
The Chronicles of a Dreamer

Ever since the day of the promotion, the two had not really much of an interaction. Suho would still drop by cafe before work to 'say hi' daily but leave the shop with his cafe latte and image of Naeun's expressionless face.


Suho thought of her on his way to work one morning. He remembered that night. The caressing touch of her fingertips on his nose. Her sweet raspberry breath against his skin. Suho was totally aware at that time. He just didn't want to open his eyes or he'd scare her away. Suho didn't want that. A subtle awakening was the best way to go.


As he thought to himself, he smiled at the happy memory, wishing that Naeun would present him with more surprises. The addictive rush he felt through his veins was intoxicating, yes, he wanted more. Being the impatient fellow he is, Suho just couldn't wait. He had to see her soon. With that in mind, he looked ahead of the road and drove on by to work.


Naeun on the other hand would watch Suho's back as he walked away after having gotten his latte. He'd say 'hi' and she'd simply nod in response.


Was it that hard to say ‘Hi’ back? Naeun was starting to feel guilty towards Suho, having given him an improper response but she wasn't the type for greetings anyway. At least now, she acknowledges his presence.


She sighed as she made on the table with the damp towel. Suddenly a painful throbbing inside of her head caused to to stop wiping. Her consciousness grew faint  and unsteadiness took over. In a matter of seconds Naeun fell back on a nearby chair holding her head. Again, Naeun blamed it on fatigue and lack of sleep. As if these constant aches didn’t bother her at all... as if this was normal. Eventually the whirling sensation had vanished and she was able to get up on her feet again.






Naeun carried on with work, keeping track of time for the next three hours. As soon as the clock struck six, Naeun already had her apron hung on the rack. She stepped out of the shop and looked up at the early evening sky. The stars were hidden in the smoky twilight sky and the current of the wind was barely a whiff of air.


Naeun took her eyes off the dim lit sky and began to turn in the direction of her home. Little did she know that were was a black porsche waiting for her at the end of the street.


Just like any pedestrian Naeun walked along the sidewalk with the rest of the crowd , unlike the rest, she stuck out like a rose in a field of daisies. A flower just like the rest of them yet she exhibited something finer.








The distance was closing between them when Naeun averted her attention to a familiar figure leaning on a black car.


6:00 PM. Suho waited outside of his car knowing that Naeun would eventually come his way. He was dressed in his usual striped sweater and dark jeans as he handsomely leaned back against the front door of his black car with his attention on his watch.


Naeun was about a 3 feet away when she finally recognized the handsome figure. Joonmyun? She cocked to the side in question. What’s he doing here?


Soon Suho looked up from his watch, surprised to see Naeun walking alongside the different shops. She was looking at him. He put on hand in his pocket and used the other to shly wave at her.


Is he waving at me? Wondered. Still confused, Naeun looked around first before hesitantly raising her hand to ‘wave’ back.


Suho chuckled at her silliness before walking towards her. He walked against the crowd to get to her. Naeun watched as he approached her. For some strange reason, the systematic beating of her heart began to malfunction, increasing it’s speed into unorderly thuds. What is happening to me?! She panicked internally. On the outside was just a confused face.


It’s the hair...yeah, let’s go with that. Maybe his hair looks really good today. She told herself. Who was she kidding, it’s the same freakin’ hairstyle everyday! She just wanted to slap herself. After that night, she couldn’t stop seeing him in the back of her mind. Ugh... I’m going crazy.


Eventually, Suho met up with her and walked next to her. “Hi, Naeun.” He greeted her.


Naeun barely looked at Suho and stared straight ahead, “Hi.” She responded.


There was a short delay before Suho spoke again, as he was in thought. He had to hurry up before they passed his car. They were so close yet so far.


“So, how was your d-... oh forget that. Uhm.” Suho paused and realized they were only a matter of steps away from his car. “ There is something I want to show you but you will have to come with me.” Suho didn’t allow Naeun to respond as he grabbed her hand, leading her against the crowd of people towards the black car.


Of course Naeun wouldn’t go without a fight. Stubborn girl. “Wait.” She pulled out of his grip and stopped. “Who said? I never agreed to come.” She finally spoke.

Again, Suho knew somehow that this would happen. “ Well then, I’ll just have to kidnap you now, don’t I?” He smiled at the stubborn girl.


Ooooh Suho you bad boy! Kekeke! 

Anyways, I'm finally on summer break! Woohoo! You know what that means... frequent updates! I'm sorry for the long waits, but you guys wont have to wait so long anymore. I'm here now! Thanks for your patience and see you soon!

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k_nana #1
Chapter 32: Hello authornim. I've read a few of ur works so far n loved them n reading this one , i can't help but think that u might discontinue?? I hope not, but if that was the case, then good luck to ur other fictions:)
AUTHORNIM HI I love you <3333
Chapter 32: wow,, it has been a long time, right?

will minjun be her shelter?
I love this fic!! Please update soon <3 Fighting!!
Chapter 31: OMG!!!!!! thats all i can say after reading this
please update soon!!!!
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful.... i love it.
Does Naeun have any disease due to the constant headache n nosebleed???
Update again soon~!
Chapter 30: I hope naeun is okay.....
Chapter 29: wahhh is he gonna make a move. wooo I love this story so much. I almost forgot what it was until I re read the foreword but this is seriously awesome. thank you. ☆
Chapter 29: YAY!!!!! so happy to hear from you!!! I'm so glad that I didn't unsubscribe this story cuz I really wanna read the progress between Suho and Naeun :)