68 (1/2).

Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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( Warnings: tiny amount and tiny hints of matured content)

(Read the a/n if you wanna know the reason behind this weird/uncommon chapter title!)




Three weeks later....


Dating Byun Baekhyun and dating Byun Baekhyun with her parent's approval felt nothing much different to Munhee. He was still the same Baekhyun, and she was still the same Munhee. They were still the same stupidly in love pair. The only difference, a good one, was that he was now allowed to freely visit her home, take her out, be with her openly - without her father becoming an angry bull about it. 

Though, Baekhyun was still a bit careful about the skinship in front of her father. She wouldn't forget when last week he came to visit her, she had greeted him with a simple kiss on his lips - of course her parents were there, and did the guy have an inward panicking session of his own, and later he had whined to Munhee for hours about it. It had pissed the girl off real bad, as a result of it, she had rendered him kiss-less throughout his stay at her place. And she was planning to do the same today as well - but this time, just to tease the male, since she was already over that incident. 

It had somehow become his routine to visit her during the weekends. During the first two weeks after her father's approval, the kids had also joined them, but today they wouldn't be coming, as they needed to rest their tiny bodies instead of going on and on with the long journeys every weekend. Thankfully, Jisoo had offered to babysit them, so the couple would be worry-less about their babies, since Miseo and Sarang liked staying at their Uncle Jun's house - and Jino being there was just another plus point for the kids.


At present, Munhee got out of her washroom after a good long shower. She didn't usually take long amount of time in showering, but she wanted to stay prepared in every way - wanting to stay clean and smooth from head to toe, because the way her and Baekhyun was walking on a thin thread of patience in holding back for this long, she was certain that it would snap at any moment, maybe she was even inwardly anticipating it.

Ruffling her hair with a dry towel, she went to check her phone. It was around nine in the morning, so it was actually about time Baekhyun was already close by - if he hadn't reached yet. This man, he had been pushing himself so much even for a few extra hours or minutes to be with her. He had to leave his home at dawn to reach here this early, and that's what he had been doing all this while. He wouldn't listen to her even if she'd insist that he also needed to rest, and he could take his time in reaching here, or she herself could go to the city to meet him. But the male was persistent on it being him who would come to meet her or take her out for dates and all.

Sighing off of the thoughts of her boyfriend's stubbornness, she double checked her phone, but there wasn't any missed call or new texts. Ting of worry hit her as it wasn't likely him to not communicate with her in any way. Frowning, she dialed his number for a direct call, and her eyes went round when he had rejected her call after two rings. 'Okay, Mun, calm down. He might be driving!' She told herself in order to not overreact. Even if he would be driving, he would always accept her calls despite it required him hassle of parking his car at the roadside and all. So, him rejecting her call had definitely sowed some worries in her system. 

She decided to send him a text, so when he would be free enough of whatever he was busy with, he would reply to her.


To: Mr. Byun ❤

Are you on your way?

Drive safely! ❤

Call me if you can!



By the time Munhee was done sulkily having her breakfast with her parents only, she still didn't get any calls from him. However, her nerves calmed down a bit when she noticed he had sent her a text.


From: Mr. Byun❤

Sorry, Love. I think I'll be late today.

Meet you around late afternoon?



Munhee sighed in relief, a small smile stretched her lips without any particular reason. With less worried heart, she typed her reply to him,



To: Mr. Byun ❤


Don't worry about being late. I'm not running away anywhere :P

Be waiting for you ❤



His next reply came fast, as if he was waiting for her text. 



From: Mr. Byun❤

I love you.



And with that three words text, he had her heart weak and giddy all at the same time. His random timing of saying those sweet words to her had always played with her sensitive heartstrings, no matter how many times he had done it already. She smiled with a warm face and typed a reply with lots of heart emojis, because sometimes simply words weren't enough to represent the core feelings. 

For now, she'd just have to find something to distract herself and wait till the afternoon. Even though she could wait for him for years if needed, yet this small amount of wait was making her impatient; maybe the contextual difference between these two types of wait was the reason behind her different approach towards them.



Waiting wasn't a hard task for Munhee even though it was tough, so she had managed to wait till afternoon. But her excitement dimmed down with worries when her boyfriend had sent her another text, saying that he would be more late, that he might reach at night. It wasn't the fact that he would be late that was worrying her. It was the fact that he hadn't called her - be it voice call or video call - even for once throughout the day. 

Being lovers for around one month had rendered Munhee with enough knowledge about his traits as a long distant boyfriend. Baekhyun was the type of boyfriend, whose day wouldn't start without communicating with her by either way, and the same went for nighttime as well. He wouldn't be able to stay in peace if he hadn't directly heard her voice and seen her face throughout the day. So, if things were normal, then her boyfriend would've called her at least once by this time. 

'Maybe there's some urgent office works!' She told her antsy self. She didn't want to worry much, because if it was about the kids, then he would've definitely told her. Huffing, she changed the side of her bed, trying to find a comfortable position, and started to surf on her Instagram feed to kill time. She noticed Jongin had uploaded pictures of having lunch with his high school friends, judging by the hashtags he had used. 

That had rendered her to rethink everything. As she was certain, that if there was any official emergency, then Jongin wouldn't have the time to have lunch with his friends. Sitting up, she took a deep breath before calling her boyfriend again. This time, he didn't receive her calls, neither rejected them. 

"That's it, I have to use my other source now." She murmured while dialing Miss Lonn's number. 






" this ing fever for 's sake!" Baekhyun cursed out loudly and weakly at the same time. He had checked his temperature for the nth time of the day, but there wasn't any improvement in his health. It was already seven in the evening, but his fever had actually gone up by the passing hours, leading him to feel weaker than the start of the day. 

He felt so damn guilty for giving Munhee hopes and not being able to make it to her. He had been even avoiding talking with her through calls, since she would catch his weak voice within a snap. He just didn't want to worry her, he actually had some high hopes that he would be fine if he rested properly. But at this moment, he was almost losing his hopes of getting out of his bed, let alone reaching his lover's place. 

'Maybe I should really call her and tell her about it. I shouldn't make her wait anymore. Damn it.' The male inwardly contemplated. With his fever-clouded hazy eyes and weak hands, he started to search for his handphone. With much difficulty, he had managed to fish it out from under his pillow. However, before he could unlock the device and initiate the phone call, the half opened door to his bedroom slammed opened, making him slightly jolt up.

He scanned the intruder from down to up.                 

Familiar pretty legs: check, cute mid thigh length dress: check, familiar tiny hands holding onto the waist in a familiar way : check, familiar perky s: check, familiar long inviting neck: check, familiar beautiful - but right now pissed off glaring face: check.  

"Don't tell me..." Baekhyun croaked, blinking his eyes furiously so that he could make sure he was actually seeing what he thought he was seeing. "Am I in heaven? D-Did I die already? Does every angel look like her?" He kept mumbling to himself, while the angel - moderately pissed looking angel was still glaring at him. He shook his head vigorously, "But I only want her." He came to his firm conclusion. 

"Byun Baekhyun! You're dead today!" The angel- who actually looked like Munhee, yelled at him and stormed at the direction of his side of the bed.

"What the fu- heck!" He controlled his mouth from uttering any severe cursing,  "They even have the same voice!" His weak-baffled-self loudly wondered. When her words registered into his brain, he sighed loudly. "Thank you for confirming my doubt, Miss." He formally thanked the angel of death or whatever she was, some sad feelings and regrets starting to emerge in his heart, but before they could fully start enveloping his mind, the seemingly raged angel had plopped herself down on the small space beside him. "Ouch! What the-! Why would you hurt someone who is already dead!" He yelped out weakly when he had earned some tiny punches on his biceps and chest, which he knew wouldn't be anything near painful if he was healthy.

The girl - angel, stopped hitting him and only then he could see her glassy eyes behind her raged exterior. "What the hell are you talking about? Baekhyun?" She herself looked utterly confused at his blabbers, her hands went up to check his skin's temperature, leading her to gasp, "You are still burning! Why didn't you tell me earlier that you are having a fever? I could've reached here sooner and you wouldn't have to suffer alone all day!" She kept nagging, while her untamed features now contoured into mostly concern. 

"Huh? Are you...are you r-really Munhee? My Mun?" Hearing her nagging words, his brain finally concluded the more logical possibility of his girlfriend really being here. 

The girl sighed worriedly, her fingers stopped caressing his cheeks hearing his question, "Do you think there's more Munhee in the world? Or in our country? Of course, I am your Mun, dumbo!" 

Finally, his head got cleared enough, and he weakly grinned at her, "Thank god there's only one Munhee in the world!" 

"Umm why do you sound so relieved about it?" Concerns pausing for a moment, she raised a brow at her boyfriend. 

"Because if not, I would've been jealous of all the men, who would've gotten the other Munhees. If there's thousands of Munhee, I'd definitely want all of them for me." He cheekily rendered.

"Aren't you too greedy for a sick man?" She rolled her eyes and scolded him lightly. "Okay, let's stop pondering on your random blabbers. First tell me, have you eaten?" Then she started her inquiry.

Baekhyun couldn't help but continue grinning up at her way. How much he missed this - just a sick him getting inquired by his lovely wife.  "No."  Though by the time he had uttered that negative answer, her brows furrowed again, making him cower under her gaze,   "I m-mean, I tried, but I felt like throwing up after I had one spoon of the plain soup." He immediately gave her justification.

"And medicine? I'm quite sure that you haven't taken them. Otherwise, your fever wouldn't have stayed all day." She asked and herself concluded the probable answer.

Baekhyun gulped in fear of getting chided by her, but again shook his head timidly anyway, "N-No. Well, what I m-mean, you know how I can't swallow pills if you're not the one who has fed me those damned evil tiny pieces of pills!" 

Munhee shook her head at the adorably pouting male, even though she was fuming over him for not telling her his condition, it didn't seem like she would be able to continue staying mad at him.  "What would you do without me, you big stubborn baby!" She playfully gasped and poked his squishy cheek. 

Baekhyun's lips were still spreaded with the loving smile, he pushed his languid body to change his position, so that he'd be laying on her laps instead of the boring pillow. "I don't want to think about a life without you even for a second." He stated while burying his face into her tummy, sighing in contentment when she had started running her fingers onto his ruffled pink tresses.

The girl softly chuckled, looked like cheesiness was a permanent element for him, even if he was sick. "You're lucky that you're cute. Or else, no amount of cheesy words would've made it up for what you did today!" She pointed out after she was done gathering her melting heart up.

The male leaned his face back from her tummy so that he could see her properly,   "I'm sorry, Baby. I really thought the fever wouldn't stay much longer! But I was wrong." He sincerely apologized and explained. 

"We'll talk about this later, because I'm not wholly letting you go for this. But for now, I'm going to bring some food for you. You'll be a good boy and finish them up. Then we'll feed you the meds. Okay?" She helped him settle back on his pillow. When his needy sick self didn't want to leave her hands, she pecked his fingers before pushing Senior Mr. Byun into his arms. 

Next time, Munhee got back with a tray of food. Settling the tray on top of the bedside table, she again sat down beside Baekhyun. By the looks of it, it appeared that he had fallen asleep, but she knew him well, he was just resting in that way.   "Baek? I've brought some food. Can you sit up for some time?" She softly asked the male.

He slowly opened his eyes, and made a face when the smell of the steaming chicken soup reached his nostrils. "I'll throw up.." He mumbled, shaking his head lazily.

"Please, Honey, just a little bit, hmm? I promise, I won't force you to finish it off!" She tried to coax the male with sweetness. 

His droopy eyes seemingly lit up, probably due to the use of this rare endearment by her. He yet groaned and finally sat up, the plushy still squashed into his arms, making him look too distractingly adorable for her soul to stay composed.

He silently ate a few spoonfuls of the soup offered by her, but then his face really seemed like he wasn't able to take the food in well. Munhee felt so bad for him, she didn't like seeing him this weak, she dearly hoped he would start to feel better soon. For now, she kept the bowl of warm liquid back on the tray, then picked up the plate containing apples and Mandarin oranges, "Okay, eat some fruits then. Dad was the one to suggest me for bringing some fruits for you." She let him know.

"Really? W-Wow, I am touched!" He looked genuinely surprised hearing that.

"Hey! My Dad isn't that bad! Don't look so surprised!" She immediately protested.

Baekhyun chewed the piece of apple while softly smiling at the whining girl.   "Okay, we got it. Our Baby Mun's father isn't bad. Period!"  He told her while cooing with his gruff voice. 

"Someone's having fun teasing me! Okay, let's see how long you can enjoy that! Come here, it's time for your medicine." She smirked evilly as she showed the pill off to him. 

"Baby, I uhh I feel much much better after seeing you! Can I skip the medicine then?" Baekhyun timidly proposed. He wasn't bluffing though. It was true that he was feeling better - mentally and emotionally stronger than before, so he was certain that he would soon be physically fine as well. She was his living medicine. 

Munhee's face contoured back into serious mode, she carefully rechecked his temperature and gave him a look of disapproval,   "No, your temperature is still pretty much the same."  She declared, darting her focus into giving him the glass of water, mostly because his puppy eyes were making her determination weaker. Looking back at him, she sighed,  'Curse him and his too adorable puppy eyes.'  she inwardly hissed.   "Fine, if you take this pill in nicely, I'll grant you a wish. How is it?" She gave him an inviting proposal.   

His eyes instantly glinted at the proposal, as if he had just hit some jackpot. Nodding obediently and eagerly, he drank enough amount of water and kept the liquid in his mouth instead of gulping them down, and like always, waited for her to gently toss the medicine into his mouth. He took a few silent and frozen moments like he would do every time after having a medicine. 

"Has it gone down now?" She softly patted his chest as she witnessed his cuteness filled acts. When she earned a nod from him, she smiled and patted his cheek,  "Good boy. Now take some rest." She got up and tucked the male warmly after laying him down. 

Baekhyun held onto her wrist when it looked like she was going to leave, "Where are you going?" He asked, sounding fearful.  "It's already getting to nighttime. You can't drive back now. Don't worry about Dad, I'll talk to him." He ensured her.

Munhee grinned at him widely,  "Who said I am leaving? I'm just going downstairs! I've already told Jisoo to send the kids back, so that we could have a family dinner together. Just the four of us. Happy now?" She cooed and leaned down to peck his warm forehead.

Baekhyun looked vastly relieved hearing that she wouldn't be leaving. "Yeah, it's been a long while since we had such dinner. I'm looking forward to it." He rendered, genuinely happy about it. 






By the time dinner-time rolled in, Baekhyun's fever had also almost gone down. So, he did manage to reach downstairs with Munhee's help. He wasn't that weak that he needed someone to hold him, but Munhee still insisted to do so, for extra precautions.

The dinner went well in a heartwarming way for the couple, since both of them had missed and been continuously missing living together as a small but loving family like they used to. Even the little ones were extra giddy to have their Mama into their home again. 

Sending Baekhyun off to their bedroom, Munhee took her babies to help them put them onto their own bed. Their eyes seemed to turn droopy from sleep within a few minutes, Munhee guessed that they had outdid themselves while playing around with Jino.  

"Mama, will you be here in the morning?" Sarang asked, even though she was zoning in and out of sleepiness. Hearing her sister, Miseo also perked up from her sleepy state, looking up at their mother with sleepy curiosity. 

Munhee's heart squeezed for her adorable babies, she bent down to leave lingering kisses on their temples. "Yeah, of course, loves. Mama will be here in the morning as well." She assured them with a soft smile.

"And next morning?" Miseo asked, looking a bit more awake than before. 

Munhee let out a soft sigh. There was a high possibility that she wouldn't be here the next-next morning, she had only managed to get the green lights for staying over here because Baekhyun was unwell.  "Mama will stay until Daddy gets well. Let's pray to God that Daddy's fever will be fully gone soon, hmm?" She hoped the little ones wouldn't catch the change of topic.

"Does God listen to our every prayer?" Miseo again asked. 

"Of course, Sweetheart." Munhee smiled and eagerly nodded.

"Then why don't Mama live with us? We pray to God for this everyday!" Sarang let the older girl know.

"Is Mama still angry with us and Daddy?" Miseo inquired, blinking her tiny eyes uncertainly.

'Oh God!' Munhee had to clutch onto her chest, her eyes filling up hearing her babies. "Babies, no! Mama was never angry with her princesses, never ever!" She cupped their faces, and softly but firmly insisted to them. "You know that I love you two so much! So, I can never be like that to you. Also, you two are the cutest babies, who would dare to be mad at you?" She softly tickled their tummies, earning light giggles from them. "And as for Daddy, him and Mama are fine now. I can't tell when it will happen, but soon, we'll all live together. Trust Daddy and Mama, okay?" 

The kids nodded. "Then we will have a little brother like Jino?" Sarang quipped.  

"Yeah! Little brother! We want a little brother! Is God still on vacation? When will you and Daddy bring us a little baby?" Miseo literally sat up in excitement.

Meanwhile, Munhee was torn between cooing at her cute babies or choking in twenty four languages; but at the same time, she didn't feel hopeless or sad at this topic like the past. So she smiled and gently pushed the excited bean to the mattress again, "Little brother? What if you get a little sister?" She decided to entertain her babies as well as her own growing anticipating heart.  

"Can we order before buying the baby from the God?" Sarang wondered, looking confused at the presented options.

"What if you two get the both?" Munhee froze on her spot when she heard a familiar but unexpected voice speaking from behind, where the door to the room was situated. Baekhyun. 

The girl could feel her heart pacing in triple speed, while her cheeks started to feel extremely warm. She shuddered in surprise, when the male had walked closer until he was standing close behind her seated form, letting his warmth seep into her frozen back. His hands came to rest on her shoulders, gently squeezing them, coaxing her to look up at him, even though she would've very much preferred hiding under the kids' bed at this moment.  

The male smiled down at her, his smile a mixture of loving and mischievous, causing her to go on another round of stupidly blushing. She immediately looked back at her babies, before her heart could burst out from it's ribcage. "Or what if you get three little siblings all together?" The male asked the kids, his hands squeezed her shoulders in a way that somehow felt very very intimate in every way possible.

The kids, the both of them, now sat up, grinning ear to ear at their father's words. "Three? Woahhh!" Miseo gasped.

"I want four then!" Sarang bargained cutely.

Munhee facepalmed in bafflement as well as embarrassment, softly groaning, while her husband - boyfriend chuckled heartily from up there. "Wow, okay, that will be too much, babies! Let's stick to two more little ones, no matter whether they'd be little brothers or sisters, or both! Hmm?" He told the excited ones. 

"Yeyyy! Okay Daddy!" Both girls cheered. 

"Now, if you go to sleep like good big girls, then Daddy and Mama can go and... plan about buying babies from God, okay? So lay down, hurry!" Baekhyun coaxed them to fall asleep, though there was a teasing hint for Munhee as well. 

The said girl, she was sure that she had her infamous red face right now, unable to slip out a single word from . 

The kids eagerly nodded and laid down on instant. So, Munhee focused on tucking them in again, and softly patting their chests to make them fall asleep faster.

Baekhyun walked to the other side of the bed to imitate her in patting Miseo to sleep, so that Munhee wouldn't have to stretch her hand for longer. When she dared to look at his direction, he merely gave her a soft smile, though his eyes were speaking in their own way, providing thousands of promises of something beautiful. She couldn't maintain eye contact for more than a few seconds, because it had felt too intense for her, too overwhelming with different emotions, leading her heart and body to shudder involuntarily. 

Soon enough, their excited daughters gave into the temptation of sleepiness. But Munhee wasn't planning on moving away from there. And when she felt Baekhyun getting up from there and slowly approaching her, she again stilled down, while her heart jumped like a mad frog. 

"Let's go, Sweetheart?" He gently brushed his fingers from her forearm till her own fingers, before intertwining them. 

To Munhee, his simple touch felt like fire, causing goosebumps to arise on her flushed skin. His words were simple, but his tone felt husky in her ears. When he had pulled her up on her feet, her legs felt like jelly. Suddenly, she didn't want to go back to their room, she felt like she would probably faint from different extreme nerves working in her body and mind - if she'd be alone with him in a closed room. Yet, she let him take her back to their bedroom. She was actually surprised that she made it till there without embarrassing herself by fainting or falling down during this small journey. 

Letting her in, Baekhyun left her hand so that he could close and lock the door properly, making the nervous girl gulp down nothing but dried saliva.  'Why are you being like this, Mun! Weren't you the one being all prepared for weeks to extend the boundaries?'  She didn't know where her brave self had gone, leaving this timid and utterly shy version of her in front of her lover. 

Baekhyun turned back after locking their door and leaning just against it, crossing his arms over his broad chest while scanning her awkwardly standing self from head to toe, biting his lips to add another list of suffering to the poor girl. "You don't need this dress anymore." He told her casually, with a hint of suggestive-ness. 

Munhee's shaky and sweaty hands clasped onto the skirt of her dress, "W-Why?" She stuttered even when she just had to utter a single word question.  'What kind of stupid question is that, Mun? You want to hear him say that?'  Her inner self reprimanded her, causing her to inwardly grimace.

Baekhyun walked closer to her, his steps unhurried. He stopped way too closer than her weak self could've handled. "What's the need to keep this on, when..." He drawled and deliberately took a long break, just standing there letting his breath teasingly fan her scarlet face. 

"W-Wh-When?" Munhee wanted to smack herself for stammering this poorly, she was just being too obvious of how his words and actions were rendering her a mess. She was being too embarrassing for her own good.

"When, you can sleep wearing something more comfortable?" This time, his husky voice was gone, and he relied wholly casually. But there was a mischievous glint in his face, that told her that he had been teasing her on purpose. 

Munhee bit her lips, cursing herself for overreacting like this and letting him enjoy her abashed state this much. She saw him making his way towards her closet. She was momentarily glad to see that her closet was exactly the same as she had left it. Then she noticed him taking out one of her nightwears.  "Aren't you moving around too much for a person who has fever?" She commented from behind, wanting to change the already ended topic.

Baekhyun shrugged, handing her the picked out nightgown, "It's almost gone. I am feeling fine." 

Munhee scoffed, "You're bluffing!" She checked his temperature from his neck and forehead, inwardly grateful that his skin felt almost normal. 

He caught her wrist before it could leave his face, and brought her closer in a swift movement, "If you don't believe me, Baby, I can practically show you... how to make babies. I am that fine right now." He blatantly told her. 

"No thanks!" She softly pushed him away before dashing into the washroom. When she was out, cladded in her nighty, she found the male already waiting for her on their bed. Suddenly, it felt like she was back to the past, and this would be their first time sharing a bed together, but this time, it felt even more nerve-wracking than the said night. 

"It's time to actualize my wish." He smugly reminded her, eyeing her form intently as she had somehow made her way till the bed.  

"Fine. Tell me what it is!" Gathering as much bravery as she could, she finally asked out. 

Baekhyun stretched his hands to land them on her robe cladded thighs, pulling her closer with the help of his clasped fingers until their knees were brushing together. 

Munhee was limp at this point, she witnessed with her shyly quivering eyes as the male now held her shoulders, gently pushing her down, and she let him lay her down without putting up any dramatic antics. However, her heart being dramatic as of this moment, was a different story. With clamped thighs and hitched breath, she saw him lazily hovering over her. He looked so alluring from this position - as always, she was inwardly drooling at him. She did want him closer, so much closer. Her hands, still a bit shaky, made their way to hold onto his shoulders, wanting to feel him. 

But the male had catched her fingers, bringing their embracing hands to rest beside her head. "My wish is..." He started, voice again gruff and heavy, which she was certain he did it deliberately, since he knew how much it worked magic on her. "...for us to re-enact that night." He finally completed his to-be-granted wish. 

Munhee had stopped breathing hearing him. 'I-Is he being serious? Or I am thinking about the wrong night?' She contemplated inwardly, but again, what other significant night he could be talking about while being this attractive and sensual? It had to be about the night of them making love for the first - and apparently last time. She gulped down a few times before again braving herself to open her dried mouth,  "Are you s-sure?"

"Mmm, two hundred percent sure. I wouldn't have told you if I wasn't sure, Sweetheart." He airily chuckled and confirmed.

When his hands left hers, then one of the pair trailed down her curves to reach the

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41 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///