
The Chronicles of a Dreamer



Suho waited behind the gates of the elementary school, exactly where all the mother’s waited. Of course, Suho couldn’t have stood unnoticed with his charming good looks. It was already a given. The women, mothers for christ sake, couldn’t help but stare and giggle and the handsome younger man.


Suho on the other hand, had no clue whatsoever. He stood there mindlessly, kicking tiny pebbles across the concrete. Thinking and waiting.


Finally the bell rang signalling dismissal. Kids discharged from the classrooms, each having someone or somewhere to run to.


And there was Hyunsung.


Suho spotted the kid walking idly by himself, carrying his tiny backpack and looking around for his mother. But she wouldn’t be there. And that would explain why Suho was there.


“Hyunsung-ah!” Suho called and waved his arms in the air to get the boy’s attention. Hyunsung quickly looked in the direction in which heard someone call his name.  He stopped and gasped as a large grin appeared on his face when he spotted his uncle Joonmyun.


“Uncle!” He shouted, running to Suho in excitement. Suho chuckled at his cuteness and patted his nephew’s head. “Where is my mommy?” He asked.


“She’s at a meeting.” Suho said.


“Again?” Hyunsung complained and pouted. Poor kid, if only Joonhee noona would cut herself some slack.


“Sungie, do you want some ice cream today? Uncle will buy it for you, okay?” He said.


The kid brightened up and nodded.


“Okay, let’s go.” Suho took Hyunsung’s hand and together they headed to the ice cream parlor.





Naeun was arranging the tables and seats when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to face that same girl who worked with her that one day. The only witness of Naeun and Suho’s little interaction.


“Hi Naeun.” She said all too bubbly. Her name was Miyun. Pretty but dim as in dumb as a brick. Don’t forget, an arrogant wannabe.


“Uh, hey.” Naeun replied as she pushed the chair into the table.


“Who was that guy on friday?” She asked.


“Who?” Naeun questioned then stopped what she was doing when she realized who Miyun was talking about. “Oh. No one.” Naeun finally said.


“But- I saw you guys talking and” Miyun continued.


“Joon-I mean, he is just a customer.” Naeun tried to explain. Miyun raised a brow at Naeun’s words.


“Good. Because guys like him would never settle for girls like...” Miyun gestured her arms towards Naeun’s attire. Naeun looked down at her worn out sneakers, faded t-shirt  and pain jeans. “...plain and not interesting at all.” Miyun finished and settle back down at the register.


Naeun knew better than to get mad and accept that reality. She knew her place in society and no one needed to remind her. Naeun was nothing much and besides, she wasn’t asking for attention anyways, especially Suho’s.


She let out a sigh and advanced to the windows with a cloth and spray. Stupid Miyun signed up for the counter today. That’s my job.



Suho and Hyunsung strolled the streets with an ice cream cone in hand. Hyunsung had been messily eating his chocolate ice cream that he had an ice cream mustache. It was too cute. As fruity as he was, Suho had strawberry.


Hyunsung spotted something from afar and began to run. “Yah! Hyunsung-ah! Where are you going!” Suho yelled. But Hyunsung kept running until he stopped in front of a shop. Suho was still running to catch up.


“Pretty noona!” Hyunsung pointed at Naeun who was currently wiping the window. He recognized her. She saw him and a small smile formed. He waved at her ecstatically and she waved back.


Suddenly, someone came into sight...


It was Suho, he finally caught up to see Hyunsung waving at no one but the one and only Son Naeun. Naeun looked back at him and lowered her hand, returning them back to her side.


Suho and Hyunsung decided to come into the shop and took a seat at a table. Miyun was most excited as Suho entered and Naeun... not so excited.


He doesn’t get it. Naeun thought, referring to the note.


Naeun progressed to the back tables and started wiping them, avoiding Suho. Sadly, in this small shop, she couldn’t run nor hide, not when Suho was in the room. He’d always find her somehow.


Suho approached her from the back whispering something in her ear, “I disagree”


Naeun was totally caught by surprise, she turned around and faced him, heart beating fast, “What?” she said with a hand on her chest.


“I said, I disagree. Trying IS always enough.” Suho said.


Naeun shook her head, “ Why try when trying means having the intention to fail? “


“Wrong again. I have the intentions of succeeding.” He smirked and walked back to Hyunsung, continuing with his ice cream.


Naeun gawked at Suho’s little remark. Who does he think he is?


Guys like him would never settle for girls like me.



Miyun watched them again. Liar. She scoffed.


When Suho returned to his seat, Naeun went to the back room. From there, she caught Miyun writing numbers down in a form that looked like her phone number, on a napkin.


Miyun put the pen down as soon as she was finished writing and approached Suho’s table.

Naeun couldn’t help but watch this. She peeked her head out, not missing anything.


Miyun placed the napkin in front of Suho ,who was just finishing up his cone. He looked up in curiosity, “You’re going to need that.” She said with a wink.


Suho lifted the napkin up and looked at Miyun. Her eyes sparkled with hope that he was interested until he brought it up to wipe his mouth. “Thanks, I really did need that.”


He wasn’t stupid. Suho’s little act, pretending he hadn’t seen the numbers, only proved that he could make a great actor.


Naeun snorted out a laugh but she covered just in time before Miyun returned.


“But-” Miyun tried to explain but it was too late. She had never been so embarrassed in her life. She sulked all the way back to the counter.


“Hyunsung-ah. Let’s get you home now.” He said as he wiped the chocolate off of Hyunsung’s mouth as well.


“Okay.” He said holding onto Suho’s hand.


Suho looked around but Naeun was out of sight. He figured that she was in the backroom again. He walked up to the counter where Miyun stood, “Hi.” He said. She straightened up and combed through her hair, smiling too largely,


“Hi! What can I do for you?” She asked.


“A favor, please.” Suho said leaning in.


“Anything.” Miyun agreed expecting something good for herself.


“Tell Naeun, I said bye.” He said. Miyun’s face dropped upon hearing Naeun’s name.


“Oh...” She nodded, “Okay..”


“Thanks.” Suho said, sending her a smile.


Miyun turned around and shot a glare at Naeun, who was peeking her head out of the back room. Naeun turned around as if she hadn’t seen a thing.


There was a slight satisfaction deep down. Something quite unexplainable.


I guess guys like him would never settle for girls like you... arrogant and brash.


Miyun had never shown her face at the coffee shop ever since.  

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k_nana #1
Chapter 32: Hello authornim. I've read a few of ur works so far n loved them n reading this one , i can't help but think that u might discontinue?? I hope not, but if that was the case, then good luck to ur other fictions:)
AUTHORNIM HI I love you <3333
Chapter 32: wow,, it has been a long time, right?

will minjun be her shelter?
I love this fic!! Please update soon <3 Fighting!!
Chapter 31: OMG!!!!!! thats all i can say after reading this
please update soon!!!!
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful.... i love it.
Does Naeun have any disease due to the constant headache n nosebleed???
Update again soon~!
Chapter 30: I hope naeun is okay.....
Chapter 29: wahhh is he gonna make a move. wooo I love this story so much. I almost forgot what it was until I re read the foreword but this is seriously awesome. thank you. ☆
Chapter 29: YAY!!!!! so happy to hear from you!!! I'm so glad that I didn't unsubscribe this story cuz I really wanna read the progress between Suho and Naeun :)