
The Chronicles of a Dreamer

The next day after work, Suho visited the cafe.  As he walked in, someone was walking out. The lady nearly spilled her coffee from surprise. Suho looked up at the woman.


“Oh, Noona.” Suho said.


“Joonmyun-ah.” Joonhee  said as she stepped to the side giving Suho the allowance to walk into the coffee shop. She was holding her hot coffee on the same arm that her purse hung on. “I was just about to stop by your house. Seeing that we’re already here... Would now be okay?” She asked, about to find a chair.


“Actually...” He said scanning the room especially at the cashier. Nope Naeun wasn’t there. Unfortunately, she was already out. He sighed. “I was just going to order a coffee and go but I guess there’s some time to spare.”


Suho ordered his usual, Cafe Latte, then proceeded to meet up with his sister.


“So where’s Hyunsungie?” Asked Suho. He sat down on the seat across from his Joonhee.


“At his father’s.” Joonhee said as if it didn’t bother her at all. “Anyways, there’s something that you must know... I don’t think you’ll take this well.” She told him, clutching tightly to her cup of coffee, not at ease.


“Try me.” He said, taking a sip of his own.


“Well, I was snooping around Dad’s office while he was out, when I saw a document that the merger, the merger’s daughter, and dad himself had signed.”


“Okay. And?” He questioned.


“It’s the marriage agreement. The only signature yours, Joonmyun. Its a shame that they’ll never have it.” She said as she pulled the form out of her purse to hand to him. Suho took it and read the document.


Firm consolidation between Kim Corp. and Shin Ind. ” He read from the paper then scoffed. “Greedy bastards.” Suho spat. He was in pure disgust. How dare they involve him in their selfish affairs.


“Shin Industries is doing well in the market right now. Which gives them another reason to marry you off in such a hurry.” Joonhee told him.


“That’s their strategy.” He blatantly stated.




He took another look at the paper this time reading the names.


Kim Sun Il, Shin Jae Man, Shin Yoo Jin


Then he looked at the blank line where his name would never be signed. “So what am I supposed to do with this?” He asked.


“I don’t know, it’s in your hands now.” She said.




Suho was awake enough to make it home after his meeting. He stuck the paper between the books of his own book shelf before passing out on his bed.


I always forget the reason why I quit painting...


Naeun sat on her windowsill as she usually did when she thought of her parents. All she ever wanted was someone to be on her side. To have the physical and mental support.


“Mom. You don’t understand!” Naeun angrily yelled. “ Tomorrow... The art show means everything to me!”  She was breathing heavily , on the verge of crying.


“You’re right, I don’t understand. I don’t understand how you would even think that this foolishness will get your far in life, Naeun.” Her mother looked at her. Naeun could only see the disappointment in her own mother’s eyes.


Suddenly, he father who was just watching the two, stood up from the couch. “Naeun, your mother is right-” He said calmly, as if that was enough to ease the resentful mood. Naeun clenched her fist tightly. Not him too.


“No.” Naeun cut him off. “Unbelievable... my own parents. My own damn parents!”  Naeun cried. She was more hurt than angry. Tears fiercely rolled down her pink cheeks. “ I don’t have anyone.” She stated. Little Najin then ran from behind his door where he had been watching the loud scene. He was crying as he ran to his sister and hugged her legs tightly. He was scared. Naeun felt it. She his dark hair as she continued to glare at her mother.


“You stop this right now!” Her mother yelled. “Drop the phase. It’s just a waste of time.” Her mother finished. And that was it for Naeun. She bent down and turned to her little brother. She put both hands on his cheeks and wiped his tears with her thumbs.


“Noona, you have me.” The little boy said. He could barely talk from his hard crying.


“Shhh.” She hushed the boy lightly and nodded. “I know, Najin. Stop crying okay?”


Najin nodded and stopped. Naeun hugged her brother tightly then stood up to face her parents who were watching.


“I hate you.” Was the last word, she had ever said to her parents. Naeun ran into her room and shut the door. She locked her door, not knowing that she’d be forever locked in the past.


She glanced at the covered paint set in the dark corner of her room and made her way. As she lightly lifted dusty cloth off of the easel, she lost her grip and it fell behind.


Naeun kneeled down to get it. When she grabbed the cloth, she noticed a box that had been hidden  behind the easel for three years. What is this? She wondered.


Naeun then slid the box out from behind and opened it. She coughed from the abundant dust that flew in her face.


There inside lies a dead bouquet of roses, her brother’s action figure, and  an envelope signed to  ‘Our dearest Naeun”


It’s from mom and dad.


Naeun took a deep breath,”I’m ready” she said before carefully opening the piece of paper.


Tears of agony and pain were released as she read her mother’s writing. She traced her fingers over the letters, shaking her head in disbelief.


You’ll always have our utmost love and support nevertheless. Regardless of which path you choose, we’ll be on your side. Don’t ever let anything stop you from following your dreams.



Mom, Dad & Najin


It’ was an apology. Naeun let her tears drop onto the paper, soaking and wetting the now smearing ink.


The only thing she could feel now was



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k_nana #1
Chapter 32: Hello authornim. I've read a few of ur works so far n loved them n reading this one , i can't help but think that u might discontinue?? I hope not, but if that was the case, then good luck to ur other fictions:)
AUTHORNIM HI I love you <3333
Chapter 32: wow,, it has been a long time, right?

will minjun be her shelter?
I love this fic!! Please update soon <3 Fighting!!
Chapter 31: OMG!!!!!! thats all i can say after reading this
please update soon!!!!
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful.... i love it.
Does Naeun have any disease due to the constant headache n nosebleed???
Update again soon~!
Chapter 30: I hope naeun is okay.....
Chapter 29: wahhh is he gonna make a move. wooo I love this story so much. I almost forgot what it was until I re read the foreword but this is seriously awesome. thank you. ☆
Chapter 29: YAY!!!!! so happy to hear from you!!! I'm so glad that I didn't unsubscribe this story cuz I really wanna read the progress between Suho and Naeun :)