
The Chronicles of a Dreamer


Business at the shop moderately lessened.


As usual, Naeun watched the clock intently until it finally struck ‘six’.

Finally. She groaned and tossed her apron aside, leaving the shop.


Since it was her payday, instead of heading home, she went straight to the bus stop. Payday meant groceries.


Naeun took a seat under the waiting station that gradually became abundant with people.


She wearily played with her fingers when she looked up to see an old women struggling to stand even with the support of a cane. She was waiting for the same bus.


From the kindness of her heart she approached the elder and let her take her seat. The lady gleamed at Naeun’s amiable deed.


“Thank you, sweetheart.” Said the old woman. Naeun froze. The word ‘sweetheart’ replayed over and over in her head. Only her mother called her, sweetheart.


I haven’t been called that in years... She thought.


Then again, it was a common word. Maybe I’m just overreacting, Naeun said to herself. She nodded and smiled tenderly in return to the old woman’s words then found another spot to stand.


Eventually, she made herself comfortable standing outside the waiting station, away from people, and visible enough.


The bus should come any minute now.





Just off work, Suho was on his way home from the library. He thought about his conversation with Yejin earlier in her office today...



“Joonmyun-ah” Yejin called as she saw Suho pass her office to get his things ready to go.


Suho stopped in his tracks having heard his name. He walked back slowly just enough to be visible from her doorway.


Yejin motioned for him to come in with a finger. She had that serious look on her face that Suho became hesitant when entering the office. Quite the scary atmosphere.


“Yes, boss?” Suho stood in front of her desk.


“Is there anything you’d like to tell me?” Yejin eyed Suho with a terrorizing gaze causing him to gulp.


Suho shook his head, full of confusion. “Nope. Not that I know of. Why? Am I in trouble or...”


“You’ve been coming late to work for the past 3 days, not as focused as you were before.” She paused, “Is it because of that girl?” The questioning sure sounded like some firm parenting, alright.


Don’t misunderstand, Yejin was just concerned with Suho, ergo, the questioning. If anything, Suho being in love would be great news.


“No” Suho answered waving his hands timidly. “Naeun is... I guess you can call her a friend. Or at least, that’s what I’m aiming for.” He grinned idiotically. Yejin couldn’t help but snort a laugh as well.


The serious atmosphere was gone.


Yejin knew she’d let him off the hook as she always did, however, she kept note of this particular conversation.


With Suho’s persistence, Yejin knew that ‘this girl’s’ world was bound to be changed.



The traffic light had turned red, bringing Suho to a halt at the white bordered line. He sat back in seat and as he waited, he caught sight of something from the distance, only a few meters away.


Speaking of Naeun...


Minutes passed as Naeun waited at the bus stop. She stared at her worn out sneakers and sighed.

She was soon startled by the sudden honking of a car horn.  Naeun looked up to take a good look at the culprit, and to her distaste, it was no other than Kim Joonmyun himself.


“Hey, Naeun!” He waved from his car. Naeun looked at him unpleasantly. He can’t be serious... “Hop in, I’m just on my way home. I figured, you might need a ride.” He called out from the window.


“No thanks. The bus will be here any second.” Naeun said from where he stood.


“Oh please.” Suho said as he looked behind him and there was no bus in sight. “The bus won’t come for another couple of minutes.”


“Then, I’ll wait.” She said stubbornly. What a shame, Suho was quite the stubborn character, as well. ‘No’ did not exist his dictionary.


“I guess I’m not going anywhere either. We still have some unfinished business-” Suho smirked as he shut off his engine, parked in front of the bus stop. “-and we can continue it right here, right now.”


What is he doing? Tch,this brainless fellow... He’ll hold up traffic! Naeun grew weary. She just wanted to hide of embarrassment as soon as she realized that people were looking. “Kim Joonmyun, stop this nonsense, now. There are cars waiting behind you.” Naeun whispered loudly.


“Interesting, It’s nice to know what you remember my name.” Suho pointed out, it sure made him feel good inside to know. She know’s my name, he smiled to himself. This is a good start.


“I’m being serious.” She said.


“And I’m not?” Suho asked.


Cars began to honk impatiently, and Suho sat there unaffected by the chaos. “Joonmyun!” She grew frustrated.


After all the strain, the bus was still out of sight and people were aware of the unnecessary scene that Suho deliberately caused. Naeun ended up opening Suho’s passenger door and taking a seat inside his car.


“Took you long enough” Suho said with a satisfactory smile.


“Shut up and drive.” Naeun retorted. Suho turned his key on the ignition and hit the gas.


“Where to?” He asked.


“Horang Supermarket” She said, resting her head on her arm, irked to the max. The nerve he has...


Suho raised a brow, “Mmkay.”


“What fate we have.” Naeun said thoughtlessly.


“I agree.” Suho grinned. Naeun huffed and stared out the window, did he not hear my sarcasm?


They eventually reached the supermarket. “You can stop here.” Naeun said as soon as they were right in front. She got out the car in a hurry and shut the door and walked off.


“But we need to talk...”He called out.


Naeun turned around, “Oh, I’m sure you’ll see me again.” She said. It was not necessarily that she wanted to but for some reason she knew the day would come.


With that, Suho was able to drive off in a light mood. That day will come.

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k_nana #1
Chapter 32: Hello authornim. I've read a few of ur works so far n loved them n reading this one , i can't help but think that u might discontinue?? I hope not, but if that was the case, then good luck to ur other fictions:)
AUTHORNIM HI I love you <3333
Chapter 32: wow,, it has been a long time, right?

will minjun be her shelter?
I love this fic!! Please update soon <3 Fighting!!
Chapter 31: OMG!!!!!! thats all i can say after reading this
please update soon!!!!
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful.... i love it.
Does Naeun have any disease due to the constant headache n nosebleed???
Update again soon~!
Chapter 30: I hope naeun is okay.....
Chapter 29: wahhh is he gonna make a move. wooo I love this story so much. I almost forgot what it was until I re read the foreword but this is seriously awesome. thank you. ☆
Chapter 29: YAY!!!!! so happy to hear from you!!! I'm so glad that I didn't unsubscribe this story cuz I really wanna read the progress between Suho and Naeun :)