
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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(Read the "PS" Part of the A/N, important!!!)




(WARNING: Tiny hints of matured contents!) 






Munhee changed into her printed off-shoulder gypsy swing dress. It reached a few inches lower than her mid thighs, it had the color of ocean, overall it looked cute on her, she concluded. She was too lazy to take a shower just after waking up, but it was really awkward to roam around in Baekhyun's clothes even though it was really comfy to wear. So she opted for just changing her clothes for the time being. The breakfast was already there when she went out of the washroom after doing her other morning routines. 

Both Baekhyun and Munhee agreed to have their breakfast in the large balcony, since the scenery  from seventh floor was heavenly. The greenish nature, fresh serene air managed to wash out all the leftover wary thoughts from Munhee's head. The large amount of delicious food also helped her tummy, she didn't even realize she was ravenous at this rate.

For the first time, they ate their breakfast alone, without the kids or any other person. But thankfully, it wasn't as awkward as Munhee assumed it to be. It was mostly Baekhyun who asked various questions about the places she had listed to visit. He looked quite interested and probably slightly excited for the rest of their trip now. It relieved Munhee, knowing that finally she was able to change his mind.

After their peaceful, friendly breakfast, Baekhyun called his mother and went to the sixth floor,  where their parents were staying, to fetch the kids as per Munhee's request.  Munhee took the opportunity to bask in the natural beauty while lounging in the balcony as she waited for her babies happily. 

There was a sound of something buzzing, and then she realized it was the sound of their suite's calling bell. She found a giddy Jongin at the other side of the door.  

"Good morning, Noona. How are you?"  Jongin asked as he invited himself inside their suite, his eyes scanning the whole suite and then back to Munhee again. 

"I'm fine. What brings you here? And why are you looking extra happy today?" Munhee asked as she couldn't surpass her curiosity looking at the excited male.

"Oh you don't know, Noona. I'm ecstatic!"  He exclaimed loudly, showing his rows of teeth out of happiness.  "My blonde girl isn't angry at me for ditching her last night. I met her on my way here! She agreed to go on a secret date with me tonight!"  

"That's great then!"   Munhee said. Some blurry scene again came into her vision, making her distracted. Though, she felt a little bad at the realization that because of her Jongin probably had to leave the girl he's been swooning over, leaving whatever they were doing at an unfinished state. "Take her to some good places."  She suggested genuinely. 

Jongin snorted.  "The only place we both are willing to go is my room. We have to continue from where we left yesterday."  He gave Munhee a gross wink. Munhee didn't want to imagine at where they had left last night.   "Though I must say, Noona. You were something else last night. I never knew you would be that bold!  Hyung must've had a thrilling night because of you."  He wiggled his brow while grinning.  

Munhee was having apprehensive feelings about the supposed thrilling night Jongin was talking about. But probably Jongin was the best option for her to dig about what she had done the previous night as Munhee was way too abashed to ask such things to Baekhyun.  "Can you explain exactly what I did last night?"  Munhee asked, giving him a challenging stare, knowing that the boy would definitely answer her queries without any hesitancy if she'd do so.

"Oh you don't remember anything?"  But he asked instead, much to her dismay.

Munhee sighed.  "I just have some blurry images, just two or three."  She admitted.

"Well, for starters, you flirted with hyung. It was so cheesy, I swear!"  Jongin faked a puke motion, making Munhee gulp at the thought of what he said she did.  'Flirted? What the hell! Why would I flirt with h-him?'  Munhee asked to her inner self, it was negatively surprising to know this piece of information.  'What did I even say? God! I hope I did not make a fool out of myself in front of Baekhyun!'

"Then?"  She asked, her heart raced at the possibilities of many more stupid stunts she might have pulled. Half of her wanted to know in more details, and half of her wanted to unhear whatever Jongin was going to say.

"You made hyung give you piggyback from the outside of the club. He probably carried you till here, I don't know much about it since I had to stay back to look after the matters with the police." Jongin explained. Munhee's thoughts again went to those dangerous boys, but then again, Jongin's next words successfully wiped every bit of those terrifying thoughts and filled her mind with a different set of horrifying ideas.   "Later, I called hyung to update him about the matter, but it seemed like you both were a little busy doing some hanky panky business."  He snorted lastly.  "I was so pissed at the both of you at that time! But since hyung is like my idol, so I let it pass." 

Munhee could feel her cheeks heating up involuntarily at the younger male's words.  "Uh it's n-not like that.."  Munhee mumbled while ducking her head lower to hide her blazing face. She wasn't even sure which part to defend as she didn't remember anything that happened in the suite. Baekhyun had assured her that nothing had happened, and this time she'd trust him on that. But Jongin wasn't someone to speak nonsense either, even though he's at the mood of trolling people most of the time. 

Hearing her, Jongin rolled his eyes.   "Yeah, Yeah, talk to yourself. You guys stained my innocent ears with all of those dirty sounds."  He pouted. Munhee wanted to give him back an eye roll as everyone knew he was far away from being a , let alone his ears. But she only ended up biting her inner cheeks out of frustration of not knowing what exactly happened between the two of them. 

" Shut up, Jongin. I don't want any more details from you. Tell me what brings you here?"  Munhee tried her best to avoid the topic, regretting her idea to ask him about the details to the roots, and seeing the male's playful mode subdue a bit, she relaxed.

"I almost forgot.."  He said while scratching his head cutely.  "I came here to give hyung this."   He gave her the file he had been holding all this time.   "Tell him to submit it to the police within tomorrow."  He instructed. Munhee guessed it might have something to do with the case of those four boys. 











"Babies!!"  Munhee shrieked happily as soon a her babies entered their suite.

"Mama!"  Her babies grinned widely while running towards their mother, she engulfed them into a tight hug after kneeling down to reach their level. Even though it was hardly a whole day that they'd been parted, it felt like she hadn't seen her little balls of sunshine for almost a week.

"I missed you so much, my little munchkins."  Munhee cooed at them before showering their faces with kisses. She giggled when the kids gave her back the kisses, but more in sloppy but adorable way. She felt her heart filled to the brim just after meeting them for a minute.  

"We miss you too!"  Sarang said in her baby tone.

"What about Daddy huh?"  Baekhyun called from behind as he settled himself on the bed, a small smile on his face as he watched the interaction among them.

"We missed both Daddy and Mama!"  Miseo answered cleverly so no one would whine.

" Tell me, did you guys enjoy staying with your grandparents? What did you do all day?"  Munhee took her babies to settle on the bed as well and started some casual mother-daughter conversation. 

"We enjoy a lot! Grandma give us lot of chocolates!"  Sarang quipped. Munhee grimaced at the amount of sugar that might've gone into their system. It's okay, they are here to enjoy. Let them enjoy in their own way.  She told herself.

"We went to the beach at night!"  Miseo filled in. 

"We should also go to the beach."  Baekhyun joined in. Munhee was internally elated at that.  "I'm in Jeju, but strangely enough I haven't step a foot into the beach yet."

"Yes. Beach again!" Sarang and Miseo both cheered, blinding grin attached to their face. The little one must've liked seeing the sea a lot. Munhee also liked it, so she was already excited to roam around the beach with her family and have a wonderful time there.



They talked about random things till how many minutes, no one took note of it. Munhee changed the girls' attires for the day. She was helping them to wear the cute matching flower bands she'd bought with their dresses. 

"Mama, daddy is sleeping!"  Miseo pointed out and only then Munhee's attention went to her husband, who was dozing off to sleep as if he didn't have much of sleep last night. Something mischievous played into Munhee's head as she hushed her babies, giving them a playful look and they immediately understood her gesture, sealing their lips and waiting for whatever fun thing their Mama was about to do. Munhee whispered something into the tiny ones' ears, then softly highfived with them before starting her conspiracy.


Munhee took a small portion of her loosened hair, as silently as possible she scooted closer to the drowsy male.   'We're here to have fun. He can sleep later.'   Munhee thought as she carefully lined the end of her hairs towards the direction of his face, then with a swift movement she tickled the hairs into his nose, making the male's face cringe and sneeze out of the ticklish feeling, not to mention coming out of his sleepy stupor. 

Three of the mother-daughters giggled, Munhee managed to scoot away and act innocent before the sneezing male could completely open his eyes and caught the culprit.  

"What was that?"  Baekhyun asked, still in a sleepy daze but looking annoyed enough at the sudden disturbance in his sleep.  "Who did it?"  He asked again. Munhee was thankful that he didn't sound angry, he just sounded casually annoyed, like a small sulking kid.

"Mama didn't do it!"  Miseo spoke up, the little one probably thought it would be able to safe Munhee, but little did she know the elders were clever enough to know what it meant. She grimaced, thinking of a way out from the upcoming scoldings. 

"Daddy why sleeping? Don't sleep!" Sarang complained cutely and both of the girls jumped over Baekhyun's body, tickling him with their tiny fingers. 

"Yah! No, stop it.."  Baekhyun shouted but ended up laughing with the little ones' addictive adorable giggles. Munhee had no idea Baekhyun would be one of the most ticklish person she'd ever seen. She figured out his weak point was his neck, which the kids seemed to already know as they were attacking the very spot again and again, making their father almost cry out with laughter.

Munhee liked seeing them laughing like that, her own grin wouldn't subdue at the adorable scene in front of her eyes, but she could also see Baekhyun was almost panting while laughing and squirming like a cockroach. Why would you call him a freaking cockroach?  Munhee reprimanded herself inwardly.  Then she stopped the kids who seemed like they could go another round of tickle attack. 

"Okay, babies.."  She said in between her grin,  "That's enough. You're making daddy cry."  She husband indirectly and detached the hyper kids from his body.  She could see Baekhyun still panting at the impact, but nonetheless, a huge grin etched on his face as well.

Her attention diverted when she felt her phone vibrate. Out of habit, she turn around to take a look at her device to know the source of the notification.  But before she could even unlock her phone, she was grabbed by her shoulders and the next thing she knew, she was lying flat on the mattress, facing the ceiling while Baekhyun pinned her down by her shoulder and unfortunately the tickle attackers now attacked her.  

"It was your plan right? I'll make you pay."  Baekhyun let Munhee know in a sportive tone, determined to take his revenge as he left her shoulders to join the kids, tickling her tummy. Munhee couldn't even react to his playful attack as she was attacked with rounds of tickles, giggling and squirming, begging to stop just like Baekhyun did a few minutes ago. Their constant happy sniggers filling her ears in a satisfying way even though she was regretting her decision to play the prank on Baekhyun.

When it was unbearable for Munhee to keep herself calm, she started flapping her legs, almost out of breath. She stopped at once when she realized her actions caused her loose dress to ride up, her safety shorts completely open in front of the three. Well, Munhee wouldn't have cared if it was only the kids. But there was Baekhyun as well. 

Baekhyun also stopped, stopping the kids along with him. Probably noticing the same thing much to Munhee's horrified dismay.

"Okay, girls. Let's stop or your Mama will cry rivers."  Baekhyun joked after clearing his throat and sat down facing the opposite direction with the kids, leaving the panting beetroot girl contemplating on how to reduce her embarrassment. 

Munhee finally sat up and fixed her clothes. Only then Baekhyun looked back at her,  "I'm going to take a shower." He mumbled the unimportant information before leaving the bed. 


Munhee let the girls enjoy random cartoon show while she chatted with Jisoo through messages. The girl was quite worried for her as apparently Jongin did what they're afraid of. He actually met Junmyeon the previous night and that's why none of them even couldn't warn him in advance before the younger male opened his mouth to spill the beans. 


Keeping her chatting unfinished, she went towards the dresser to bring the kids' moisturizer,  so that she wouldn't forget to send it along with the kids when one of their grandparents would come to get them back for the rest of the day. It had been a little more than one hour, so they might come at any moment. Munhee also packed two sets of clothing for her babies.

She left those items on the bed before receiving her mother's call. 

"Yes, mom?"  Munhee started as she went towards the balcony since the volume of the TV was quite louder inside there. 

"Yah! No greetings for your mother?"  Her mother asked dramatically, making Munhee roll her eyes. Sometimes she felt like her mother was way too chirpy and dramatic for her own age. 

"Just tell me why you're calling me!"  Munhee mumbled feigning boredom.

"Why are you so annoyed? Omo! Don't tell me I've interrupted something important!"  Her mother squealed.   'Here you go, my mom and her obsessive fantasies of MY  LIFE!' Munhee groaned inwardly.

"Nothing important is happening here, Mom. For your information, I am standing alone in the balcony. The kids are here in our suite as well. And Baekhyun's taking a shower. So stop daydreaming."  Munhee gave her mother an arrant reply.

"Nothing happened? Even though we left you two alone for the whole night?"  Her mother gaped from the other line.

" Mom, we literally sleep alone every single night! Why it would suddenly turn special?"  Munhee sighed.

"Dumb girl, do you even know this place? It's like the nation's honeymoon place! This place is the literal mood setter. I'm sure if you just work your little a head a bit more,  you both will enjoy your time just like a normal couple."   Her mother stressed.  "Say, have you seen the things I added inside your luggage?"  The older female whispered.

"Definitely!"  Munhee rolled her eyes.  "I'm going to get back at you for messing up with my luggage.  Where did you even find those? Even I myself forgot that I have them!"   Munhee groaned at the reminder when she got surprised by seeing the lingeries out of nowhere inside her suitcase when she was unpacking after arriving here. How could her mother be so sneaky about this huge deed of her!

"Don't ponder on useless things. Make some use of those pieces of bomb. Listen, my dumb pumpkin, you just gotta trust me on this. Just put on one of those y dresses and go stand in front of your husband or something. The rest of the things would be done automatically, you wouldn't even know!"  Her mother suggested sincerely. 

Munhee concluded it was no use of defending, even if she'd shout it just near everyone's ears, they wouldn't understand the depth of this matter.  "Yeah, okay, I will."  So she only replied to make her mother stop rambling about this topic. She couldn't understand till this date, why was everyone so obsessed with her nonexistent life. 

"Really? That's my girl. Show him what kind of a wild cat you can be!"  Her mother growled, making Munhee cringe to the limit as she cut the call without even responding anymore.  What's with everyone and wild cat?    She thought before shrugging the unnecessary thought to go back to the kids. 


"Oh my god!"  Munhee gasped as soon as she returned inside the suite. Her jaw almost dropped at the ground at the view in front of her. Her babies, they were playing on the floor, not alone but with the moisturizer and powders all over their bodies. They looked like two huge sized white bunnies. 

Hearing her voice the kids looked up and giggled happily, Sarang poured the last bit of powder over Miseo's head. Both of the girls cackling seeing each other's funny faces. The floor, the kids, all looked like a huge mess. 

"Babies what have you two done!" Munhee whined. She was already feeling quite lazy, now the list of work was doubled due to her naughty kids.  Never forget to keep an eyes your babies.   "Okay, you two, don't move from your place."   Munhee gave out her first strict Mama instruction  as there was a risk of the kids slipping onto the slippery floor and hurting themselves. 

Seeing their Mama's serious face, the kids realized that what they thought of fun, might be something bad. They gave Munhee a sorry pout, almost melting her strict facade. Munhee fished out some wet tissues and wiped their faces, hands and legs so that they won't slip in any way.    "Go sit on the table.."  She told them, she didn't like dirtying the bed and the wooden table would be easier to clean, as she collected the huge amount of used tisses to throw them into the bin. The kids obediently sat on top of the table in front of the couches as they watch Munhee doing her work.

Munhee returned to stand in front of the mess, dwelling over between the options of cleaning the kids from top to bottom, or cleaning the mess first. She knew she could just call the hotel service to clean everything up. But she would feel guilty to swarm them up with extra works. Chewing her lips in confusion, she finally decided that the mess wasn't actually too much. She could clean it herself. Amongst her all thoughts, she didn't hear the sound of washroom door clicking open.  She only realized when she heard soft humming somewhere nearly behind her.

She whipped her head behind her, finding Baekhyun, who had his towel draped over his head as he dried his hairs, the towel covering his eyes and the majority of his face, as he casually walked just at towards the area which was filled with slippery creams and powders.   "Baekhyun, stop right there."  Munhee yelled out a warning. 

Baekhyun finally removed the towel covering his face and looked up at her with a confused gaze,   "Huh?"   He asked while his legs were still moving. In fact, he walked faster to come near her so that he would clearly understand what she was trying to say. While doing so his eyes fell over his children,   "What happened with them?"  He asked.

"Baekhyun don't..."  


Both of them screeched at the same time as Baekhyun's flip-flops easily slipped, making the loud obnoxious sound resonate from him. And Munhee thought it was a good idea to try giving him a hand to hold on, that she would probably be able to catch and save the male from a fall just like he had saved her back at his parents house.  Well, in conclusion, the result was a loud thud and a few grunts.

When the shock of the moment was cleared, Munhee found herself dangerously close to Baekhyun's face as she fell exactly on top of him, her hands somehow went over his well, bare chest, while his circled around her messily.  As bad as the timing was, Baekhyun's eyes opened just at that moment to find the minimal distance between their faces. Both gaped at each other like silent monkeys. Not even the distant claps of the cheering kids managed to distract them.

"Hey, kids, grandma is bac.....Oh! Wow, what's happening here?"  Again, a big-fat course of bad timing. Both of their head whipped to the owner of the voice, who was nonetheless Baekhyun's mother. The older lady looked surprised at first, but then her face morphed into amusement seeing her son and daughter-in-law in such an intimate state. 

Out of embarrassment, Munhee pushed on Baekhyun's chest, not minding the smooth skin underneath her palms for the time being, and sat up so that they won't look like they were about to eat each other's faces and give another reason to the older ladies to expect funny things from them.

Munhee was about to open to say something, or try to clear out the situation as soon as she sat up,  but her attention went back to her husband who grunted yet again. Did Munhee realize she was actually straddling him in a really really inappropriate way.   Even though she was blazing from head to toe at the realization, even though the amused chuckle left past her mother-in-law's  mouth did nothing but to boost the wave of embarrassment inside her, and even though she felt another flash of memory crossing over her eyesight, Munhee managed to screw away from Baekhyun so that she won't be in any way on top of him. 

"Mom, don't come here. It's slippery! The kids were playing with these, when we weren't around. W-We uhh kinda slipped accidentally."  Munhee stammered while explaining. She saw in her peripheral vision that Baekhyun had a hard time sitting up. He let out a painned noise when he attempted

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OMFG look at that "Completed" sign!! :")
Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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41 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///