Chapter 18

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Those who asked for a longer chapter. This one is for you~ 😉

Italic = inner thoughts.




Irene disconnected the phone call and let her body sink deeper into the sofa. She was drained after talking with Joy. Her sister was very displeased after hearing that Wendy spend some time at her house again and got even more furious after she said that they went to the aquarium together.


The young manager listened to her sister's complaints for almost 20 minutes before she could explain herself. Irene didn't want to keep anything from Joy because she valued honesty. She would rather have Joy rant at her instead of having the latter find out what happened today from someone else.


Her sister finally calmed down after Irene told her why she had brought Wendy along to the aquarium. She actually only submitted her name as Lily's guardian for the aquarium day out. But a week ago, Lily's homeroom teacher personally told her that Lily had been talking a lot about her two parents recently. The child also expressed that she longed to have a day out together other than meeting at a cafe every Sunday. Hence, Teacher Soo suggested that Irene consider celebrating the school's anniversary together at the aquarium since Lily was greatly interested in animals. It would be a precious moment for Lily to remember when she grows up.


As a loving mother who had great interest in her daughter's mental development, of course, Irene considered Teacher Soo's suggestion. She didn't hesitate to call Wendy and invited the woman to accompany them. For Irene, Lily came first. Anything the child wants, she would do her best to accommodate it.


Sighing quietly, Irene brushed her face. I wonder if Joy installed a surveilling camera around my house. How come she can tell whenever Wendy is here?


Earlier, Irene was about to tell Wendy about her suspicion of the latter having a split personality. But Joy's call disrupted their moment. She wanted to ignore the call, but if she didn't take it, surely Joy would be suspicious and come personally to question her. Worst if her sister comes around midnight again without caring about her own safety. She didn't want Joy to act recklessly. Hence, she decided to take Joy's call first and let the younger woman scold her relentlessly.


In the dimly lit living room, Irene's mind returned to when Wendy gestured that she better go home after hearing Joy's faint voice through the phone. The woman must've sensed that Joy didn't like her lingering around the house after the last time they encountered each other. The sweet smile Wendy gave her before the woman slipped out of the door was comforting, and it helped her survive Joy's endless complaints.


Irene was about to check on Lily when her phone beeped. She got a message from her lawyer.


From: Mr. Go

Mrs. Bae, regarding your divorce paper, You and Mrs. Wendy Bae are required to attend marriage counseling before you can submit it to the court. One slot is open for next week. Do you want me to proceed?


The young manager's mind was blank for a second. She didn't realize that tomorrow was already the third month since she signed the agreement and divorce paper.


To: Mr.Go

Why didn't I get informed about this before?


From: Mr.Go

This is an additional requirement from the court. The counseling will be provided by the court as well. They require all new applicants attend one session before submission. You need an approval stamp from the court's marriage counselor before you can submit your divorce paper.


From: Mr. Go

So, do you want me to book the open slot for next week? Since you want to submit your divorce paper by the end of the month, you should have the counseling soon to avoid delay.


To: Mr.Go

Please allow me some time to think. I will let you know soon.


Irene sent her reply with complicated feelings. If Mr. Go had asked her this weeks ago, she would not hesitate to say yes. But things changed. Right now, there's a small voice in her heart, nagging her to reconsider divorcing Wendy. Telling her to give their marriage a second chance, to restart everything with her wife. So, she was torn inside.


On one side, she was afraid that if she didn't proceed with the divorce, she would regret it later. She went through many thinking processes and endured a few mental breakdowns before finally deciding to get a divorce. On another side, there's this small hope to fix their marriage that blossomed within her, especially after witnessing how Wendy treated her and Lily now. But will this good side of Wendy stay? If she decides to keep their marriage, will Wendy prove her old promise to make her happy this time?


Wendy broke her promise once, and it ruined Irene badly that her heart bled every time she remembered it. But Wendy, who suffered from memory loss, brought something that she couldn't ignore. The younger woman gave her new hope. Therefore, the feelings that she used to bury within her now surfaced uncontrollably. The fastening heartbeat, the flushing, and the shyness every time Wendy was too close to her. No matter how she tried to give logical reasoning for this, she failed.


Staring blankly at the ceiling, Irene became more and more restless. Her heart and mind clashed. Until she was sure that Wendy would not return to her old self, she wouldn't be able to decide on anything.



A few days later.


After her number was unblocked, Wendy had this urge to message Irene every hour, but she held herself for fear of annoying the older woman. She told herself to just send a message once or twice a day. In the morning and at night. She even made a schedule for it. She would ask about Lily in the morning and then about Irene's day at night. So far, the woman's response to her messages was positive; sometimes, the older woman would also ask about her day back or what she would have had for dinner.


It was good, and Wendy was satisfied. But there was a little problem. She struggled every day with what to write to Irene. She was a novelist but still struggled with writing a mere message. It was embarrassing to admit.


"Should I ask about Lily's lunch? No. I had asked about this two days ago." Wendy shook her head. She didn't want her crush to think that she was boring and only asked questions for the sake of formality. Even as simple as checking about Lily, she tried to ask a deep and thorough question. Her mind worked extra hard every day as if she was drilling for a math olympiad.


After checking her messages a hundred times and ensuring there were no grammatical errors, she finally sent it. Heart waiting with anticipation for Irene's response while glancing at the clock on the wall.


The older woman should have reached her office by now. Yes, Wendy had measured the time needed to drive from school to J.K. Apparel. If the traffic was terrible, it would take Irene 20 minutes to reach her office, but if the road was clear, it would only take her 15 minutes. If Wendy counted the time to walk from the parking lot to the 3rd floor, then it would be 5 more minutes before Irene reached her cubicle. Yes, she really had time to do all of this despite being busy with all the deadlines.




Wendy quickly opened her Kokoa app, only to find Seulgi's message. To be honest, she was a little disappointed.


From: Seulgi

Surprise! Are you waiting for Irene's message? 😂


Wendy rolled her eyes. She had told Seulgi that Irene unblocked her, and since then, the woman would make time to annoy her like this.


To: Seulgi

No. I'm working.


From: Seulgi

You opened this chat a second after I sent it. You were waiting for Irene's!

From: Seulgi

Let's talk while waiting for her messages. What did you have for breakfast? I didn't eat any. Yerim annoyed me with her new reddish hair. It was so bad! You should drop by and see her new hair!


From: Seulgi

Anyway, do you still like sushi? I think sushi is good for lunch.







Wendy pursed her lips. While she was thankful that her best friend seemed interested in talking with her, responding to Seulgi's messages would only end with endless chatting until the woman's shift for the day started. After that, it would be nothing until the night came, and Seulgi's series of chats would come like a hurricane again. Eventually, she learned to ignore those chats until she had time to respond in between her work.






Her monitor was just when another notification reached her ears. Thinking that it was Seulgi again, she didn't even glance at her phone. It was already 8.45 AM. Irene must be very busy that she couldn’t reply to her message. So, she focused her mind on her work.



Wendy was in the middle of torturing one of her characters with life problems when her phone vibrated. It was an incoming call. The young novelist halted typing and picked up her phone. Irene?




[ Sorry. Are you busy? ]


Wendy glanced at her monitor. She had only managed to type 3 paragraphs so far. Still, a long way to go. "Ah, just everyday work. Why did you call me?"


[I sent you a message an hour ago. I thought you were busy. ] A hint of complaint was heard from Irene's tone.


Oh !


"Sorry! I didn't check my phone. What happened?"


[ Could you pick up Lily from school and then send her to daycare today? My car broke down on my way to the office. I'm at a repair shop right now. ]


"Of course! Still at a repair shop? Are you taking a leave today?]


[ No. I'll grab a taxi. Bye-]


"Wait! Do you want me to pick you up after work? I can send you and Lily home."


[ … Thank you, that would be helpful. ] Wendy could hear a sigh of relief from Irene, and it made her smile.


"Okay. See you later, then."


Wendy disconnected the call and then opened her Kokoa chat notification.


There were 15 messages from Seulgi and 2 chats from Irene. Look at the difference! After replying to all her best friend's conversations, she opened Irene's chat.


From: Irene

My car broke down. Can you help me pick up Lily later?


From: Irene

Can you confirm? I will need to arrange a pick up if you can't.


To: Irene

What time should I pick you up?


From: Irene

You can come around 5 PM. Then we can grab dinner together. What do you say?


The smile on Wendy's face widened. Yes! Another dinner with Irene and Lily! Suppressing a squeal, she quickly typed her reply.


To: Irene

Sure! I'd love to eat you.


Wendy's eyes widened in horror after she re-read her message. She was about to type another message, but Irene beat her.


From: Irene

Eat what?


To: Irene

It was a typo! I mean I'd love to eat WITH you!


Wendy pressed her forehead on her table. Crying from embarrassment. Oh God, not again!


Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, Irene covered her lips with her palm. She was trying so hard not to laugh loudly inside the taxi. She remembered how Wendy's private chat was always typed thoroughly, sometimes even in a formal way, but the woman slipped today. It was funny (to her). She reopened her chat window to send her reply intending to tease the younger woman.


To: Wendy

A word was missing between 'eat' and 'you'. How could it be a typo?


About 10 minutes later, she got a reply that finally combusted her into a loud laugh, startling the taxi driver.


From: Wendy

I have CHUBBY fingers. Therefore, I ACCIDENTALLY skipped 4 letters in my previous chat.


From: Wendy

Please, please, just let it go this time, Irene. I beg you. *crying emoji*


Chuckling, Irene closed her chat and looked at the scenery outside. You don't have chubby fingers, Wendy. Who are you trying to fool?


Of course, Irene knew it very well.



J.K. Apparel, 5 PM.


The young manager was already waiting in the parking lot when Wendy arrived. When she neared the car, Lily jumped out and wrapped her legs with a big hug. Meanwhile, Wendy stood quietly behind the child.


"Mommy, I'm hungry!"


"Okay, we'll go and have dinner first," Irene replied softly. Then she covered Lily's ears with her hands and turned her eyes to Wendy. "So … where do you want to eat me?"


The young novelist choked. She thought Irene would give her some mercy.


"Oh, sorry. My tongue slipped. Where should we eat?" Irene blinked her eyes innocently. Clearly, she still didn't want to let go of Wendy's mishap this morning.


"The Jang's restaurant," Wendy replied in a tight voice and flushing cheeks. "S-shall we go now?"


Smiling, Irene helped Lily to sit in the back seat before she went to the passenger seat. Strange. Irene never sat in the front seat unless she was asked to.


Wendy thought Irene was done teasing her, but when the older woman didn't quickly buckle her seatbelt, she knew something was not right.


"Why are you looking at me? Buckle up your seatbelt."


"I'm not looking at you," Irene replied before pointing down to her hands. "I'm observing your fingers. They're not as chubby as you claimed them to be."


"Irene, please!" Wendy cried. She was utterly embarrassed by the woman’s neverending tease.


Sounds of laughter filled the car. Wendy raised her eyes only to find Irene clutching her stomach in laughter.


"Hahaha, so funny! I can't stop myself!"


"Mommy, why are you laughing?" Lily stood in between the front seat gap. The young child was confused to see her mother laughing out of nowhere.


Wiping her tears away, Irene replied. "Mommy just remembered something funny. Can Lily buckle her seatbelt? We'll go now."


"Uhm!" Lily sat back and buckled her seatbelt. Sitting obediently while looking at her parents expectantly.


"Sorry. I will stop teasing you now."


Irene buckled her seatbelt and let her cheek rest on her palm as she looked outside while smiling softly to herself. She realized that she laughed a lot today, despite her bad luck with her car in the morning. She should be in a bad mood because of it, but she wasn't. Thanks to Wendy's stupid mishap.



When they arrived at The Jang's, the place was busy and lively as usual. All the tables on the first floor were occupied, but they were lucky. Seulgi had saved a table for them upstairs.


As soon as Seulgi's eyes met Wendy, she left her booth to greet them and hugged her friend tightly. The woman looked so happy and told them that everything would be on her tonight.


Hearing that Seulgi would pay for their meal, Irene couldn't help but feel amused. Is she that happy seeing her friend?


Irene saw Seulgi whisper something to Wendy, which made the latter flustered. She wondered what did they talk about.


"Come, follow me. I saved the best table for you."


Seulgi happily led the small family. Still with a big smile on her face. Not sure if she could see the stairs with her eyes half-closed. Fortunately, they made it upstairs without any accidents.


"What does Lily want to eat? Auntie will bring everything for you!" Seulgi exclaimed after unfolding a napkin and putting it on Lily's lap.


Her happiness was not because she saw her friend dining at the restaurant but because of the joy of seeing Wendy looking so harmonious with her family. The last time she saw this scene was 3 years ago. At that time, she thought, wow, they could be a happy family of two! But now, instead of two, the family had evolved into three, and it looked even better!



Irene’s house.


Lily fell asleep on their way back, so when they arrived, Wendy carried the young child while walking behind Irene. After they entered the house, the child suddenly awoke in her arms and hugged Wendy's neck tighter.


"Lily, brush your teeth, and change into pajamas."


Irene's words were law, so Lily reluctantly unclasped her arms and asked to be put down. The child slowly walked to the bathroom by herself while yawning loudly.


"Should I pick you and Lily up tomorrow? I can drive you two anywhere until your car is fixed." Wendy asked after ensuring Lily didn't hit anything on her way to the bathroom.


Irene sighed. She really needed Wendy's help. In fact, she was about to ask the younger woman, but the latter beat her. "Yes, please. I can only take my car after three days."


The young novelist nodded. "Do you need my help with groceries? List down everything, and I will get them all for you tomorrow morning."


"I just need to buy Lily's milk. I'll send the brand later, and if you can, please buy breakfast for her tomorrow too."


"... and for you. Breakfast for you too," Wendy added as she wore her shoes on the door. "I'll see you tomorrow, then." Wendy was a bit in a hurry. She had some unfinished work as she couldn't join her team for overtime today.




Irene came closer and reached out for her left cheek. "The swelling in your cheek is still visible. Do you still feel any pain?"


"N-not at all."


Wendy was stunned for a moment. She didn't prepare herself to be this close to Irene, and at such close proximity, a faint jasmine scent suddenly engulfed her nose. It was sweet and fresh. Triggering something in her mind.


"This scent. Was I the one who chose the scent for you?"


"How did … "The young manager widened her eyes. "Did you remember something?" There was a little tremble in her tone and the young novelist noticed it.


"It just flashed in my mind. So, I was really the one who picked the scent?"


Wendy frowned in disappointment. It happened a few times recently, and most of them were little things about Irene. She was annoyed that some of the original owner's memories were left behind. She didn't want it. In fact, she despised it. She wanted to know more about Irene but not this way.


Irene didn't answer her question right away. "Does it smell nice?"


Wendy reluctantly nodded. "It's my first time smelling this perfume on you. You don't usually wear one."


"Yeah, I don't. But I feel like wearing one today," Irene replied quietly. "You are right. The perfume was your gift on our 1st dating anniversary. You told me that you specially designed the scent for me after sniffing all my fabric softener collections."


"I didn't know you would keep that thing," Wendy said bitterly. Why is she keeping the original owner's gift? Does she still have lingering feelings for the woman who hurt her??


"So you mean I should've thrown it?" Irene's expression became ugly, and Wendy quickly regretted her choice of words.


"No, no! I mean, after what I did to you. I'm surprised that you still keep her … my gift."


Irene's expression softened. "I thought to throw it before, but I don't want to waste such a fine perfume."


"I can buy you a new one. That perfume is 3 years old already. The original notes must've changed."


"But you said it smelled nice before."


"I was wrong. It smells bad now after I sniffed it again."


Irene sniffed her shirt and was confused. "What are you talking about? The smell is still as fresh as the first time I used it."


Wendy grumbled inwardly. Of course, Irene wouldn't believe her words easily. Even she herself admitted that the smell was lovely. But it ticked her because of the sweet memory behind the perfume. She wasn’t even aware that Irene had observed her for a while now.


"Alright. If you think this perfume doesn't smell as nice as before, I won't use it again."


The gloomy cloud instantly eased from Wendy's eyes. "I will buy you a new one. A better one. What scent do you like the most?"


"I like floral scents, especially jasmine. But you don't have to buy me one. I rarely wear perfume, and it's not even my birth month." Irene refused because what was the use of having one if she only stored it in the end.


"No, I insist. I will buy you a new one." Wendy didn't want to let go of her chance to give Irene a gift. "It's a thank-you gift because you let me hang out with Lily more."


"Well, you're her mother too. You don't have to thank me." Irene told her.


"Please, let me. I really want to thank you.

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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 28: I reread this again and realized that I never upvoted it 😳 I must've been so consumed with all these emotions with the way author-nim writes.

I also wanna say that I miss you author-nim!!!!!
1692 streak #2
Chapter 25: Re reading again because I missed Wenrene...
Chapter 28: I got reminded of this and decided to reread it. I swear this is one of the best WR story i had ever read. Going to reread mugunghwa next. Not me treating this like a series 😂
Chapter 1: re-reading again bec, i miss them sm
Chapter 28: I really love this story and i need read that extra chapter. But how??? 😭
Re-reading for the nth time already. I love this fic 🥺
Chapter 28: should i reread the crown mugunghwa??? btw thanks for another good story authornim, i would love to read that extra story but i'm confused how to do it hehe
Chapter 27: I at catching something and I can only guess it after 25 chapters 😭😭😭
Chapter 26: oh no, is Wendy going back to being a jerk??
Chapter 25: Okay, that means there is a possibility that 3 years ago Wendy's soul was swapped/exchanged/moved and now it's back again