
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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(Warnings: Mature language, hints of matured contents, slight violence)

(PS: Do read the A/N)





Baekhyun stirred from his peaceful slumber with the pleasant scent of strawberries, along with the irritation from an uninvited headache. He snuggled himself closer to the warmth of the presence next to him, not wanting to leave it any sooner. However, as soon as the sleep and exhaustion started getting cleared from his system, realization struck on him like a thunder that there was really someone present beside him. Even with his eyes still shut perfectly, he could feel the dawning details of the current state somehow.

 It didn't take him a lot of inward calculation to do for grasping onto the signals; such as how someone was resting their head on his arm, how his free arm was holding that person so close to his body that their was plastered against his bare chest, how his palm rested on that female's bare chest where he could feel the steady heartbeats of her. And the most horrifying revelation was the fact that he could confidently tell the identity of the very person even without needing his eyes. 

It was Munhee. He was certain. How could he not? He had memorized her as if she were a splendid poem he would never prefer to forget, or an indelible poem which he couldn't wipe out from his mind even after numerous tries to do so? It was as if, he had learnt every verse, every rhythm, every rhymes, every single line of the poem by his heart. He knew it was her by the way she fit into his arms like a perfect piece of puzzle, he knew it was her by the addictive fragrance of her unforgettable presence, he knew it was her by the familiar pattern of her heartbeat, he knew it was her because it was so her. 

But what terrified him to the roots wasn't her presence only, it was the red alarms that were flaring all over his mind- at the lack of clothing on their bodies that he was feeling. Praying to all the gods out there, he opened his eyes with the hope that it would be just another morning of them waking up nestled into each other like they used to do in the past, he dearly hoped that it wasn't the case whatever his brain was assuming it to be. He remembered vaguely that he had been drinking without much care at the previous night, and if he wasn't wrong then Munhee didn't hold herself back from the temptation of getting drunk to oblivion either. But he couldn't remember when and how they ended up here in his bedroom. 

Carefully enough, he slipped his arms off of the seemingly peacefully sleeping girl, and sat up with a snap. The blanket over them barely covering her till the chest, leaving her bare shoulders visible to his eyes. Forcing his eyes to focus back at himself, he timidly pulled the blanket up, just enough to confirm that he indeed was unclothed from head to toe. He felt like someone was hammering his head with a big hammer at that, the pain was getting to become unbearable, but even this pain couldn't stop his heart from pounding like some wild animal inside his chest, even mortification would be an understatement as to what he was feeling at this moment. This was bad. Really bad. Everything would be messed up like a cruel flood would destroy the growing crops, if whatever everything was indicating had really happened between them. 

Rubbing his temple in utmost helplessness, he tried to come up with any plausible reason that had led him and her to be without the minimal amount of clothes in their bodies other than doing that. But he couldn't grasp any. A loud sigh escaped his lips, as he took in the scattered state of their clothes in different directions of the room. This was bad in every way. This shouldn't have happened. How would he face Munhee now? How would he face Myunghee? How would he face himself?

 Amidst of his spiraling contemplation, the girl beside him stirred slightly, changing her side to turn her body towards his direction. Desperation rose higher in him as he took in her sleeping form, and all the visible red and purple bruises decorating her supposedly smooth flawless skin. He didn't know how would she react and how would he handle everything after she'd wake up and notice her state. He remembered, she would panic everytime there was the slightest possibility of something happening between them after her every drunken nights in the past. If that wasn't clear indication that she despised the idea of being intimate with him, then he didn't know what was. At least, that's what his head had been telling him. 

Seeing Munhee stirring in her sleep again, he himself got panicked, not knowing what to do. He sprinted off the bed, almost blindly taking his boxer which was dangerously hanging at the corner of the bed, and put it on clumsily. Walking from left to right beside the bed, he couldn't come up with anything, not even a single thing that could resolve the situation. The fact that he couldn't remember anything that might've happened between them for the life of him, was making his head pound louder.  "I should at least check for the safeguards.."  He mumbled under his breath, knowing that being the matured and more experienced one, he should check for precautionary steps if there was taken any.

Aligning to his decision, he started searching for that one thing that would give him the least assurance about the outcome of this havoc. He finished searching the whole bedroom but found nothing, the only place that was left to check was the bed. The rock hard bile inside his throat intensified almost immediately, when he witnessed several stains while searching on the bed, and it took him not more than two seconds to decipher what those stains indicated. His heart dropped. When he thought it couldn't get anymore bad, how damn wrong he had been. "! what have I done!" He hissed at himself, eyes blurring with hot waters but he rubbed them harshly to get rid of them, it felt like the veins of his head would burst at the harsh impact of what he'd just discovered. 

Hearing the noises of his cursing, Munhee's face scrunched, stretching her hands she finally opened her eyes, softly blinking at him as he was standing just before her eyesight. Her seemingly tired eyes scanned his half form before settling in staring back at him. The only reaction he got from her when her eyes widened in what seemed like realization,  and that had led her to hastily sit up, almost dropping the blanket from her body in the process. The girl only managed to clutch her fist onto the material of the blanket, and stared down at herself distantly,  hint of scarlet hue flushed on her cheeks whise she did so. 

Baekhyun acted up on his instincts, he found himself climbing back on the bed without any delay, sitting beside her stilled figure as he faced her. "M-Munhee..." coherent words refused to leave from his mouth out of panic, he only managed to utter her name once. Unfortunately, it did nothing, her gaze was still fixed on the previous place, the silence was even more nerve wracking for him than having to face her questions. "Munhee!" With hesitation remaining in his system, his hands reached towards her shoulders, slightly shaking her to get her attention. "I... I'm so s-sorry! I d-don't know how to explain everything because.. I myself am shocked. I'm sorry, please forgive me, I should've been aware enough even though I was drunk as hell! I shouldn't have drunk in the first place!" He blabbered out apologies and whatever came to his mouth.  

The lack of response from her was genuinely frightening him, "I k-know it's not forgivable, I... I have ruined your f-first time. I can't even remember how all these happened!" His hands left her shoulders only to grip onto his head out of frustration. He looked up when he saw her finally looking back at him from his peripheral vision. He gulped down a few times, trying to wet his dried throat so that he could talk to her properly. He couldn't decipher what she was feeling at that moment, she had her emotions locked behind that neutral face and that pressed pair of lips. A very vague memory of him tasting those soft looking lips flashed before his eyes, making him wince. "I'm so sorry. I d-didn't mean to... It's been a massive m-mistake. I'm sorry, Munhee. Please, say something! Anything! Scream at me, blame me, punish me! But don't stay silent like that! Y-You're.. scaring me.. " He begged weakly, but she was unfazed. A hint of something akin to accusation fleeted past her light brown eyes at his words, but it was gone before he could confirm it. 

 She seemed to take a deep breath, her pupils quivered a little, her knuckles turning white as her fists grasped onto the blanket near her chest tightly. Heaving another sigh, she opened to say something, much to the male's relief, "I need to pee." She murmured, even her voice sounded emotionless.  

Baekhyun was about to nod but stopped when he registered her words, "What?" It wasn't like he was unable to understand her words, it just came as something polar opposite to what he had been preparing himself to hear from her. 

Munhee sat up more straightly, "I said, I need to pee." She told him more firmly than the previous time, even shrugged her shoulders almost in nonchalance, which only condensed his frustrations. 

"Okay! Okay, I... I get it. Okay!"  He half mumbled to himself while nodding in understanding. He blinked at her like a damn idiot for a few seconds, not knowing what she expected him to do about the information. Finally, seeing her fingers tapping onto the uncovered portion of her chest, the bulb of his brain lit up.  "Oh! Okay, I really got it now."  He immediately left the bed and scrambled towards where majority of their clothes were lying innocently.  "You n-need to use washroom. And you need clothes for that. I get it."  He kept mumbling to himself and left the pile of clothes to reach towards his closet, because he didn't want her to wear dirty clothes picked up from the ground. With almost numb mind and numb limbs, he hastily picked out one of his plain white t-shirts and walked back towards her. Munhee stretched her palm to get the tee, but he dodged it without even noticing, as his concentration was to help her putting on the shirt himself. "It's okay, I've got this!" He insisted when the silent girl tried to snatch the cloth away from his hands.  

Being done with securing her body with clothing, he then discerned that he should've brought some pants or anything of that sort. But before he could offer to bring any, Munhee gestured him to move away from her side, technically it used to be his side of bed but somehow they ended up exchanging the sides last night, not that the sides of bed mattered anymore as she didn't live with him anymore. He contenplated in wanting to help her get up, because he knew she might need it, though he hesitated as he didn't know whether she'd accept his help or not. But when she visibly winced after a slight movement of her body, he forgot all the hesitation and moved forward to help her. 

"I don't need your help." She firmly stated and managed to push herself off the bed after a few struggling moments, and after a few failed attempts from the male to help her. When Munhee finally stood straight on the ground, her face was unreadable when her eyes went back to the bed, probably watching the stained state of the bedsheet. At the very same time, she tried to walk, but just at the first step, she stumbled. 

Cursing inwardly at nothing particular, Baekhyun blocked her, "Let me take you till the washroom at least? And I think a warm shower would make you feel better. I can prepare the bath for yo-"

"I don't need your help. Move!" She raised her voice a little, veins of annoyance showing on her temple, her steely eyes indicating that she wouldn't really like it if he got any more persistent. 

"Okay." Baekhyun sighed, lifting his palms in a defeated manner, and moved aside. However, he walked closely behind her, keeping watch on her every struggling steps that felt like ruthless stabs inside his heart out of raw regret, his limbs ready to catch her if she stumbled again. He followed her until she entered the washroom, and slammed the door near his face. 




The moment Munhee had shut the door of the washroom and dragged her worn out self to sit on the toilet seat, was when her nonchalant façade had broken, instantly and miserably. It was exceedingly hard for her to maintain the tough exterior in front of Baekhyun, while in reality, she as a whole was broken into pieces the moment he started apologizing, and had said that he didn't remember anything, that it was a massive mistake to him. She muffled her sobs into her palms, as she didn't want the proof of her tattered self to be heard by him. 

 At first, she herself was a little shocked when she realized she had been under the duvet, but it didn't take her more than a set of mere seconds to remember everything, be it a little vaguely, be the memories a little blurry, but she recalled enough, enough to make her want to pull out her hairs out of frustration. 'Why did you do it, Mun! Why?' Her mind screamed at her with venom, clearly accusing her for causing the devastation to her already desolated life. 

She recollected the memories of last night, how they had ended up being in the same room, how Baekhyun had claimed that he didn't like the idea of any other men or most likely Sehun looking at her, how they had ended up making out rather aggressively, how Baekhyun had stopped and retreated when things were getting too out of hand, how she wanted to let him go but the moment he had hold the knob of the door to leave- she had stopped him by calling his name. And he did. She remembered how stupidly she had walked towards him with her still tipsy steps, and spoke those words "Don't go.", and everything happened in a frenzy after that. They mashed themselves into each other intently, their lips in countless heated fights for dominance, their hands everywhere onto each other, their half clothes had already been discarded into random directions when the back of her knee hit the bed and she fell down, bringing Baekhyun on top of her as they were inseparable at that moment. 

Munhee sobbed harder, was it wholly her fault? Even though she could moderately think at that moment, she was still drunk, and her uncontrollable emotions got heavier on her. She had momentarily became greedy and needy, she had become too selfish to let go off him, she refused to do it at that moment, and that had resulted whatever happened here the last night.  She could only curse her fate, the least she could've done for herself was to forget like he had forgotten all those moments of heated intimacy they had shared. Why was it her whom remembered it while he got the easier path by not being able to remember it? Why was her fate and him being this unfair with her? Should he not be punished as her? Had she been blinded by her own greeds to being fooled by thinking that she had seen the similar desire in his eyes as well? Hadn't there been the similar deep shade of longing in his darkening eyes that she had been brewing inside her as well? 

Was it the tricks of her ears when she heard and saw him murmuring with glinting dark eyes that he needed her? "I want you... so much. I need you.''  She could still feel the goosebumps she'd felt when he panted those alluring words next to her face, before claiming her lips for the uncountable time. Although, the further memories were even more blurry, she could tell he hadn't been that much rough when he had taken her for the first time, he had been gentle even though he seemed to be on his edge. He had kissed her tears of pain away, and held her warmly into his strong arms, whispered unclear sweet nothings into her sensitive ears, and later he had shown her stars in the closed bedroom with his every needy movements aligning with hers. 

He hadn't been stingy in praising her in his slight slurry voice either, that how heavenly she made him feel, that he loved every bit of her, that he never wanted to let her go. She was probably a fool to think that he was narrating his hidden feelings to her. Now that she was sober and fully awake, her functioning brain brutally pointed it to her that those must've been his lust driven words, and they only held their value until they reached on the top clouds of tangible pleasure. Nothing else. 

Wiping her tears fruitlessly, she stood up and walked towards the mirror, pulling off the t-shirt she traced her gaze all over herself. Her finger tips instinctively touching the reddish bruise on her right collarbone, her eyes trailing to every other visible hickeys Baekhyun had left on her. She remembered how and when he had given some of those marks on her skin, and some were buried into her drunken memories. She remembered how and when she had given some of those marks that were visible on his neck and back. Fresh set of tears wetted her face, one would've thought she would be tired of shedding tears by now, but seemed like she had an extra-ordinary ability to wail even harder than she'd been doing these past few days.  

Munhee wanted to forget everything like Baekhyun as well, but how could she when she could still smell him on her? and this made her want to crawl onto her skin so that she'd get rid of his scent and save herself from being reminded of him at every second. She threw his t-shirt onto the tiled floor, and almost numbly entered the shower stall, letting the cool water mercilessly splash on her body, hoping it might be able to wash away his scent from her whole body. After a minute of standing under the cold water, she heard a few knocks before the washroom's door opened.  "Munhee?"  Baekhyun's voice reached in a muffled state towards her. She reluctantly stopped the shower, and waited behind the thick transparent curtain of the shower stall. And within the next moment, he had took tentative steps inside, "Since you're already taking shower, I'm keeping some clothes and towel for you on the countertop." He let her know. Munhee heard some soft shuffles of clothes and then he was out of the washroom. 



Changing into the thick woolen dress he had kept for her, she was inwardly grateful that he hadn't given her another set of his clothes, instead he had picked out one of the dresses from supposedly her closet, Munhee stepped out of the washroom. Her eyes caught the changed bedsheets first, then she noticed the absence of strewn clothes around the ground. She could care less about getting her dress and other stuffs back at this moment, she only needed to talk to Baekhyun right then. She needed his answers. She might've been careless last night, be it due to the impact of alcohol or her overwhelming emotions, but she was sober now, and dearly hoped that the man would be less stubborn to reveal even a fraction of his heart to her. Even though she'd prefer to leave this house right at this moment, but there were just too many questions running and ruining her mind that she knew she'd have to do something about them, or she might go absolutely insane.

When she discarded to downstairs in search of Baekhyun, faint smell of food came from the direction of the kitchen. She ignored how messy the whole house looked after the party last night, and focused on finding the owner of this house to have some serious talk with him. And just as she had assumed, she found him fumbling through the utensils in the kitchen. She unwantedly detected, he had put on a fresh set of hoodie and shorts unlike before. Before she even limped all the way towards the kitchen, the male somehow predicted her presence and turned around towards her direction. "Oh you're done? Please have a seat there. Breakfast will be ready in a minute!"  He nervously let her know while gesturing at the dining space.

Munhee disregarded his words, and walked towards the kitchen, sat herself down on one of the stools in the kitchen counter, that they'd rarely used in the past, it was a better option for her since she didn't have much memories here like she had with the dining table. She noticed her purse and shawl from last night neatly kept on top of the counter. "Here, have some, you must be hungry. It's not much, but that's all I can cook on my own!" Baekhyun's voice and the steaming food pulled her attention back on them. He presented a plate of uneven looking omelette, plain chicken soup and a fist sized bottle, the labels said it was a hangover drink. 

Stubbornly pushing the food away, Munhee gave him a stern gaze, "I'd rather have some talk with you than caring about my starvation or hangover." She let him know, her tone determined. 

Sighing through his nose, the male nodded, "Yes, of course. I know we have to talk about... whatever happened last night. But can't we talk while having breakfast?" his eyes pleaded. 

"No, Baekhyun. Stop acting so calm for god's sake!" Munhee finally snapped at him, not being able to mask her emotions any longer. "I am not any guest or someone who'd need your hospitality. Can we just talk without delaying it anymore?"

The male seemed to have conceded at last, he bridged the gap to sit just beside her on the next high stool, keeping his own bottle of hangover drink on the countertop. He hesitated for a while before taking her hands in his,  "Everytime I do something bad, and think that I couldn't have done anything worse than that, and every single time I prove myself

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OMFG look at that "Completed" sign!! :")
Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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41 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///