
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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Munhee paced from left to right, quite anxiously in her room. Whereas, Kyungsoo and Mina sat on her bed, following their gazes at the seemingly indecisive girl. "Is she trying to digest the food she ate in lunch?" Kyungsoo couldn't help but ask out. 

Mina sighed at her boyfriend, "No, Soo!"

"Then why is she walking around the room like this?" The male asked, looking awkward for having to sit there among two girls, he would've definitely preferred reading a book in his room- if not for his girlfriend dragging him here to help Munhee. Help for what purpose, he still couldn't find out. 

"I think she's in a dilemma! I mean, she clearly told Baekhyun that she wouldn't be going on a date with him- even during the lunch. But by the looks of her, she definitely looks like she wants to go." Mina explained her clueless boyfriend, uttering the last line loudly enough for Munhee to hear.

The pacing girl stopped, gaping at her friend, "H-Hey! I never said once that I wanna go!" Munhee protested, her voice lacking the defensive power. 

"Oh, come on, Mun! Your face is clearly telling that you are having double thoughts about your own decision! Stop moving around, let's sit and talk peacefully, okay?" Mina proposed carefully.

Munhee sighed loudly and of course defeatedly, but dragged her feet to sit down beside Mina. "I... I'm actually worried b-because I d-don't know what to wear, and I definitely don't have any idea what kind of outfit I should wear! Neither I have any nice outfit in my luggage right now!" She said, helplessly sighing and pouting altogether.

Mina grinned, "You're such an idiot! So you obviously want to go! Okay, now that the main issue has been solved, we can surely find a solution to these smaller issues! Don't worry, you have me with you! I am not going to let your first official date with your husband fail." Mina stated confidently. "First, we have to find out the dress theme, right? Okay, so..." She turned to her boyfriend, who was sitting on the other side of the bed, "Soo, I am gonna hand you a simple task. You have to check on Baekhyun, and secretly find out what he's going to wear or where he is planning to take Munhee."

"Me? I think Chanyeol or Tao is more fitting for such kind of childish jobs." Kyungsoo refuted immediately.

"No, those two are way too hyper, they are definitely going to create a mess. You are the only perfect candidate for this job, Soo Baby!" Mina insisted, lastly reaching out to rub the male's nape, trying to coax him with her cutely blinking eyes.  

Munhee watched their cute interaction with a small smile. Even though Kyungsoo was a comparably strict male, he couldn't keep his stature before Mina. The male visibly melted and sighed while nodding. "Fine. I don't know why do you think so, but I'll try!" Saying so, Kyungsoo left the room.  

"Umm not to offend your confidence, but... are you sure, he will be able to find out anything?" Munhee asked suspiciously.

"You don't worry, he is surprisingly good at things people would never expect him to be good at!" Mina shrugged confidently, proudly even.

 Munhee felt a little calm seeing Mina's optimism about this matter. She hoped she would be able to look presentable by the end of it. Even though she had been constantly telling Baekhyun and everyone that she wouldn't be going anywhere with him, but she had seen the determination in the male's eyes, she doubted that if she stayed reluctant till evening, Baekhyun might actually kidnap her to take her wherever he wanted - like he had playfully challenged her this afternoon. And a big part of her growing greedy heart actually wanted to be with him, wherever he had been planning to take her. After all, she did like spending time with him, even though she wouldn't accept this fact in front of him in any way. He had been managing to move the rocks formed in her heart, he had even been successful in melting some of them- if not all; so it would be a huge lie if she denied that she didn't want to go with him.

So, all in all, Munhee was nervous, anticipated, anxious, giddy - a tingling mixture of all of these good and confusing feelings. 

Ten minutes later, Kyungsoo returned back to the girls. With his usual neutral face, he sat down on the other side of Mina. "He'd be wearing semi formals. Colors- navy blue and white. He is most probably taking her somewhere outdoor, I am not sure of the place. He was being very secretive about it." The male reported, before the girls could swarm him up with their queries. "His choice of underwear is awful by the way." The male added and earned a light slap on his chest from Mina.

"Wow, how did you find out all these within this short amount of time? Did he get suspicious of your motive?" Munhee asked curiously yet nervously, wholly ignoring his statement about Baekhyun's underwear preferences, for a fact, she knew the male had eyes for some weirdly designed underwears. Last thing she would want to get caught by Baekhyun while practically spying on him.

"No, he didn't doubt anything. I went to his room pretending to search for a book from the shelves. I noticed his outfit already picked out on the bed. Then I purposely suggested him a few restaurant names from the main town. But he said he wouldn't be needing restaurants, since the place he was planning to take you - already has everything. Though he didn't reveal anything more. So, I just guessed it would be somewhere outdoor." Kyungsoo narrated his process of finding out the information. 

"I didn't know you could be this tricky!" Munhee offered, slightly in awe.

"See, I told you, he is good at unexpected things!" Mina proudly hugged Kyungsoo's arm while patting his chest with her free palm. "Good job, Soo. I shall reward you tonight." The girl winked at her boyfriend suggestively.

Kyungsoo cleared his throat, but he couldn't hide the small smile, his ears turned reddish as Munhee had heard Mina's not-so-secret-suggestive-words clearly. "I guess my job is done here? I should leave you girls be!" 

"No, Wait!" Mina stopped her boyfriend before he could even stand up from the bed. "We will need another small favor from you." She sheepishly muttered.

Munhee and Kyungsoo stared at Mina, and waited for her to explain. "Now what?" The male inquiried.

"Drive us to the town market. We are going for shopping!" Mina exclaimed, looking excited.

Munhee wanted to protest, but she deemed Mina was right. She didn't bring any outfit that would be perfect for a date, since she had no idea that things would be going in a way which was way out of her imagination. 





After hastily getting ready for going to shopping, the girls were making their way out of the house. Before they reached near the doors, they stumbled into the very person from whom Munhee wanted to stay hidden the most. Baekhyun. "Hey, are you guys going somewhere?" He asked, eyeing their attires.

"We are going for some g-grocery shopping!" Munhee relied. A lie, of course. She didn't want him to know that she was putting so much effort about their supposed date, which she had been refusing from going for all this time.  

Baekhyun raised a questioning brow at the girl, "Really? Didn't we buy a huge amount of groceries the other day? I bet they were more than enough for two weeks!" He quipped.

"They are! But we're planning for a BBQ night, so we're going to buy some extra meats and the needed equipments!" Mina interrupted, saving Munhee from the hassle of finding excuses. "Come, Mun, we're getting late!" She then dragged Munhee out.

Baekhyun gaped at them, was Munhee ditching him and their date - for shopping and BBQ night? "M-Mun, I am serious! I'll be waiting for you out there! I will keep waiting until you decide to come!" He called after them, holding onto his hopes that she wouldn't be ditching him for real. 'That's right, I should keep the preparation going.' He mumbled to himself after Kyungsoo drove off his car, taking the girls along.

He had been preparing for their first official date for days already. He dearly hoped that he'd be able to impress Munhee with what he had planned. Above all, he wanted her to have a good time while they'd be at it. 



 The clock was hitting at five thirty now, only half an hour left for him to pick Munhee up and leave for their today's special destination. Out of excitement and nervousness, Baekhyun was already all dressed up, and checking his phone in every minute to keep note of the time. He didn't dare to go out of his room and check whether Munhee was even back from the supposed grocery shopping. He didn't have the guts to do so. He would be directly waiting outside for her, as per his promise. 

When there was only five minutes left for the clock to hit at six, Baekhyun did some last minute check up on the arrangements through his phone. Then he stood before the mirror, trying to find out any lacking in his get up. He had chosen a white button down shirt, a navy blue denim high-waist jacket over it, paired with white denim pants, and pure white sneakers. He tried to style his pink hair in a way so that his undercut would be highlighted. Just for today, he wore his wedding ring-chain over his shirt instead of wearing it underneath. Spraying a good amount of perfume, he made sure to smell delicious; okay, that's what the perfume bottle said, it's not his own words! 

He wore his silver rolex on his wrist with much difficulty, he missed those times when Munhee would volunteer helping him putting on his watches. Taking his wallet, keys and phone; he heaved a huge sigh. "C'mon Baek, be a man, and don't let the nervousness be visible in your face! You have to remain confident and charming today!" He gave himself one last self-lecture, and resolutely made his way towards outside. 

Baekhyun decided to rest his back by his car while waiting for the owner of his heart. He bravely glanced at the direction of the window of Munhee's current room, his heart skipped a few nervous beats seeing the room being void of any lighting. "Is she still out?" He mumbled under his breath, his palms were getting clammy at the thought of the worst scenario coming true. 

Fifteen minutes had passed after six, and there was no trace of Munhee yet. His chest was throbbing in utmost hope for the girl to show up. 

Another twenty minutes had passed, and Baekhyun could feel rocks forming inside his throat, the layers of hope filled inside him started shaking without any prior notice. "It's okay. She will come. S-She will." He kept telling himself like an unstoppable mantra. He then realized how hurt must've Munhee felt when he didn't show up on time at the night she was supposed to confess to him. Suddenly, the constricting pain in his heart didn't feel as hurtful as before. She had definitely gone through much tougher times for him. So he shouldn't lose hope this soon either.  "I should check inside the house once." He patted his shoulder and dauntlessly decided. He must've told her that he would personally go to bring her out even in her pajamas, but he wouldn't actually be doing it. Whether to go with him or not, it was her choice after all, and he would respect her decision nonetheless while continuing his efforts.

However, before he could actualize his plan, the door to Kyungsoo's house opened. Baekhyun had to held his breath for the whole few seconds of time, it seemed like time had purposely slowed down, and it took more than necessary time for the doors to be opened properly. Baekhyun had his eyes glued to the now opened doorway, his heart thumping extremely loudly. 

Crashing down his hopes, it was Tao who had peeked his head out from behind the doors. The younger male comically waved his hands at Baekhyun, grinning ear to ear. Baekhyun didn't have it in him to respond the male. He merely slumped back onto the side of his car. But he did notice the slight commotion. Commotion as in, Mina appearing out of nowhere, and grabbing Tao by his ears to pull him away from the doorway. And then the view that appeared next, had successfully stripped him off of his all senses. 

She had finally appeared. Munhee. His date for tonight - or more like for the rest of his life; his wife, his love. And to add fuel into the storm of flaring emotions for this girl, her appearance had snatched the ground away from underneath his feet. She was just so beautiful, she was just so Munhee, she looked no less than any angel to him. He could probably spend the whole night standing here, admiring her beauty.

Munhee had picked up the color white for herself, since white was a safe color and he wouldn't doubt her intention of wanting to match the color of her outfit with his. She was adorning a mid thigh length, puffy sleeved white dress. She didn't go out of her comfort zone as she chose this cute outfit, rather than any elegant one. She chose semi heeled white shoes. Matching white pearl earring tops, a pretty flowery white clip to secure the upper portion of her shoulder length hair - were her chosen ornaments. Mina had personally done her make-up, it was more on natural looking, though her friend had surely used more than necessary peach blush on her cheeks, saying that it helps the girls to look like a shy teenager - which was needed for a girl on her first date. Since it would be cold at night, Munhee did wore tights underneath her dress, and kept an overcoat on her arms to use it in case of extreme need. She didn't want to cover her dress, so she would have to bear the cold air a little bit, but she was certain she would manage it without much struggle.

She nervously stepped out of the doors, she could hear the distant  'Best of luck for your date! Enjoy!' from her friend Mina. But her whole attention went to the male leaning by his car, whose eyes were fixed on her - trailing from top to bottom before going back to her face, his mouth slightly parted as he openly gawked at her. His intense gaze made her more nervous, even from afar. Though his attractive form did manage to distract her while she stood there almost motionless. 'Oh God! Why is he looking so handsome! Get a grip on your stupid heart, Mun! You're going to have to survive this date with him.'  She mumbled inwardly.

She figured it wouldn't look too weird to check him out more than once since he was doing the same, and they were going on a date. She could never solve the riddle as to why a man with pink hair, even though he had seemingly put effort in styling his hair and showed more of his shiny forehead, look this dashing. But then she concluded again, that he was no other man, he was Byun Baekhyun, and he would look good even in torn patched clothes.

Before the situation became too awkward due to both of them silently oggling at each other from afar, Baekhyun manned himself up and took purposeful steps towards her. He regretted not drinking enough water before leaving the house, because his throat was getting dried up constantly. By the time Baekhyun had reached close enough of his wife, he was thankful that his eyes still worked perfectly, since she was shining too brightly even under the dimming sky. She was even more enchanting up close, which he didn't think would be humanely possible. He stood before her with keeping his face and chest high, giving her an cherishing smile.  "You look beatiful, Sweetheart."  He breathed out a fraction of the praises that had piled up inside his mouth. He didn't want to appear as a greasy man by letting all of those out, he needed to remain a classy gentleman on their very first official date. 

Munhee subtly bit her lips, she didn't really know how things actually worked on a date. Sure, she had some trivial experiences of going on dates, but a date with the man she had such intense feeligs for, the idea still came with an invisible pressure. Also, Baekhyun looked and acted so postured, like a perfect gentleman, it made her more out of clue. So, she decided to just be herself. letting out a tiny abashed smile as a reply to his compliment, she softly complimented him,  "You don't look bad either." 

The girl held her breath when the male gave her another of his charming smiles while offering her his palm, "Will you let me have the honor to be your date for tonight?" The male asked solemnly, his gaze trained on her, waiting for her final answer even though it was quite obvious. 

Munhee took a short breather before finally giving him a small nod of affirmation, as well as placing her slight clammy hand on his open palm, she couldn't help the small shy smile that stretched her lips. Though, the shyness of her features intensified when Baekhyun bent down and planted a soft yet elegant peck at the back of her palm. "Thank you, Baby. Let's go." Then he gently led her towards his car, opened the door for her and helped her settling in. Next, he also settled down on driver's seat before fastening both of their seatbelts. 

"Umm where are we going?" Munhee couldn't hold in the curious butterflies in her tummy, so she asked the male when he started the car.

"City." He gave her a confident smile along with the short answer.  

Munhee softly gasped, "City? Isn't it like a few hours of drive away from here?"  

"Without the interruption from snowfall or office hour traffic, we will reach there within approximately two hours. Don't worry about anything, Sweetheart. We will have fun once we reach at our destination. I promise!" The male explained calmly, assuring her worries.  

Munhee didn't know what was the exact definition of his kind of fun. But somehow, she looked forward to it. "If it turns out something weird, this will be the first and last time I'll be going on a date with you!" She mumbled anyway, not wanting to let him know her hidden enthusiasm.

Baekhyun casted a playful surprised look at her, "Wow, Baby. You're already considering going on more than one dates with me? Woah, isn't it a lucky day for me?" He cheered like an idiot, a cute one.

Munhee internally winced, she should definitely watch her words from next time. "Don't get such high hopes! I was just saying!" She managed to sass out of the situation. 

"Hope is what keeps us going when everything seems dark and unattainable. So, I am never gonna stop hoping for us, Sweetheart." Baekhyun rendered, his features smiley but a little serious at the smae time. 

Munhee cleared subtly, trying not to cave in his words. She leaned forward to set some music so that they won't have to talk much. A soft tune played from the music player, creating a peaceful but obviously romantic atmosphere around them. Baekhyun gave her a wide smile, appreciating her for setting the mood. "I really like this song." He told her and started humming along with it.  

It's not like Munhee had heard this song for the first time, but she paid attention to the lyrics for the first time. They were really meaningful despite being simple. And the way Baekhyun was looking at her with every chance he got, and mouthed the lyrics softly, it made her feel like he was dedicating the song to her. 

If that wasn't enough already, when the chorus reached near, he let his voice bloom, mixing up with the singer's voice, turning the song even more delightful to listen to, and not to mention heart-fluttering.  


A morning where we open our eyes together

The house I comeback seeing you

You are mine, You are mine, Amazing you

Sleeping, drunk from your amazing kiss

Amazing, amazing you, you are amazing

 The person I’ve been imaging And dreaming about is you

I can’t believe it, really can’t believe it

That I can say I’m in love with you

How can I dare to love you

 You are mine, You are mine, Amazing you

Sleeping, drunk from your amazing kiss

Amazing, amazing you, you are amazing


He sang the rest of it aloud for her, his voice was not only beautiful, it was soulful as well, it was just so easy to decipher the emotions he tried to convey through it. Munhee was certain that if not for keeping an eye on the road from time to time, he would've sang the whole song while looking at her. 'Goodness gracious.' She would've probably fainted if it really happened, since she was already feeling as if her heart was filled to the brim. She couldn't shake her eyes off of him as he continued driving with a peaceful smile on his face.  

Her heart did take turn in bouncing around, when the male stretched his hand to hold hers, and for some known yet unknown reason, she did let him do it,  bringing their intertwined hands to rest on his thighs.

"You should sing often. You have a nice voice." She tried speaking so that she would be distracted from how her heart was bursting inside her chest, but her words were honest. 

"I don't do much singing as you already know. But I think I'm going to have to do it more, since you like it." He relied, sending her a heart-thumping wink, his thumb gently brushing the side of her fingers, sending comforting electric waves through the skin-to-skin contact.  

"You shouldn't do anything to please me. Do it only if you yourself like doing it." Munhee adviced him, raking her eyes out of the glass to avoid looking at him. 

"Well, I do like pleasing you, Sweetheart."  Baekhyun uttered matter of factly, his fingers continued to brushing over hers naturally, making her feel warmer. "Okay, shall we play a little game?"  He quipped when an idea struck his head.

"What kind of game?" Munhee asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

"It's simple. You will have to guess where we're going."  He let her know.

"And?" she pressed on, knowing that he definitely had something more up his sleeves.

"You'll get three chance to guess. If you manage to guess correctly, you win. If you fail, I win. Easy, right?" The male shrugged, grinning at his idea.

"What will the winner get?" Munhee snatched her hand away from his hold and crossed her arms over her chest, already going into a challenging mode.

"I don't know. Maybe three wishes to be fulfilled?" He offered.

Munhee contemplated the offer intently.  "Uhh how about two wishes?" she bargained, she really didn't trust her ability to guess his unpredictable self. 

Baekhyun pretended to think deeply as well, "I am good with anything." He smugly told her. 

"And you'll have to provide me hints!"  Munhee cintinued to bargain.

"Only one hint."

"Nooo! Make it three hints, please, Baekhyun, hmm?" Munhee downright started whining, making the male chuckle at her antics.

"Okay! I am giving you this huge discount just because you're cute. Okay?" He had to concede anyway, he could never stand any chance against her adorable attacks. "So, the first hint would be..."  This time he actually took time in thinking of the hint, "Ice cream." He gave out the first hint.

Munhee got even more confused than she already was. If he was taking her out for some ice cream parlor, weren't there plenty of them at the town market? That meant the answer wasn't as simple as he made it seem. 

"You won't get more than 1 minutes after each hint!" Baekhyun told her the unannounced rule.

"Umm is it some ice cream factory?" Munhee hastily answered as time was running by.

"Wrong!" Baekhyun revealed the result enthusiastically. "Aww poor baby, don't be sad. You have two more chances." He playfully cooed at her. Munhee knew he was happy at her defeat, since he'd get two wishes to make her comply with. "So the next hint would be, umm horses?"  

Munhee huffed at the second hint. Both hints sounded too aloof to be related together. "Give me the third hint as well. Then I'd make my two guesses altogether!" Munhee demanded.

"But that's not the rules, Sweetheart." Baekhyun denied sweetly. This man!

"Well..." Munhee decided to test something on him, she knew she would be hella embarrassed for trying it, but she didn't want him to win the wishes, who knew what kind of weird things he'd demand. So she leaned her body as close to him as the seatbelt was allowing her to, then recalling how Mina had done with Kyungsoo earlier, she also reached her fingers near his nape, "I know you can change some rules here and there, for me, won't you? Hmm?" She drawled, trying her best to muster up a seductive low voice, while her fingers slowly rubbed the long of his neck, her thumb slightly brushed his earlobe, her nails lightly digging into his undercut, making him go all frozen before he shivered lightly. 

Baekhyun had no other way but actually stopping the car, because his brain almost stopped functioning at the absolutely unexpected attack from the girl. Cursing under his breath for being this vulnerable and non-manly, he gulped before locking his gaze with hers. The victorious smile gracing her lips drew his attention more towards them. He visibly shook his head to break out of the thickening trance as she continued whatever she was doing with her fingers. "O-Okay, fine. I will give you all three hints. Happy?" He again conceded, could he ever win over her if she'd be all set to get him under her mercy like that?  

Munhee fully grinned, stripping off of all the languish from her features, looking as innocent as a kid as she clapped her hands happily. "Yeyy! Okay, give me the last hint!" She waved a hand before his eyes when it seemed like the man was boring gaze into her face, "W-What? You can start driving, I won't d-disturb you again!" She reassured him albeit nervously, perhaps realizing the gravity of her actions. Her fingers cautiously retreated back to their places. 

"You..."  He took down a visible gulp of his saliva,  "You're lucky that I have been practicing hard in restricting myself near you, Sweetheart. Otherwise, you'd have to finish what you've started, right now, right here." He lowly spoke, each words leaving past his throat sounded heavy.  

Munhee felt herself cowering under his intense gaze, she diligently leaned back to her previous position, her hands itching to fan her face as suddenly the temperature inside the car was rising without any notification. "Uhh do you have water?" She softly asked, blinking her eyes as innocently as she could muster, trying her best to change the topic. She had no idea that her small action would leave such heavy impact on him. She was still very much unaware of her effect on him.

Baekhyun blinked, having the thick trance finally broke as she blinked her eyes with coltishness. "Y-Yeah. Wait a second." He reached his hand to the back seat, where he had brought some necessary items for the journey, water bottle was one of them. So he fetched it and handed it to her. "Drink up." He gently told her, hoping that he didn't scare her off. He was so confident about his ability of self-restraining, but with her being this alluring for no particular reason, it seemed to be near impossible for him to keep control on himself. Cursing himself inwardly, he again started driving.  

"Thanks." Munhee awkwardly cleared and kept the bottle back at it's previous place.

"Benches." Baekhyun mumbled.


"Third hint for you, Baby."  

Munhee was utterly confused now, forgetting the thick air of awkwardness and embarrassment, she again concentrated on their game. She tried hard to match up the three hints and find out the correct answer. "Is it any park? Like the one beside Han river!" She muttered unsurely.

"Nope." Smirking, the male shook his head.

"Okay last try. It is definitely some kind of resort then. Right?" Munhee spoke up after another round of heated contemplation. She was quite confident regarding her answer this time.

Baekhyun chuckled. "So cute!" He cooed at her hyped self, then again shook his head. "Wrong again, Sweetheart. I win!" 

"Where on the earth is it then!" Munhee relied on whining and throwing light glares at the male.

"Be ready to fulfill my two wishes!" Baekhyun mused, his eyes crinkling at the wide smile gracing on his beautiful face.

"I won't fulfill them if you demand for something funny!" Munhee didn't miss a beat in retorting.

"We will see about that." He remained secretive about his wishes, and gave her a mischievous wink instead, keeping her curious in every way.





"Baby, wake up! We're here!" Baekhyun declared softly, not wanting to scare her by using louder tone as she had fallen asleep in the meantime. 

Munhee woke up without much effort, as it was a light slumber anyway. But she did feel like an idiot for falling asleep when she was going to the destination of her first date with her husband. Though she felt much better when Baekhyun didn't seem displeased at her at all. He gave her a soft but excited smile, then proceeded to help her unfastening her seatbelt. 

Munhee patiently waited while Baekhyun walked towards her side and opened the door for her, she accepted his offered palm before stepping out of the car. Her eyes immediately went to roam at their surroundings, curiosity getting the best of her, and she forgot all her self lectures to remain the least bit of postured. It didn't take her much time to conclude where he had brought her. "Amusement park?" She asked the obvious question, looking slight surprised as she didn't expect this place out of all the possibilities.

"Yeah." The male nodded with a sweet beam,  excitement along with slight nervousness visible in his features. He then voluntarily took her overcoat from her hands and patiently helped her putting it on.

"But it's not that cold!"  Munhee tried to protest even though she was already bundled up in it.

"It's not hot either.  You won't be under the heater anymore, so you should put it on. We don't want you to catch cold. Hmm?"  He explained to her as if she was a kindergartener, then offered her his palm and waited for her to hold onto it. 

Munhee gave him an unintentional pout, but didn't hesitate in holding his hand. Keeping their hands attached, Baekhyun led her towards the entrance. The place itself looked marvelous under the night sky, shining bright like the galaxy on earth. But the pretty sight couldn't keep her attention much longer as she felt something weird.

 They couldn't walk much further, due to Munhee reluctantly stopping in her track. The girl instinctively scooted closer to him, wrapping her free hand around his arm, "Baekhyun, are you sure this place still runs? I mean, doesn't it look too vacant for an amusement park?" The girl mumbled in a whisper, appearing as scared. "Isn't it supposed to be packed with people of all ages judging by the time?" She again asked, now her whole body cladded to his side in dread. "I think, we s-should leave this place!"

Baekhyun softly chuckled out, finding her too adorable even though she was freaking out. He undoubtedly enjoyed the close proximity the girl had initiated herself. Untangling his arm from her tight grasp, he s it around her, bringing her to his chest. "Mun, relax. We are safe. Trust me, hum?" He rubbed soothing circles on her back while his free hand caressed her face to calm her down. 

"How can you be so relaxed? I don't understand-"

"Baby! If you didn't get it already, I'll explain it clearly. We will be the only people here tonight." Baekhyun explained with the same calmness.

"What? You're kidding, aren't you?" Munhee asked in disbelief. 

"Umm... no? I really am serious! I know you hate standing in lines and waiting for the ride. So I've just tried to make it less annoying for you!" The male rendered albeit sheepishly. 

Munhee gaped at him openly, when she found no trace of mischief in his face, she couldn't help but landing a short punch on his tummy. Be it their first date or hundredth, he definitely deserved the punch for his recklessness. "You're literally crazy! Do you know that?"

"I know, I know!" He immediately nodded, laughing when he earned another set of soft punches from his ninja girl. "Okay, Baby, enough of ninja attacks on me! Tell me, which ride we should try first?" 

Munhee tamed down her attack mode, or in his words, her ninja-girl-mode. She then turned excited just by thinking about that they have the whole amusement park to them, her mind was still somewhat awed at the fact.  "We can try any ride?" 

"Yes, Baby, of course! Everything here is ready and waiting for you. You only have to choose and get on with it." 

"Then we start from roller coaster!" Munhee cheered, giggling evilly - as she knew Baekhyun would've preferred other rides first, more like the less scary ones. She dragged the male with her and excitedly settled down in the very front row of the ride. There was a single helper, who made sure that their safety belts were accurately fastened, and then the ride started. 

 Initially, Munhee felt a little odd to scream in such a vacant space, but with the gradual twists and turns, she let go of all awkwardness and cheered at the top of her voice. The air hitting her face helped her letting lose herself while enjoying the colorfully lit surrounding she could view by being on a fair amount of height. Everything summed up as enjoyable for her. Specially her company, Baekhyun.

The said male didn't sit silently either, he was also shouting loudly, but his screams were more like the mixture of dread and slight excitement. Munhee casted her eyes at the frozen male when there was the straightest loop before them. Despite looking ethereal as the splashes of colorful lights blended into his face, the adorable fear in his features weren't unseen to her. Softly biting her lips to contain her affectionate smile towards this extremely handsome yet scaredy-puppy male, she silently slipped her hand into his fisted ones. He unclenched his fist when he realized it was Munhee, and grasped onto her hand tightly, his face morphed into gratefulness from soft hints of dread.

 For the next few moments, he only kept his gaze fixed at her face, witnessing her enjoying wholeheartedly. When the girl again gazed at his direction again, she immediately found his eyes at her. The male gave her a bright beam, as if he didn't feel scared anymore, his fingers intertwined with hers, and then both of them enjoyed the rest of the ride together, hand in hand, hollering altogether like kids. 

"Woah! This was fun!" Having the fun ride ended, Munhee gushed, smiling eye to eye.  

"I enjoyed it for the first time ever. Thanks to you." Baekhyun whispered into her ears while grinning, then helped her stepping out - though he himself looked like he could use some help, the ride was absolutely capable of making people a little dizzy or wobbly.

"Oh! I want them!" Next, Munhee's eyes caught the rows of colorful and cute headbands displayed at a shop. Leaving her husband or date behind, she hopped her way towards them, and started checking out the cute designs. 

"Which one do you like the most?" Baekhyun asked, his heart was bubbling like sparkling waters, for having to witness her carefree self back in full force. 

Munhee pondered over her choices, she was super confused since all of them were really cute. "Help me pick one!" She turned around and asked for Baekhyun's opinion. "I like this teddy face one, rabbit ears one, and this mini mouse one! Which one would suit me most?"  

Baekhyun shrugged, "Since you are the epitome of an adorable being, any of this would suit you, Baby." he softly cooed, sharing his honest opinion. 

Munhee gave him a look, too hyped to feel flustered at his open compliment. "I think rabbit ears will be the best choice! They'd match with my white dress!" She quipped.

Baekhyun took the chosen band from her hand and wore in on her head carefully, not wanting to ruin her hair even though the roller coaster had created a visible chaos already. She looked cute anyway. "Here you go. My cute little bunny." He even tapped her nose while scrunching his own nose at her. 

Munhee grinned at him, still in her hyped self. "Now your turn! Here, put this on! It will look good on you!" She handed him the one with mini mouse heads. 

"It's pink! Let me have something else!" Baekhyun whined, eyeing the offered headband as if it was some sort of poison. 

Munhee rolled her eyes at his sassiness, "You literally have pink hair on your head, Sweetheart!" She even used the endearment playfully, mimicking the way he used it for her. 

Baekhyun went mum, perhaps shocked at the use of the endearment, even though it was only used at him for fun purpose, it still effected his heart. "I'm putting it on.... just because it's our date and you're requesting me nicely!" He mumbled, his sticking ears turning redder than before as he cleared his throat twice before putting on the headband. 

"Look at you! So cute!" Munhee giggled, pinching his cheeks not-so-lightly, finding him too adorable.

Baekhyun softly groaned but laughed along with her anyway. After paying for the headbands, he fished out his cellphone and brought the girl close to his side, clicking some selfies quickly,. Surprisingly, Munhee participated without any hindrance, even gave out cute poses with him. When they were satisfied with their poses, Baekhyun took her hand and led her further inside, so that they could choose their next destination.

Next, they mutually decided on a less scary ride. They knew it was more appropriate for kids, but that didn't stop them from riding it and nonetheless enjoying it as well.  

Next one was the pirate ship one. Munhee cautiously attempted to sit on the seats in the center, apparently, she'd always felt slightly scared of sitting at the very end of either sides of this ride. But it seemed like Baekhyun had some other plans than her.

"Center seats are no fun, Mun! Come, let's sit on the edges!" He tried to persuade her. His voice held so much calmness and promises, that she immediately trusted him, and dumbly enough followed after him to settle down on the very last seat of the ship. Seconds before the ride started, Baekhyun sneaked his arm around her, hold

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OMFG look at that "Completed" sign!! :")
Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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41 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///