You're My Oppa - Idol Version; Ep3 - Part 1

The Adventure of Colored Fame

The point of this chapter and possibly the next few chapters is to show you the daily practice routine of Crayon and what they do during special sessions.


I apologize for my lack of updates! I've recently started a new story: Only Fate Knows
It's a Kris fanfic.... so if you like Kris, then yeah.
If you want, you can go ahead and check it out... Possibly even subscribe?

Date: March 18th, 2012
Time: 7:50 A.M.
Location: Crayon's Practice Room - Gangnam District, Seoul


Several large vans pulled up in front of the white, two-story building all at once. As you can guess, these vans belonged to the idol groups who played the roles of 'oppa' in the TV show 'You're My Oppa'.
Chaerin was the first to jump out of the van and she tackled the nearest fellow member, Setsuna.

"EONNI-AH, I MISSED YOUUUUU!" Chaerin pretended to bawl emotionally as she clutched onto Setsuna's sweatshirt.

"Idiot.. We were only seperated for a day," Setsuna rolled her eyes, knowing that the latter was just kidding around.

"I know," she chimed and proceeded to drag the elder into their practice room.
The members of EXO and BtoB raised their eyebrows suspiciously.

"I see some ChaeSuna action going on there," Chanyeol whispered to Kris, who smacked the back of his head and followed the others into the building, leaving the younger dumbfounded.

"Did I say something wrong?" he pouted and ran to catch up with the rest of EXO.



The girls were dressed casually, in sweats/shorts and sweatshirts/t-shirts. They knew better than to wear skirts and dangly clothing with cloaks of makeup. Since their first dance practice together, the 6 girls had decided to wear only comfortable clothing and no makeup at all - and their decision worked wonders. Instead of fussing over their uncomfortable clothing and sweaty, smeared makeup, they could focus on the dancing alone and learn the moves quickly.

The practice room was crowded today, despite the size of the large room. There were 7 bands stuffed inside, each band consisting of at least 5 members. BtoB sat in a corner, next to the small mountain of duffel bags that the girls had created, and chatted leisurely with eachother. EXO and SHINee, who were fellow SM labelmates, stood in another corner and played random games while Infinite formally introduced themselves to their sunbaes, 2PM. Crayon stood in the center of the room, stretching and preparing for the practice session.

Crayon's managers - Chang Hee and Min Ah - and instructors - Yong Jo and Hee Sok - walked in through another door and stood in front of the 7 bands and bowed simultaneously.

"Greetings to Crayon's oppas: BtoB, EXO, Infinite, SHINee, and 2PM! You are all very lucky to be chosen as the oppas of Crayon, and as this TV show progresses, you'll understand why you are so lucky!" Chang Hee spoke first, "The purpose of this TV show is for each Crayon member to learn something from her oppas and to improve her flaws. I hope that you all will be able to be a good influence and role model to Crayon." Then, he began clapping his hands after the mini speech, and everyone joined in.
Once the clapping died down, Min Ah stepped forward and smiled.

"He," she gestured to the male that just spoke, "is Jo Chang Hee, and I am Yu Min Ah. We are Crayon's managers."
"Park Yong Jo and Lee Hee Sok," Min Ah gestured to the two figures standing behind her, "are Crayon's instructors."

Onew took initiative and stepped forward, bowing to the four seniors, "It's very nice to meet you. We are all very grateful to receive this role as Crayon's oppas."
Chang Hee smiled approvingly at the leader of SHINee and turned to face the center of attention: Crayon.

"5 minutes before dancing warm-up starts, girls! Start prepping yourself," Yong Jo announced, and the girls immediately scattered to stretch and prepare for their first dance of the day.

Soon, the girls got into their positions. The male instructor, Yong Jo, plugged the black iPod into the speaker system and pressed play. Every male in the room immediately recognized the melody.

Crayon - History

EXO resisted the temptation to jump in and randomly join the girls. They secretly and mentally danced along with Crayon. When the song ended, the 6 male bands clapped enthusiastically. Yong Jo decided that the girls passed the dance section of their warm-up and decided to move onto the vocal warm-ups.
(A/N; The girls do this same dance everyday, and their instructors decide if they 'pass' or 'fail'. If they slack off and fail, they have to do the dance over and over again until they get it right. Hence, they are diciplined.)

"Sooyun, give me an A4#," the female instructor, Hee Sok, called out. Immediately, a rich A4# poured out of the maknae's mouth. The males stood there, not understanding what happened. The girls sang their chords, and the notes progressively got higher and higher until even Sooyun could no longer sing them, and for notes to be too high for Sooyun, they'd have to be quite high.

Finally, their warm-ups were done, and Crayon sat on the benches like docile children, waiting for their instructors to give them their next order.

"Crayon, run your set," Min Ah smiled secretively and scrolled down the iPod's playlist as the girls got into formation for the first song of their set.

Crayon - Color Your World (Mini-Debut Album)

They danced and sang the three songs from their debut album, and although they weren't performing this to the public, they still gave it their all. Once they finished their last song, Shady Girl, they plopped down on their and rested for a couple minutes. Although they were not panting heavily, they were still very tired from performing the same songs over and over again for the past month.

"I've got great news for you girls," Min Ah skipped over to the girls, a clipboard in her left hand a pen in her right. The girls looked up at their manager, who often acted more like a sister than a manager.

"Tonight will be the last night you girls perform that set again for a while!" the manager chirped excitedly. Crayon stared at her dumbfoundedly.

".. Meaning that tonight will be Crayon's goodbye stage... and that you girls will be getting new songs," Chang Hee joined Min Ah, a proud smile plastered onto both of their faces. The 6 females literally jolted up, off the floor, and pranced around like excited unicorns.

"NEW SONGS! WEEEEEEEEEE," Chaerin tackled Hweri, causing both of them to topple over and fall on eachother. Hweri didn't mind, though. She was just as excited as Chaerin.

"Chaerin theemth to pair with every member.. Now we have the RiRin couple," Sehun observed his dongsaeng carefully and whispered to Kai.

Unfortunately, Chaerin heard Sehun and glared at him, "You pair with every member, too! Especially with Luhan-oppa! Pfft, HunHan couple!"

"Is that what our fangirls call us? HunHan?" Luhan appeared out of nowhere, cheesily grinned, and swung an arm around Sehun.


Haejin shook her head, a small smile perking at her lips as she watched Sooyun, Setsuna, and Carmie celebrate by holding eachother's hands and spinning in circles.

"Congratulations to the six of you! You've officially finished promoting your first album!" Yong Jo laughed and put his arms around Hweri and Haejin, who was too happy to refuse the hug. Crayon's oppas smiled and clapped, celebrating the successful promotion of 'Color Your World'. After a couple minutes of prancing and laughing, Chang Hee cleared his throat and the room fell silent once again.

"Most bands get a period of hiatus after a successful promotion, but unfortunately, you girls will not be receiving a break," he spoke with a sad smile, earning a couple tired groans from the girls, "Instead, Crayon will immediately start preparing for a comeback coming two-to-three months from now."

The male idols felt bad for these 6 girls. They had first-hand experience at the hardships of promoting, so they knew that having no breaks was going to be hard on these females.

"It's shouldn't even be considered a comeback if we don't get to rest...." Hweri rebutted stubbornly.

"Sorry, girls. Crayon is on high-demand right now, so there's no time for a hiatus," Min Ah patted Hweri on the back as Chaerin let out a soft sigh of exhaustion, "But the good news is that you will be learning two of your new songs today!"
The eyes of the females lit up like lightbulbs as their confidence was restored once again.

Min Ah, who was formerly sitting next to Hweri, stood up and confronted the males, "Now I must say that Crayon is a remarkable band, and after today, you males will understand why."

Hee Sok proceeded to inform the girls about their next album, "Your newest album is going to be a full album, consisting of at least 4 group-songs and 4 other tracks. Sooyun and Setsuna will each get a solo while Hweri, Chaerin, Haejin, and Carmie will get a variety of different song combinations to choose from. Two songs have already been chosen for this album and the rest shall be determined by the 6 of you."

"Today is your lucky day, Infinite, SHINee, EXO, BtoB, and 2PM. You will be amongst the first people to ever hear Crayon's new songs before they've even been released! Sooyun shall give us a preview of two of the songs."

Min Ah approached Sooyun and placed the clipboard that she was holding into the latter's hands. The clipboard contained music sheets and Sooyun understood what the manager wanted. As the maknae walked over to the piano, she quickly scanned and deciphered each sheet of music notes. Everyone was silent and stared her down as she approached the piano bench and sat down.

"Ah... I understand the theme," she smiled softly at her manager after taking a peek at the two songs, "Both of these songs are in the minor scale.... So this new album is going to be a dark one, isn't it?"
Hee Sok laughed and nodded her head, gesturing for Sooyun to start playing.
She looked at her fellow bandmates uneasily. It wasn't often that Sooyun played for more than 10 people at a time, nonetheless her favorite idols. Hweri gave her a reassuring smile, emboldening the maknae.

"Just sit back, relax, and watch the girls work their magic," Yong Jo whispered, loud enough for the other males to hear.

(A/N; Of course, this will not be recorded or broadcasted. They don't want the public knowing about the album too soon!)

Sooyun took a deep breath, placed her hands on the black and white piano keys, took a glance at the first music sheet, and began to play a saddening melody.
(A/N; I didn't really like any of the piano covers out there, but this was the one that was the best... You might wanna turn down your speakers because the sound is really strong. Also, throughout the song, Sooyun will sing a few lines as she is playing.. like the beginning, she'll probably be saying, "I don't wanna cry. Please dry my eyes. I'm feeling down. Without you, I'm falling down.")

Although she was nervous and had shaky fingers, she eventually relaxed and the melody became smooth and silky.

By the time she finished the piece, her brain had begun to ignore her surroundings, letting her focus solely on the piano and melody, and making her forget the presence of everyone else in the practice room. Sooyun flipped the music sheets, moving onto the next song. Again, she took a brief second to review the notes. Then, her fingers grazed along the keys of the piano and she began to play the second melody.

This song was much more powerful and emotional, so the maknae had to play extremely vigorously at times and extremely soft at other times.

When Sooyun finished, she had completely forgotten that she was not playing alone, and was brought back to reality when she heard a round of applause. Jokingly, she bowed, laughed softly, and sat back down on the leathery piano bench.

"She might even be a better pianist than I," Sunggyu whispered to Woohyun, who nodded understandingly.

"The two songs that Sooyun just played are titled 'Alone' and 'Cry Cry'," Min Ah revealed, "The first song, 'Alone', will be the new album's title track. 'Cry Cry' will be track number two on the album. The rest of the album shall be filled with whatever songs you choose, girls. You can have as many songs as you want, but there must be at least 8 songs."

"Well," Carmie spoke softly, twirling her hair, "there's a song that Sooyun, Hweri, and I composed together... We've taught it to the other girls as well."

Hee Sok raised an eyebrow, "Is that so..? Show it to me."

"They compose songs as well..?" Minhyuk asked Eunkwang, who shrugged in response.

Hweri hustled over to the small mountain of duffel bags, ped her own, and pulled out her songbook before flipping through its contents and handing it over to the female instructor. Sooyun and Carmie pulled out their own songbooks and showed the other members the same song.

"Interesting... Play it for me, will you?"

Xiumin's eyes curiously followed the girls as they ran to another room. Turns out, that room was full of equipment because they soon emerged with all sorts of different instruments: drums, guitars, violins, and even a cello.
The girls placed down whatever they were holding and quickly began to set up the drumset.

"Chaerin, crash cyms go here - not there!" Hweri corrected the Aegyo queen's mistake and quickly assembled the bass drum and its pedal. The males softly chuckled at the bickering females who were making a fuss about where to put what. Carmie, Chaerin, Setsuna, Haejin, and Hweri each grabbed a Tom drum and placed them ontop of their stands. Faster than expected, the drumset was assembled and all the other instruments were put into place.

A chair was placed in front of each instrument that required one: cello, drum, and guitars. Soon enough, Crayon looked like an authentic band who was ready to play their own songs live.

"You girls remember how the song goes, right?" Hweri, who sat in front of the drums, asked - earning a nod from each member, "Then please excuse my poor drumming skills. I'm still learning to how to play."

Chaerin softly smiled as she ran her fingers along the wood of the cello, "Remember how you said that we work our magic, Chang Hee oppa?"

She took a pause, "Well, relax because the magic show's about to start now."

Five pairs of female eyes looked over at Sooyun, waiting for her to signal the cue. Her eyes looked down at the black and white keys on the piano. Then, she began to play.

3 seconds into the song, Chaerin began to play along with her cello. Soon, a soft, soothing voice began to pour out of Sooyun's mouth. It was so perfect that it sounded as if it was recorded in a studio and edited multiple times.


Haru jongil ni saenggakman hada ga
Chaerin stops playing cello. Piano solo by Sooyun.

Han ga dak nunmuri, meotdaero jureureuk heureunda


Georeum georeum ni moseubi bal byeoseo

Ireul hada gado, nado moreuge tto heureunda

Setsuna softly begins to play her violin along with Chaerin and her cello + Carmie and her guitar.


(ohh oh oh oh ohh) noraereul bulleo do

(ohh oh oh oh ohh) georireul georeo do

(ohh oh oh oh ohh) ontong ni saenggak ppun inde


Neodo, na cheoreom ireohke apeunji
                                                                             (Ooo, oo, ooo, oo, ooo)
Hweri begins to play on the drums

Neodo, na cheoreom nunmul na neunji

Neodo, haru jongil ireohke

Chueoke saneunji, oh kkok na cheoreom


Eokjirado useul il cham manheunde
Carmie and Haejin begin playing on the guitar

Taeyeob inhyeong cheoreom, ju eojin il cheoreom utneun da


(ohh oh oh oh ohh) tv reul boa do
(ohh oh oh oh ohh) chingureul ana do
(ohh oh oh oh ohh) ontong ni saenggak ppun inde


Neodo, na cheoreom ireohke apeunji
                                                                                           (Ooo, oo, ooo, oo, ooo)

Neodo, na cheoreom nunmul na neunji

Neodo, haru jongil ireohke

Chueoke saneunji, oh kkok na cheoreom


Mae ireul useu nikka

Utneun moseub man boyeo ju nikka naega, haengbok han julman ana bwa

Eotteohke useo naega, eotteohke useo, niga eobt neunde
Sooyun stops playing the piano to sing the high notes.


Useo do useo do, nunmuri tto heulleo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Resumes playing piano.


Neodo, na cheoreom ireohke apeunji
                                                                                           (Ooo, oo, ooo, oo, ooo)

Neodo, na cheoreom nunmul na neunji

Neodo, haru jongil ireohke

Chueoke saneunji, oh~~~~

kkok na cheoreom


And slowly, the 6 girls ended the song with Haejin playing the last couple of notes on her guitar and Setsuna playing the last note of the song on her violin.

It was silent for a full 10 seconds before Sunggyu began to clap. Soon, everyone clapped along with him.

"Bravo, Crayon. Bravo. That was amazing. The song sounds like it was recorded in a studio or something. It's so perfect," Onew's mouth dropped like there was a weight attached to it, and the girls blushed madly.

"So what do you think, seongsaengnim?" Hweri turned to face Hee Sok, who nodded approvingly.

"That was far more than just perfect. How can possibly I turn down such a song?" the instructor wrote something down on her clipboard, "That shall be your third track then!"

"I finally understand what you meant when you said that Crayon was a remarkable band.. I've never seen any girl band this talented before," Sungjae gaped.
All through the song, all the males had an eargasm just listening to this beautiful work of art. It was rare to find a band that sounded this good live, and the eargasm that they experienced proved that Crayon was one of those bands.

Sooyun giggled, "That's not the end of what Carmie-eonni, Hweri-eonni, and I have created... We have an entire songbook full of original songs."

"Really?!" Wooyoung's eyes widened in excitement as he discovered his inner fanboy, "Show us more!"
The oppas nodded in agreement, eager to hear more of the girls' talents.

"More than gladly~"

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hihi~ Annie~ didn't know you had a username change too~
but so did i! it's.... bunnyxwarrior, ilovepeachbooboo, luminousstardust... and now seaofstars. lol
KpopAddict28 #2
Chapter 65: Aw what happend to Haejin :(
Shes my Favorite in the story !! :)
And I Love Your Story Super Nice !!
loveless_hikari_gx #3
Chapter 65: Poor haejin
It a good thing crayons got there
I wonder how all of crayons oppas will react :o
Chapter 65: It's good that Haejin didn't fight, it might have caused a lot of trouble. But those sasaeng fans are getting it from me. >:)
Chapter 65: omg... poor Haejin!! *huggles*
i'm glad that she took the blows and reminded herself that she was an idol.
but seriously though, if she weren't an idol, i'm sure she could have taken all of them on!!
now wonder what the company will do and hope that the comeback will be pushed back so she can heal. :O

but yay for more love for haejin~
AegyoAeyoung #6
Chapter 65: Ohhhhhh Haejin is strong because if that was me, those girls were going down XP
great update :D
Keep up the good work :3
loveless_hikari_gx #7
poor haejin trying to control her inner fangirl..
the director is evil!
i wonder if those fangirls will recongise Haejin
Chapter 64: omgomg... shiet's gonna go down! shiet's gonna go down!
please be safe haejin!!
omg... if shiet's gonna do down again, then... things are not gonna look good at all!! :O