
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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(Warnings: Tiniest hints of matured contents, cursing)  



Since it was already nearing midnight, Munhee didn't protest when Baekhyun had suggested her that they could return to his apartment in the city, as the place was just fifteen to twenty minutes of drive away from the amusement park they were at. 

Reaching the apartment building, Munhee reminisced the one time they had visited Japan along with the kids and had stayed over here for the time being. It was a pleasant tour for them, since it had went peacefully. Now, she was again standing here with Baekhyun, technically not standing, since Baekhyun had again carried her all the way till his apartment from his car, though she wasn't even sure of their relationship status this time. Sure, they were on the verge of divorcing just a bunch of weeks ago, but at present, they're in the state of a couple who were almost ready to date seriously - or secretly wanting to go back straight as a married couple. So, she didn't really know the appropriate title to such clear yet complicated relationship.

"You can put me down now."  Munhee mumbled distractedly, her eyes busy scanning the place which looked the same as she remembered, her mind busy in its own convoluted thoughts. Aside from these tangled ponderings, another obvious fact was lurking around her head, that this time, there was only the two of them in this whole apartment, whereas they just had a lovely date-night together before arriving here; everything altogether allowed waves of nervous butterflies into her tummy, leading her heart to race all over the place.

"Yeah, sure." Since they're already inside the apartment, Baekhyun finally deemed it okay to let her down from his arms. He watched her carefully as she seemed a little lost. "You're okay?" He lastly relied on asking while they made their way further inside the place, crossing the living room.

"Huh? Yeah. Just tired!" She let him know, and stooped on her track. Her eyes caught the couches in the living room, so she decided to plop herself down there instead of continuing. As much as tired she was, she was also very much aware of the presence of subtle tension between them. So, she thought of giving herself a bit rest on the couches, before they indulged more into the awkward but growing tension in the air.

Much to her dismissal, the male had also changed his route and took a U-turn to sit down on the same couch as her.  "I'm such an idiot! We should definitely take rest here first, no?" He let out while chuckling albeit nervously.

 Baekhyun would've been a downright blind man if he said he didn't notice the practically visible threads of tension hanging in the air between the two of them throughout the night, specially ever since their date had ended and they were left with nothing to do but share awkward yet jittery glances from time to time. He couldn't for the love of his wavering sanity find any stable topic to start so that the silence won't be more thickened.

Munhee gave him an emotionless look, even though she was slowly but definitely hyperventilating inside. She had no better candidate to blame this heart-racing-tension on than Baekhyun himself. Only if he hadn't planned this date time to be at the second half of the day, they would've had enough time to return back to Kyungsoo's house back at the town, and well, things would've definitely be less awkward.  

Baekhyun scratched the back of his neck when he didn't get any verbal reply to his awkwardly pulled up comment. He actually realized that he should find something to distract his eyes, as they were dead set in going back to take in her each and every details, such as her slightly wavering pupils, her fidgeting fingers, her peachy cheeks, her juicy lips- 'Okay, Baek, you should definitely stop here.'  He commanded himself firmly when his thoughts seemingly started to go on a forbidden route - making him feel dizzy with the pull of attraction he felt for her and her only. 

So, saving himself from losing his very very well-practiced self-control, both physical and mental, he darted his eyes around the place to find something, anything, that could help him. It wasn't that tough to find the subject of distraction. In fact, it was just sitting on top of the coffee table, remote control. 'Thanks to whoever invented television!'  He cried out in inward relief.   "Let's see, what they have on TV tonight!" He exclaimed with forced enthusiasm. However, his fake enthusiasm died pathetically when he deciphered the scene playing in front of his eyes.

Munhee was momentarily thankful to the male that he had finally managed to find something to entertain themselves with. But her gratefulness flew out of the window when the very first channel that had appeared, was showing a movie, and of course, like all those cliche dramas or movies, there was a passionate kissing scene that had greeted them. 'What the ! Are we some main leads of some cliche romantic movie or what? Why is this happening with us!' Munhee inwardly bleated out, feeling her face getting warmer by every second of it. 

'Oh, ing great! Now all that is left, is for them to start making love!'  Baekhyun muttered sarcastically in his mind. But he almost choked on nothing when the couple in the TV screen started doing exactly what he didn't want them to. And he knew if he changed the channel right now, it would be so damn obvious that he was getting effected by watching it while having his gorgeous, beautiful, alluring- his wife beside him. "I love this movie! They have a nice plot! I think I have seen more movies of the same actor!" So he relied on rambling whatever bull came into his mouth. 

Munhee gave him a forced fake smile and nodded, even though she wanted to do nothing but reminding him that it was actually a Japanese movie and she had never witnessed him watching any Japanese shows. "Yeah, his acting seems natural. He's quite good looking as well! Nice body too!" She attempted to fill in, while the couple on screen had stumbled onto the nearest thing they found - a couch. Her inner side was astonished at that.  'Why a goddamned couch of all places?'  She again cried out inside at the irony, wanting to slip down the couch she was occupying with Baekhyun, since it suddenly felt really scandalous to sit on the couch with him while watching the screen couple making out on a couch.  Her throat again felt dry, the sound of her gulping down was loud in her ears. Suddenly, feeling too hot in this not-so-hot weather,  she slid down her overcoat and just kept it beside her, not wanting to gain attention of her husband while doing so. 

The heaviness of the air had started to increase, when the male himself caught her stripping off of her overcoat from his peripheral vision, and, it was legit a torture on him. Was she planning to kill him? How would he survive the whole damn night if she played with his heart and patience such mercilessly? Since he was busy in taming down his wild heart and well, wild thoughts; he was late to contemplate her previously uttered words. She didn't just call this dude on the screen good looking!  'And what? Nice body? My foot!' He scoffed inwardly, eyeing the actor's bare muscles flexing due to his industrious activity with the actress.

Clearing his throat audibly, he stripped his blazer off as well, his fingers subtly feeling his biceps to check whether he had lost his muscles or they're still intact. "You know, Sweetheart, I also have a nice body. My guns are bigger!" He relied confidently after making sure, he even flexed his arms so that his muscles could pop through the material of his dress shirt. 

Munhee took a moment to make sure her face wasn't showing much, then she gave him an eyeroll, "We were talking about the actor! What does it have to do with your... body?" She asked him, feigning bored looks.  

Baekhyun gave her a baffled look, "I mean... how can you say another man has a nice body while I am just here in front of you? I have feelings, you know?" He protested, looking absolutely cute with his adorable naturally pouty lips. "H-Hey, you're really hurting my manly ego!" He stressed on more, when Munhee softly laughed at him.

"Not sorry!" Munhee shrugged nonchalantly, and drove her eyes back to the screen, thankfully, the couple were done with their job there. 

"You don't think I'm manly?" Baekhyun asked, feigning a funnily hurt expression.

"Not at all."  Munhee pressed on, it was fun to , finally the table had turned and Munhee got the golden opportunity to tease the hell out of him, just as he had been doing with her for the past week. It also helped in avoiding the tension momentarily. 

"Okay. Perhaps I'd have to show it to you with practical example."  Munhee heard the male mutter, his tone somehow got a little serious, and deep. Before she could look back at him to throw some sarcastic insults at him, he had already crossed the leftover distance between them, his large palm cradling the side of her face, leading their faces closer, face to face.  "Say, Sweetheart, would you mind if I show you my manliness - just like the male in the movie showed it to his woman?" He asked her, his heated breathing splashing on her face like biggest waves in the ocean that would leave one imbalanced, his suggestive words wrapped over his deepened voice did the same to her weakened heart. 

"I... ummm I... I think I should go get freshen up, it's getting late."  Munhee wanted to slap her head at the lame attempt of downright changing the subject, she had just proved how vastly impacted she was from his actions. Nonetheless, she shoved his smugly smirking face away and stood up to leave first.  

But of course, she couldn't, his fingers held onto hers from behind, successfully stopping her without even putting much effort. Her heart jumped violently when she felt him stand up behind her as well, then he came close enough to let her feel the heat of his warm body agonizingly. "And what are you planning to do after freshening up?" It was no doubt that he had deliberately used his tempting husky voice on her, torturing her by remaining this close yet too far for her likings from her catch. 

Munhee gulped down again and again, wetting so that she could at least talk, "I.. I'll dry my hairs, then go to sleep." This was the moment when Munhee wanted to give herself an Oscar for not stammering or saying something embarrassing. 

He hummed, his fingers softly swept her hair behind her ears, bringing his lips close to her ears. For goodness sake, he wasn't even touching her, he just stood close to her. But as if that was what making her even more hyper aware of his presence and every small friction of their bodies. "Hmm.. sounds boring. How about, we take shower together and then go to bed together?" He crooned, and Munhee would be a dumb to not know the hidden meanings behind his suggestions, and that definitely had her heart in rampage. 

She was honestly baffled at his absolutely insane proposal, she had to turn back to face him even though her face was on fire. "You -"

"I know, and this time, I'm not denying either." He beat her off to it. "So... shall we go?" Wiggling his brow, he gave her another smirk.

"Go where?" 

"Baby, didn't I just tell you? Let's take the shower together first!" He softly chuckled and answered with mischief and husk meticulously mixed in his tone.

"There are three bedrooms, and all of them have washrooms! So, I don't see any reason due to which we should shower together!" Teased almost to her limits, she finally got back her internal stamina to sass back. 

Baekhyun bit his lips, she appeared so hot to him whenever she would be sassily retorting back at him. Unable to bear the close distance, he allowed his fingers to sneakily land on her hips, pulling her closer to him.  "Showering together has many benefits, Sweetheart." He cheekily rendered, his fingers languidly rubbing circles on her hip bones. "We can save water and electricity if we do it together. So, we should shower together like responsible citizen!" He added when the girl raised a brow at him, leading his heart to stumble here and there.  

"What if I still refuse?" It was her turn to smirk at the male. 

He pretended to think while biting his lips, making her craving to be the one who would be abusing his soft pillows.. "Well, if you remember it clearly, I do have one wish left?" With the reminder, his confident smirk grew more teasing. 

Munhee had enough of his teases. As much as her tummy butterflies were making her insides churn in a sensual way, she wanted to return him the favor. So without further ado, she circled her arms around his neck to be more closer to this undeniably attractive male. Batting her lashes more than usual, she let her fingers trail towards his face, running the back of her fingers on the side of his face albeit languidly, she then proceeded to cup his face - letting her thumb continuously caress the skin dangerously close to his lower lip. His darkening chocolate brown irises capturing her more than she could afford right now. "You know what? Let's just use your wish here and let's take a long shower together, hmm?" 

Baekhyun had to blink his eyes twice or thrice, to make sure he wasn't imagining things or hearing her wrong. And he definitely had to take a few moments of break to decipher her suddenly changed attitude. He had no idea when and how the table had turned, and instead of him seducing her, it was more like now she was seducing him. And without any doubt, he loved it. Her every small touches had left electricity wires broken under his skin, at this rate he couldn't see anything else but her, he couldn't hear anything but her - and his prominent heartbeats, of course. "B-Baby, I..."  

Baekhyun wanted to say something, but he inwardly choked and lost his ability to conjure up words to reply her, when she had trailed her touches down till his chest, more specifically on the very first button of his shirt. And when she had taken her sweet sweet time in torturously ing that first damned button, he was done for. She had him wrapped on her little finger like a slime.

He was thankful that he didn't faint due to the tension coursing down his whole figure - letting his blood rush at a higher pace to nether directions; when she left a soft but sensual kiss on his jaw. Meanwhile, her fingers successfully ed the second one. "M-Mun, Baby, I s-swear, you're making it impossible for me to keep any control." He couldn't care less at how gruff his voice sounded, or how hazy his eyes might've been looking. Even though initially, he was half serious and half teasing in this regard; right now, he was hundred ing percent serious.

The visible dangerous mischief in her features and that smirk adorning her lips had only rendered his knees to wobble like some whipped cream. "Lose control, then." She murmured in a whisper, sliding her fingers down, she hooked her pointer finger around his belt loop, pulling him so close that they had their heated hips attached, making the male visibly shudder under her touch. "I'll be waiting in the washroom."  She again whispered suggestively along with a wink and left the frozen man there to reach the master bedroom. 

When she had already disappeared behind the doors to the bedroom they had used last time during their stay here, only then he got back the sprinkle of sanity in him to actually think or move. "!" They didn't even do anything yet, but his chest was already heaving up and down at the thickened tension in every nook and cranny of his body. "Oh, ! She must be waiting for me!" He huffed to himself and finally made a hasty run towards the bedroom. 

The moment he reached the bedroom, his breathing hitched even more. The door to the washroom was slightly opened, allowing him to notice that the lights were on in there. Munhee peeked her head out from the tiny space, and threw something at the floor out of the washroom. The gaping male used two to three precious seconds to realize that she had thrown away her tights. By the time he recovered from the inviting information, his wife made him lose his leftover rationality by throwing her white dress out next. 

'It means she's in her undergarments right now.' His mind rendered him the not-so-innocent information, making his throat go absolutely dry. It took him a few deep breather and some inward cursing to act how he was supposed to. " this! I'm coming, Baby!" He yelled, hastily undoing the rest of the buttons of his shirt, thankful of the fact that he didn't put on any extra undershirt, or it would've taken him more time to strip, and every single second of delay was driving him crazy at this moment. Equally hastily, he checked all the pockets of his pants, throwing his phone and other belongings onto the bed. He again searched all the pockets in haste, hoping that Jongin might've teasingly slipped one or two needed foiled protections in them when he had send him these extra outfits. "Should've accepted Junmyeon's offer." He muttered under his breath, regretful for returning back the condoms. "Let's just be careful!" He reminded himself while stripping his pants off nonetheless. 

Leaving himself only in his boxers, he rushed to his current ultimate destination, the washroom. Though before he could fully cross by the doors, Munhee had blocked his way by standing in between. Not that he was complaining at the stunning view of her body being wrapped in a robe and spreading before the door for him to ogle at with his greedy-needy eyes. He could swear he was edged to his limits just by noticing that she wasn't wearing anything underneath that robe. He stilted and felt almost shy when she openly checked him out from head to toe. He didn't miss the gulp she had taken when her eyes reached the direction of his boxers, and this fact had done nothing but rushing his pulse even more violently.  "Shall we start, Baby?"  When she was talking too much time, his slightly impatient self pressed on, reaching his hand to hold her.

"Sorry to say, but your choice of underwear is actually funny!" The girl stiffened a laughter after pointing out. 

"What? But it's manly, Sweetheart!" The male protested immediately, he couldn't conclude why would someone find a leopard printed underwear funny! They seemed manly, right? "Though if you really dislike it, I can just put it off for you? There's no need for it when we're going to strip anyway." He proposed slyly. "And same goes for your nice little robe here." 

"No need for that. I've changed my mind. We're not taking shower together!" Pouring down icy cold water on his steamy proposal, the girl pushed him away before closing the door on his face. 

"B-Baby, are you serious?" The shocked half- male asked as a protest. "Take me in! Why are you doing this to me!" Whining was his last resort.  "You can't make me use my one and only leftover wish here and then ditch me like this!"

The door again slightly opened and the girl peeked her head just a little, " it up, Mr. Self-restriction. This is what you get for teasing me everyday!" And the door was closed again. Seconds later, the sound of shower running was resonating from inside, indicating that she definitely was serious.

The shocked, half- and tricked male stood still for long strings of seconds. The adrenaline slowly redeemed it's pace and he started to think with his head instead of any other body part. Perhaps it was for better, since they had started dating, almost, just today. So, they should definitely not rush such things. Specially when Munhee was yet to completely let go off all the negativity of past.

Keeping aside the realization and all, currently, he had a compromising situation with himself and he needed to solve it as soon as possible. 

Baekhyun groaned. He was way past the stage to tame himself down with a mere cold shower. Even the small piece of clothing remaining in his body was making him uncomfortably hot. "!" He cursed under his breath, physically frustrated to the ends. He knew he needed to take care of his condition, otherwise he wouldn't be able to get a wink of sleep. Sighing loudly, he raised his palms before his face almost dramatically,  "Guess I'll finally use you guys again after years."  He spoke to his hands, before dragging himself down to the washroom of next bedroom.





Munhee sneakily peeked through behind the door to the washroom. Finding no one present at the room, she braved herself in tiptoeing throughout the place to reach in front of the closet. She had been stupid enough to not consider the availability of clothing here before throwing her one and only dress onto the ground. Now, having herself barely wrapped in a towel, she could only hope that there must be something wearable inside the closet, and that she won't stumble onto Baekhyun in this state. 

Much to her pleasant surprise, there were actually a few comfortable dresses, along with some men outfits as well. Not to mention, she could also notice brand new undergarments and nightgowns. It didn't take her much time to realize that Baekhyun had been fully-prepared for every kind of situation. 'You sly sly man, Byun Baekhyun!' She growled inwardly, an amused smile playing on her lips. However, she didn't stand there longer to decide whether she should curse his witty or just be glad of his intellectual; since she didn't want to run into him while being almost half-. 

Despite the presence of more than enough clothing for her, she ended up picking out a long comfy-looking hoodie - that she was certain was Baekhyun's. 'It looks the most comfortable!' She reasoned her choice. Taking the needed undergarments along, she dashed back to the washroom. 


When she was out the next time, dressed modestly and warmly, she finally let out a huge breath after popping down on the soft mattress of the king sized bed. The leftover adrenaline from the shenanigans she had pulled off earlier was still humming through her veins. She herself didn't know how did she become so brave to put aside her embarrassed portion and had done what she had done with the male. She neither could contemplate how she had become this good in controlling her earthly and unearthly temptation towards this man. Perhaps, living with him for a long time and keeping her desires in constant check had helped her building such extreme self-control. Or it might have simply rubbed on her from Mr. Self-restriction himself.

Aside everything, she did feel a little guilty for playing him like that. The flushed girl winced as she clearly remembered how effective her advances had been on her husband, she would be a blind woman if she said she didn't notice the eagerness in his whole goddamned handsome face, and well, the eagerness painfully visible through his manly leopard printed boxer briefs. 

Biting her lips in mixture of fluster and tingles from the wild butterflies in her tummy, she buried her face into the nearest pillow while audibly squeaking like a stupid teenager, her legs flapping like fish out of water. Though the girl had to immediately cease her self-cringe session, when another thought erupted her mind. She sat up in a flash, eyes widening in the slightest dreading thought, "What if he's angry at me? Or maybe upset?" She muttered regretfully, her eyes again fleeing out of the bedroom's opened doors to look for his traces. He wasn't anywhere near.

  "Should I go search for him?" She contemplated the option. 'But he deserved this for all the direct and indirect teases he had bestowed upon me till this date!' Her mind protested. There were numerous times with him, where she was almost ready to beg him to make love to her, and not to mention those direct teases he applied on her.  Sighing, she stood up anyway,  "I still should go check up on him."  Even though, she knew it might be really awkward and bashful for herself to approach him after whatever she had done, she still went for it. They were adults, so they wouldn't be awkward like some teenage lovers, right? And it's not like they hadn't been intimate before tonight.

Munhee didn't need to venture the whole apartment, as she instantly noticed the lit up bedroom just beside the master bedroom. Tentatively, she went inside. The bed seemed untouched, that meant he hadn't fallen asleep there. Then her ears caught the distant sound of shower running.  Sighing in relief that he hadn't sulked to sleep or hadn't left the apartment, she went back to the master bedroom.  However, she remembered a crucial matter, so she again stopped by the closet and picked out a towel, a pair of nightwears along with an underwear for him, then she went back to the other room to keep those clothing on the bed. She did it, just in case he forgot to take his clothes with him like her. After that, she returned to the master bedroom, hoping that Baekhyun would at least come back here for bidding goodnight.


Even though the night breeze was cold, it didn't stop Munhee from standing on the balcony attached with the bedroom. She had wrapped a smaller blanket around her just for some precautions, catching cold was definitely not even the last item on people's bucket list in winter. The fresh air did help her relax even more. Her thoughts went back to their most talked and most anticipated first-official-date.

 Naturally, her lips curved upwards at those numerous sweet memories they had made on their date, the honest exchange of their raw feelings towards each other. If someone was to tell her a month prior, that she would be going out on a romantic date with Baekhyun, and things would be getting this better between them; she would've probably let out the loudest humorless laughter of her life on their face. But at present, nothing felt exaggerated, everything felt right, everything fell in place. She was honestly glad that things turned out such way. It was unexpected yes, but she wasn't complaining a bit. 

Lost in her uninvited deep thoughts, she didn't notice the soft footsteps behind her. So, she was bound to let out a surprised gasp when a familiar pair of arms snuggled around her, caging her in a surprisingly delightful backhug. Warm and fresh-out-of-shower cheek pressed against hers, presenting her with the scent she always fancied. And it only stretched her lips further into a full blossomed smile.

 A soft chuckle tickled her ears, "Did I scare you?" Baekhyun asked in an equally soft tone. If the hug wasn't enough, then his fond voice had placed cherry on top in clearing her fears of him somehow being upset or angry at her for her mischievous actions from earlier. Otherwise, she would have  had to brew some plans to placate a sulking big baby.

"Not scared, just surprised. I didn't notice you appearing. When did you become so sneaky?" She countered, basking in his pleasant presence. 

Baekhyun hummed, taking his sweet time in replying, "You didn't notice me probably because you were busy in your thoughts!" And he managed to keep his thumb right on spot, "What were you thinking, Sweetheart?" 

Her heart squeezed pleasantly at the endearment, looked like, she was yet to decipher the fact that such endearments coming from him were as real as the changed phase of their relationship at present. Sighing in contentment, she answered,  "About our date. And about... us in general." She let herself shift in his embrace, so that she'd be facing him. Letting her blanket wrapped hands snake around his sturdy shoulders, so that he'd get the warmth from the blanket as well. She couldn't help but to blush a little when she caught his affectionate gaze fall upon her like a thick coat of caramel. "Thank you." She managed to murmur.

His arms found their comfort at the crook of her waist, his eyes glimmering beautifully, "What for, Sweetheart?" he breathed, an equally beautiful smile gracing his features.

"For not giving up on me. For being patient with me."  The girl breathed out her honest thoughts, tonight was definitely going to be filled with honest exchange of words between them, and she wasn't planning in resisting either. 

Baekhyun glanced down at the girl in his arms for a little too longer than necessary, getting lost in the genuineness visible there, "No, Mun. It's actually you who deserves to be thanked. I should be the one thanking you for giving me another chance, for trusting me again, even though it's nowhere near an easy step." He paused for a while, finding his throat closing up just at the reminder of his past actions which never failed to leave him devastated, "You... you are actually the bravest woman I've ever met. And I can't stop admiring you more and more, Sweetheart. So, thank you again. Thank you for providing me more than I could ever deserv-"

"Sshh! No more thank you and sorry! And no more 'who deserves what' talks." The girl beat him in his track of his regretful ramblings. She knew he regretted everything he had done in the past, he didn't need to word his regrets out anymore. 

Baekhyun sighed and smiled at the same time, his heart melting for his wife for the uncountable time. Pressing their foreheads together in an emotionally intimate motion, he lived the moment of their closeness to the fullest,  "As you wish, my love."  Both of them basked in each other's warm presence for the next few moments, their eyes closed, their mingled breathing sounding more melodious than any other songs they've ever listened to. 

However, since life wasn't like those romcom stories, where every romantic moment would turn out as perfect as fairytale dreams; so their calm lovely moment got ruined when a yawn had unceremoniously barged out of Munhee, leaving the girl to grimace at the wrong timing as they had broken away from the proximity. She felt heat of embarrassment reaching at the back of her neck when the male merely chuckled, fondly even. The peck she earned from her husband on her warm cheek, did help her feel a little less flustered.   

"Let's go to sleep, someone is sleepy!" He slightly teased and ushered her back inside the bedroom. Though, his softness filled eyes stilled for a moment, the moment he noticed Munhee adorning one of his hoodies - after the girl had abandoned the blanket on the bed. She was really hell bent on making him loose grasp of his leftover sanity today, wasn't she? Did she do it on purpose? Did she have no idea that how much it would play with every single sensitive strings of his body and soul if she'd stand before him in his clothes like this? Did she have no mercy stored for him in this specific matter? 

The room suddenly went more silent than to be considered normal, as Baekhyun stopped moving around. Munhee also stopped in her task of rearranging the blanket on the bed and her heels to face the silenced male. Much to her surprise, he only gulped more than twice and muttered a small 'good night' before walking away, seemed like he was about to leave the room to sleep somewhere else. Not knowing the source of all of her sudden bravery today, she held onto his wrist, successfully stopping him from leaving abruptly. "You can sleep with me." she managed to utter, but instantly grimaced as it sounded scandalous. "I m-mean, the bed is big enough. So, we can.. uhh share it!" So she rephrased her offer.

Baekhyun's free fingers made their way to roam amongst his almost dried pink locks, his teeth biting his inner cheeks. How much tempting the offer was! Having his wrist freed from the girl's soft grasp, he used the chance to cup her tiny warm face.  "Baby, I think it's better if I don't attempt to sleep here or anywhere closer to you. Because, this Mr. Self-restriction can no longer stay confident about his self restricting abilities, if you'll be near him."  Even though he could gladly accept the appealing offer, but he knew that Munhee or them altogether needed more time. Earlier, he had almost been blinded by the pull of attraction he had for the girl, but now, his mind was clear enough to not attempt anything funny. 

Munhee blinked at the male, face heating up when the meaning of his words registered into her head. "O-Okay, then good night?" She tentatively offered.

Baekhyun smiled at her cuteness, eyes crinkling as he stared down at her. "But can I get a good night kissy?" He asked and puckered his lips in a kissy gesture, offering his pouty face closer to her for better access. His closed eyes opened to gape at her when she had lightly flicked his lips instead of kissing him. 

Easily uncaging herself from his loose hold, Munhee climbed back onto the bed, tucking herself nicely. "You've gotten enough kisses to last for a year, Mr. Byun." She smugly told him, enjoying his shocked face.

"What? A year? Baby!" The seemingly out-of-wit male protested immediately, kneeling on the mattress, he settled beside her already half lying figure. "How can I survive one goddamned year when I crave for you lips every second!" Though, when he realized what he had said, his face matched with his hair color. "I mean, uhh you do have a pair of addictive lips, okay? It's not my fault!" He tried to sass out of the situation. 

Munhee was a mixture of blushing and softly snickering at his confession, feeling shy but bold at the same time. Well, if she was to be honest, then he wasn't any nicer, he was also equally faulty; he was faulty because she also kind of wanted to kiss the hell out of his plump pink pouty lips. His fault was, that he tasted so sweet and enticing, that she wanted to dive into his sweet mouth until her lungs burned out. His constantly reddening sticky ears and protesting pouty lips weren't helping her either right n

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Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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31 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///