Chapter 27

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The chaos in the comment section. Why? I told you not to worry 🫠 I'm nice.

Italic = inner thoughts



Joy was working at a construction site 20 km from the city when she got a call from her sister's secretary. Wiping the sweat on her forehead, she slid her phone screen and greeted the other woman cheerily, "Hello, Jinah. What's up?"


[ … Miss Park, there's an emergency at the company. ]


"Huh?" Joy put down her safety helmet. Alarmed by the other woman's serious tone, she couldn't help but have a bad feeling. "Is it about my sister? What happened to her??"


[ Manager Bae had fainted in the meeting room. So, I'm currently at The City's Central Hospital looking after her. She's already received treatment but is still unconscious. ]




Joy cursed loudly, startling her team members. She was distraught by the news. Irene had never fainted on the job before. Her sister would take leave if she wasn't feeling well. So, what's going on?


"I'm going to the hospital now!"


[ Miss Park, wait! Lily is still at school. I just received a call from her school. Could you pick her up first? And please don't bring her to the hospital. At least until Manager Bae wakes up. I will call you when she wakes up. ]


"The hell? Where's Wendy?!"


[ Miss Park, I think something happened with your sister-in-law. Manager Bae had a call from Wendy's colleague before she fainted. I faintly heard her mention The City's Central Hospital. So, right now, I'm looking for a way to contact the company. ]


Joy was stunned. Then she remembered what her sister had told her a few days ago. Wendy experienced a sharp pain in her chest, and Irene was really worried about it. Could it be …


Before she got to think about it further, she got another incoming call. It was from an unknown number, but somehow, she firmly believed that this call was related to her sister and Wendy's situation.


"Jinah, I will pick up Lily now and bring her to my apartment. Keep me updated, and please look after my sister. We'll go to the hospital as soon as she wakes up."


[ Yes. I will let you know. Be careful on your way, Miss Park. ]




Joy sighed as she tried to calm her drumming heart before accepting the call. She was so shocked by the news.


"Hello? Who is this?"


[It's Kang Seulgi. ]


"Kang Se … how did you get my number?" A surprise flashed on Joy's face. Then she realized that it must be the young novelist who shared her number. "Wait, that's not important now! Something happened to Wendy?!"


[ I got your number from Wendy before. Yes, something happened. I'm at The City's Central Hospital right now, and Wendy is still inside the emergency room. I was informed by her colleague that the call with Irene was disconnected while they were talking. I tried to call your sister's number, but it was unreachable. Do you know where she is? ]


"I just got a call from her secretary. Unnie is also at the hospital. She fainted after getting a call from Wendy's colleague and is unconscious right now."


[ What?! ]


"I will send her secretary's number to you. Please call her immediately. I'm going to pick up Lily and bring her to my apartment now. We will go to the hospital after Unnie wakes up. I don't want Lily to get worried and traumatized over this.


[ Ah? Alright! I will call Irene's secretary immediately. ]


"Is Wendy's condition that bad?"


[ Really bad. She … her head was bleeding, and her heartbeat was very weak. She may not wake up soon. ]


"Kang Seulgi, you can't scare me like that!" Joy's face became paler in seconds.


[ I wish I was joking! But Wendy … she … ] Seulgi heaved a sigh. Only she and Irene knew about Wendy's identity. Talking about the matter to Joy would only confuse the young woman and complicate the main issue that must be attended to. [ She got a cardiac arrest, and this time it's terrible. Her head was bleeding due to the bump she got before she lost consciousness. I … I can't explain it well, but the doctors are trying their best. ]


Joy bit her lips. She didn't know that Wendy's situation was really bad. No wonder her sister fainted. This was what her sister feared the most. Irene must be so shocked. She remembered the older woman tried everything in her power to maintain Wendy's health. But what happened now?


[There's only the two of us who can look after them and … Lily. Please don't panic, Joy. I will keep you updated. ]


"I will … I will go now." There's a tremble in Joy's voice. She was terrified of what would happen to Wendy and Irene.


[ Yes. Please keep Wendy's condition from Lily too. ]


"I know. I'm going. Please call me if anything!"


[ Be careful on your way. ]





Arriving at school, Joy immediately went to Lily's class. She was really worried about her niece. It took her 45 minutes to reach the school from the construction site. Glancing at her watch, she found that it was 02:30 PM now. Lily had been waiting for an hour and 30 minutes!


As soon as Teacher Suh opened the classroom's door, she found Lily huddled in the corner. Hugging her small legs while crying. Seeing her niece in that position again, Joy's heart broke into pieces. Lily used to cry in the corner after being scolded by the old Wendy, and Joy had to calm the child down for hours while listening to her sister fighting with her sister-in-law in another room. It was something she wished for Lily not to experience again.


"Lily … " Joy faintly called, but Lily heard her clearly. The child raised her head and cried harder upon seeing her aunt.


"Auntie … why did Mommy Wendy not pick me up? She promised me this morning, and … and where's Mommy Irene? If Mommy Wendy couldn't make it, she usually would come to fetch me. Where are they??" Lily choked in tears as Joy scooped the young child into her arms. Patting the latter's back. Trying to calm the child down.


"Lily, your Mommy Wendy suddenly has to go somewhere. While Mommy Irene has to meet her boss so … so she's unavailable to pick you up. But Auntie is here. Lily come with Auntie, okay? Don't cry. They are really sorry that they couldn't make it today."


Lily hugged Joy's neck, still sobbing excessively. "Where did Mommy Wendy go? Why didn't she tell Lily? And Mommy Irene too. She never fails to pick me up, even when she's busy. Is Mommy Irene okay?"


This child's feeling was sharp. She knew something wasn't right with her parents. Hence, Joy had to rake her brain more.


"Auntie also doesn't know, but I believe it's for her work. So, Lily should wait until she returns to ask her, okay? And your Mommy Irene is fine. We'll see her as soon as she's done with her work."


"No. Lily wants to see Mommies, Auntie. I'm really scared here," Lily's tears dampened Joy's collar, and it took every fiber in her body to not cry along with her niece. She was also worried for the couple.


"We'll see them soon. Don't be scared. Auntie is here. Auntie is holding Lily."


Joy caught Teacher Suh's eyes on her, and it reflected the same worries. Lily's parents never failed to pick up their daughter. Something definitely happened, and she knew Joy was deliberately hiding the truth from Lily.


"Lily, your mommies are busy with something. They didn't mean to break their promises. Later, when you meet them. Ask them what's wrong, okay?" Teacher Suh tried to help Joy.


Lily nodded to her teacher, but she was still sobbing quietly. Her nose was red, and her cheeks were wet with tears.


"How about we have a cup of ice cream before going back to auntie's apartment?" Joy asked with the best comforting smile she could muster. "I know a stall that has many claw machines in their store. Lily loves to play with them, right?"


This got Lily's attention, and the young child slowly nodded after brushing her puffy eyes. The little drops on her eyes had eased. "Is Auntie not going to work today?"


"I'm done with my work. So, now I have a lot of free time. Do you want to play with auntie while waiting for Mommy Irene?"


"Yes. Lily will play with you."


Joy and Teacher Suh subtly nodded to each other. Lily was finally calmed down.


"Say bye and thank you to Teacher Suh first before we go."


Lily did as she was told to and was carried from her classroom to the car. Joy took special care of her. Therefore, the child didn't realize that her aunt tried to alleviate her thought from her mothers, who were unconscious at the hospital. Lily didn't know that her mother, especially Wendy, was in a critical condition right now.



On the other side of the city, Seulgi was standing outside the emergency room with worries and fear painted on her face. It had been more than an hour, but the medic was still trying their best to save Wendy.


She had gotten a hold of Jinah. Both of them shared about Wendy and Irene's condition. Sadly, the young manager was still unconscious. Seulgi knew things wouldn't go well with Irene if Wendy left her like this. As someone who witnessed the couple's history and the truth of Wendy's identity, she could only cry about their fate.


How could this happen? Wendy was a good person who was forced to deal with her friend's mistake, and Irene was also a person who bore so much pain. The only thing she wanted was to live happily with her loved ones. Both of them didn't deserve this. Why must the universe be so cruel to them?


Seulgi told Jinah to return to Irene's room and asked to immediately inform her if the young manager had awoken. Meanwhile, Kwon Eunbi and Ahn Yujin still accompanied Seulgi outside the emergency room. They were baffled about Wendy and Irene's situation, but Seulgi couldn't explain anything. She wasn't there when her friend got the first attack and just got informed by the cardiologist today. A feeling of regret came to her like a storm. If only she didn't too wrap up in her sadness, she could do something for Wendy.


An hour later, the emergency room's door finally opened from inside. The cardiologist and another doctor walked up to Seulgi and the two colleagues.


"We did everything we could to resurrect Mrs. Bae, but she's in a state of comatose right now," The cardiologist told them. "The old injury in her head re-opened because of the bumping. It caused internal bleeding. Right now, we can't predict when she'll wake up. It could take a day, a week, a month … a year. We don't know at this moment, but we'll observe her progress and do our best to help her."


Seulgi almost lost her footing. She gripped the rail on the wall and asked weakly, "How big is the chance for her to wake up? Even if it takes years. How much?"


"Right now, only 20%."


Eunbi cried beside her. Meanwhile, Yujin instantly turned pale. She was so shocked by the news.


"What about the pain in her chest? Will she get another attack while in comatose?" Yujin asked.


"Until now, we haven't found anything wrong. Regarding the pain that she had experienced twice this month, we couldn't find the exact cause except for severe fatigue and stress. We did another X-ray examination for her, but we are still clueless. I will do a thorough check for her case. It's something peculiar."


Hearing the doctor's answer, Seulgi could only hold her breath. If Wendy's sickness couldn't fully explained by medical assessment, perhaps, that's because she came from another world.


"Mrs. Bae had transferred to the ICU room located on the third floor. Room number 15. For the rest of the 24 hours, we can't let anyone visit her. We'll let you know when you can. But only one person is allowed to go inside for a ten-minute visit."


Seulgi nodded weakly. She was bursting into tears and losing her mind to even speak a word.


"I heard Mrs. Bae's spouse is also treated here? Please notify me when she wakes up. I want to relay Mrs. Bae's condition myself."


"Yes, Doctor. Please do your best to help my friend." Seulgi brushed her face. She looked so pitiful. "She has a wife and a young daughter waiting for her. She can't leave them. Not like this."


"We will do our best, Miss Kang." The doctor sympathetically pats her arms.



Seulgi massaged her neck. She had been waiting outside Wendy's room for 6 hours now. Every second, she hoped for Wendy to open her eyes. But she just ends up being disappointed. Her friend was still unconscious.


When she was about to get a cup of coffee, she got a call from Jinah. The young woman told her that Irene had woken up and a doctor was currently checking her condition. Seulgi quickly told Eunbi, who was sitting in the long seat, to keep her eyes on Wendy because she would inform Wendy's cardiologist and go to check on Irene together.


She was really thankful that Wendy had a lot of people who were genuinely concerned for her. Not long ago, her other colleagues came. There were 4 people who came to ask about her friend's condition, and Seulgi patiently explained to everyone.


After tucking her phone, she went to the 2nd floor to find the cardiologist. She was glad that the doctor was thoughtful enough because she wouldn't be able to explain Wendy's condition to Irene without choking up with tears.



Irene's room.


Seulgi watched how Irene's eyes glazed when the cardiologist explained Wendy's latest condition and the uncertainty of when the woman would wake up. With a promise to thoroughly check Wendy's case, the cardiologist wished for Irene to not lose hope. The hospital would do its best.


She heard Irene thanking the doctor quietly. Compared to the woman's watery eyes, her voice was still controlled. At that moment, Seulgi instantly knew that the woman was holding herself to not break down in tears. If it was her, she would react violently. Just how much pain had Irene gone through all her life that she could still keep herself this calm?






Seulgi halted and stayed in her place when she saw Lily rushing to Irene's bed. Her eyes caught Joy's. They shared a tacit understanding to keep their lips shut at the moment. Both of them stood not so far from the door, watching the mother and daughter's interaction with bated breath.


“Wuuu wuuu, Mommy are you sick?” Lily immediately held her mother's hand. "Auntie didn't tell me where we were going, but when I saw the hospital sign, I knew something was wrong!"


"Don't get angry with your aunt. She also didn't know what happened to me." Irene smiled warmly despite her pale lips and sad eyes. "I didn't feel well earlier, so I asked my friend to bring me to the hospital for a check-up. But Mommy is fine now."


"Then why are you wearing the hospital gown? Are you going to stay here? How long, Mommy?" Lily still sobbed while struggling to reach her mother, so Seulgi helped the child to sit at the edge of Irene's bed.


"Mommy has to stay for a night. I still feel dizzy."


"Oh no, poor Mommy. I wanna stay here to take care of you!" Lily hugged Irene's waist and continued sobbing. "Did you know Mommy Wendy has to go somewhere for work? Auntie said she won't be back for a while. What does it mean, Mommy?"


Irene lifted her eyes to look at her sister and silently relayed her thank you.


"Lily can't stay here. The bed is too small, besides you have school tomorrow. So, Aunt Joy will take care of you." She brushed Lily's bangs. "Don't cry, okay? Mommy just needs to stay for a night."


"And about your Mommy Wendy … yes, she has something to do. Far away. Outside the city. It's a sudden task from her boss. Lily can understand, right? Mommy used to have business trips before, and you had to stay with Aunt Joy for a few days at that time."


"But why didn't she tell me, Mommy? She promised to pick me up, and … and when will she return?"


"Mommy also just got informed today." Irene was really patient in explaining. Her tone was controlled and not rushed. It was the same way she usually talked to Lily so the child didn't feel suspicious that something was off. "She will be back when she's done with her work."


"When, Mommy?"


Irene paused for a second. "It probably will take her weeks before she comes back."


"No!" Lily cried again. Now feeling saddened because of her Mommy Wendy. "I will miss Mommy Wendy! Can we have a video call every night, Mommy? Please, wuuu wuuuu."


Irene bit her lips. She was on the verge of crying. But she swallowed her cry for Lily. "Unfortunately, we can't. The place is far away, and the connection there is bad. We won't be able to reach her phone." Irene brushed her daughter's wet cheeks. "We can only wait for her return."


Lily wailed.


"Shh, don't cry, Lily." Irene lifted her free hand to bring Lily to her lap. Her other hand was attached to an IV needle.


Irene was finally able to calm Lily down after 15 minutes. Meanwhile, both Joy and Seulgi could only watch the older woman handle the child. They didn't dare to interrupt them, fearing they would only worsen the situation. Irene was the only person in the room who understood the child well.


"Lily, Mommy is a little tired, so I will take a rest now," Irene told her daughter softly. It was 7:30 PM, and usually around this time, Lily would have her dinner. "You go with Aunt Joy, okay? Tomorrow, I will pick you up from daycare."


Lily sniffed. Nonetheless, she obeyed her mother. After getting lifted from the bed, she kissed Irene's hand and told her mother to rest well so she would feel better tomorrow. Lily bit goodbye to Seulgi, and the older woman could only sigh in her heart. For now, Lily was appeased. But if it takes a long time for Wendy to wake up, she can't imagine how the child will react.


When the door closed, and faint sounds of the steps were no longer heard outside, Seulgi turned around to walk closer to Irene's bed. She felt complicated. Irene was obviously not as calm as she presented herself.


"Irene, I … about Wendy-"


"Seulgi, can you hug me?" Irene's voice was so low, and her body shook a little.


"I-I got you." Seulgi wrapped the sitting woman in her embrace while standing beside the bed.


Not long after, she felt her shirt wet with tears. Irene was crying in her embrace, and Seulgi couldn't keep herself calm anymore. Following Irene, she was also breaking down in tears. Sobs after sobs were heard in the small room.


Irene was holding herself for Lily. She didn't cry in front of the cardiologist because she was afraid that if Lily came and notice her red eyes, the child would get worried, and it would be hard to convince the latter to follow her aunt for tonight.


Meanwhile, Seulgi was feeling sad for Irene. The woman had been keeping her sadness inside. Only both of them were aware of Wendy's secret. Irene didn't have anyone to vent her emotion but her.


"Seulgi." She heard Irene call her in between the sobs while gripping the back of her shirt tightly. The woman's hands trembled badly when she asked, "Will … will she ever wake up?"




Seulgi didn't know how to answer her question. But she knew Irene just needed emotional support to go through all these, and she wanted to give her that support.


"She will. Wendy will wake up soon."


Patting the older woman's shoulder, she added. "We will wait for her return together."


Irene nodded once, twice, before letting go of her shirt. When she saw the woman's face, she realized why the latter tried so hard not to break down before Lily's visit. That beautiful face was full of despair. The glow in her eyes dimmed just like how it used to be before she met Wendy. Once again, Seulgi was reminded about the importance of Wendy's existence in Irene's life.

Wendy was her hope. Her happiness.



Twenty-four hours had passed since then, but Wendy was still unconscious in her room. The patient's guardians were informed that one visitor was allowed to make a visit for 10 minutes every hour.


Wearing sterilized gowns and gloves, Irene stood behind Wendy's door. She couldn't bring her hand to twist the door's handle. Her feelings were all over the place, and she knew that she would fall apart once she saw her wife lying lifelessly with machines attached to her vitals inside. Just looking at her from the window already made her break down in tears. But she had to be strong. She had to see Wendy inside. She needed to be convinced that the woman was still breathing. So, she could hold on to her last string of hope that Wendy was still here in universe X.




Stepping inside, the more pungent smell of antiseptic hit her. Everything was decorated in white, and the sounds of the EKG machine was the only one that filled the room. It showed Wendy's weak heartbeats. Still alive but barely there.


Irene burst into tears once again. She couldn't bring herself to walk closer to see the younger woman whose life now

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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 28: I reread this again and realized that I never upvoted it 😳 I must've been so consumed with all these emotions with the way author-nim writes.

I also wanna say that I miss you author-nim!!!!!
1702 streak #2
Chapter 25: Re reading again because I missed Wenrene...
Chapter 28: I got reminded of this and decided to reread it. I swear this is one of the best WR story i had ever read. Going to reread mugunghwa next. Not me treating this like a series 😂
Chapter 1: re-reading again bec, i miss them sm
Chapter 28: I really love this story and i need read that extra chapter. But how??? 😭
Re-reading for the nth time already. I love this fic 🥺
Chapter 28: should i reread the crown mugunghwa??? btw thanks for another good story authornim, i would love to read that extra story but i'm confused how to do it hehe
Chapter 27: I at catching something and I can only guess it after 25 chapters 😭😭😭
Chapter 26: oh no, is Wendy going back to being a jerk??
Chapter 25: Okay, that means there is a possibility that 3 years ago Wendy's soul was swapped/exchanged/moved and now it's back again