Chapter 7

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Italic = Inner thoughts




After talking with Seulgi, Wendy hurried back in her working space. A small corner where her friend used to put her unused things. Wendy had cleaned the area priorly and put her low table there with a cushion to sit on the floor. It wasn't much, but enough for her to work properly without having constant back pain.


Initially, she wanted to finish re-writing one of her old novels, but she was shocked when she logged into her writing account and saw her notifications flooded with messages. A few readers sent a generous donation to her account. Some asked whether she considered working with a publishing company to publish her works because they saw Wendy's potential as a writer.


The young novelist was touched and replied earnestly to those readers about her future plan. She really wanted to look for a publishing company. In fact, it had been on her mind for a while, but unfortunately, she was very occupied with her work at Jang's restaurant from Monday to Saturday and her schedule to meet her daughter every Sunday.


One of the readers told her not to worry because it wasn't a secret that many publishers lurked on this writing platform to source for writers. The passionate reader believed that soon, they would notice Wendy since one of her stories claimed the top 3rd spot last month. Another reader suggested consistent updates to increase her weekly traffics. Wendy thought that what they said was worth trying. She usually updates her stories twice weekly, but she could try updating them daily. Boosted with newfound spirit, Wendy posted a new chapter tonight. A surprise for her kind readers.




Sunday came fast, and Wendy found herself waiting on the bench outside of the ice cream parlor. The young novelist liked ice cream too, especially mint choco. She had been obsessed with this flavor for a few years. Yet, she didn't know why because she used to despise this minty flavor. Maybe as she got older, she had a change in taste?


Seulgi told her that this ice cream parlor was quite famous in the city, so she was really excited to try their mint choco ice cream. Although the one she bought last time was flavorsome, she felt it lacked something. But she couldn't pinpoint what.


A few moments later, the three people she had been waiting for finally arrived. Wendy saw Lily holding Alba in her left hand while her other hand held Joy's. She looked adorable today, too, especially with pink ribbons on her pigtails. The young child still didn't dare to meet Wendy's eyes, but she greeted back when the young novelist said hello to her. Meanwhile, Joy looked uninterested, as usual.



Once they stepped inside, Wendy let Lily choose her ice cream flavor first. Mr. Go wasn't a big fan of ice cream, so he ordered his usual black coffee. On the other hand, Joy ordered the most expensive menu in the shop, just like the last time. The woman didn't even bat her eyes at the big 'buy 1 get 2 scoops' promotion and went straight for the dessert set that was enough to feed 2 adults. When everyone seemed pleased with their order, Wendy told the staff about her order. However, it raised a question from Joy.


"Mint choco? You like that toothpaste taste??"


Wendy pursed her lips. "What do you mean by toothpaste? Have you tried it?"


"Of course I have. It tastes like toothpaste."


"No, it's not." Wendy was getting defensive. She felt that this flavor held a special place in her heart. Although, she couldn't remember why.


"You can't change my mind."


"Are you su-"


Mr. Go quickly came between them, who was about to argue more about ice cream flavors. "The queue is quite long. Let's finish ordering quickly."


Wendy consciously glanced at the sudden queue behind them and was embarrassed that they saw her bickering with Joy.



They let Lily choose a table with The Lion King characters painted on top of it, and as usual, Wendy sat across the three of them.




The young novelist excitedly presented the gift she had hidden in a giant paper bag.


When Lily saw it, her brown eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "For Lily?!"


"Yes. Do you like it?"


Lily nodded eagerly, her eyes never leaving the toy set before her. Clearly, the young child was overjoyed, and Wendy couldn't help but feel relieved. She had asked one of her colleagues, who also had a small child. The kind auntie said that children nowadays like the Sylvanian family's sets. Wendy searched for it and was pleasantly surprised they had various rabbit family sets! Without thinking much, she bought the milk rabbit set for Lily.


A series of tapping sounds diverted Wendy's attention from her daughter. Joy intentionally knocked the table with her knuckles to gain her attention. So weird. The younger woman could've just called her name!


"Irene unnie wouldn't like it if you give her toys every time we meet. Try to gift her books like unnie does nowadays. Lily is going to join kindergarten next year. It'll be good if she can read fluently." Although Joy disliked Wendy, she paid attention to her niece's well-being.


"Ah .. yes, of course. I'll keep that in mind."


Wendy knew she shouldn't spoil children with toys, but she couldn't help it. The original owner missed out on being a good mother. Besides, what a child around Lily's age wants the most, if not toys? Do they secretly hope for Hanja Books*?? The young novelist frowned and thought, 'no, it can't be.'


"I like reading stories about animals."


For the first time, Lily told Wendy what she liked without the latter asking. It made Wendy feel extremely happy!


"Then, mommy will bring you books next time," The young novelist promised.


The young child eagerly nodded as her eyes shone with happiness. Wendy had to hold herself from pinching those fluffy cheeks. 'Whose daughter is this? My daughter!' Just like that, Wendy claimed Lily as her own child. She was weak with children afterall.


With a bright smile on her face, Wendy asked, "Now can Lily tell mommy about your rabbit doll collections? Mommy is curious."


The young child blinked before putting the rabbit toy set on an empty chair beside her. Then, she pulled some polaroids from her small pink bag. Those were photos of her collection that she captured with her Instax mini. A gift from her Mommy Irene for her 5th birthday this year.


"Oh, what are these?"


Wendy was surprised when she saw the polaroids. She didn't think a kid as small as Lily was this prepared. Lily was like an adult who came for a product presentation, and Wendy was her potential buyer!


"Did Lily take these photos?" The camera angles were weird, and sometimes small fingers were captured in those photos.


Nodding, Lily confirmed, "Mommy Irene taught Lily how to take pictures."


Lily then arranged the photos in a line before pointing at one with her small finger. "This is Mama Rabbit and her 5 babies. Mama rabbit wakes up at 5 every morning to help baby rabbits get ready for school, and this is baby rabbit number 1. Her name is …"


The young child explained her doll collections in detail, from their morning habit to what they do at the rabbit school. Naturally, as someone who makes a living from writing fiction, Wendy could tell that Lily had a great sense of imagination for children her age because she could make an exciting story about her doll collections.


Wendy couldn't help but think that Irene also must've been aware of their daughter's talent. That's why the latter tried to give more books to Lily, so it would help stimulate the young child's imagination and increase her reading comprehension at the same time.


'Irene is really a good mother. She takes care and pays attention to Lily well.' Wendy sighed in her heart. 'The original owner undeniably shared the same blood with Lily, but Irene is the one who showers her with love.'


When Lily finished introducing her collections, Wendy clapped proudly. She showered her daughter with praise and then asked a few questions to show the young child that she paid attention and was interested in her story. Of course, it made Lily gleeful, and a sweet smile engraved on her small lips. She loved it when people asked about her doll collections.



When their order came, Wendy spent her limited time getting to know Lily. She found that her daughter liked sweet food and drinks; her favorites are ice cream, strawberry milk & cake. Lily disliked sour food and had an extensive collection of rabbit dolls and toys in her room. The one she showed was only half of her collection. Apparently, Irene was quite generous in spending her money on toys. Wendy guessed that Irene must've also bought a giant bookshelf for Lily (yeah, she was right).


Thirty minutes had passed by, and it made Wendy sad. She wished she could talk longer with Lily. The young child was such a bright and obedient child. One that you wished to have as your daughter!


Wendy waved goodbye to the trio after insisting she wanted to give Irene a waffle set. Joy initially refused, saying that Irene didn't want anything from the young novelist, but Wendy was so persistent that she gave up.





Irene's house.


Once again, Irene sat in the living room waiting for her daughter. When the door opened, she was surprised to see an enormous toy set that almost hid Lily's tiny body.


"Mommy, look!"


Her daughter showed the toy set happily.


Irene sighed. "Is it from Mommy Wendy?"


"Uhm!" Lily nodded with a big smile on her face.


"I told Wendy to stop buying toys and give more books to her next time." Joy sat exhaustedly on the sofa beside Lily.


"Yes, Mommy Wendy promised to give me books next time we meet!"


An unsure smile grazed Irene's lips. "Hmm, is that so?" She didn't think that there would be a day when Wendy would spoil their daughter. She used to dream of it in the past but was unsure what to feel when it finally happened.


"Oh yeah, she bought you a waffle. I told her not to, but she was very insistent. What to do?"


"Throw it away," she replied absentmindedly.


"Mommy!" Lily gasped and looked at her mother seriously. "You can't waste food."


Irene's body froze. She forgot that Lily was still around and stiffly said, "Lily is right. Sorry."


Then she turned to her sister and asked, "Auntie Joy, could you please give it to your friend? I'm already full, but I can't waste food."


"Alright." Joy played along. Irene's answer was within her expectation anyway. Then she added in annoyance, "You know what, Unnie? Wendy likes mint choco. No wonder she has a bad personality!"


The young manager shook her head. "First, an ice cream flavor doesn't reflect someone's personality; second, she hates mint choco. You must be mistaken."


"Huh? No, I'm not ... Lily, tell your mommy."


Lily raised her two small fingers and said, "Mommy Wendy ordered two scoops of mint choco ice cream today, and she finished it quickly!" Her round eyes then blinked innocently.


"You believe me now, Unnie?"


"No way," Irene mumbled in disbelief with a slight frown on her face as an old memory resurfaced.


Her soon-to-be ex-wife once threw a tube of mint choco ice cream before her eyes. The one she bought to cheer Wendy up because of the sudden death of her parents. That night, Wendy angrily yelled at her for the first ti

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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 28: I reread this again and realized that I never upvoted it 😳 I must've been so consumed with all these emotions with the way author-nim writes.

I also wanna say that I miss you author-nim!!!!!
1692 streak #2
Chapter 25: Re reading again because I missed Wenrene...
Chapter 28: I got reminded of this and decided to reread it. I swear this is one of the best WR story i had ever read. Going to reread mugunghwa next. Not me treating this like a series 😂
Chapter 1: re-reading again bec, i miss them sm
Chapter 28: I really love this story and i need read that extra chapter. But how??? 😭
Re-reading for the nth time already. I love this fic 🥺
Chapter 28: should i reread the crown mugunghwa??? btw thanks for another good story authornim, i would love to read that extra story but i'm confused how to do it hehe
Chapter 27: I at catching something and I can only guess it after 25 chapters 😭😭😭
Chapter 26: oh no, is Wendy going back to being a jerk??
Chapter 25: Okay, that means there is a possibility that 3 years ago Wendy's soul was swapped/exchanged/moved and now it's back again