The Release Of The Official MV

The Adventure of Colored Fame
Apply, go go go!

Anyway, I still need to get colored outfits from AegyoAeyoung (Chaerin) and loveless_hikari_gx (Setsuna)!

For the next few days after Crayon finished filming and recording the MV, SM has been releasing the teasers one by one on their channel. Each time, the videos would go viral and receive tons of views and likes. Occasionally, the girls would go online to read the comments about them. Since they were not allowed to have any secret social networking accounts, they could not make their own Youtube account and use it to fight the hate comments. Hweri kept suggesting the idea, but the members would shake their head at her. The last teaser was finally posted and three days passed.. It was the day of the official release for their music video.

Crayon stood nervously in the tech room of the SM building, watching as the editors rewatched the video over and over again, checking for mistakes. Having to watch their video and dance over and over again, the members saw a couple mistakes that they made and were determined to fix it during their debut stage.
"Your arm's not high enough there," Chaerin pointed at the screen and looked at Sooyun, who rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly, acknowledging the mistake.
"Haejin.. more expression," Setsuna, the emotional vocalist, lectured the emotionless ice princess, who rolled her eyes in response.
"Really, Haejin.. Even if you have to lip-sync during the music video, you still need to put some effort into it.. Otherwise, it doesn't look believable."
"Okay, okay! Gosh," Haejin huffed and looked back at the screen.
"Girls, we're going to go home after this and rewatch our video a million times, noting each and every mistake so we can fix it. Okay?" Hweri raised an eye at the other members as they nodded.
"Okay," the editor interrupted their little lecture, "there aren't any more technical mistakes.. We're now preparing to release the MV online."
The editor looked over at the person in charge of all of SM's social networking pages, "Make a post on our official website and Faecbook to inform the netizens that we will be releasing the MV at 3 PM.
All members looked over at the clock. It was now 2:45 PM - 15 minutes before the MV will be up.
The social networking manager quickly typed something and clicked 'post', "Done...."
He paused for a while, "Likes and comments are already flooding in."
"Okay, until 3 PM arrives, you girls may have a break and get some water," Crayon's managers said.
Haejin, Hweri, and Setsuna sat down on the couch, not needing water.
"Psstt..." Sooyun whispered. The members' ears perked up.
"Let's go visit the trainees.."
The members smirked and walked out, one by one.
Once every member was out of the tech room, they ran to the practice room.

Bursting open the doors and interrupting the dance practice, 44 trainees turned around to see 6 familiar faces.
As usual, the trainees tackled the idols and beamed at them.
"We saw your teasers on Youtube!" Cho Kyu Rin jumped up and down excitedly
"Yeah! You 6 looked fantastic!~" Choi Joo Young patted Sooyun on the head approvingly.
"Thanks, thanks!~ Our official MV will be out in, like," Hweri checked her phone, "5 minutes."
 Chaerin gasped as she realized the time, "WE ONLY HAVE FIVE MINUTES LEFT. WE NEED TO GET BACK! LET'S GO!"
"IT WAS NICE SEEING YOU GUYS AGAIN!!" Carmie hollered as the 6 idols ran out the door, leaving the trainees bewildered.

"10.. 9," the girls were back in the tech room, watching as the video uploaded, "8.. 7...6.."
 Sooyun and Setsuna bit their bottom lip as everyone stared intensely at the comptuer screen.
"5.. 4.." the girls were tip-toeing from nervousness, "3..2.."
"ONE!" the video immediately finished uploading and there was already live link to it, meaning that the video was now up online.
After 5 minutes, the video already had 643 likes and 186 comments.
"Mission Debut.. SUCCESS!" the managers and staff high-fived the prideful girls, "We can go home now!"

Back in the dorm, the members sat in the living room with Carmie's laptop on the coffee table.
As promised, the girls were rewatching their video over and over again, looking for mistakes that could be fixed.
"Stand more to the left at that part," Chaerin lectured Setsuna as she gazed at the computer screen.
"We're not in-sync enough at this part!" Hweri pointed at the screen, noting every mistake.
"Okay, okay.. We'll fix it before the debut in 3 days," Haejin rolled her eyes at the rappers' paranoid instincts.
"Speaking of our debut.. Are you girls ready?" Hweri looked up from the screen.
The members slightly nodded their heads.
"Our fans are really giving us support! I think we'll make it through," Carmie smiled as she read the comments, causing the other members to smile back.
"What should our fanclub name be...?" Setsuna remembered how Crayon didn't have a fanclub name.
"Mmmm.. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple.. Sounds like a rainbow to me," Chaerin tapped her chin in thought.
"Our fanclub name will be 'Rainbow' and each of us will have our own fan color. If someone likes certain members of Crayon, they'll choose those colors to be their fan colors. If they like all of us, then they're a 'Rainbow'!~" Sooyun thoughtfully suggested.
Hweri chuckled, "Since when was our maknae so intelligent..?" Sooyun stuck her tongue out at the teasing leader.
 "Yeah.. It actually sounds appropriate and relevant," Haejin smiled for the first time in a long time, causing everyone to look at her.
"We'll go tell the managers of our suggestion tomorrow," Chaerin did a peace-sign and clicked on the 'replay' button of the video.
"Watch it again! There may be some mistakes that we missed," Hweri demanded as she looked back down at the laptop. The members groaned in agony.

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hihi~ Annie~ didn't know you had a username change too~
but so did i! it's.... bunnyxwarrior, ilovepeachbooboo, luminousstardust... and now seaofstars. lol
KpopAddict28 #2
Chapter 65: Aw what happend to Haejin :(
Shes my Favorite in the story !! :)
And I Love Your Story Super Nice !!
loveless_hikari_gx #3
Chapter 65: Poor haejin
It a good thing crayons got there
I wonder how all of crayons oppas will react :o
Chapter 65: It's good that Haejin didn't fight, it might have caused a lot of trouble. But those sasaeng fans are getting it from me. >:)
Chapter 65: omg... poor Haejin!! *huggles*
i'm glad that she took the blows and reminded herself that she was an idol.
but seriously though, if she weren't an idol, i'm sure she could have taken all of them on!!
now wonder what the company will do and hope that the comeback will be pushed back so she can heal. :O

but yay for more love for haejin~
AegyoAeyoung #6
Chapter 65: Ohhhhhh Haejin is strong because if that was me, those girls were going down XP
great update :D
Keep up the good work :3
loveless_hikari_gx #7
poor haejin trying to control her inner fangirl..
the director is evil!
i wonder if those fangirls will recongise Haejin
Chapter 64: omgomg... shiet's gonna go down! shiet's gonna go down!
please be safe haejin!!
omg... if shiet's gonna do down again, then... things are not gonna look good at all!! :O