
The Chronicles of a Dreamer

Suho watched as Naeun turned away, she was starting for the counter.


Before Naeun could leave without consideration,Suho stood up, “Do you have any plans tomorrow?”  he called out from where he stood. There. She stopped and turned around.


Before all else, that was his initial plan, though, he knew that getting her consent wouldn’t be easy. She wasn’t easy at all, he knew that. Why would she agree in the first place?


Uncertain of Naeun’s answer, it was still worth a try.


This girl is full of surprises. Her unforeseeable actions had a lot to do with it . She’s different.


“Yes” She said. “As a matter of fact I do. I have work.” Naeun faced him. Simply nothing but the truth. She’d be here all day tomorrow. For new coffee promotions would begin.


Suho looked as if in contemplation, as if he were coming up with every possible way... she saw it in his face. The way he looked to the side and furrowed his brows. He definitely was.


The bells on the door chimed, signaling the arrival of a customer. Naeun averted her attention to the stranger. She took one last look at Suho who was still in thought before she tended to the waiting customer.


As she worked on the man’s order, she could see Suho from the corner of her eye. What is he still doing here? She thought. After Naeun handed the customer his coffee, she went around the counter and dusted her hands on her apron. She leaned back against the counter with her arms crossed. It’s about time to close up and he’s still here, go figure. She blew a strand of hair away from her face.


Suho was ready to leave, it was already eight and he was about to pass out. Maybe, next time? Yeah, maybe another time. Suho decided that he’d save his little plan for another day.


He stood up, looking like a complete mess. “It’s getting a little late,” Suho said. He rubbed the back of his neck as he looked at her with uncertainty. “I should probably hit the stacks...But, if there ever is a time that you’re free, let me know.” He beamed his perfect white smile before waving goodbye and exiting the shop.


Naeun raised a brow and watched him go, “I wouldn’t count on that.” she said as soon as the door closed, leaving her alone in the cafe to close up.


Suho arrived home safely. Upon the first two steps through his front door, came this feeling. He’s never wanted to be in his bed so bad, even being downstairs, he heard it call him. Suho trudged up the stairs with his eyes half closed.


Suho reached his room in no time. He plopped onto the bed without changing out of his clothes, ready to drift any minute now, slowly falling deeper and deeper...

but that was until the annoying buzz of his cell phone went off.


His eyes shot open as he felt the phone in his pocket. “Ughh!” He moaned in annoyance. He quickly pulled it out to see who was calling... Suho mentally cursed at the sight as he pressed ‘ignore’ and shut his phone off. He slid his phone under a pillow hoping never to be disturbed again. Suho then was able to close his eyes and hope for a better tomorrow. His day off, yes.


The shop was buzzing with customers. Naeun hadn’t expected the new promoted flavor to bring about such a craze. It was just her and her co-worker Minji today. Had they known that this promotion would cause quite a stir, they would have asked the other to come in and help.


“Naeun, what to do?” Minji looked at Naeun with fretful eyes. They stared at the growing line of customers in front of them.


Naeun took in a deep breath and shrugged her shoulders. Unlike, Minji, Naeun approached the situation emotionlessly. “ Get to work, I guess.”


They took turns behind the counter, brewing coffee, milking, and topping the drinks. Their shift felt tireless.


Suho woke up in the morning feeling on top of the world. He got up out of bed and stretched his arms over his head. He quickly glanced at his wall clock , oh it’s just noon, WAIT...

HOLY COW it’s already noon! It was then that he realized it was his day off, he calmed down.


He honestly didn’t know what he’d do for the day. His favorite nephew would be at school, his sister would be at work... Suho then felt pathetic, lonely, and BORED.


Suho wasn’t friendless though. He had friends back in the city, back when he lived in Seoul.  But he left them all when he moved into this small town for a better life, meaning, he didn’t want to waste his time in living hell with his parents. But there was still hope for him in this little town.


Suho showered, got changed and left his house. Parking was tight near the coffee shop so he parked across the street by the local market. He wondered why until he came across the large banner on the shop windows that read, in large letters, ‘One day Promotion! Buy one get one free’ They’re promoting a new flavor? I got to see this.


However, as he approached the shop, he couldnt help but notice the endless line of people. He made his way through the crowd and peered through the windows of the cafe. There was Naeun, she was taking orders while the other made the coffee.


Suho thought about it a little bit, seeing that there were only two workers. Before he knew it, he pushed through the people and made it inside.


Suho nonchalantly cut the next person in line and leaned forward on the counter. Naeun was looking down at the screen , unaware of the next person.


“How may I hel-” Naeun paused as she looked up. “What do you want?”


“Hi, Naeun. How’s your day so far?” Suho asked brightly. Naeun rolled her eyes , Are you serious?


“Look Joonmyun, if you want small talk, go find someone else. Don’t you see you’re holding up the line? There’s a lot of work to do here.” Naeun told him seriously.


“Well if that’s the case, how can I help?” Suho asked earnestly.


“I don’t need your help.” Naeun said with imprudence. Son Naeun, always so stubborn.


“Think again.” Suho said as he gestured toward the crowd behind him. Naeun couldn’t deny it, it was quite overwhelming. Now wasn’t the right time to be stubborn.


Minji on the other hand had heard their little exchange of words and came up behind Naeun, “We need your help. ” She said with desperate eyes.


Naeun exhaled, “Fine, grab an apron.” She told him.


“I figured.” Suho beamed at Naeun and she made a face.  


Suho eventually moved out of the way allowing Naeun to continue.


“Welcome aboard! Here’s your apron.” Minji said and tossed him a green apron. “Now, to get started, Naeun will label the cups and hand them to you. All you need to do is dispense the coffee from the machine into the cups and I’ll take it from there. We’ll work like an assembly line.”


Things were working out. Though the line continued to grow, having Suho there made the environment less stressful somehow.


Suho really got into it. Minji eventually allowed Suho to handle adding the needed components.


He was in the midst of making a cool design with the milk when he heard something of a troublesome manner.


“I want my damn drink!” An older man, looking in his late forties yelled at, causing a commotion.


“Sir, we don’t sell alcoholic beverages. This is a coffee shop.” Naeun responded maturely.


“Take over a bit, will you?” Suho told Minji so that he could check out the scene.


“I waited almost half an hour to buy a beer!” He said angrily. This man reeked of alcohol, even Suho could smell it where he stood.


“I understand but we don’t have any.” She said. The man slammed a fist on the counter. Naeun slightly flinched, yet keeping her composure. The man was about to open his mouth again before Suho intervened.


“I’m sorry Sir but I’ll have to ask you to leave. You obviously already have had too many drinks and I can call the cops on you for disrupting peace. They’ll find you intoxicated and let’s hope you’re not driving home. We wouldn’t want that, now would we?”


The man stared at him, totally disoriented by Suho’s words, and gulped. The drunk shook his head  and left the premises immediately.


Now that was quite impressive, Naeun had to admit. Hadn’t Suho meddled, Naeun wouldn’t know what she’d do. She would have probably thrown water at the older man’s face. Serves him right.


Suho then turned to Naeun, “I’ll take over .” He said. He didn’t give Naeun anytime to refute because by the time she had anything to say, Suho had already asked the next person for their order. From watching Naeun, he totally had the hang of this.


At the back, Naeun and Minji were busy preparing the drinks. “Your friend is quite the charmer.” Minji nudged Naeun.


“He’s not my friend.” She said.


“Oh really? From what I see, you two obviously know each other and you guys are on a first name basis. He totally saved your from getting harassed by some drunk. Now tell me, is that not what you call a friend?” Minji asked.


“No.” Naeun answered. Minji grimaced at Naeun’s denial. Naeun may have said no but she felt otherwise. Everything Minji said was true yet, Naeun just wanted to deny everything.



The people lessened and lessened up to the point that customers only came in every 20 minutes or so. The three were able to take a break.


Suho started to wipe tables, Naeun took out the trash, and Minji went out back to take a smoke.


After a long day, Suho took a seat in one of the tables. I’ll just rest my head a bit, he told himself. ‘A bit’ turned into ‘a while’. Suho was fast asleep with his cheek resting on his arms.


Minji left by the time Naeun came back inside. It was just her and Suho again.


Naeun brushed her hands on her apron and looked around the shop for him. Just when she thought he had left, she spotted a figure with his head down on the table.


She chuckled to herself and shook her head. She wouldn’t blame him. He did help out. A LOT, quite actually.


Curiosity lead her to his side. Naeun found herself looking at him. She kneeled on the ground beside the table where he slept.


“Your friend is quite the charmer.”  Naeun remembered what Minji had said earlier.


Suho had the fairest complexion, not a single pore. His lips were slightly opened as he breathed out silently. His jawline, not too sharp, not too flat. Heck, he wasn’t that too bad in the eyes. Not at all. Almost all his features were perfect. How could she have not noticed.


Naeun was entranced  in pure fascination. She began to trace the contours of the sleeping man’s nose, stopping on the tip.


Suho crinkled his nose and started to wake up. In panic, Naeun stood up fast and cleared . Her colorless cheeks were now paintede red. Suho yawned and rubbed his eyes.


She turned herself away  immediately with her heart racing. She put a hand on her chest and took a deep breath, releasing it with a slight chuckle.


Suho watched her back and smiled to himself. Yep, he was totally aware of what just happened.

He stood up, “ What a way to spend my day off. It was fun.” Suho tried to break the silence, “ Anyways I should get going.” he said as he scratched the back of his head.


Naeun turned around, “Oh, yeah. Alright.” She said and reclaimed her blank expression.


“I guess I’ll see you around!” Suho said with that signature smile.


In a small town like this, “Of course you will” she let him know.


As soon as Suho left, never once had Naeun questioned the world so intensely. Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?... you get the point.


Her world was changing but so was she. Could it be ever since the handsome newcomer entered her life?



Hey subbies and readers! Okay, I apologize for taking FOREVER for each chapter. But I have great news! I'll be updating more frequently after my finals are over. I'll get better at this, dont worry. So, hooray!!! I'll make it up to you, okay? Anyways, thanks for all the support for being so understanding, I'm really grateful. ^^ 

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k_nana #1
Chapter 32: Hello authornim. I've read a few of ur works so far n loved them n reading this one , i can't help but think that u might discontinue?? I hope not, but if that was the case, then good luck to ur other fictions:)
AUTHORNIM HI I love you <3333
Chapter 32: wow,, it has been a long time, right?

will minjun be her shelter?
I love this fic!! Please update soon <3 Fighting!!
Chapter 31: OMG!!!!!! thats all i can say after reading this
please update soon!!!!
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful.... i love it.
Does Naeun have any disease due to the constant headache n nosebleed???
Update again soon~!
Chapter 30: I hope naeun is okay.....
Chapter 29: wahhh is he gonna make a move. wooo I love this story so much. I almost forgot what it was until I re read the foreword but this is seriously awesome. thank you. ☆
Chapter 29: YAY!!!!! so happy to hear from you!!! I'm so glad that I didn't unsubscribe this story cuz I really wanna read the progress between Suho and Naeun :)