.

"Okay, fine!" Munhee conceded, smiling at the younger male's antics. "You're like my younger brother. Happy now?"

"Yes, very!" He sassed but grinned nonetheless. And they started eating eventually.

"I have... signed the divorce papers. I'm actually here to personally give him those papers and completely e-end the ordeal here." Munhee mumbled after a while, she decided that Jongin had the place in her life to know about this big decision of hers. 

The male looked hurt hearing it, but he composed himself soon, "Well, as much as it breaks my heart to know this, there's nothing I can say to you except that I am still going to support you."  he mumbled with a sad smile.

"Thanks."  Munhee gratefully told him.






Munhee tapped her foot impatiently on the soiled ground of the clearing in front of the houses, where the first part of the photoshoot had taken place. Apparently, Jongin had practically dragged her outside to watch the photoshoot, saying that she should at least witness the first themed photoshoot of Moonlight as he knew Munhee had been really excited about this event ever since they'd started working on this project. She had bargained that she would watch the photoshoot for a few minutes and wait until she'd get the right opportunity to slap those papers onto Baekhyun's face. But the way things were going, it didn't seem like she would get such opportunity. All the photographers and employees were crowding around her and Baekhyun within every ten seconds, asking about their opinion about the poses and props or lighting colors. Eventually, Munhee had to indulge in the activity of giving out her opinion, of course while avoiding to talk with Baekhyun as much as she could. Maybe she would just catch him up when the shooting would end.


It had already gotten quite dark outside by the time they were finally done with the photoshoot, days were shorter in winter anyway. Most of the models, photographers and staffs were send with Jongin beforehand. Munhee wanted to leave with Jongin right then and there, but if she did so, her motive of being here would've been a failure. So kicking her urge to run away off, she stayed back. Actually, it seemed a better choice since there were just a few people left here, including Baekhyun and Sehun. So this would be the perfect opportunity to do what she willed to do. 

"Ugh this house is like a maze!" Munhee groaned under her breath, not being able to find the room where Baekhyun had gone to collect his things from. There were just too many rooms and corridors here. She passed another few locked rooms before finally seeing that familiar beige overcoat in front of her. Her pulse rushed in speedy pace, breathing got heavier as the moment had finally occured. "Mr. Byun.." She mumbled his name with as much coldness as she could gather inside . 

Baekhyun, who was locking the door of his supposed room, whipped his head back hearing her voice calling him. His face looked slightly surprised, and something else shone in his eyes, but Munhee was a little far from him to decipher it. When he finished locking the door, he fully turned towards her direction, eyes barely managing to stay firm for an eye contact with her. "Yes?" He murmured while taking cautious steps towards her.

 Munhee took the chance of his averted eyes to take in his form for the last time, as there wouldn't probably be anymore chance of seeing his face or meeting him in near future. She bit her lips, dread clawing her stomach as she felt the familiar feeling of losing something precious from her grasp. Taking a deep breath, she told herself that it was the helpless part of her which probably still longed for him, but the stronger and major part of her knew what she was doing was the best decision for her own self. Standing strong on her spot, she started when the male bridged the gap between them, of course, leaving a respectful distance,  "Don't worry, I am not going to force myself on you or beg for your love." She uttered bitterly, hoping that her words would at least hurt him. "I am here to give you a gift. I know you'll love it."

Baekhyun stared at her blankly, his face seemed like he couldn't contemplate the meaning of her last sentence, whereas he had pursed his lips at her previous sentences. 

Munhee prepared herself to do the deed, but then she suddenly realized she had left her purse back in the room where her and Jongin had lunch. Cursing her forgetful and careless mind inwardly, she gave him a hardly mustered professional smile,  "Meet me outside within five minutes. I'll give it to you there."  She curtly told him and walked away from the corridor without waiting for his reply. 






 Baekhyun's gaze lingered at her retreating figure until she disappeared on the right corner at the end of the corridor. Sighing, he decided to recheck their used rooms to make sure they'd cleaned up after themselves, and after that he could wait outside for Munhee. He wasn't sure what was she talking about, but his sixth sense was telling him it wouldn't be something great, since she was personally going to provide him that...

With his busy thoughts, he checked the spacious living room with half concentration. But something made him stop and turn back immediately. "Why did it feel like someone has just passed from behind?"  He asked himself, eyes scrutinizing the spacious area, meticulously searching for that thing or person to move again. It didn't seem plausible for a staff member to sneak around like this. After a few silent and unproductive moments, he sighed,  "Maybe it's just my hallucination!" He mumbled. Even the windows were closed, so there was no chance of winter wind to play tricks on him either. 

When he was done checking the living room, he decided to check the kitchen area, which was used for cooking their lunch, it had to be the most impacted room due to their stay. So he would have to check the kitchen space carefully. Among the whole house, only the kitchen was furnished with some needed cabinets and counters, thus he had told the extra staffs brought for cooking and cleaning purposes, to be diligent while cleaning the kitchen. Reaching the kitchen, Baekhyun frowned when he saw the windows of the kitchen   remaining unclosed. He was sure he had told every staffs to not leave any windows or doors open. 

Mumbling incoherent words under his breath, he walked towards the opposite end of the space to close the window perfectly. His hands stopped half in the process as he could swear he saw shadows moving at the forest outside. He wasn't any superstitious being, but he did got goosebumps due to the sudden feeling of uncertain dread he felt at that moment. Though he cleverly blamed the goosebumps on the cold and slightly rough wind seeping in from the opened windows. He decided there's no benefit in standing here and ponder over unnecessary thoughts, so he closed the windows without wasting anymore second. 

But he almost got a heart attack, when he saw obvious presence behind a counter to the left. The person or whatever it was, was definitely trying to hide behind it. "Who's there?" Baekhyun asked loudly, taking quick steps towards it. He instantly regretted not being cautious enough, when the person, wearing black from head to toe, stood up on his feet and lunged forward to attack him in a speed of light. That definitely had caught Baekhyun off guard. He cursed under his breath as he barely managed to dodge the attack from what seemed like a machete knife. Even though the blade was probably aimed at his chest or face, his quick reflexes saved him from the severe attack, but his arm took a small cut from it. A few droplets of blood must've exerted from the wound, but he didn't have the time to check it.

Hissing at the pain from the cut, Baekhyun dodged from the second attack from the masked man. He quickly moved himself from the counter, and pushed the attacker on their back- towards the tiled counter when the stranger lunged for the third hit. Baekhyun was quick in landing his elbow at the man's back, earning painful hiss from the attacker. Grabbing onto the opportunity, Baekhyun slammed the blade away from the masked man's grasp, and attempted to twist the man's arms behind his back to stop him from any further attack. But he failed as he had underestimated the strength and fluent movement of the man, and was pushed back roughly when the man swiftly elbowed him on the stomach before dashing away from the kitchen. 

"Hey! Stop!" Baekhyun yelled and got himself together to run behind the man. His head was whirling as he still couldn't function where this sudden attack came from, what was this man's motive behind it. Seeing the man running towards the outside, he got even more anxious as he remembered Munhee telling him that she would be waiting outside for him. "No, no, no. Not her. Please let her stay safe!" He chanted under his panting breath while running as hard as he could. 

When Baekhyun finally made it to outer side of the house, he saw one of their staffs was sobbing while others kept asking her where she had gotten hurt. "What happened to you?" Baekhyun rushed towards the small crowd of employees, all of them looked terrified.

"S-Sir, someone was t-there. I was leaving the staff room after locking it, and I noticed a man, he was wearing black all over. H-He immediately shoved me hard and ran away." The staff managed to deliver in between her cries.

"She has cut her elbow due to the fall. And her right leg has probably gotten sprained. She needs medical treatment as soon as possible, Sir!" Mrs. Hwang insisted, her voice shaky. All the females gasped at once, when they noticed the lights of the whole house being switched off altogether, or in easy words, the electricity of the house got cut off.

"We don't even have the first aid boxes with us, all other stuffs have been sent with the vans." Another staff notified. "Sir, what if there are more of those men? What if they're robbers? We should leave this place soon!" She also added, fear visible in her eyes. 

Baekhyun could understand their fear, it was definitely a matter to be concerned about. He nodded at them, a worrisome frown in his forehead when he raked his eyes to the surrounding. His frown deepened when he couldn't find Munhee there. He was about to ask the staffs about her, when he heard Sehun yelling something from behind. 

It seemed like Sehun just got out of the house, and he was huffing and sweating, "! there's fire inside the house!" He yelled in between panting.  

The women present there gasped even louder than before, and only then everyone noticed smoke coming out from distant back of the house. "Oh my god! What to do! Fire! Fire!" Mrs. Hwang hyperventilated and within the next second, her body leant towards staff Hana as the older lady got unconscious due to fear or shock. The rest of the two female employees started requesting to leave this place right then and there.

"They're right. If everyone's here, we should call the fire service and police of this area and leave from here. There's no way we can extinguish this fire, I have seen it, it's spreading fast." Sehun rendered while raking his eyes around their surrounding, like Baekhyun.

Within a few seconds of time, both of the males looked at each other, their frowned eyes widened in worry and shock at the same time, "Where's Munhee?" They both asked each other. 

Baekhyun took a shuddering step back, when the possibility of Munhee still being inside the house dawned upon him like firing bullets drilling into his whole body. She wasn't anywhere outside, so there was only one answer to their question. 

"Munhee is still inside!" Sehun yelled. 

Heart pounding loudly near his ears, Baekhyun took off his overcoat without a second thought,  "Sehun, listen to me, I'm going inside to find Munhee. You please take these ladies back home safely. They aren't safe here and they need medical care urgently!" Baekhyun told the younger male hurriedly, his steps going towards the inside of the house despite the protest of the females present there. He knew it was as risky as the females were pointing it out to be, but he didn't care of any risk or any fear at this moment. 

"N-No! I am not going anywhere unless I see her!" Sehun shook off from his somehow shocked self and yelled towards Baekhyun from outside of the house.

Baekhyun cursed, seeing the fire indeed spreading till the end of the living room, and at the same time hearing Sehun's words. Baekhyun knew he was being selfish to prioritize looking for Munhee instead of prioritizing his employees' safety first, but he couldn't help it. He needed to make sure she was safe, he just had to. Just at the thought of her being stuck somewhere due to the burning flames was making him nauseous out of uncontrollable worry and fear.  "Sehun, trust me! I will ing die here today, but I will make sure Munhee is okay. So please take these employees back to Seoul, I'm trusting you with their safety. I'll follow up once I find Munhee. Please!"  Baekhyun yelled his request at the male from inside, then he wrapped his overcoat around his head like a blanket, before disappearing into the flaming structure of the living room. He couldn't afford another second of wait, and he just hoped Sehun would be responsible enough to get the employees back home safely. And he could just pray helplessly to the gods out there, to not anything or anyone inflict any harm on Munhee.






A few minutes prior....


Munhee huffed in relief when she found the room where she had forgetfully left her purse. She ignored the unease of being followed or something like that, when she turned her head at the back for the fourth of fifth time, finding no one present there she emerged inside the room, thinking that the shameless portion of her heart must've wanted Baekhyun to follow behind, thus she was getting such weird and unnecessary ideas about being followed.  "Get your senses back, Munhee. Baekhyun isn't following you, and you don't want him to follow you."  She insisted to herself while making her way towards the chairs where her purse was laying on top of one very innocently. "They've forgotten to take these chairs back!" Munhee mumbled to herself, while picking up her purse. 

The very moment she picked her purse, the girl had to get stilled in her form, as she heard shuffling sound somewhere in the room along with the sound of the door closing behind her. Was it really Baekhyun? Had he heard what she just told about her thoughts of being followed by him? But she could swear she saw more than one shadowy figures on the wall before her. The way she got immediate chills of fear, her insides told her that something was very wrong here, she could swear there was no one when she had entered this room. Her fright doubled when she noticed them holding something long and sharp in their hands- through their shadows. Gulping down through her drying throat, she slowly turned back, knowing that she had to face whoever they were, she just couldn't stand here without any guard, while offering them her back like a fool. 

Holding onto her purse for the inward strength to face the supposed danger, she started contemplating her chance of saving herself from here. Was it how she was going to die? Her breath hitched when she finally turned back and raked her eyes towards the two figures covered in black jackets and black slacks, they hid their faces behind equally dark masks. How much she wished at this moment that it was just another prank from Baekhyun and Jongin like they had done in the past, but her mind was telling her the obvious fact that they weren't Baekhyun and Jongin. 

Her thoughts were confirmed cruelly when the men voluntarily ripped off their masks, revealing their faces which made her even more scared. One of them seemed somewhat familiar to her, but she couldn't decipher at that moment where exactly she had seen him. The males exchanged glances with each other before chuckling in sort of victory, but their eyes were emotionless, something akin to hatred or vengeance shone in their eyes. "Well, how exciting it is to see you again, Byun Munhee." The male who looked somewhat familiar to her, spoke up with a cold tone. 

Munhee helplessly took a step back even though she knew there was just a wall of wood behind her, nothing helpful. "W-Who are you? How do you know m-my name?" She asked, hoping that her questions would help her stalling for time, desperation caused her to hope for someone to notice her absence and come to check here. But again, when she saw the blades in their hand glimmering under the light of the room- revealing their sharp edges, Munhee instead started praying that no one should come here in search of her, she could never even die in peace if someone else got injured or died because of her. 

The familiar looking male smirked, eyeing her from head to toe before eyeing his blade from top to bottom, and then he looked back at her, his smirk darkening, "You , you destroyed my life and you don't even recognize me?" He spat at her taking a few steps closer. 

Munhee only proceeded to press her back on the cold wall, fear spreading through her veins, her limbs shook everytime her eyes caught the shiny edges of the blade. "N-No. I don't remember you! I have never harmed anyone on purpose! Why are y-you saying that I destroyed your life?" spluttered the question out. If she was going to die ultimately, she should rather at least know the reason of being killed mercilessly like this. She couldn't remember any incident where she had even killed a fly to be accused of something so big. 

"You're feigning innocence, right? Why? Do you think your husband will again save you this time?" He gritted, before chuckling darkly,  "Stop dreaming about that. We've come prepared this time. My other men must've already killed your pretty little husband." He cooed disgustingly.

Munhee was about to process his words about Baekhyun saving her again, but before she reached an exact conclusion, her heart stopped when the male mentioned about harming Baekhyun. The information made her limbs tremble violently. "No! No, please don't do anything to him! P-Please!" Her eyes became blurry just at the thought of Baekhyun getting a minimal scratch on him. The only reply she got from them was cold deadly smirk.

The male who was standing a bit further, walked forward so that he could be standing side by side with the other male, he patted the shoulder of the familiar looking male and traced his eyes nastily at her body. "Come on, brother. How could she remember you? It's not like you had done anything memorable with her. Maybe if you had shown how good you are on bed, then she would've remembered you." He offered.

Munhee felt disgusted at those words, but the concern for Baekhyun's sa

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OMFG look at that "Completed" sign!! :")
Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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41 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///