
30 day OTP challenge (EXO)


Day 4.


Baekyeol (little KaiLu)


Context: Baekyeol and KaiLu are out altogether eating sushi.


On a date~


“Chanyeol that’s too_”


“Jongin! We’re in public!”

Baekhyun tried to warn the taller boy beside him when he grabbed a gigantic piece of sushi and squished into his mouth. Jongin decided that the most discrete way to tell him that he looked non-intelligent was to shout loud enough for the whole of Seoul to hear the he looked like an idiot, while Luhan poked his side reminding him that he was being inappropriate.

Chanyeol whose face was stuffed did his best to chew without chocking on the rice or bust his mouth open. Baekhyun did his best not to laugh.


Jongin and Luhan had been dating for almost a year, and they had, for just about a year, been trying to get their friends to hook up as well, that is of course Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

This was the third time they had brought them along on a date, and they seemed to get along pretty well.

Only Luhan had a very clear problem with Chanyeol always acting like a naïve kid, and Jongin was getting fed up from Baekhyun’s nervous teenage girl show.

But all in all, the two, Baekhyun and Chanyeol, were okay just taking it slow, they kinda both knew they liked the other, and the chemistry was there, but for now it was enough to just laugh their asses off with Jongin and Luhan.

And they did! They had to go to a different restaurant every time, since the owner of the previous one rarely let them visit twice. They were loud and childish and scared off the other customers with their loud laughter’s.

But they had a hell of time together, even if it was only three dates.


The first one hadn’t really been a date, more like “Oh hey Luhan and Jongin both brought their best friend” kind of situation.

Then in the following days, Luhan had started to imply that Chanyeol sure was good looking… all while Jongin had kept mentioning how cute Baekhyun was. Chanyeol, being his indiscrete self didn’t hide that he actually thought Baekhyun was really cute, whereas Baek himself was a bit more restrained even though he had admitted that he was really funny loads of times.


“YAAA_” Luhan squealed when Jongin poked his side back in revenge.

“I’ll tell Chanyeol he looks stupid if I want to!”

“YA! I DOMTH!” Chanyeol exclaimed with his mouth still half stuffed and Baekhyun couldn’t help but giggle. Luhan noticed how Baekhyun covered his mouth as he giggled and blushed slightly as well, and when their eyes met Luhan couldn’t help but blink warmly at him, just to let Baekhyun know that it was totally okay that he liked the tall choking guy, and Baekhyun seemed to get the message.

“Do I look thupit?” Chanyeol turned to Baekhyun and pointed dead seriously at his own face, which didn’t really make Baekhyun answer but rather crack up and cover his face while he was laughing. This of course had the entire table laugh as well and Chanyeol couldn’t help but glance at the shorter boy shortly as his cheeks were heating up from the laughter.

“No, no you look like a real genius” Baekhyun patted Chanyeol’s shoulder as he tried to put an end to the laughter, without success.

The rest of the evening went so quickly, they ate till they were stuffed but it took a while since they were busy laughing and joking around most of the time.

They had been talking about going for a movie, but agreed that they were all way too tired for that, so instead they just went to Jongin and Luhan’s place.


Jongin was driving and Luhan was on the seat beside him, leaving Baekhyun and Chanyeol on the backseat which Luhan had ‘accidently’ filled up with loads of useless things, meaning that the two had to sit really close to even fit in there.

“Uh.. Baekhyun?” Chanyeol almost whispered, obviously not wanting to be heard by anyone but Baekhyun.


“I was thinking uh..”


“Maybe you… would.. well go out with me some time… like without Jongin and wife?”

Baekhyun giggled tiredly and looked down at his hands lying flat on his thigh.

“I’d like that” He smiled to himself, but Chanyeol noticed and smiled widely as well.


“So you tw_ Awwwww”

“What?” Jongin poked Luhan trying his best to keep his eyes on the road while still wanting to know what Luhan was girling over on the backseat… that was until he got to look in the rearview mirror and his eyes met two sleeping boys leaning their heads towards one another while their fingers were tightly entwined. 


AN: I dunno... I felt like writing crack, I'm just not that good at it but wtf right? ^^'

Actually I've been wanting to write this for a while, i made it up one time when me and my cousins were out for Sushi ^3^

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Chapter 30: omg>.<
Such a hot ending with Kray h!!! *drool*
Those two give me too much feels!
Chapter 30: aww~ hot ending and y moment. Kray are so hot. perfect. i love it ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 29: Yay! Kray's a'comin soon
dwiananing #4
Chapter 28: kailu so cute hehehe
CandyCaramelxx #5
Chapter 29: awwwwwww!!!
darksanctuary #6
Chapter 27: Cute lukai!
poor others eyes xD
peanut133 #7
Chapter 25: When it's about something hot it's definitely about Kray